Your job is safe for ShB right?
FFXIV: Shadowbringers
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URRRRRGH! I mean I do DPS because I feel it's required of me like in dungeons but I REALLY HATE that "requirement" that I DPS in all settings as a healer. I'm a goddamned HEALER stop making me do the job of a DPS too I have enough to worry about! >< It's probably why I'm leaning towards changing to Astrologian-- hey I have buffs and cards to use instead of DPS... but I don't want to DPS. I don't want to have to feel that my DPS is necessary in a raid situation.
I dunno. It's always bothered me about the "endgame raiders" who say ZOMG you have to do 500 things at once when you're a healer but lolz I R dps I R can just press mah combo buttons and do dps I don't need to worry about all this other crap.
sorry for the rant >
only nin and blm are unshedded rn regarding dps
>AST is dumb now
It's more complex than before.
Whats wrong with RDM?
>discord screeching will make people be weary of MCH still and might avoid FOTM status
>combined healer salt will probably cause a decline in ASTs playing
I'm good to go my dude.
>viera have stiff and clunky animations
>hrothgar have fluid and expressive animations
what went wrong?
bad bait
Why can't Japs understand metaphors and the art of subtlety? They have to be spoonfed everything in their version of text. No character.
BLM seems to have been left in the dust (and raise MUST BE removed on SMN/RDM)
To me, it seems SE has done barely anything on BLM. Single-target Foul, Single-target Flare and UI/UH retention skill. The 72 trait is only there because of Despair. Keeping two Polyglot is nice, but THAT being our level 80 trait with the skill being Xenoglossy just seems like the smallest damage increase we could get. Potencies have to increase on Xenoglossy, 750 is nothing.
I want to see:
Instant cast B3/F3 when in full stacks of the opposite element.
Stacking of Thundercloud/Firestarter procs, with a possible extension of duration of proc.
Buff Xenoglossy to 850-900 potency.
If SE really wants to balance this game, Verraise and Ressurection must go away from RDM and SMN. A significant amount of players will try and avoid getting BLM into raid groups at all costs simply because of the lack of raise. I still see party finders avoiding BLM even in farm groups, even though BLM is the superior DPS right now. It's incredible how much crap BLM gets simply for not having a raise.
I expect BLMs DPS to be absolutely awful like it was at 4.0.
coping bara furfag
AST era is over. Its looking more like SCH/WHM.
Yoshi told us they had planned Hrothgar from the start and Viera was an afterthought as was forced to once they did the Ivalice raids.
Shhhh, you'll wake up the antilocalization fags
what's more funny is that you have to do this, heal AND keep dpsing
small brain greylets will never be able to do well on this
>watch anime
>scene happens
>next scene references the previous scene
>they show a flashback
>this happens literally every time any previous scene is referenced in any way
They are autistic retards whose idea of a joke is LOL THOSE WORDS HAVE THE SAME KANJI IN THEM
A many thousand year old dragon wouldn't talk like a snarky retard.
>Monks who didnt tornado kick from 4.3 onward
Is there anything more embarrassing? They're the same kind of people who leave tank stand in while MTing
I'm assuming this pasta is from an OF scrub, but goddamn what's with the healer delusion that their job is super tough and DPSers are braindead. I'm a tank, I can admit my role is super easy and I probably couldn't play BLM in O12S AND get above a gray parse.
It's not complex. It's just a linear tree now. The old system was actually fun and gave you some choice. I could choose which teammate to give a buff to now and it felt like it had a genuine impact. Now I'm just fucking playing go fish and following a dumbass flow chart.
But okay, sure. "Complex."
You're the first BLM I hear complain. BLM and SAM were hardly changed and that's because their kit was already solid as it was. All they got were some improvements.
Potential DPS is 2% lower than metaslave jobs so you're literally not allowed to play it. Your fun ends where my parse begins, deal with it and play a real job, sweetie.
so what's the deal with MCH anyway? people were hyped for it, now the hype seems to have deflated, what went wrong?
is the Balance up to no good again?
Jesus fucking christ do I hate this shit.
If you're not orange tier then your opinion on balance means jackshit.
EU hours are worst
lol yeah okay
PLD and SMN yes
MCH maybe?
Hroths are cool as fuck but I'm too afraid I'm gonna miss my old character.
Nigger the old AST flowchart was way larger.
>inb4 le you only cared about balance
>The old system was actually fun and gave you some choice.
No it fucking wasn't the flow was just
>Do I have Balance? No
>Get Balance
>Do I have Extend? No
>Get Extend
Anything else was wrong.
There's no fucking choice.
>sam parses
as invalid as healer parses
is this loss?
Is Tataru WoLsexual?
Notice how people keep implying balance wasn't king without explaining anything?
I was watching LotGH and awhile in I realized that shit was completely absent, it didn't even feel like an anime.
So you were one of those shitters who kept throwing away free damage to draw more spires? Well at least the new system filters out retards like you from being shit at their jobs
5 days of gametime left, guess it's over. managed to get to 62. was an ok game/experience i guess. lot's of teleporting.
I'm east coast btw.
Nice history revisionism you got there buddy. Several people in fact explained it in the last thread. Kill yourself.
Tataru pleases old men for money.
RDM and BLM look fine, SMN might be fun too.
I'm Stormbaby and tired from funposting but how healer rotations looks like in ARR and HW?
It's a comic about a ninja who's on a quest to assassinate Hitler
Balance was king, but you typically didn't throw away Spear or Arrow.
I haven't looked into it myself, but the rotations people figured out desynced your burst wildfire window with trick attack. Secondly still a lot of oGCD weaving for 1.5s GCD timer, this includes using automaton queen during the trick attack window and doing its actions. People still worrying about the clipping issues for people with bad ping. As for the actual DPS we deal with the loss of old hypercharge? No idea.
>gave you some choice
You already knew who you were giving the buffs to, don't act like every draw had some kind of complex snap decision that required all your neurons to process correctly. You knew who the highest DPS is in the party, you give them the buffs. Maybe if you are feeling charitable you can spare a Ewer or Spear for someone who is constantly eating shit.
Reminder that starting from HW EN dub is better and has more soul than the original JP, plus you don't have to be a weeb autist complaining about the shit localization not correctly fitting the spoken dialogue
Enhanced Spear was the second best possible play. Only spread Balance was better
My jobs have always been "safe". Cleared everything despite the raidbabs allegations.
Watching yugioh and the next episode is literally flashbacks of the last episode for 60% of it. what the fuck?!
Based and truthpilled
thanks for ruining my main faget
Reminder that dubfags say this about literally every dub in existence
spire not spear
people kept memeing about balance that the devs took it to heart. it's like how people kept memeing about skip soar so now healers do less dps.
Rude, it's 2019.
Losing Stacks by Tornado Kicking.
You didn't throw them away but you weren't happy to get them and they weren't going to do more damage.
You aren't making a decision to get spear, you wanted balance instead.
All your decision making was based around getting a spread balance first and then making the most of a shitty situation otherwise.
Also shb trailer was literally lip synced for english meaning that they care english localisation more
Putting a spear on a bard was better than putting it on any other job
healers shouldn't dps
Nah I usually watch dubs but I can admit when something is just unacceptable. Most recent one I can remember is Sekiro. That dub is just painful.
He's pretending to be retarded.
It's a post from the forums.
Remember that SCH's just want a DPS rotation, even if the total potency of all 3 skills equalled the same potency as casting the one skill 3 times.
Literally every dubfag says this
>implying it's not being used in the sense of lines 2 and 3 from the 接尾 section
user are you ok? 3 is obviously talking about given names which has absolutely nothing to do with our conversation. The fact you brought 3 here in this context accomplishes absolutely nothing except make everyone instantly doubt you have a clue what you're talking about. 2 is specifying on 1: Specifically when it's attached to a job that is performed by a female then it implies said female is young. I said before and I'll say this again, 若い is not the same as child; A 20 year old person is 若い. Worth noticing that by proxy 2 also implies it's not always attached to a female which also disproves your "it's only on male" argument, but then again, 1 already did that. Basically the dictionary disproves everything you said. Yet you insist on arguing. Do you honestly think you know better than the Japanese person who worked on it?
If Balance is the constant crux in every argument for/against change, then why not change/remove Balance in the first place? And I guess Spire too, since they nixed TP in the process.
It seems to be a common trend with a lot of these changes people are arguing over, where it's okay to remove/preserve x, when just fixing the mechanic in question was always an option, too.
I'll agree if anyone wants to say that the seal system could use some further work. With extra mechanics it could go from being fine to being fun.
However even as it is, it's equal to if not better than the old system which had literal dead cards like spire that only exist to fuel royal road.
1.5sec GCD for 6 GCDs during overheat in which you have to weave at least 1 gauss round and ricochet or lose out on CD resets. worse ping issues than they have now basically
Changing spire to DH fixes the old system and makes it objectively superior to the new one
Koji and Oda also both put a shitload of effort into creating dialects especially for beastmen because of the importance of those language barriers in the setting, and that work isn't reflected in Japanese because English is just so much more versatile. English is the definitive version of the game.
its more complex but the numbers suck lol
specially since AST is absolute garbage now in terms of GCD efficiency
>Trick Attack completely breaks a job's rotation with its mere existence
Why does this ability still exist?
Better yet, why don't the devs just give it several charges so it has more leeway instead of forcing everyone to adjust to it?
This guy gets it. Imagine a job where you could get 8k DPS by pressing one button. Then you have another where you have to press 5 buttons in the rotation to get 8k. Sure some people might be into that first one, but a lot of people also dont wanna fall asleep playing their job.
I typed 3 by mistake but I'm still right.
I want them to fire kojifox and finally give spells their proper names
you get them back fast you stupid shitter. Theres a reason TK was a dps gain. MNK is dead in 5.0 thanks to people like you, and you'll be left wondering why.
schfags definitely need to kill themselves for being so obnoxious
HW scholar was a discount smn rotation. You keep Bio 1/3, miasma and Aero up, shadowflare on cooldown, then spam Broil, weaving in Energy drains when you're using instacasts like aero, ruin 2 and bio. ARR was the same just with ruin instead of broil.
Also putting a balance on the BRD during the opener was better. Basically all AST decisions were
Balance -> if opener BRD, otherwise highest DPS person
Spear -> BRD, otherwise highest DPS person
Arrow -> highest DPS person (BLMs fucking hated this shit, i don't recall bow/gunmages complaining though)
Just convince modders to stop making fetish gear for one day so they can fix it
not much different really.
ast always gives spread dps card, first they can get their hands on.
this one you throw cards on appropriate dps.
That post is garbage but some BLMs are not happy with the changes. They basically didn't add anything to our job, and for me it's becoming stale. It's an expansion, I want some new toys and mechanics like foul or enochian, not single target version of spells we already have.
>lose out on CD resets
aren't there charges now? if it fills up, it can fill up again up to about 3 for Gauss/Ricochet? so you can spend them later without wasting them, especially since WF doesn't gain anything from oGCDs
What is the best buffer/debuffer in ShB? Dancer?
Remember SCHfags that you got less than 1 month left to solo T9 savage before they fix the pet exploit.
Dancer by far.
>because English is just so much more versatile.
You're clearly just trying to start shit but you're not wrong.
I'm here to play an actual fucking video game, not mash buttons until I fall asleep. This is why people hated WHM, because all you could do was throw rocks and use OGCD heals at pre-determined moments.
how the fuck do we know?
I feel bad for any party that had you.
Just ask your ninja to hold it
We have the same fucking posts every day goddammit I wish we could go back to the pre-NDA days when people were still trying to "leak" bullshit instead of just constant reposting of Shad bellyaching
Name one play that's better than spread balance.
Typing moonrunes doesn't make me any less correct. The versatility of English and wealth of dialects is much more expansive than your isolated island insectoid autism language.
Why SMN doesn't complain about Ruin 3 spam?
THe one that doesn't involve you throwing away 12 arrows and spears because you're fishing for a balance
You bet your ass it is.
nigger ast was so easy and boring i saw that job as a joke, playing simon says with draw/sleeve draw while having a sleep-inducing dps kit compared to WHM (T W O FUCKING BUTTONS, and no, giant dominance 99% time used for healing and nobody ever uses minor arcana, on 2 years only saw two other asts using it for dps purposes besides me), I'm surprised those who claim AST is for those with a triple digit IQ don't claim savage/extreme content is for intellectuals as well
>Francophone elves
Why are EOPs so fucking full of themselves? The game is japanese and anime as fuck. Fuck off.
Can you reply without a wojak? Maybe then I will read what you say.
They are changing for the actual release and we don't know how ShB is changing mechanics and stats. The media tour footage was played on a old build.
lol doing anything else in this game other than taking cute pictures with your tranny wife
>positionals completely breaks a job's rotation with its mere existence
Why does this mechanic still exist?
Better yet, why don't the devs just give True North infinite charges so we have more leeway instead of forcing everyone to adjust to it?
I hope SE removes all weaponskills and rotations in 6.0 and just puts a big Damage button.
When did I ever say you should do that? Idiot.
um no sweaty you build your rotation around me not vice versa
t. NINchad
>simon says
quality posting my friend
post your ast orange parses
There's literally lore for this. The Hyuran language (English) has long since became the common language of almost the entire world. They even speak it in Hingashi. The original Elezen tongue (French) still sees a little bit of use but has been overtaken by Hyuran.
play scholar and warrior
>tanking removed
>stances removed
>pets removed
yikes, guess i wait for HOME
>>positionals completely breaks a job's rotation with its mere existence
No they don’t
>so what's the deal with MCH anyway
The tranny who wrote MCH guide likes SB MCH unironically because of kool kid points. He's upset about ShB MCH
Why do people care about the rotation of your job? Care about the fights and mechanics that are coming at you, Not what you can do on a fucking dummy.
>m-muh superior nippon
>e-english is bad because i hate myself
None of that invalidates his post, maybe it is easier to just accept the truth. Weeaboo.
I'm going to miss getting a ewer/spire when it's desperately needed
yeah they don't break my job's rotation because I don't do them
>Nobody ever uses minor arcana
hello greylet
Nah, been a MNK main since ARR and played PGL all the way back in 1.0 beta :^)
I ain't gonna do boss mechanics, you can't make me.
>because i hate myself
Based projection user.
They don’t if you do them too
What's a cool chestpiece that would go well with a helmet that shows bare back?
By tanking removed you mean you dont press that button you press once in a boss fight?
>war still king
i pitty you virgins not knowing the bliss of being a warchad
You DID start the game and play through it for the first time as a tank, right? S-surely you weren't a sissy DPS who just played follow the leader through all of ARR, r-right?
You are literally braindead if you just burned every card other than Balance. Arrow was useful. Spear was useful.
Now it's all just raw damage, and only 6% at best. Hard fucking pass.
>There will be DRGs that never get to use Raiden Thrust
No they literally removed PLD, DRK and WAR from the game. GNB is cancelled.
Why else would you hate the clearly better directed voice? Being a snarky contrarian for the sake of it?
Dribbling a basketball is easy and kind of boring. But can you dribble a basketball while running down a court, dodging past people on the other team, stopping them from taking your ball, passing it to a teammate, watching the other teams position, catching the ball back, dribbling it up to the goal, and making a shot?
Simple things can become very complex and engaging very quickly. This is the idea behind "easy to learn, hard to master". Please look forward to raid mechanics being harder in 5.0
>MNK is dead in 5.0
As I understand biggest crybabies in XIV are
Yes, I started in 1.0 and played a Pugilist evasion/parry tank build.
>giant dominance 99% time used for healing and nobody ever uses minor arcana
What's next, you're going to tell me syn is a garbage CD and essential dignity is shit? I can almost guarantee that you didn't have your cards rolling out constantly.
I know this is bait but what up with the people pretending ARR didn't have some of the best dubbing on XIV?
Also, what in the mighty fuck happened on Stormblood anyway? Translation, and dub weren't exactly the best, and many dubbed characters sound like they have tuberculosis (Yotsuyu is a good example)
SMN's rotation is working towards something. You're using up festers, lining up your DoTs so you rarely have to hardcast them, saving cooldowns for Bahamut to get the most out of an already MASSIVE damage spike.
This is why SCHs are crying the loudest. You had energy drain, miasma 2 weaving, and shadow flare. Obviously it's not even remotely as in-depth as a DPS rotation, but it's far more engaging than casting Broil 200 times between Indom and Excog uses and falling asleep at the wheel.
yes, now tanks who tank in Defiance and spam aggro combo do same dmg as me
SAM here, im just gonna keep topping meters while you cucks squabble and seethe with each other
>Dribbling a basketball is easy and kind of boring
Why do you come to Yea Forums to brag?
Yeah they do, I just wanna press 1 2 3 but I have to adjust and sometimes press 1 4 5. They break my rotation.
ay hol up, gimme dat gunsword
I'd welcome it, but you'd be foolish to just expect it.
Anyone else looking forward to GNB?
Obviously damage is fucking weak but that can be adjusted before release and its gameplay looks fun and solid.
Just strange that your gun can only hold 2 cartridges when Thancred clearly reloads the entire thing in the trailer
I like to Floor Thrust, myself
is "lynn" a tranny too? or do you mean aiurily?
>lines 2 and 3
Hard to believe 3 was a typo when you also had "and" there to make it fit the sentence. You're really scraping the bottom right now aren't you? I mean, you had no counter arguments to the bulk of my post which wasn't even about 3. I suppose at this point you already accept you were wrong but just refuse to concede because of pride, and then the result is this empty post which just says "I'm right" and nothing else.
How many ESLs are in this thread?
Can you not understand?
You PRIORITIZE getting Balance, that doesn't mean throw everything that isn't balance into the trash.
Arrow could be useful, but it was worse than balance.
Spear could be useful, but it was worse than balance.
Bole was useless. Completely.
Ewer and Spire were for Extend alone.
>tfw liked WAR in ARR/HW and early SB
>WAR mains think its too hard to play and ask for it to be easier
>get reworked so it requires negative brain cells to play
Fell Cleave crits used to be special, now its just a snore fest, the novelty of Inner Release Fell Cleave spam gets old really quickly, I honestly have more fun playing it in content sub 70
user there aren't aggro combos. You're stuck in the old mindset of good tank bad tank. Enmity was honestly never an issue even in DPS stance after the Diversion buff.
I'm safe and cozy in the shed again.
>Fell Cleave crits used to be special
Ikr, i quit WAR after they retarded it for everyone.
disregarding their fantasies about gender they do point out the rather obvious flaws nu mch has
Am I a dumbass for leveling my crafters before my gatherers?
>Being a snarky contrarian for the sake of it
I told you to stop projecting.
You haven't given a single reason for English to be the "definitive" version other than you liketh the dubst.
Correct, since HW.
Only SCH, no western player is willing to touch WHM because gilgaturd/reddit keep pushing hate towards the job because it does not increase your parse numbers.
Because one guy on a basket knitting forum tells you a job is dead (he's literally repeating what I've seen on multiple places) doesn't mean he actually plays it.
Do any tanks have self healing worth a shit that doesnt compete with their other skills? I liked back when PLD just had Clemency, but now that it has Holy Spirit and a new AoE you're going to never want to use it or feel ashamed. They're taking out the heal from Steel Cyclone and from spamming DA+AD. I guess GNB has a HoT.
>You haven't given a single reason for English to be the "definitive" version other than you liketh the dubst.
But you've been given several.
Yikes, even mr happy understood the job better than you
you're stupid for doing either
any other SCH happy with the changes and hoping this is the definitive build? we're the kings of GCD efficiency now, all the healers will want to raid with us. devotion will align perfectly with libra and ruination will boost our weaving by fucking 10% while not losing as much mp as we would with miasma II
>Join 24-man dungeon
>Say hello in a cheerful way in /a chat
>Get told to shut up everytime
you are a special kind of retard, and it's seen on the pictures you save on your devices.
No he's specifically talking about the tanks that stayed in their tank stance and just did the aggro combo.
>obvious flaws nu mch has
You have big reason to doubt his opinion because he likes SB MCH desu. This is big red flag
Not if you have money. Gathering makes crafting cheaper but I'm still occasionally lazy and just buy what I need than mine up hundreds of shit without botting.
why were these niggas on the moon anyway?
Who cares. When are WE going to the moon?
>after the Diversion buff.
Not him but who are you kidding? Real life isn't your static, in any given group with 4 DPS you'd be hard-pressed to hear more than one diversion go off pre pull nevermind two or more. DPShitters are too damn stupid to even press one button, hell half of them can't even use lucid either
shut up
>Join 24-man dungeon
>Say hello in a cheerful way in /a chat
>Nobody says a thing or somebody says good morning/evening
>Anyone else looking forward to GNB?
>Obviously damage is fucking weak but that can be adjusted before release and its gameplay looks fun and solid.
The foundation is solid but I do agree that it needs some adjustments in numbers. Such as Superbolide having a lower cooldown to justify its weaker HG effect.
>Just strange that your gun can only hold 2 cartridges when Thancred clearly reloads the entire thing in the trailer
They have always said that gameplay mechanics and cgi shouldn't be confused together.
>Fell Cleave crits used to be special, now its just a snore fest,
Yup. Getting 3 Fell Cleaves off in Berserk was so satisfying. Now, it's just boring spam.
It's not just Warrior. The entire game is being dumbed down to shit.
they heard that's where the xivg meetup was
crashing it with no survivors
I looks like a lot of fun. But glamour is my endgame and I'm worried there won't be much GNB-flavored Fending gear, and that the gunblades will all look shit except for the AF relic (which is Lion Heart apparently).
Things that never happened
How do you top meters if you dont get to do anything
I also look forward to digivolving my fairy waifu tulpa
stick to your party and say hello normally, don't be an attention whore
Fight mechanics are what make or break jobs. So they better increase the difficulty if they want to justify the simpler actions.
by fucking your mom
By not playing on gilgaturd.
MNK was my first 70, I thought it was the most engaging of DPS be cause every weaponskill was a positional. I hated Riddle of Fire, but with the TK rotation I barely noticed the slowdown and it only made the most active job even moreso. Losing TK rotation while giving us clunky ways to hold stacks shows the devs have no idea what to do with the class. Why even have TK in the first place if they want us to stay maxed out as much as possible? The job doesnt have an identity anymore
The only case where this happens is with MNK when you can’t hit BS and True Strike positionals so you go for DK and Twin Snakes and even then, it doesn’t break your rotation at all since MNKs GCDs are based on priority and not a rigid rotation.
That shit almost only happens in long running shows that pad for time.
are you a retard?
It's such a stupid weapon, have you even stopped to think about it?
It's a fucking sword, you slash somebody with it, and then at the same time you fucking shoot them.
Who came up with this?
Why do you need to shoot someone you've fucking cleaved in two with a 7 foot sword?
Kill yourself retard.
I'm having a hard time imagining what stuff like Byakko/Suzaku/Seiryu/Tsukiyomi gunblades will look like.
Lost Allagan and Scaevan might look decent.
TK will be used in the end of RoF window after SSS.
>not liking the most based and badass weapon to ever exist
because rip and tear
It's a dps loss to climb back to GL4
>I'm worried there won't be much GNB-flavored Fending gear
if its anything like recent striking gear, it will be nothing but GNB-flavored fending gear from here on out
are you retarded? you just redraw until you get 3 stickers every 3 minutes and you can redraw nearly 20 times
I don't understand why they keep making tanks more boring to play. Hell, GNB doesn't even look good. Paladin seems like the least shitty tank to play in ShB
That's what the chart describes, can't you read?
>Main tanking A12 in DF
>Right before the fight is over I shirk the highest DPS
>Boss instantly turns around and laser-cleave kills the entire party behind him
>I get the finishing blow and then leave
Become what you must...
Stop watching shounen.
>They basically didn't add anything to our job
Say that to MNKs, they've been doing the same shit for 6 years with only oGCDs added.
>too much of a brainlet to comprehend a fantasy weapon
I bet you look at Monster Hunter weapons and cry about those too
>g-gunlance? who came up with this!?
The 10% damage buff from FoF alleviates the damage loss from losing GL4 until you get your stacks back.
I can't believe you'd do that to your party?
How could you give your party the old shirky cleavey?
It's more linear and streamlined. While I do agree the overall use of the old cards was very niche outside of the balance it still gave an overall better kit than just muh dps and seals. Not to say that now you can redraw out of the ass so finding those seals won't even be an issue. I will still stick to it just because I bothered to level it up and the 60 outfit looks great on my character.
This never happened, you've never set foot in a savage raid.
This change happened because DPS were too stupid to even push one button
You took an ss of the salt, right?
nice reading comprehension
BASED, dab on those dps cucks.
i've mained WHM since 1.0 (Before WHM was even a thing, just conjurer)
Have been bottom of the meta for ages, seen people trash talk my favorite job for years, etc, now the other two healers have been gutten and WHM stays relatively the same, but with some new spells. feels good:3
The new system is a better framework and if they add in another mechanic besides Divination that makes use of seals it would be very interesting.
The old system needed replaced, the new system has room to grow.
He never said it was savage you dumb faggot.
And that's a good thing!
MNK's core rotation is fine. Perfect even. Then we found something to spice things up a little with TK rotation. Yoshi slapped our hands and said no. Bad monks. Then he took away some of our toys to punish us.
The moon is Zodiarks corpse after Hydaelyn killed him
>say anything in alliance chat
>first 2 responses are HILARIOUS one line zingers
Give back Spirit Dart, YoshiP.
Yeah, because of SB. But ShB is on the First and it seems to have a more high fantasy aesthetic judging from the npc armor in the trailer/benchmark.
Maybe in the 6.0 Garlemald expansion.
The guy who said "good BLM hated arrow because it desalign cd's" was stupid. Arrow is still a dps increase even if it fucks with your cooldowns and causes the eventual clipping, and as a dps increase, it was welcome.
>most solid jobs with strongest fundamentals
>muh rework
They don't get rework because they're already good. Why do you want rework for BLM?
TK is a DPS gain and if you weren't using it you were bad
We have truly become..... the Final Fantasy XIV: ShadOwbringers.............
I'm goooood
No it won't, because you have no way to generate stacks.
No it doesn't, not even remotely.
It's not now in 5.0 thank god.
I think that guy is falseflagging. Either that or he is someone who actually dislikes current BLM but STILL plays it because high numbers. Someone like that would have wanted a rework.
No, now monk is back to its 2.0 rotation except even more braindead because B4B slows you down and you don't have fracture or any of your oGCDs.
You forgot SAM.
I do hope thry do more interesting stuff with blm next expac, but I can settle with this for now
It still doesnt make up for SSS > TK > Snap > snap > demo > FoW > snap. SSS is not useful even in RoF as well
good. who cares if it's brain dead as long as it's optimal.
BRD is most fucked, everyone else is fine (except for WAR)
It's not optimal, because the job is both useless and less fun to play now, objectively.
It's good to be a BLM!
I'll find it fun.
I have 0 clue as to why there are even a modicum of BLMs complaining. Everything we're getting is fantastic. I was afraid they'd ruin our rotation or cooldowns but instead we polish, refinement, and even. more. damage.
You don't play monk and you won't play it in ShB
Okay, now tell us what you really said, faggot
i wish i had friends to play the game with
I told you I played since Beta and it was my main in XI too. Fun is subjective not objective.
do people really use tornado kick as a part of their rotation? I only use it when the boss is about to become untargetable or about to die. Still end up being #1 on the rainbowmage overlay.
Alright, let me rephrase it then. You'll play monk for a few hours then drop it after the novelty of GL4 wears off and you get tired of the overly simplistic rotation. that, or you're a braindead lobotomized monkey and have literally no standards, and you would play the job even if you only had a bootshine button.
It is and I agree on the multiple redraws but streamlining and making all the cards literally the same ruins the overall personality of AST. Yeah I know my argument is literally sounding as "b-but it ain't just the same" it ain't and I just think they could have done better. Then again they also just did it so they could buff DNC. Fuck any other class having some sort of utility other than muh dps increase. It will sure appeal to casual and raiders tho.
what server
>implying I'm even going to play
hw was mediocre
sb was mediocre
shadownigs will be mediocre
I'm not so cucked by an mmo addiction that I'll play garbage that rests at the top of a hill of garbage
>Y'shtola won't touch the LB because it's a DPS drop
Yoshi again acknowledging BLM are the absolute highest IQ players
The kind of retard that shits up your roulettes doing 2000 DPS AOEing wants a BLM rework because they have no idea how and why the job currently works, they just want more flashy shit because that means better design to them.
Yes, you're actually a shit monk if you don't use it since you lose about 1-2k DPS over the course of a fight for not using it
>he didn't start this game with his closest friends and experience every patch and expansion with them
a shame, it makes the game so much better like you wouldn't believe
DRG is fucking lame
They did "rework" monk though, into a useless shadow of its former self that completely ruined its playstyle
>DRGanon in /xivg/
>MNKanon in Yea Forums
Jesus Christ
the moon is zodiark.
I play the job because I like the look of the skills and the lore of the Job. not for how much DPS it does or how it fits in with the meta.
>everyone who disagrees with me about my job is my personal boogeyman
Literally everyone who played monk at a high level dislikes the new changes.
and thats complex? wtf?
This. I held off on purchasing it, and I'm not hyped or impressed by anything shown thus far. SB was squares last chance with XIV for me.
Okay, so you're the latter then. A braindead lobotomite with no standards and a Yoshida bootlicker.
>I play the job because I like the look of the skills and the lore of the Job.
whoah, you play for fun? THAT'S WRONG. MUH DEEPS META
SAM if your ping sucks, NIN if your ping is good.
Will we ever get more Triple Triad content? Like challanges, quests, Just more...
He didn't say for fun though, since he prefers the least fun version of the job (5.0)
No. stop with the buzzwords now.
Yes? That's literally what you said - you have no standards for how the job plays and only care about how it looks.
they said that they will be updating triple triad later. as for now you just get more cards.
Hrothgar were a planned race, viera got pushed up with them due to people not shutting up since HW and SE shooting themselves in the foot with the ivalice raids.
I never said that, I haven't even played 5.0 yet. Stop saying things I never said.
Proofs? Name 5 people who do.
Has the full trailer song released yet?
That explains quality of thread
Literally just pick the top 5 monks on FFlogs and I assure you they won't be happy with the changes.
They need to implement a stars system so 4 star cards aren't literally useless
damn, I'm on NA. I also noticed that most of the "I wish I had friends" posters are all from EU.
I'm a warrior.
Safe right?
Dang the rare EU player
Why does ping matter? My ping's like 50 for the record.
he figured it out lads, time to pack up
Nobody said anything about a rework. But at least a new tool would be nice. The best thing we've got is despair which is very boring to use, just slap it at the end of AF. The rest is qol. It's not exciting.
No. Soken wants players to hear the full track in-game because it happens during a important cutscene.
shitters who dont play the job dont understand the significance of what RDM's additions do
"RDM is the easiest job" says man who can't play RDM right
The fuck is this?
>New BRD is low support, slightly better DPS
>Excited for new MCH
>See the changes make MCH more piano playing than HW MCH and I'm on the East coast
Well fuck I guess I'm playing NIN with everyone else.
Because EU tends to be filled with people who keep to themselves like asocial bastards, and the ones that do social greet you with a hearty "Salut"
Even if I had friends to play this game with, I'm not really sure what there is to do together this late into the expac that would be fun. PvP maybe?
Mudras are reliant on ping. If your ping is high then you end up messing them up or clipping them into your GCD.
Is YoshiP actually a genius in how he completely revamped a shitty MMO into a moneymaker in under 2 years or was he just lucky?
Oh so they haven't actually played them? You're telling me they haven't actually played and they're upset? This is your proof? Evidence of it being ruined?
50 is good enough right?
what happened? How did I get unsafe?
They're buffing me and nerfing DRK!
its highly probable there will be changes for release and the one making the posts about MCH being worse is someone who loves SB MCH and hates the idea of nu-MCH, so take it all with a grain of "salt"
So what do people even want from the Jobs to be deemed "good" and "fun" and not "boring"?
You don't have to play to know that SSS is always a DPS loss, it's literally basic math. Without SSS monk gets literally nothing new except GL4 which amounts to basically a 5% haste buff and nothing more.
Oh look a parse autist has arrived. Next you probably tell me how you use 12h a day to farm same 4 fights
When I started my grindy journey years ago, I maxed a single crafter class first (lots of beast tribe quests), sold a bunch of popular non-HQ items and used the cash to level the rest of the classes with leves (and more beast quests).
The idea behind leveling gatherers first is that you can get materials for your crafters (even while leveling said gatherer) and save tons of money. The issue is that gatherers are fucking horrible to level without leves.
To get new shit without butchering the existing rotation probably.
Classic wow here
Go dilate
Did he say that?
Is it gonna be like that HW quest where you're walking through the snow and the opening of heavensward plays? That was a cool moment
Yoshi in his wisdom understands that strong males regardless of race are aesthetically superior to femoids and deserve the extra attention
It has nothing to do with parsing, it has to do with how much fun playing the job was. Since monk got literally no usable new skills and lost existing skills only, it's less fun now.
I wish mudra were just their own GCD skills all sharing the same cooldown.
>basic math with unfinished values
>again more baseless assumptions with things they haven't touched
>prase logic
So nothing?
Give me some examples.
I like the mudra. Feels like I'm playing Dota's Invoker sometimes. But then again I have good ping so it's not an issue for me.
I do...
>inb4 shitter
But clipping your GCD for half a second isn't that big of a deal.
Unless you have third world ping and it takes you like 9 seconds to cast a three seal mudra.
I'm too autistic for crafting but I play dps and I need something to do for those hour-long que's. What gathering profession is the most satisfying?
>unfinished values
"They'll patch it' isn't an argument
>more baseless assumptions
TK is unchanged (technically nerfed slightly) and without a way to generate a stack instantly off the GCD, TK is a DPS loss. So TK is effectively removed from the game.
>prase logic
Assuming you meant "parse logic" and no, it's not. Monk lost skills and received no new skills to compensate. It's objectively less fun outside of AOEing trash mobs in dungeons.
50 is great. once you start pushing past 120 then things get iffy.
Fuck off.
>internal release is gone
>less oGCDs to weave in
>SSS is a dps loss no matter when you use it
>wind tackle is dead
>perfect balance nerfed
Look how they massacred my boy...
This is top 1 MNK from fflogs
>Alisaie will pound that LB button as soon as it's available, regardless of what you want, your class and situation
>also runs into AOE and needs to be resurrected by Alphi and Urianger
Is he trying to say something about RDM?
Something like PLD who got a few fun new toys to play with that augment the existing rotation and make it more varied without drastically changing how it plays for the worse. As opposed to something like MNK who had its skills gutted and replaced with 1 useless skill and two useless traits and now plays like a more braindead simplified version of its 2.0 playstyle after having one of the more engaging rotations after 4.2
So when is this game getting a graphical update? YoshiP basically confirmed that FFXIV will get updates for another 6-8 years before it gets put in maintence mode
>low pinglets
define satisfying. there's no effective difference between mining and botany and FSH is for people who like to play penny slots
>muh ruined dps
>muh ruined tanking
>muh ruined healing
You fags need to be talking about important shit, like who has their bun ready for ShB? I'm still finalizing mine.
People think clipping a mudra once every 20s(?) for half a second will drop your percentile from orange to green. It's annoying at most but clipping has never been the end of the world.
Not a mnk main but I don't understand why monk players are complaining. You get a 4th greased lightning, a way to keep your stacks going, what's the problem?
Stop saying objectively when you don't know what it means.
Post raw numbers and your DPS calculation.
you mean how typically when a limit break is misused its the Red Mage? why is that?
Just use Squall's outfit, yo. You HAVE been playing long enough and gotten enough achievements to unlock it, right?
Sure we're stronk but it's gonna be boring as fuck. It's like saying SAM would be fun to play if it could Midare every GCD.
No retard. Kill yourself.
Viera are ruined because of lack of customization which they promised and no EAR MOTIONS.
One autist pretending to be DRGanon. He did same in first Yea Forums threads but with DRG
>DRG is dead
Can SSS be used as TK used to be used, right before boss becomes untargetable?
just the vocal minority. just ignore
I don't play tranny races.
I'm having trouble finding it but I remember it was an answer Yoshida gave during the interview. There's 2 parts to the song and they want players to hear it in-game when the scene happens.
Don't worry GNBro, the Alex Metal Gunblade will be fucking sick.
>But then again I have good ping so it's not an issue for me.
When should limit breaks be used? In the middle, end or beginning of a fight?
NIN it is then. And the ability that creates a shadow clone looks super fun.
>what's the problem?
Without going into full detail, they removed TK rotation and added nothing in its place. Our rotation has regressed back to 4.0. Actually, not even 4.0 since back then we had IR, HF, and steel peak.
Nothing bad has happened to any of the classes. You are all being pointlessly dramatic. (I'm a DRG who loves the buffs they've received to jump speed)
Depends, describe the situation.
depends on the fight and situation. like if I know the group is bad then I save LB3 for the healers to prevent a wipe from happening. if I know the group is good then I use it for myself as a melee.
Is this loss
The floppy ears have some movement to them but it's so slight it might as well not be there.
The chance to get randomly valuable items or materials. Which gathering job has a chance to randomly "wow" me while doing them
>button bloat meme
A way to keep stacks is useless without a way to quickly generate stacks which we lost. Monk also had a few skills removed (Tornado Kick, Steel Peak, Howling Fist) and replaced with nothing but a useless skill which is a DPS loss to use besides right before downtime. PB got nerfed to 120s meaning it's basically only usable once every three minutes and you have to use it on opener to generate stacks since Riddle of Wind is gone. Anatman is definitely a better way to maintain stacks, but that's a bandaid fix slapped on to hide the fact that they just amputated our legs.
okay. 400 potency is less than any two of monk's other GCDs. There you go, raw numbers and DPS calculation.
I know what it means. If you are saying the job is better when it is gaining nothing and losing a chunk of its kit, you're being a disingenuous bootlicker.
Whenever you want. Who cares? They are fucking irrelevant in 99% of fights
Mnk's current rotation involves using tornado kick at certain points which eats all your greased lightning stacks, then quickly regaining your greased lightning. It's probably the most technical rotation currently, but a dps gain.
But in ShB, one of the tools to quickly regain GL is gone, and the other has been nerfed, making the TK combo not feasible.
Also we get a new attack that takes two GCDs, but is a dps loss in nearly every situation
Doesn't matter I'll be playing Tides of Vengeance instead of this garbage of an expansion. I canceled my preorder from Gamestop so at least I got a free pre-order code for the earrings.
floppy ears are terrible
Fishing then. Botany and Mining are more structured in that you won't discover shit unless you specifically look for it. Fishing you pick your location and your bait, and see what you yank up. There's also trophy fishing if you're into that, but its among the hardest grinds in the game
Do you know what's objectively better than any BLM version? THM in 1.x at the end in 1,19+ before they got gutted and given a job.
Yes, that seems to be the intent. You SSS then anatman for phase transition or just SSS during parts where boss is untargetable but you still need to do mechanics, like most of doorboss in O8S for example.
I dont know what they were thinking, just replace TK at this point. Its worthless unless boss is at 0.1% now. Even NIN can now use Assassinate for all of the fight
SSS is a DPS loss in every situation except using it right before downtime.
Stop samefagging retard
All the ears are terrible. They look like an accessory.
The best race lives on in another mmo.
How is it technical rotation? Elaborate.
Why is this post ignored?
because i don't speak anime
being a crafter/gatherer is hard
Probably because the majority of us don't speak jap and can't be bothered to copy paste it into google translate. Dumbass.
Just saw the new skills. So why did they give MNK love? I thought SE was full on NIN/DRG now?
>He doesn't know
Everquest 2
Not him, but you have the most buttons to press, the most strict timing for pressing those buttons, the most strict punishments for failing to press those buttons, and the most thought involved in whether or not you should press those buttons depending on the situations in the fight currently. It's much like HW DRG or BLM in that you have very tight windows to execute your rotation in and any failing is a huge hit to your DPS.
Feels like these are the same people that tried to claim the combat in KH3 wasn't garbage
do you need to eat shit to know its bad for you?
retards kept saying this same thing in Stormblood and guess what. 4.0 was a disaster too
>MNK user is not special anymore
Feels good.
I've yet to see a Viera that makes me as diamonds as Aurin did.
In most fights, whenever.
During progs of EX and savage, generally save them for healer lb if needed. For clear and farm parties, generally melee lb3 as soon as you can so you can maybe get another lb 2 or 3 later.
And of course tank lb3s on certain specific fights
You're switching to first of wind every 30 seconds to recover from using TK via the current wind tackle/riddle of wind. You're also holding perfect balance to recover from TK after the RoF and BH windows. The basic rule is that you want to tornado kick when tackle or PB are off cooldown, but always TK before a snap punch and never before s demolish.
why dont you translate it for us tojiro mitsubishi
>So why did they give MNK love?
Yeah, that's what I thought at first. Based yoshi-sama finally giving us mnks some good shit. Then I read the tooltips.
Yoshi bent us over and fucked us with no lube while taunting us about how he enjoyed murdering TK rotation. And then he murdered 3 of our ogcds in front of us.
KH series combat was always garbage.
Why does more buttons = skill and are they only strict timings because of Ping?
I thought the reason for the MNK current changes so they never have to lose stacks during jump phases etc so they are always revved up instead needing to start from the beginning again. By not losing the stacks at all you're not missing those damage buffs.
Damn you should take a linguistics class or something. This is really ignorant
>gives us GL4
>it makes us do less damage
I don't know how anyone with a brain could have thought this would go over well.
>MNK love
You must be joking. Dunno about DRG but NIN is still good
It's still school time for kids though so Friday or Monday would have made no difference.
If you don't enjoy BLM why don't you play something else?
>thinking people will spend 10 seconds copy and pasting a foreign language to translate
>Nothing will get pruned even though SB crafting actions made most shit redundant.
And on the other hand I don't want them to prune anything since the DoH/DoL levelling process is the only thing the game has largely preserved untouched.
in dungeons, if you have a caster, on a big trash pack.
on Bismark normal, Bladestorm as soon as you can attack the Corona, don't try and be cool and wait for level 3 as you'll get another phase
>it makes us do less damage
GL4 is more dps than GL3 with FoF because of the increased ss.
Why is Yda shit in SB, does she stop being a dope?
>when your hdd is dying and things fail to load so you get hit by invisible things
>less damage
goddamn son you got brain problems
>Why does more buttons = skill
That's not what I said. Nice reading comprehension.
>I thought the reason for the MNK current changes so they never have to lose stacks during jump phases etc so they are always revved up instead needing to start from the beginning again. By not losing the stacks at all you're not missing those damage buffs.
Losing stacks is a non-issue with current MNK, in fact missing positionals is a far bigger issue currently and the only thing that keeps monk from being overpowered. True North getting charges fixes this somewhat. Right now though monk literally doesn't care about losing stacks during downtime because Shoulder Tackle lets you open with GL2 in a single GCD.
More DPS, but less damage. There's no reason to buff fists of fire if you intend people to use GL4 instead.
She's not Yda, she's Yda's sister
They have different tones. Aurin were like cute anime girls with animal ears and tails. Viera are like beautiful mature women.
>durrr 40% is better than ~43%
Sorry son, it's terminal.
MNKs didnt have that problem after 4.3 when being tackle gave a stack and perfect balance became 60sec cooldown. Plus RoE existed, but now we have more ways to hold GL that are each clunky and niche than we have oGCDs. See the problem here?
Of course he does, he plays MNK
Learn to read. I enjoy BLM immensely but I'm disappointed there is absolutely no change.
There should at least be a 3rd one imo. Still going to play it though, the job itself looks fun enough for me to deal with some lower numbers for a while.
It's the main thing I'm looking forward to.
0.03 less damage but you attack faster in GL4 so it's still a DPS gain
Talking only about the dmg buff, GL4 and GL3 with FoF are the same. The new 10% bonus from FoF is basically another stack of GL, just without the ss increase. Personally, I think it's poorly thought out.
make sure to back up your data, learned the hard way
Don't fix what ain't broke
what's the trick to finding which popular non-HQ items to make?
If they can Alex weapons at all. Only reason SAM and RDM got Coil stuff was because Ultimate was coming.
Quest and leve items are a good place to start.
It is, but it also still feels bad.
No it's not, damage buffs stack multiplicatively.
Well at least SSD's keep going down in price. You can find a 1TB SSD for like $70-80.
Those dungeon parses matter!!!
i need someone to edit that limmy comic with "but fists of fire has a bigger number" because that is exactly what is happening here
>Started playing SAM once I hit 50
>Getting bored of how simple it is
>Either go back to playing SMN or grind something else to about 50 so I can get through ARR's MSQ
Maybe I'll just wait until I get to Heavensward and try Machinist...?
Indeed there is nothing to fix but there is plenty to expand upon. How about a spell that uses polyglot stacks to give a buff or to completely and instantly recover all MP?
See, just like that there is a change in playstyle without compromising job identity. Compare it to xenoglossy.
this website is very handy if you're a marketjew.
>I enjoy it but I'm disappointed that it's staying
Then you don't enjoy it.
>No it's not, damage buffs stack multiplicatively.
What's your point?
>or you're a braindead lobotomized monkey and have literally no standards, and you would play the job even if you only had a bootshine button.
Isn't this a requirement for enjoying most XIV jobs?
You already have a way to get all your MP back, it's called Umbral Ice
Jesus christ. This is the level of discussion you can have with retards I guess.
>that pesperctive
is the moon the size of a little asteroid in ffxiv's world
You provide no proof that this is who you say it is but anyway, he is not particularly happy with it. Relieved would be word that fits best.
Is it me or is every malera DRK incredibly retarded?
That's not the point I'm making. Imagine instead of using your firestarter proc at the end of AF you can use it to weave this hypotetical ogcd that consumes polyglot to let you have all your mp back. You could prolong your AF phase a lot without going into umbral.
>empty post that just tosses shit and says nothing
The hypocrisy is outstanding.
The edges you see there are the edges of the scene, not the edges of the moon's surface,
Which will get a better metacritic score? WoW Classic or Shadowbringers?
Why can't you enjoy something but also hope it gets even better? They're not mutually exclusive.
It's certainly not just you.
See here:
You aren't supposed to see it at that angle normally.
Do you think they literally rendered an entire moon for that scene?
DRK malera are literally only played by edgy teenage boys.
Its less that they're braindead and more that when things slightly veer off the path of their robotization comfort-zone, they sperg out and get themselves killed by acting retarded and forgetting how to adjust to the mechanics.
Do you know how multiplication works?
Have you seen the new stuff? It DID get even better, which is why his whining makes no sense if he actually enjoys it.
No, but it didn't get some gay party buff or whatever, so he doesn't like it
they're either retarded in pve or extremely thirsty in rp
Which race should I make my Dancer who will not be scantally clad?
The only new thing is despair which is mechanically boring. It's just an AF finisher.
In HW we got enochian. In SB we got the gauge and foul. In SHB we get nothing like the previous expansions.
BLM should not have raid buffs or raises. Stop putting words in my mouth.
xiv's expacs have been trending upward, as i recall, so i think ShB. Classic is literally all nostalgia and literally nothing else.
It's Libitum Allegretto
From his twitter
>giving a shit about scores
It got just a few new attacks, one of which is just a single target version of foul, so the only change there is you use xenoglossy instead of foul in your single target rotation.
Honestly, the freeze buff looks to be the biggest rotation change, and that's just for aoe.
Compare SB where we also got utility buffs like between the lines and triplecadt, which is a much bigger game changer than anything this expac.
I'll still enjoy blm, but they did phone it in a bit with them
When the boss is at 1% so you can gpose the lb animation
What a fucking pointless twist
400+330 under 40% GL4 and 30% RoF
290+240 under 40% GL4
Where is damage loss?
>ree I spent forever learning the balance's TK facerll! Why are they forcing me to change reeeeeeeee
They'll find some new even more autistic rotation soon enough, I assure you
male midlander
There's still the rest of my post. He doesn't seem very happy with it but is clearly relieved that it's not as bad as 4.0-4.2. The last line specifically is basically "well... at least it's not as bad as it could have been". In a way, the guy you replied to is still correct.
>anything I don't like is autism
On your next 12 GCDs and 10 or so autoattacks losing upwards of 40% damage, retard.
>tfw ranged dps
>Get a shiny new job to level, a rework that looks nice and BRD that stayed exactly the same to fall back on
Feels fucking good
The twist was expected, a lot of people in these threads saw it coming but the issue was her personality changed just so much that she was a new character no one liked.
>On your next 12 GCDs and 10 or so autoattacks losing upwards of 40% damage, retard.
What ? PB exist. FoF is 10% damage
You can like it if you want, doens't change how retarded and clearly unintended it was on a design front since they're removing the reliance on it in the strictest sense
>that guy that uses Japanese voices even though he doesn't speak Japanese
For what purpose?
he can't tell if its a bad performance or a good one, but its glorious nippon moonspeak, so its automatically better
I'm not mad about them killing TK, I'm mad about them killing TK and giving nothing to replace it
>you'll find something new
I dunno, man. I'm looking at this shit and not finding a silver lining.
All the SAM posting got to me. I'm levelinga SAM right now. Unfortunately I can't say I like the sen system. Does it get more interesting later on?
>most of this shit ended up being real
So Yoshida really must be based...
But I thought they took away many bard buffs/mechanics to give it to Dancer!
Yeah it does.
>I dunno, man. I'm looking at this shit and not finding a silver lining.
Anatman is server tick based for the first stack so it can potentially give you one stack during a 2.5 GCD window which would replace SB's RoW if I'm not wrong.
story? better
gameplay? barely
>Jap fags never got this absolute kino
>Unfortunately I can't say I like the sen system. Does it get more interesting later on?
You go from having too mittme to too much and having to dump it in ogcd.
>started in ARR
>2 friends started recently right before ShB drops
>doing early dungeons with them makes realize just how long I've been alone before this
Yeah, I thought about using that to get a stack during the cd from SSS, but even if it works, you're still standing still doing fucking nothing for a gcd. Fuck that.
Kinda yes. But the play style remains the same. Except no crit dependance
when you reach level 62 you get so much kenki that you forget about sen
What's stopping you from still TKing at the end of RoF when you do have PB available? The only real dicey part right now is in the proper opener because you won't be able to have it up for it and no one knows if Anatman is a good enough substitute to build back up stacks if you do TK in your opening RoF.
I wish Ilberd's speech had more effect in-game like it did in this trailer.
>MCH """"" theorycrafters"""""" claiming the job needs to be slower and do less damage because muh logs
gook austin powers needs to nuke fflogs already
>What's stopping you from still TKing at the end of RoF when you do have PB available?
Nothing, but that's only possible every 2min. The rest of the time it's almost 2.x era monk.
Right. PB is 120s, which means you don't get it for 3 minutes to line it up with RoF. Then it only lines up every 3 minutes after that. You have to use it on your opener to generate stacks. It might as well not exist.
They wouldn't have lowered TK's cooldown if it wasn't intended. Try harder to justify your poor play.
Living dead was ignored but holmgang was buffed
You cant make this up
why do people still care about what the balance discord clique thinks. all they care about is numbers, not how fun the job is to play. their fun comes from jacking off to percentages.
>needs to nuke fflogs already
why would you say something so controversial yet so brave
So you're saying MCH's current iteration is fine then
What’s wrong with Dragoon?
>The only new thing is despair
Why bother with truth when lies are so convenient right?
Tell me how damage calculates and we can real loss/gain
For example we have 400 potency SSS, 40% GL4 and 30% RoF. How does it work?
(400+40%)+30%? Or 400+70%,
>tfw reddit metababs are the reason they are trying to homogenize jobs on ShB
this is what you get for ostracizing jobs that don't boost your dps rotation
Ilberd was a real hero.
this is why i'm maining gunbreaker it looks fun as hell numbers be damned
>people are already claiming MCH is dead due to the WF thing
>people saying "oh well, guess I will wait for MCH to be fixed"
why can't people form their own opinions?
But it did, we literally liberated gyr abania
They lowered it because doing what tehy would need to to fix the retarded shit would mean drastically remodeling the class identity mid-expansion
AKA, shit they try to avoid unless absolutely necessary
Now I hate MNKfags. Leaker was right about MHniggers
parsetrannies ruined endgame
yoshi should make fflogs and use of parse a bannable offense
>why do people still care about what the balance discord clique thinks
Because almost every single mouthbreather tries to apply their "organized top tier speedrun" compositions into pugs, which translates into "I need to parse 100 or I will kill myself"
I'm still leveling it up first since it's been my main since HW, but I am a bit worried that the rotation became even more ping dependent and brain dead.
The last thing I want to do is spam Heat Blast during WF.
Even based Illberd was tired of lazy Mhiggers.
you are so fucking stupid, take your below room temperature IQ to
parse already is a bannable offense
mnk bitching is entirely justified though. it's literally one step forward and two steps back.
heh heh heh aught wrongeth anonth? doth thy penal malgrowth throb so to mine localization? yer a bloody 'ore
seethe harder parsetranny
you're the reason getting into endgame is so obnoxious
From the previews? Yes.
>machinegunning out oGCDs
>wildfire doesn't require you to juggle shit, just pop a cooldown and go
>no more ammo
>no more gauss barrel
It might need potency adjustments or the odd cooldown tweak, but otherwise It's amazing and I swear if the raidtrannies get it nerfed I'm going to war
So my line of thinking was right, you can still TK rotation but your TK is every other RoF instead of every RoF like it is right now.
I'm just trying to figure out what people are going on about MNK suddenly being dead when you look at the rest of the melee competition. TK is still a viable button to push, just less often, and SSS is probably the best tool any melee has for forced downtime.
(MNK main btw, I just feel super out of the loop on what everyone is complaining about because MNK looked fine to me.)
Let's say for ease of explanation that your base damage is 100%.
Your base damage in GL4 would be 100*1.4(GL4)*1.1(Twin Snakes) for a total of 154% damage. Your base damage in GL3 with Fists of Fire would be 100*1.3*1.1*1.1, for a total of 157.3% damage.
For SSS potency, it's 400*1.4*1.3*1.1 for a total of 800 potency at the end of RoF. However, you're also delaying your GCD significantly, and if you drop Twin Snakes as a result of SSS being used then you're losing a lot of damage on autoattacks.
Potency can be wrong. What if SSS actually 500 potency?
So you're saying the TK rotation was intended? Thank you for admitting you were wrong.
Then the entire rotation would be spamming SSS meaning monk now has an effective 4 second GCD. That would be even worse
But you get to actually DO stuff outside of wildfire now
>You have to weave one ricochet and one gauss during overheat to not cap and use overheat on the second weave like you do with IR now to get another shot in.
>Air Anchor and Drill don't line up perfectly with the nerfed raid buffs.
>Robot spends a few seconds until it starts attacking, even if the skill is balanced for that.
>That's enough to call the class dead
FFlog trannies are cancer
You've got three high end players who know MCH like the back of their hand informing people the maths doesn't add up.
He really was. It's a shame that he fucking died. If the scions and warrior of light just talked things out beforehand then he could have been a very useful ally. Dude knew how to fight physically and cast magic.
It's every third RoF because RoF is 90 seconds and PB is 120 seconds, and you can't do it on your first RoF window. Now compare that to current monk where you use TK every 30s the majority of the time and at the end of every RoF.
Maybe the long con is to convince everyone MCH isn't worth playing early so nobody bothers to experiece it for themselves. Hence keep the population low and a badge of pride of being a 'MCH main'.
I mean Stormblood machinist. Since you're saying Shadowbringers machinist design is fine when it's identical to the current design, that means you like Stormblood machinist too since ShB MCH fixes literally none of its problem
The British Empire is over, Americans are just mutts. The only decent english speaking people left would be aussies that are literal descendants of convicts. Give up already the age of English is soon coming to an end.
Or maybe they want the dev team to be aware that they're fucking up and fix their shit before the game ships, you fucking retard.
Monks are fine, its just faggots upset they'll have to relearn the rotation. Which has been the norm since forever.
No, they figured out they screwed up and just doubled down on it til ShB(Hence no real updates to it all since 4.2) could clearly fix what needed to be fixed with extra tools to justify the changes.
Imagine being such a butthurt sissy that you're too scared to raid because someone might discover that you suck. I've got bad news for you friendo I parse everything I run which means I already know about your 3k DPS no worries bro I'm not gonna pick on you for it though I may chuckle to myself
t. insecure male character doing sub 2k dps
>hasn't had a single second playing the class
>already claiming its broken
>MNK looked fine to me
Then I can only assume you started playing monk with sb. Yes, we can still do TK in our rotation but they heavily HEAVILY reduced the number of times we can. What yoshi did was take TK rotation away (yes TK is dead. Doing it once every century isn't TK rotation) and kicked us back to the old rotation. Yeah, we got a few new toys, but we lost a lot more than we gained.
Because the core issue with MCH since its introduction is that it's nonfunctional with more than 20 ping and Shadowbringers does literally nothing to fix it
The sooner Yoshida stops trying to listen to retarded monkeys that can't press buttons like you fucking mouth breathers the sooner the quality of XIV will improve. This is not up for debate. The game has gotten worse TWICE now to pandering to casual shitters like you.
>its just faggots upset they'll have to relearn the rotation
Anyone who played mnk before TK rotation already knows the new rotation. It's basically going to be what we did before TK.
>Monk also had a few skills removed (Tornado Kick, Steel Peak, Howling Fist) and replaced with nothing but a useless skill
The Forbidden Chakra cooldown was reduced to 1s. You're spamming that now (or Enlightenment for AoE). This in addition to 70% chakra generation on crit means we're getting more oGCDs than before without waiting on an ability cooldown (Steel Peak/Howling Fist). Granted, I will miss the Howling Fist animation.
Between Anatman, SSS and RoE, it's clear Yoshida doesn't want us spending or GL stacks at all - ever.
About to lose target?
Not long enough?
Still not long enough?
You could make it through the whole Tsukiyomi transition phase without losing GL. That's fine and all, but what is Tornado Kick good for?
>Yeah, we got a few new toys
We got 1 new skill that's used only during downtime (so basically HW TK) and we got an improved riddle of earth. The only good thing about the Monk changes is the AOE rotation
t.deflecting parsetranny
your meta autism has been explicitly stated to be the reason for these changes
its not dead, but its not an improvement over the sb mch its worse
mch does ok to good numbers currently but is absolute ass to play
wildfire is one of the little skills that give actual feedback about what you put in and having your kit build in a way that works against you is just not ok after having 2 years of the same thing in sb