Just gonna take my “portable” switch with me. Just look how comfortable it is to carry this “portable” device.
Just gonna take my “portable” switch with me. Just look how comfortable it is to carry this “portable” device
Just buy a pouch and put it there you whining faggot
Also nobody is playing a console outside their house anyway, except only when you're in Japan.
>not wearing a woman's purse to carry your switch along
Get a backpack you limp dick fagot
why do retards forget you can detach the joycons, it's barely larger than a smartphone when you take those off and you simply put them in another pocket.
Works fine if you're not an idiot and you have a travel case.
what is that shit
>3 "men" in this thread suggest wearing a backpack for any reason besides "I have school today"/"I am hiking"
What the fuck
A sling bag or something laid on its side. Not really sure desu.
What the fuck am I looking at? What are you trying to store it in OP?
Are you literally expecting it to be able to fit in your pocket or something?
Tablets and laptops are also considered portable despite not fitting in your pocket. Like them: you put the switch into a bag to carry around and use in the go you retard.
now post the next picture
where the guy was exposed
Bags can be used to carry many objects.
it does make him look homeless desu
>if it cant fit in my pocket it's not portable
>I live in some bumfuck place with no public transit
Something like 1/3 of the people on my commuter train have a backpack or messenger bag, most of them are bussiness casual looking. Its super common.
>messenger bags
Sure fire way to fuck up your posture
>intact shoes
>in line at a bank
>collard shirt
Where do you live? The homeless where I am don't look anything like this.
>letting norman dictate how you dress
>not walking around in public wearing nothing but sweatpants and a backpack
Most people don't fill their bags with huge heavy rocks and use lightweight laptops.
This is viral marketing for the Switch Mini.
My Switch never leaves the dock.
>portable necessarily means carry outside
>these are the kind of people calling you "incel"
Fucking stop, OP. This is the 10th thread or some shit. Stop.
Be careful of all the girls that will be crowding around you because of how cool you will look.
>tells you to have sex
Why do ugly people feel the need to criticize others?
>Not carrying a bag full of edc essentials like gun cleaning kits, spare ammo, knives, emergency mylar blankets, 200 feet of paracord, spare socks, cash, and a water purification kit to your city office job every day
>oh no I entered a thread I don’t like and now I’m mad. Why must this always happen to me!
la creatura
Don’t mind me, just carrying my switch in my backpack
Is that a he or she?
Anyway, what's the problem with using backpacks?
The back pocket looks bigger.
Plus you could always take the joycons off to reduce the length of the console in your bag.
>remove joycons
>put tablet in one pocket and joycons in your other pocket
wow that sure was hard OP
What subreddit are you getting these from?
My wallet and keys are in that pocket
She can't handle that load (of a backpack), it's too heavy for her.
do people seriously complain that the screen is too big?
buy the 3ds then faggot
its comfy having such a big screen on a fully operational portable console though. the alternative is a non-dedicated pad with touchscreen and angry birds or a 3ds or sony handheld with tiny screen. nuh-uh
Why would anyone willingly leave their house?
People on Yea Forums are so weak that they feel like their fragile masculinity is threatened even by the simplest thing like a man with a backpack
I hate having my wallet and keys in my pocket, I tend to wear sweaters with pockets as long as I can just so I can carry them there.
>barely larger
fat disgusting bitches are always bitter for some reason
this. based george poster
post backpack swag
>1-2 inches larger is too big for most pockets
We’re not all wearing xxxl like you hammy
Don't got any. I was never a cool kid.
My switch fit comfortably in the breast pocket of my winter jacket which was nice. Cashiers thought I was shoplifting but other than that it was great.
Are messenger bags still gay? I was thinking of getting one andI haven't checked since mid 2000s.
>smaller than average size backpack
>Fits a Switch with travel case, 2DSXL, and a Vita as well as a pro controller easily
I'm practically skeltal tier and my jean pockets have enough room for the switch. If you can fit comfortable a modern smartphone with a large screen in there then a switch should fit fine. Just don't sit down.
What are you, a child? What do you need three handhelds for?
>Are messenger bags still gay?
Honestly as long as you yourself don't look like a faggot you can make it work.
VNs and anime tiddies. Your words can't hurt me, I'm gainfully employed and have my own place.
You again lil fella? Didnt you get your 93 you's?
>3 handheld
Maximum cringe, Quintin would have a stroke if he were to see this picture.
you goddamn neets spend all day on Yea Forums? Incel is a funny term for someone who voluntarily spends all day on the Internet.
What's wrong with a backpack. Where else am I gonna keep my change of shoes and packup when going to and from work?
You leave all that in your car, no need to carry all that around like a hobo.
Trunk of your car? You do have a car, right, ani?
And your phone is in your other pocket, right?
So no matter what, you'd need to extra pockets to store away the console anyways you faggot
I'm a 5'5" manlet and it fits in mine pocket fine
>Spending half my break leaving the worksite to go to the carpark when I can just keep a bag under my desk
This seems like an incredibly strange thing to sperg over.
Is this you holding a GameCube game?
I guess if you work in a sweatshop you might have to use a backpack so you don’t use all of your 10 minutes going to your car.
what the fuck am I even looking at
>Being afraid to carry a backpack bc of other people's opinions
What an absolute pusspuss
I suppose people on Yea Forums would consider any amount of exertion beyond typing on a keyboard as sweatshop conditions.
Take off the joy cons dipshit
How am I gonna play without the joycons
Jesus christ where do you live, the sun?
quentin is in prison for drug use
Quentin lives in Alabama?
>Work doesn't allow me to leave site due to security
>Site is like a 5 min walk away
Guess I should get a man purse instead
Oh shit I never knew Manlytears loved gamecube games
You DON'T use a backpack? Do you just like not having access to two free hands?
Yeah that doesn't change the fact that you are a loser.
That's some /k/l/out/ right there
>fat disgusting bitches are always bitter for some reason
>for some reason
It's because a womans entire worth is determined by her sexual value and fat disgusting bitches are literally worthless.
Based and half shelled
I play it at work when I can, a few others do too. I'm midnight shift though
Drugs are a felony in virtually every state you uneducated hillbilly
Why do the people who criticize and make fun of others always the people who have no business to be doing so?
just look decent
dont walk around in thongs and fedoras
Oh please I see Tyrone and Chad with those little Nike backpacks out in public all the time. Stop being so insecure.
The only other alternative is a man purse or an autism fannypack.
I dare you to mock them in person, Theodore.
Simply buy a pouch like this.
they only get mad because its true
Those things do look like toys
Why would I? I’m defending that wearing a bag is fine. I have one like pic related too, I unironically literally get zero looks.
>not just wearing cargo shorts and putting it in one of those pockets
>using a device to carry around extra items is considered autism
you incels get weirder every day
Dios mio....
It’s because of how awkward looking and acting incels are that make them like this. No normal person gives a fuck that someone is wearing a backpack.
>cargo shorts
Take off the controllers first moron
>designed for ultimate portability
Inb4 someone has a laptop in his pocket because portable.
honey, is coke too spicy for you?
imagine being so hooked on video games that you can't bear to not game even when you leave your fucking house
Kek this
is this a meme
It said portable, not pocket you idiot.
imagine being a grown man and taking your baby bideogame garbage with you in public
Since when were backpacks faggoty?
Only time backpacks are acceptable are during school, hiking and festivals/conventions.
>going to a convention
I don't like using the joycon, so I take them off. When you do that, it's even easier to put away. Now you just have to find a spot for your pro controller.
>being social at all with like minds
Only time backpacks are acceptable are never
Literally one person above you suggested a backpack
what do you think video games are?
they're toys
>He doesn't use cargo pants
Out of my way backpacklet shits
I stole my co-workers Switch the other week, he also always brought it but in his bag instead of his jacket. One day when he went out, I just snatched it lol. That's what ya get. Now I was wondering how I can reset/turn it on without it logging in somewhere. I've not turned it on, I wanna wipe it clean and use it myself lol
people here are more fucking sensitive than a new born child
people are starving to death in africa, there are civil wars, people die in the military, some have mental issues which they'll never recover from
and here you are complaining over mild discomfort while carrying a video game console, have you absolute asswacks heard about bags?
>wojakposter is an absolute retard
checks out
>He doesn't have pants the have pockets at all
I don't understand a single one of these stupid threads. I've lugged my Switch around without anyone even knowing I had it because that bitch fits in my pocket.
Unless you all are going to admit you wear girl's pants which have no pockets.
>The fat guy shadow in the picture of the couple
>The grown man taking photos of the kid playing the Xbox One
Why do Americans feel the need to do this
>that guy who carries a backpack
>that guy who wears cargo shorts
>that guy who carries a man purse
>that guy who uses a tri-fold wallet
>that guy who plays vidya in public
inb4 "carrying a bag is autism"
>that guy who wears anything in public
I bet you have a chained wallet
>that guy who goes out in public at all
I do not. Even when I bought one when I was a teen I ditched the chain because it looked stupid.
>your words can'thurt me
>they clearly do
you've rehearsed saying that a lot haven't you
Ok, mr. transition glasses hammy
this has to be b8
I don't have those either. I don't understand where you're coming from with just "my pockets can fit a Switch" to go on.
>wojack greentext post
No user, it's not bait. He's completely serious and not shitposting.
Post pant size
Faggot zoomer
u mad white boy? Why would I waste 300 bucks when I get that shit for free lol
Holy shit shrek, you can put a laptop in your pockets
Looks fine
Hello, fellow fat manlet.
No, no I can't.
No one is allowed to talk about old Yea Forums!
Manly Tears is dead!
WTsnacks is dead!
Moot is dead!
You don't get to escape the fact that people bitching about how portable Switches really are aren't thinking about how fucking easy it is to take with you in any context.
This reminds me of the WHY ALL THE CHADS GET PUSSY guy and you can see is gargantuan fat guy shadow in the same pic.
Try it fatty
>The difference in height is not the size of two Joy-Cons
>You just removed the top one and move the console as close to the opening as possible.
>Coping this hard
I have as a joke, and my pockets can't fit my laptop which is actually pretty small. Switches and Vitas are ez-pz though.
Look at the bottom of the switch stretching the sweater at the bottom cuckboi
Have you thought about getting a bag user?
Maybe try detaching the joy cons?
Also I'm sorry for not taking the personal attack and being offended like you wanted. I'm sure your day has been ruined by me not degenerating into >noooooooooooooo bullshit.
Have you read the thread?
Why you responding twice to the same post, fatty McCupcakes?
This entire thread has been "lol bags" so your post will unfortunately be ignored or ridiculed.
Because I assumed you pussied out and wanted to clear my conscience.
>clear my conscience
lol this whiteboi carrying this Latvian basket weaving baggage in his book bag
I've spent the entire thread saying I use my pockets.
>This entire thread has been "lol bags" so your post will unfortunately be ignored or ridiculed.
i know :D
Show me
Take the joycon off of your Switch and put it in your pocket and see for yourself. My situation is not unique.
>This is considered an American in 2019
Show me, bear. I already showed you
Same. Also it's my go-to Tien waster on the subway. Definitely need it since the MTA is fucking horrible with delays.
You've shown me nothing except an obsession with weight.
oh i thought i did
It's evident you're not taking this seriously and you have no interest actually having this discussion.
sorry im playing ror2 right now, il ltake a pic of thread remains up
tumblr tier thread
how is carrying a bag offensive?
Id suggest a lunch box/bag thats how I carry mine,
Because it's apparently cringe even though it's widespread in workplaces.
people carry guns in bookbags
>Messager bags
Just get a black or Tan one
You’ll either look like an accountant or a college student
>no carrying case or screen protector
you deserve every scratch and drift on your joycons. keep bitching about shitty build quality you fucking retard.
>Oh he mad he can’t stand up for himself
Once you stop being a pussy life will open up for you til then enjoy being a faggot
Thats actually the truth
Those Win GPDs are pretty portable
Clam shell and only slightly bigger than a 3DS
Only problem is those things cost fucking 600$
Jamal didn't get you a nice man purse with your Switch? For shame.
Fuck off nigger
Enjoy being a scummy fucking theif
>mfw I keep the essentials in the trunk of my car
>The guy too much of an insecure faggot to do what he wants
I use a backpack for the gym all the time and so does pretty much everyone else who goes to the gym (some people use those shoulder gym bags though, but I cycle to the gym, so a backpack is much better).
Also when I worked in London and everyone used public transport (tube and bus), most working people had backpacks.
Also we had a builder round the other day, a guy in his 60s maybe? And he had a backpack, carrying his lunch and shit, alongside his tool bags and all that stuff.
So... I don't get what your argument is?
In fact, can I just point out:
Using a backpack as an adult: fine
Playing a fucking Nintendo Switch designed for children as an adult: you're a weirdo
So really, you're picking on completely the wrong thing.
>working in his 60's
No I'm British. "When I worked in London" is a clue, although I guess you get people of all sorts of nationalities working in London.
Playing video games at all as an adult is weird as far as society is concerned.
Nobody cares enough to point it out anyways, unless you are autistic enough to play without earbuds
I detach the joycons and that makes it fit in my pocket which is extremely high IQ of me. The switch is indeed a portable console you nigger.
>thick, black borders for literally no reason
man fuck the switch
the internet is newer than video games and that isn't stigmatised, despite being almost the same thing
what's the difference?
think hard, the answer is obvious
you'll get lint in the rails
>literally no reason
What makes you think this?
Time for a blog post:
>During an internship last summer in an office
>A coworker ask me why I use a backpack.
>Told her I got lunch there and other stuff.
And to make it vidya related
>Once every week I saw like 6 guys playing Super Mario party and MK8 on a meeting room during lunch
Pic related. Too bad I'm too much of an autist and never joined them.
Thank God they fucking circled it or I wouldn't know where to look
But why would you carry a game console with you anyways?
You play video games at home, you don't take that shit outside, you go outside to be a fucking person for a change, then you can go back to your basement to be the degenerate that you are
I'll never fucking understand manchildren. As a kid I used to sneak my game boy color to school, in total I had time to play for like 10 minutes, otherwise the whole day would occupy me so much I'd only have time to put it on for a few minutes of tetris only to get distracted by friends and class
as an adult, you go outside to interact with people and handle business, there's no time to fucking play games
don't tell me you people are actually so fucking autistic and anti-social that you go outside specifically to play games and not interact with anyone?
Put it in your jean pocket
I can fit the device in my Jean pockets, fuck this shitposting.
Take the joycons off and put them in the other pocket ya freak
Public transportation, gaming with friends, all sorts of reasons.
i have my keys and wallet there
>public transportation
anyone using public transportation is either a poor faggot that can't afford a license or is a filthy hippy that thinks it doesn't pollute
>gaming with friends
you don't have friends, not friends that'd play shitch with you outside at least
>all sorts of reasons
you come up with 2 and when you run out of ideas, it's "all sorts of reasons", yeah yeah
Playing handhelds while you're in transit is super comfy.
Put it in your ass then
youre an idiot.
It's so the dock scratches the bezel instead of the actual screen.
autistic screeching is not an argument
youre and idiot
You'd get pickpocketed in minutes user don't be insane
Whats wrong with playing a switch in public? Its pretty normie