Bug Fables PS4/Switch Trailer


indie paper mario clone with bug waifus. Yea Forums liked the demo whenever that was.

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At first I thought it was made by the ones who made Hollow Knight, but if this seriously is a shitty waifu game then no fucking way.

it's just a paper mario clone, did you even try the demo

Oh shit, didn't the devs use to post updates on the gamedev threads here?

>Yea Forums liked the demo whenever that was.
Maybe at first, but then discussion for it got hijacked by dedicated falseflaggers


Also not into every Mario games except kart.

Even though it's been like two year since I first saw it it was always one of those games that never felt like it'd come out, so a console release hit me by complete surprise. Guess I'll pick it up when it comes out.

Yeah they did, hell they used to post ideas and designs too

I think I remember the dev's posting about this here a while ago.
Definitely looks neat.

Wow, I first remember seeing this on Yea Forums a few years back. It's actually releasing? And on consoles too? Fucking cool

I'm definitely getting this. I kind of wish it wasn't too much of a clone, but hopefully it'll be like a hat in time and have its own identity.

just post the bee porn already

I didn't get to play the demo, how was it?

>a hat in time
I've always kinda ignored this game for some reason but just watched some gameplay and it looks really good.
Also gonna get this Bug game cause I've been dying for a good Paper Mario game since TTYD.

Glad it's going to be on the Switch, now Nintendies will get to see a Paper Mario game done properly

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you can still play it paperbugdev.itch.io/bug-fables

Neat, I'll give it a go, thanks

Was there anything made other than pic related?

Attached: it's hip to FUCK bees.jpg (1174x896, 115K)

worth supporting for this alone. FUCK nintendo and FUCK modern paper mario

Damn did it really need to be a 1-1 copy.

there were a few more in the /trash/ threads back in the day

I never get the appeal of these paper games. It's just an ordinary rpg.

And PC

it isn't though, the core of the battle is different
agree with the art style being too on the nose though

Reminder to not support indie developers.
Pirate if you absolutely have to play it

post the damn moth

>Reminder to not support indie developers.

you mean the butterfly, right?

indies are the only ones making actual games nowadays though

They killed the VC on switch. If paper Mario was actually available for purchase nobody would buy this garbage so Nintendo has been sucking off these talentless hacks and even lent one of their big IPs to one of these clown companies.

Then fuck off retard no one cares about your blog

The people this game is aimed at would have already played Paper Mario and want a new one in the classic style, which Nintendo has failed to deliver for well over a decade now. Indie devs are doing what big companies can't or won't do anymore.

>Yea Forums liked the demo whenever that was

Fuck off shills, you're not even putting any effort anymore. Remember to report for advertising and hide these shitty threads.

Making cheap knockoffs is as lazy as it can be. You are also forgetting that 99% of indie games are shovelware.

Looks pretty kino, but damn dude, it's identical to Paper Mario in every way.

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>They killed the VC on switch.
The indie devs did? How?

I don't remember paper mario having 3 active party members and being able to pass turns without wasting FP or as an early game ability

>scratching your asshole
>not scooting around on your asshole so your fingers don't get dirty

We could have had
>Paper Mario but with good overworld platforming
>Paper Mario but with good minigames for attacking instead of QTEs and button mashing
but instead we get
>Paper Mario but instead of having 6 party members, 2 at a time, you get 3 party members all present at once.
Epic win!

>>Paper Mario but with good overworld platforming
honestly you could somewhat say the overworld of sticker star and color splash were good
>>Paper Mario but with good minigames for attacking instead of QTEs and button mashing
you're talking about M&L there

I hate when indie games copy literally everything from a successful game. They could have at least used bigger numbers for damages or trying to inovate for their text boxes. I don't know why Nintendo allows this.

>Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is COMPLETELY different from Path of Radiance because you can play THREE different teams instead of just ONE
>Oh, and also you get certain skills earlier that you couldn't before!

Pressuring Nintendo as indies sell well on their system, but VC would hurt the sales of many of these games as they’re basically just shitty knockoffs of older Nintendo games.
I.e. a hat in time would be demolished if older 3D Mario games were available
Shalinor legends and the other 2D Zelda clones would be destroyed if alttp and MC were available
This knock off paper Mario games would fail on switch if they put paper Mario the thousand year door on VC

using bigger numbers would make it just another bland RPG, single digit numbers is something only paper mario did

By good platforming I mean give me shit like wall jumping and back flips. Make it a little bit more like Super Mario World. Also, M&L doesn't have good minigames for attacking. Those Bros attacks are just qtes you memorize. I think the first design principle you'd have to adopt for making minigame attacks fun is to make sure some degree of randomness is a part of every single minigame you play.

Something about the art looks off, like it needs a splash of color or something. I don't know, but the characters look out of place in the environments.

>Super Mario World
*Super Mario 3D World, the Wii U one.

Thanks! Been following this game since the Let Me Tell You About interview, and I'm super excited to play this on console. This game is actually good, not just a meme

All Fire Emblem games are the same, with the exception of maybe SoV and Gaiden. Radiant Dawn has many of the same systems as PoR, but it plays differently because of the different maps and units you're given.

I find it hard to believe that indie devs (which are far from a cohesive group to begin with) could "pressure" Nintendo in any way. This sounds absurd.

>like it needs a splash of color
I think the issue is the opposite, there are too many bright colors

>splash of color
There have never been words more angering, more vile, more rotten than these.

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what is the role of this character? because i love him

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He moves rocks.

how would that work for a RPG, you could just skip all fights by jumping over enemies then

I hate that too, except when said game series is dead and indies are the only way to play something new and similar to it ever again.

would you fugg a bugg?

Fuck off, you want it, then you fucking buy it. This ain't communism.

that was my point you sperglord:

that his arguments were shaky and dumb.

>a bloo bloo killed the series
super did that by setting the majority of the groundwork for sticker and every Paper Mario fan refuses to admit it

>Game has realistic color scheme, but it looks pretty boring
Ugh, if only this game had more colors

>Game looks really colorful and has a good artstyle, but there's a bit too much saturation in the characters or enviornments
Ugh, I wish this game had less colors

Indie dev detective

Hey, you're right. I guess you'd need to have those overworld enemies be more aggressive and smarter to hunt down the player sometimes. Hey, this sounds a lot more fun than dumb enemies and shallow jumping!

Indie devs are notoriously communists and socialists though

He has an erect double penis on his head.

Cut OP some slack, he’s literally a Yea Forums poster. At least he’s trying to make something good.

Stop shilling your poor mans paper Mario clone

I remember this game, it's been a long time since the dev began posting here.
It always looked cute to me.

>Bee character is named Vi
>Dev posts on Yea Forums

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>Yea Forums liked the demo whenever that was.
because Yea Forums is one person

nah, you fuck off, shit looks like a paper mario romhack and i will pirate the fuck out of it "whenever it comes out

also Yea Forums never liked this shit, threads were full of "NINTENDO.." and shill posts by the developer and nobody gave a rats ass about it

I'm glad paperbugdev finally finished this up, I remember playing one of the earliest alphas for it during a demo day.

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>i will pirate the fuck out of it "whenever it comes out
Why? It doesn't even look worth playing.

Why don’t you just try to branch out and discover NEW games that you might possibly enjoy even more than the thing you used to like? Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with wanting more of the “exact” same thing, only worse because it’s made by a bunch of unoriginal hacks?

Just because a bakery stops making that one bread you like doesn't mean you should just settle for other breads, you can always look for it elsewhere.
The original paper mario games still exist and if you want to play them then go ahead but some people want new stuff but in that gameplay/art style, and since nintendo isn't making it anymore I will take any indie that can do it.

Here it is

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>someone from /agdg/ is actually yesdev'ing
>coming out on switch
color me fucking surprised

didn't risk of rain come from there too? Yea Forums loves that game

>tfw no tomboy wasp gf

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I don't understand this common misconception that /agdg/ can't make a game. Some of these are on consoles but I don't remember which.

SPM gets a magical pass because the average Yea Forums posters was 7 years old when they played it

And Deadbolt too, I think.

Something about the art is offputting it looks like a flash game I would have played on newgrounds at school.

>bug fables
I can fuck with this.

SPM is really weird and was the last Paper Mario with original characters that weren't just a fairy that followed Mario around. You can say you hated it but don't act like it was responsible for what came afterwards

SPM was not what people wanted but in a completely different sense. Most of its issues are the exact opposite of SS and CS's.

Yeah, it looks like placeholder art that was never changed. This character art looks great though.

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>looks like placeholder art that was never changed
looks way better than the first demo they made which was literally in paint