FLYING INTO Dragon's Dogma thread
FLYING INTO Dragon's Dogma thread
>tfw DDO never
I really hope Itsuno's next game is DD2.
Translating MMOs is probably a major pain in the ass due to the raw amount of words, so I don't hold it against them for not doing it
I'd love DD2, though
It's got a fan translation patch. Game is still P2W trash though. Shame too, because it looks great, features are nice, and the map is huge. But you have to pay for weapons to beat the large enemies due to the "rage" bullshit that makes them invulnerable for the majority of the fight.
I heard it's a seperate universe so I wonder if Capcom will make Dragon's Dogma their own Final Fantasy where every game is its own universe and mythos
I just want more
How's the Switch port?
>started with Dark Arisen on PC
>never got to hear Into Free in-game
>listened to it so much anyway
I like Coils of Light
I heard it has some pop-in but performs well
It might be. I don't recognize any of the cities in it. Monsters are all the same though. It plays far more like an MMO as far as how classes are structured as well. You have dedicated DPS, Tank, and Healer builds
That's a relief. More for the DD2 summoning circle....
Draw distance took a bit of hit on the switch port but nothing too major. Framerate is good most of the time. Nothing silky smooth but good enough. Could be done better but overall it's a good port.
>mfw the first time I grabbed a harpy
You can mod it in m8. Prob up on the nexus.
I don't want to, I love the Dark Arisen theme just as much as Into Free
dont expect dd2 this e3. Do expect itsuno to tweet at the end of every year saying he's working on something for the next 4 years though
God fuck those flying cunts circling over your head and putting my squad to sleep. Playing as a warrior was a mistake.
>walking around going up a cliffside near a broken castle base
>cyclone chilling on the outside near the edge of the cliff
>start to approach
>it doesn't aggro and just jumps of the cliff, suiciding
So I just did the quest to save Selene from the witch hunt, and now she has a pink glow around her. I already have max affinity with Madeleine, and I want her to be my beloved; do I just have to talk to her last before I go to kill the dragon?
Logically, would creatures who are part human, like Harpies, be sexually sensitive on, for example, the nipples?
He finally realized that even suicide have two “i”s
give selene a "gift" of liquid effluvium, and she'll stop having that pink glow.
is everfall the first thing im supposed to do after beating the game? i tried it and got fucked in ass by big hydra
Took me awhile. Nice one. Virgin Cyclops lost Agnes to Chad Chimera .
Dragons Dogma 2 announcement at E3.
Ignore the bosses and just farm the 20 heartstones then go for new game+.
On my first playthrough I faced the white hydra too, took me almost half an hour to beat it, on ng+ takes about three minutes.
will do ty
The real point of the everfall is to grind some okayish weapons and armor to fight the Ur Dragon and the DLC bosses.
The Cursed Dragon is x10 harder than the Ur Dragon as well.
>new playthrough with japanese voices
>all 3 pawns mages or sorcerers
>doing all quests
top comfy
Farm the wakestones and use them for BBI. Farming in this context means just going through most of the rooms. That also prepares you for the bullshit that BBI throws at you.