Why do people even play FFXIV when its predecessor is clearly so much better?
Why do people even play FFXIV when its predecessor is clearly so much better?
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Because it isn't better it's slow garbage and people actually want other human beings to play with when playing an MMO.
Next garbage question please.
FFXIV and FFXI are entirely different beasts.
FFXIV is a pure modern MMO that encourages soloing and only necessitates partying up for shit like raids. Since it's designed more as a solo RPG with occasional multiplayer
FFXI (in the old days and in any private classic server iteration) is purely a massively multiplayer adventure that necessitates teamwork and friendly cooperation at every step outside the town entrance from level 10 onwards, or you just die and delevel for being an antisocial idiot. It's a brutal and satisfying game, but it's a very different experience, especially considering it doesn't really have the theme park mmo style of emphasis content-wise
Because current FFXI is a corpse of its former self that Square is dangling on marionette strings. And no, private servers aren’t a replacement.
I will admit that playing through the story single player is like getting your dick sucked while mainlining candy coated nostalgia, but even that isn’t the same as prime XI
>it's slow garbage
10 year olds with ADHD shouldn't be posting on Yea Forums
>not wanting 2 hour cooldowns means you are 10 years old
Is this the power of the FFXI community?
because the predecessor has gone through its "Cataclysm" so long ago that it has barely anything in common with the FFXI I loved back in the CoP days
>not enjoying extreme bursts of power like 100% critical hitrate or resetting everyone's cooldown timers for difficult fights
>not saving your party from a shit mistake during an EXP party by fullhealing the entire group
>not having the mental capacity to determine when a good time to blow it would be, or whether to save it just in case
or you could just press a button every 2 seconds like a brainlet I guess
>implying 2-hour abilities aren’t the dopest shit
>used to make tons of money leveling jobs on EP/EM mobs with profitable drops all the way to 75 as people said it was impossible to solo back in RoZ days
I honestly have no idea what other people that didn't even craft did when they only had a couple hours to play.
This is basically everything I like about the 2 hour cooldown system. It basically forces you to make hard judgment calls and think about when and where it's worth it to cut your losses in a multiple hour session.
Why do XIfags always feel the need to shit on XIV instead of just playing their loved XI.
Next window in 10 minutes.
>instead of just playing their loved XI.
I did this morning
The real question is why you are happy playing a shitty themepark MMO made by a guy who just wants to clone WoW and Guild Wars' mechanics while ripping off other Final Fantasy stories (like Ivalice) instead of actually doing any worldbuilding. Not to mention directly ripping models from FFXI ... how utterly fucking shameful
Probably because there's no modern equivalent to the kind of game XI was outside of private servers. With XIV, it's undoubtedly a polished game, but it's more of an iteration of a modern trend in MMOs that doesn't appeal to the same group.
This one page has more lore/worldbuilding than the entirety of XIV, and that's pretty fucking sad.
Alpha and Omega yikes
Seething. I don't play XIV (anymore).
Then it's probably time to move on with life instead of complaining about a game, that will never scratch your XI itch.
>be DRG
>get on chocobo
god fucking dammit didnt dismiss jessie now im useless for 4/6(?) hours.
i really like 11 and its methodical pace but sometimes that game really knew how to rub me the wrong way
>I don't play XIV (anymore).
Not surprised considering it has so little content on its gear treadmill (another flaw of the WoW system)
I have no nostalgia for FFXI and it didn't age well. It's a damn ugly looking game and the environments were trash even for the games time of release.
Or perhaps he doesn't have autism.
>reach end game as anything other than geo or cor
>Ambuscade groups wont take you because your gear sucks
>Can't get good gear without doing Ambuscade
The endgame sucks because you're literally years behind most who are still playing with virtually no way to catch up.
I have no nostalgia for XI either, but having just started to play it on a private server out of curiosity within the last few weeks, I've been having a great time.
If you really care and aren't a poorfag you're best bet is to just RWT for crafting materials to make good equips yourself.
you guys think that if wow classic is successful that maybe SE will consider doing the same with XI?
Asura has like 100k people on it lmao.
>buy gil just to have a chance at playing the game
Played this when it was new on the ps2 and it was my first mmo. Had a blast with it and didn't even get very far because I was a brainlet kid at the time but it was a lot of fun and I had very fond memories.
Played it again a couple years ago when I got it at a massive discount like 10-15 bucks for the whole expansion collection and it came with a free month. I had literally nothing to do that summer so I just straight nolifed the game for the entire free month and did as much of the stories and jobs I could. I squeezed every bit of fun and content out of that free month as was possible. Game is still fun, and outside of the graphics it more or less holds up.
The trust system was a necessary evil for the modern population; outside of global chats I barely saw anyone and never grouped save for one single time when someone helped me kill a quest mob I couldn't solo at the time. XI purists bash on the system but I thought it was a great addition that kept the "feel" of the partying alive.
One problem with the game itself is how cryptic everything is. As invaluable as the wiki and other resources had been, they did a general poor job of documenting a lot of stuff making it really frustrating to figure out what to actually do half the time. I think the game just came out before people even thought about documenting stuff like this.
And then the biggest problem at all was the atmosphere of end game content and progression. The game does literally nothing to prepare a new player for end game progression. Even the community resources are very spotty when it comes to this, giving out a lot of the information but direct at people who already know how to receive the information - not someone who doesn't. This made it feel like end game was just a cult or clique of veteran players and breaking into it would be a long and gruelling journey.
Overall its a fun game to play for story and to play it, but as an MMO its run its course. I'd love a remake/remaster.
>Can't get good gear without doing Ambuscade
I would solo VE in sparks gear for about 400-600 points, get the NQ ambuscade gear, then join a LS and do E-D with them
SE did recently (like 3 months ago) say that they have something planned "3 years from now"
Of course that could just be the shitty Nexxon mobile FFXI, but whatever
Read that as "nol-ified" and got horrible Vietnam-tier flashbacks from Phantasy Star Online
thanks faggot
>FFXI has an objectively broken gameplay cycle and autistic babies actually defend it because of their sunken cost
It all makes sense.
Why not just buy a treadmill if you want the game to reset every 3 months, user?
Why would you give your wyvern a girl's name? He's a man dragon!
How about you help retain your dwindling playerbase before your endgame autism causes it's own extinction.
>hate on game that's approaching 20 years old
I hope XIV is still played when the next shiny thing comes along.
>cant even take a shit without a party to wipe ur ass for you
Play? People just bot it outside of Dynamis D, Ambuscade and Omen.
>game is hard
>somehow bad
Why even play games? Do something that rewards you for even existing like masturbating.
You're the one butthurt you can't get into the shitty end-game. That's your easiest solution.
why would a cute girl give you horrible flashbacks?
What is the combat like exactly? Every video I see is just people auto-attacking with no actual input.
FFXI held 500k for half a decade, no problem.
Funny enough that's currently FFXIV's peak currently, even though the gaming market is much larger. Who knows how big FFXIV's subscription rate is going to be later this year when people get bored of Shadowbringers treadmill.
>party focus
>somehow hard
how do you figure this?
Imagine having hundreds of hours of progress lost because some fag turned your character into an NPC.
MMOs from that era were about RPG dice role mechanics and less about mashing buttons to effectively do the same thing. You build your character up through incremental stats and gearing. Modern MMOs are just about rotations to maximize dps instead and all the role playing mechanics reduced to nothing more than weeb trannies sitting in towns with glam.
In PSO there was a way to hack into a player's game lobby and overwrite their character data with a little LV5 girl named NOL, permanently
If you're interested in stories about how awful this could be, read up here psopalace.forumotion.com
so they actually take input and don't play themselves? and that's bad?
if you're trying to do VH ambuscade as a fresh i117 you're gonna have a bad time.
I know you didn't actually try to do ambuscade though because most months V2 VE are soloable by people with i117 gear and a healer trust.
its predecessor doesn't exist anymore outside of the tourist attraction it is today.
>coordinating a party is easy
You haven't even done XIV raid content, no idea why you're talking shit about XI.
Because FFXI died years ago. It may still be good, but it's a hollow husk of its former self. And there will never be an internet gaming culture where a community like FFXI's will be built again.
>Every video I see is just people auto-attacking with no actual input.
In early levels yes, higher level characters would be using macros and scripts (the blue bar at the top in this picture) for abilities, weaponskills, spells, and all that crap
>butt hurt
It's more of a criticism, but I know most XI players are unable to accept any.
Old mmos definitely didn't play themselves. There were complex mechanics that relied on coordination like weapon skills comboing for bursts. Modern mmos are just playing like a bot, I wouldn't say that you're really playing modern mmos, I mean it's a bit of a stretch to say you're doing anything when you're artistically sitting there doing a RDM rotation for max dps, ninja on xiv maybe but it's far less involved than XI.
>coordinating a party is gameplay
Wow that fucking sucks.
Did they hack it to steal your items and give it to their character? Or was it purely in the interest of being a dick so other people couldn't have nice things?
I had my diablo 2 account hacked back in the day so I can kind of relate.
I play FFXI when I get the MMO itch. WoW didn't cut it, Everquest, Guild Wars, etc all didn't have the same feel of accomplishment and memories that I had when I played FFXI at its prime. I go back, I play with my NPC friends, I revisit the world and explore it and get deeply depressed that I can never go back home. But every time I play it, when the urge to play an MMO comes back, it puts me back on the right path that the genre is dead and it will never be the same again.
>and that's bad?
Not him but 2 second GCD is in fact bad because it leaves you very little time to chat with your party members... in an MMORPG, a social game, which kinda defeats the purpose of it all.
Of course you can be on Discord or some other VOIP but that has its own downsides. For one, only one person can talk at a time. Two, there's no written record of what's been said, so shits needs to get repeated for people who are inattentive or dozing off. Three, some people are just shy and don't want to use a mic with strangers.
Yep, it is. It goes a lot farther beyond that reductive statement but not important since you state facts now.
Purely for the lulz.
bad game honestly but enjoy playing a single fight for 24 hours i guess
>I know you didn't actually try
because nobody invites you unless youre a job that doesnt need gear to mostly do its job(geo, cor) like i mentioned already. even bard is fucked because everyone wants rema which a new player is not going to have
cuz it's dead
I'm not an XI player I can't stand the game but nice try
Not sure what you're talking about.
he probably means Absolute Virtue or Pandemonium Warden
you're fucking retarded m8
>even bard is fucked because everyone wants rema which a new player is not going to have
do bards use relic horn or is there something better now? at least relics are relatively cheap (like 1/3rd the price of mythic)
If he honestly thinks that players sat around those mobs going "ugh why the fuck this so long and hard? I need this drop from AV to even be competitive" Then he's laughably incorrect and completely missed the point of why these games were good.
I feel bad for zoomers, they really have no concept of what MMOs were building up to before WoW came along. I suggest a case study into EvE online for anyone reading and confused.
Came back to the game after years. Did nothing but farm a Masa from scratch. Finished it. Had fun. Quit.
Game will always hold a special place in my heart. But the grind to finish Masa was the last thing i'll do in the game. There still fun to be had but the game literally becomes broken when you can just spam level 4 light Skillchains over and over. The journey was the best part. The destination was boring.
Coming from someone who played XI and XIV at endgame... XI > XIV, but XI is a dead game.
theres the oboro harp that gives you a 3rd song which is pretty easy to get but people still sperg about wanting lvl99 rema so they can have 4 songs
>all these people angry about a 2-decade old game
>Why do people even play FFXIV
- emphasis on cosmetic items
- lets trannies/faggots rp as "cute gurls :3~~"
- more and more lgbt pandering
- welfare gear & participation trophies
- simplified and dumbed down jobs and encounters so lobotomised mouthbreathers (redditors) can have the feeling of accomplishment
Wait til you google everquest.
Yea, I mean the one from 1999.
People will always play good games dude.
you didn't even read my post
most months V2 very easy ambuscade are SOLOABLE by people with gear as bad as i117 with trusts.
again, you didn't actually try. you didn't look at ffxiah and find a guide with proper stepping stone gear. you didn't try to make your own group. you didn't set realistic goals to try to improve your character such as the intermediate ROEs which will give you a full set of i119 gear and an entry level i119 weapon. you just said "well i don't have a REMA weapon i may as well not play"
a REMA weapon isn't automatically going to make you do good DPS. you could be a fresh i117 with the strongest REMA in the game, lets say a doji or a death penalty, and you're not going to do good damage at all. the reason people ask for REMA weapons for DPS is because:
1. They're lazy and they don't want to carry someone and people who have a REMA weapon generally have all the other gear they need
2. They're doing the actual highest level of content like V1 very hard ambuscade where fantastic gear is actually required to complete it, or conversely they're doing content which isn't that gear intensive and they're actually retarded or want to be carried
FFXI requires you to adjust your attitude towards the game. I too was spoiled by years of party finders and welfare epics. The game is not easy and it is a grind, but the rewarded feeling you get from finally getting that one great piece of gear that you know you're going to use for a good long while is better than any other game in the genre. Shit there is some gear from the 75 cap era that is still relevant today.
autoattacking builds TP for weapons skills
weapon skills can be chained, and the chain can be ended with a Magic Burst from magic spells / any magic damage. magic/songs/etc are in a big spellbook so you cast what is appropriate as you want. job abilities are all your buffs and other actions.
bare in mind it can get quite complex as you have two Job classes set, main and /support. a WAR/SAM has like 10 cooldown buffs to use, to increase attack, accuracy, raise TP, evade the next hit, etc.
most of the complexity of combat comes from the itemization. gear can be swapped at any time, in combat. collecting niche pieces of gear for one specific action is a big part of gearing. you can't just keep replacing one set of gear to get the most Strength and Crit, for example, to be a more effective damage dealer. a melee DD will have a main set for swinging auto attacks, which has to balance accuracy, haste, double attack, triple attack, store TP, dual wield trait, etc. but you will need entirely different gear for weapon skills and Job Actions. a Weapon skill could scale off of Agility, or Mind, it might be able to multi-hit or not.
not to mention the complexity of party interactions themselves. my favourite thing is roles do not fully fit into the DPS/tank/heal trinity. buffers and debuffers are so powerful it allows for fourth, support/utility roles, in a variety of flavors. a bard, geo, corsair, can add so much power level to the group that they easily justify not being a pure damage dealer or healer. depending on the situation its actually harder to justify not being more than a pure selfish DD. less damage, to make everyone in the group stronger, is strongly built around. it could be something as simple as taking /nin support Job to evade damage even if /war or /sam does much more damage, just to make life easier for the healer - who in turn can comfortably keep everyone rolling in Haste and purging debuffs instead of healing.
you dont need godly gear for v1 very hard. you need broken comps.
Also, actually having a REMA is kind of associated with being someone not completely braindead, and having knowledge of the game. Im not saying its required, but in a game thats going on 2 decades old, if you dont have have at least 1 Rema, odds are you arent very good.
How did the XI community fall so low?
When I played in the first year if I didn't have something that was deemed important to have, I'd have a pending invite the instant I said I don't have it: Someone would be right be side me 1s later and teleport me, another would be at the destination saying follow while he sneak/invis and tractor raises me to the destination, and the other 3 would already be killing whatever I needed to get the thing I needed. And only after they got it for me would I see they were from a rival linkshell that hates mine. The community would bend over backwards to help even the biggest shitters with anything.
Now they are just sperging elitists not unlike wow, xiv, or any other mmo players.
>most of the complexity of combat comes from the itemization. gear can be swapped at any time, in combat.
14fags will never understand
>How did the XI community fall so low?
>simplified and dumbed down jobs and encounters lobotomised
Not disagreeing that XIV is misguided shit. But job and encounter complexity in XIV are miles ahead of XI
this guy gets it. getting to x-hit breakpoints was such a rewarding achievement. Changes the game.
>Also, actually having a REMA is kind of associated with being someone not completely braindead, and having knowledge of the game. Im not saying its required, but in a game thats going on 2 decades old, if you dont have have at least 1 Rema, odds are you arent very good.
REMA is nothing but a grind, it shows dedication and nothing more. I've met plenty of competent players who don't have a REMA, and plenty of mongs who have multiple REMAs.
My point was more that the most important thing for someone trying to break into contemporary endgame in FFXI isn't having a REMA or being a GEO or COR, it's about setting realistic goals until eventually you find yourself at that level. If you're honest about what you're trying to do and you're not asking to be carried, I think most people will find the community is still very helpful.
XIV encounters boil down to spamming AOE with minimal input. Unless you mean raid content, the difference is that instead of party interaction and defined roles you just play simon says with the bosses pattern while trying to do your rotation at the same time. Calling XIV more complex is kind of insulting to yourself.
they have to dodge circles, man
jobs and encounters in XIV are shallow as shit, you can't be serious faggot
Of course I'm referring to raid encounters. As simple as they are, the boss mechanics and patterns still need to be learned and punish mistakes.
XI is a significantly deeper game, but the depth does not come from the job complexity or encounters. Most of the game's equivalent to raid encounters can be trivialized by overleveling or trust magic. And over half the job have 10 abilities that have several minute cooldowns. The depth is 100% on the gear and game knowledge.
>Why do people even play FFXIV when its predecessor is clearly so much better?
I'm a consolefag
that is actually a very valid reason
>updating the installer and improving the new player onboarding process
>server virtualization
>game will be supported for at least another 3 years
>"something big" planned for 20th anniversary
XIV fags are SHOOK, even their messiah Yoshi P has said he's playing XI again.
>Of course I'm referring to raid encounters. As simple as they are, the boss mechanics and patterns still need to be learned and punish mistakes.
Not really that impressive when a game asks you to learn and punishes you for mistakes. You act like that's something that's impressive. It's funny.
>Most of the game's equivalent to raid encounters can be trivialized by overleveling or trust magic. And over half the job have 10 abilities that have several minute cooldowns. The depth is 100% on the gear and game knowledge.
This is where I tell you that I know you've never done end game content in a game made before 2015. Boiling it down to this simplicity tells me you really don't understand everything that went into end game encounters in XI. You can judge it by how it *looks* all day if you want, not like anyone cares.
I found almost every non JP member of the community to be extremely helpful. I just found that doing things that a new player needs to do in order to progressively gear up was a nightmare. I would rather carry someone through reisenjima than do bullshit alluvion skirmish ever again
>XI is a significantly deeper game, but the depth does not come from the job complexity or encounters.
Classic XI maybe, but Ambuscade on difficulties above N can be a pile of dicks. Especially this month's.
>even their messiah Yoshi P has said he's playing XI again.
Well to be fair he was the director of FFXI for a handful of years after Abyssea killed the game. But that's still strange
As much as I like danmaku-esque bossfights with flashy voidzones and emphasis on movement I feel like that aside of that modern MMO combat and mechanics don't bring anything interesting to the table.
There's nothing to figure out, nothing to learn, no "know-hows" to find, nothing to experiment with and find your own ways and character builds to win with.
I'm not saying XI doesn't have challenge and difficulty. But it all comes from proper preparation and knowledge and all the time commitment and effort that goes into it. The mechanical execution is a joke.
Nothing wrong with that bruv
I hate Yoshida so damn much. Why would anyone use him instead of anyone with talent?
SE has been hemorrhaging director talent since they fired Sakaguchi and Matsuno
>server virtualization
so sharding?
I know that, I love XI.
I don't like XI gamepaly. I can't stomach any classic MMO now.
XIfags are obnoxious and ruined any interest I had in checking out their game
>XIfags are obnoxious and ruined any interest
And this too. Rarely I see adequate fan of XI. Mostly they trying to elevate XI above XIV despite those games have different combat systems. and derail threads.
you would be bitter too if your game was deliberately killed for fucking XIV 1.0, that failed abortion developed by sweatshop Chinese on the FF13 engine
Because XI runs like absolute shit, looks like absolute shit, has a terrible account system, relies on a player base that's mostly dead for puzzles that are long solved, is a chore to traverse in, is unintuitive as fuck, and costs way too much to play given its state.
FFXI and FFXIV share elements that could make for an excellent MMO, but they're both mired in huge design flaws on opposite ends of the spectrum.
I still find it funny that you have mod your game just to play above 30FPS.
>37 ips
Checkmate 11 autists
God forbid more than six players are on screen, you'll hit those double digits.
>XI sidequest design is good, but rewards are so shit that it really isn't worth it at all.
>XIV sidewuests design is terrible, but rewards are perfectly reasonable, making doing the story its own reward but not making you feel like you're just eating time.
>Who knows how big FFXIV's subscription rate is going to be later this year when people get bored of Shadowbringers treadmill.
There are currently more active players during Stormblood's pre-expac content lull on Steam than there were during peak Heavensward player-counts, so player-retention is getting bigger and/or the general playerbase is getting bigger.
Ssshhhh, user is trying to justify his contempt.
>FFXI (in the old days and in any private classic server iteration) is purely a massively multiplayer adventure that necessitates teamwork and friendly cooperation at every step outside the town entrance from level 10 onwards, or you just die and delevel for being an antisocial idiot. It's a brutal and satisfying game...
I miss this game so much...
I've been playing on Nasomi, I'm having a fun time but I hate how important races are to what class you want to play.
Galka were a fucking mistake
Galka shit over everything with the physical jobs, just don't play mages and you're fine. Unless it's red mage, which make surprisingly decent ones
Postmoogle quests are kino
Yeah, and the design of the treasure hunt is good. Most of them are fairly bad, literally "RUN TO THE MARKER WE SET FOR YOU."
The general playerbase is getting bigger. But this pre-expac point is not the time to check retention rates, pre-expac is one of the peak times for any mmo sub count because everyone is obsessed with "preparation" and "Getting ready for the new expac".
The time between when savage raids have been active for 3-4 weeks and the next major content patch is the real test for retention. That will be the highest drop off rate.
>just don't play mages
that's the issue though. One of the big draws of the game is "you can play every job with one character", but you can't really. So what if I unlock summoner or something and I fall in love with it. Now I have to remake a new character, level to 30, unlock it again, and its just annoying.
Oh go fuck yourself you basement dwelling "muh yesteryear" faggot. I was on FFXI day one for its NA launch, or rather stuck in the clusterfuck that was PlayOnline in those days. If you are genuinely defending what FFXI was at that time period then you ACTUALLY have autism. Spend (sometimes literally) hours to form a party, fight the same mob over and over for hours, navigate via horrendous menu system, press 3 buttons over and over (just like today), b-b-but muh skillchains! - you just do the same two 460 million times.
Yeah so much better dude. Just admit that you are a failure at life and want back the hope you once had as you ate tendies and played FFXI.
MMOs are generally less popular and FF as a brand is much weaker these days than a scant few years back. Dont know what to tell you, user.
Can you imagine never playing an MMO before WoW and then trying to shit on actual good MMOs?
>XI is flawless
You don't have to tell me anything. I'm just correcting your statement that player retention is getting bigger because this isn't the time to look for that.
Even WoW in some of its worse expansions ever had massive spikes pre-launch in its subs. They fell off a cliff months in. Time will tell how well XIV can retain after shadowbringers launches.
>didn't refute any of the criticism
No one said XI is flawless. MMOs requiring you to play with others is not a detriment just because all modern MMOs are jusy thinly veiled singleplayer games.
>Galka shit over everything with the physical jobs
that's a funny way to spell elvaan
>started on nasomi 3 months ago to take a break from 14 until the expansion
>1 month until it
It was fun guys. Might come again afrer done all the expanskon stuff.
Which job you excited most for nigga
>Might come again afrer done all the expanskon stuff.
see you in 2 weeks friend
I wasn't who he was replying to. I just saw the low effort, exposing post and had to laugh.
Dnc. It was my main back in 2010-2013
They made content in XIV where you're absolutely required to form your own groups and tons of people hated it.
>2 weeks
Good stuff, I've got my eye on DRK, GNB and DRG. PLD looks like it's gonna be nice too now that all the tanks actually have something approximating a rotation.
>17 years later, no one still has any idea what the CHR stat even does for non CHR characters
>People still believe the whole crafting on x day will affect the craft despite the devs saying it doesn't
Listen, because I'm being serious.
That doesn't matter. So many people believe in it that it actually works. It meme magicked itself into validity. I always had way more success following the rituals of the days and the directions and so did everyone else. Faith is a mysterious and curious thing.
w-woah, a game deisgned entirely around a singleplayer experience filled with players who like the singleplayer experience didn't enjoy the forced actual MMO party experience?
Who would have ever guessed.
>It meme magicked itself into validity
It actually did on the private server Valhalla. The private server devs learned of the reddit FFXI AMA crafting statements and said "fuck it, we're coding it in anyway"
That's because it goes against what they've learned to expect from the game. Putting that kind of thing in XIV equates to a bait and switch since XIV is a solo-capable game first and a party experience second.
some people deserve to go to the single player offline RPG gulag
So I got this on sale for $10, first time playing in probably 15 years. Any server recommendations?
I read about what’s changed. I plan on comfy trust soloing and then finding a laidback linkshell
man you guys sound so bitter, must be super annoying hanging out with you
because i'm not a no life incel who spends every waking second playing a video game to get one level
Speaking personally, I bought it on sale, tried out retail. Felt it was ok, but too easy to level. Looked into private servers, picked Eden since it seemed close to the punishing game I heard FFXI was back in the day and haven't looked back since.
>user count: 3
Asura and Odin are the most populated servers. Asura leans English-speaking but has a lot of asshats, Odin leans Japanese-speaking but there's still a healthy contingent of friendly English speakers.
If you plan on playing for a while (not just a vacation), I would suggest getting to LV30 with trusts and then unlocking either COR or GEO. Both jobs don't require much gear at LV99 so you can find people to group up with easily for content like Ambuscade, Omen, etc.
If you choose Odin, let me know and I'll PL you in Escha zi'tah with my cleave job. Genkai aside, you can get a job from LV1->99 in about 2 hours that way easily. Most of the multiplayer partying happens after you hit 99 nowadays so don't feel bad about getting PL'd.
In an overarching sense: that's life, my guy. The difference here is that we just enjoy working through this kind of thing with some comfy company. If it's not for you though, that's cool too.
as opposed to XIV where you spend every waking second soloing your levels and being bored to hell alone?
Playerbase isn't huge, you're right about that. But zones are reasonably populated and finding parties for areas like the Dunes is pretty easy. As such, Eden, Nasomi, and other private servers are pretty good options if retail isn't quite cutting it for you.
>Everyone in the chain is samefag.
Christ, user.
>finding parties for areas like the dunes is pretty easy
that's what made these experiences so shitty for me. I wanted parties anywhere but the dunes. People just sit in the dunes and level sync all day every day and never leave. I loved retail going to all these different zones as you got to certain levels. When all you do is dunes, it wears on your soul
Because unfortunately they ruined the game many years ago with Abyssea and everything that followed.
For the first 6 or so years though it was the best MMO ever made.
What was so bad about Abysea?
He's right, cope.
Is it still good to play?
What's a good beginner job if you don't want to play DPS
DPS is a stat, not a role. The role is DD
A good non-DD job is Corsair, Geomancer, Summoner, White Mage
Turning the game into an ilvl/gearscore/soloable mess pretty much ruins everything about what made XI great. The eventual level cap increase further destroyed the game. As it exists today it's a completely different style of game than what it was in the golden years.
I tried FF11 like yesterday and it feels + looks awful. If there's a way to make the game look and control like an actual PC game instead of a fucking PS2 game then I might be more interested but that won't make feel less shitty that the towns are awkward to navigate and there's no easy way to figure out who you need to talk to
Was better.
>Tfw I was too late for both games and now I feel like I'm completely behind
Ff14 has a variety of ways for people to catch up and powerlevel early bruh
>treadmill into a treadmill and be done with the game in 2 months
high value
>Other human beings
Then you probably shouldn't play XIV either. Everyone's a fucking bot.
just registred and gonna play 7 days. what class will I have the most fun with for 7 days?
This is literally my dream.
Start as Warrior and maybe unlock Samurai
Here are two sites that will help you
Be sure to search "Records of Eminence" or "sparks" on there, it will really help kickstart you
>it reduces vendor prices!
>it increases the chances of synthesis success!
>it reduces/increases your enmity!
dont have any expansions, is it hard to do anything wrong while leveling? thanks for the useful shit btw user
All i remember was spending 30 minutes to an hour getting a team ready only to have the idiot tank pull too much and end up leveling down in the end effectively spending hours to get nowhere. When things went well it was decent but it was mostly tedious as fuck and you needed large blocks of time you could play uninterrupted to get anything done.
The two best MMOs are ones that came out right before WoW changed everything.
FFXI and Eve.
Imagine what the genre could be now?
XIV has HD mithra
>is it hard to do anything wrong while leveling?
I would try to keep a balance between your levels and Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, which is worth buying. It allows you to summon trust NPCs which make soloing easier
Around November SE regularly sells the full game with all expansions, plus a free month, for like $10
miqote are uglier than mithra yet there are 1000% more tards sperging over cat pics regardless
Mithra are hotter because they have just the right amount of furry to make them interesting while still not being too furry.
Miqote look like fucking cosplayers in cat ears and a tail.
>miqote are uglier than mithra
u wot
The only thing I know about ffxii is watching someone else play, get on a boat and get besieged by bullshit sea monsters
Mi'qote are so much worse-looking than Mithra in general. It's the noses.
Lalafell are similarly absurd.
10/10 bait, friend
why even start the thread talking shit about another game? granted i played xiv far longer than i've ever played xi i still have some pretty fond memories from the seven months i got to play it back in high school
mithra are awful man they all look like lazy catgirl cosplayers
Yup, there were boats on 15 minute schedules that spawned pirate attacks, so low level players would get raped like the cuckbois they were
>hy even start the thread talking shit about another game?
because it keeps the thread alive, and also XIV is shit so it's not like I'm lying
why create another WoW clone in a world of WoW clones?
starting a thread by talking shit about another game just makes you look like a salty cunt user and more or less just encourages shitposting due to the fact that anyone here will get triggered by some low quality bait if you want an xi thread then talk about xi
>Thunder Elemental starts casting Thundaga on Tinyhealer.
>someone Shout our position before we wipe