>PC and console crossplay
>in an FPS
There are some things you just don't do.
>PC and console crossplay
>in an FPS
There are some things you just don't do.
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at least the few PC players that actually play it would finally be able to play MP for more than 3 months.
PC players must have a controller to crossplay.
Make it mandatory.
The series is literally dead on PC so it's not like it matters anyway
Oh yes this please
ahahahahaha can't wait to make consolefags fucking suicide themselves
They wouldn't dare.
Literally welfare
>i-i use in inferior control scheme's because I'm retarded
>please ruin the experience for everyone else!
How about they add m+k support natively on consoles?
Consoles have support for that but it means you need to sit in front of your TV and why the fuck not just play the game at a desk using a computer at that point?
this, why the fuck would i want to play a fps with a controller?
They know nowadays COD games die within a couple months on PC, this is just them trying to salvage PC sales and keep PC players from feeling burned. They'll probably require a controller for crossplay, which is fine. Stomping on console players with M+K would get really old after the first couple matches.
>why the fuck not just play the game at a desk using a computer
I mean why would anyone want to play an FPS in any way other than that is beyond me so I could be asking the opposite.
Works fine in fortnite
I played Titanfall with a controller on PC but I feel like in big, open-space games like that it isn't such a big deal.
CoD has closed, frenzied maps where someone with the ability to whip around very quickly could have a strong advantage in.
Who cares, most PC Gamers play COD for a week & then go back to CS:GO
Only Console gamers stick around for COD
KBM and joystick is in different playlists
or not?
>the dilapidated remains of IW making this
Who cares game is gonna be complete shit
Why do they even bother releasing CoD on PC? It's fucking dead there.
>PC players must have a controller to crossplay.
>tfw you can just get your KB/M to detect as a controller
At least on killcam everyone could then out you as a faggot.
Several IW members who made the MW games are back with IW for this game, apparently. Might be good.
Do it like GTAO and add an icon to show who's using controllers or otherwise.
There's just only one guy who plays FPS on controllers like and sometimes better than on keyboard.
Paladins does that and it mostly works.
HAHAHAH time to grow up and get a PC little timmy. Mad that you'll have to play against something other than drool covered controller underaged mongoloids in your """"competitive"""" title
Implying I care.
>they give console players auto-aim/lock-on
>makes playing on pc a disadvantage
>Neocons of Duty
MW2, BO1, W@W, and BO2 are actually decently populated on PC
I think some e-celeb played MW2 again recently so lots of sweaty tryhards jumped on
tons of level 3s with UMPs around for me to be a tubing cunt to
They will either require PC fags use a controller or make it optional for console to play with PC. CoD is back baby
Reminder that controller was OP in BO3 on PC.