>Wouldn't this be embarrassing to play in front of your family
>Don't worry. We are also releasing the family friendly PS4 version
Omega Labyrinth Life's new trailer mocks Sony at the end
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck Snoy and those who support them
>no nipples
everytime time.
Huh, wasn't that jab aimed at western journalist?
>Sony is the moral fag while Nintendo is the lewd.
What is this timeline? Is like the 90s returned but backwards.
>pictures of white people while saying it
Absolutely perfect
No, is aimed to Sony who betrayed its old fanbase and became SJW moral fags.
The journalist was worried that the game would be embarrassing to play so she answered by announcing the family friendly ps4 version.
it's time to go back
>still no western release
fuck importing
I like the part where they are asked about their hair colors
>Family friendly ps4 version.
Such bizarre statement, I never expected to ever see these words together. How the fuck we get out of this timeline?!
The virgin user vs the Chad youtube poster
White people should honestly start having sex again.
I'm thrilled. I always thought this girl was really cute.
Why the fuck would anyone play a game like this in front of anyone? This is a game to jerk off to!
Man, gotta love how all the pictures of "family & friends" are all Westerners, adding insult to injury for the PS4 censoring.
More cringe from the weeb pedos
>stock photos of the families at the end for the PS4 version are all westerners
Man, I wonder if they're trying to say something there?
>stock image of a kid with a 360 controller
based nips sticking up for their art
I don't see any children in the game.
Age of consent is 16~18 for a lot of Western countries except America for some reason where you're not considered an adult until you're 21.
doesn't affect me any, i was smart enough not to buy a ps4
They are mocking sony.
You have to go back
You have to go back
It's a mix of
>Fuck Sony
>Fuck SJWs
>Fuck Gaijin
>Fuck western journobloggers
>Fuck the West
It's a multi-tiered insult
But is just too bizarre, this situation was in the 90s with Nintendo being the moral fag and Sony the lewd one.
Kinda weird how it was Nintendo doing censoring shit not so long ago
What do you mean? It's obviously a joke/jab. Mocking some stupid shit isn't something bizarre at all. What's wrong with you?
I mean Sony DO want to become the new Xbox
>telling whities to fuck off
You seem to be lost friend, this isn't reddit.
What the actual fick even is hat? How can people stand these voices and sounds?
Everyone who buys this game needs to be lynched.
Fucking weebs.
That's pretty funny.
Western family values indeed.
With all the good dungeon crawler games recently and even some in the same style as this (moechronicles and labirynth of refrain) how did they manage to take such a gigantic leap backwards? This looks like a flash game from 2004
Why did they break their promise of keeping it Switch exclusive? Why is the PS4 version 2000 yen cheaper for just missing a few jpgs?
We gotta protect the children from the evil polygons
Don't worry small child. Papa Sony is giving you a clean version of the game that mama will be ok with you playing. Don't want to get another spanking now do you?
>even some in the same style as this
They're literally 2 different genres
>MoeChro and Refrain are First person Dungeon crawlers
>OL is a roguelike, like Izuna the Unemployed Ninja or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
here you go , now go play while the adults speak.
this is a mystery dungeon game not a dungeon crawler bro.
Is not about the mocking, is the current situation. Sony used to be the pillar of lewd and freedom while Nintendo was the moral fag, now Sony has become SJW moral fags while Nintendo allows lewd.
Name one other dungeon crawler game.
>Nintendo doing censoring shit not so long ago
People say this, but Nintendo only censored their own games, they haven't pushed censorship on their third party devs since the 90s.
It puts in perspective how extreme Sony's recent censorship is.
>a few Jpgs
It's missing pretty much 50% of the interactivity in the game. It was so painfully subdued that D3 removed the Omega from Omega Labyrinth.
Also technically OLL is switch exclusive. The PS4 game is called Labyrinth Life. NOT Omega Labyrinth Life.
PS4 version literally exists only as a fuck you to Snoy and everything they've done regarding it reflects that. The lower price is meant to tell people they are getting a lesser version of the game.
The massive backslash Nintendo got for the WiiU era censorship actually made them noticed it and now NoJ has NoA (the source of censorship) by the neck so they don't fuck again.
Thats a very expensive way to say fuck you tho
>sony gets a exclusive game
>tendies gets a Vita port
Fanny world
What's the 50%?
What's lesser in the PS4 version that's worth 2000 yen?
I mean I could let TMS slide since it was developed by IS and Atlus but Bravely Default is third party. It was pretty much the same shit as it is with Sony now and that was not back in the 90s
Seems like you missed Dragon Ball Fusions. Most people did, though.
I thought she had a milking machine attached to her boobs in the thumbnail
I am disappoint
Doesn't Treehouse jet regularly to Japan now to make sure to give their input right at the source during the dev-stage so it's not really censoring?
Have sex.
They've signed a contract years ago to release a PS4 version so they cant get out of it so they released a censored version isntead.
I think they already had signed to make a PS4 version long ago, but them sony became SJW and they can't get out of the contract, so they are now using this to mock them.
Nah, they get bullied by NoJ and NoE during those reunions.
Bravery Default wasn't their own game.
Whilst they didn't censor it, Nintendo did reject the original Binding of Isaac 3DS port because of its religious content. I'm glad they don't give a fuck now, because it gives devs who would otherwise be in a tight spot the freedom to breathe.
Everything even slightly lewd you saw in the video
Nope it was Switch exclusive until a few weeks ago.
A few missing jpgs.
>not a single word about Sony
What do boobs sound like?
and yet MS/Xbox DOESN'T Censor games out of nowhere!
>Nincels on Yea Forums masturbating over drawings
>Sony chads don't care about drawings because they have real girls
Like poetry.
Pretty much every piece of interaction outside of dungeon crawling. You get fixed value EXP gains from what should be interactive events, you don't get to raise your chances during appraisals, you can't interact with the girls at all.
It's literally a crippled version of the game so bad they removed the Omega part of the title.
Nobody said a word about Nintendo either.
Namco Bandai self-censored that. They did the same exact kind of censorship in Tales of Berseria.
I hope more Japs shit on Snoy.
>A few missing jpgs.
Did you even read the article ? the game is missing most of the ecchi content
that girl should calm her tits
Is there any proof that Nintendo was actually behind that? It could have been companies acting on their own.
I only say that because there were plenty of 3rd party games with more extreme content that released around the same time and were never touched, so that doesn't really make sense if Nintendo was actually enforcing some kind of censorship at that time.
What about Bravery Default? Or you're gonna pretend it doesn't exist?
Only because Treehouse never really worked on 3rd party games. Don't think for a second those cocksuckers wouldn't have cut more if given the chance.
the replies literally did, tentard
You might want to check again small child
>ending is a bunch of Western pigs
top kek
>1 shekel has been transferred to your account
Sony started blocking groping and other interactions that result in the girls saying to stop, which is like 90% of weeb anime gameplay.
They're stuck in a contract, they can't back out of it, so they just release a horrifically censored completely sanitized version solely to tell them to eat a dick for what the California socjus faggots that hijacked all of Sony's computer entertainment shit are pulling with their bullshit policies (which oddly ((((for some reason))) don't apply to western games who are still allowed to show nudity, degeneracy and other filth unchallenged)
Bridges will be burned but they are honestly the better people for calling Snoy's bluff and telling them to fuck off in the best way possible.
this is how D3 sees sonytards, they purposely picked westerners as well
Nintendo had nothing to do with its localization.
>It could have been companies acting on their own
Who the fuck beside Nintendo/Treehouse could had censored bravery default exactly?
There's still appraisals, there's still inflatable boobs, there's still hot spring, holy flora, whatever else illustrations. That's what I read in the article.
I guess I'm buying a switch now.
>Sony kids
One day you won't need to have delusions of grandeur
Today is not that day.
You realize that the playstation is the weeb console do you ?
>It has an oneesan character
I will now buy your game
(when it comes out on PC)
As a snoyboy I can only welcome this, hopefully the cucks that are responsible for these butchered PS4 games will get what's coming for them
Or maybe they just picked some stock family images that are used in international marketing.
There’s no proof.
This. It’s censoring without the masses noticing. They keep in tits so people don’t notice the dialogue.
Yes, but at least they get told to fuck off right then and there (politely of course, because it's Japan) instead of them unilaterally doing it without any dev input or informed consent.
>muh western family values
Americans, everyone
not him, but that was before.
Sony just outright MURDERED Senran Kagura, the weebiest franchise out there.
theres a reason why all the outrage is happening.
Journalists are pretending not to notice the jab.
>I never actually even wanted those games that were the main selling point for my shitty handheld
Who censored it then? It's Nintendo. Stop pretending it's not these fucks. Nobody else could had censored a game they PUBLISHED.
It also was related to reginal differences. SONY is censoring games for ALL versions and even butchering them further on western market.
The appraisals aren't interactive(aka improving chances of higher quality items)
You only get the one scene shown(Flat) and get fixed EXP instead of variable exp since the scene isn't interactive. You also don't even get oppaijanken.
I think I saw a black person there too so it's not racist at least.
Replies such as?
Nuke the West and Nuke Yea Forums.
We /jv/ now
>Or you're gonna pretend it doesn't exist?
you are literally digging up fossils from last gen, you should start to learn to cope, holy shit.
>white women must be protected against blatant sexualization in entertainment media!
Square Enix?
Sony censors what Nintendon't
I just hope the devs realise it's Amerifag Cuckfornia niggers and not real people who are forcing this AIDS
Nah, it's definitely intentional
>Sony just outright MURDERED Senran Kagura
Takaki murdered SK after years of shitty low effort spinoffs sold on fanservice alone, blaming Sony for Takaki's greed and incompetence is incredibly dishonest, the series died a slow and painful death without censorship ever being a factor.
>Or maybe they just picked some stock family images that are used in international marketing.
Maybe but let's just check to be certain...
>D3 Publisher
>The same D3 Publisher who made these two videos
Yeah... No, you're being mocked and called a small child.
>“Oppai Rock-Paper-Scissors” System
>Switch - Control breasts to play rock-paper-scissors
>PS4 - Play rock-paper-scissors with Labyrinth Life-exclusive scenes
Yes you get. You just can't touch them.
Not according to Scamco. They said they were advised by NoA to remove the swords. And the censorship of Berseria was not at all similar. Changing one scene from killing a child with a sword, compared to; changing all weapons in the game to wooden sticks. How are those the same?
PS3 yes. PS4 literally has nothing of value for the otaku subculture.
>when your aunt drink too much at thanksgiving again.
>All the families at the end are westerners with soimouths
Based. Fuck Sony and fuck California.
everyone has complained about yumi enough, ok?
Senran kagura 7 was supposed to be the proper serious sequel, but with Sony's censorship, Takaki is not able to make the game.
no matter how you slice it, Sony killed SK, not takaki.
I suggest you to re-read and do it slowly because you got it wrong .
those game made enough money though. Then they got told to stop making them, yet still have to pay for the ps4 devikit ...
I'm not defending Sony, just pointing out the shit your beloved Nintendo did last gen.
Are you nintendo fanboy retarded? Have you seen the shit on FF14? Please get real. It's NINTENDO.
>Switch - Control breasts to play rock-paper-scissors
>PS4 - Play rock-paper-scissors
>Yes you get Oppai Janken in PS4 you just can't touch them
Lol no. Otherwise they'd still say it's oppai janken. You don't get that feature. Mama might spank you if she sees it.
and fuck white people
The small jap games are launched on the Ps4 but totally not a weeb console.
Which part did I got it wrong?
everyone knows perfectly about nintendo's mistakes, and no one has ever forgiven them for that, hell! i want my headpats dammit!
but that doesnt mean that one can recognize that they are indeed trying to set things right.
Wait until you discover vtubers, you'll rage so hard
Maybe next year they can release an Omega Labyrinth Collection on PC. Fuck me why does Switch get all the mystery dungeons.
>white girls think they're nigger girls
alright, what is new
>Making the jap devs write in english
It's fucking amazing how the sjws at sony seem pretty goddamn racist against the japs. It's fucking sony, a billion dollar company, they sure as shit can afford a translator, but they'd rather just tell the japs to speak english instead lmao
>muh pure white women
>your beloved Nintendo
nintendo isn't a person. they changed their president twice since your "argument" post. You are pretty irrelevant, like a Muslim pretending christian crusade excuse terrorism.
>those game made enough money though.
They've had decreasing sales for a while.
They're both called janken.
Decreasing or not they have a market
snoy BTFO
snoy is dead
you don't understand. the censorship is meant to stir the pot. they don't like the kind of people who enjoy this content so they censor it to make them seethe. it's not even a false pearl clutching moralfag argument. it's a war against weebcels
wokefuckers are all for american imperialism when it comes to japan
The person making the call on censoring nip games is deeply concerned about #metoo and thinks anime tits have something to do with Hollywood kikes touching drunk sluts at parties. Whoever made that decision is clearly a woman, so naturally she didn't even consider translating her insane orders for foreign developers.
>Nintendo censored games they didn't even work on, but only this specific one
It's more likely that Square Enix's internal localization team (or whoever they contracted) was behind the censorship in Bravely Default, maybe they felt like they had to change it for the 'family friendly' Nintendo platform, or maybe it was different staff, or maybe they thought it would help sales.
There could be any number of reasons.
I'm not defending Nintendo's first party censorship, that shit was fucking horrible,
but it doesn't make sense that Nintendo censored Bravely Default.
And I agree on that. What I didn't agree with was people pretending they weren't involved in BD censorship.
Stop pushing the blame on Square Enix then, fatass. When it's clear it can't be them.
This is about this gen you cuckold. The Nintendo outrage happened in the past and it got them to change how they do things.
Yes, you are inadvertently being defending Sony by bringing up old Nintendo policies and saying that people were okay with them. They were absolutely not, and it is no different now.
Janken = RPS
Oppai janken = Boobs RPS
This game looks horrible. Like some shitty force PS2 game with no soul
With you? Sure.
They don't actually care about anything related to gamedev or the industry, they only wanted control of SIE solely to shit on Japanese devs because socjus can't touch their gamedev industry the usual ways no matter how hard they try. So they just take control of their primary development platform and hold their ability to release anything on it hostage until they bend the knee.
You'll note that not a SINGLE western game has been held to these imaginary 'standards' and 'policies'. This shit Japanese devs who deal with Snoy are going through is 120% politically motivated.
They're both literally called じゃんけん in both boxes.
>everyone has complained about yumi enough
A bunch of western journalists?
Maybe if you passive aggressive EOP cucks actually raised your voice when you should instead of bitching when the deed is done you could have a point, but you're little shits who can only play victim afterwards and do nothing when it matters most, which is how we all got here.
And you know what makes me even more disgusted? That not only you somehow think Sony's new policies are a personal attack against you when you've done nothing at all to prevent this for years, but that you also believe that you'll be safe if you support Nintendo's slightly less censored ports.
I'll remind you once again, this current turn of events is due to you people being vastly outnumbered by normalfags in putting money to the publishers' mouths and making your voice heard, you keep forgetting that Nintendo was what Sony is now until barely two years ago, you keep ignoring that the pendulum swings depending on what YOU as the customers demand, and YOU decided to not fight off the normalfags and turn Sony into what it is now.
A company goes where the money is, and Sony's money came from dudebros and normalfags, and don't even pretend this place didn't shitpost against the Vita for years precisely because of the games you so gladly welcome now that they are on a Nintendo console.
>Senran kagura 7 was supposed to be the proper serious sequel
After all those years of garbage? Takaki doesn't give a single shit, when even Uppers! managed to have better gameplay and production values than SK and have a better Daidouji on top of it all, there's no ifs or buts, Takaki wasted his chance for years and blaming Sony's new policies for that is beyond pathetic.
>those game made enough money though.
That low shovelware would have made money even by selling ten copies, the sales have been steadily declining for years because the games were so shitty and so low effort not even the fanservice could save them.
>Who the fuck beside Nintendo/Treehouse could had censored bravery default exactly?
Binari sonori localized Bravely not Nintendo.
And one literally says you control the boobs to play(Oppai Janken) while the other makes no mention of oppai and only mentions janken.
It's NoA who was censoring shit and NoJ told them to quit it when they saw people got mad over it.
For Sony the American branch is in charge of everything so there's no Japanese branch that can tell them to quit it and it's also affecting all releases
The category is called oppai janken for both. The difference is you control the boobs on the switch version. This is literally what was written.
They openly admitted their reason is tied to the metoo shit on twitter, so chances are this policy was put in place by some retard obsessed with twitter. Probably some dumb cunt that's still pissed about being trolled by gamergate tweets with anime avatars. The whole thing reeks of petty anger.
treehouse getting BTFO was the best fucking thing in nebtendo history
I'm still mad about the FE petting and Xeno X boobslider
It was published by them in the west.
yeaaahhh.. because after making more fanservice games than regular ones, theres NO WAY that takaki would make a serious game again.
no, absolutely not, SK7 was gonna be another fanservice game, no other way around it! you already saw the game and it was just fanservice!
dude. fuck you. Sony is the culprit here.
>Man, gotta love how all the pictures of "family & friends" are all Westerners
Niggers arent western
Except it specifically says there will be new illustrations for the PS4 version. In otherwords, it won't be oppai janken.
Why are you confirming back what I said?
*hits pipe*
I cannot think or comprehend anything more cucked than having a ps4. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are talking about, waiting for, supporting a console for at least 4 years solely so the real, uncensored version of the games can get released on other systems. All the hard work you put into arguing online that sony is the best, preordering games to support the developers, paying for PS Plus, keeping your PS4 in pristine condition, working towards all those trophies. All of it has one simple result; the games are more enjoyable on other consoles, who will eventually get exclusive content you can never get.
As a man with a ps4, you are dedicating at least 3 years of your life simply to beta test games for another man to enjoy. It is the ultimate and final cuck. Think about it logically.
you are completely retarded user.
Yet I speak the truth. Both versions are called oppai janken.
>the ending
Going to buy this just to support the devs
>After nearly six years of garbage games Takaki gets laid off because he's been doing nothing but trash
Fuck off.
America is full of them and Europe can't stop importing them, niggers practically define the west.
based I'll take two copies
reddit and resetera SEETHING right now
>no controlling of oppai
>new illustrations
Yeah I'm sure there will be oppai in the PS4 version
as long as it gets an english release I'll buy it, fuck those devs are based
>it's a war against weebcels
fucking based
be garbage game continue to be garbage game who gives a single fuck
Yes, it's called oppai janken on both versions. Thank you for finally agreeing on something very literally stated.
PC version when?
Reminds me of that weird crunchyroll western anime, is that it
mother fucker is right there in one you control the breast in the other there's no mention of the breasts and is a Ps4 exclusive scene holy fucking jesus how stupid are you or are you intentionally being retarded becosue your fanboyism is blinding you !?
>western anime
So, a cartoon?
>no no no, we can't have you enjoying things
Yeah, those are the staff. Did that fucking thing ever come out?
What you're seeing here is American policies coming full circle.
>90's: NoA was known as the prudes while SEGA and everyone else weren't afraid of showing violence or skin, Sony being the big face in being the 'mature' console
>00's: Gaming becomes way more mainstream, a flood of non-gamers come in the market, rivaling the crowd the PS1 brought in if not surpassing it
>10's: As more people come in, publishers start to cater to their needs as they bring in the most money while pushing aside the core audience aside, video games are less of a focus as a result. Nintendo remains diligent in providing a good gameplay experience, understands certain games have a niche audience, gradually starts to see releases on DS, 3DS and Switch. Everyone else focuses on non-gaming issues as a result, primarily in the west, NoJ sees their American branch adapting these elements and tells them to cut it out, restructuring occurs. Also had a hand in funding an IP known for its protagonist being suggestive and promiscuous
>Understands the niche crowd wants to enjoy their games without anyone else meddling in their affairs, live and let live.
I repeat: Live and let live. Enjoy your games. Even if I don't care for certain titles, I'm in no place to tell you what to do or like. If only the people in charge pushing for censorship would have that same mindset.
See Different ways to play the same game.
lets hope not
what the fuck is that thing
I think she mistook someone loping a harpoon at her for rape
Funny how that campaign was started by someone that can't pay someone to touch her.
oh my gaawd what's wrong with yer face
you are an idiot.
She is the woman that started the metoo hashtag.
>don't play cringey weeb titty games
>think they're pathetic
>still support their existence and enjoy the devs mocking cucked censorship policies
Does this game have any actual gameplay qualities? It looks like simplistic mobile game trash with tits crowbarred into it.
is not the same game user-kun one is for adults and the other is for retarded adults
It's a mystery dungeon game and pretty decent at it.
Do you like Mystery Dungeon games? If so, this is another one.
Yet they're both called oppai janken.
where is the problem?
Phew, user. Please tell me you banged that old pussy.
Stop replying to the oppai janken troll
difference one is lewd the other is *family friendly*.
english version when? i dont understand a thing
how are they mocking sony
>but Bravely Default is third party
Yeah that was all square and whoever they got to localise it, Binary something or other.
what am I supposed to marry if not a white woman? asian women arent any better
Who haven't touched third parties since the ratings boards came to be.
Lewdity is still in both versions however you want to deny it. It's the degree of lewdity which is the difference, and in this case, it's the difference in control.
They dont even have the same scenes turbo fag
Is it really so difficult to just call them what they are: Japanese games. Calling them weeb makes no sense.
I played Bayonetta and sentence kagura around my family
>those westerners at the end
I just hope they discover that we're not all puritans. I hate this censorship as much as they do
Also they show stock images of american families while talking about this.
Maybe when the Asia-English version is announced.
>How are they mocking Sony
Its not JUST Sony but here's most of the jokes
>Press Conference set up
Made so they can have a journalist ask the following question
>I can't play this game in front of my family and friends because I'm too embarrassed, is there an option for me?
Mocks journos
>The PS4 version is "safe to play in front of your family and friends
Mocks Sony
>Screen roll of gaijin foreigners after saying it's family friendly.
Calls Sony and their fans small children. Also makes it clear gaijin are the one's to blame for this shit.
>no more *plop plap* ever
to live is to die
Defend this tendies!
How can japs be so based though ?
Too bad it won't change the fact people will still buy it on PS4.
Yeah there's no sexual reactions, but there's still boobs and it's still called oppai janken in both versions.
Nah I'll buy the superior version (Switch). Even if the PS4 version is cheaper it's not worth it for me. Gotta show my support for this kinda game.
>So who raped you?
>Oh you wouldn't know them, they go to another school
Defend what?
How Sony used to be cool?
What's the last this kinda game that you bought?
I'd get a switch today if I didn't know that there's going to be a upgraded model any day now
jab at white people too, which is good
>a post about sony
>a picture of Horizon
>a post about youtubers
No they didn't, you fucking retard.
based japanese
fuck california
They know they have western fans. Dream Club, OLZ pailingual trailer having English subs despite not releasing in English. BGP getting A-E release, etc.
That's why you need to look a litle deeper.
>Journalist asks the question
There's a reason they made it a press conference. If it wasn't, the journo asking a question would be too on the nose.
The push for things like "family friendly", "acceptable to play in front of friends and family at home"
>The westerners at the end
They're mocking gaijin that hate niche Jap games.
D3 are shitposters
This isn't anything too new for them
Sonyfornia absolutely destroyed.
Do you know that what you posted is Moero Chronicle, a Vita game that was never released in the west, only got a censored English release in Asia and very recently got a remaster which was only allowed to release on Switch, which was also released in the west and uncensored?
>Have you seen the shit on FF14? Please get real. It's NINTENDO
Bayonetta 2 is also on Nintendo systems. As is Moero fucking Chronicles.
Blame shitty Japanese laws
>Censored release in Asia
user, you're jumbling up the IFI release Monster Monpiece and Moero Chronicle A-E version.
The A-E version of chronicle is uncensored just kinda shittily translated
I'm buying two copies. One for me and one to give to someone else in hopes of getting then into these types of games. I'll do this for any dev that takes a stand against Sony's retarded shit. I'm just waiting for a dev to come out and say they're no longer developing for Sony platforms until they stop censoring their art. Forgive me for using the "current year" argument but I can't believe art is still being censored in the year of our lord 2019. It's insulting
eat shit lowlife
It's also worth noting that platinum wanted to tone bayo down for Nintendo systems until Nintendo said not to
>Monster Monpiece
Ah darn, you're right.
What law? They just don't want to get a Z rating.
Do you like Life is Strange?
so why is Sony allowing the game to be released in any form on PS4?
Yeah, defend it.
Kinda funny though.
Snoyshitters shitpost on Yea Forums.
Snoyshitters get dabbed on in real life.
How will Sony fag ever fucking recover ?
They should honestly leave Yea Forums altogether.
2 hours until the official announcement
I like that game and i also fap to anime titties
Current Year is normally a shit argument since it's just saying "Well it's X year so we should all be Y"
HOWEVER using current year as a case of degrading back into Dark Ages mentality when we should be beyond that is very much valid as there is a measured grounding of each year period that we can propose as possible events
Fuck off Wojak poster.
Those are all shills. Nothing but shills, dude.
>You will never get to brainstorm boob mechanics to add to your game with your based Japanese coworkers for a career
They must be on suicide watch because this thread is pretty clean so far
>calling out pedo
>low life
What's it like to be the most pathetic form of life on Earth? Nasty fucking parasite.
Sony unironically BTFO, this is fucking embarrassing
You're not the Wojak poster.
Ignore resetera baits
They've been raiding us for who knows how long
Me on the left
It's a decent game with unexciting but competent dungeon crawling and a battle system that gives you a good variety of options for team composition. Dark Elf is best girl.
That's pretty great. Since they're releasing a PS4 version anyway mights as well throw them some shit.
me holding the camera
What kind of retard support sony at this point?
Go back to another social media sites unironically if you think what sony do is acceptable or even based.
Leave and never comeback, leave. Let us losers alone. You can use sony service without supporting this kind of practice.
See Just ignore and report
Yeah nobody is buying this game. Not even you on your switch.
Nintendo madd that mistake already, and is not about to drive off that bridge again.
Sony apparently thinks their car will turn into an airplane or something. Whatever the result, it will be spectacular.
I see where you're coming from but impressionable minds (aka retards) will see shit like this and unironically start believing it. "Ironic" shitposting is what dug Yea Forums into this hole in the first place.
For one word posts or short phrases that are obviously meant to be inflammatory you can simply ignore them.
Are Sony fags the worst posters on Yea Forums? Hell I own a PS4 and Bloodborne is probably my game of the generation but how can anyone defend Sony after all the shit they've pulled at the end of this generation? It's blind fanboyism and I just don't get it
Why? Has it dawned upon you that not every white person isn't a retard that wants to suppress nips
Such a wholesome picture. Shame they won't get to reunite at e3 this year
You're right, even in recent times we've already seen that happen with the faggot "have sex" posts. Now you see it on every board as the ebin new meme.
I wont. I don't even care about the game. But why would anyone support censorship? We already have rating board for that. This is power tripping.
Is that show any good
>the photos of normies at the end
Laughing my ass off.
Stay single.
For fapping, yes, quality as a whole, not really
I love it but I'm not hard to please
Pretty sure there is a law that forbids showing nipples on videogames
But those retards already have their own forums to keep their tiny minds impressionated.
I'm considering it, it has brought my attention after seeing how cool the devs are and the gameplay looking pretty fun (I love the mystery dungeon games).
Question, is there romance in the game?
That they like Sony is one thing.
But yeah, shilling and ignoring the shit Sony is pulling while absolutely ruining the board with shitposting is another.
>What kind of retard support sony at this point?
Brand loyal freaks and mtf trannies?
Sony fanboys are the worst because even more than defending sony, they spend most of their time attacking other companies. See the enormous quantity of wojak edits that include sony and nintendo or sony and xbone
>Are Sony fags the worst posters on Yea Forums
They've always been the worst seeing as they've never once cared about games.
If there's one thing japs can't do right, is showing actual gays in a non-gay (full-on yuri/yaoi) game. It's always teasing and "just very good friends!!!" shit. Or actual romance in general, really.
Problem is they want to indoctrinate others.
What's the last game you bought of this nature? But yeah it's pretty cool that the devs paid royalties and licensing fee and break the exclusivity to piss off sony.
Holy crap that was savage.
Based nips.
Cool game
You do know this show was sadly a bait and switch, correct?
And yet they still release a PS4 game.
>Are Sony fags the worst posters on Yea Forums?
At this point I can only think those "people" are actually shills. There's no way anyone would want to keep supporting now. I mean, you can even assume Xbone users don't shit up the board because Microsoft doesn't care about putting shills here anymore. That, and resetera subhumans supporting sony because of californian censorship.
Well yeah, they know that Sony fans will eat up anything. Plus it'll be definitive proof as to how censorship affects sales that fanboys can't deny.
It was actually poking fun at the whole diversity agendas.
>Xbone users don't shit up the board
Xbros are unironically based. I like their Tribal Skeleton mascot. I hope they do well next generation so Sony will fuck off
OH FUCK, a Mystery Dungeon game you say? Might actually pick this up.
There is, for console games. CERO forbids them, all western games that show them get censored in the Japanese localizations.
Give it a try. At the very least you'll have a good time looking at the girls
whatchu mean pham
i only know it is about head sized titties as they should all be
>implying censorship is bad
This was obviously a good decision on Sonys end. Now PS4 players such as myself don't have to feel ashamed infront of our wives children when we play anime-styled games like this.
The sidekick makes it unwatchable, I dropped it episode 3 because she got unbearable. Hot concept though.
Holy fuck. A revolution is coming
Honestly I think most of them are just trolls. They know defending censorship is a great way to get (you)s because it's a hot button topic. Combine that with the fact that weebs are fairly passionate about things normalfags find "cringy" and the potential for baitposting is endless.
Don't get me wrong though, there is also a high probability that someone posting that shit to troll is also a Sony fanboy, the system is popular and normalfags can and do brush the censorship stuff off as "not their problem."
The sooner Commiefornia is nuked the better.
If only the Nazis had won and all these jews would have been gassed.
>mystery dungeon
>boob growth
You had me at mystery dungeon, but the boobs growing is a plus. Would get the not baby basedny version if it got localized
I know you're being silly but My gf bought me my first Senran Kagura game for my birthday. She's watched me played tons of lewd and "embarrassing" shit. It's completely fine. You shouldn't be with someone who doesn't accept you for who you are and they things you like
>the extra where she's huge and the one with kagefusa swinging her tits
went at it like 10 times
>Now PS4 players such as myself don't have to feel ashamed infront of our wives children when we play anime-styled games like this.
Sarcasm aside there are ps4 players that treat their body pillows as family.
>A few missing jpgs.
Kill yourself tranny.
Trannies don't count as girls.
I know xbox isn't very big in Japan, but I'm very surprised that xbox hasn't been reaching out to all these disgruntled devs and offering them a censorship free platform.
Then we'd see how much sonys #metoo values matter when it's directly helping their competition
The modern western family has no values anymore
Women, in general, are the niggers of gender.
What kind of goblina does this to someone she supposedly loves?
That's because Nintendo opts to not release third party games on their systems at all, the ultimate form of censorship is turning down games because of your company image. Nintendo shills are mentally ill
This may be the only time I've ever laughed at a wojak. That's pretty good
>xbone controler
Weeb games = Otaku kusoge pretty much.
It's blatantly obvious that actual sony fans (or should I say former sony fans after this bullshit sony has been pulling) have turned on the trannies and wojak posting shills. Those trannies have been drowned out completely because there's no defending this shit.
>understanding what love is
I would love to see that happen.
They probably signed a deal before this whole commiefornia shit happened and it's too late to back out now.
Jew here. user I don't know at this point but if it takes all the Jews being extinct to prevent shit like this from ever happening I'd gladly go.
Not all weeb games are kuso tho.
At the end of the day, it's an ecchi show, but it tries.
You're there for the glorious tits tho
No one cares about your waifu garbage, turbo incel.
>That's because Nintendo opts to not release third party games on their systems at all
Despite getting most third party exclusives whether they're temporary or permanent.
I would too. I'm really pulling for Xbox next gen. I hope Halo Infinite is good
>we need laws to defend 2D girls from those incels
It was the head guy's attempt at a political message and was more about the evils of money than boobs. In this case, he is very good at drawing funbags and no one cares about his original pitches, so he came up with the manga/show which people were much more receptive too. The bait and switch comes where through the whole of the show and the latter-half especially, the boobs go through much more shrinkage vs actually growing (there's even videos and articles on this) and its much more into political intrique vs the traveling, episode of the week format that it first played itself as.
You're right on this show bringing all sorts of giant as boob-drawing and sound effect techniques, tho.
No one is going to develop for a console that gets only 100 purchases a week. Microsoft tries every console generation with exclusive jap games at launch, but they never push sales.
Next generation could be different, but Microsoft is still a pozzed western company, so don't count on it
>have game almost done
>suddenly Sony pulls off their bullshit and you have to scrap your game
Pretty sure anyone would be pissed.
Your post isn't whiny enough. There's no way you're a jew.
Wasn't this made during the time when the "unbearable" side-kick was included in everything? Usually spunky and young?
You're ok user. I'll spare you and modify your genes and get rid of your jewishness when the day of reckoning comes.
go fuck your granny, filthy shit taste
>Family stock images
I'm dying.
Oh please, even most Jap AAA games are kuso these days let alone fapbait shit like this.
If you enjoy them that's fine but at least have the awareness to recognize that they're low quality games.
I never bothered with an Xbone because I'm more into Japanese games and you know how well that's been on Xbox... But I always seemed to enjoy Microsoft's first-party games more than Sony's. If they could just get more support in Japan, I would have no problem switching back.
Xenoblade 2 was a great game, but it was also weeb.
Imagine unironically defending censorship because you think that corporate overlords are your friends.
Xenoblade 2? More like Xenoblade 20fps.
The first Xenoblade was pretty good but it was all downhill after that.
So what games do you like then.
Xenoblade 2 have a stable frame rate in docked mode.
I couldn't get into the first game, but I really liked Xenoblade 2.
Stable shit. That shit drops down to 15fps at times and the resolution is terrible.
You're all that's wrong with gaming.
While Xbox doesn't have a big Japanese library they certainly have better western made games. I can't stand Sony's western games. I don't know what it is about them but they all give me the same vibe. A lot of them seem up their own ass
It's odd to see a Japanese mock a bigger company in such a way. They are usually more polite than that.
Savage as fuck
Fuck Sony and fuck California. Another massive fire can't come soon enough to that state.
shouldn't be long.
they happen every few hours at this point
Have sex
>You're all that's wrong with gaming
He's clearly not a graphicsfag though.
So what games do you think are great?
Oh no, how dare someone like something you don't like. The horror!
>You're all that's wrong with gaming.
Fuck you, Xenoblade is a fucking single player MMO with fetch quests and boring barren open areas to boot.
And guess what?
It's still gonna sell more than double of what the uncensored version sells.
>girl stays in that ONE pose the entire fucking video
why do japs always gotta do that, nice pictures at the end though
Wow this game looks like trash. This is just generic low budget anime game #3589343056.
It's most definitely going to fade into obscurity when Death Stranding comes out.
is that vergil VA?
Obviously, since the PS4 is outselling the Switch, the higher install b-
Wait a minute.
>It's most definitely going to fade into obscurity when Death Stranding comes out.
>that one where the /ss/ brigade charge on her tiddies
i became the NUT
It's obviously a sprite from the game, no way they would bother using more budget for a trailer
I mean, yeah they should, but with a tight budget can you really blame them?
You can check out the PS4 version!
Imagine defending a corporation that tramples on your consumer rights.
The absolute state of snoitards.
One thing I hope they would have is that the girls would have more than one bra. They all have invidual ones but it would be cool to have more variety for the identification scenes
>don't care
>care enough to hunt and heavily censor them
There’s no proof of this whatsoever.
what a shame damnit
shoulda stuck with titties
>NoJ told them to quit it
No they didn’t but Treehouse is glad you think this.
Aina was a good girl despite being smol
That's funny, and enough of this shit may make Sony realize what a fucking stupid move it was to let Americans make decisions for their vidya, beyond simply designing consoles. I mean, this is the console that hosted "Underage Panty Quest" according to Yea Forums.
But why would you buy either version regardless? Can you honestly nut to this shit? Big tits are cool, but if you just see them in bikinis, even string bikinis, they don't do anything for me. Since the Zeitgeist has changed people will call me a Snoyfag surely, but these kinds of games are shit. Pretend to be a mature adult all you want, but seriously, how can an adult, a weeb one no less, nut to the most boring, vanilla shit while playing some VN-tier game? How does this make you feel glad or superior?
Only interested in this game if theres cunny
Except it's about censorship really.
I couldn't care less about the actual content.
And Sony won't change. They're past salvation and the Californian disease runs too deep now.
This jab is BASED, sure. But people who buy PS4 don't buy those games.
See their line up of games.
Fucking over Japanese devs proved to be without any negative effect, as they either comply or just fuck off.
Japs should focus on PC and Switch, where people will buy and accept the shit without having retards at the top telling you to remove everything because it's anime and "sexy".
SEX BAD but mostly when Japs do it, not WEST shit.
Who did it then? Does your dad work at Nintendo?
Fuck off Endro was great and Very Japanese. Mao a CUTE!
They didn’t quit anything. They go to Japan now and tell them what’s icky and problematic before the game is even finished. They keep in tits but censor the dialogue and anything minor they can. If they keep the tits then no one notices.
I don't understand.
Funny how Sonyshitters call Nintendofags ERA refugees but say almost fuck-all revolving the simple fact that Sony themselves is now pandering to the kinds of people who go to that shitty forum.
>nintendo publishes bravely default in the west
>bravely default is only censored in the west
>"i-it was square doing the censorship, nintendo had nothing to do with it!!!"
damn, you're really going for the gold medal in mental gymnastics.
You know, maybe the black life’s matter group crashing that gay pride parade wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
>Are Sony fags the worst posters on Yea Forums?
no, smashfags are and it's not even close.
The English physical release of Omega Labyrinth Life will be shipping August 1 from Asia for Switch & PS4 - pre-orders are now open!
How the hell do you know it wasn't Square's choice to censor it? Nintendo backed off from doing that to third-parties.
Looks like I'll be preordering the Switch version sometime soon.
>PS4 version only available in limited edition
Looks like they're producing a tiny amount of it.
>I'm very surprised that xbox hasn't been reaching out to all these disgruntled devs and offering them a censorship free platform.
xbox is an sjw platform with full-blown censorship. microsoft would be even worse for niche japanese games than sony's current policies are, because they wouldn't even have the financial security that comes with sony's brand in japan.
You are assuming all Jap games are like anime tit games. DMCV was not censored in Japan, and a patch uncensored asses in the States. The Switch is too underpowered for stuff like DMCV, KH3, Sekiro, RE, Death Stranding, etc. And the PS4 install base is much bigger than PC in Japan. The Souls series is probably the biggest series to hit PC, and the fanbase went to shit as soon as it did (that's another story).
Sony should take a firm stance on this shit and either revoke their meaningless censorship because that way they can at least retain some of the market they had an essential monopoly over before the Switch, or just not publish this shit, avoid getting confrontational with Jap devs, and move on.
I think the only games that are getting censored hard will be anime games, and action games or Jap games with bigger budgets but "sexy" scenes will remain unchanged.
How fast will they sell out? Can't afford it right now
>Japs should focus on PC and Switch, where people will buy
but they don't.
I thought this was a dungeon crawling game
And preordered for Switch. Thanks user. Fuck Sony
>tfw still want Z in english because the girl I like the most is in it and not Life
Same, I'll wait for a bit if there's a official western one coming but I'm not keeping my hopes up. Importing from PA is a pain in the ass but I can deal with it.
I'm sure they make enough.
if nintendo had nothing to do with it at all, why does the censorship only appear in the versions of the game that nintendo published?
> Most games came out way later than on PS4
Ah yeah, you sure showed me. People already bought on PS4.
Is Play Asia the only way to get the physical version?
Literally kill yourself and fuck off back to /reddit/.
No idea, at the moment I think that's the case.
pqube isn't doing this anymore?
Whoa whoa whoa hold up. That SE game from 2014? You do know that was BEFORE Nintendo finally backed down from third-party censorship right?
This is a different game than PQube localized. That game is still in someones harddrive ready to go.
so? even the ones that came out at the same time sold way less on switch. and pc is pirate central. nintendo and pc fans can talk all they want about how they'd support weeb games better, but when they're given a chance, they never put their money where their mouth is.
at the end of the day, niche japanese devs can't leave sony because it's still the only platform where they can be sure their games will sell.
try actually following the conversation. the guy i was arguing with was trying to weasel out of giving nintendo any blame for bravely default's censorship and pretend it was all square's fault.
Still. That was in the past. Whether it was SE's localization bs or treehouse shit, it doesn't exactly matter now. It could get remade for the Switch untouched one day.
Not him, but Builders have sold way more on the Switch.
>and the fanbase went to shit as soon as it did
Stopped reading here and discarded everything I read before. Fucking retard
If right-wingers are the ones complaining about "censorship" then censorship is good. Your president has eliminated 5 trillion from the stock market and hyper-charged the deficit to help the rich, you deserve to have your games ruined.
hate to break it to you, but nintendo has already become insanely arrogant with things like $50 mew, gating all the most useful features in the new mario maker behind their online paywall, shutting down rom sites, getting music removed from youtube, etc.
by the end of the switch's lifecycle, nintendo will be back in full-blown censorship mode. the switch is selling well, people are blindly defending them on all the other anti-consumer shit they've been doing lately, so they'll just keep pulling more shit.
Better post them PC numbers if you want to prove the games sell less on PC
So which eshop can i download the Asia version from?
>by the end of the switch's lifecycle
Yeah that's not happening for a while.
>online features are tied to paid online service
Who would've fucking thought?
>b-but nintendo!
Why are you doing this?
Both political parties are shit and censor games for different reasons, fuck both of them or anyone who thinks Trump/Obama or whatever politician is actually doing good for them, fuck off.
They just choose specific topics like "324239 genders are REAL" or "Colored people are BAD" to pander to the demographic of fucking idiots. The end result is the same, censored shit for various reasons.
I really hoped he dropped those grey tights, got the panties on the side and pounded that cute butt up against the xbox's stack in the back room.
and yet community levels weren't gated behind sony's paywall in littlebigplanet 3. nintendo is just greedy as fuck and wants to force everyone to pay for their garbage service.
bet he probably bought the spaghetti.
>muh president
>somehow related to Sony censoring games
You need to take a break from the internet
haha girls, am i right?
>it's ok when sony and microsoft do it
in that particular case, sony *wasn't* doing it. the only thing you needed a subscription for in lbp3 was online multiplayer. meanwhile, nintendo is holding the entire community/sharing aspect hostage behind their paywall too.
>he's actually a foot fetishist
>she's only doing this to reward him for working so hard
Shh, it's ok Sony friends, just bite the pillow, we promise we'll be gentle, shhh
Why does it matter if you need to pay for it if you already pay for it anyways since you want all your other games to work properly
>defending a shitty dungeon crawler just because it has tits
Don't take their virginity from them
that's pretty funny damn
i don't know man, that looks like a cartoon girl to me.
It's not shit though.
>not defending tits
>defending censorship because you don't like the game
>Dungeon Crawlers were the ultimate chad western genre
>Modern day: most of them are titty simulators
What happened?
>Sony, a Japanese company, forces its Japanese employees to speak English
that's so great. the more devs and fans who push back on this draconian shit the better. fuck sony and fuck Americans
This might make sense if it's a privately owned company who can do whatever they want, but D3P needs to answer to Bandai Namco holdings who own 100% of their stocks.
Can you imagine telling your boss you decided to waste 3 man months just for fun? For a title that's not going to sell many copies to being with?
>most of them
Only some of them. Granted that many of them that are, are amazing though.
New Dungeon Travelers ever?
The fact that the English Asia release on PS4 only exists as a limited edition gives further credence to it not being meant to sell significantly.
They're literally all the same at this point.
See Just ignore them
I don't have the screenshot, but those "people" just plain hate Japan and their people
>New Dungeon Travelers ever?
>Tfw 2nd game localization never
>actual fick even is hat
-Well if you watched the recent anime, it's pretty clear that Takaki was setting up for a more serious SK storyline after the first 3 episodes.
I can't help it, my switchcock wont calm down unless its cracked a few Pony cherries
I wonder what invidual skills the girls have
Based Asuka
Vtubers are based.
He's right though, Yumi is shit.
Replace the bottom picture with a later part of the video where her tits are bigger
At this point Life still has not charted on Comgnet or Tsutaya and the Switch ranking is below 200 on amazon jp. The PS4 version actually do have some buyers, it's at only at the 400+ position. Some of those titles that have no buyers hover around the 1000s.
Comgnet's bottom title is at 10 pts, which probably means 7k or so. And there is only 2 months left.
The ads are just starting to come out now so it may still pick up, but the present state is not looking good.
It also doesn't help that for existing users this is the third game in a series. In Japan, very rarely do you have a sequel that sells as well as the past. The yearly drop of console sales is still there even despite a strong Switch hardware sales.
Someone tell Bronson he's got work to do.
>What is this timeline? Is like the 90s returned but backwards.
Nintendoes what Sonydont.
get fucked westcucks
i don't pay for it. i refuse to pay for online on principle because it's a cash grab scam.
Based but allow me add a comment. It should be fuck all of america not just californians
butthurt americucks in 3...2...
Sorry sonybros bus Nintendo is for chads, while sony is for virgins.
Not jap, CA owns it, AMERICA OWNS IT.
Despite literally not doing that at all this generation. Retard.
sorry, obsessed yuropoor, but the rest of america can't stand california either.
Don't buy new mario then
I'm from South America, which is completely different from USA, yet we still get shat on because of one fucking shitty country that isn't even a continent.
She fucked a bunch of men but somehow it's their fault.
This is it, this is the absolute epitome of America.
The fact that the dick is circumsized too shows just how fucked up America is.
Even Californians can't stand California. These retards are beyond saving.
>continues to bump up housing prices
>game involves breast expansion
>doesn’t even get close to chounyuu
BTW, does anyone know if the identifying will have touch controls?
i'm not. that doesn't mean i can't criticize nintendo's greed, though. especially when the competition has already made the same type of game without the forced paywall on everything, so there's no excuse for nintendo to not do the same.
Where did the webm make it seem like it was their fault? All i saw was a woman who was afraid to commit and fucked a lot of men.
ps4 still best. i'll just get these sorts of games for the switch, even though they aren't good besides fanservice. woohoo!
Gonna be honest though, the main game looks like fucking shit. It should've been released on mobile.
I dont like these games
they just make me horny but don't show any naples or vagene which I am mentally conditioned to masturbate to so this is just blueballing
I have to go look up doujins instead and these games hardly get anything
in fact fuck you for making this thread I'm erect again and I can't fap for at least another 5 hours
He didn't get laid off though, he left for another company and still works on existing SK titles in development.
That's feels.
>more rent control!!!
Despite multiple studies showing rent control hurts
>more affordable housing!!!
Requiring higher taxes for subsidies or forcing developers to create "luxury" housing to offset the cost of the low income units
>stop gentrifying!!!
Leaving developers nowhere profitable to build new units
California is virtue signaling: the state
It really bothers me that that kid is there witnessing such a grotesque shitshow that must be usual in her home
Sick. Preordered for Switch. Sony can eat my dick
Better censor stuff then.
You're just as bad as Sony.