>enter literally any battle
>everyone begins talking at once
>can't hear or understand anything from overlapping dialogue
Wow Yea Forums, thanks for recommending this hot garbage. I guess you guys will love anything with uguuuuu~ eyes and unrealistic tits.
Enter literally any battle
you can turn their voices off
Understanding overlapping voices is literally a basic ability of human hearing.
That might be a sign of serious brain damage, user.
I kind of enjoyed it, but the ending was dumb and you're absolutely right about the battle dialogue. Fucking wanted Adam as the main character, not the diving suit BDSM manlet. Game got overhyped on Yea Forums because of thirsty zoomers who very recently discovered girls make their pee pee hard
The other Xenoblades do this too.
Wait, what? I didn't see this option anywhere, you best not be cheatin me son. And even if it's true, I'd probably only want to turn off that guy's voice, not everyone else's. His is the only one that fucking tears my ears a new asshole.
look at the size of that lads legs damn
I guess you can understand what everyone is saying here, huh user?
Every time I see this game it looks like shit. Don’t get what all the hype is about
in the settings, it's called "battle voice" or something in the audio submenu
Game got overhyped because it's the only good Xeno in over a decade so it skewed peoples' receptions.
I want to fuck Rex
just turn them off you double nigger
I love this game but:
>randomly having super overleveled enemies is shit
>unplayable in handheld mode should have been better optimized for it
>field skills are annoying and shit
>Rex SUCKS as a protagonist
>too many side quests just drag on forever
>Pyra is sexy and all but her design is SHIT! She looks retarded. Mythra is hot without dressing retarded.
too bad you didn't get to experience this gem before pre patch
>>randomly having super overleveled enemies is shit
That's one of the best aspects of the Xenoblade games though, running into level 70s-90s in XB1, XBX and XB2 while you're level 10-20 makes the world feel more real.
I'm so sexually starved from games that force only ugly women
Imagine an actual good game with sexy women
was expecting a Breakfast Club video. Disappointing.
When the fuck is monolith gonna announced its next
god i love morag
i got literal ptsd of rex saying why not a this point
>>>>>>>>>>field skills
Why the fuck we didn't get her in permanent mode for compluting all of the game content
Just admire sexy boys like Rex instead
Only retards who run by monsters without targetting them first complain about overleveled monsters, you can literally run around them and most of the overleveled shit almost always looks larger or considerably more overdesigned than the lower levels mobs
>imagine the girls having such shit taste they find Rex attractive
game got hyped because it had a lot going for it despite all the dumb weird shit
Do they say anything of story importance in the battle banter? I stopped playing this game because I can't stand the dub but I felt like I was missing out since they didn't put subtitles for anything outside of cutscenes when playing in Japanese.
The people that praise it are an unholy combination of shonenfags and tendies. Why would you buy it in the first place? The fanbase especially compared to the other Xeno games gives off every single warning to stay away.
You can also just taunt them to get an specific target so there is no excuse
He’s a hot little piece of ass. You’re the one with shit taste
Nah it's just banter
Nothing of story importance. There's a line between Rex and Nia that's not important but clarifies something that was vague in the story but that's about it.
Except when you're just exploring and then a level 80 enemy pops up behinds u and slaughters your party....
just so
Agree with you on every point but the one about super overleveled enemies.
They make the world feel more alive imo.
Then be aware of your environment.
>people play this unironically
Why do those outfits look so fucking shitty? Why can't japs make normal gear for fuck sakes?
He looks and dresses like shit. Malos was hot. Zeke too. Rex is the only meh looking guy in the game. Even Tora was cuter.
You learn this lesson when Territorial Robart sees you, retard
>SEETHING this hard
Because only insecure faggots judge games on their fanbases. Regardless, the Xeno fanbase hasn't been good in nearly 15 years.
Can we talk about how Jin is a retard when Lora dies. Asshole becomes edgy and becomes what he hated, Almalthus. Lora would of been disappointed
Game is underhyped if anything. Best JRPG in 10 years at least
>ending isn't interrupted by crisis core slot machine
wasted joke
>liking old men past their expiration dates and a furry blob
Jin knows Lora wouldn't have approved of what he's doing. He's too busy hating the world to change his mind before the very end of the game.
I like to compare Xenoblade with Titanfall because outside of gameplay they're both kind of the same similar setting however one actually makes good looking proper aesthetics to go with traversing an alien world.
>Xenogears is the only Xenogears game and it's good
>Xenosaga 3 is the only good Xenosaga game
>Xenoblade 2 is the only good Xenoblade game
if patterns mean anything, there won't be another good Xeno game until Monolith changes the suffix to something other than -blade.
>randomly having super overleveled enemies is shit
No, just no. Fuck off you tasteless nigger
>unplayable in handheld mode should have been better optimized for it
No, it's kino. Getting a random rare blade with a unique personality and quests is awesome. Fuck you OCD completionist nigger who can't enjoy life
>field skills are annoying and shit
Because you suck at the game and are an OCD completionist nigger
>Rex SUCKS as a protagonist
Your mom sucks shit out of my ass
>too many side quests just drag on forever
He actually listens to side quests in JRPGS... what a stupid nigger
Are you implying that Titanfall has a better aesthetic than XC2? That's retarded user. The cloud simulation alone in XC2 has more soul than anything Titanfall series could offer
Game is absolutely based and anyone who thinks otherwise is a no dimes geek
>user likes gacha shit and is racist
Go back
I like your attitude!
It's one of the best ways to judge a game. If something attracts nothing but retarded dipshits it's most likely made with retarded dipshits in mind, so you know to stay away. See: XC2
Titanfall has outfits that don't look retarded though.
But what makes no sense is Mik joining Malos even though Malos killed Milton
Fpbp, OP is not only a faggot but a retarded one at that.
He doesn't deserve Pyra, Mythra, and Nia all being thirsty for him.
You're right about XB2 attracting retarded dipshits; it's gathered quite a large retarded hatebase.
What do you mean?
Xenoblade 2 is the best parody of jrpgs
I refuse to believe that there is anyone treating this story and characters seriously
>Unlock "cancel arts into arts" on Rex's skill tree
>Fully level Mythra's Lightspeed Flurry
I've never played a xenoblade game ever. I'm up to chapter 6 and I'm enjoying it because the decently complex combat system doesn't let me be a casual pleb, the character upgrades are phenomenal (even allowing you to swap out parts in artificial blades), it has blade collecting and wild monster battling reminiscent of Pokemon, it has sexy waifus everywhere and, considering how tiny the switch is, it has amazing beautiful visuals, especially the most fantastical locales like inside Uraya.
>scarf over armor
>not retarded
unironically this, a lot of XC2 is self-aware parody, and it's clearly intentional. Zeke alone is a walking meme, even moreso than Reyn was in XC1.
Ah, a man of high culture I see. Morag is definitely best girl.
I actually wish they made the graphics worse so it could run handheld without looking and running like a turd.
It runs fine in handheld mode though
>just beat torna and loved the shit out of it, even liked it more than the main game in many ways
>kind of want to play main game NG+ now even though I have a massive backlog
Should I? NG+ worth it?
Neck can get cold even for a robot faggot. Less retarded than Xenogear having exposed skin on the legs, neck and arms like Rex.
Want to know how I can tell you haven't played the game?
>user post facts
>you haven't played the game retard
Yikes from me Xenodrone
>tfw no Hikari gf
Instead of having to turn the voices off entirely they should have just made battle one-liners less frequent so that every player hasn't heard them thousands of time by the time they're 1/10th of the way through the game
By the time the windy scythey guy dies I was already fed up and their lines became actual white noise, I felt legit embarrassed playing with the lines on
its the same shit with Persona 4 Golden
You cant hear battle music or characters talking because you have terrible fucking Teddie english VA talking NON FUCKING STOP
TWO ENEMIES LEFT (i didnt even started killing it)
to the point that I was forced to silence dialogues in the dungeons
for some reason tho it only silenced teddie and everyone else are still talking during the battle
turned out to be perfect solution
>unrealistic tits
you should get out more
>still posts these easiloy disproven lies
Hello retard.
Her core crystal looks like it's part of the clothing in the picture you posted
Yep, you didn't play the game.
Thanks for telling us.
not him but gormott is the only area that I've noticed performance issues in handheld mode, and even then it appears to have mostly been patched out since. It still looks like muddy shit in handheld, though, so I go out of my way to always play XC2 docked.
It's not Persona 5 though, so who gives a shit?
>someone posted proof of the game running badly
>*covers ears*
xenoniggers, everyone
Don't tell him that.
Now he knows why nobody takes him seriously and knows how he didn't play the game.
>he doesn't like the extremely excessive one liners during battle
No accounting for taste. I guess
Then post proof that game runs better than the proof user posted.
Come on, do it Xenodrone.
Imagine cum inside her
>Still proving it
LOL, try harder next time.
>Still proving it
>he can't proove it
Yikes from me drone :)
You do know you can turn off battle voices, right?
I've told him that before but he spams anyway because eric
The memory leaked has been patched for over a year, try playing the game next time.
But I ask for proof, where is it?
Glad this was first post since OP is retarded enough not to look at the fucking options.
Game is alright, but there are some flaws. Also it's a general rule that the MC and main love interest are typically the worst part of the cast of a JRPG.
Zoomers always listen to E-celeb opinion, and since Dunkey shat on it, then they hate it as well
Hikari is a legitimately good character though. Better than the dumb smelly cat.
Playing the game is proof, just try that.
I will never play the game because you never posted proof that it runs at constant 30fps in handheld mode.
But gonna pirate the shit and play it on emulator anyway, just not to give money to your shitty developer. :)
>I will never play the game
>But gonna pirate the shit and play it on emulator anyway,
Are you ok user?
>this is the snoyfags most intelligent reply
LOL, why do I just know you're a virgin?
you know, you can hide some of the hud elements in the dlc but cant in the main game... what the fuck monolith
>never play the game on the trash console
>but may play it on emulator on pc
What's hard to understand?
Hikari isn't really the main love interest though. Homura is.
Why you claim to know how the game runs, even if you never had sex
the part where you're apparently going to emulate a game that can't be emulated
I played the entire game in English because I prefer Welsh cat instead of generic Japanese cat making retarded noises.
You can hide the art and blade names in main game, but that's all.
>can't be emulated
>there are no switch emulators
Yikes from me Nintedrone :)
Sperging aside, the frame dip mostly only happens in Gormott. Outside of that, every area runs smoothly. Even then, that was a year ago, and the newer patches fixed the frame dipping issues, a lot. Most people tend to play XC2 docked anyway, because handheld mode is truthfully garbage for most games.
>because handheld mode is truthfully garbage for most games.
But user, the xenodrones are trying to convince me that handheld mode is as good as docked.
Maybe you're wrong about that and didn't play the game properly.
>1,5 years and Yea Forums still seeths daily about xc2
I am well aware of yuzu, and have used it before, as such I can tell you that XC2 cannot be emulated in yuzu
FPS wise, yes it is now.
What's the problem with the kid? Is he a super special-snowflake like Sora?
Be careful with all that mouth breathing. You might just damage your brain, even more than it already seems to be. If you want to emulate it, then play the game already instead of sperging like an angry child who got corrected.
Handheld mode isn't as good as docked, period. Putting aside the frame rate, the graphics take a dip.
Mik joined Jin, not Malos.
>unrealistic tits
Nigger it’s a anime game. What’s supposed to be realistic about anything in this game?
imagination is pain
>xenodrones are trying to convince me that handheld mode is as good as docked.
literally where? all anyone has done is correct you about the framerate depicted in your outdated shitposting pic. The game is absolutely worse in handheld and most people recommend to only play it docked, including in this thread.
The tits. It is very important that the female bodies, especially the tits, be realistic. Keep in mind that what would be considered "realistic" in this case is limited to a B and under.
Because things men find attractive are bad.
>the worst one at that
That's the guy who "reviews" games after not even completing the first chapter completely.
Hiding behind "muh humour" when called out.
>randomly having super overleveled enemies is shit
Enemy aggro range is easy to predict so you can easily avoid them.
>unplayable in handheld mode should have been better optimized for it
I know for a fact this isn't true cause I played in handheld mode for 10 hours minimum in my last playthrough.
I won't deny that
>field skills are annoying and shit
Story railroading into field skills is inexcusable. I think it's fine for secrets.
>Rex SUCKS as a protagonist
>too many side quests just drag on forever
Not really.
>Pyra is sexy and all but her design is SHIT! She looks retarded. Mythra is hot without dressing retarded.
Both have retarded body proportions. They're fine otherwise.
Xenoblade Vouchers 2.
Why are xenogirls so into Nintendo merchandise?
Dunno, but these vouchers gave a massive boost to xbc2 in Japan. It gas been dancing in the top 10 downloads for two weeks.
The voucher that trigger the haters.
>you will never play XC2 for the first time ever again
those comfy early days, bros....
nah hes right, every city has framedrops and every battle resolution drops, the performance is trash. also there is a patch that forces the game to run at 720p and is a slideshow, even with max cpu/gpu clocks.
Once again, don't play on handheld.
I call bullshit on that, the game does not run 720p handheld, like ever, and performance was improved.
So, is Xenoblade supposed to be Nintendo's Final Fantasy?
its on docked mode. dont belive me? check the graphics threead on gbatemp, some people even disable all the shader effects with barely any improvement.
just started another playthrough and im at chapter 5
out of curiosity is there any way to get op early? or is the crit heal stuff late game?
I play almost exclusively in handheld and the only cities where I've noticed framedrops are Torigoth and Theosoir (especially during Godfrey's quest).
On the topic of the Switch, and it's handheld capabilities, I really wish they developed these games with docked mode in mind. In general, Nintendo needs to make a proper console. The handheld aspect of the Switch, really holds it back.
You can use Crossette and Corvin from the start, and you can get pentagon chips from stuff in Gormott. You pretty much have to go full pentagon on the final ch3 fight on BoC mode.
After that the strongest stuff you can get early is probably gold chips from the flying fish in Temperantia.
Why do people always compare the two series? Outside of Monolith Soft being connected to Squeenix, and Gears being conceived due to internal issues with FF7, the two series aren't even that similar.
Because pretty girls = great advertising. Is the actual reason why the ending shitposters use to derail threads happened, killing your extremely marketable girls is retarded.
Both are jrpgs with games in the series being in completely different world with little to no connection.
that's even more bullshit, then, as the game uses dynamic resolution (forget the exact range it can be, I think it can go as low as 540 but max if definitely 900, not 720), and I have never encountered framedrops in towns whilst docked, only in portable mode and only in Torigoth/Gormott region. Do you have even a single source on your claims?
totally forgot about the dlc blades (its been a while since ive played and i beat the game before torna came out)
I also just realized you can unlock shulk. wtf
>Both are jrpgs with games in the series being in completely different world with little to no connection.
You haven't played Xenoblade, 1 and 2 are very connected.
i got lucky with kos-mos and telos
though im not sure how to use them properly
You never start your complaint with the overleveled mobs.
They are there as a filter to retards.
Guess what that makes you?
Wait, where do you get the pentagon chips in Gormott? I'm stuck on the Vandham fight and been grinding side quests.
We know, Mythra.
You've got to be a real tryhard dumbass to not now a settings feature that is present in 99% of vidya that has voice acting
I have and that is an overstatement.
Outside of the ending there really isn't much of a connection.
And X still stands by itself.
Only thing is that there are a lot of marketable girls. Being marketable is one thing but I prefer if it doesn't get in the way of a story/character.
the "people" here thinks that this is okay and funny
stop listening to them retard
At the bottom of the waterfall on the path back up there are a few crab enemies. Keep something with invincibility frames ready for when they hit 50% because they will nuke everything in front of them.
>Outside of the ending there really isn't much of a connection.
You haven't played the games.
did you even read my post? you can change most graphic settings with a simple patch
>I have never encountered framedrops in towns whilst docked
if you want video source the digital foundry analysis shows big framedrops in towns while docked
>Outside of the ending, there isn't much of a connection
That's an over simplification, honestly. The entire events of both XC1, and XC2 take place because of Klaus's actions to create a new universe in the Orbital Elevator. That directly sparked Shulk's adventure, while simultaneously destroying his own world, and eventually causing the events of Torna, and Rex's journey to Elysium to save the world from ruin. X however, is on its own. I wouldn't be surprised if Takahashi tried to connect them, as a prequel in some way, though.
That was patched almost a year ago, don't be a retard.
Who's the artist?
How many times are you going to ignore the fact that this was fixed in the recent patch?
Neat, thanks. BoC really is fucking hard. There should have been a hard but not too hard mode. It's just vaguely annoying that it jumps from normal to assrape with no inbetween
ah the digital foundry vid from launch, when the game has had like 10 updates since then.
I have played the game for over 200 hours and never encountered this scene. Literally when does this actually happen in the game?
The two universes we've seen are intricately linked, though. Everything that happens in XC1, effects XC2's world, and vice versa. As seen when Klaus literally fades away, when Zanza is slaughtered by Shulk in his universe.
do you have a source? because none has fixed the framedrops
Oi, watch it
literally just play it on latest patch and see for yourself
You keep asking for a source, but the game itself is the source. You're using footage of the game having frame drops near its early release, when there's been multiple patches since then. You could google them yourself, if you actually cared.
There's hints and clues before the ending that Xenoblade 2 is connected to Xenoblade 1, there should have already been redflags when Mythra gave Rex visions of the future against Akhos and Malos.
I believe there's like 2-3 flashbacks where they explicitly show the Earth turning into a white light scattered throughout the game.
are those pubes sticking out ?
Optional sidequest. Specifically Kora's quest. Context is that Kora and Mythra have a "girl power" off and the loser has to do an embarrassing dance. But they just end up pissing off the party enough that they both get forced to do it anyway. It's more a lighthearted fun sidequest.
Okay, maybe I was being a bit harsh.
Lore wise they are very much linked, but to me the actual connection felt quite tacked on for 2.
It felt more like a last minute plot twist than actually wanting to be clever when linking the worlds together.
don't think I have that blade
>Unironically JRPG of generation
Shota harem games are inherently shit, user. This is even a shit isekai game, which begs the question, why does it exist?
It's all good, user. I too agree that there should have been more connections, but I was satisfied with what occurred, for the most part. All I wish now, is for XC3 to properly wrap up the plot, and be a quality title. I assume Ontos will return in 3, since he was presumably warped away somewhere when Shulk declared for a world without God's. He didn't say a universe without them, though. So..
Elektro gatcha blade, unless you're joking about playing dubbed.
She is the one next to Mythra in the "japanese humor" webm
This one. She's a gatcha blade so you might just not have gotten her yet. I wasn't aware of Electra for like 3 months since I never got her even after rolling Kozmos and Zenobia
>It felt more like a last minute plot twist
Play the game, there's hints in the early game and scattered throughout the mid-late game.
I want to lick those golden pubes.
>Posts a wojak tier shitpost
Saying XC2 is JRPG of the year/decade is an exaggeration, but you aren't any brighter. Fuck right off.
I haven't seen a thread for this game in like a week, what happened to you guys?
I can't think of any outside of Rex slaying that corrupted blade monster, and discovering the ID attached to it. I was on the train that believed that said creature was a corrupted form of Galea, since she ends up dying sometime during the late half of XC1 as well, before Zanza. Any other hints, though?
Which ones?
There were plenty to the world tree's true nature, but not really any hints that scream definitely XC1.
And no, foresight alone being in the game isn't a hint to me.
I mean, does it exactly matter? We've been having nonstop threads for over a year now, almost daily. I'm glad they've begun to slow down.
>T. Sneaky shitposter.
Rex is the most special of special snowflakes, he fucks up all the time and every single character still sucks his dick no matter what, and he gets everything he wanted in the end.
Even God himself and final boss talk about how he's such a good boy and he could have solved all their problems had they known him earlier.
I like that last one. Pyra isn't hot at all when you think of how shit her design is and when everyone is a 10/10, no one is.
Hopefully the waifufags are finally moving on.
>Anyone that doesn't gurgle my favorite game's balls 24/7 is a shitposter
>Even God himself and final boss talk about how he's such a good boy and he could have solved all their problems had they known him earlier.
Wich makes sense in the context of the story, don't even pretend otherwise.
You just describe it in a way to make it look worse.
>that one time Rex wanted to run away from his problems
>everyone stopped sucking his dick and forced him to go fight his problems
Damn it, that boy could had been interesting but he's always just doing whatever everyone else wants him to do
Malos pulling out a Monado
Two flashbacks in the mid-game that show the Earth and then a flash of light.
The foresight cutscene.
>And no, foresight alone being in the game isn't a hint to me.
The entire point of the foresight cutscene was to establish the plot thread that Xenoblade 2 may be connected to Xenoblade 1, foresight doesn't come into play at all after that.
The context doesn't matter, he's still a super generic character that gets his dick sucked the whole game.
The only reason he was able to do what he did was pure luck, he was lucky enough to get a magical sword that fought for him, he doesn't deserve all the praise he gets just because he's a standard naive optimistic shonen protag that would forgive a murderer.
he literally says he can't forgive the murderers, though
>meh meh meh, Tora Tied.
Everything Rex accomplished was through helping people with their issues, go back to watching Dragonball.
Malos's sword only looks like a monado
And he still hesitates to kill the final villain.
>foresight doesn't come into play at all after that.
That's exactly what I mean by it feeling tacked on like a last minute plot twist.
You could remove that stuff and it would barely alter the actual plot of XC2.
Even the origins of the world could be the exact same, just without the other dimension.
That one you could actually defend, he does use Monado arts.
Malos literally fucking yells MONADO CYCLONE in battle you fucking retard
And he was only able to help because of his magic sword GF.
He's completely useless on his own, yet the party acts like he's Jesus.
At least in Persona the MCs have something only they can do, Rex is just shit all around and gets praised for it.
>he doesn't deserve all the praise he gets just because he's a standard naive optimistic shonen protag that would forgive a murderer.
We're talking about Rex, not Shulk.
He outright kills the final villain even after saying beforehand that he wouldn't kill him though.
didn't know that. never bothered me enough to search for it though lol
Their personal issues you fucking moron. Rex's big power-up was just helping Pneuma over her existential crisis, nobody expects him to be Goku.
>He outright kills the final villain even after saying beforehand that he wouldn't kill him though
Which is why I said "hesitates", they do this to show he's still concerned about the bad guy because he can't have any faults, he has to be the good boy who can't possibly do anything wrong, like murder a bad person and not care about the poor dindu.
And he helped by being a naive optimistic shonen protag that's literally too stupid to hate anyone, that's the only reason people in universe have for sucking his dick, because they're depressed sacks of shit.
he said that because he knew the true nature of Malos, that's why.
The player is supossed to feel the exact same.
Are these threads finally dying out? I didn't see a single thread yesterday.
Anyone with eyes can tell this design is dumb as fuck. People too blinded by big tiddies.
>Naive optimistic protagonist
Did you miss the part where he lost Pyra, and almost gave up on her in his depression? He doubted himself many times, from Chapter 6 onwards, and straight up told Malos that the world was a shitty place that you have to live with. Sure he's optimistic, but that doesn't really make or break anything.
And it's bullshit because Malos was a huge dick throughout the whole game.
>yet the party acts like he's Jesus.
They act like Pyra/Mythra is Jesus.
The game outright says to you numerous times that anybody else probably could have been the Aegis's driver and do it better, the entire point is that Rex isn't special. Even your party members and various good guys bring up the point that a skilled Driver would probably make a better Aegis Driver than Rex would.
All his designs are ass.
I can understand waifufags defending Pyra, but people that defend Rex's design have to be mentally ill.
OP is literally gay confirmed
Doea torna not set up rex as the only true driver for hikari though?
I'm a shitposter for stating the truth..? We barely have much to discuss, and rarely do we get proper comfy threads with discussion. Otherwise, it's the usual boogeyman business, or people bashing the game in general. I'm surprised we've managed to have so many threads after all this time, honestly. They should have been dead until the next project announcement.
That's my point, being naive and optimistic is his only real character trait, regardless if he's an episode about depression, that doesn't make him a unique character, most shonen protags are exactly like that, the big 3 were, even.
It's still important, it makes Malos different from just a generic genocide villain.
The cabal doesn't listen to anyone that goes against the "XC2 is the best JRPG in a decade and still gets daily threads" narrative, don't even try.
It doesn't set up anything. Mythra loses control of her powers, and because of the overload, she gets to see years into the future. I personally disliked the allusion to Rex being her true partner, because it kills the point of him being a normal boy.
even just nia's voice makes the dub the superior option.
Imagine being this dumb
If it was a random fluke that she saw the future then why did she she rex in particular? Why the comment from Jin about finding her true driver in the future?
Nah, it makes him a shit villain.
The "It's just in my nature" excuse is just an excuse, they're still a threat to world, and don't deserve sympathy.
Do you feel bad for Lavos from Chrono Trigger?
Here's your 2017 game bro
>Best and most based characters
>meh characters
>Shit characters
Xenoblade 1 says that you can predict the future by looking at the flow of ether, so the future was determined.
Lets be honest, if you could convince Malos to not kill everyone and become your boyfriend, you would.
>The cabal
What happened to XC2DF? You know that if you replace one buzzword with another we can still tell it's you, right?
Basically this. The entire Spirit Crucible event in Chapter 7 makes a point that literally anyone could have been the Aegis Driver, and would have done it better than Rex. The point was though, that at the end of the day, he was able to connect with Pyra as a person and understand her grief, instead of treating her like an ancient weapon to be controlled. That's why he succeeded, for basic communication and understanding. Addam was a noble from the advanced Kingdom of Torna and hailed as a legendary hero, but he couldn't even understand Mythra due to his fear of her power. People give Rex a little too much shit, even if I find most of his character boring, and his design retarded.
pretty decent taste
Homura is fucking boring and shit tier. You all just want to fuck her despite being as interesting as a plank of wood.
It's not a Xenoblade game if every action in battle isn't punctuated by insane amounts of random dialogue and chatter.
Why does everyone praise Rex for being a normalfag, but I never see anyone ever praise the X protag for being Elma's generic grunt lacky? He/She's probably the most realistic protag in JRPG history, because he/she's the JRPG equivalent of Japanese salaryman.
But it wasn't just in his own nature, that's the entire point of Malos as a blade.
He just got dealt a bad hand.
I've seen the term XC2 cabal around here quite a few times now, actually. The point still stands, that people are overly protective of the game, and or threads. The threads have been repetitive garbage for awhile now, though. I can't even count all the times they've been derailed, or clowned upon because of someone shitposting.
If the x protag was voiced people wouldn't shit all over them.
I've seen people praising Cross for being like that.
Not super common, but it happens.
Because it's no longer about merely defending XC2, it's about spreading a narrative.
You used to be able to know when to trigger skills or a topple/smash in the first one via their battle cries alone when it was only 3 characters and few mobs.
Now it's 6 characters plus sometimes tag team bosses so it's a fucking mess, that's there's an announcement and a dramatic zoom in whenever there's a topple/launch/smash activated.
I wonder if those people even watch left and right before crossing a road. How they can even function in life is beyond me.
The X protag isn't even really a character, and shouldn't exist. Elma is quite literally the MC.
Bump Pyra down one notch, and you have the most accurate list of characters.
Or one retard posted something, and suddenly a million people go "muh defense force!"
You#re literally being worse than what you are claiming to criticise.
That's most JRPG villains, you wouldn't feel bad for a man that killed your family just because he was raped by his father every day, would you?
Dear lord that ponytail is god tier
That does make me wonder though. How different would the events of Torna have been if Addam had Pyra instead of Mythra? Pyra is basically treated as perfect and liked by everyone, while Mythra's personality was much more offputting at the time. For that matter, would Rex have ended up connecting with the aegis if it were just Mythra?
The narrative that shitposters like you keep destroying our threads out of spite so they get pushed to /vg/? Of course we're going to be paranoid and call anyone we see even remotely mentioning the threads being excessive a shitposter. Fuck off already, Xfag. I've outed you 6 times in the past week. Take your friends with you back to discord, before I kick your ass.
"People who are overly protective of the game" is synonymous with "People who don't agree with me when I say something bad about the game" at this point.
That's the thing though, it makes him even more realistic because he's literally you.
99% of people would be him in that situation, you can't be the real protag, you'll never be someone like Elma, and even then, the only reason she's above you is solely because she knows things nobody else knows.
Don't get that defensive, not everything is a shitpost.
Just limit it to actual shitposting, somebody saying it is good these threads have slowed down after two years isn't it.
There's a literal XC2 defense force that does discord ops to defend his name though.
Homura is basically a modern day Tifa, so yes, she is the most popular girl.
If there's one positive thing I can say about Rex, it's that he has good taste in hairstyles.
I feel like things may have played out differently, but who knows. Addam would have likely still felt tension, and immense pressure as the Aegis Driver. Rex probably would have had a harder time getting closer to Mythra, since she doesn't have as gentle or understanding a demeanor as Pyra. Interesting question, though.
The best Xeno protagonists are as followed
Fei > Lora > Shion > Rex > Elma > Shulk
Or unless you're one of those people who consider Jin and Cross the protagonists
Fei > Shion > Cross > Rex > Shulk > Jin
I haven't even seen a XC2 thread this past week, outside of a waifubait one I got deleted, so that's a lie.
Fuck off Xfag, nobody believes in your discord boogeyman.
Sure I would. You can feel pity for someone while still wanting to see them punished for their actions.
Fuck off number 1 fan, nobody believes in your discord boogeyman
Because when you lose your waifu, you lose control of your laifu
Do you autistically live on Yea Forums?
because otherwise that makes no sense.
Lora is kind of a boring character. Jin and Rex are more memorable.
>This high in the charts
If we're talking from a character development standpoint, I really don't know why people always rate her so highly. I like her, but she doesn't fulfill much outside of her death acting as a catalyst for Jin's despair, and continued distaste of humanity. Elma being lower than Rex is especially questionable, since she had a lot of characterization in her affinity quests. Most people probably see her as the "hardened military vet who loves humans", and don't look any further than that. To each his own, though.
In that case you're a cuck.
Bad people shouldn't be pitied just because they had a bad life.
You also shouldn't feel bad for killing a man that's literally waging war against the world.
Yes, I've said this countless times before.
Why is Shulk so fucking low?
This is the point, at this point it's a small circlejerk of dedicated fanboys who snarl and lash at the tiniest criticism, and if there isn't any critiqueing going on in the thread its just 1 "I want to fuck that cat" post every few minutes so why not get pushed to /vg/ at this point?
No we're blinded by the delicious skindentation you absolute pleb
Well it would assume that Pyra is canonically on Mythra's level of power, since otherwise everyone would have just gotten straight-up fucked. It's hard to say if much of it was due to Mythra's personality from Addam's perspective though, since he still acknowledges that she is capable of growing and being a decent individual.
That actually bothers me about the whole 'split personality' thing. That is, Mythra actually is capable of being understanding and showing compassion. Pyra is basically Mythra but stripped of the 'negative' traits. Personally I feel like Pyra should have been more flawed in other ways as a result, like being too passive and submissive. Regardless, it could be argued that Rex may have still been able to break through her shell, instead of just having easy mode since Pyra is so blushy crushy for him from nearly the start.
>Fei > Shion > Jin > Elma > Rex = Shulk
Fixed your list, bud.
Not him but to me, Shulk is the most one-dimensional Xeno protagonist behind Cross (for obvious reasons) and he's an even bigger walking Shounen cliche than Rex is, which is saying a lot considering how fucking cheesy Rex can be.
Do people even find Shulk interesting outside of
>Muh epic revenge, Homs rise up we need to slay Gods!"
Because they know a good deal when they see one like Rex, for instance
Don't tell them to go to /vg/, they get really pissed at that suggestion.
honestly Fei is the only decent one. If Rex and Shulk are generic male protags then Lora is a generic female protag. But I'd say Jin counts more than her, and he'd be right under Fei.
So I guess I'd say Fei > Jin > Elma > Shion > Shulk > Rex
We're not going to go to /vg/, and I'm sick of you shitposters trying to suggest it. We aren't breaking any rules here, and single player JRPG's don't even hold up long on that board outside of the first couple months of their release. You'll never push us away from Yea Forums, fuck off Xfag. I told your seething ass to cope.
Shulk is Rex but with more shonen cliches and less anime cringe
The English voice acting is horrible
I agree about Lora.
Obviously she's not going to get as much development as your typical MC because Torna is so short, but even considering that she's pretty basic.
Sadly that was actually where he had potential. But then he finds out Fiora is alive and does a complete 180 in an instant.
See? He called you the boogeyman, just because he disagrees with you.
One time, the mods banned his ass, and he tried to convince everyone Xfag had a mod boyfriend.
Swap Elma with Shion, and I find this nice. Honestly though, Jin is a little too high. He has two major points of development in his character. The first being his grief after losing Lora, and choosing to consume her heart to live on, so he won't forget her. After that, the only other major instance where he grows and comes to an understanding, is after clashing with Rex and finding peace with being a Blade. He's a good character to me, but he's kind of overhyped.
I think outside of Rex and Pyra everyone does ok, it's just the fact they are the MCs and they have such a monotone unenthusiastic delivery on dramatic scenes that pretty much ruins everything.
You absolute retard! Who the hell goes to Yea Forums asking for an opinion for a sushi game? All the fucking webs are gonna tell you to play just because MUH WAIFU!
Because 2fags are disingenuous fucks who can't stand that 1 does some things better than 2
This is fair, though I'm going based on their own games, so Jin within Torna in itself. That said, I feel like there's still a pretty big gap between Fei and everyone else, although one could argue Fei isn't actually that unique by himself.
To be fair, that probably fits for Pyra.
Do people not know what the "Settings" options are?
This isn’t a solution. You literally can’t hear what anyone is saying. Pretty sure fucking xenoblade 1 did this correctly and everyone took turns talking, or at least it wasn’t as much of a clusterfuck.
There’s no excuse for this.
Where did this come from?
Lmao there are so many people screaming at once that it sounds like you’re in a daycare center. Some enemies have things they say when they die in battle (like rikki or tatsu) which you can’t hear because of the shit sound mixing.
You’ve never even played x
1 does so much things better than 2, but characters isn't one of them. I'd even argue that X's cast is more fleshed out and more interesting than 1's cast. Only Riki and Melia end up getting meaningful development
That is true. Due to the fact that Mythra split herself into a form that embodies all the right traits, it's hard for her to really grow as a character. Despite this though, Pyra still harbors and shares the guilt of what happened in Torna, so she's suicidal and questions her place in the world. Even to the point of sacrificing herself at one point, and being okay with wanting to die. She still comes to the realization that life is worth living, and she has a place to belong, so in the end it all worked out. Her character is a little awkward, due to her split identity, though.
>Ardainian soldier in the top right
I forget, are they popular in Japan independently or did the Japs pick up on the dub memes?
XB1 had a fair bit of overlapping dialogue too, but it honestly sounds like they just stuck with the same dialogue frequency in 2 without accounting for the fact that the average fight has double the number of speaking characters in it.
>I’m a completionist nigger because the game locks content behind gacha
Kino indeed! KIINO! Do I fit in yet?
Shulk is honestly not that great. He's the ultimate example of a lame character salvaged by an absolutely god-tier dub.
Putting his sperging aside, there have been multiple times in the past where people have bashed XC1 while overly praising XC2, and vice versa. They both have their strong points, and bad points though, so whatever. I easily prefer the Bionis/Mechonis over Alrest, though.
>He hasn't played Xenoblade GB
The meme is at least somewhat known over there, but I think they have their own popularity beyond that.
I never got Dhalia or Kos-mos........
>Lame character
I'm starting to think that people don't even rate these characters based on their development, and more so them being "cool", or less trope flavored than the other. Rex and Shulk might as well be the same character, except one is essentially an adult, and an introvert, while the other is an optimistic shota.
to inflate your play time via endless grind
This. 90% of XC2 "opinions" are from Youtube "comedians"
Because then the fact it's a Persona ripoff would be too blatant.
I really don't see why they didn't make more quest related Blades.
>I'm starting to think that people don't even rate these characters based on their development, and more so them being "cool",
You're only just realizing that now?
because setting up sidequests to obtain blades requires more resources than just dumping a blade in the gacha and calling it a day
Fuck off Persoylentfag, this is a Xeno thread. Don't you have a P5 thread to be jacking off to?
>Implying I didn't
because people love gacha games, so they must also love it in their jrpgs!
Worst decision in the game, by far.
Struck a nerve, huh?
I've been aware. It just occurred to me again, that most people could probably care less about proper character development, to define characters.
Shulk is considerably less developed than Rex is,.
I like Shulk more as a character but his development is as flat as a board. He also spends most of the game pulling asspulls out of his ass while Rex spends more than half of his game getting beaten by villains and slowly getting stronger.
That's Xenoblade 2 GB, I'm talking about the first one.
I told you to get out. I'm sick of Personafags derailing our threads with their Smash nonsense. Go discuss Royal, or something.
Nigga wut?
Just ignore Personacucks, they will die down if you do that.
I wouldn't necessarily say he utilizes asspulls to get lucky, since the Monado practically does allow him to see the future and avoid most hazardous situations. I can see where people think he's less developed than Rex, though. Outside of his major jump from a dork, to a revenge obsessed character, he doesn't really grow much. I really did like the segment where he sympathized with Egil, and refused to kill him, though. For as much credit as people give Rex, he doesn't really change much until he loses Pyra. I wouldn't say losing frequently makes him more developed, or anything.
Shit this makes me want to go back to X. Enemy aggro ranges were fucking obscene sometimes, and trying to explore as much of Mira as possible at level 15 while stealthing around and running the fuck away from everything was one of the most fun experiences I've ever had in a video game
I am talking about Shulk's development, though. It's incredibly shoddily done and he basically becomes a different character a third of the way through the game without any real transitional period, which is a shame because there was a lot of potential there that got swept under the rug.
imagine giving enough of a shit to defend this garbage game online.
Just say "fuck you I liked it" and move on you sperg weeaboos
Not him but I remember being told this, and it doesn't work.
"Battle Voice" is the narrator that says stuff like "Awesome" and whatnot. It doesn't affect the party members.
I got used to it eventually, but you would think the devs would have noticed at the start of the game when you get ambushed by soldiers.
I know this is a simplification, but
>Starts out as a shy introvert
>Loses Fiora and shifts to revenge mode, driven by his anger to kill the Mechon
>Reunites with "Fiora", actually Mayneth, and questions his journey
>Skip to the Mechonis, Shulk starts to realize that Mechon are actually Homs and tells Dunban not to kill Mumkhar because of this
>Proceeds to face Egil, refuses to kill him, and sympathizes with his revenge since they're very similar
>Reunites with Fiora properly and vows to get her body back to normal
>Loses the Monado and realizes his true potential
>Homs and the people of the Bionis don't need Gods to dictate their fates, they can progress on their own
I don't really understand why people say his transition was awkward, though. I mean, no shit he's going to stop being an angry sperge since his girl is still alive, and they've uncovered the truth behind the Mechonis.
At least those two got fixed eventually.
Even if the memes were great before the patch.
XC2 in general noticably needed more time/a bigger team.
Imagine giving enough of a shit to bash this garbage game online
Just say "fuck you, I hated it", and move on you sperging autist
damn, he mad.
The settings are game voice and battle narration - the former is the one that turns off the party member chatter, the latter is the narrator. It's so you can turn off the announcer while leaving the other dialogue on, or vice versa.
My problem aside is that really Pyra just seems completely unnecessary. They did nothing interesting with the concept of the Mythra/Pyra relationship, and anything plot-related she does could have just as well been done by Mythra.
How does shulk get any less meaningful development than rex? Both are relatively one note people (which isn't uncharacteristic for anime media) but Shulk genuinely grapples with the weight of his actions against machina and the nature of his enemies and gets some really introspective moments later in the story. And both get asspulls via reality warping magical blades (monado for shulk and pyra/the blonde one for rex) but atleast shulks asspulls tie into gameplay and become a part of his regular arsenal like visions and monado arts he learns in cutscenes whereas rex's asspulls like the slow down time shit with blondie only gets brought out in a few cutscenes only for him to get his ass kicked anyways with it later
>Hating on based Tora
xb2 ost is amazing- that is all, peace
The fuck is this gif
Shulk and Rex are equally uninteresting, honestly. How we went from Shion, to either of them is concerning.
Yurifags will have their day of the rope soon
>there are people who play with the voices off
>I don't really understand why people say his transition was awkward, though.
Because you left out everything between
>Skip to the Mechonis, Shulk starts to realize that Mechon are actually Homs and tells Dunban not to kill Mumkhar because of this
>Proceeds to face Egil, refuses to kill him, and sympathizes with his revenge since they're very similar
which is just some weird limbo state where, instead of transitioning between the "FUCK MECHON" mindset and the "the Mechon are cool guys" mindset, Shulk and the entirety of the rest of the party just immediately jump from the former to the latter with barely any acknowledgement from the narrative or the characters themselves. Not to mention the fact that Shulk's development got irreparably ruined when he made the retarded decision to spare Metal Face, which by all means should have gotten the entire party killed, but got bailed out by a deus ex machina.
Shulk isn't even fucking one note stop saying this. He displays a full spectrum of emotional depth over the course of the fucking story from murderboner swearing death and jihad against his enemies to identifying with his foe and everything in between. Jesus christ what does one-dimensional mean to you people
>there are people who don't play with cutscene voices, battle narration and game voice turned off
There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing as a manlet, plenty of games star manlets who do great things.
Malos and Pyra ARE Monados.
>there are people who play this unironically
>there are people who play with cutscene voices, battle narration and game voice turned off
absolutely horrid
I don't remember the monado being a big titty waifubait for bottom of the barrel otaku trash to fap over and flock to this series and start pretending they actually gave half a shit about it before now.
>there are people who like videogames
I do and it is one of the best games I have ever had the fortune to play blind. Same goes for XCX
the overlapping dialogue is really terrible in XB2. I don't know how they fucked it up since battle dialogue was just fine in XB1.
I think when people say asspull, nearly every major story battle before Shulk went to the Mechonis could be defined as
>bad thing happens
>somebody's about to die
>Shulk is useless or doesn't know what to do
>suddenly Zanza/Monado gives Shulk a new Monado art that Shulk instinctively uses without knowing better and saves the day
Rex still gets random power ups, but they're not nearly as frequent or as asspully as what Xenoblade 1, a lot of his victories in major story battles in the first half of the game were utilizing abilities that he, and the player, already knew was in his arsenal, either saving the day because of his grappling hook or Pyra and Mythra shooting fire/light beams that we already knew they had.
A good example of this at similar points in the story is in Xenoblade 1, Reyn is about to die, Shulk is helpless. The Monado suddenly gains Monado Shield. Shulk doesn't know what's doing but uses Monado Shield and saves the day. While in Xenoblade 2, when Morag and Brigid are attacking the party, Rex recalls that Brigid is weak to water due to being a fire blade and coordinates with Pyra and Poppi to topple a water tower using Rex's own intuition. Rex wasn't even strong enough to pull the water tower down so he uses Poppi's strength.
A lot of conclusions to Xenoblade 1's early game story arcs would end with Shulk getting a mysterious new Monado art that saves the day. A lot of conclusions to Xenoblade 2's early game story arcs would end with Rex and co either succeeding or getting BTFO, but playing to eachother's merits and strengths.
then you simply are a retard who didn't pay attention.
Because Alvin is a prime twink, so husbandobait.
Can you just admit that you don't like Xeno games and only like Xenoblade 1? Because you obviously didn't give a fuck about this series until Xenoblade 1 came along if you're complaining about waifubait and otakubait in a Xeno game.
Husbandofags actually care about the quality of games unlike waifufags.
>Using Tora
Why would you do that when the evasion tank is superior.
you are fucking retarded
Xenoblade 1 was boring as fuck, where did you get the idea that I thought it was only good game?
I'm specifically talking about the Blade games by the way, there's no "Xeno" series, the creator said this himself, Gears and Saga were their own thing.
there are double the amount of characters active in battle than there were in 1, and they didn't adjust to compensate for that, so it's just a clusterfuck
even worse in fights like the one with vandham and the other two drivers in chapter 3, where you've basically got 12 fucking characters (3 drivers with one blade each VS 3 drivers with one blade each) all screaming over each other
the fights in XB1's first half weren't ALL like that. stuff like the final battle with xord and the big telethia in makna were done using skill, not asspulls
Better JRPG already took that spot
So you never got to the halfway point of Xenoblade 1?
Because there's a female Monado in that which is technically TWO big titted robot women, being Fiora and Meyneth.
Also, this is official promotional art and was reprinted in the art book.
when were double D tits considered unrealistic on a slender girl? do you people not go outside?
Not even remotely true. Husbandofags can be just as retarded when it comes to that stuff as their counterparts, there's just less of them here so you don't see it as much.
>randomly having overleveled enemies is shit
I mean this is all anyone needs to see to know your opinion doesn't matter but
>Rex SUCKS as a protagonist
He was legitimately a breath of fresh air when developers lately have felt a constant need to make their protagonists brooding fucking twats with edgy backgrounds.
Defend this
>Husbandofags actually care about the quality of games unlike waifufags.
I don't remember Fiora and Meyneth being chained to you the entire game, and having the whole plot bend over backwards for them.
I also don't give a fuck what the artists do in their spare time as long as they keep that shit away from the game.
The biggest asspull of Xenoblade 1 is how Shulk came back to life with little to no explanation beyond lolalvis
XB1's revival asspull is justified more in Xenoblade 2 when you learn Alvis is likely the missing Aegis and did the same thing to Shulk that Pyra did to Rex.
Shulk was a little pussy here. Absolutely no balls, pathetic.
But they don't "immediately jump" to anything. Egil and his forces on mechonis are still their enemies but they realize that they never had the full picture. The time the game spends on the mechonis hand is time spent grappling with the realization that this whole time their perception of their foe was completely off. And sparing metal face doesn't "ruin" shulk's development its a facet of it. The whole game up till then he thinks the army he's fighting is made entirely of soulless automatons which is completely different from killing another homs. It would have made even less sense for him to immediately make the decision to kill another human being for the first time instead of grappling with the weight of stepping over that line it like he was doing. And I keep seeing "it should have gotten the party killed" but why? Ofc he would save them with Visions if he can see it coming, its not a fucking deus ex machina when that power was been built up and established for hours and hours of gameplay and story by that point.
So you admit waifufags eat up this shit game just because there's cow tit girls in it?
Every Xeno game excluding Xenoblade 1 is full of what you're complaining about.
>I don't remember Fiora and Meyneth being chained to you the entire game, and having the whole plot bend over backwards for them.
Then you didn't play Xenoblade 1, because the main driver for the plot is Fiora. Literally everything Shulk does is to avenge or protect her, and the central conflict of the game is between Shulk, Zanza, and Meyneth.
>a dating sim
Persona was a mistake
One one hand Mumkhar not getting the glorious villain ending he desperately wanted and just randomly dying to a piece of rock is nice.
On the other, that's a really stupid motivation and it required Shulk to be a complete moron to make it happen.
>dating sim
Why does the cabal keep spreading false rumors about games they've never played?
Xenoblade and X don't use waifufaggotry as a clutch for poor story and casualized gameplay like XC2 does.
>and is racist
Who cares? Liking gacha is way more egregious an offense than being racist ever could be.
And Fiora is assumed to be dead the whole game, so she never really gets the time to become generic perfect waifubait like Pyra is.
lmaoooooo, you fags played this gem with english dubs ??????????
>Xenoblade X2
>important cutscene
>Lao makes it known to the cast that he's still alive
>Lao suddenly pulls out a bizarre fantasy sword with moonrunes in the middle
>The Black Knight walks out from around the corner
>there's a glowing link combining him to Lao
>The Black Knight removes his mask
>Alvis introduces himself as Ontos
no thanks
XC2 has better gameplay in every single way, endgame X is a fucking joke.
Oh, and don't forget Elma
>this gem
Go back to rebbit
Sure she does. During the prologue portion she's literally his childhood friend love interest from the start. Then once she comes back the game doesn't hesitate to remind you how wonderful and strong Fiora is for enduring such a horrible predicament, all while it keeps faking you out with how something bad will supposedly happen to her.
They're both generic perfect waifubait, just with Fiora being a bit more outgoing while Pyra is more reserved.
>poor story
Wrong series
>casualized gameplay
But X is the easiest Xeno game?
Regardless, Xenoblade X was marketed on waifufaggotry in Japan, just like every previous Xeno game before it. Only in America did the advertising campaign mostly focus on the story and world.
Pic related was used to sell Xenoblade X and it features a mech and characters (hot anime girls) who aren't even in the game.
>And Fiora is assumed to be dead the whole game
You see her at the 1/3rd mark, you liar. And she joins the party at the halfway point.
>XC2 has better gameplay in every single way
If you're too stupid to know how to balance arts and need everything spoonfed to you.
>don't forget Elma
Elma was less annoying because she barely speaks.
yes it's a masterpiece and you're a pleb if you think it isn't
>so she never really gets the time to become generic perfect waifubait
They literally introduce Fiora the exact way they introduce generic waifubait in romance anime.
>close-ups on face to establish moe
>protagonist-kun, I've made lunch for you!
>You better like it, baka!
>Black Knight isn't Malos
Fake and gay.
The reason Fiora was so cliche and waifubaity was to make the fake out death more shocking.
That never happens with Pyra, she just IS generic waifubait.
I was referring to the term gem, nothing to do with the actual game, which is 7/10 at best by the way.
>That never happens with Pyra
You didn't finish 2 did you?
>The reason Fiora was so cliche and waifubaity was to make the fake out death more shocking.
but her death is telegraphed as fuck and she stays that way even after she comes back
Stop spreading this false narrative, that was a single piece of concept art from an assload of unused concept art in the artbook, nobody even knew it existed before the artbook was released.
>too stupid
X is fucking trivial as shit, COPE harder.
It's easily the most casual Xeno game, don't fucking kid yourself.
How is Fiora not generic waifubait?
She's more generica than Pyra is. Pyra is at least openly suicidal and is constantly deceiving Rex until like the last two chapters of the game.
>And sparing metal face doesn't "ruin" shulk's development its a facet of it
You're missing my point. Shulk sparing Metal Face in itself is fine and fits his character at that point in the story.
The reason it ruin's Shulk's development (as well as Dunban's an arguably the entire party's) later down the line is because the action has absolutely no consequences. Metal Face just conveniently kills himself immediately afterwards anyway, which is a massive cop out, and then everything related to that sub-plot is swept under the rug and never given more than a passing mention again.
It's early concept art that was used as promotion art, actually. It was actually on Nintendo's website for Xenoblade X before Xenoblade X even released.
>It's okay the story is shit because this series is shit!
Jesus Christ, what did XC2 do to this fanbase?
Is defending your favorite game so important to you you'd shit on the entire series just to make it look better?
I've seen this art a lot but only now I've noticed it looks almost like the Ares 70. Not quite, but close
It's unclear if she's gonna be a villain when she's revealed, it's only when she joins does she revert back to original self.
I didn't say the story is shit. There is no Xeno game with a shitty story, except for maybe Xenosaga 2.
Yeah, and that made her "death" more shocking, you wouldn't expect them to kill off the generic waifubait that's in every JRPG ever, it's a deconstruction, something that's unheard of to XC2's narrative.
>claim she's "dead the whole game"
>she's around for the vast majority of it
>now claiming "b-but she's only generic waifubait for over 50% of the game!!"
Nice goalposts, faggot.
It doesn't matter if she's better or worse, she's not shoved in your face the whole game like Pyra is, or has a sob story you're supposed to care about and somehow fix her perfect mommy waifubait status
You mean her death in the last 5 minutes that undone literal minutes later?
>It's unclear if she's gonna be a villain when she's revealed
Not if you've ever seen any similar plot point in anything ever. That's the problem with Fiora; her entire existence is cliche as fuck.
>You wouldn't expect the generic waifubait to start the entire plot to kill herself, it's a deconstruction, something that's unheard of to XC1's narrative.
Fiora's death was hyper predictable, don't even pretend it wasn't
Any proof of that claim?
>she's not shoved in your face the whole game
Yes she is. Once again, she's Shulk's entire character motivation. The game even has a subplot about Fiora swooping in and doing every romantic thing Melia should have done seconds before Melia tries it. The ending sequence of the game is a POV shot from Fiora's perspective where she goes and talks to every living named NPC.
The moment she joins is practically endgame, not 50%
Shit already went down, and is entering the final act.
But we can all agree that at the end of XBC2 where they just come back and everything is fine fucking sucks yeah? Shoulda been straight up dead, just Pneuma, or the girl you picked in chapter 8, but they went with the most cowardly option available to them.
Outside of XC2, Xeno never does cliche plot points, you'd expect her to be the final boss and have a tragic ending.
XC1 and 2 had to be happy and perfect instead of a real Xeno game, like X and Torna.
>moment she joins is practically endgame
You can't be serious...
>The moment she joins is practically endgame
Mechonis Arm is the 50% mark of the game, since you still have Field, the city, the backtrack from Colony 6 up the stomach to the arm up the head to Alcamoth back to Prison Island and then to space. So essentially the entire game all over again, complete with the Alcamoth nuking adding a fuckton of sidequests.
And the reason it's OVER 50% is because she's also there for the first chapter of the game.
You just went full fucking retard. Plenty of JRPGs kill off love interests or female childhood friends to give the protagonist a motivation to do what they do.
Regardless, Takahashi has said numerous times that Xenoblade 1's story is meant to be a typical shonen story.
It's unarguably the most generic and by-the-books story of any Xeno game, with its saving grace being its absolutely god-tier writing and execution.
Xenoblade 1 is written the way it was because Takahashi felt depressed and burned that Xenogears and Xenosaga were failures in his eyes, and that he wanted to be less ambitious. He fucking apologized for Xenoblade 1's story beforehand and has expressed afterwards that he's uncomfortable that people praise Xenoblade 1's story for as much as it is.
Xenoblade 1's meant to be a really great, but generic take on the stereotypical JRPG story.
Xenoblade 2's meant to be tongue-in-cheek satire on the stereotypical JRPG story that eventually goes off the rails and become serious as the plot picks up together.
One of the biggest charms of the original Xenoblade is just how by-the-books its plot is. There's no deconstruction or subversion, it just wants to tell a really good JRPG story.
>He kills himself
Actually, the ground around the area was unstable from their battle. Shulk warned Mumkhar, but he was too stubborn to take his aid. It doesn't ruin anything.
>though XCX sucked dick
>genuinely enjoy XC2
>best selling XC game so they’ll make future games more similar to that unlike XCX which flopped
>XC2 makes Yea Forums seethe to this day
Honestly it’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Fuck XCX again btw. Don’t forget, it’s the worst selling Nintendo Xeno game ;)
So you're saying her being a perfect waifu is cliche, but somehow her sudden death is also cliche?
Does that mean Pyra not dying in her first chapter was somehow a twist to people like you?
>The moment she joins is practically endgame, not 50%
She joins at the beginning of the second act which is the halfway point of the game.
>Xeno never does cliche plot points
Xenogears was literally aping the trend of post-Eva anime in the 90s.
The entirety of Xeno games' stories is fanservice to the anime that Takahashi enjoys.
It really, isn't. Mechonis is only the second half of the story, or the Climax. It's nowhere near the ending conclusion. She's with you for quite a long time.
>Xenoblade 2's meant to be tongue-in-cheek satire on the stereotypical JRPG story
The cabal never accepts this narrative as the truth, and they openly attack people like Joseph Anderson when they use this argument.
>All this Reddit spacing
Did you expect to be taken seriously, Xfag?
So you're saying it's shit and he's a hack?
No, her death was predictable and not really the narrative deconstruction you claimed it was.
Dead waifu is the oldest revenge plot in the book.
"They killed my wife and kids!" is a cliche for a reason.
I hope cross is dead as shit and the main character is hb
No. It's part of what makes the Xeno series so good.
How is "Rex-kun touch my chest" not as big of a death flag as "Shulk eat my boxed lunch"?
So if XC1 gets remade with more of the original Xeno vision and references included, how do you think it would alter the story?
>xfag worships ecelebs
I thought you hit rock bottom long ago but you manage to outdo yourself every thread.
because it's not satire, even if it has a lighthearted and tongue in cheek tone a lot of the time.
>shitposters worship hamsterson
No suprise here, you love the retard king
So ripping off famous works, or doing short "I clapped when I saw it" gags on them like a Family Guy episode is good writing?
But I like Xenoblade 2.
>reddit spacing
Literally a /qa/ meme meant to out newfags like you who unironically fall for anything if you slap "reddit" in front of it. I could call something a reddit apple and you'd stop eating apples you faggot.
Lurk at least two years before posting
Are you drunk?
"Touch my chest" is not "I want to die now".
Women only look like that if you try to touch their boobs, don't project that.
>"It's lighthearted tongue in cheek satire"
>"Why does everyone get pissed when people call it satire then?"
>"Because it's not satire you retard, it's just tongue in cheek and lightheart!"
Jesus, XC2 fans are special.
He's actually connecting XC1 with the original Xeno vision and references, the story's already been altered, look at the changes in Xenoblade 2 where they retcon some aspects of Xenoblade 1 to bring in the Zohar and introduce the Trinity System (which works similarly to the Deus System and X's Lifehold system).
He could have literally just died of a heart attack for no reason and the plot would have been unchanged, the actual way he died is irrelevant. The fact is that he is conveniently removed from the plot without Shulk or anybody else having to bloody their hands, and all of the consequences of Shulk's actions go with him. That's fucking terrible writing.
My point is that if dumb waifufag signs are death flag, why is not a death flag when XC2 does it?
"Good writing" is subjective, and always will be. Everyone has different tastes, and knowledge to experience works differently. I don't know what's so hard to comprehend about this.
>hate this game at first so much that i sell it
>its actually extremely comfy and memorable once the tutorials end halfway through the game
>story is actually fairly unique
>11/10 OST
>tiger tiger is literally better than the main game
because satire exists to mock, it's literally in the definition.
XC2 is more of a light hearted love letter, only retards think it's one and the same
Xfag is responsible for more than half of the posts in this thread and you are all responsible for enabling him.
Riki falls in love with Shulk
The death flag isn't Shulk eating the lunch, it's Fiora going on about how she "hopes things are always this peaceful" while that's happening.
Are you legitimately retarded?
Fiora's death was predictable, like vandham's death was.
Maybe get your brain checked, logic really isn't your strength
I see what you mean now, and I agree for the most part that its a cop out. I just disagree that it isn't an event that shulk's character builds from going forward in the story, as it and other events culminate in him deciding to spare Egil as well.
How does me acknowledging the fact people hypocritically shit on a guy for using an argument somehow mean I worship him?
You're responding to a completely different user.
I didn't, you mongoloid.
maybe stop being a fag for a second and start having sex.
Joseph Anderson is a fucking retard
someone post the picture of his book titles, where one of the covers is literally another book inverted horizontally
What "consequences" are we talking about, exactly? The Metal Face plot line was complete. What do you think was supposed to happen? For Mumkhar to slap Shulk's shit in, and make him face responsibility for killing a bunch of random mook Mechon before encountering him? Don't be silly.
Because the threads are so dead that's literally the only thing to talk about.
>He fucking apologized for Xenoblade 1's story beforehand and has expressed afterwards that he's uncomfortable that people praise Xenoblade 1's story for as much as it is.
You post this everytime with 0 source, stop pastaing this in every thread until you come back with an actual interview or something
>Xfag is responsible for half of the posts in this thread
Actually, I've been masquerading as him to spread chaos and discord, simply by calling people his name. It's a little ridiculous how easy it is for people to respond, though.
Not really, one person said that and you latched onto it to defend your god hamsterson.
Then you're exactly the kinds of people I was talking about, you see someone say satire, and get triggered.
He defended the game's shitty story by calling it satire, which goes against your narrative, so why aren't you attacking him now? Why reply to me, instead of the man who said it?
“…there are times when I want people to be more critical.”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Iwata Asks: In Conversation with Takahashi & Sakaguchi (2011)
“…in terms of my own personal goal–my vision of an ideal game–I’d honestly have to say that it’s barely 5% of the way there.”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (Nintendo Power, 2012)
“To be honest, there are times when I think I’ve atrophied as a writer since the Xenogears era.”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (Nintendo Power, 2012)
“I often find myself thinking, ‘One of these days, I’d love to free myself from these sorts of restraints and write whatever I truly want to write’”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (Nintendo Power, 2012)
“I couldn’t figure out why they would care so much about a game like Xenoblade Chronicles when they had so many superior RPGs to choose from in the West.”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (Nintendo Power, 2012)
” [I’m] grateful for the game’s positive reputation, [but I and my team] didn’t set out to make Xenoblade Chronicles into the company’s magnum opus. It was made to be an experiment”
– Tetsuya Takahashi, Interview with Tetsuya Takahashi (Nintendo Power, 2012)
>XC2 waifufag telling someone to have sex
You can turn them off, they never say anything important anyways and the gameplay is good
>Honestly it’s the gift that keeps on giving.
It really is, in more than one way
>shitty story
What's shitty about it? It's the most layered and complex Xeno story with the most conclusive arcs since Xenosaga 3.
I was the first guy to bring him up in this thread, and only as example of someone that got shit on for using that argument, not because I "worship him"
I never watched any of his videos outside of that Mario one that Yea Forums was talking about for a week.
I guarantee you that erasing Mumkhar, or the journey to the Fallen Arm in general would have easily made Shulk slaughter Egil. Both events were key to Shulk being able to humanize the Mechon properly. I don't agree with you, but I can understand your point.
Not him, but Mumkhar's convenient death spares the party from actually having to figure out how to deal with him if they're not going to kill him.
Fiora's death was predictable, but so was her survival. Vandham was introduced a bit further into the game and wasn't someone's waifu, so he had a much greater chance of staying dead.
I've seen this design around a bit. Is it an abandoned design from the artbook?
because people gave him the benefit of the doubt he just idn't know the definition of satire.
You latched onto it, so you get shit on, you fucking retard.
Because it's a cliche and boring standard shonen anime story.
Literally any SNES JRPG had a more interesting story.
That's some good BTFOing
I tried her as a permanent Blade and eh, she's alright. It kinda sucks losing access to Mythra and her crazy crits and making Pneuma permanent and switchable in battle prevents you from using the Dpad from switching between Blade Combo elements. She also doesn't have any favorite pouch items, her Trust value is the same as Pyra and Mythra's but she's stuck at E rank (a 0.9x auto-attack multiplier which brings her set 1296 auto-attack with the Tertiary Sword down to 1166) since she doesn't have any nodes on her Affinity Chart. Rex calls her Homuri/Pythra when using her (maybe he also says Hikara/Myra if you chose to call her Mythra but I don't know about that). She also has the benefit of having the fastest normal cooldown time of any Blade and gains Affinity far faster than other Blades. She has no walking animations outside of battle and uses rough artwork of Mythra for her Blade portrait.
Another version of her exists without the "wings", and she has Field Skills, but she T-poses and the game freezes up if you try to draw the Tertiary Sword (which is always glowing and active and doesn't have a programmed inactive state).
>Minecraft #1
>Shovel Knight #3
These games are old as shit. Why so much love? I've always wondered why they love Shovel Knight so much in particular. It's a wonderful game, though. I've played the Specter Knight story, about 10 times now,
Best boy.
It's in the artbook and it's also a reward you get for finishing Torna and the main game.
Why do people give him the benefit of the doubt?
Simply because he defends XC2?
That's bias.
Yeah, I can tell. You're not very discreet about it. You really think these threads need even MORE retarded bullshit?
XC2 is so loved it even gets many fanarts of the proto designs
>it's also a reward you get for finishing Torna and the main game.
Got any pictures? I didn't buy Torna, because I already have a backlog of really long JRPGs.
>That's bias.
No, it's because you're a retard who deserves to be shat on at every chance people get.
This isn't a court of law, bias means nothing.
>maybe he also says Hikara/Myra if you chose to call her Mythra but I don't know about that
There's no Myra clip in the English voicerip, so it's likely the same no matter what name you choose.
Then they would have spent even more time trying to give his plot line focus, when he was already irredeemable enough as it is. It's an unnecessary nitpick, and his ending was absolutely fine.
Unironically speaking, coming from somebody who enjoys Xenoblade 1 more, Xenoblade 1 is an even bigger cliche and standard shonen anime story.
Xenoblade 2's story is akin to late 90s JRPG stories like Lunar and a much lighthearted Xenogears.
XC2fags are so easy to mess with and so autistic about their mediocre JRPG that they're practically asking for it, it's like that one bullyable kid in every school.
Not to mention XC2 getting cucked out of everything while P5 is whore'd out to this day gives even more spice to start a war between the fanbases.
>Takahashi stopped making more mature story lines with character arcs that had more depth to make shonen shit Blade titles, with absolutely boring story
Dude, why
Oh I thought you meant a skin. Yeah I knew her from that concept art.
Why would you instantly assume someone who uses the term "satire" to defend XC2 on Yea Forums has more of a ground to stand on then someone who shits on it like Joseph Anderson?
The answer is bias, you can't handle the fact someone would defend your game, while in your eyes, not "get it"
having kids ruins everything
Nah, you're just a retard who can't read my precise explanation.
Lunar had more of a grand adventure vibe, I say it's more like the original Xenoblade than 2.
>(Nintendo Power, 2012)
This is not how you cite a monthly magazine you colossal idiot, 2012 is an entire fucking year of releases, all anyone will find with this is other posts citing this exact same nonexistant quote from a nintendo power that no one knows
It helped him making better actual *games* though. That's an important part as well.
He felt burned after Xenosaga's failure and wanted to make something much less ambitious since Monolith needed to calm down since the team was noticibly upset.
That's how we got Xenoblade 1.
Xenoblade 1 was really successful so it ended up getting a sequel; so Takahashi is kind of hand-tied in having to create more shonen games, but he still snuck in small tidbits and snippets of what made pre-Blade Xeno so good into 2 and X.
You're the one assuming a guy defending your game must just be retarded and not understand the word satire, because in your eyes, anyone that uses the term satire to defend XC2 must be wrong.
You're acting like anyone that plays XC2 is on some higher level of intelligence then anyone that doesn't, kinda reminds me of Earthbound fans.
you've never even seen titanfall you stupid weebnigger let alone played it
everything from the mech designs, to the skyboxes, to the level laysouts, to the ambitious use of at least one new crazy mechanic every new level
Titanfall 2 is more soulful than most shit v will ever play but they wont touch it because "I'm a gamer with good taste I would never touch a studio-made fps game! I only play gacha and VNs like a real patrician gamer!!"
>Metal Face stops being a threat to the party, so they don't have to deal with him coming back to kill them ever again (and, again, if Shulk had continued preventing the party from killing him and he hadn't conveniently offed himself he probably would have succeeded in killing the party at Galahad Fortress, which isn't addressed)
>The moral dilemma of whether they should kill him or not because he's a homs is dropped
>The moral issue of Faced Mechon in general being homs is dropped (even when Jade Face shows up later the party is more concerned that he's somebody important to Sharla than the fact that he's a homs)
>Shulk and Dunban's conflict about how to handle the situation is dropped
X was pre-Blade to the core.
Yes, he and you are both idiots.
But you are especially retarded.
Maybe you have a few too many chromosomes.
>knowing what the word satire means is higher intelligence
LOL, you really are retarded.
Stay in school, kid.
Yeah, you're seething. Cope, Ryan.
You finally admitted it, you finally admitted he was wrong for defending XC2 because he defended it "the wrong way"
The fucking cabal and their mindgames.
Not at all, largely due to the lack of fantasy elements and not much time in space, and how it's not story focused. A lot of it's strictly hard sci-fi too, while Xenogears and Xenosaga dabble into """magic""" and mysticism.
I should really expand this for Blade X and Blade 2.