I know most of you hate this game and i want to know why. The world looks nice, the lore is amazing (i know it‘s changing many things of the original games) and it has some well written quests (at least better written than those in Skyrim). You can name me a shill, i do not care, but this game is pretty good.
it was bad on release many years ago something something
I know, that‘s true to be honest, a catastrophy.
It is a half-hearted MMO bringing absolutely no innovation whatsoever. All mechanics are copied from other online games. The graphics you are praising are actually terrible for 2019. ESO is an obvious cash grab and it seems like Bethesda's plan has worked out well. This game would have been just another average dime in a dozen MMO were it not for the ES tag. Also, holding up TES6 for years is pissing people off.
Weaving is tiresome and I hate the stat system. I want more freedom making a class.
the gameplay is shit
>skips animations and completes 3 skills in a second
>nothing personel kiddo
What an absolute embarrassment.Can even do that in PvP where animations matter the most.
It's an MMO that forgot that MMOs are supposed to be multiplayer. Just a waste of time.
It does a lot of good things for an MMO, like having a ton of ways to build your character, very immersive world, the guild trader system, etc
TESO's strongest suits are immersion and flexibility. and the knowledge that it isn't owned by a greedy korean corporation that could axe it at any time
>owned by a greedy korean corporation that could axe it at any time
Floaty combat. Fugly armor designs which goes with all bethesda rpgs. Limited animations from the late 90s. Does nothing to innovate mmo genre while adding its own issues. The list just goes on. At least the other bethesda rpgs had mods to save them from a lot of issues.
The only good thing about it is that you can buy&refund dlcs on steam and retain the access to them because developers fucked up the connectivity between your steam and game accounts.
I'm not the target demographic, It's a multiplayer spin-off to a single player franchise, Like 76 and GTAO it was built for an easy buck. Might be different if they had soul.
I hate the classes and choosing a class makes me feel like I'll miss out if I don't use those skills
Also tying damage to your stat so the only thing to do is max stamina or magicka killing hybrid builds. Also no magicka options on a lot of skills like 2h or dual wield
The male character models all look like shit.
go and stay go
>Dozens of free DLCs, zero paid ones
>Every singe in-game item can be bought with legitimately earned in-game cash, no need to spend IRL bux ever
>High-level content rewards skill over grind, allowing a party with good team play to earn 11+ millions of shekels in about 2 hours, this is more than the most expensive shark card (that costs 100$ and gives you 8 millions of in-game cash)
Do not even compare GTAO to this shit, it has its own problems but it is miles better than any DLC-based """f2p""" MMO today.
the game is super comfy
but the combat meta is so fucking terrible it made me drop the game
>wanting to be a female
I think you should go there user.
Don't get me started on GTAO, Cunt. It's a fucking tumor to the series and its eventually going to out grow and kill it
Does the combat/healing feel more like WoW, or feel just like an elder scrolls game?
Then why the fuck are you playing it so much, cunt?
I love GTA, Even the shit ones.
I can’t get a clear answer or not, if you drop 20 bucks on this game can you basically play most of it single player? Or do you constantly have to buy more and more stuff to see everything f
It's nothing like WoW.
it's an online game
If you like TES lore and world you will love the game. Otherwise I don't know.
So according to yourself, you are either a lying faggot, or a massive shit-eater.
Take your pick.
While I will continue to enjoy one of the greatest multilayer games with my dudes.
It's trash, And i can probably kick your ass in it, What level are you anyway?
>If you want to see TES lore and world getting butchered by a 3rd party team of lazy ass writers\designers that have never played any of the previous games except for Skyrim you will love the game.
>Otherwise I don't know.
Morrowind is my favorite TES game and ESO is the second. I hate Oblivion and Skyrim.
>GTAO is about levels and random pvp
Ah. I see why you hate the game, kid.
You should play COD instead, it has all the features you desire.
My level is 473, not that it means anything in a game where unlocks end at about a level 100
How can anyone who has ever played Morrowind be content with castrated, low-effort and generic version of Vvardenfell presented in ESO?
I am genuinely curious, because it was one of the reasons why I dropped the game.
How is it "generic"? ESO is the only TES where devs aren't pussies who afraid to put some crazy lore shit in an actual gameplay.
Controls are wonky. The classes are wonky. The pet controls are garbage. Personally I'm only interested in these 3, so if they can't get any of them right, I won't play them. Before you guess, I own the game and have played it for ~5-6 hours.
>some crazy lore shit
>Slavery BAD
>House Dres BAD
>Drugs BAD
>Necromancy BAD
>Vivec GOOD
Yeah, that's pretty crazy of them, I don't even know how they got away with such unorthodox themes promoted in their game.
combat is clunky and boring