ITT: The worst gaming communities
ITT: The worst gaming communities
Isn't Hbox that faggot that plays jigglypuff?
All of them.
The best part about that image in conjunction to your post is that UNIST's community is comfy as fuck, so it's a double hit.
Yeah he's the reason Melee is so fucking boring to watch.
Did they honestly assume that they could just be on EVO forever? Like they must have known that eventually they'd get pulled.
Yea Forums
You can't /thread yourself, retard.
But you're right. /thread
>You can't /thread yourself, retard.
Hey newfriend
Splatoon (closet furries)
Xenoblade 2 (weeb faggots)
Persona 5 (waifu fags)
UNISTiggers are delusional if they think they're a good community
>why aren't we at EVO yet!
>unga bunga
>Yuzuriha bathwater
>Eltnam JAV
>mocked smashfags instead of being the chads that would be happy about getting more recognition
>threads are about the girls and circlejerking lobbyfags
>ps4fags mocking pcfags
Bunch of niggers the lot of you
>Closet furries
>Not closet pedos
Smelee players are an embarrassment
Yea Forums
anything waifushit related, those are the worst
I’d say undertale but that’ll only bring trouble
But Unist is in Evo unlike melee which has to stick to kids parties and meleefags have to be reminded to wash themselves!
I'm glad that the Undertale Fandom being shit became a meme so everyone in the fandom got embarrassed and stopped talking about it so now we can actually talk about how good it is again.
t. seething smashcuck
Do Melee fans actually shit on other fightan games apart from other Smashes?
Resident Evil
If you like the classic games, you're a boomer who can't get with the times
If you like the action games, you're a zoomer who killed the series
Dozens of games, each great in their own way so there's something for everybody, and people can't do anything but bitch about RE4 for "killing" the series or RE7 for "being a movie game"
It's all so tiresome. Fuck these faggots.
I've never played a fighting game seriously
should i get unist
Yes and no.
Yes because it has, bar none, the best fighting game tutorial ever made, which covers everything you could need, beginner or long-time veteran alike.
No because it's got crazy systems and shit
Any and all of the dudebro shooters. R6 Siege, CoD, Battlefield, etc.
Sonic fans are nice to each other, you just hate them as a whole.