>steals your commends
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tanks all have gap closers
>PLD and GNB's gap closers have 2 charges naturally
>DRK's gets a second charge but only via their level 78 trait
they sure didn't want to actually give DRK 5 actual new things huh
Viera are for __________
>AST's cards get dumbed the fuck down
>BRD's songs get dumbed the fuck down
If this doesn't lead into a new buff healer like Chemist, I'm going to be pissed off.
What SAM mains (not braindead dungeon spammers) think about the changes? I see some people crying about Hagakure, others saying is amazing, so Im not really sure. I just got mine to lvl 70 so I don't really know.
missionary position breeding sex
>just got mine to 70
>talks about braindead dungeon spammers
>when all AST fished for before was Expanded Balance and nothing else
The level at which you get new skills is completely arbitrary because you'll spend 99+% of your time at the cap running the gear treadmill. Just look at SMN, whose 70~80 progression involves zero new skills, just traits that modify Dreadwyrm Trance and Summon Bahamut of their existing ones.
I’ve got 6 DoH classes to level up. 64, 61, 60, 53, 50, and 50. What are the odds I can get them to 70 before ShB?
Konichiwa bros, don't forget to use me for your Trust parties!
>you'll spend 99+% of your time at the cap running the gear treadmill
Imagine admitting to fundamentally playing the game wrong.
You keep spamming this meme even though you're objectively wrong
Do you play FF14 or do you just parrot what other shitposters dump over and over?
>BLMs dueling for raid spot
but those are all good improvements. DRK's 78 trait is just "you can have 2 charges on plunge now". They could have just as easily amended Plunge to have 2 charges from the start since PLD's and GNB's get two right off the bat.
>whine about the localization
>Yea Forums, bongs, americans defend it and call you a weeb and how it's superior
>try to do the rogue questline to unlock ninja
What the flying fuck how do you defend this. I can tell I'd like the characters but it's literally painful to read. FECK ARSE oi 'ave ye 'eft 'er 'ole bidgerwikket in the wooketfokket. Do I need to learn japanese just to do job quests now without killing myself first?
Why even bother with trusts if it's limited to MSQ dungeons and only the NPC that are with you during that part of the MSQ?
Reminder that the healers that are threatening to quit are a very small minority
I don't get your point? I just got mine to lvl 70 so I haven't really experienced what the job offers in big fights.
prove to me that anything besides expanded balance mattered. Arrow and Spear are nice but nobody wants those if they could have gotten a balance instead.
why dont we remove positionals while we are at it, dps are always facing the backs of enemies always anyways
He's just going to call you a retard or a shitposter again
No Ewer because MP is static 10k and regen of it only affected more by healers piety.
No Spire because TP doesn't exist
No Bole because tanks aren't having to be in dps stance as they have tank mastery now.
No Spear or Arrow because they are niche and lesser versions of Balance and limited to specific Jobs, Crit for MNK or Speed for BLM etc.
Kill yourself if you think old AST was good.
>gear treadmill
Miss me with that gay shit.
If you're interested in playing a job as your main, that statement is factually correct. The leveling process is a drop in the bucket compared to the time you're going to be spending on level-cap content.
Try hanging yourself instead of intentionally misinterpreting posts to have an excuse to mash your cheeto-encrusted hands into the keyboard
God I fucking love Fordola.
Limsa is a pirate town so all the people there speak like retards naturally. You should try the SAM 50-60 questline.
why even bother with the card gimmick at this point, what a shitty class
Durrrrrrrrr me like long point sword dahhhhhh. Japan
it's good, you still have hagakure except it's free, retards will complain it removes depth but it's already the most brainlet class in the game anyway
Why even bother with the card gimmick before when all but one card was shit
>uhh ackshually you're LITERALLY not playing a job if you aren't raidlogging and tomegrinding
yeah okay back to the Balance you go, faggot
I fucking love Elezen!
>Live Letter in two weeks
Oh boy another opportunity to give us an announcement with a catch.
Dumb bully
God I love fucking Fordola.
imagine the smell
Conflicted, Hagakure was great if you weren't a shitter simply because you could forceably dump sen without committing to an iai, it allowed for a lot of flexibility for say if a boss jumped while you had 3 sen.
I'm not saying the new kenki generator is bad, actually I think it's probably better than hagakure but that flexibility is kinda ruined, you really only have one option now which is just Midare Setsugeka for your 3 sen instead of being able to time your hagakure with your 3 sen throughout a fight.
Senei looks great though it'll make openers more bursty, Gayshi is also really good, huge burst, Shoha is of course garbage based solely on it's potency.
Jinpu and shifu extenders on AOE only matter in dungeons really.
Besides that SAM looks a lot better they definitely made it more braindead though since there's never a time you'll ever want to not senei even if an add phase is coming up.
They're gonna either nerf Senei's potency or buff gurren's.
place your bets on what MSQ final boss will be
So you stop playing on your main job as soon as you hit level cap?
Imagine of they actually looked this good in-game.
>NA banned from next Media Tour
is this, dare i say it, the best class concept art?
>We're making ARR F2P up to level 50 now but you have to watch an ad in the launcher each time you start the game
Thanks for putting words in my mouth, try re-reading the post very slowly so your caveman brain has time to properly process it.
>implying it wasn't EU false flagging.
Imagine being so dosed up on estrogen your brain literally breaks if you look at anything that isn't Expert Roulette or a meta prog comp.
Because that's the jobs identity you retard.
Can we get a new character and armor designer for this game? No offense to Ayumi but EVERY SINGLE armor that she design is very feminine. Just look at the new DRG and WAR new AF, exposed skin, no bulky plate even the new DRK and PLD look slim as fuck.
God damn bring back Yoshida please cause at least AF1 design is tight as fuck.
Jesus just look at this fan armor design for the contest, better than most of the tank armor in this game.
Zenos and Elidibus fuse together and start absorbing the light in the first en masse I call it Zenobus Azul
Do you not hit up your roulettes or what
I wanna rub necks with an elfgirl.
>not Elidibus Blanco
No I actually don't because there's no reason to.
why peanus weenus of course
What should I fantasia into?
But how will they make playing 1-50 50-60 60-70 fun when they seemed to gut everything up and make it even worse during this stage.
Look as hard as you are able. You'll not find even the smallest glimmer of light.
Darkness conquers all worlds.
There's really zero reason to do roulettes for anything except leveling another job. If you're still grinding roulettes to hit your weekly tome cap then it's time you dragged your dumb ass out of ARR.
Ayumi's designed maybe less than a 10th of the gear in the game.
Into a tranny.
viera and then become my mommy
>No offense to Ayumi but EVERY SINGLE armor that she design is very feminine
I mean that's all she's good for. her design philosphy is basically
>Isn't this kawaii Yoshi-P
>Ayumi-chan what about the male gear
buy jump potions bro
>We never gonna get this slick as fuck plate and coat armor.
based ayumi-san
>at one point be the only person alive on argath after pub shitters drop the fucking balls on all mechanics
>manage to raise the tank and the other healer as people begin releasing
>end up 10 manning the last 15% of the boss as over half the raid stands outside watching behind the barrier
first time i've ever gotten 7 commends, what the fuck
It'll be the Warriors of Darkness again like in the MSQ scenario except this time they're at full power
>check my MNK logs
>I'm graylet
Bros...I'm so bad at playing MNK. Everything is great when I do TK rotation on dummy but in raids if boss is not a dummyChaos everything goes horrible. TK is messing me up. I fail recovery, lose demo/blunt, snap hit before RoW, drift my oGCDs out of RoF window, clip everything like a God and of course mess up stances and GL. Just kill me.
When we'll get to the moon.
All I want to do is Kill Hydaelyn, ever since 2.0 ending it was obvious she was the villain.
bro I never use tornado kick unless the boss is about to go away or die.
she can't even design good looking female gear anyway
That's not why you're gray, you're gray because you're either fucking up mechanics or simply not hitting the boss.
Don't bother with TK it's shit and not fun. Who plays MNK just to use a skill that removes your stacks?
Ayumi designed some AF1s too. Namely Scholar and Bard.
I believe Takahashi Kazuya made the PLD AF1 too.
Shadow dragon king bahamut
Will do. interestingly sam is my most geared and highest levelled dps but I never did the questline. Honestly being a pirate town doesn't excuse overdoing it this fucking much to me. I might have to redo the job quests in japanese after learning it and just skipping the dialogue for now. The symbols are roughly as easy to understand as whatever the fuck they're saying and chances are the writin' ain't as 'ardly fooked in the arse (but we'll see)
Back in HW you could solo the the final boss of Weeping City on WAR after you got past the orbs. Was fun seeing everyone telling me to wipe in the chat.
>want to get back into ff14
>remember I quit 1/3 of the way through the slog to get into the expansion zone
>over 100 quests between the ending of the vanilla MSQ and the start of the DLC MSQ
i just want to get to the new area so I can fucking fish bros.
Why does everyone keep mentioning the moon? Whats on the moon
identifying trash players
zodiark apparently
>GBR armor is NCR ranger style trench coats over medium armor
Prob the closest we're gonna get. Also it's really astounding how dumb potatoes look all the time, even in cool armor.
can get story skip for 8 dollars on playerauctions
The Moon is Zodiark's corpse and Elidibus hangs out there. Stop skipping cutscenes.
>he caps
Either this guy or some weird autistic avatar of hydaelyn- oh wait..
cute lalafell
They actually fixed a lot of the early game dumbness
They shouldn't allow cutscenes to be skipped for the first time. That's what NG+ is for :^)
I don't like that shadowbringers brought back skirts to 80% of the casting classes
>Oda: Up until now, there was a culture with online games where if a player quit once, they were typically gone for good, but we designed FFXIV to be a game that players could come back to even after taking an extended absence. Even players who took a break from the game back during Heavensward, for example, could easily come back and take on the new content in Stormblood. This cycle of sorts has become entrenched, and I think that played a role. I also have a feeling that those players who came back for Stormblood brought along new friends. As a developer, I’m glad we made FFXIV a game that was easy to return to.
>Yoshida: That was one of our main concepts in creating A Realm Reborn—to make a game that was easy to come back to. MMOs require a huge time commitment for players, and in that sense, we’re competing against all other forms of entertainment. So it was important for us to make it so players could take a break and then come back again.
>Minagawa: After all, we want to play other games from time to time, too. [laughs]
>Yoshida: Even with a great television series, if that’s all I’m watching, I get sick of it sooner or later. I think it’s easier to appreciate a good series if I take a break and watch something else between seasons.
I'm sad that Ageha is being removed since it was my favourite animation, but that's the only real negative for me.
my first playthrough was fucking awkward
i'd be watching the whole cutscene while people spammed emotes at me, probably indirectly telling me to end it already
>Balance and Bole for Crit buff, split between ranged and melee, Solar Seal
>Arrow and Ewer for Dhit buff, split between ranged and melee, Lunar Seal
>Spire and Spear for haste buff, split between ranged and melee, Celestial Seal
>Divination and Lord/Lady remain untouched
Find a flaw.
The main 6 have the long-term pay off of Divination's AoE buff, and have varying benefits depending on who you give them to, but the Minor Arcana are more potent in the short term.
reminder that Yoshida has taken a break from watching TV for over a decade now
>Just fought Ravana for the first time
>Sat there for the most part and just did my rotation
>Six commends
I don't get it.
I don't have such problems with other jobs NIN, SMN, DRG. >press Fists of Wind > Snap > RoW just to discover that I still in Fist on Fire stance
>apply demolish instead of snap
>apply demolish when I have GL2
Same here to be honest.
Post Yoshida upset.
he still watches the garo spinoffs that air on tv
I dont like wars charge still requires meter, when you cant build it up before fights
The Flaw is that Dhid buff/Haste buff/Crit buff are just a lesser version of Damage buff and restrictive. You'd never give haste buff to Ninja, you'd always give Crit buff to MNK
Being average is commendable in a sea of mediocrity.
Haste, crit and dhit buffs are just lesser damage buffs so no thanks
factually worse than current cards
stop forcing useless buffs
I will never understand why they can't just separate the legs from the chest. No, everything must be a robe.
everything about shb drk is a huge disappointment
We can't have interesting buffs because autistic SAM and MNK mains will just assign a "DPS" value to every card and flood every discussion with "it's not damage so who cares"
Nothing about this is bad design. I think part of XIV's appeal is that it supports putting exactly as much time as you want into it without being fucked up too badly. I've been playing 12+ hours a day for the past few days while having friends that haven't played since 4.57 and it's kinda nice knowing we'll both be in the same boat once ShB drops.
Congrats you're better than 99% of the community
Still can't wrap my head around the Mediation stacks. I get what they're trying to do with it, but in XIV's rather fast-paced gameplay it just doesn't work for me.
Do you really want to wait for 5 stacks, when you could pump out just as much damage in a fraction of the time it takes you to get to 5 stacks?
If, at the very least, the stacks weren't on a timer, you could pop Meditation in between stuff to build stacks. Would be a bit like building Sen, but over a longer period of time.
based greylet retard
>People actually bemoan this kind of thinking for development
the real answer is that they saw your sprout and the fact that you were new and thought it was cute
>if it's not optimal it might as well not exist. No fun and variety allowed ever!
are they gonna do this plot justice in 5.1?
Maybe, but nobodies showered me in commends up to this point.
This is all so tiring, I just want to kill the next Primal that appears.
>getting commendations
Nice meme.
man the anxiety when entering rnd dungeon queue as a new tank that doesnt know the mechanics i should be looking out for is killing me
Imagine if FF14 had something like specs or talents. It would get gutted within a single patch because 5% of the playerbase "optimized" it for a single fight and thousands of shit-guzzling retards interpreted it as meta for the entire game.
>play scholar in roulette
>put fairies on auto, toss out shields and HoTs on allies
>DoT up bosses, throw out a few offensive spells on trash pulls because I am sitting at 80%+ mana constantly
>always get at least 2 commendations
used to do that shit while I was hammered before I quit drinking, still do it while high once in a while, literally easiest shit to do
it could also have been a stack
too much bloat.
Random chance to get only one good card isn't fun nor does it require skill
you can easily just fucking wing it for every single dungeon in the game, there's no hard mechanics.
Go play paladin
Here's a better version.
>All cards still function as the ShB tooltips label them, plus extra utility.
>The Balance card represents equivalent exchange and justice, so it grants a shield to all party members that reflects a small amount of incoming damage.
>The Arrow represents a journey, so it grants increased movement speed for physical jobs and allows for casting while moving for casters.
>The Ewer represents flowing magic and knowledge, so it grants refresh like the good old days.
>The Bole represents growth and change, so it grants a powerful regen effect.
I can't think of anything for Spire (creation and destruction as an agent of creation) or Spear (love and war). Someone finish up for me.
>illusional of choice
>when an extended ewer can literally save a run
>when a bole can be used to help recover idiots getting vuln stacks or to let you get more dps
>when you actually had to think about who to give your cards to whenever you got any "damage up" card including balance to optimally get the most dps if it wasn't just a spread.
Neck yourself WHM tranny.
The pirate speak in the Rogue questline almost gave me an anyeurism, desu.
>Le balance is the only good card meme
Go back to r/ffxiv
I just hit elvl 35 and unlocked mounting in pagos can i finish eureka before shb?
Yeah what was up with that?
>milord gaius and alphinaud had a super cool secret mission and blew up all the black rose off screen
>oh no
>its okay though we have a second black rose factory and we'll still be able to use it in our offensive against ala mhigo
>oh good
>so are you gonna use it?
Seems like they wanted to make a bunch of Alphinaud quests but never got around to it.
i wish someone made a clip of the end of the last live letter where translator chan said that yoshi p isn't upset but then he looks mad at the person off screen then looks directly at the camera with a serious face
It's called Thieves' Cant and it's a real code language that thieves used. Crazy to have a secret society of thieves using it in a fantasy world, I know. They really should just be talking like any modern person you'd meet on the street. Now THAT would be interesting.
This shit is terrible and unbalanced stop
this may happen maybe less than 5% of the time
Yeah. I'm 44 already. 2 days since Pagos
But it seems like they are gonna use it, if the end with Varis' stupid smile is anything to go by. Honestly I don't know what the fuck he's doing.
whomnst've whouldst thou needs may succor verily yonder?
The english localisation sounds like a 6 year old trying to sound like shakespear
What will you do when you eventually find a Viera that's doing better than you?
>try monk
how does anyone play this class
>not using balance always
>he doesn't have a static
You know I wish I had someone to play and discuss the game with, the only fríend I had in game doesn't play anymore
I love backseat dev hour!
It's probably what's going to happen in eorzea once we come back from the first and be the plot point for 5.3 like nidhogg was the secondary plot of HW.
what server
But TK rotation is main dps rotation.
Positionals are not hard. One combo is rear other is flank.
The best part is people who try to roleplay with these overly-emphasized accents
>I put more apostrophes in my dialog therefore I'm a good writer
But this looks bad for both.
By doing the positional dance. Flank flank rear, rear rear flank. Pretty simple.
DPS players will never understand why other cards can be more appealing (especially in prog) since they're only on the receiving end of a DPS buff.
Post server
Finally got my Botanist and Miner to 50 bros, does it get easier from here to 70?
>we're never gonna get these awesome sets in favor of more "WOW! COOL THIGH GAP!" armor
fuck gender locked gear and gender locked cpose
Why is arm length 2mins now..
I mean it already happens in WoW. Hell it even happens in Yugioh. You got duel simulators with thousands of cards at your disposal but people use the same 40 cards.
It doesnt, I can tell you don't play AST. Even in AST uwu solo heal they dish out boles and ewers with damage spreads.
I'm in a good static, but they don't care about balance padding. We all have good parses except the warrior.
why are the garleans even a threat when they've only ever been b-plot villains since a realm reborn?
He'll probably kill himself because the best players in this game play waifus as is.
I know everyone here memed that jojo armor but its still better then what we got
It doesn't even sound like Shakespeare, all those verb conjugations were already being dropped and there's a shitload of middle English words thrown in there for good measure.
>Rewriting an author's vision because you think its better
Dilate, this is why most localizations are dog shit.
Aether thinning is Chekhov's gun
what is that picture implying? whats the original?
>run burn for ex roulette as BLM
>explode the fuck out of everything because Burn is pretty much massive AoE: The dungeon
>bosses just die before doing mechanics like summing the add on 2nd or mist dive phase on dragon
>get 2-3 commends
Almost every time.
Because they're making a gas that supposedly has some interesting effect when in contact with aether.
Maybe cloud of darkness will make a return, after all she wasn't killed.
>/ffivg/ discord trannies
>best players in this game
since 2.0
I already do
It gets harder, actually. Leves are a pain in the ass to take and turn-in.
Now you either take it easy and just farm collectables, or you take the job off entirely and just do GC turn-ins.
>tfw no FFIV general
This is original. 1:1 translation
>game devs write something for the players to read
>translators will have none of that and turn the entire dialogue into prehistoric blabber out of sheer intellectual masturbation
sauce lol
Yea Forums is closer to discordtrannies than /xivg/ is considering literally all these threads do is parrot the opinion of """influencers""" and The Balance.
But the localization says all the same shit as the Japanese. It just uses more colorful language because it's not written for insectoids.
Honestly Savage content forces you to play your job to at least half of it's fullest extent. Dungeons and even extreme trials hardly ask for anything from the player.
Probably to accommodate for most gap closers having charges and reduce the amount of mechanics we can cheese.
I mean what do they say in-game for the localization?
did it finally die, or did it get nuked? tried going there for info a few times, all it was was people avatar-fagging and chemo spamming the thread with moon runes.
You still haven't answered my question.
They let it's big dick DPS become completely unchained. With no hagakure, that's a lot more Midares which is fantastic. You'll probably still be spamming shinten a lot when everything else is on CD but the class really hasn't changed all that much. That meditation skill is kind of retarded tho. Maybe if meditation had a shorter CD (or even no CD) I could see it being useful but it's free damage I guess.
They're intrinsically linked with the Ascians now, so they have that going for them. We'll still get our Garlemald expansion, but we'll be liberating the Empire instead of destroying it.
Is it there any good ffxiv discord?
I doubt that game ever had a general, user.
>all these threads do is parrot the opinion of """influencers""" and The Balance.
It’s better than SB and it basically plays the same as it did before, the only difference is that we don’t have to use dark arts before every attack, and we have a bunch of new attacks we can use, plus we have the “10s of no cost on Bloodspiller/Quietus”, the shadow clone, and the AoE combo.
Honestly the only thing I can see that DRK lost that was really all that bad was losing Blood Price, because as it currently stands losing our Enmity Combo and Dark Passenger really isn’t that bad a loss. Basically every ability had its potency adjusted to account for basically what would happen if we used Dark Arts on every applicable attack (except Carve and Split but instead of being big damage or MP regen it’s decent damage and MP regen). I genuinely don’t see how Dark Knight is gutted, it seems like all the people complaining never even played Dark Knight during Stormblood, like why are you complaining about losing a combo when enmity combos were completely useless, when unleash (which was spammable, and now it’s gonna do actual good damage), generated enmity way faster
There's no good discord, period.
Unironically the ERP ones have good discussions in them.
There's the theorycrafting one, but that's about it.
a discord with your friends only
/xivg/'s lewd discord is the only tolerable XIV discord I've ever been in and I've been in a bunch of them.
>Angry German Kid plays an MMO
i don't understand the point of gear in this game
RIP then, don't play NA
Go back.
It'll already be liberated, else we wouldn't be able to use the capital as a hub.
It'll be reformed into a republic but there'll still be a Solus-worshipping death cult to contend with.
>fall in love
>they are a dog irl
eat shit parsetranny
Ignoring, give me more catgirls
textool discord because that's where all the mods get uploaded first before it reaches the other places on the internet.
You mean the thing even less than 2% of the population does?
>he can't handle the truth
When I say “you” with the loss of enmity thing at the end, I didn’t mean you specifically but more people in general bitching about stuff like that, like they’ve never played a tank before.
less than 1% actually
There's no such thing as a good public discord.
>hanging out in l-l-lewd >.< discords
>calling anyone else a tranny
>moving the goalposts
Will we ever get a female race that has an ass in this game?
Playing controller, there are no good MNK on a keyboard due to the constant moving.
must make numbers go up, making numbers go up makes you keep playing and paying
Based japs. Women are children confirmed.
Wanna know how I can tell you're under 5'4?
It's not a meme it's the truth unless you are a graylet
There are, every discord I'm in is normal
Would you mind posting a link please?
Tempyrdn to take a look at it
Mind posting an link please?
The Balance is useful for resources, but the actual server community is a circlejerk around a handful of theorycrafters and raiders. Really, that's how most XIV servers that are more than a couple people are.
We really want people to start bringing the player instead of the job so we are homogenizing everyone so you just need 2 tanks 2 healers 2 dps 1 ninja and 1 dancer
Unironically, to look good.
What's the point of this ability? It's a waste of a gcd.
All I do is check the stickies and nothing else.
Aw man that sucks I've got plenty of time though although I don't have that many leave allowances left maybe I'll just get my crafters started or something
Get the fuck out.
>Pahjeet can only get an orange with balance padding
Sad! You will get an orange as long as your AST has proper card management and you aren't a shit player. If you think you need solely balance to achieve an orange you're immediately outting yourself as a seething purplette trying to cope with how shit you really are.
>waste of a GCD
>when the ability clearly states it's not in the GCD
What did he mean by this?
its fracture
give it to monk
But it's not a GCD.
It's a dot you put on enemy? Is it because 15sec duration 30 sec recast?
The potency is fucked on the tooltip
do you have brain damage?
Your information is outdated as fuck, ever since they boosted leve exp in 3.5 leves have been so much faster than Collectables there's literally no reason to do the latter ever.
Are you retarded? 踊り子 is a full term for the name, it's not actually 踊り and 子 separate and it doesn't imply it's a child in any way. Please keep studying.
That's not what that means. It's still a gcd.
It's when an add turns up so you can put it on the boss just before you pick up the add.
It's the exact same thing as Danger Zone potency just not all damage instantly.
ogcd dot. but the potency numbers are whack but then again its a old as fuck build of the game.
Wouldn't work because the girl here is actually really a girl, she just pretends not to be.
pretty torn on what to make my viera look like
>a 6 year old trying to sound like shakespeare
Americans are roughly the same nowadays. It's horrible at any rate. Not just americans that like it though bongs are equally dumb.
If it says weaponskill instead of ability it uses a GCD.
I know it's not separate but it still contains the meaning of 'child', just like very many Japanese female names. Because women are basically children.
>same description as current Empyreal Arrow, which every bard can say is not in the GCD
based retard
>AST can't dilate anymore
What did they mean by this?
best faction leader
>This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
It works the same way as Empyreal Arrow for Bard. It's a weaponskill but doesn't trigger the GCD.
>tranny grandma with mutton chops
>treaty breaking whore
Sit down
It's on the GCD, it just doesn't share a recast timer with the other GCD because it's way longer.
It's a Mrhappy video but he shows it off here.
ASTs are the chad healer now. WHM is in the cuckshed, and SCH is only there because we can't bring a second AST without fucking LB3 probably.
_____ _____!
I miss my buff duration extending skills already.
If you don't like doing quests, why play an rpg?
I'll never understand why fags rush to muh endgame, when endgame is just sitting in town doing dailies and raids/chloe on timer reset day.
>not 2h
Subjobs when?
which anime is this?
It's a GCD. Check any of the overview videos.
It activates the GCD but it doesn’t actually use the GCD for its recast timer.
YoshiP talked about it during his Famitsu interview, that’s how some weaponskills will work.
Based and Varispilled
>contains the meaning of 'child'
user you should really look up what 子 as a suffix mean and how it doesn't contain the meaning of child.
Nah, Empyreal Arrow may say Weaponskill now, but it was a translation they never fixed. In the new skill descriptions it's changed to Ability.
This is outdated.
>visits ERP and lewd discords for an MMO
Neck yourself degenerate
*does nothing*
>never steeped into savage and ultimate
>breaks peace treaties
>invades lands that rightfully belong to the beastmen
>doesn't help you or Raubahn when you're captured by the brass blades, giving the excuse of formality preventing her from intervening
>despite doing way worse before
she's the worse
finna seethe
I know you do
It's the most busted tank buster mitigation in the game though.
>expecting balancetrannies to actually know how anything besides sch works
What's the least complex job for baddies such as me? I can rotate or do mechanics, not both
Also killed her own father because she was fucking his rival Mistbeard.
It literally does though.
Its not the quests really, its the sheer number of just time wasting quests. Something like 100+ quests, many of the ones that I did were just spending 10 - 15 minutes fast traveling to get to an NPC, talking to them )which was the whole quest), then spending 10 - 15 minutes fast traveling back to turn the quest in. There are a few that were combat or exploration focused, and a few that were doing raids and shit, which are fine, actual content. The time padding quests are what killed me. I know it was to tide people over until heavensward launched, but we don't need that anymore, so streamline that shit or prune it down a bit.
Your parents are seething because they gave birth to a degenerate
try Red Mage or Scholar.
Sholar is a crutch though but Eos and Selene should carry you for a while.
I'm glad that all tank stances are off the global cooldown now. It sucked that I had to waste a GCD to swap stances for PLD/DRK but WAR gets a free pass.
Warrior honestly. It's the easiest job in the game as far as rotations go.
both my parents are taller than you, manlet
>every class has 123 aoe dps rotation that restores resource
way to make every class play the same. Why can't one class be shit at aoe?
and scholar will level up with summoner as well for easier solo shit, good suggestion
yeah, but are you?
It's a shame it doesn't even matter anymore because stance dancing is dead now.
thanks bro
Yoshi-P doesn't understand that perfect balance is a fast track to a boring game.
I know what they are. I did them. You should enjoy doing msq while you can, once you "catch up" you will be bored.
Tanks will either forget it or when there are two they will both forget to turn it off
Wrong, that would be holmgang.
1st's version of Ilbred as trust when?
Average potency of your main combo GCD is (200+300+400)/3=300. This is 100+(50*5)=350 potency. The only time it's not worth is if it doesn't tick the full duration, or using it makes you end a phase on Brutal Shell.
Also not final build.
What are the chances we get at least tier 1 coil-esq raid design again? Basically something that isn't just a boss room or a boss room with a tiny hallway before it
>want to return a bit early before expansion
>new destiny 2 raid june 4th
>poe league june 7th
>could only start playing in 2 weeks
fuck these sync releases
>>new destiny 2 raid june 4th
global 2
like 50/50
>they'll never update the Companion system
>you'll never get to level up a Moogle buddy
>you'll never be rewarded with new companions for finishing beast tribe questlines
>you'll never go adventuring with Deftarm
I'm looking forward to the changes alot. My only gripe is that without Hagakure I won't be able to burn dead sen stocks between pulls and phase transitions. Honorable mention to Ageha as well since making every enemy in the game bleed will be missed.
Raiders in this game are faggots who just want bossfights any nothing else. It's insulting to even call them raids. They are just slightly harder EX PRimals.
I'm gonna say it.
It was shit and and boring as cleric stance dancing.
unlikely because if we do the NA raid community will shit and cry over it for not being simon says
FUCK that was a cool as fuck animation
Cloud of Darkness, except Cloud of Light this time, paralleling FF3. WoD will sacrifice themselves to break her immunity to you.
>Nah, Empyreal Arrow may say Weaponskill now, but it was a translation they never fixed. In the new skill descriptions it's changed to Ability.
It was a weaponskill so it would work with Barrage brainlet.
>Dark mind mattering when sheltron exists
>Dark mind mattering when warrior's entire toolkit exists
I've been out of the loop for the past week, is GNB looking good?
The WoD are already dead
you make it sound like AoE was more interesting before when it wasn't.
oh fuck off. ARR tanking is what's boring and that's what this is returning to
it's making parsetrannies livid so yeah
Murder all elezens?
>MCH is now a 1-2-3 combo class too
Most of them don't even know how to play Scholar properly because they're lamenting Deployed Critlo nerfs as if it was something you actually relied on and wasn't just a nice thing when it happened.
>healing in leveling roulette
>DPS don't use the limit break at all during the dungeon
>even when there is plenty of time to use it on say the second boss and have it fully recharged for the final boss
>DPS waits until the boss is at 5% health before using the limit break
>all so they can use their "AWESOME FINISHING MOVE SEMPAI!" on it
>use limit break when boss is at 10% because rogue isn't attacking at all, just waiting for their chance to pop it
>they get mad and start spamming the chat
>"sorry you didn't get to use your anime finishing move, naruto"
>rogue leaves the dungeon before the boss is killed
how do you guys enjoy spending your time?
That's what you think.
>UGH, I can't believe no one else loves killing these braindead trash mobs that are just filler before the actual boss that are scattered by narrow corridors
>dark mind
Let me guess, you two still think Midgardsormr was implied to be the bad guy in 2.5 through the translation don't you?
it looks fun
Most DRG AoEs are line, I would say they still suck.
who /odin/ here
>UGH, I can't believe some people aren't hyped for generic circle arena boss fight #326435
>except Cloud of Light this time
Nigga stop making up shit. Final 5.0 boss was already announced.
Isn't Jugular Rip already in the game as a NIN skill?
called it
Tanking is boring.
That's the level 77 trial you dumbass. They never reveal the final boss.
>reading comprehension
Not for long.
you guys don't seem to like this game, why do you play it?
The 24 mans have great trash pulls though. I don't understand why the raids dont use a similar format; massive dungeons with 4 bosses and fun trash pulls in between, with weekly checkpoints. That way you get a cool environment to run around in and have a better sense of progression than just clicking on an NPC and zoning into a nebulous boss arena
Nice bullshit user. You can't leave a dungeon in combat.
>He's hyped for filler before the actual content
>tomestone collector xiv
That's Jugulate
I still don't get why people misunderstood that dialogue. Midgardsormr clearly said he was sealing our powers to give a break to hydaelyn and that he'd give us his blessing instead for a while.
>will you be okay Alisaie
>my brother can't swim, I can...did I mention my brother can't swim
now why did Alisaie have to throw my boy under the bus like that?
If a fucking angel with sword wings is only the level 77 boss then what the fuck will 80 be
Because they're braindead idiots with no reading comprehension skills. Or they're ESL.
I expect Innocence to dump some shit on us
>mogstation emotes
I haven't played it since March.
>Implying the localizes are not a part of the dev team
Maybe if you fucking weebs knew anything other than anime this would be common sense to you, but Koji Fox, head of localization is not only an employee of Square Enix (and has been for over a decade) but he's responsible for a very large chunk of the in-game lore. If you are not satisfied with the localization that's overseen by the fucking world designer then you are just a hopeless weeb who fellates the japanese language for no other reason than it exists.
He also gets beaten up by a girl.
>oh boy another boss
>oh boy arrows telling us to stack
>stay out of circle aoes
Totally riveting mechanics senpai
what's the % chance of a successful combo?
He's the boss of the sin eaters and zenos was in the fucking cover for SB.
Imagine characters actually looking like they do in event artwork.
people that are very passionate about the game are also the most vocal and harshly critical about it.
>接尾: 名詞や動詞の連用形に付いて、その仕事をする人や物の意を表す。
Reminder that 若い does not mean child. Have fun being wrong.
it is? do tell
that it does, I'm hoping its at least mildly overpowered to start, I don't want GNB to be terrible like early AST was
Because Alphinaud outclasses Alisaie in everything but swordsmanship and swimming. Even then Alphinaud is the better fighter.
Because he's better than her at a lot of things so she boasts about the things she can do better.
I wanna fuck that.
She's jelly because Alphichad has been the second protagonist for 2 expansions while she was always in the secondary storyline.
So going into ShB, I want to play a support that isn't just a healer, like how BRD, MCH (NIN with TA) are now but I have not looked into changes for ShB, what is now the good support jobs?
Not even impressive. There was a dude on Balmung recently who had macros set up so that his clothes were constantly changing into differently-dyed versions of the same outfit to make him cycle like a rainbow as he walked around.
What content? You teleported into a circle and see the same mechanics from 2 expansions ago thrown at you.
>Alt + F4
What do you expect? Really?
>no noses
>no details of the face at all
I don't understand what you're trying to say here
alphinaud will always be good
>Get aery in roulette as dragoon
>Nidhog at 25% but I'm waiting until after the add spawns to use it
>Black mage suddenly starts using it
>He gets captured by the add before it finishes casting
>Kill add and immediately use it before he can try again
Thanks Nidhogg you are truly my greatest ally
And still 99% of the community fucks it up or screams how hard it is.
Can't we make a static with all the l33t loners here and fucking wreck the raids first week or somethin
You think the WoL gets paid in tomestones instead of gil?
How many MSQ do you guys reckon will be in Shadowbringers, about 80 to 130?
its 100% chance of success. but if the enemy is invulnerable or you do 0 damage then it doesn't count.
That's the one, ty
translating 2d art to 3d is difficult, especially when the texture artists are shit
You didn't know?
Look at the tits you blind motherfucker.
It's fine, I'll be throwing Alisaie under my cock.
>destiny 2
i feel you on the poe league though
Every single mmo has worked like that. The only difference here is that he makes it easy to catch up by making older content irrelevant.
If you would stop thinking the entire game is the endgame, then perhaps you’d realize why your greentext is dumb as fuck.
They get paid in gil via the quest completion screen. They hardly eat too, which is why a lot of msq rewards is food.
Zodd should be Zenos.
It's more that their texture specification is shit rather than the artists being the issue.
Some of these are fucking reaching.
Good job ignoring the fact this suffix is never used when it's a man doing the profession.
>only cap is relevant
Do you have any idea how miserable it is to get a low level dungeon or even a level 50 dungeon in roulette and have your AOE fucking locked, DRK keeps getting fucked
What is the point of tsubame gaeshi outside of midare?
Tenka Gokken kind of has a use, but Higanbana has no reason to have a kaeshi counterpart.
Tell me why /xivg/ is only one place on Yea Forums where people still don't understand why 3D in game looks different from art? This is beyond me.
>Preteen Minifilia is just as tall as the twins
Oh man once the twins hit that Elezen growthspurt nothing will ever be the same
You can higanbana two targets with tsubame gaeshi. The uses for this will probably be limited.
how does this shit work, you spend a shell and do an 3 part combo that has 3 ogcds interspersed? is that it? it sounds pretty fucking badass
>prehistoric blabber
The English featured in XIV is all modern and if you are a native English speaker and are unable to understand 99% of the dialogue without a dictionary (and that very generous 1% is only accounting for the rogue's guild dialogue) then frankly you are borderline illiterate and retarded.
Never going to happen because of time bubble.
basically you weave in a ogcd between each weaponskill. the completed combo looks like zantetsuken.
>Get into low level dungeon as scholar
>Only one heal spell, no shields
>Tank tries to pull all of the adds between start and the first boss, he barely survives
>Tell group that due to level scaling I don't have shield and only one heal
>"Kick this piece of shit healer"
>You have been kicked from the group
But my party is perfectly healthy.
Jacke's retarded dialect is specifically a Rogue thing, at that.
>Yea Forums static
Retard. This dialogue sounded just as autistic in the localisation. Stop spreading your dog shit opinions around like cancer, nobody wants them.
the potency is higher
do the ogcds replace the regular weaponskill briefly, or do they all replace a fourth ability somewhere?
>that height
>those tits
It looks like she's back to her 1.0 age.
JP user if you want to prove pseudo-JOP wrong just speak him by using Japanese and screencap your post instead of posting directly so he can't google translate you. Can add little blur to fuck up OCR
Think of a phase like Twin+Nael in UCoB. Two Higanbananas for 1 Sen there is pretty great.
Renzokuken you mean. Zantetsuken is Odin's skill.
>Satsasha with a rogue and a dragoon.
>Literally have no AoE
>"Pull more mobs tank, hurry it up!"
Her only good side where her larger than available for players tit size.
You do realize that being a "world designer" refers to him being able to change anything he wants in terms of lore for the english version and it isn't actually the same as all the other actually talented world designers right? Koji Fox is a fucking retard. It doesn't matter who employs him or what they call him, a retard is a retard. And so are you for defending him without knowing jack shit.
It's pretty ridiculous because same anons often call out ESLs in discussions for being ESL.
Yeah I know, couldn't say it with a straight face
The latter
damn, between this and paladin's new alternate combo all the tanks are looking pretty fun
though i'm secretly really hype to spam dark wave even if all the drk players are mad as fuck about their changes
The level 80 dragoon quest will have us stalk Estinien for hours and then when he's about to die we swoop in to save him then leave without saying anything
>This is the average hrothgar player.
>You do realize that being a "world designer" refers to him being able to change anything he wants in terms of lore for the english version and it isn't actually the same as all the other actually talented world designers right?
But that's wrong. He's on the fucking lore team and writes shit alongside Oda. Amazing how fucking arrogant you are when you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. Why aren't you on 2ch with the glorious nipponese you stuck up nigger?
>get a shit ton of game that was once b2p for free
>watch a 15-20 second add on launch
who fucking cares thats more than an acceptable trade off for people who are interested
fucking same man
awesome, thanks for the spoonfeeding user.
they definitely did this based on that gif
yes the game is even more streamlined now and the card minigame is dead
kys shiteater
>Can't we make a static with all the l33t loners here and fucking wreck the raids first week or somethin
Not possible. No one want to be exposed after doing epic claims in xiv threads. Especially when you can record everything and most webm of fail
He's also right
The best part of no male Viera was seeing the twink and bara camps start attacking each other.
Eureka is an alien but you have literally no excuse to make your character look like a clown.
Why aren't you getting all the world firsts if it's the same content, shitter?
This. There's no point to the cards now. Just a generic dps buff.
But that's all faggots care about in this game. MUH DEEPS. MUH PARSE. 6.0 will play like GW2.
>healers do less damage
Not WHM.
the majority of people here larping as raiders have not cleared o10s
Good job failing to read. I don't get why you're still arguing when I literally posted a line from a JP-JP dictionary that disproves your shit. Did you not read the line or are you just pretending you didn't because it's convenient?
>never used when it's a man
I've honestly warmed up to Hrothgar and considered fantaing to one but holy shit, the lack of actual hairstyle options is completely ridiculous. There's no reason for it to be like that.
you'd have better luck with /xivg/
at least their raidtrannies are willing to post their names, unlike Yea Forums's
An awkward situation where you meet one while out with your girlfriend, only to slowly but inevitably be taken by the Viera as her loyal husband while you leave your human girlfriend behind.
unironically based
>twins will one day go from just being to my chest, to two heads taller
Better that the game kill WoL now, than live to see it happen
And the """raid"""fag still doesn't get it. I don't care how hard your simon says game is, it's not entertaining.
bet yall niggas dont even have invincible mount
post ozma
Huh? What do you mean, user?
>attention whores and avatars
Those raidtrannies have nothing to do with l33t loners sicne they don't even belongs to Yea Forums.
multiple of their avatarfags have ultimate clears
This but the Viera takes you as her new girlfriend.
And they're from reddit/discord/twitter.
>"Ah, this looks like a good character, time to click accept".
so how would you change the cards to work with the current shadowbringers systems without it being broken or more boring?
Eo To and Vjera have both been /xivg/ autists for years, user.
Who cares if the results are there. Yea Forums isn't better than any of the other listed places anymore.
I really liked the old cards, giving a BLM or MNK a long arrow buff was like giving them an extra two stacks of greased lightning. Who doesn't want that?
wait, you guys don't actually play this game after you beat the story..right?
Just imagine...
The second line wasn't meant for you, calm your tits. I never claimed difficulty == entertainment, otherwise the ultimates would actually be fun.
Notice now this retarded nigger literally never posts what these lines are in the localization
>he doesn't want Alisaie to tower over him
>he wouldn't already tower over a femelezen
Not anymore, now that it's only 20%
I do all the content once then quit. fuck that weekly raid life.
what they should have done with MCH
>1 2 3 on gcd
>everything else oGCD but classed as weapon skills for WF except GR and Ricochet
>raise CD on heat blast and crossbow and make them oGCD weaponskills
done. no 1.5s gcd bullshit
I have fun doing random shit.
>Who doesn't want that?
l337 raiders
Nope. I play this game for 2-3 months a year and that's it. There's not enough variety in content to keep me around.
Probably because you can go to youtube and see for yourself you dumbfuck
I genuinely love this game and will take any opportunity to keep playing it as much as I can too bad there aren't many
No that would be Sheltron
>FFXI is getting more and more players
Honestly with how wow is hemmoraging players into classic and ffxiv, i sincerely hope the recent spurt in growth of ffxi leads SE into doing an ffxi classic. It seems like the younger generation and old generation is actually starting to split except most older people are sticking to ffxiv despite hating it simply because they don’t see ffxi as a “choice”. I personally couldn’t get back into ffxi outside of getting to 99 cause of how much it chaged
keep the current system but rather than 3/6% damage, it's 3/6% crit/dhit/skill and spell speed so you actually think for a moment about who you're going to throw the buff at to optimize it beyond "is this for the blm or the sam"
Even (good) BLMs wouldn't like too many Arrows since you'd make their cooldowns misalign with their rotation and they'd have to start clipping anyway.
One has personality, one is bland and boring. I'd rather have a localization than a literal translation.
You cherrypicked one line to fit your bluepill idea of what the kanji means. It's meant to evoke the concept of a child.
>FFXI is getting more and more players
where? all the servers on FFXI are dead except for Asura. They may as well only have 1 server per region now.
I'm praying every day that the special 20th anniversary announcement is some kind of classic server project or even a fucking remaster.
No I can't because this was some irrelevant one-off line in some random quest and I'm not digging through every single cutscene during the Ruby Sea to find it. If your retarded ass wants to actually use this to prove the localization is so much better, do a proper fucking comparison instead of taking one slide of a presentation out of context. But you won't because the localized line is literally the same shit just not a rough transliteration because that slide wasn't about rewriting the story, it was about comparing rough translations to proper translations
Can we get some jannies in here?
It's an MMORPG of course I will play it
Even Dancer buffs are just boring dps boosts.
The game is boring as fuck.
Weak bait
I help friends and new players. That's unlimited playtime right there.
A rewrite isn't a localization, it's a rewrite.
The people making this game don't care. Just look at Dark Knight, lol here's a shitty inner release fell cleave spam "combo" for you. No effort at all. Just make everyone the fucking same.
AST newfag here, why is he wrong?
Jacke and the ROG questline would be entirely forgettable literal who NPCs if not for the use of Thieves' Cant in the localization giving them character. Arrogant weeaboo taintlickers literally can not refute this.
Literally all of your cards were useful besides Spire
Did you see how boring Midgardsorms speech was in Japanese compared to English?
what would you change it to make it more fun then without it being stupidly broken to the point a meta forms
four of middy's jp lines are just "heh heh heh" in english
Milala makes the questline interesting user. Also the black market dude
stay assblasted, weeb. If you hate localization so much play with the JP client. Oh wait, you can't because you don't know Japanese and instead of bettering yourself and learning the language you are so obsessed with "preserving the original intent of" you just complain about the work of far more talented and knowledgeable people than you
No because the only time a comparison was posted, it was comparing a professionally localized script to some JLPT1 Reddit retard's rough transliteration.
Its growing in players slowly. Asura is simply the highest pop server. On average their other servers are 500 players in the high times
>give me X!!!!
>here is your X
>fuck you I don't need X game ruined
Typical story
>here is your gap closer
>fuck you now everything is same!
Top part: 10% of the fight
Bottom part: 90% of the fight
Every bit of Middy's JP dialogue exists in English. It just uses more obtuse language. Stop being illiterate.
bullshit, just look at DNC - they got bole and spear like effects just fine
hell, multiple jobs got the bole
only ewer and spire became irrelevant
face it: they didn't revamp the AST because A) they didn't want to bother giving WHM something of fun outside of BIG DICK HEALER LOL and B) DNC is the new job with 'suport utility on the side'
>dancer is literally translated as dance-kid
>it's this fag again
Yea and then we would have 2 dead cards again
calm down kid
Except they buffed Unleash to be the same potency as the others, you get a combo AoE at 40, and your Darkside AoE at 30.
>we are talking about it being used as 接尾
>post a line from the 接尾 section of the dictionary
What? How can you even justify such retarded thought process? We are not talking about it being used as 名詞 so of course I'm not going to show you a line from that, it would be irrelevant. Just as irrelevant as you taking a picture of the entire 名 section. The 子 in 踊り子 is factually 接尾, which again takes us to the, you guessed it, 接尾 section. And what does it say in there? Oh right, the very same line I quoted for you that directly disproves your argument. Honestly it's like you are trying to sound stupid on purpose.
Why haven't you learned to read English yet, faggot?