The funny thing is that it’s the other way around...

The funny thing is that it’s the other way around. Outcast nerds are the original demographic of videogames (as well as mtg, d&d and similar nerdy hobbies), they couldn’t have sex/date because they were socially inept and their hobbies were seen as weird and asocial.
But once the mainstream (averagely dumber people compare to the aforementioned group) finally realized how good technology was and how fun those hobbies were, it made them quirky, cool and acceptable and new demographic started wanting in.
So now gays, females, everybody wants in, and because the socially inept are still socially inept they are being cast away even if they just like those things because they are fun, they dont care the politics and similar stuff.

I was born in 1990. All the way to middle school age, ONLY nerdy males used to play games. Most sporty people didnt even have a console. Females used to mock you about it.

>inb4 have sex
I had plenty, getting married in one week too.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not one person gives a shit.

t. aspiring kotaku writer

Please, for the love of god, have sex.

now that normalfags and lgbtards hijacked vidya, what do nerds do nowadays?

I was born in 1990 as well and almost all boys, sporty guys included, did play at least stuff like GTA and Counter Strike.Girls not as much.

>incels bad
>trannies good

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If you knew the article was incorrect why did you post it?

>identifying with incels in any way.
That’s a hard pass.

Get jobs and go to church.

Watch hentai

It's like those (((former alt right))) videos who got woke thanks to certain left wing youtubers.

nerds =/= incels you dumb fucks. you can have nerdy interests and still have fulfilling sex life.

Have sex

So find a new hobby to be socially inept in. The reason I liked those things and dealt with the stigma is because I liked them. Now that they've been normalized, I still like them and a bunch of other people do, too. I don't give a shit how inept you are, if you were just part of the community because you were afraid to talk to people, then you were just pretending to like those things anyway.

And if you grew to like them, and are now too socially inept to shrug off the opinions and perspectives that other people to allow yourself to like the things you enjoy, then fuck yourself anyway. You were the reason it was tough to enjoy the things I liked because the room smelled like feet.

Fake. Anyone who replies to this thread is a retard including me.

Pretty sure they don't care about the distinction.

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unironically: coding.

not before the mid 2000's you couldn't

>ITT seething incels
easy with the rape, faggots

>ONLY nerdy males used to play games
Facts. I remember not speaking about games still in high school because none of the cool kids played games. That wasn't even that long ago.
> Females used to mock you about it.
they didn't mock though because they didn't even know a single thing about games.

You are talking about games released in the 00’.
I bet most of those kids never played metal gear at release, pokemon red on a gameboy at release or morrowind on pc at release.

Being geeky and nerdy and generally socially awkward doesn’t make you an incel. Especially not in elementary and middle school like OP is saying where literally none of your peers were having sex.

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Not true. You just had no game and high standards.

t. Born in '89 and got a blowjob from a fat chick in highschool after Friday MTG.

I should reply twice, then.

id rather stay a virgin for life than touch a gross whale

>full stops in greentext lines
Yep that's a newfag.

>ONLY nerdy males used to play games
Not long ago, maybe, but pretty much everybody played in arcades.


I had sex, I don't really get why people hype it so hard.

History of 4han words since when I started keeping count:


The term to offend newfags and normie without empiric basis changes around once a year.

There is also a separate list for “perfect reply” words:

Have sex

Again, I saved the list on my pc, started keeping it around 2010.
Now Im on my phone so I cant share it

nah coding is also a normalfag SJW thing now. I think that hard math is the way

The only people who put such value on sex are the ones who’ve never had it.

I wish I could go back, though I do still enjoy titties.

Are you saying frat faggots don't have sex?

Reminder that this was a publicity stunt done by roasties for self gain

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One day the societal outcasts will be pushed far away from society and they'll happily go without looking back.
The next day they'll turn around to find it fell apart on it's own with nobody to blame but themselves.

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Not at all, I’m saying they aren’t desperate for it. They try to have sex all the time, sure. But they don’t make a huge deal about it when they’re not having any.

Why is sex so important anyway?

Back to your reddit board, virgins.

>the normalfag: why aren't you nerdy and trendy like us real gamers, lmao, have sex incel!
>the boomer/doomer/NEET: doesn't even care what normalfags say or think, is repulsed by them. Very informative and redpilled about video games and is the most based person you'll ever meet. Understands they are a social outcast and accepts it.

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>tfw transcended volcel
incels are cringeworthy weebshitters with absolutely no taste in vidya.

And this "incel" making an actual difference with no self gain.

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Incels are virgins, the left have managed to make pathetic virgins into a hate group.


reminder that this board used to collectively call itselves Yea Forumsirgins since before most of the 12 year old retards here were even born

What's wrong with having no interest in partaking in 3dpd women nonsense?

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Are you still spreading the psyop that gays and trannies were never part of the same outcast weirdo class as incels? Not gonna catch on, Yuri.


1. I have never been socially inept, nerdy yes, but I have always been a very social and extrovert kid.

2. I was originally in these hobbies because I like them. The first videogame I saw (Spyro) the first mtg game, the first dnd game, the first time i have been on the internet have had a magnetic effect on me. I just always loved tech, math and games.

My point is that latecomer like to boast like these things are their now, when they are the reason why the hobby lost some of its quality for its original audience and they mocked them originally. So who’s the one pretending? I still play mtg, still play dnd and vg, with my soon to be wife. I had the time to become an engineer and learn how to code while the world had to catch up on my childhood interests.

Dont ever reply to me again you piece of shit. You are just a poser, and wash your fucking feet if they stink so much, in my life I never had that problem. Maybe you should learn from the Japanese and take off your shoes instead of walking in them indoor you animal.

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Get Married.

Virgin isn’t synonymous with incel.
If you’re a virgin and are fine with it or comfortable waiting and having sex when it comes up naturally, congratulations. You are not an incel.

Incels are not just virgins. They are pathetic losers who blame everyone and everything for everything wrong about themselves.

It really isn’t. I mean for purposes of procreation it is, but other than that it’s pretty meaningless.

>inb4 Have sex

Attached: this thread.gif (267x200, 366K)

I get by just masturbating to porn. Whenever I feel like I need a relationship I just fap and the feeling fades pretty quick.

>what do nerds do nowadays?
trading shitcoins on /biz/.

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a distinction that 95% of people will never make.

>video games are quickly becoming popular
>newfound popularity

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I’m a virgin and think the “have sex” meme is hilarious. I look for it every thread.

this, thank god that porn exists.

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>Outcast nerds are the original demographic of videogames (as well as mtg, d&d and similar nerdy hobbies), they couldn’t have sex/date because they were socially inept and their hobbies were seen as weird and asocial.

Hollywood memes. Atari owners were normalfags.

that's already happening, its just that most of the outcasts actually enjoy watching things fall apart
the only people who are upset are the few people who somehow have the time, motivation and awareness to notice while still being functioning members of society

t. regular of various collapse communities

>Outcast nerds are the original demographic of videogames
The first video games were targeted at normalfags and families

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>Outcast nerds are the original demographic of videogames (as well as mtg, d&d and similar nerdy hobbies), they couldn’t have sex/date because they were socially inept and their hobbies were seen as weird and asocial.
Ask me how I know you're less than twenty years old.

It's funny how whenever SJW bully people, is it the right thing to do, when others bully them back, they are evil nazis.

Will these shit threads be perma banned?

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>is it the right thing to do
Who the fuck thinks this besides SJW?

That's not the definition articles like this have in mind, if you hang around Yea Forums you are an incel.

>implying that would change anything.

Every last moral fiber in my being wants me to make them stop. But then common sense comes a knocking and tells me to pull up a chair and some popcorn.

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Nobody. that is the point. They justify doing the exact same thing as they people they cry about.

Get fucked. Derail roll: "Will I get a cutie gf that loves and accepts me?"

Wil I have a female slave that loves me and doesn't care about womens rights?

>I was born in 1990. All the way to middle school age, ONLY nerdy males used to play games. Most sporty people didnt even have a console. Females used to mock you about it.
I was born in 1992 and I knew plenty of normal kids that played video games and girls that took their GBs/DS to school. Nice meme though.

lmao get fucked faggot

Of course that is not their definition. It is much easier to pretend that people who tell you that you are wrong and a bully is just evil monsters out to get you. Otherwise, you might risk having to admit you are doing something bad.

Will I have a female slave that loves me and doesn't care about womens rights?

>they couldn’t have sex/date because they were socially inept and their hobbies were seen as weird and asocial.
The funny part is, this has literally never been true.

The antisocial, sexless people did tend to have "nerdy" hobbies, but anyone who thinks that they couldn't get laid because of their hobbies has deluded themselves away from being self-critical.

You can be a nerd and still have a social life. My dad, who is 60 now, is by far the nerdiest person I know. He built his first computer back in the 1980s when that was still hard to do. He was a ham radio hobbiest. He has a Bat'leth over the doorway to his bedroom. He introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons. He has five kids.

It's never going to get any better, is it?

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ouch, well at least we still have our videogames

Thank god we’re anonymous, and so long as you’re not autistic about it, it will never come up outside of Yea Forums that you browse it.
When someone insults Yea Forums in the real world and you contradict them or argue, then you fucked up.


This. Even in hs, and hey would mock you lightly for having nerdy hobbies instead of being into “dating” at 12yo

incel is just a made up word from last year. It describes the same group of people (mostly). Definitions get lost when you use words for everything. Just like now “have sex”, it is repeated so much and probably mostly by people who acually didnt have it, as even nerdy guys finally get to smash needy girls when they get in uni.

this has always been true, thats why they also hate games that require skill.
I mean, did you see twitch? That place is a joke, only esluts showing their boobs, videogames my ass

virgin is another word to add to that list:
Im not saying that, Im saying that group dynamic is fundamental to human being.
Now a group got bigger in number with gays (not actual homosexuals, just weak mentally illed people that want to belong somewhere) allied to females (not all females just weak unattractive individuals which make up new wave feminism) and minorities (not all of them, mostly weak and uneducated blacks), grew in numbers and because tech is so important today and they live off group culture they are trying to “conquer” a new space.

I dont mind and like several gays, blacks and women, what I hate are all these weak individuals. Their only advantage is that they allied and came up with names to define other cultural minorities (nerds) in an attempt to send them away from their space.

They lack their own place, so they need to steal one to another.

Wanting a "girlfriend". Absolute faggot. Either she is property or she is a whore. Homo boy

there's nothing wrong with videogames if you avoid AAA trash
There's even a good AAA game from time to time

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>ONLY nerdy males used to play games
Massive assumption on your part with not a body of truth behind it.

Plamo kits.

I'm a republican and voted for trump. Have sex.

>He has five kids.
And none of them are his.


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will i finally get bbc gangbanged tonight?

Actually, funny story about that.
Incel was a term first used in 1993.
Source: wikipedia.

I remember getting mocked ind elementary school for liking Pokemon and after the summer break, every kid had the game or cards etc.. Later some people made a bit of fun about people playing mmos and online shooter. The same people are now in their late 20ies and addicted to WoW, Counter Strike, ARK etc. I have some on my Steam friends list. they are probably all unemployed. They mostly play flavor of the months games and AAA trash.

Fuck normalfags.

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rpglite novels

Are you a caveman?

ugh, reroll for nigger cock anal destruction.

See this right here? That’s an incel.

>they couldn’t have sex/date because they were socially inept

To be honest most people confuse wanting to have sex and wanting a meaningful relationship, if you only want to get your dick wet you jump on every landwhale and goblin that lets you.

We live in an era where your value as a human being is measured by two things. Your frequency of sex and how much imaginary money you have. No wonder the rich are draining the country dry and most Americans are working-poor, all you niggers are ever worried about is getting your dick wet.

where are the video games?

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>Source: wikipedia.

That's actually every man from before sexual revolution

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I will never care about your vagina rights.
I buy whores and I would buy you as a slave too if I was living in afganisthan.


What the fuck are you doing to break your PC?

Almost correct. I would say that it is more about the appearance of your frequency of sex and how much imaginary money you have. Rather than the actual amount you have.


I’m not even a woman bro, I’m just not an incel.

Also, it was originally used by a lesbian to describe how difficult it is to get a date with a woman as a woman.
And it was used as a ralley for a support group who helped eachother find relationships.

Exactly, that dude’s family is like mine. My father was a doctor and brought pc and videogames in our life before I turned 2yo in Europe in the 90’.
Kids with better educated parents value education more, making them more nerdy.

That family looks exactly like mine in 92. All my friends didnt see a pc in their home unil 95/96/97, same with a ps1.

Not knowing that before the internet it would take time for things from america to reach europe.

You are the zoomer here, Im 30yo, and as many other people wrote already in the thread it was absolutely like this.

you are like my brother (‘93) already half zoomer, your golden age was already during decadance.

coding attracts the biggest autists. Most of the trans people Ive met were software engineers.

Monolith is telling you that you have extremely bad taste, faggot

Have sex.

I was born in 87 and that's simply not true. Everyone played games. Nintendomania got everyone. Old people young girls dads moms everyone

of course I didnt mean you couldnt have sex for the hobby. Hell Im getting married and lost my virginity at 17yo with a 15yo and still play vg/mtg/d&d.

Are you stupid?

Speaking on behalf of women as a men makes you a chick.

>So now gays [etc] wants in,

Excuse me, i've been gaming since I was 4, about 21 years total.

Playing the other 85% of games (and VN's) normies don't play.

Nope, just not an incel.
Nobody’s property regardless of gender

We truley live in a society

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Because you take away the only power women hold in society, but you're not supposed to know that.

trannies are just incels in disguise, prove me wrong

For anyone who says incels aren't completely insane, worthless pieces of dogshit with IQs of zero, I refer you to:

How will having sex help?

I meant on Yea Forums

exactly this. I got made fun for playing ff by a girl friend in elementary school, and pokemon red before the cartoon was out.
Guess who then is playing ffmmo and pokemon today?

Guys, find yourselves a smart gf, not just a wet hole, trust me.

stop reposting these fake articles I made.

Attached: Untitled.png (688x650, 193K)

Gas yourself, fucking conservative. Trump hates you and your country - he only loves Israel and all you have is cope.

you ok there sweety?

Kill all the jews

You might as well suck bara dick faggot.

Yeah, when I got into gaming I was a socially retarded nerd, but now I'm not because I'm not a kid any more and I'm glad the hobby evolved with me. If you kept this shit up long enough to become an incel, something went wrong with you.

Incidentally I was born in 1990 and I knew a cool chick who played Age of Empires.

None of these posts are examples of incels.
Or did you want me to read the whole thread?
Cause forget that.

This user is going to put out, boys! jump in a pile!

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liberals are obsessed with incels because they get raped as children

post yfw
>not an incel

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If you don't think so then you are one, einstein.

>have sex
Gas yourself conservative. Trump sold America out to Israel. Cope some more by replying "have sex."

Define "Bully"

Let's see
>2 GPU malfunctions
>2 dead sticks of RAM (reason unknown)
>1 Failing PSU from god-knows-what
>1 Dead Mobo from freak overheating accident
>1 Overheated GPU that went from 56 Celsius to 84 in a few minutes and Mobo died shortly after.
Most recently I after much troubleshooting found the cause was the dead mobo, I replaced it aaand
>1 Dead mobo
>1 Dead GPU
>Both caught on fire
>GPU causing short circuiting issues
>CPU no longer compatible with modern mobos have to replace

All that and a fucking bag of chips.

Attached: 1548884202524.jpg (1100x1152, 389K)

Have sex

HUSH, you're not supposed to point this out!!

Christ this website really went down the shitter these last couple of years.

>because they get raped as children
The liberals or the incels?

getting fucked in the ass doesn't count user

Lol these people live in a world where social outcasts are the bad guys
The fuck

How do you fry a mobo, you animal?

>exactly this. I got made fun for playing ff by a girl friend in elementary school, and pokemon red before the cartoon was out.
Guess who then is playing ffmmo and pokemon today?
So it upsets you that people grow up and learn to like things they previously didn't like? I use to make fun of kids at school for playing Pokemon during Gen 3 but I got back into it during Gen 4. Am I not allowed to like it now?

Incels are people I don't like and I like none of those threads. Thus all of those threads are incel threads. q.e.d.

Nothing. Just enjoy the pleasant humor that comes from feminist/leftist/lgbtbbq allies and metoo'ers telling you it does, using have sex as an insult because they admit all they're worth is a transient sex act, despite them fighting that very idea.

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liberals. all the child rape is happening in hollywood

>they couldn’t have sex/date because they were socially inept and their hobbies were seen as weird and asocial.

>of course I didnt mean you couldnt have sex for the hobby.

>I said X
>Of course I didn't say X, are you stupid?
Fucking what

Notice how a year ago literally nobody used the word "incel", but apparently 40% of the male population got turned into one

What is "incel" about any of those threads? They seem like normal threads to me, except some going off topic.

Absolutely this.
I've started building plastic robots and have been bullied for it from my normalfag friends who all play games.

Give it at least 15 years until they find out it's cool and it geta ruined too

Can't be an incel if you got raped.

>last couple of years
thank The Fappening, GG and Mutt elections.

One of the posts is just saying E3 is in 8 days. That’s a perfectly normal thing for anyone to say on a video game board.

I will with whores and then with femoid slaves when sharia is put into place.

Incels didn't take over the gaming community, they're just the circus freakshow that game journos are obsessed with and can't stop writing about.

Is she into kinky shit?

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Nah, we all just went from being cucks to incels. I wonder what the next word is going to be.

>lord british, miyamoto, john carmack / romero, jon van caneghem et. al are all virgins without girlfriends / wives and children.
Is this bait?
Then again this is the same board that thought gaming was a super secret nerd hobby until the mid 2000s despite literally every major console going as far back as the NES selling millions.

Is this a real article? Why the fuck is "incel" a thing outside of twitter

That’s fair, since most of the threads Yea Forums hates are “SJW threads.”

you know what to do

The first one was from it going from 0-100 faster than I can react, the second time is when I didn't catch the short-circuiting in time and the GPU set fucking fire to my system.

Are they saying females, feminists, and LGBT weird they didn't include minorities this time can't be incels? Because I think outside of females, they're the most likely to be unable to have sex.

>gay people didn't play videogames before 2010

top kek.

unironically this. stop getting so easily manipulated by retarded news like OP's

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Celibacy and virginity is not the same thing.

How are you this fucking inept at building a modern PC?

>How Native Americans managed to take over the United States, and what you can do about it

First they take your land and then they pretend you're the aggressor.
Damn those colonial lefties.


I wish I could see how the person that makes these fake "rage outrage articles" looks like.

>Spawn camping

Of you come to places like this you're an incel for the normies.

its not like the article is untrue.

vpol regularly finds lgbt/wrongthink gamers/personalities to brigade.

It's no longer 2014 where atleast some people here were normal.

This is why threads like "Girl gamer beats dark souls with feet" gets 500 angry replies and hits bump limit.

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And how can you be a virgin in celibacy, if you are not a virgin.

virgins are not incels, they can have sex
i see the autor of the article don't even know what this word mean

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>refuge for lonely men to pass the time
>normalfags and ((businesses)) take over for attention and money
>historical revisionism happens, claim to be victims, and kick out the original hobbyists

>what you can do about it

the one thing that would utterly and completely blindside and defeat 'incels' would be love and acceptance, but it's never in their interest to actually defeat them, just manufacture an enemy so they can play the victim so they pick their victim groups and pile on the hate to worsen things more

what a con

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>this looks normal to me, boss!
Because you're an incel. They think it's normal to think fictional characters are real women and to make everything waifus and absolute retardation.

No one gave the "original" game nerds smallpox blankets.

you just proved user right. a lot of incels are angry virgins because they wont dare have sex, involve themselves romantically with any non conventionally beatiful people.
Just fuck some not too cute girls user, you can leave the high standards for when youre older and need to get married. At that age, and if you dont get married or marry some used goods, sleep well knowing you will be even used-er goods.

Ok, that’s pretty much a cuck.

It wasn't AS big, but it was still here. /pol/ and /r9k/ have been using it since 2010. The incel reddit started in 2013 and got a HUGE spike in 2014 when Elliot Rodger Elliot Rodger'd himself

You are also now a weeb if you once played a japanese game and didn't think it was worse than Hitler.

>Started going on Yea Forums around 2011
>All those "Yea Forums words" still feel new to me, apart from "autist"

>china thinks they can just slap a bunch of shit together and call it a meme


You don't have to be a virgin to be incel. Incel means you can't get women interested in fucking you. If you pay a prostitute you lose your virginity but you're still an incel.

post cunny

Most people don't know what "incel" used to mean. They just take it as virgins who hate woman and want to hurt them since it's what the msm told them.

I don't see what that has to do with incels. They're called involuntary celibates, not involuntary virgins.

This has been states in the thread at least 4 times. People are going to ignore it though and complain about muh sjws.

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>tfw Yea Forums will never again be a ragtag group of Yea Forumsirgins with 140 ping

Aside from the compatibility issues which I only made that mistake out of desperation, most of it is just shit luck and I've learned to accept it. That's just how my whole life has been. It's nothing short of a miracle I haven't just committed suicide yet.
I actually tried once. The gun wouldn't fire. And yes, I know how guns work.[/spoilers]

I, as a child up until early adulthood, saw myself on a mission to "save the world" yet now I want as little to do with it as is necessary (profession, other work, network of contacts/colleagues). My view on it is now pic related:

Attached: 1520981816648.gif (200x269, 597K)

That's fake, she wouldn't let him that close in the second pic.

The actual meaning of the word is irrelevant, what matters is the conversation that sparks from it.

>This place has gotten so normalfag that people think of 4+Yea Forums before Yea Forums as the internet boogeyman

That's fucking sad and pathetic.

Attached: wat.jpg (401x349, 24K)

When hobbies become more accessible they inevitably get dumbed down and the quality suffers. Which is why most modern AAA games are just bland open world borefests.

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aluakbar brothar

The SJW unwillingly usher in a new sharia state in the west.
Then they can just order their burka wife.

Says the guy who likely thinks lolicon means "Person that wanks to drawings of little girls" and not "Pedophile attracted to little girls"

It’s more than that, really. You can be completely undesirable to every woman you’ve met but still be a decent person and fun to be around. It’s the sense of entitlement and resentment that make someone an incel.

Antagonizing outcasts is first trick in the book of any living creature, except maybe microbes.

This, GG was the real nail.

Good games were always the niche ones
This has not changed
All these AAA games Yea Forums hypes are all pure trash

>I was born in 1990. All the way to middle school age, ONLY nerdy males used to play games. Most sporty people didnt even have a console. Females used to mock you about it.
I was too, that's not true at all. It was still cool for jock/ahole guys too and even girls would sometimes want to play(they always sucked though).

Only weebs play visual novels

stop projecting i know what lolicon means in translation from japanese to english

>That family looks exactly like mine in 92.

>The Magnavox Odyssey was released by Magnavox in the United States in September 1972 and overseas the following year.

No, that's just how normalfags use the term. You don't actually need to hate women or be bitter to be an incel.

no it wasn't, the fappening was

You don't even know the definition of incel.

I think that Canadian guy who called himself an incel and then killed a bunch of people is the reason why the word "incel" is so common on the Internet now.

infinite chan is overrated
they're slightly more unique than Yea Forums but i never actually wanted to stay there.

A shame that 8ch is shit and the users have sand up their asses. It would have been a great Yea Forums alternative, instead its just a reddit-seven-chan hybrid

I'll save it after the tumors chew up what they can and die off.

Social outcasts are more likely to engage in criminal behavior

>hobby flourishes
>attention whore females and their beta orbiters take notice
>hobby gets popular
>*judaism intensifies*
>hobby is changed to be targeted towards a wider audience
>becomes packed with sjw, multicultural, feminist and just plain cancerous trash
>original hobbyists leave
>hobby withers and dies

A term’s meaning can change if majority use it in a new way.
See the term “meme”

lmao even in the mega drive days all the normals were playing sport games on it while I sat alone actually playing real games

Nerds aren't actually incels, that's the joke.

Yes but the difference was, normal kids/jocks whatever you call them never cared that much about games. They had fun with them but anybody who spent an arbitrary excess amount of time on them were considered weird.

Which honestly is the healthiest way to go about games and they weren't wrong but clownworld subverted only having games in your life to some shitty fucking made up 'gamer' identity. People who only had video games in their life never wanted to think of themselves as a 'gamer' so it was and is fucking disgusting when they push being a 'gamer' as something to be proud of.

Lets use as an example of how a videogame community evolved with the most popular game from last year as an example: the super smash bros franchise.

The original audience: nerdy kids that like videogames in the year 2000 (still in elementary school, still cant openly talk about it without being mocked or told to grow up and start “dating” by his 10yo classmates)
The game is challenging, no memes, competitive, solds few million copies on the most niche console of the generation (GC). Kids meet everyday after school and play 6hours straight. Learn in game techs and proceed to fuck each other up and add bantz to it.

Jump to 2019. Everybody plays smash ultimate, videogames are socially acceptable and REACT makes videos of HS and COLLEGE kids doing a tournament with multiple girls playing. Memes everywhere. Less competitive, lower skill ceiling. The new audience mocks the original audience namecalling them (smeele) and using meme phrases to trigger them (take a shower). They dont care for how challenging or competitive the game is, disrespecting tha game grassroots and greats (melee was an esport before esport was eveb a word). Memes are more important than gameplay, people only care about rosterfaggotry. It sells 15mil copies in a few months, everybody and your grandma knows it, plays it. But they all suck and are stuck in GSP limbo without being able to compete with veterans.

Funny isnt it?

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How tolerant.

On the block I grew up on we would switch between hanging out on random porches, playing either football/basketball/baseball/soccer and going to different houses to play multiplayer ps1 or n64.

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You're allowed to do whatever the fuck you want, but it still makes you a hypocrite

there is nothing more pathetic than trying to be anti lolicon on Yea Forums of all places
Its not even good bait, it wont get you reply"s

>getting married in one week too
Sorry to hear that.

No. People in the 80-95 IQ range are more prone to criminal behavior, and some groups of people are naturally prone to that IQ level. Social outcasts are usually on the higher end of the IQ spectrum. It's mostly lower IQ people that reproduce, after all.

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It's weird how trannies and women actually literally believe incel is something you enroll into, like the amy, even though the word is literally INVOLUNTARY celibate.

You just didnt have to be an asshole about it before and let the kid play gen3 in peace.

Now you are still being an asshole tormenting “incels”.
Trends change, but assholes are always assholes, and you are one for sure.

Incels are virgins who hate women and want to hurt them, though.

I'm still mad about meme. That shit already had a perfectly fine name, no need to change it.

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Sorry haven’t replied to you in a while. I’m just not interested anymore.
Here’s one last (You) for the road though buddy.

>some of the most vile human beings on the planet.
It makes you wonder if those people know the situation outside the western countries...

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This is accurate.

nobody in this thread cant even define it.

t. gamergay trying to deflect blame

good thing i can always play old video games on pc because later is hard as fuck to play on original console which is over 20 years old

>married with kids

Incels aren't the same as nerds, incels is a very specific minority of people who can't realize that they are actually socially inept and tend to put all the fault in third parties like women.

Other than that, I was born in '87 and I defintly saw the "cultural shift" over "nerdy culture" but to be fair it doesn't seem to me like there was a real sustantial change.
People only like "popular" things like Marvel, Skyrim, Overwatch and such. Those that have a genuine, real interest over videogames are maybe even less than in the past.
Even on this board there has been a complete takeover of "normies" talks, like how back in the day how threads for WoW or COD were killed on sight while these days (years) they are pretty much the norm.

TL;DR: things changed but not really.

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Have (more) sex with a loving incubator that actually craves your pulsating blood sponge inside of it before speaking. Guess you don't even remember the struggle to cum when your noodle child arms weren't used to stroke fast enough. Didn't stop your from becoming addicted to fapping later on.

>it still makes you a hypocrite
So people can't change then? I'm sure there are things you thought were weird/bad/stupid when you first encountered them but later changed your mind.

Nah. All these events did the same thing, attract normies in disguise. But GG is what made them think their basic bitch soft-right politics was Yea Forums culture.

The eldest in the friend group on my block was the biggest into games. We all considered him as an expert before actually pro-gaming was a thing, or at least a known thing. We all respected it. He was really good and it was cool to watch even if it was at our expense. But yea, in high school we all stopped caring about it for the most part but we got in some multiplayer sports games.

>Owning a female as wife property

>letting your daughter get gangbanged in some random club
>female empowerment

that's when all the modern gayming journos joined, it is "new" for them

Are you ESL? Celibacy is simply refraining from sexual activity; virginity is having not engaged in coitus.

Thanks for proving my point, npc.

Today they sell hundred of milions you absolute imbecile.
Gaming wasnt mainstream in the 90’. In an average class, less than 50% had a game console, and only a fraction of that had it as an established hobby.
Today? Easily 100%, with 80% playing dialy, males and females

That's how they sell it to the mainstream because it helps them win pro-tranny debates.

Bunch of zoomers freaking out for no reason, the average "gamer" has less taste than ever back then we had to know our shit to even run the damn things on our computers

Have sex

It’s been defined the same way several times. The only ones who are fighting it are actual incels trying to remove the label from themselves.

You're becoming incoherent.

I'm sorry, but if you get triggered by whores and the word whore, you are a fucking literal faggot
might as well put on a dress and suck cock

*ruins your hobby*
*ruins your community*
*ruins your board*
Nothing personal incel.

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>>inb4 have sex
>I had plenty, getting married in one week too.
I was with you until this. Get out of here you filthy unvirgin.

>Incels are virgins

I also rolled 1 Luck in life user you just have to laugh at your bad rolls and minimize your odds as much as possible, it's an interesting life ill give you that.

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If they would, they'd stop trying to import them into their own countries.

>We get shouldn't done.

>No wonder the rich are draining the country dry and most Americans are working-poor
Is this really true?
I thought America was paradise anyone of any class

Yeah and they all play fifa and fads like shitnite that doesnt really count as games, they are mindless sheep with no taste

those people still fetch pails of water you know.

how do i have sex

Gacha and mobile game threads are more cancerous than WoW or CoD threads ever were, and people on here defend them because they're made by their Japanese overlords.

well i mean, that's not wrong

>But GG is what made them think their basic bitch soft-right politics was Yea Forums culture.

I miss the times when "Yea Forums culture" meant stuff like 4 AM threads.

Prove me wrong, then. Incels, by definition, are incapable of having sex, so logically, they must be virgins. And, of course, it can be readily observed that these virgins hate women, whom they blame for their virgin status.

Except his talk would be branded as toxic masculinity and elitism by the mangina and the fake nerd girls that took over.

Your knee jerk reaction to femoids as wife property is annoying.

Literal gangbang is still illegal for a reason, you mong.

Thus post is ironic considering by far the most aggressive and anti-women incel groups were all reddit exclusive. 4chans incel group is mostly just self-hating sad sacks and porn addicts

Pretty much what I'm doing. Cheers!

gaming history is complicated, because of the crash, but also because the different regions of the world didn't have the same culture for decades before the last 2000's an the corpos taking over said culture.

>smash bros, original audience
>in the year 2000
>on the GC
user please

ask your mother

or maybe you could stop blaming other things like "luck" or "women" and get your shit together and understand what the fuck did you do wrong

of course it's easier to cry about it on /pol/ or /r9k/ or whatever other shitty bubble hug box you people have

>getting married in one week.
Congrats. What's his name?

Look at this thread. None of you even care about video games, it's all social status and drama.

I know, and In op. All I said is accurate. I dont bait and lie for internet points. Some people still discuss in here.
Still nobody agreed on the definition of incel in here kek

what? when did I say GG was ok? Are you mad at something boy?
But the fappening attracted all the normalfags to Yea Forums, that then spread to every board.

Except it's not, it happens and nobody says a word.

It's hard to tell if that article is real, or something a shitposter made up just for (You)s.

Are you having a stroke or something?

Government-mandated prostitution and government-provided sex workers.
Having sex.
For mental health.
Incel is just an untreated sexual emergency.

What world do you live in where women get gangbanged in random clubs and they call it empowerment?

OP I hate to tell you this but just because you were a pathetic loser doesnt mean that the majority of people playing video games were.

In reality video games have always been cool and popular.

Or you could simply read the fucking thread and But you won't, since it would turn your world upside down and you could even realize that you fell for a distraction to rally against an imaginary enemy and not see what is really going on. Oldest fucking trick in the book.

Yeah whatever schlomo

nice fucking projection asshat i was trying to cheer that user up, get out faggot

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They're probably all the same incels, innit. They post on reddit, they post on Yea Forums, they post on dedicated incel forums, but it's the same people.

smash64 came out in 99, melee in 01. thats accurate.

Cuck grew out of the Trump presidential campaign, so that's relatively new, and soiboy is even more recent than that.

This is what incels actually believe

Can't have that. The common pebble needs an enemy they can rally against in order to get fucked even more behind their back. So the msm will keep up that shit for as long as possivle until some new enemy will be found.

blame normalfags including:
Resetera tourists that love to stir shit up
Polfaggits that love to stir shit up
Redd*t fags that love to come here and shitpost
Normalfags think of Yea Forums as a place to shitpost and then leave.
>inb4 wad always like this!
No, fuck off

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No way fag

>Cuck grew out of the Trump presidential campaign
More like moot in 2014/2015

Yea Forums was always full of redditors, newfag.

>Halo 3, Fallout 3

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I can literally open a tab to some e-whore streaming how she gets railed in her asshole and it's perfectly fine but me buying a wife as my property is evil. Fuck you.

I think cuck was 2014. It still feels weird that when I first got here, the only word in this list that existed was "autist".

All the normies who came for the fappening only wanted celebrity nudes, and what they found instead was a mod team frantically trying to clean it all up again, so they left for places like reddit which had that shit up for way longer. Gamergate, on the other hand, actively invited redditors in for a good month and practically took over the board during that time with their hysterics. It's obvious to see which had the bigger impact on board culture, and the only reason someone would deny it is if they were trying to spin gamergate as not being a total disaster.

that's the main problem of Yea Forums, the REAL culprits are the mods

How did these people play the 01 game on a console that wasn't out in 00?

This is what videogames have become. Didnt you read the op?
The needy kids that loved them left.
Now TLoU2 wont be fun. Your favorite series is multicultural with a female lead with unshaven armpits and her black girlfriend. get with the times gramps

>kotaku (or similar site)
>gaming journalism
yeah nah, go back and stay back

There were always girls that played video games it's just you never noticed because you were socially inept OP hope thet helps.

>Or you could simply read the fucking thread
And find literally nothing to contradict me? I really wonder what point you think you've made.

see? this is an example of a tourist tha comes here and has fun shitposting

It never was. 1985, so 5 years older than him.
Elementary school: everybody played videogames
Junior High: 50%
High School: 1 in like 5+ guys did, most did not. If they did it was some casual shit like Fifa or Smackdown before going out hitting on girls.
By college gaming was no longer a thing.

it's not either one or the other you know
they are both shit lazy genres for normies

the real difference is that back then we had forums that where full of this normie shit and Yea Forums (and the whole Yea Forums) was the place to go if you actually wanted to talk about your hobbie in a more articolate way
right now it's basically the opposite and Yea Forums is the normie place

>I can literally open a tab to some e-whore streaming how she gets railed in her asshole
user you realize your porn scenarios and fantasies aren't real life right?

I think they like the division and infighting caused by politically charged threads like this.
Jannies have boring jobs. Need some entertainment to pass the time.

I think compared to a lot of us James Rolfe is a pussyslayer because he's actually married and has a kid even if he's getting cucked nightly by motherfucker mike

Anime, shooting range and airsoft

Why would that make the game not fun?

I guess the world still thinks of the USA of the 45-63 era. It's not like that anymore.

>Resetera tourists that love to stir shit up
>Polfaggits that love to stir shit up

I miss what Yea Forums was like before this "LE EPIC INTERNET POLITICAL WAR" shit started, even if Yea Forums was Yea Forums 2.0 before the political shit.

jannies are normalfaggots

And just as expected you didn't even try to read it. Almost as if you were programmed to filter out anything that might contradict the given worldview. But don't be discouraged, please keep going with your shit, my sides at least thank you for it.

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english isnt my main language. I purchased a gc the day it was out in Italy with luigi’s mansion and smash a few weeks later. Proceeded to play it easily for 10k hours in the 17years after that.
I dont care enough about my posts to rewrite the fuck ups. Be less of an asshole next time. 2000, 2001, 1999, it’s all the same, still the golden age.

Playing old games and jerking off to degenerate shit

Let's be honest, it won't be a new enemy, just a new name for the same enemy (any flavour of lonely men who can be easily ostracized or antagonized and society won't be sympathetic to, expendable in war, expendable in peace)

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ESL nigger get out

>that's the main problem of Yea Forums, the REAL culprits are the mods
Bravo you figured it all out.
>vidya threads get deleted randomly
>offtopic only really gets enforced if it's spam/floods or bias
>other times they suck at handling floods

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How is her getting fucked in real life on camera a fantasy? This is perfectly normal for society. Hell I can google a whore next town for a quick fuck. But owning a wife is somehow evil. The west is retarded.

The developer saying so?

I don't see trannies or THE RAMPANT LEFTISM SJW GENDER BENDER wave in here and yet Yea Forums is still a shit place
so maybe we should stop blaming these less than 1% of population about every problems and realize that there are other problems in here

Try again. Its been proven that Yea Forums was full of redditors since that time an user took screencaps of people's computer after they downloaded a game posted on here with a virus.

What you played on your gamecube was not the original game like you appear to think it is.

Blame social media

>people tell each other to 'have sex' on Yea Forums of all places
I want to go back
Yes I want a safe space for virgin losers like myself. You normalfags have all the rest of the internet, why do you need to come here and ruin the last place I have.

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The problem is people going to the video game board to argue about social drama instead of talking about video games. Don't argue against the very thing you are a part of. If you cared about video games, the first thing you would do is take this social drama to a board that isn't the video game board.

when the fuck are people going to stop this dumb sjw vs incel trigger war
this is so annoying. i just want to play videogames without autists on both sides reeing at everything.

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I'm During the whole school years I've met literally two girls who played videogames.
One was ugly as sin, and had a boyfriend since day one. The other was cute, drew weebshit, played Jrpg mostly and had a boyfriend since day one. They brought me a hnk poster from a convention they attended over 14 years ago.
Or maybe it's the fact gaming is so factually fucking terrible now people have nothing to do but talk about random shit.

>Remember how games like Deus Ex and Dwarf Fortress used to be popular on Yea Forums
>Rarely see any posts about those games now

Your anecdotal evidence doesnt match reality. If people stopped playing video games in high school and college than marketing consoles to older audiences like they started doing in the playstation era wouldnt have been a thing.

>And just as expected you didn't even try to read it.
I read it, and it wasn't even anything I was not already aware of. There's just absolutely nothing in the history of the term that changes the fact that it refers to virgins, and that the collection of virgins currently identifying as incels hate women. What you told me is at most a curious little aside in the discussion about incels.

Will I like my new job, oh Monolith?

Another problem, it's so easy to shitpost and ruin an entire board using such a simple tool as a phone.
>post shit thread to get (you)'s
>get banned
>airplane mode off/on
>shitpost again
ban phoneposters
ban shit threads like this
ban twitter threads

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The fact is women rather whore themselves for money than be owned by a retard like you

That literally is totally fine you cretin

>implying it's not other virgin anons trolling or trying to bait
It's just another buzzword here
Life ain't fair these days, get used to it

Thank you

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Yes because that's how human beings actually work. Were not ignorant idiots thinking you can just willpower your way out of depression

>Or maybe it's the fact gaming is so factually fucking terrible now people have nothing to do but talk about random shit.
Can't we just talk about the old or niche shit then instead of devolving into mindless shitposts

this is fake and gay

no source

>What you told me is at most a curious little aside in the discussion about incels.
>origin, usage and the people it described before the msm picked it up is just a tiny detail
Go on little drone. Lets see what nonsense your programming will shit out next.

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What is there to talk about old games we already played and talked about?

Oh really I can google a whore next town. I don't see a women market for me to buy my wife anywhere.
SJW literally taking a stance that all free femoids are dumb whores.

>when the fuck are people going to stop this dumb sjw vs incel trigger war
The chain of mimetic violence has been initiated and it will not stop until it becomes a real world bloodbath (so never).

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Anyone read good nakadashi lately?

It sucks that so many small studios got swallowed and that the big studios, being on the stock market, have to make political and moral statements to not be shoahd by the media.

The hurr durr muh sekrit hobby club, no grills allowed crowd is the same kind of cancer.
Always remember VIDEO GAMES

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Good goyim, vote for G*d's true party

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No user, it's a real thing and I doubt you'd ever be able to understand what it means for literally almost everything to go wrong in life. It's to the point that I got held up at gunpoint and just shrugged it off because I was honestly surprised I didn't just get shot from some freak misfire accident. I was also slightly disappointed I didn't die from said freak accident though.

>historical revisionism happens, claim to be victims, and kick out the original hobbyists
it's honestly gut wrenching but then that's the ultimate goal of feminism, to get to men through women

the inconceivably monstrous complexity of the layer of hypocrisy in play here are indescribably infuriating

>It was still cool for jock/ahole guys too
haha no not in the least comparable, jocks and normalfags nearly exclusive played either fighting or sports games and anyone that spent more than an hour playing any other genre daily was seen as a pariah by default though perhaps this varies by nation / demographics

You’re a newfag

Congrats on your marriage user!
I didn't read all the post but I basically no one wishing you a good life.
As for your post, I just the PC culture. There is nothing wrong with being a dick on the net

>What is there to talk about old games we already played and talked about?
newfags getting into it, help, discovering new shit, not like it isn't uncommon anyway
hell some games getting overlooked

you should probably delete this post out of embarassment and never come back

Do you not know what mail order brides are?

>mods deleting random comments and not the offtopic thread

Why do you connect having sex with owning someone
That seems deeply disturbing



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Yeah but talking about Terranigma doesn't give you the same dopamine rush arguing about a tranny twitter post does. Even other boards are the same, like asp and tv.

They'll marry you, divorce after 6 months and have an easy life with half of your shit.

>when the fuck are people going to stop this dumb sjw vs incel trigger war
>this is so annoying.

I feel the same way. I really miss pre-2014 Internet, before this political shit took over everything.

it's shame

They have equal rights and are free to fuck off not all like in afganisthan

So go make a thread about one and see if anyone cares.


>haha no not in the least comparable, jocks and normalfags nearly exclusive played either fighting or sports games perhaps this varies by nation / demographics
You know what every single individual person played in their house? That's impressive.

I haven’t bought a game in 15 years, and frankly I hope the industry collapses and game developers blow their collective brains out.

I have also pirated indie games too, so indie devs too

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user, you are showing yourself to be hilariously unaware of the history of the term. By the time the mainstream media had picked it up, it had been hijacked by these angry virgin men for YEARS. As you yourself indicated, the term originated in 1993. That's a long time ago. Alana's involuntary celibacy project had ceased to exist for some time and its creator wants nothing to do with what the community has become. By the time it entered the mainstream, the media were only describing what the incel community had factually been for years.

Art is political you.moron and talking about the political messages and impact of video games is perfectly on topic.

This. It's beautiful.

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Mods could very easily just set up a filter that automatically bans anybody who tries to post any of a list of common shitpost words and phrases, or detects them as spam and blocks those posts from going through, but they literally do not care.
All the actual mods got replaced by retards around the time of the double g event.

Maybe you should move there then

Please provide some examples of communities/groups collapsing. I need to fuel my schadenfreude

Not when you have dedicated containment threads.
>/lgbt/ dogshit
Has a board, you have no arguments.

if you hate incels you hate the disabled. tell this to any social justice types that you come across

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>So go make a thread about one and see if anyone cares.
That's the true pain there, people sare too busy shitposting to care

Everyone look it's The Incel Prime himself.

kids talk about their hobbies user, especially during recess

>>inb4 have sex

Sounds like what you are looking for is

Only owning a femoid is great. A free slut is disgusting, literally no difference from the whores I buy.

>It definitely wasn't a bunch of guys blaming women for their problems. That's a pretty sad version of this phenomenon that's happening today. Things have changed in the last 20 years.
Actual quote from the woman who coined the term. If you defer to her authority, you have to accept it.

>Virgin Nerds were always the main demographic for videogames
>Suddenly it's new

So because a kid talked about sports games it means they didn't play other stuff? I never talked about every single game I played.

Why? I thought we were a free and open society?
Were is my afganisthan burka wife then?

>can wordfilter S O Y to onions/basedboy
>can't wordfilter incelt to CHAD THUNDERCOCK/WEINERUS MAXIMUS

You dont even like video games faggot so why do you care?

I already have a hard life, I don't need you in it too.

Topics can fit on multiple boards

Will I pull my life together and get my shit in order?

>user, you are showing yourself to be hilariously unaware of the history of the term. By the time the mainstream media had picked it up, it had been hijacked by these angry virgin men for YEARS
>now the programming chose the "historical revisionism" route
Go on, I want to see what's next.

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She's waiting for you user!

fuck off faggot tourist, this is not video games
kys you and the faggot mods

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i hate incels and sjws

well considering some children talked about sports and others talked about beating that stage in r-type delta last night i'd say it's a pretty safe bet all things considered

Incels aren't disabled you moron

will i change job this year?

Fucking kotaku I swear. I saw that author’s Instagram. Looks like a hideous sack of shit

congrats on getting married hopefully your wife is based and not a nagger and high maintenance.

Can't with a dedicated board.
Want to heave /lgbt/ and feminist shit?
Heave there.
You make the same arguments MLPfaggots did when MLP was a containment board.
You can fuck off, and so can the uneducated staff operating here with intellectual dishonest and complete lack of education on board management.

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Will I ever stop my addiction to this shitty board?

Autism is a disability.

This must be why apps like tinder and grindr are used by literally every normalfaggot and also the reason why male celebrities think with their dick either by hooking up with women in their sexual prime (Leonardo Dicaprio) or risking entire careers for sex (Harvey Weinstein)

It's not revisionism, it's actual history. You know, the 25 years you just skipped over pretending nothing happened?

You rolled and you lost. Own it, you sexless serf.


More blackpilled than this shitty tranny infested board. See you in the revolution when cunts like you are done and dusted with

That's stupid and wrong and you know it.

/m/ has topics about anime, games, and toys but they all have the connection of being about "mecha".

It's the same with Yea Forums and any other board. If the topic has connections to video games it's on topic here.

Stop being butthurt you cant be an ignorant child and ignore any everything about politics anymore


so uuuh, whats the next boogeyman for our left leaning firends?

I remember this time well. Where I was playing pokemon most kids were smoking weed. Where I was playing Halo most kids were doing race riots because a black kid was selling E in the wrong neighborhood. California , The diverse paridise

Fuck it I'm rerolling. Gimme that qt3.14 gf that loves and accepts me you massive phallic looking pile of shit.

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Does incel even really refer to virgins anymore? I feel like it's kind of lost its meaning.

if you really desperate for sex then just become a furry

Anime has been normalfag shit for over a decade now.

>/m/ has topics about anime, games, and toys but they all have the connection of being about "mecha".
Incorrect, only discussions on MECHA themselves have a topic, using mecha as a justification to META is against the rules.
The same way /lgbt/ and feminist faggotry have no fucking relation to discussing gameplay and graphics, with gameplay as emphasis.
You can fuck off now. Discussing which pony is the best by using the existence of a pony in a video game is METAPOSTING and METAPOSTING YOU CAN FUCK OFF WITH TO YOUR CONTAINMENT BOARD FAGGOTS AND /POL/KEKS

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this is true actually

probably carnivore when they start to lobby against meat and pork in particular.

the term yellow journalism is too much of a compliment

trannies are the final incels, they transitioned because they now want to try have luck with other sex.

I don't consider myself to be an "incel", even though I'm a 26 year old virgin.

So never hahaha oh nooooo

Not all of anime. Shounenshit and other popular shows were, but a lot of romance, SoL and iyashikei is still pretty obscure

But Yea Forums is just a containment board for /vg/ and /vr/


>metaposting SJW and /pol/ faggots

Video games have narratives you twit and discussing those narratives is on topic.


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Do you hate women and blame them for everything wrong with the world?


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Want to discuss game writing solely?
Fuck off back to Yea Forums if it's general writing,
/lgbt/ or /pol/ if it's political writing.
Those are your containment boards.
Metaposting faggots, you can fuck off.

see? you can do it user, now stop bothering Monolith-chan

He got attacked by sjws when he said he thought the genderbent remake was unnecessary

It's not ,which you knew if you read what I linked earlier that you claimed you you did.

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Sjw and trannies are nerd outcasts too, Id say even worse than the typical nerd




No. I do blame myself for being a lazy NEET, though.

Well it does but since a lot of NPCs are using it as a name calling tactic, it’s made the word lose its meaning overall

Are you simply unable to read, or just pretending to be an illiterate retard?

Neither that....

getting /fit/

congrats, you are not an Incel then.

>And What You Can Do About It
We're all getting free girlfriends now?

MtF ones are doing this mainly.

>that rulefag minimod wannabe seething


How about you instead not post in a thread about people other than straight white manchildren like you existing.

>Most sporty people didnt even have a console
u wot m8? maybe in america, here every kid, even the ones that wanted to play sports profesionally had consoles like ps1/ps2 (of course they only played FIFA or winning eleven)

incels are inherently incompetent
if anything, chads are far more dangerous
Ted Bundy, serial killer who was infamous for using his chad skills to lure women, killed almost as many people as the incel killers on the wikipedia page combined

How ironic, consider you don't seem to be reading any of my posts. I already told you I read them, I was already aware of what you said, and none of that changes the fact that the word is no longer used as it was 25 years ago.
Both of those posts are mine. I posted that quote because it's the woman who coined the term saying, explicitly, that the term didn't refer to angry virgins twenty years ago, but unfortunately it does not, because things have changed. I guess once again you only read the first part. Is it still 1997 where you live or something? Am I reaching out to you across the timestream?

Stupid you’re still an incel if you’re a virgin. Don’t twist the initial meaning to suit your thinking

I mean yea, mostly that. But the ones I knew played other shit too like JRPGs. Everything was cool back then man. Oh, also Command and Conquer.

that article summary is complete hogwash
didn't we go through this with goobergate already? and "atheism plus"? and every time "diversity" gets shoehorned into somewhere it has no business being

Now, while I think the term incel is just a coping mechanism that places the blame on others for one's lack of sexual experience, isn't it considered kind of shitty to virgin shame people or is that still acceptable?

And here we have it folks, an /lgbt/ lefty/pol/ faggot revealing him as the metaposting pile of trash who comes to this board as a tourist to discuss politics and heave his uneducated mental illness rather than video games.
Fuck off with you human garbage.

"Virgin" is itself still effective namecalling, precisely because of what it means.

In my school everyone including chads and bullies played shit like quake, Morrowind, timesplitters and of course a lot of FIFA, Tekken 3.

How does being attacked by SJW make you an incel? I don't think I even heard anyone call him that.

CAD and 3d printing. This shit is fucking magic for normies.

unfortunately it does now*, not "not".

Is it namecalling for both men and women?

>that anti/pol/nigger screaming about right wingers even tho left wingers are trying to take my video games way

reading american media and social makes me feel as though i'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown

just simmer the fuck down for fuck's sake.

It can be

A round of applause to the useless jannies that allowed this thread to reach bump limit

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But Yea Forums was a place for both virgins and people who practice the most disgusting acts of sex.


OP is a faggot I was born in '85 and knew plenty of well-adjusted people who played vidya growing up including girls. You're probably just an incel who didn't have friends and never went out to actually meet real people.

>Yea Forums the mandrama board is responsible for almost half of the list

3d printing is still a thing for small business? Would have thought big corporations would have taken over by now.

containment thread.

>that article summary is complete hogwash

OP's image is probably a fake article.

who are you quoting

Incel literally means involuntary celibate. It does not matter what their attitude towards women is like. All that matters is

1. They’re a virgin
2. The thought “it sucks being a virgin” runs across their head from time to time

You can be volcel, but usually that’s in the realm of religious people or super autists.

but there are containment BOARDS
fuck, It's all so tiresome

Yea Forums is a containment board.

Technically speaking it does not matter but in practice the entire contemporary incel community is built around the "blackpill" ideology. People outside the community are unaware of the term; people who are aware of the term and continue to associate with the community must share their attitude towards women.

Mods are condining these shit threads coz they want to be "in" the fun

Well according to normies virgin shaming is like the best insult they use in argument when they are losing a debate. Why don’t you lurk on braincels and see for yourself.

Incel has been around for years, trannies just got a hold of it last year, which is why it blew up

It is, these SJW and /pol/ faggots will use any excuse to metapost their dogshit agendas on Yea Forums, and currently there's an SJW janitor/mod allowing it which can be undone by a simple communication to Hiro through various means indicating the thread, the time and date, and the staff logs regarding the thread will do the rest to identify the enabling faggots and getting them de-staffed. Same for any /pol/ mods and jannies.

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Believe me I've been saying this shit for years it's never going to get better. Especially /pol/ cancer seeps into every other board. This isn't even so bad compared to a lot of shitposting.

So you’re twelve? Lawl

You were twelve posts too early but I guess it didn't take Nostradamus to predict we'd get there.

This user has it right

Which makes it even better for baiting incels on Yea Forums

>You can be volcel
Voluntary celibate is anyone who doesn't want to fuck ugly people or rejects sex.
Involuntary celibate are the ugly people who get rejected and can't get any.

On that note, Feminists are ugly cunts and males have a historically unprecedented opportunity with the Internet and current technology to pick letting off steam via the Internet instead of fucking ugly feminist ogres and ugly women. The roles regarding volcel and incel are ironically reversed.

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Trannies use incel as their go-to insult, so does this mean there are literally no virgin trannies? Maybe I underestimated the power of the pinkpill

>these SJW and /pol/ faggots will use any excuse to metapost their dogshit agendas on Yea Forums

Remember the times when Yea Forumstards were the main group of shitposters on Yea Forums? I want to go back.

ok so the idea is to never discuss meta bullshit which seems fair but what happens when a videogame is very clearly a form of political activism?

should we just not discuss that? i feel like the clash between political and video game discussion is now unavoidable because some games have in fact become at least in part, tools for political activism, or does that belong on /pol/ then?

Yea Forums shitposters at the very least were a little more creative

You are all such miserable pieces of human waste. Seriously, if you killed yourselves, nobody would give a flying fuck, in fact, your peers might actually be relieved because they finally didn't have to deal with your virgin rage and social incompetence anymore, you awkward losers. I bet you've never even seen a girl naked IRL or think just because you're nice to girls they have to reward you with sex or that in a relationship you're entitled to sex. You're complete and utter failures as both humans and mammals. The reason you were born was to prolong our race, it was to procreate but you can't even manage that. That's how much of a genetic abomination you people are. Just the thought alone that you exist and that I have to share this space with you mongrel-loving yaks makes me sick. Each and every single one of you is a bigger detriment to our world and human society than climate change and Trump combined. You're absolute pathetic garbage, wallowing in self-inflicted misery because you can't get fucking laid. Honestly, just off yourselves, do the world a favor, make it a better place. Humanity will thank you.

>but what happens when a videogame is very clearly a form of political activism?
You discuss the gameplay and graphics, and you take the story aspects to /lgbt/ or Yea Forums or /his/ or /pol/ depending on what the core of the writing is, pretty fucking simple.

having a nigger isn't a form of political activism

have sex

You know, I sometimes forget there are "" "people""" that lack the common sense and decency required to take off their dirty shoes and leave them by the door before walking on to living areas.
So much less cleaning required and your feet get to breathe - everybody is a winner. Your feet will also smell less and be more healthy if you take your shoes off more often. When I'm home I often feel that even socks are too much so I go barefoot whenever I can.


I guess the timestream must've closed, huh.

>when a videogame is very clearly a form of political activism?
discussing about politics is a smart thing to do, discussing about politics on vidya is the dumbest thing to do
praising anything that doesn't affect the gameplay is what led to the current state of the industry, that includes politics

I would definitely take back "19.95 plus tip" and "Rustled Jimmies" shitposting over what Yea Forums has now.

clearly not simple enough judging by how things have gone, but sure that seems sensible
>adding minorities for the sake of identity politics is not politics
you don't think neil druckman engages in activism with the creative choices he makes? he's explicitely stated he believes diversity to be equally important to gameplay

I was born in 83 and have lived in the UK both north and south and the US in both the west and east coast, I've worked in the industry from 2002 to 2014 as the marketing arms of big industries like EA, THQ, and Ubisoft and all I got to say is you're full of shit.

>>inb4 have sex
>being this insecure of a low hanging meme

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>My name is John, and I hate every single one of you

>discussing politics is a smart thing to do
Not on Yea Forums it's not.

well considering we have actual free speech here yes it is lol, it's literally the last place it can be done openly

Probably not anymore. Shit is still fun. I would get a chinese printer as soon as possible before nanny states ban those.

Now that's a classic.