Released in 2017.
Notable Games:
1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2. ?
Released in 2017.
Notable Games:
1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2. ?
Breath of the Wild is enough for people who aren't poor.
stay mad snoyfaggot
mario odyssey
splatoon 2
xenoblade 2
smash bros ultimate
and more to come negro. deal with it
You forgot some
Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced
Reminder that 2 years into PS4 life it's exclusives were
>Knack (lmao)
Bloodborne is the only good game, but it's also playable on pc with psnow.
Sony died after the ps2
It has tons of shitty phone games and other indie garbage on it. Nintendo has zero curation on the eshop apparently.
Right now yeah it sucks.
the trips of truth
LMFAO fuck knack dry sideways
Non-switch owner here. Games that look good:
>Mario + Rabbits (yeah I know fuck rabbits, but it's basically Mario themed X-com and I dig X-com)
>Splatoon (I wonder how that would do on PC)
>Maaaybe Pokemon lets go
Sure, it's not PCs unlimited library, but there's some stuff there. All in all tho, I really can't justify dropping 400€+ on a console and two games
OP was only listing the games that actually matter.
You just listed a bunch of unreleased ports and shovelware.
Death Stranding is the final blow to this weak tablet. There's a reason Yea ForumstendoGaf is in so much damage control right now.
stay seething lmao
>death stranding
you mean the PS4 beta test of a PC game lmao
Number of titles =/= quality of titles.
Mario/Zelda/Smash are all platform selling games, but who gives a fuck about "snipperclips plus", "Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3" or "Box Boy! + Boy Girl!"
You might as well pick two thousand of the steam only bullshit titles russians try to sell to make money of cards, as an argument for PC because of "all the exclusives".
That being said, the list has very few "must plays" (this is normal) a bunch "good games" a lot of "decent when bored" and the rest falls under "probably wouldn't even play when bored"
Responding to obvious Snoynigger bait.
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
People care, snoyfags were SEETHING hard when they heard it was switch exclusive.
REALLY? Isn't like.. trash shovelware they push out because "gotta make money with the license somehow"? In any case, it's just an example, and even then I'm sure "MUA3" is nobodys (if they are sane anyway) favourite video game.
>Notable Games
RF5 (coming out when it's ready)
SMT V (coming out when it's ready in 2049)
Ah yes who could forget such titles as ARMS
not even fucking close, MUA was one of the few quality marvel games
Shovelware would be shit like Spider-Man PS4 and most of the recent marvel games like the early movie tie ins
>Inb4 Spider-Man PS4 was good
The gameplay was hot fucking garbage. Story was good, but it was basically a fucking movie. Almost every other Spider-Man game was a better /game/.
sure are a lot of boomers on here who are self-conscious over fucking video games. just play whatever's on the switch and shut up
>yeah I know fuck rabbits
I have honestly never played a game involving them, but I liked these CMs back when they first appeared:
Are they THAT bad?
There's also some smaller things, like ARMS (pretty fun but content barren), Golf Story and Gilgamech
They were proto-Minions, and they were subject to whatever the French found funny at the time.
That said, M+R is actually really well made
Stay poor poorfag
Rabbids was so good even the creator of fucking Xcom took notes
Jesus christ I like MUA too but calling it better than Spider-Man is just plain wrong, and saying MUA is "quality" and Spider-Man is garbage is downright backwards shill thinking.
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
(also on wii u and pc)
>mario odyssey
(also on pc)
>splatoon 1.5
(also on wii u)
>xenoblade 2
you can keep that trash, nobody else wants it.
Why does the switch make snoy boys seethe so bad? It's embarrassing
The absolute state of the Switch
And to think it's been dead since December. Poor Nintendofags.
>Dead since December
>Already outsold the snoystation 4 in Japan
>tendie hears about a game coming to switch
>"its the best thing ever made"
Pathetic, ultimate alliance is fucking garbage, low-effort diablo clone.
I couldn't
>Dragon: Marked For Death
Dead online.
>it's a syny thread
>and pc
That's bullshit and you know it. The emulation is shaky at best, and all the youtube videos always just show off the one or two areas that work RELATIVELY well.
But it is nowhere NEAR the level of emulation where you can play it on PC and claim it's the same thing.
>Mary Skelter 2
It's already out in PS4 you mong
At least it's not getting censored on Switch
BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! is a great game
i like it, i just wish pokemon sword and shield would hurry up, i need a casual rpg that i can play even after beating the story
>Fake news
- posted from Samsung s10+
I bought mine long enough ago that I no longer feel buyers remorse but, yeah, it sucks
>The emulation is shaky at best
that's a joke, right? botw can be emulated for free at 4k 60fps with modding. they've even figured out a way to let people make custom dungeons. it's the definitive version of the game.
if anything's "shaky at best," it's the $60 base game's performance on the switch.
Last gen and this gen just solidified that the PlayStation/Xbox line are trash-Tier PCs without any of the benefits of an actual PC. If they hadn’t spent all their money on a launch PS4, PS4 Pro, 4K tv, 5 years of PS+, a new flagship botnetphone every year for shitposting, they would have had plenty of money for a decent PC, a switch, and more games than the PS3,Xbox360,PS4, and XBone put together. Instead they paid thousands of dollars for Bloodborne and a few movies
If they come close to facing the reality of their mistakes, having to admit it consciously causes severe, instinctive psychological pain, and they lash out. Usually without ever realizing why. Honestly it’s just sad at this point
mine's just collecting dust what's the best way to sell
Splatoon 2 alone makes it worth it, Smash Ultimate is the cherry on top.
The only bad things about the Switch is
>Lack of VC
>No Themes
>Shit online that you now have to pay for
>Friend codes in 2017-Onwards
It's getting some games I like but I vastly prefer the Wii U as a console. Also Mario odyssey is great.
Yes. Yet we have nintendo fans parading around phone tier games, and decade old ports like these are substantial exclusives. How many gens have nintendo fans been playing boynetta? How many times have you played the same rehashed mario bros, with those horribly stale graphics?? At what point do you realize you've been buying the same crap for years, and nintendo is making a double sale on your fanboy ass, as well as all the clueless parents who didn't even know the WiiU existed. Nintendo is not your friend and cares more about pleasing children and parents, instead of giving us a gaming experience on par with xbox and PS4. Now this wouldn't be an issue if the console was reasonably priced but it's expensive as fuck, and basically designed to nickle and dim you with accessories with some games basically requiring a pro controller to even function properly. I could go on and on, about the shit online, the dirty business move they pulled with metroid prime 4, and the fact they sold literal cardboard for $80, with one of the worse VR options available on the market. Now they are pumping out low budget HD gameboy games and pseudo side scrollers to pad out their line-up because they still don't have full third party support.
>Lack of VC
>No Themes
Like what? for the main menu? Who cares, useless cosmetic stuff.
>Shit online that you now have to pay for
One of the worst things in modern gaming
>Friend codes in 2017-Onwards
absolutely fucking baffling. I wonder if it's a protective measure. As in "nobody can add little timmy and send him questionable stuff if they have to know his long ass code". And by protecting I don't meant protect the kids, I mean protect nintendo from bad PR that reads "Predators using Switch to find kids"
ITT: TrannyStation fanboys have meltdown
>Doesn't include all systems
LOL, why don't you?
Delete this right now. I don't like those games so they don't count
Oh no, themes, the ultimate reason to buy a console! Fuck the Switch for that!
How are those handhelds of yours doing rn Snoyboy?
It did. Why are you upset?
Where is the vita?
You are right. It sold more than the PS4 and the Pro combined in Japan.
>Snoyfags COPING hard
LOL, no wonder everybody thinks snoyfags are virgins.
heres your handhelds cuckhold
Notice how I said "The only bad things about the Switch is-"
It's still a decent console you Nintendo dickrider.
>a gaming experience on par with xbox and PS4
I can already play nogaemz for free though
Imagine being part of THAT community....
You're retarded. Yuzu is unable to boot games that run on a toaster. Shaky at best is putting it generously
>He literally has to invent numbers to make snoy win
LOL, the mental gymnastics are amazing.
Do more!
Jump snoymonkey!
Alright, post a gif of you playing it, user.
Just to prove it's you, load the game at the top of a tower and throw 3 bombs off the edge.
Unless of course you're just shitposting and have no idea what you're talking about because you've never played it =^)
>And by protecting I don't meant protect the kids, I mean protect nintendo from bad PR that reads "Predators using Switch to find kids"
Considering they gimped Swapnote after incidents of pedos using the service to lure kids in Japan hit the news, it’s not a half-bad guess.
Have sex.
LOL, post more wojaks snoyfag!
Show me what you are famous for!
Is there a better feeling than a smug nintendonigger outing himself as a complete wishful thinking fucking idiot?
Is this you?
"the image that Nintendrónes dont want you to see"
>bragging about how much you spent on permission to use your own internet connection
Fucking lol
>scaling based on cost
Wow you're a fucking retard
This is the average snoyfag.
Never forget they are all niggers.
Do it again!
More buzzwords!
Yes, snoyfag!
It is. One unit is one unit. Cope
>one unit is one unit
It's time to accept that videogames are actually not that engaging, interesting or long-lived as we might have thought. Really, the Switch fulfills my cravings of playing some Sonic Mania, some old game I used to enjoy or the occasional Smash match before I grow bored of it all and do other stuff.
>all those strawman arguments
It’s okay to say that a console’s library doesn’t appeal to you, user, just don’t pretend that it somehow doesn’t exist.
You’re also ignoring Smash Ultimate, and don’t try to brush that off as SSB4.5 unless if you can show me a conversion mod that fully matches its roster.
And the record, all of your “also on Wii U/PC” titles can’t comfortably be played on the go on those platforms, which is the entire point of buying games for a tablet in 2019.
Thanks for free advertising Persona 5 for us switchfags it means a lot
Sauny always win! S-s-seething Tendies.
All those sales and not a single game to play
>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
This is just getting sad
>this is your mind on snoy
LOL, no wonder snoy admitted 72 percent of their players are gay.
uh oh
Burn it already, faggot. Persona 5S is coming to Switch.
Daily reminder that Nintenc*cks and Sonyc*cks are both mentally ill faggots that don't even play video games and just copy paste the same pictures and posts to an autistic degree.
>out for thrice as long
>less than thirty percent more
>it's better when a company charges more for their goods/services. I hate having money, please take it from me.
absolute shill. have sex.
This is such a low test thread.
Those white fingers on the 2nd picture are manly, user.
Actually nintendos list is just bloated with phone games, go take a look yourself.
how dare you deny sony your money!
No hand it over and watch your wife get fucked by a nigger, for the players!
>literally has a single game on the car
They are aware that PS4 doesn’t have good games. That’s why they have time to make shit like wojakposting
You're all retarded because sales =/= quality.
Who fucking cares what sold better, or more, or made more profit. You know how many great movies totally flopped box office?
Of course Call of Duty sells more than Spec Ops: The Line, doesn't mean CoD is the better game.
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines sold worse than Troikas game before that: "The Temple of Elemental Evil" and guess which is now considered one of the best CRPGs of all time, and possible the best vampire game, and which one is "literally what? No I didn't know they did anything besides Arcanum and Vampires"
The WiiU is another example. fucking GREAT console. Why didn't it sell well? Shit tier marketing. Everyone thought it was some kind of Wii upgrade, or some shit. They themselves realized that later on. They didn't make clear that it's an entirely new console, with new features and whatnot and so people completely blanked on it.
The average Nintendork looks like a trash bag filled with mayonnaise
>Arguing with shitposters.
Stop feeding them, user. It's what they want you to do.
Not only is their list bloated with phone games, half the titles are still marked as "unreleased"
Now remove all the games that I can already get on my PC
Ok lets start by removing BOTW and Mario Kart and every other WiiU port all emulatable on PC
>original guy was a sony fanboy
LOL, it's literally always like that.
LOL, the delusion of snoyfags
Friday the 13th
You really wanna go there? Switch would have zero games then with the amount of also on PC.
Sure, make sure you also remove everything that can be played on PSNow
I'm so distraught over the lawsuit killing this game. It was honestly the most fun I've had playing a multiplayer game in years, and I made more friends online than I've made since the old Xbox Live days. Feels so wrong to see it die.
>obvious flamewar thread
>Up for 3 hours
What did the janny mean by this?
Yea Forums is sonygaf, that simple.
Jannies would never delete a thread praising sony.
>72% of PS4 players who identify as LGBT
What did they mean by this?
Didn't think so.
All the autists in this board claim to have played botw emulated at 4K 60fps but not a single one has been able to provide proof.
Look It up consolecuck. Didn't think so.
Snoyggers get triggered by stuff only straight people can enjoy.
Sales don't determine quality.
Switch is pretty much a indie "portable" console at this point
7th gen Port machine
That too
isn't that konami's fault, not sony's?
But these are all games for 10 year olds?
That game that's 30x more empty than BOTW?
>This thread and the wojaks are still up
Yep, I'm 100 percent right.