How will they fuck it up?
How will they fuck it up?
Other urls found in this thread:
they won't
it will be an amazing foundation for mods
>fuck up
not actually, but they will surely do it bad like Fallout 76
By refusing to change the engine
Engine is the least of their problems.
the problem is not the engine, it's the incompetent amoebas using it
For *paid mods
Fixed that for you
Came here for this. If they use the same engine the game is immediately shit. Although, judging by how many people still bought Fallout 76, it'll be a huge success.
>giant empty lifeless desert that is hammerfell
No thanks.
It won't matter. They absolutely fucked up Oblivion and yet it didn't affect sales at all.
Voiced player character
>Paid mods
>Quarter of your mods being bug fixes and crash preventions
Y-yeah totally
Already tried, people don't and won't tolerate paid mods
In what fucking universe was Fallout 76 not the very definition of fucking things up?
by doing what they've done for every TES game since Morrowind. Not understanding the appeal of their games and adding a bunch of superficial shit instead of improving on the previous game's flaws.
Gamebryo (which the Creation Engine is derived from) is used in a bunch of games that aren't as ugly, clunky, buggy and all-around shitty as Skyrim and Fallout 4/76
The problem here is Bethesda, not the engine.
The amount of money that these companies are making, you would think they would hire more competent devs. Either that, or it's simply down to parent companies wanting them to just ship any shit out for maximum profit. No care is taken in this industry anymore, it's very rare when you get the odd gem.
It’s going to be in a boring human region again like Hammerfell.
Making it in one of the exotic and weird provinces would be too much effort.
Brainlet here, can someone explain what is so bad about the current engine? What exactly does it prevent Bethesda from doing?
I don’t know why the majority of fans seem to want Hammerfell. It’s the most boring region they could do. Give me fucking Valenwood, Elsweyr or Black Marsh
>What exactly does it prevent Bethesda from doing?
big cities for instance
you will never see something like TW3's Novigrad in a TES game
by doing what they usually do. all bethesda can do is soulless, bland rpgs with shit writing.
No Stream release, Bethesda launcher only. I'd buy Fallout 76 if it was released on Steam knowing full well how bad it is. No Steam no buy, simple as.
I would like to see a lower emphasis on an “epic” main quest where you are a hero of destiny and more emphasis on complex lore in the factions and sidequests
Nothing, Bethesda just don't know how to animate things properly or make graphics beautiful. If modded Skyrim can look better than games released today, then there's nothing wrong the engine.
>No Stream release, Bethesda launcher only
I wasn't going to pay for it anyway.
Elder Scrolls is not a series that needs cities like Novigrad. In TES they want to make cities where you can enter every building and talk to every person. It’s about scale or detail, you can’t really have both
>How will they fuck it up?
Almost, but not quite, almost every way possible.
>heh yeah I pirate everything heh I'm just a cool guy pirate heh what's this a video game thread heh better mention how I heh pirate everything since I'm a cool guy video game pirate heh avast ye mateys based piracy haha day 1 crack ahoy boys set sails for piracy lmao
kys my man
I want high rock or valenwood so badly. I like bright colorful environments with fantasy. It's why I hated skyrim so badly, it felt like "viking realism" with fucking dragons.
76 is coming to steam before the end of the year. I think the only reason it was beth launcher only was because that allowed them to have direct management over all the patch channels and instance connections. I doubt they'd be stupid enough to release a single player game only on their launcher, they're not as gung ho about trying to make it a competitive store like epic is
cause they want a game setting fill with lore friendly noggers
Valenwood or the Summerset Isles would be infinitely better. nobody wants their open world game to take place in a fucking desert
Vanilla Skyrim doesn’t look that bad. If you play the special edition, it has actually aged pretty well. It still looks pretty good.
kys furfag. But yeah, Hammerfell looks really gay.
well they didn't fuck up the last ES game, so how would they fuck up this one?
By making it a buggy piece of shit with even fewer features than Skyrim.
>Redditfell instead of High Rock
It's already ruined.
Is hammerfall actually confirmed or are you guys memeing? I figure it's not seeing as how bethesda themselves hasn't said anything. I'm praying for High Rock.
Hi Todd
I really hope they do what Oblivion did, and let you edit your character at the very end of the tutorial, so you can make a save right there and skip the tutorial when you start a new game. It was ridiculous they didn’t include this in skyrim, basically forcing you to install an alternate start mod so you don’t have to suffer through the tutorial every time
Exact same skill system as Skyrim but with even less trees
at least one entire school of magic will be removed/merged into another
I'll skip it if it's Hammerfell. I'll just look forward to Star field
Found a way to slip that one in again. I admire this dedication.
It’s not 100% confirmed but it seems extremely likely
How can they even succede ath this point?
Yeah, and I want birthsigns and classes again.
>the shadow
Vistas still look great, but animations, textures are all dated. The greatest problem that Skyrim (and Bethesda games in general) has is weak color palette. SE fixes it somewhat, but not enough. It's incredible how simple color correction ENB makes the game look so much better
It’s probably going to be like Daggerfall where it includes the Illiac Bay region spanning both high rock and hammerfell
>Not understanding the appeal of their games
They understand the appeal to normalfags, each game sells better than the last
Least competent devs in the business
>using 15 year old engine to release big name titles
Ugly ugly ugly
I would like to see more differentiation in the character models. It shouldn’t be hard to tell if someone is a nord/imperial/breton and I would also like to see the Bosmer look more elf-like. The Argonians should also look less square
>In TES they want to make cities where you can enter every building and talk to every person
yeah, and 95% of those buildings and NPCs are absolutely generic, unremarkable and not worth checking or talking to
>It’s about scale or detail, you can’t really have both
novigrad manages something that's much more important than being able to talk to some dickhead who doesn't matter at all: it actually looks and feels like you are in a huge, densely populated medieval metropolis. it's >immersive, which skyrim cities with their grand total of 12 houses (of which maybe 3 have something worthwhile in them) are not
I'll take that over having the choice to go into houses I have no reason to enter or talking to people who have nothing to say
I buy games. But I'm not going to support Bethesda and their cancerous practices. Stop being 12 years old.
I can think of a few ideas.
>2 stats, health and stamina. Stamina is used for everything from running to casting
>2 mage skills - destruction and restoration, with some of previously available illusion\alchemy features as perks
>2 thief skills - archery and sneak, with some of the features like lockpicking being perks
>2 warrior skills - one handed and two handed.
>1 new skill tree niggerborn with about 10 perks that were ordinary spells in previous games, you unlock this tree by doing main quest
>main quest is about 3 hours long with half of it being unskippable dialogues between NPCs, the other half is based around the same dungeons you have already explored (that had one impossible-to-lockpick door at the very end)
>Guilds have a couple of story quest (the initiation and becoming a grandmaster) and everything else is randomly generated "kill-bandit-leader-near-faggotville-and-report-back"
>3 of 5 dlcs are just collections of cosmetic items for player housing, 1 out of 5 is an addon that integrates facebook and twitch into the game so you can take a screenshot of you watching your favourite streamer while playing the game, and it will be automatically uploaded to your facebook page
>The engine is obviously good ol Gamebryo, that is now named "MLG Ultra New Super Sky Engine 2021 Edition"
>Game will get re-released twice, for new generation consoles and then for their pro-versions, bringing in new bugs and no new features.
>A bunch of modders will get sued
This. Bugthesda Shitworks is the most overrated developer and they put maybe the least effort into their extremely buggy, easily exploitable games.
This minimalizing meme needs to fucking stop with them. Every game they take out more and more. It's a fucking roleplaying game, why on earth would they get rid of class and birthsign selection? Also, here's to hoping they add spears like in morrowind.
no steam release
Don't forget the dookie melee combat that is literally as advanced as MINECRAFT, it might be even less advanced than minecraft actually now that they have timed blocks.
>2 stats
Not simple enough. Health, Stamina and Magicka will be one stat: Energy.
by being bethesda
Offense and Defense!
>Devs want to add cool things
>Engine cant handle them
Their only incompetence is not changing this decrepit 20 yo engine. Even CoD finally did it
I don’t understand why people are mad about Skyrim removing classes. TES never really had actually classes, a “class” in Morrowind or Oblivion was moreso just a template of the skill system. I want them to have classes in TESVI but for them to actually feel different in abilities you use and professions you can do. If I’m a healer make it so that I can go around healing and doing stuff like that, or if I’m a bard make it so I can sing tales and write lore, or if I’m a crusader make it so I can wield holy spells or something.
It's quite literally proven to be Hammerfell now tho. Look at the ground models they showed off
because ppl liked it, is that easy enough to understand?
I actually think it would be cool if using magic drained health. I never play mage in elder scrolls because managing Magicka is really boring.
they'll just make it so you can do everything and make it almost impossible for content to ever be barred off or get locked out of because that's what the people want
I think they should be expecting more than just a return to template classes
im not here to spoonfeed you... learn to use google pathetic vermin
>I actually think it would be cool if using magic drained health.
it wouldn't, trust me
What you are talking about simply does not exist. I hope you’re not talking about the trailer
That shit sucks. Not being able to enter something or houses that don't actually have people living in them that you can interact with is thoroughly anti-TES.
It would if you could cast a spell on someone that meant damage inflicted upon them restored your own health
i liked skyrim a lot. good game.
only potential screw up for tes 6 is if they try to kill mods again.
is becos humans are illogical
I just hope Fallout 76 was the wake up call Bethesda needed and forces them to get their arse into gear
Beauclair was more immersive than Novigrad
skyrim had spears
Take it easy cowboy, they still need to leave some room for further simplification for their next entry.
I would say that removing this shit makes it easier for their new normalfag audience to just play the game "their" way and not have anxiety over planning a build or learning mechanics and shit.
Like it or not, Skyrim hit that sweet spot of being just enough of an RPG game while also being as easy to play as candy crush.
>All the fags doubting Todd and shitting on the engine ITT
Ignore other user. I like to spoonfeed people
skip to 5:40
It's going to be just like Fallout 4
They'll improve the basics of combat but literally everything else will be worse
a large majority of people will just continue to play modded Skyrim
>voiced protag with too much backstory
>4 dialogue options in every conversation
>even more streamlined quests, dungeons and skills
>creation club(tm) only modding
>bethnet exclusive and always online
If anyone has played the alternate start mod for Skyrim, I think it would be interesting to have something like that in main game. Like, if we choose a class, let us start out in different situations or at different spots.
dumb cunt if would only be fun if they barred that ability behind some lore related questline, like DaO did with the blood mage specialization.
only reaklings have it and player can only use at as an arrow, so what's the point?
You asked for it and you still don't like what you got? Entitled prick...Now I hope the new one doesn't add spears...
People also don't tolerate micro transactions, yet they don't give a shit in 76
I appreciate it. It’s compelling, although I’m not completely convinced it’s for Hammerfell or the next es game
Nobody likes managing Magicka, everyone just has to really buff theirs with enchantments so they didn’t totally run out after 2 spells. They need a more fun system that doesn’t feel like you are constantly magic stunted
spells are now on an MMO style cooldown
enjoy your game
>People also don't tolerate micro transactions
Few people who scream online "predatory practices" doesn't mean that they don't tolerate them.
Paid mods were tried. They failed. Current method of donating money to modders you love works and people don't complain.
I'm not the same guy you responded to, I've never asked for this
Yeah and now you will never get it either.
And yet in a game like WoW it feels like you can use more fun magic way more easily, often because they also give abilities that aid mana buildup
So is this game going to be so simplified that it is Redguard 2?
there is no real interaction in TES. you arrive in whiterun or whatever, you talk to someone, they give you their few lines of dialogue and...that's it. no reason to ever talk to that person again. and once you've exhausted all the forgettable dialogue with all the forgettable NPCs, the place becomes a ghost town with at most five people and two houses onscreen at any given time
in novigrad you can't talk to anybody and 99% of doors are locked, but at least you actually feel like you are in a proper city full of people living their lives
I wouldn't be surprised if they just cloned ESO but made it single-player.
I will never play another bethesda game, they are owned by kikes and will never recover, so all the will make is shit. and I know you know that, Todd, I know you wish you were tall so you could stand up to the kike owner, but you can't, because you are little faggot
They will try and try and try until it will go through, and at one point it will.
>Todd on stage
>big announcement time
>"And every other person you meet"
>" another player! That's right, Elder Scrolls VI is always online!"
wow And you still wasted your time in this thread? Ha, you are more pathetic than I originally thought.
They won't. They are at the point where they can't stremline the game even more. What they will do is bring some vague complexity back while improving nothing and people will suck bethesda's dick for another dacade. It's going to be the best selling bethesda's title ever.
well, if the way the mechanics progress through the series you'll be able to use any skill at any moment, but the leveling system will still be there somehow just to make monsters in the world crazy difficult or really easy for no reason
Settlement system from Fallout 4 returns as Village Building
count on it
Kek, good point
Exact same bullshit UI from Skyrim
>least competent devs in the business
That's not Game Freak.
Which faction had the best questline in Skyrim and why is it the Dark Brotherhood?
As long as things don't regress from Skyrim I'll be happy
I see you never played the thieves guild
You mean the go into a Dwemer ruin and kill Falmer guild?
>unironically being criminal scum
Your mother would be ashamed if she were alive to see you today
that's because no one gives any shits about anything regarding fo76
I choose none, they were all kind of underwhelming, I didn't play the dark brotherhood one, but the mage university one was ok, and then I found out I could also do the thief one and felt really bummed out to find out the guilds were just quest dispensers with no other mechanic associated with then and that I could just do the quests even without the smallest speck of thief abilities (also the thief quests were a fucking disaster).
I probably won't play a bethesda game again, they really will never care about the mechanics again, from now on it'll be just shallow bullshit with better graphics to the end.
absolutely FURIOUS
The Dark Brotherhood was unironically the only half decent guild.
>Nobody likes managing Magicka,
speak for yourself you casual scum
>go to mage college
>"prove to us you have the gift - cast Magelight"
>"oh you don't know it yet? Here's the spell book for it"
>only have to cast 2 more spells in the whole questline - flames and frostbite - to solve puzzles
>again, the spell books are right there in the room just in case
>"Congratulations, you are the Archmage"
>everybody in the college agrees with this despite dedicating their entire lives to the study of magic and probably being much better at it than you
>you just leave and never come back unless you need something specific
>"Good to see you Archmage"
That was the worst of all. Not everything has to be some mystical shit
Three's a few ways they can go with it. Since there's no possible way they can top Skyrim with mods they're hopefully not going to try.
1.) They double down on the main story and have even less artfully crafted worlds and situations
2.) They double down on the world, having you trip over a dungeon or an encounter every five feet with no real substance
3.) They slack in both departments to make a larger world than Skyrim
4.) They gut even more aspects out of the game, create rolling deserts and plains with "train robberies" content like RDR2
>its not REAL interaction
Yes ofcourse you will dismiss any counterpoint by saying its not "real".
> proper city full of people living their lives
How do you know they are if you can't even go inside their house and rob them?
Was it ever any better? Becoming leader of a guild in Morrowind was really anticlimactic and it changed nothing. People barely even had different dialogue for it.
oh and you can use Staves and technically not cast a spell at all, despite being able to run into a guy who got rejected from the college because he was using a staff
>"They laughed at me and said the magic was in the staff, not me."
but it's cool when you do it
I think the only reason I played oblivion and skyrim for 50 hours each is that I was constantly thinking there was more going on in the background, like some form of faction mechanics, AI life, etc. Why the hell make a open world game if you're not using the world for a single mechanic that is not "wonder around a noise function graphic".
It will reviewbomb if it's not a difficult game.
Screencap this; I'm 100% right.
Right hand fire
Left hand heal
Borderlands weapon system
Settlement building
They already did.
What the fuck do you think the creation club is retard?
They want niggers.
not him, I thought morrowind had mechanics that actually used the open world for something, like a faction mechanic or something right?
Playing X3:AP that is an open world game with an actual world economy, AI life, faction mechanics, was really something much much more satisfying than any bethesda games, even with all the bugs in X3:AP.
Bethesda can't even implement some quests affecting other quests and the ending like in Fallout 2, what a bunch o hacks, there is no reason to buy a new elder scrolls unless you like to mindlessly punch things in slightly better graphics.
>I was constantly thinking there was more going on in the background
These games are good at tricking you into thinking that
In Skyrim in particular I think they relied heavily on the first few hours impression of the average person
>Woah I got a quest to go all the way across the map, this place seems huge. I keep getting so many quests and everybody seems to have something to say.
then most of them never really progress much past that and continue with the impression that Skyrim had a whole lot going on
but if you actually take the effort to go out there and do those quests and see how they play out, you realize all you're doing is MMO tier busywork
Even the Daedra quests are pretty underwhelming. Boethiah just has you sacrifice a person. Go get a person and come back. Molag Bal has you do the same - go rescue the priest and bring him back and kill him. Sheogorath just has you wabbajack things until he gets bored, it's over in about 3 minutes.
vast as an ocean shallow as a pond
Personally I just like walking around open worlds. I like following the roads and just walking across Skyrim
Because of the Great War if I were to guess. They want to see a conclusion to the Thalmor.
Hircine and Sanguine had decent quests
also I don't know if this was a glitch or meant to happen, but hours (days in-game) after completing Sanguine's quest I wandered into some random cave full of necromancers
as I got to the center of their lair, they were already fighting something. Turns out it was fucking Sanguine. He was just there. He killed them all and when I tried to talk to him he just said "Can I help you?"
the idea of just randomly running into Sanguine fucking up some necromancers was so cool I assume it must have been a glitch
Hammerfell is probably the worst possible follow-up to skyrim
Maybe this is regressive but I am not a huge fan of “dynamic” stuff in open world games. I hate stuff like the dragons and the civil war. It just makes the game feel really sloppy when shit changes and also leads to lots of bugs. Whenever I play Skyrim today I don’t even bother with the war.
sword singing = the new shouts?
look mate all I'm saying is if you're going to make a city where I can access every house and every NPC has their own dialogue, then don't half ass it. give me a reason to go into every house and give the characters some actually interesting and progressing dialogue so I have a reason to talk to them a second time and care about them
if you can't or won't do that then don't bother, and just make a city that's big, populous and superficially detailed enough to create the illusion of a real city
I like it too, to a point, when I realize the open world means absolutely nothing I just go back to some other thing where is way more satisfying to just walk around, like a diablo-like, and I just found about Zombasite, that is a diablo like with diplomacy mechanics. Theres way more interesting things out there, there is no reason at the fuck all to touch a bethesda game ever again.
Bring back the Redguard voice actor from oblivion
No character creator
seems like they're going to take their time with this and star field after the f76 fiasco.
lets hope it works out for them
I would like to see the "dynamic stuff" actually working like it does in some games (zombasite, x3, etc), otherwise there is no reason to play a open world game, pretty much every game have some form of exploring and that's the only thing bethesda open worlds have to offer.
they're just postponing it so they can release it on next gen consoles, it's still going to be a broken janky mess
>bethesda has the best open world exploration
>don't play it unless you like open world exploration
they did confirm starfield was next gen but i dont doubt its going to be buggy as hell unless if they make some serious changes to their engine
I hope Starfield is the action game Todd always wanted to make so that he will leave Elder Scrolls and Fallout alone.
every game have exploration, not just open world games, is what I meant.
Also, if having stretches of land between quests is so thrilling for you, more power to you bro.
>How will they fuck it up?
By making it good, which by Beth standards is fucking up.
Like this
Honestly, if they don't go balls to the wall retarded, like they did with the fallout series, it won't be too bad. As a Morrowind fanboy, Skyrim was actually pretty fun, enough for me to dump over 200 hours into the game.
If they just capitalize on the exploration it will be at the very least enjoyable.
Now, best case scenario (literally 0% chance of happening) they kill off every casual ass mechanic adopted with oblivion and skyrim like quest markers, the entire map and loot system being level-scaled, cucking spellmaking and enchanting, etc.
Sadly, it'll never happen, and frankly I can't see the atmosphere and setting being any more original than what we've seen recently. Its pretty fucking sad that they'll literally never return to a peak from a tiny ass dev team who were dedicated to make their big break.
Also, if they could kindly fuck off with gamebyro already I would love it, but I'm not holding my breath.
Worst case scenario, its a Fallout-tier cash grab. Best case scenario its Skyrim 2.
Either way, I will await the details patiently.
me again, I myself rather have a list of quest like monster hunter world or something, why walking around the world bumping into random encounters that have no connection between each other or the world at large feels that good for you? that I cannot comprehend.
Sandboxes are the superior gametype. If you like to be marched down a corridor with three flashing arrows and a QTE event, more power to you.
he cute
I have no idea what are you talking about, there are no flashing arrows or qtes in either X3, or terraria. I have no idea what you mean by sandbox
>tfw no elder scrolls adventures game in black marsh
I think more people should play Redguard, it’s kind of neat
>I have no idea what you mean by sandbox
Lurk more
sandboxes are only superior if you actually fill them with content that takes advantage of being an open world sandbox. if the open world is just empty space between locations you might as well make it hub based like dragon age or deus ex and spend the leftover resources fleshing out the meaningful areas.
oh I got it, you think skyrim is a sandbox lololol. Shouldn't you be able to change and mold sandboxes? Skyrim is a veryly static piece of shit, what the hell are you fucking talking about?
i hope ,despite the criticisms, they keep trying new things
>the shadow
Based and idiotpilled.
deserts are boring environments
Holy shit, Todd please don't do this. I'm begging you!
the fact that you mind jumped straight to a single corridor game, as the only alternative to the open world experience, and thinking skyrim has the best open world exploration, just shows how little you know bro.
To be fair, Fallout 4 did make the significant change of altering the level scaling so that enemies only scaled within specific limits based on area.
Of course since Bethesda really seems to have problems with "1 step forward 2 steps back" when it comes to their game design this came attached to a game where other role playing aspects were completely neutered (such as the awful fucking dialogue system and even more linear quests that were total trash).
I guess what I'm saying is that there's a decent chance that TES 5 won't have the whole map level scale like Skyrim and Oblivion. However I am concerned about what other ideas that were less good might also come over from Fallout 4.
Wow another smug angry faggot. you can tell you're pissed by the attempt at the "i don't give a fuck look at me" tone.
im more interested in starfield
I hope its not too generic
I bet they'll bring over the armor customization from FO4
with the tradeoff of course being less actual unique armors, and they all look like ass
not the point, the point is that if you really like the mechanic to walk around to find quests, your mind will blow up when you find out about actual games. Maybe try monster hunter world where the quests are on a list and you'll see there is no reason at all for a open world in the style of skyrim, specially if you don't include any other mechanic that will make use of the open world other than bumping randomly into encounters.
it'll be The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard pt 2
I remember reading that Pagliarulo isn't the main writer anymore? Am I remembering things wrong?
Classes in Morrowind made your character unique because you were dogshit at everything to start, but slightly less dogshit at your chosen skills. In skyrim you can sort of do whatever at the beginning, even pick master locks, kill any enemy you please with the difficulty set low, discover every alchemical effect with enough time to eat and combine shit, sneak decently enough to actually steal in front of people, pass speech checks etc.
You just flat out cannot do this shit in morrowind at the beginning because YOU SUCK ASS.
Your race/class choices/birthsign actually matter and you're not just a generic explorer with magic powers that no one else seems to have.
They're going to twist the lore in ridiculous ways to make sure Dragons are still in
because they have already anticipated the cries of "where are the dragons???"
>sweet spot
It had good exploration. It was a very fun game. It completely fucked any prospect of roleplaying your own character class though, because you could do literally fucking anything no matter what your choices at any point in the game.
>It’s the most boring region they could do.
It depends on how they do it, there isnt that much lore regarding hammerfell. Cyrodill was supposed to be a jungle.
there will be two attributes health and stamina. magicka can be used endlessly.
there will be 3 skills melee, magic, and ranged/marksman.
half as many side quests as skyrim. the largest city will have 4 buildings and 10 npcs
it will be glorious and gotyay
>I hate actually having to move around the game world
>monsterhunter world is a open world "adventure"
nah they're going to troll us and have the game set in akavir
>It had good exploration.
most dungeons had the same structure no matter the type: going to point a to point b and get back to the entrance by unlocking a secret door at the end. i remember this being the thing that pissed me off the most when i first played the game in 2011.
>third TES game in a row that takes place in a god damn human province.
They were actually creative when making Morrowind, but then afterwards, they decided to only make the safest choices possible.
just take Fallout 4 and "streamline" it a bit more. make it a little more "accessible".
V was bad when it came out and no modding could salvage the shit base game. Everything about Skyrim was fundamentally terrible.
Oblivion was trash too.
Morrowind is a pretty kino RPG even with the easy ability to break it.
If you think Skyrim was good, you also like Fallout 76.
as long as you competently stat your character you don't suck ass. rolling enchanting and alchemy is practically cheating.
>sneak decently enough to actually steal in front of people
except for this, you will always suck ass at stealth because morrowind has an awful stealth system. even if you roll a stealth character it's useless until extremely late in the game unless you savescum or abuse invisibility spells.
Fallout 4s settlement build system, which will involve tedious resource collection
Mods as usual will be required to fix everything, but they will try and push their own site/store and restrict mods and fuck everything up
This is just false, in Skyrim you are not a total god at the beginning like you are claiming. You can’t smith legendary weapons from the start
Focus on crafting/basebuilding
Why SHOULD you suck ass at the beginning even with YOUR OWN CLASS? It’s your class, the thing you chose to be specialized in, it makes sense you would start out being decently good at it.
don't forget armor/weapon customization
they use this as an excuse to have less actual towns/cities and unique weapons/armor
build your own fun!
Get rid of level scaling entirely. I can’t stand it.
If they make the protagonist voiced then they will fuck it up.
Did you even play Skyrim?
What a load of horseshit.
Your class doesn't shape your playthrough in Morrowind past the point where you reach your first trainers, in the first town.
>be a walking god with master level spells, top-tier enchanted gear, and weapons granted to you by daedric lords
>regular ass bandit in hide armor attacks you
>your sword tickles him like a cool breeze
>click click click click click
They probably would if they could but they're too lazy to record the lines for each individual race
Class and skills are irrelevant in morrowind since it’s so easily to fortify everything with potions. I actually think Morrowind does a terrible job where roleplaying or class significance is concerned.
Add blacks and la creatura Nords
X4 is getting better all the time.
As I approached level 50 in Skyrim I got really frustrated. I had great skills and weapons and armor but my atttacks felt so weak
Chosen one, we need you to defeat the ancient evil
>Sarcastic Yes
>Maybe later
>Hate ancient evils
you can only be one race and no guilds and perforations.
>those ice mages who spam the freezing whirlwind spell that slows you down, drains your stamina, and can pretty much 2-shot you no matter what
But it's their engine...
didnt they say they wouldnt make voiced protag anymore?
Nah sex (inc. shota) mods and others makes it okay. Shouts are still cool but just aren't good for every roleplay style but you can just skip getting any shouts off the main quest.
What sucks the most is the shitty magic and armor system and weapon animations.
Dude it is still easy as fuck to cheese.
Todd only said he's aware people didn't like it
He also says he thinks they "did it right" in the Far Harbor DLC
it could absolutely return
>learn Muffle spell
>just stand still and cast it repeatedly
you don't have to be in combat, or sneaking or anything. You can just keep casting Muffle and level up so insanely fast.
That's a valid point. I appreciate that aspect of FO4, the rest was pretty shit though.
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced it'll be a dumpster fire that can only be saved by years of mod intervention.
Valid point, the dungeons can seem samey, but there is variation in the world layout and aesthetics as well as some very unique dungeons and quests.
There's no "if". They already announced, prior to Fallout 76 release, that they would still use it for ES VI. They justified the decision by stating the public wasn't really understanding fully what "engine" means and that it should be regarded as a lot a modules bundled together so them saying "we'll style use the Creation engine" didn't meant they weren't going to change a lot of modules to makes it way better, or something along these lines.
Which everybody rightfully understood as: "We're too lazy to move away from a thing we're confortable with, so we will change how the shadows are rendered and call it a day, without fixing all the horrendous issue we still have and that still emerge each day because our engine is a Frankenstein monster of clunky features patched together with horse glue and vine ropes."
Dwemer Power Armor
the only thing they ever advance is their graphics, so they'll push it way too far and most PC's won't even be able to run it when it comes out, it will take so much ram and vram that modding it causes massive instability on top of the random crashes it already has. The also will take the minecraft elements of FO4 and dumb them way down and using it to replace all side content. So essentially there will be no "game" only a building mechanism that is simplistic, clunky and takes forever to do anything with since they just give you one gigantic desert full of nothing. Combat will be morrowind 5.0 with one extra animation this time, that is if you can find anything to actually attack. dragons will be back because making new creatures is too hard and costly and got in the way of advancing their Hyper-Realistic™ graphix. the camera will zoom out super far on NPCs so they won't have to actually animate them. Areas will be locked behind paywalls but those areas are just empty minecraft plots.
The only sensible rebuttal, congrats. You still suck a lot more ass than in skyrim. The point I'm trying to make is that you don't even have to pick the right skills to invest in to be able to do the shit I'm talking about in skyrim.
You're not a total god, maybe the kill any enemy thing is an exaggeration, but still combat is super fucking easy. You CAN pick master locks even with 5 lockpick skill. You CAN learn every alchemy effect/make any type of potion you want from the start, the alchemy skill only strengthens your potions, doesn't reveal the rest of the effects. I will acknowledge alchemy is fucking broken in both game, but more easily broken in morrowind. You CAN steal right behind people after sneaking for five seconds in skyrim unlike morrowind (yes stealth in morrowind is much different and some would say its shit completely). You CAN pass speech checks straight off from day 1 in skyrim where in morrowind everyone and their mother hates your guts and your pathetic attempt to "admire" or "bribe" is usually met with the person hating you even more until you become good at speechcraft.
Skyrim doesn't make you choose what to invest in, you're simply pretty decent at everything to start. The only difference is how easily things die.
Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration, you do blow hard ass in morrowind comparative to skyrim though at the beginning. But you can still do the stuff you're supposed to do.....sorta. The real problem, as I've said: skryim doesn't force you to choose. You can just adapt at any point without much effort.
You can break morrowind pretty easily, but it doesn't mean you have to. Same with skyrim. It breaks just the same with some effort.
>actually kind of enjoyed settlement building in FO4
>still don't want it to return in TES because I realize it was used as an excuse to not bother making their own towns and cities
I can just imagine it, 95% of locations will be infested with bandits and all you can do is fight them
You see a small homestead in the distance, an actual person runs up to you. Maybe THIS is a quest?
>Hi there if you kill the bandits nearby we'll let you use our mill and forge and you can build your own town here
over and over
FO3, while clunky af, still had a lot of fun, interesting encounters. There was a reason to just wander around and explore.
FO4 you were exploring because you were trying to find something to do other than a settlement. to no avail btw. everything was so cheap in FO4, you could tell they just gave up half way and copy pasta settlements everywhere because making games is hard. and while they didn't win goty (except in their own minds) people still ate that garbage up. it will continue be assured.
>you enter the village creation UI
>try to place a premade Inn
>the ground is uneven so it clips and looks retarded
>give up on trying to make it look good and just place the fucking inn
>it becomes populated with copy-paste people who are all named Villager
>they repeat their 1 or 2 lines over and over again
ah, Town #7...home...
I agree with this wholeheartedly, and its why I played FO3 to death while getting bored of FO4 after 50 hours. You never knew what you going to come across.
Staves have always seemed like the most pointless thing in the whole franchise to me. I wish they'd just drop the whole "canned spell" thing and make them items that buff your own spells or whatever.
The most egregious in FO4 is the robot race track run by the Triggermen
You think hey, that's a pretty unique location. I wonder if I can bet on the races, or rig the races, or even create my own robot and have it race? Maybe Codsworth can enter a race!
they start shooting at you as soon as you are detected
There is NOTHING to do there. It is just another shooting gallery with a neat theme to it.
Same with the Combat Zone. You can't compete in the combat zone. You can't bet on fights. It's another shooting gallery based around something you'd normally want to interact with.
Or Libertalia, the city made entirely out of salvaged boats. I wonder if something interesting happens he-SHOOTING GALLERY
Makes you wonder how many of those places were intended to be more and then got scrapped.
Combat Zone was definitely meant to be more, I think. I remember somebody saying there were traces in the code or whatever where you would be able to bet on fights or participate yourself.
Also, there is ONE good example of exploring and finding something interesting. Some NPC says they saw a "monster" in the ocean off the coast. If you go check it out it turns out to be a pre-war chinese submarine that had some kind of reactor failure and the crew turned into ghouls. But the Captain is still alive and you can talk to him and do a little quest for him.
Could be Hammerfell and High Rock like Daggerfall was.
Is this bait?
This literally doesn't happen. Bandits become become pushovers long before you get master level spells, top-tier enchanted gear.
Even Bandit Chiefs are only level 20 something.
There will be DLC where you go back to Skyrim
They don't do a lot of damage but they still take way too long to kill sometimes
yeah but they still flubbed it on the lore because the submarine is full of uniquely american shit, and of course jet because why wouldn't a post-war drug made out of brahmin manure be on a pre-war chinese military submarine
Go to level 50 and do any quests. The enemies in caves take way, way too long to kill even with max stats
Nords start with the Thu'um as a racial skill because fuck you
Let me put it this way - if my Incinerate spell can carve off a decent chunk of an Ancient Dragon's health, a bandit or apprentice necromancer should not be able to take that spell to the face and survive
Maybe if you're level 20. I just recently did another playthrough on legendary with combat mods and even with the limitations I set (no enchanting) the only thing I have to worry about are mages and npcs like briarhearts (which can two hit me). Dragons are another story, just riding down the road an elder dragon can do a drive-by and blast me with a second f flames and melt me instantly
Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
You can't be an Orc. No reason is given for this, you just can't be one.
there is a mod that restores combat zone cut content
Creation Club
Always online DRM
Paid mods
loot boxes
even more bugs than usual
gamebreaking bugs, not fun ones
>be in the thieves guild
>not doing any thieving at all
only time you steal shit are in the first two main quests and radiant quest lines.
Do they really need to minimalize it more? Skyrim really brought rpgs into popular culture, so typical gamers now might be more accepting of richer rpg mechanics and discover a more rewarding gameplay experience.
we will play as dragon born again or some kind of dragon born hybrid.
>and of course jet because why wouldn't a post-war drug made out of brahmin manure be on a pre-war chinese military submarine
They fucked up like this all over the place in 4, you find it in pre-war safes and even in lore all the time, along with other post-war shit like pipe guns.
I really don't get why they abused the lore so badly with 4, things like those pre-war safes were totally unnecessary and could've been fixed with minor loot table tweaks or whatever.
This is true for Draugr and Falmer but not for Bandits. Draugr mini-bosses are indeed bullet-sponges and Falmer spellswords can still be dangerous but most other stuff is easy to kill.
Becoming an advanced member of some guilds locked other guilds and made people from other guilds like or dislike you. At least they somewhat tried, unlike Skyrim
>Skyrim really brought rpgs into popular culture, so typical gamers now might be more accepting of richer rpg mechanics and discover a more rewarding gameplay experience
according to a few docu's i've watched on Bethesda, they were bought during the production of MW. Probably as a novelty, but the success of MW on xbox changed their studio's goals for subsequent releases, originally they were almost exclusively for the PC. After MW, everything was for the console, so not only did they have to work around the console limitations, make it work with a controller (easily and enjoyably), they had to dumb down enough of the mechanics to keep the attention of plebs because they couldn't be a niche company anymore, they had to make huge profits for their new masters.
Bethesda games haven't just been dumbed down, they've been engineered to appeal to the masses. Since Bethesda are controlled by suits, they're always just jumping on bandwagons which makes their games 3-4 years out of date. Rage 2 is a good example of this.
>open world action rpg
it sucks by default
Todd Howard bankrupted bethesda with Redguard, they were down to 5 employees when a bunch of kikes purchased them.
I wonder how much of the dumbing down is entirely due to the limitations of a controller
I think it might be at least partly set in the Summerset Isles, maybe split between there and Hammerfell or something. (Maybe all the rumors are correct and it's the whole western part of the map, with High Rock, Hammerfell, Valenwood, AND the Isles?) The teaser they showed last year has some features that resemble the Isles in ESO quite a bit (especially the distinctive mountains) and it'd make sense to continue the Aldmeri Dominion storyline from Skyrim.
If so, give me the ability to play an Altmer that sides with the Thalmor
for once
they haven't made a "good" game since morrowind. Everything else ranged from alright to dogshit. How won't they fuck it up is the better question?
>voiced player character
>stamina removed
>health turned into invisible regenerating health
>skills reduced to three trees, magic, melee and stealth
>races have no differences with each other
>same shitty engine leading to all the usual problems
>doubled the amount of NPCs, halved the amount of voice actors
>set in niggerland
>paid mods, paid cosmetics, loot boxes and in-app store currency separate from gold
>always online
>wait / sleep functionality removed, instead now you can pay in-app currency to skip time otherwise you have to wait up to an hour to skip a day, progress quests
>same rehashed themes, quests, music and art style that has already been done better in their previous games
I wouldn’t be against the removal of stamina. It has sucked in every TES game so far.
Retard-proof “RPG” mechanics
Micro transactions
False. Aside from the 3 houses, you can be the leader of every guild and faction in morrowind.
I fucking hate how in bethesda games the devs are too fucking lazy to set up how you can complete quests or proceed through the story its so fucking boring. its like they put you in a sandbox and hand you a shovel now go play with that shovel you autistic child
It's funny that there's all those branching paths with the same outcome, and yet you claim it's superior. New Vegas is casual trash too.
yet those provided more lore and backstory and got you invested in the quest than some hick town is being attack you need to defend it to artificially inflate your playtime
No romancable Argonians
What you're talking about is the most barebones RPG system possible.
>talk to 4 npcs
>1 requires stealing, one optional
>one requires nothing
>two require varying levels of stat checks
>Whatever your choice you are met with three more choices, two are just variations of themselves so really two choices
>stat check
>no stat check
>Quest ends with a stat check
Wow, next level gameplay right there
Same engine. Tripling down on creation club, updating it constantly just to break non-CC mods and get money out of retards. They let the idiot that fucked up Fallout 4 jam in a voiced protagonist again, possibly even the hardcoded always 4 choices but it's really just 4 'yes' dialogue system.
And, just to shit on me, Argonians are removed.
You're going to get three trees. Three.
1. Magic
2. Fighting
3. Crafting
You are going to be happy about it too. Now 90 year old grandmothers can enjoy games.
Whats up with all the hate for Hammerfell from lorelets and ES tourists?
yet Bethesda is too lazy to even implement that into their games and had to have obsidian be the competent devs to that
Just don't want a big empty desert
>obsidian be the competent devs
Personally I love deserts in games
Just look at Assassins Creed Origins to see how developers can make a desert interesting
It's pretty much detached lore-wise from everything that's been going on. Pretty much a blank slate so they don't have to follow any rules or anything when worldbuilding. Kind of like what they did with ESO but instead of shitting all over the lore there isn't enough lore for anybody to argue that they're wrong.
Because there’s a lot of open world games with deserts already.
oh cool, a barren wasteland of sand and n-
>you can be the leader of every guild and faction in morrowind.
but it's very hard because of skill requirements
You can become archmage with novice magick skills in skyrim
>You can become archmage with novice magick skills in skyrim
Because it's linked to the main quest.
Please, every tes game sold better than the last. Skyrim sold pokemon-tier numbers of copies. They know exactly what is successful for that game: a massive open world with dungeon crawling and magic n shit, with a high degree of interactivity.
not as if 76 was a massive success
I'll give you a simple way to fix this
You don't become archmage in the main quest, you just become a well respected member
You can go back and do an optional quest to rise through the ranks and become archmage
it's not about the destination its about the journey you faggot
Fallout 4 with Swords
Less Mod options as they will only allow mods uploaded to their site to be used, after moderation.
>Because it's linked to the main quest.
it's the same for all the guilds tho
u can become leader with 0 skills pertaining to their focus
Not the case in Morrowind at all with hardcoded requirements (in addition to proper questlines)
>You don't become archmage in the main quest
But you don't become archmage for the main quest, you simply gain access to the college. Hell, you can't literally tell the door keeper "I'm doing the main quest, let me in." and they will.
Potato fucking potato, the TES brand has, since morrowind, sold itself hard on the "you can talk to pretty much anyone and pick up anything you see". There's room for different types of RPGs, and like it or not your definition hasnt stopped TES games from selling more copies alone in skyrim than probably the entire Witcher series combined, and thats coming from someone who has all 3 witcher games. Heck, Bethesda isnt the first to go for 'high interaction, small world'. Majora's Mask did something similar, compared to Hyrule city in Ocarina of Time, where every npc had their own schedule and behavior.
Bethesda would just rather make Clock Town than gta's Los Santos or Liberty City
Having multiple endings to quests has been around for decades and it's nearly impossible to find today.
because you are a retard.
if you played morrowind you would have known that skyrim is a fucking retarded dumbed down lifeless game.
ammerfell is the Nigger region, right? I dont wanna play in fantasy africa with all the unga bungas
It is amazing how many game-breaking, quest-breaking, or otherwise massive bugs and glitches have persisted in Skyrim despite being re-released and patched like 100 times
the unofficial patch fixes many of these, but the official patch just doesn't give a shit
There is a well known glitch where if you hire a mercenary as your house steward, they may not have the option for you to purchase a Bard for your house. This has been around for years, and has not been fixed. There are 100s of things just like this that they could easily patch but simply haven't.
Hell pretty much every step of the Civil War questline has the potential to break the state of the world.
>what is creation club
Did they ever make it past 10 mods?
To be fair you tell them you’re the Dragonborn. It makes sense they would let you in
Yeah but you don't get that option unless you've reached a certain point in the min quest.
The civil war and the changes to the towns just breaks the game like crazy. I avoid the civil war because I worry about the countless number of bugs or consequences it could have on other quests.
>Conjuration guy talking shit about how good his conjuring skills are
>with a shout that costs 0 magicka, I summon an undead Dragon who can raise 3 undead mooks
Thu'um is some good shit sometimes
like going to the Thalmor fort up north and shouting Storm Call
The Bards college is the most disappointing. I was expecting being able to play songs or something but it’s just more quests with draugr
>The civil war and the changes to the towns just breaks the game like crazy.
You do realize all the jarls live in the blue palace basement so you can do quests that you missed, right?
By setting it in one of the gay furry areas.
Yeah seriously I wanted to be able to get the option to equip a lute and play a fucking song
is that so hard jesus
>he Thinks Skyrim 2 is going to be singleplayer
just going to try to be positive here for a second
at least we're discussing possible gameplay mechanics that still vaguely resemble Elder Scrolls and not if the game will be a pachinko machine
>exploring the world
>a dragon comes
>have to spend the new few minutes fighting it
I hated this so fucking much. I don’t want anything like the dragons in the next game. Stop interrupting me with really boring shit. I also hate entering a town and having to deal with a dragon
but you don't, the dragons don't enter towns.
The dragon fights are so fucking lame too. It circles around, sometimes comes down to breath fire or ice or whatever. So you hit it with your bow, or a spell or whatever. Repeat this for several minutes until it finally comes to the ground. Go hack at it, but not in the face, just slash its legs or whatever. Now it's dead.
Every single dragon fights like that.
The only dragon fight I liked was the two dragons you fight at the same time in the ice lake, because they would do shit like dive into the ice and emerge somewhere else. It was at least SOMETHING different.
Not enclosed towns, but they'll rape the fuck out of Riverwood and places like that.
They enter open cell towns like falkreath and the northern cities
They enter towns that are out in the open like Morthal and Dawnstar
>he's never 1v1'd a dragon by bashing it in the face when it tires to breathe fire/attack and interrupting it and getting a light then heavy attack in and chain stunning the faggot until it dies
>Dragon kills Brina in Winterhold - the town is not literally just the Jarl's house, an inn, and an empty general store that nobody ever takes over
seriously how hard would it have been to just have new NPCs take over a store if the owner dies
Ysolda is meant to take over Belethor's shop if he dies, but sometimes she glitches out and doesn't even fucking do that
so you're just down a merchant period
Sure I have. But it's not the most efficient way to kill it and after fighting literally 100 dragons I just want the fight to be over. I don't care about "owning" the dragon with my epic skillz
There's actually quite a few general stores with backup merchants.
>marry Camilla Valerius
>move her to Lakeview Manor
>her brother back in Riverwood apparently died
>she moves back to Riverwood to take over the store - no option to tell her to come back home
I mean it happens sometimes
So, who dropped it?
ESO combat is unironically more engaging than skyrim's
not a particularly huge achievement
Yeah but it's also chock 'o block full of fanfiction and microtransactions
No its really not, but just saying that even ESO combat mechanics would be an upgrade, although the "MMOiness" would feel really out of place
How so
>MMO combat
>first person removed entirely
how mad would people be
About as mad as people were for Dragon Age 2
Eh, I've been playing it a bit lately and the main quests for each area are on par with what you expect from any elder scrolls game. They're not amazing, but neither are most TES quests. Microtransactions are gross but they're status quo for MMOs unfortunately
It looks like shit. It came out 3 years after skyrim yet it looks worse. Mobile tier graphics.
It includes actual dodging, animation cancelling and a few other mechanics that keep it somewhat interesting. Skyrim is essentially just bashing your numbers into the enemies and seeing which ones win. Only area where skyrim is better is stealth
The combat in a game like WoW is way more fun than any TES gane
Exactly, it's theirs and they can modernize it. There's no need to outright swap it for a different one.
if anything, third person should be removed entirely. willingly wanting third person over first person combat is mental illness and breaks immersion.
It doesn't look fantastic but at least the art style isn't grossly cartoonish unlike a certain other popular game in the genre. The thing with ESO is it honestly doesn't excel at many things in particular, but the fact that almost all of its aspects are at least tolerable and many are pretty good make it better than any other MMO i've tried. Still not a massive fan of the genre, but its pretty good for what its trying to be
but I like to check out my armor/character from an outside perspective sometimes
there's no reason at all to remove it
Fuck off, Todd
Do you guys think they're going to do away with the ridiculous elf faces?
The biggest fuck up could be using an outdated engine that can't go past 60FPS without crashing or sending shit flying at lethal speeds, reusing the same animations for Oblivion because WOW SO IMMERSIVE THE NPC IS SLEEPING AND DOES AN ANIMATION TO GET OUT OF BED. No Starfield this year, so it would have been 5 years from FO4 to 2020 which is the release of new consoles. Maybe Bethesda put some of that Skyrim bucks towards a new engine? We don't need physics on everything when the combat isn't that physics based to begin win. All that happens is people lift bodies and shit and fling them around a few times in a 100 hour playthrough and forget the feature exists.
participate in the act of coitus
the person who accurately predicted starfield said that TES:VI was going to be based in akavir. settlement building mechanics are included because you play as a settler trying to tame the continent or some stupid bullshit
I believe in the other anons who said that it's the programmers and not the engine that's the problem. But even then, they should upgrade anyway, but since it's the people that's the problem, most likely a new, unfamiliar engine will fuck things up greatly.
Todd, look man I know you know how to code and I know you love your people greatly but please for fucks sake upgrade your people AND THEN upgrade your engine.
There's a lot of bullshit with followers in Skyrim underneath the hood.
So many of them start out with weapons they have no skill in, for example. Gregor the housecarl from dawnstar has a low 2 handed skill but starts with a 2 handed sword. Most people would assume that's what he's good at and keep him with a 2-hander. But he fights best with 1 handed and a shield.
Belrand the spellsword starts with a sword but all of his perks are axe-related
creation engine is fine it's papyrus they need to fix
I'm concerned that instead of doing something new in a new era they will just continue the conflict between the empire and aldmeri dominion with the thalmor as the bad guys and the blades as the good guys, and dwemer ruins will be back again instead of something new. I don't want it to become bethesda fallout with swords where every installment has to include the same immediately recognizable mascot factions every game for maximum marketing and hype.
that is literally one mission in twenty you troglodyte
That sounds bad enough to be believable
They must know a lot of people are going to go into the game and immediately think
>this isn't like Skyrim
>where are the dragons
>I miss the viking aesthetic
>this is gay
>wtf I can't dragon shout what's the point
>settlement building mechanics are included because you play as a settler trying to tame the continent or some stupid bullshit
make your own fun!
look you can assign Villager 2 to be the shopkeeper and make Villager 3 the guard
doesn't this feel just like a real town?
You're scared they're just going to make skyrim 2 when they chose the most blank slate and PC of all the territories?
the problem is that hammerfell doesn't have a lot of great lore related to it. the redguards are pretty much arabs with some reverence for swordplay, but not much else.
the other problem is that the main questline in tesvi is likely going to be about the thalmor invading the country, and most people don't want a repeat of the uneventful, boring, repetitive civil war questline from tesv.
hopefully optimistic about it, but there were some hitherto unexplored countries in tamriel that could have been much more interesting, like pic related
"do they have any quests?" you may ask yourself
radiant quests!
A group of bandits are hiding in a cave nearby and keep harassing us and stealing our crops, go kill them
>Ok I killed them
"thank you so much here is 100 gold"
fun stuff!
it honestly sounds like a fucking disaster in the making. it's like a repeat of fallout 76: no settlements, no interaction with interesting npcs, no books to dispense lore, just an endless dungeon crawl.
THIS. Hammerfell literally has no fucking lore and the last time bethesda tried to make a story set in hammerfell Toddy bankrupted them.
Please be valenwood
I wouldn't want it to be a major focus of the game but I wouldn't mind having a bit of settlement stuff. Fo4's building system was good (especially with mods) and I'd enjoy building my own houses/towns in a TES game if it was a minor side thing like Hearthfire.
Yeah that's the key - it would have to be minor, and they can't do what they did in FO4 and use it as an excuse to not make as many actual populated towns.
Did Online ruin the series? They’re basically taking all the interesting locations they could otherwise do
nah, it takes place in the distant past and they can just pretend like ESO doesn't exist if they really want to
just an idea..what if you made an online ghost game...i mean it's a massive open world game but no one knows about it except like one person. so imagine you're playing skyrim, and then all of a sudden there's this one orc bandit that just completely fucks you up, and it's actually todd or something just going into random games while people are online.
I'd rather them do a boring setting well than butcher somewhere interesting. They aren't competent to depict any of the locations you listed properly.
would that even work?
Given how they did Cyrodil and Skyrim I’m not sure they can even do boring regions well. Meanwhile Shivering Isles and the Dragonborn DLC were more interesting.
>put 10 npc in front
>game crashes
well then they can do more outlandish locations then..
man all I have left in my current playthrough is the main quest and Dragonborn DLC
torn on which to do first
do they even have the money to finish this game after fallout 76? i wouldn't be surprised if it's going to get postponed indefinitely
yes they will just call it dlc for fucks sake have a group of modders(and or third party game studio)make a "mod pack" call it was it is have community dlc being pumped out nigh nonstop
are you unironically an anti-bethsdrone npc my dude pretty sure they have not ran out of skyrim buckaroos
76 was a sales success. Just a terrible sustainable income.
They could make several more 76's and still come out ontop. It will take multiple fucked gens in a row to kill bethesda.
Calling it, (also not how the game gets ruined, but sharing anyway:) they bring back weapon durability and every Skyrim faggot in the world gets triggered
one of the reasons i dont replay skyrim is beacuse the vampire dlc has vampires enter the cites and kill off npcs (some even being impotent if you unlucky). sure i could play the game without the dlc or fix it with a mod but im to lazy for that.
by making it fallout 4: skyrim edition
i secretly hope they go back to morrowind like gameplay or at least oblivion without the shitty difficulty slider
>Modders want to add cool things
>They do!
Wow that was amazing
oh yeah bb we're going back to the series roots, can't wait to worship ebonarm in style
do you mean combat? do you mean brushing against an NPC and holding down one key until its dead?
>one of the very few ways Bethesda actually made the world change dynamically and feel like there was some kind of threat or value to your struggles
>nah we need to fix it where's the mods lmao
Yeah, I always rush Dawnguard. Thankfully it's not too difficult and it's over pretty quickly.
Fuck Serana though. She is so clearly somebody on the team's waifu and so you not only can't kill her, you are forced to be nice and saccharine to her. All the Dawnguard just immediately accept her despite being sworn to kill all vampires. Just kill the bitch and take her elder scroll.
but nope, it's all
>I'm glad you're with me, Serana
with no other choices. You are forced to be nice to her and borderline in-love
>I couldn't have done it without you
or when preparing to fight Harkin
>We can do this Serana - together
like holy shit
>mfw you're a shit game dev but your fans fix your game
Skyrim was cool for awhile but the only thing to do after beating it was raiding bandit caves. Boring as fuck breh.
She's a qt but I agree you should be able to be mean to her
oh and I almost forgot every other line she has is
>muh family
>muh father
>muh mother
shut the fuck up
well yeah obviously once you beat the game it's pretty much over
unless you're a mod man
Dragonborn, the main quest fucking blows in Skyrim
where are the dragons at?
where is my fus ro dah?
i wanna kill some thalmor
this isnt as fun as skyrim was
the kind of people you find here among us, who know the lore, find it interesting to discuss the civil war etc. are an EXTREME minority
most people are going to pick up ES6 and drop it in an hour because "this shit isn't skyrim"
fixing it as in making it impossible for vampires to kill off important questline npc's, user
gonna burst your bubble a bit here but Gamebryo and the Creation Engine hardly resemble each other anymore. Their forked developments have caused massive differences in how the engine actually handles, and despite your claims that plenty of games look fine while running on Gamebryo, a lot of them run like complete ass.
Divinity II, Maple Story 2, and Rift all had MASSIVE graphical issues, bugs, lag, and general instability.
Morrowind and Oblivion players sounded exactly the same.
>as fun as skyrim was
Skyrim was about as fun as hobo's vomit on your front door.
All weapons fall into 2 categories, one handed and two handed.
All schools of magic forced into restoration and destruction.
Khajiit and Argonians furrier and scalier.
Armor is divided into Armor, and Clothes. All armors are one complete piece with no separate parts.
yeah but its close to skyrim so they'll be able to reuse dragons and radscorpions
Niggers want more nigger representation in games. But on the bright side, you'll get to kill more of them.
I don't know how people think Daggerfall is the High Rock game when there's an equal amount of Hammerfell to High Rock representation in the game.
Who the fuck expected Fallout 76 to be good?
>yet again needing mods in order to be a decent game instead of a buggy unfinished game
You’re finally awake.
A friend of mine actually bought the hype during todds E3 speech. I remind him of that every now and again
Lots of stupid normies.
Watch the E3 press conference again. People fucking cheered at the nuke reveal, dude.
Normalfaggots. Or just babies who's first bethesda game was skyrim or fallout 4.
>needing mods in order to be a decent game
How did mods make any of the bethesda games decent?
Keep the same levelling system from Skyrim without adding anything
Forced multiplayer
Dialogue wheel
Bethesda is widely lauded as being a fantastic company because high budget open world RPGs are normie crack.
I hope we can side with the aldmeri dominion in the inevitable battle with the dune coons
I wish someone could make a mod that lets you kill her and still do the main quest without her.
Depends how they handle it.
Fallout 76, the way they handled blades, etc I don't have high hopes for them.
Chances are its going to be a lootbox riddled, online "experience" that suckers you for an aims to keep you paying to play for any enjoyment.
I have little faith if any.
Will Dragonborn be forgotten about in the next game like every other PC or will he get involved with the world more even after the events of his game? Imagine if in the next game he united all the men against the Thalmor putting an end to them then took over the empire and started a new dynasty.
Someone on the Bethesda writing team legit has serious daddy issues. They use muh family as a narrative hook in a lot of their shit, it's weird at this point.
dragonborn should have nothing to do with any future elder scrolls games, they are all supposed to be in completely different eras
Real mixed bag, if that’s the case. It’d be kind of interesting seeing what the snake weebs thought of Alduin’s chicanery in the land of the snownigger.
Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood questline is shit compared to Oblivion's, same with the companions and college questlines compared to the fighter's guild and mage's guild.
Yeah, and with Serana it's done in such an obnoxious way. She comes across like a highschool girl that always wants to remind you about what a bad person her father is - but he's not ALL bad - I mean yes he is, but it's complicated you see because families are complicated and OH did I ever tell you about my mother? She really changed after my father blah blah blah blah
At one point she even says this
>Growing up in that kind of environment, it was just...toxic
I didn't mean he'd be around in the next game, it would be something you read about in a history book.
>Who the fuck expected Fallout 76 to be good?
I have 400+ hours EACH on Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Fallout 4, and when I saw just a few things about 76 I instantly dropped any interest.
As far as I'm concerned the canon end of the last dragonborn is being trapped in Apocrypha
Does Akatosh have dibs on Dragonborn's soul? Not even a deadric prince can do shit about it.
If you dont like third person dont use it nigga sometimes people like seeing their armor and the world from a third person perspective nothing wrong with that
Dude, the first four all take place within ~40 years. Fuck’re you on about?
he does
why shouldn't a low level sneak player be able to sneak in front of a granny that is half deaf and blind.
master locks are fucking impossible at the beginning in skyrim and you will go through picks instantly.
don't fuck with the difficulty then.
>race/class choices/birthsign actually matter
they give a negligible boost at the beginning. they don't matter that much.
>You just flat out cannot do this shit in morrowind at the beginning because YOU SUCK ASS.
yeah and the game SUCKS ASS because of it.
if the in game lore says orcs are trained from birth to swing a sword it destroys all role playing to have the same orc die to mudcrabs and rats.
crpg mechanics don't work in a game like TES and bethesda realized that.
you could always do everything.
i don't know why people keep making this argument.
and you were never locked out of content. it was just harder because you were a lower level.
>but it's very hard because of skill requirements
anyone playing to the level of completing every guild will be leveling up every skill anyway.
i thought the skyrim class system was one thing that was actually a step forward at least in the theory of it, for immersion. In P&P rpg you usually choose skills to level up and then RP a way in which that happened, in video game it makes more sense to just have the RP part be the gameplay which affects the skills.
>u can become leader with 0 skills pertaining to their focus
because the quests were generic fetch or kill that shit in morrowind.
if you are creating a questline with a narrative it becomes nonsensical to prevent players from continuing because they lack the required skill level.
it would be idiotic.
Time to redpill the masses:
Fallout 76 would have been loved, even if it was a buggy mess, had it just been a 4-6 player co-op game without any 'mmo-lite' bullshit put on top.
If the world had persistent base building, a better loot scale, and less of the damage was designed around world events that have to repeat so that everyone on the server can experience them people would have looked past all the bugs just like with every other bethesda game and praised it for making a multiplayer fallout finally.
even though it is idiotic they let you leave with the elder scroll the dawnguard aren't mindless robots.
if keeping serana alive means completely ending the vampire threat they are smart enough to do that.
nah that didn't happen with fallout 4.
es 6 is going to be crazy with normies.
if it had NPC's and general similar quests and story to other fallout games sure
>fallout 76 would have been loved if it were everything that it's not
thanks for the dumbshitpill
>because the quests were generic fetch or kill that shit in morrowind.
>still using the fallacy about the mages guild with being archmage having nothing to do with the story
you're just a skyrim babbi zoomie retard
people thinking it is going to an online mmo experience are the fucking dumbest people on the planet.
despite every fucking indication that it will be single player they don't want it to compete with eso retard.
OK, but once the vampire threat is over why wouldn't they just kill her
give me one good reason they let her stick around
The game only has her say
>I think they realize how valuable it is to have a vampire on their side
but her value is now null, she's just another vampire. They would absolutely kill her.
That's because Fallout 4 still had all the same bells and whistles
>Oh there's my dog
>oh there's my power armor
>oh there's my pip boy, vaults, super mutants etc
the lack of npcs and storylines was part of the mmo-like sandbox shit so yeh.
Adding a few npcs, having some quests loosely tie together and letting players impact the world slightly doesn't change the base gameplay that much. The MMO garbage is actually a small percentage of the game and very few people actually take part in any of it because it's a waste of time.
I'm saying you could keep the game functionally the same, have all the same shitty bugs, errors, garbage graphics and boring enemies- but add a few npcs, tie some of the fetch quests together with some throw away loose story that means nothing and remove event quests around the map and people would have loved it.
I'm sure it'll have the standard Bethesda bugs. NPCs falling into the geometry, quests just breaking, ragdolls extending several lightyears into the skybox and crashing the game.
Very, very, very inefficiently
>praised it for making a multiplayer fallout finally
Yeah that's just what everybody always wanted in their Fallout - other retards running around
yes everyone like me wanting multiplayer in bethesda games wanted something like skyrim together. 1-4 people doing the adventure in coop.
not whatever one would call 76.
The same way they did with Skyrim
>Hello welcome to the [any guild]. Our organization is in shambles.
>Wow you found [the thing] this is great news!
>Oh no, [that guy] did bad. The guild master is dead. Stop [that guy].
>Hooray, you're the guild master!
>Nothing has really changed.
link the quests then fag.
i have uesp open right now. which one do you dispute?
that's what all the attempts to make multiplayer skyrim, new vegas, Oblivion, and fallout 4 tell me bro. The Multiplayer Skyrim project had tons of fucking interest because people love the idea of co-op rpgs.
I’m curious to see how they can water down rpg mechanics even further. It almost seems impossible, but I’m sure they’ll do it somehow.
probably because she is cute as fuck and since you ended the threat and are the dragonborn and want to pound that puss they let it slide.
Microtransactions. Mods will fix it, though.
Mods aren't fun.
This reminds me of one interesting thing they did in Fallout 4
If you side with the Institute, after Father names you his successor, some of the scientists protest the decision by taking over the food production lab and locking themselves inside, saying until you step down nobody gets to eat.
Because you are not a scientist like them, you are not qualified at all. It would have been nice if something like that happened in Skryim. At least one person in the mage college for example should have spoken up and said "excuse me but I've been here for like 30 years and can cast master level spells all day - maybe it should be me"
Yeah, New Vegas hit a low bar mechanically, but its still the best Bethesda-style game around.
you're not worthy of discussion since what you're arguing for morrowind, even if you were right, is the same as your retarded strawman about the mages guild just the same
>get thing
>kill npc
see also:
>she is cute af
>posts a modded version
Oblivion is easily the best Elder Scrolls game.
by using same ol garbage engine
yeah what is your problem with mods?
Still, ESOs combat is dogshit.
without mods she's a fucking gremlin.
Ones like those? They're tasteless and tacky
>Voiced PC (although Todd has said that they'll try not to make it as obnoxious, fat chance lol)
>Kill - loot - sell formula
>Everybody says you're the chosen one yet nobody cares that you saved the world
>Sub-cartoon tier villain
>Guilds with no engaging quests that allow you to become guildmaster in two days despite not being competent or trusted at all
>Wrecked difficulty balance, enemies either die instantly or turn into ridiculous damage sponges
>Leveling system that renders all rewards useless just when you get them
>One type of gameplay (warrior, thief, mage) will be ludicrously overpowered compared to the others (Beth's usual attempt to fix criticism about one class and playstyle being too weak)
>Character is a blank slate, yet no freedom of choice in dialogue or quests
>Meme creature with broken AI that is hailed as the next big thing in enemy design
>Lore will be destroyed yet again
>Inane references to Fallout, Doom, and other Beth games
I could go on but it'll just be the usual Beth formula
how stupid are you m8
even balgruf can be modded into a cute girl with mods but
She looks marginally better than most of the other women in the game so I guess that was enough for some people
she's an annoying cunt and only losers waifu her
Reminder that Serana was raped by Molag Bal while her parents watched
she looks better than a lot of the weird creature faced elves and shit, but she has the jaw line of handsome squidward
Strong Lizard Men lol, could you imagine lol. Could you imagine romancing a Lizard lol, having your adventurer ganged by a bunch of Lizard savages lol, imagine.
i never said the quests in oblivion and skyrim weren't go here kill shit
i said there was a narrative structure to them that isn't there in morrowind.
so there is a sense of urgency to the problem that would ruin immersion if the game presented the world ending threat to you but didn't let you solve it because you don't have a high enough illusion skill.
read you retard.
The only problem with modding a chick like that is none of the armor in the game works for them and breaks, so really it's only useful if you use the game to jack off to.
yeah, she sure does
Imagine being this rarted.
you literally cannot add climbing ladders without reworking the entire codebase it's fucking awful
she barely passes for fuckable, at least she doesn't look like pic related
except that is only valid for the mages guild and has NOTHING to do with you becoming archmage as you've been told many times already
Nevermind that the game could have simply not presented the "urgent" memeplot until you have necessary skills, since all the guilds are short af anyways
stop defending ur babbi shitty gaym
more new and exiting monetization systems
They will use the same fucking engine once again and it will be a buggy mess thanks to it.
all vanilla stuff has replacers for whatever body mod you are using. and almost every armor mod has options for whatever body you are using.
It's going to be Skyrim but with only 3 skills. Combat, Agility and Magic.
What's wrong with pic related? Couldn't handle his potions? Too much of a little bitch?
none of the other guilds have the problem.
no one in the companions really gives a shit who leads them since the leader doesn't really have power over them.
dark brotherhood the night mother talks directly to you so magic shit makes you the leader. and also the fact you are the only one left other than a loli vampire.
thieves guild you actually have to do a shitload of thieving quests in every city to become guild master.
why would a potion seller sell potions that most people can't handle? Surely he does no business and will eventually fail?
it will be the bioshock infinite of elder scrolls games.
Everything is moving in that direction, every single game series continues to get dumber and dumber to appeal to more people.
Most people can, just not him.
Keep the item degradation and survival mode from 76.
If they do ths you know they have given up.
So bring back needing to repair items?
i am glad u finally agree they are complete shit and fake and we were right bro high 5
>being excited for Elder Soч 4
>item degradation
go to hell and remain there
i would like some dulling system and lowered damage levels.
but outright breaking shouldn't be in.
survival mode will be in from the start i guarantee it.
>entire thread is people saying they are not excited for it
and it's 6, not 4
How are they going to dumb it down even more, or starfield for that matter compared to fallout 4 and 76? Drop the dialogue wheel for
>Shake head
And make the combat and AI even more braindead?
glad you haven't evolved from 5 year old baby talk.
>almost every armor mod has options for whatever body you are using
uh huh
They may fleece a few sheep and have it as a CC thing.
After Fallout 76 survival mode is going in the "WTF were we thinking?" pile next to Morrowinds combat.
>How are they going to dumb it down even more, or starfield for that matter compared to fallout 4 and 76?
think far cry
y-you talk like a babbi
u should've stopped posting long ago what a trainwreck wew
>Just Hire Competent Devs
Kinda hard to do that when HR requires a rainbow coalition of mentally ill degenerates to be hired. There's a reason the industry has been getting so much flak over bad work conditions & overworking people, only a small number of devs are actually competent & qualified enough to make games, they are literally carrying these dev teams on their backs.
>>Lore will be destroyed yet again
Name one time in TES bethesda has ever done this
>inb4 "muh jungle" because the lore reason isn't good enough
I was JUST about to say I fucking pray it's in Akavir.
it won't be skyrim 2
Its not like the competition was that good. It's more deciding who was worse out of the other three. For me personally it was college of winterhold since I was thinking I'd have to attend classes and shit. The only positive about the thieves guild I remember is when you need to find a way to bring back the dwemer language or something because it's on a giant stone slab and iirc the game doesn't tell you how to do it. It's pretty obvious with all the parchment and charcoal around but at least they decided to respect your intelligence if only for a few seconds.
Thieves Guild was better in Oblivion.
Bethesda's direction has been consistent and very clear over the past 15 years or so. Each game has been more streamlined and simplified than the last, with more things stripped out and taken away, more emphasis on the so-called "gameplay loop" of dungeon crawling for the sake of dungeon crawling, and the increasing reliance on automation, building, and radiant quests rather than well-designed and thought-out quests/characters/towns
So TES6 will just be what we've already seen from them, but further along in this direction. Expect more radiant infinite bullshit, more "towns" you have to build yourself that are filled with generic NPCs, more quests that are just "go get X item from Y dungeon and bring it back to Z location", and so on. And of course it's still going to have that Bethesda programming we love so much, so expect houses that each have their own load screen so everything feels disjointed and you don't even get simple things like windows, or ladders, and definitely don't expect physics for things like doors, which will just have rigid animations that trap everything that happens to get caught in their path, wonky navmesh issues, and so on and so on.
I hate how little agency you have in skyrim or fallout 4.