Why is gaming so expensive in Latin America?
Why is gaming so expensive in Latin America?
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Because argie economy is fucked
Everything is expensive when you don't have money
Retarded protectionists policies that make no sense (since the country doesn't produce an equivalent product), and are just there so politician have more money to steal.
Wait, isn't Argentina in the middle of some coup, or revolution, or complete economic breakdown? Or is that one of the other Latin American shitholes?
Filthy latin socialism.
Protectionist policies even against products without local competitors.
retarded protectionism.
Cuba and Venezuela are the only socialist countries.
because they're poor.
Games are expensive everywhere, retard.
How much does a console or game cost there in US dollars?
Way more expensive than they need to be. Where I live I bought a $1500 4gb celeron integrated graphics laptop.
just build a pc
that's what most people do.
>buying shitty modern games and consoles
loling at sóyboy amerimutts
Cause our Customs are a bunch of thieves, every single imported product is overpriced
unironically it's America's fault
Why do Brazilians love gta san andreas so much?
Completely unrelated to video games, but I just remembered and felt like sharing. I was in Mexico City for work, and found out that my temporary bosses in DF made the equivalent of $500 USD a month; I made more than that just in per diem. I will say, though, if you ever get a chance to visit Mexico, you can live like a goddamn sultan. The average price I paid for lunch was the local equivalent of $3 USD; a carton of cigarettes is like $20.
The one thing that bizarrely is not cheaper in Mexico is Starbucks. The prices are the same in Mexico and the US, except converted to Pesos, obviously. Most of my temporary coworkers saw Starbucks as some extravagant splurge.
>why do people like one of the best games ever made
Gee, user, i wonder why.
It'll get better once the Quebracho take power.
Venezuela practices Chavism, not Socialism.
>Mario XXIX
>Super Smash Brothers Melle XVI
>Mario Kart VII
>Zelda XIX
>Nurki Yama Civic Loli Adventure XXVIX
>black protag
>ghetto setting
>can slaughter rich fucks and steal their shit
>most popular gta on the only console brs own (ps2)
You can find Starbucks everywhere in Mexico tho
Isn't Chavism a variant of socialism, like marx-leninism?
Thanks god we have importers.
Who the fuck cares about spics and spicland lmao
>Venezuela practices Chavism, not Socialism.
its not that gaming is expensive
its more that latin america is poor as shit
so really its everything thats expensive
Because the people have less money and the government taxes these kinds of things to hell and back.
It tends to be cheaper for people to go on road trips to america and get their consoles there. If they can afford to travel.
Yeah, they're everywhere, but I don't see how. Their prices in the US and Mexico are the same, which means a cup of regular drip coffee costs more in Mexico than an entire meal at a Mexican McDonald's. When you only make the equivalent of $500 USD a month, a $3 cup of coffee is outrageous.
Not really. Chavismo recognizes private property and is more prone to corruption than the system that Quebracho has proposed.
Well, I dunno but Starbucks is one of the fastest growing coffee shops in Mexico
Its alright here in texas. The switch was at around 280 USD last week, which is around 1/3 of a teacher's salary. Still overpriced but by very little.
Food is an expensive commodity in Argentina.
Shipping there is expensive
Dealing with customs is expensive (all of them are corrupt as fuck)
They are notorious pirates and will pirate every game you put out
Someone said an average normalfag earning $40k at year would put him at the top 1% of the 7-8 billion people on the planet.
There is no corruption in Argentina.
this is the price of switch now, around 750 dollaroos
>tfw I bought mine in paraguay at retail price
based paraguay
It's not only that people make less money, a switch is like $750 here.
cause they are poor
food, electricity and gas are an expensive commodity here
Unironnicaly its because Boomers. When Vidya began appearing in Brazil those fuckers decided to put consoles in the same category as Slot Machines (For context: Gambling is illegal in Macacoland, the olny reason these machines are imported is because of collectors and some hotels that can display them for decoration, but without acctual use).
The tax on these machines are up to 60% of the OG cost and is has been that way up to this day.Even when the Country became a democracy and Video Games became popular here.
because third world
it's because both slot machines and games use the same word in their language and the lawmakers don't have any intention to update it because they get part of the tax money
México Is the biggest videogame market in Latin America
Why do Mexicans love Nintendo so much?
I know it shouldn’t bother me but why are the democrat presidents in red and the republicans in blue instead of the correct way round?
Mexicans are just spicy brown californians, so basically the basedboys of spics
Mario Kart 7 was 8 years ago, man.
>tfw no taco gf
Maybe it's a yin yang thing
"Nostalgia" from nes, snes, n64 days. And are the ones who can now actually afford something.
Young people are just glued to their fucking cellphones like retards, playing whatever braindead shit.
Bad coins, low wages, taxes, middleman taking advantage, stores want their cut too.
>right-wing leaning party should be red and left-wing leaning party should be blue! it doesn't make sense otherwise!
why are you Americans like this?
It was the most easy to mod and pirate at the time when many people didn't treat gaming seriously enough to pay 500 USD for a console and official games.
In Brazil, they have these retarded protectionist policies and crazy import tariffs on anything that's manufactured outside the country. At least for agriculture and autos, they have domestic farms and factories so they don't pay the tax. But it fucks over people who want electronics since the only places that manufacture those are China, Korea, Japan, and the US. Not to mention that products are more expensive in general since the median income in Brazil is lower than in the US, accounting for currency conversion. And those filhos da puta in Brasilia don't want to change anything. They don't care since they get to enjoy their slice of pie.
>I..i..i..it wasn't real socialism.
Frankly, third worlders should be pirating and emulating. There's a backlog of enough fantastic games that run on a 3rd world toaster that you should never have to spend a single dime on vidya.
It doesn't need to be a luxury hobby when you can play Diablo 2 or final fantasy tactics on the shitty computer at the library.
>Latin America
because latinos aren't people. they got done ruining all their countries, now democrats are allowing them to ruin america.
There was that one video where one guy proved it was acctualy more cheap travelling to Miami and buying shit there than just buying from regular retailers here.
Also, olá camarada adorador de sopa de macaco.
Colombian here. It really isn't, I'm poor as fuck and even I can afford it at launch in a month I didn't have too much to pay. You fuckers are just lazy fags with low IQ that don't move your goddamn ass to do anything.
Terms matter, user. Only about a third of Venezuela's population is employed by the government. Over thirty percent of their economy is privately owned.
The majority of the USSR's foodstuffs came from private farms and personal liberty was all but nonexistent.
Look me in the eye and say that's what socialism was meant to be.
You are talking as if spics weren't natural soibois but just too poo to live the soi life
What is the actual tax on import of consoles?
It's failling in an awfull way, so yes that's what socialism is meant to be.
user who lives in Miami here. Every day at Dolphin Mall, there are tons of Brazilians, Colombians, and Argentinians that go to these little electronics stores to buy gadgets for families back home. None of the locals buy from there since they're pricier than Best Buy and Amazon, but these stores tend to cut deals to make sure nothing gets caught up by customs on the return trip. There are even stores that sell extra luggage and bags to store all the extra shit these people buy and bring back.
It's been like this for a long time.
I have an online friend who lives in Argentina, and he said that shit's super expensive because of import taxes and currency exchange, mostly. Back in 2008, he said a Wii cost 2000 pesos, which was around $480 USD at that time. Also that retail game stores are like 80% pirated / copied games.
It's fucking fucked, that's why I haven't bought a game ever.
Most games are not produced around here. Everything is mostly imported and the government tax that shit a lot.
A carton for $20 damn what a rip
Go to the rez in Canada and you can get a carton for $10
I never pay more than a loonie a pack
Damn,$27 and 999 cents
What a deal
Maybe back then when the PS2 and Wii were still a thing, but with consoles like the PS4, Xbone and Switch now piracy has become almost non-existent and as a result gaming is now something for rich kids only as opposed to being for everyone like in the PS2/Wii days and before.
Rude and racismpilled
That's for the premium ones, there are even cheaper options
Compared to most of the US, where a pack of cigs is around $10 USD, $20 for a carton is a fucking steal.
It's meant to keep them out, but that doesn't work out very well as they either steal the accessories or exchange them for drugs.
Commies will literally repeat this till the very end
"The End" is when society achieves communism, so I agree.
Well, while argie economy is fucked theres something you are not taking into account, games in steam are far cheaper, if I'm not mistaken it's the cheapest in the world. So get an argie VPN and but shit on steam. Some new games might cost you 25 dollars lmao
Which is when the riots, starvation, government murders and gulags fill up, begins, so we agree.
>it's a cancerous /int/ thread
Fucking mods do your job