>you spend all day farming seeds of skill to finish off your endgame character skills
>have just enough for one character
>figure you'll complete the Hero's skills first
>then Veronica gives you this look
What would you do?
>you spend all day farming seeds of skill to finish off your endgame character skills
>have just enough for one character
>figure you'll complete the Hero's skills first
>then Veronica gives you this look
What would you do?
Go on suck it bitch.
God I want Veronica to sit on my face.
Fuck her sister, since she's an adult.
How do I delete this thread...
When’s the switch release, i wanna play it again
You can't escape the power of the dick.
Imagine, being a grown-ass woman with grown-ass woman desires in that body.
finish her skill first then
I mean, you assume you're outdoors AND it isn't near noon.
This but my dick during ovulation
>that shadow
the only good thing about this game
Making this thread was a mistake. I just wanted comfy DQ11 discussion...
why her tummy bulge
silly user Yea Forums dq threads are ruined forever
just go to /vg/
You knew exactly what you were doing when you made this thread.
What a coincidence, I just want to use Veronica's braids as handlebars
You lying sack of shit. You knew what you were doing. Hurry up and post more.
Grown-ass woman desires? You mean like shoes and the desire to constantly nag?
I just wanna hug veronica no lewd i promise
cute and funny thread
she should have stayed dead
act 3 was garbage
This is the problem. She's an adult woman and she's getting desperate. Nobody will give her the dick.
That's how toddlers and short lolis look, buddy
never saw one?
I enjoyed the game although I stopped somewhere in Act 3 because at the time I was doing nothing but binge drinking and playing the game for 12 hours a day instead of studying for finals.
>comfy DQ11 discussion...
The game is shit. Veronica and Jade are the only thing worth discussing.
C word
technically legal
Made for black men's sperm
no you didn't
Tits too big.
the loli dies LOL
Blessed images.
put it in
I can't resist potatos
Its not fucking fair, lads.
only good post ITT
>farming seeds of skill
it's like you really don't even know how to properly level your characters to 99 in 10 fights
It's like you really don't even know that at level 99 you need to farm about 80 seeds to have enough points to fully unlock all character builder skills.
sauce me up senpai
give it to best girl
The artist is Zankuro also known as sys3.6.3.
>Surely I will win because my magic is superior
if you prefer jade over veronica you are LITERALLY HOMOSEXUAL
Fill her with my seeds till she gives me this look.
what if I prefer loli Jade ?
close enough,
keep moving sir
hero gets the seeds first then eric second, veronica is mid-tier iirc, jade and rab are the least important because he's almost never going to want to use a low-level claws skill