>88 days
88 days
Other urls found in this thread:
Druid tank
UD Shadow Priest aka BG facemelter.
*kicks you from raid*
respec to heal
lol not even dungeon boss mobs hurting the druchad, wonder how weak raid bosses will be
>Using the chad meme in 2019.
Absolutely embarrassing.
You're not getting an invite, dumb bear
Ice mage is best for pvp/pve right?
Can it virgin before I turn your asshole into a roastie
S Tier PvP:
Shadow Priest, Frost Mage, Sub Rogue, Aff Lock, Arms warrior but only with dedicated healsult otherwise B tier
S Tier PvE:
Prot Warrior, Arms Warrior, Holy Priest, Fire Mage
S Tier Races:
Human, Dward, UD, Orc
>not heal slut
Marksmanship Hunter
Factually correct.
Man I am excited but i still wish they would keep the monk class.
Cant wait to play my void elf demon hunter in classic!
Pfags leave
I want to be an alliance rogue but I also want to use daggers eventually. everyone says humans are the best rogues but get no positives when using daggers. are all the alliance races shit for dagger rogues?
Keep your fetishes to yourself or get right click reported ;)
What are the chances of an addon being released that uses retail models? I mean I get the whole classic thing, but, if you can make it look better why not?
Human rogue
Pick for looks. Minmaxing racials is dumb
Only for PvE. If you wanna PvP you go Gnome or Dwarf.
What race would I use for a PvP warrior on horde?
100% Orc they are the best race for Warriors in PvE and PvP.
Escape Artist.
88 days to lose that weight!
I never got to play vanilla, so I'm a bit unsure as to what class I should play. I'm thinking either mage or shaman. How do these classes perform and play in vanilla/classic?
EA is pretty overrated, you might beat some mages that forget they have ice block but stoneform seals the win against rogues a lot of the time
Because your worst match ups are Mage and Hunter
amazing in pve
amazing in pvp
can conjure food for free so you need not worry about that shit while levelling
has access to portals to teleport around the world, vanilla has very little ease of access compared to modern wow in getting around
other people will care you can conjure free food and portal them around
horde only
5 million totems to stick on your bars
pretty much only a healer in endgame pve
famous for 1 shotting people in pvp with Enhancement once you have the gear
can rez yourself upon death
Ea is trash. It's a .5 sec self stun to remove a slow that gets immediately reapplied as soon as you're done stunning yourself.
Dwarf is an okay choice for pvp, because that racial is actually good for vanish in many situations.
>free 60% mount
>you kill shit at an average pace but can never fucking die unless you chain pull elites or something
>instant invites to pretty much anything if you heal
>can tank everything except raids
>low bar for entry to raids, just turn up and be specced holy
>guilds will feed you loot
>mvp's in bg's
>bitchin' t2 set
>piss off horde shits when they have to spend 20 minutes to put you down or give up and run away
>a horde rogue/warriors living nightmare
Shaman you will be delegated to healing. You will struggle to farm for gold. However as a healer groups will be plentiful and easy to get. Getting preraid bis will be easier because of this. Leveling is also pretty simple because you get astral recall and ghost wolf form.
Mage you will be playing frost almost exclusively. You will be one of the 2 best classes for gold farming. You will have portals to every city. You will be one of the best dps, and necessary for 5 man content thanks to polymorph. Higher skill cap than shaman, and if you reach it the average player will not stand a chance against you in pvp.
You forgot, every 4 minutes you'll be whispered
>hey faggot refresh salv/might/kings
>this post
enjoy your coma-inducing leveling only to end up as a buff dispenser, dumb alliancebabbies
>"that'll be 5s, bucko"
>implying leveling any class isn't coma inducing
Even Everquest had the option to switch between new and old models. Blizzard is just lazy.
>not posting this as the only response
Goodluck getting parties and raids with that attitude
Thanks for the information anons. Going by what you've said, I think I'll play mage. Hope to see you in 88 days.
I have less respect for people excited for WoW Classic than I have for the FIFA/Madden "gamers".
>walk behind you
Nothing pers... OH SHIT
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Horde = Incels
Alliance = SJWs
Mage is the best class in the game and fuck you for even considering them you cheesy retard piece of shit.
I don't need your respect fucker. I'm going HOME and there's nothing you can do about it
>Can only DPS
>Looks gay
>Gets dicked by Locks, Priests, Hunters and Rogues 24/7
>Best class
lol k
>pop pic related just as cheap shot wears off
>pally will be spamming hoj right into the fap
>continue to murder pally until he bubbles
>restealth and reset the fight
How are assassination/subtlety for levelling/raiding? I probably will just go combat but I'd like to know my options
rogues are s-tier pve too because of feint and vanish
>teleports behind you
>laughs at your dumb ass for roleplaying fights on a fucking forum
>and wasting 5g on a gank
First accurate list of these sorts that I've ever seen on Yea Forums. Good to know that this place isn't 100% casual sacks of shit.
Way to fucking long to wait. A whole heatwave worth of wait. Beta was released way too early and is basically a salemens (streamer) platform.
Yeah, the wait is kill me, too. I just hope that it's worth it and that the game ships in a good state.
Your lists are wrong
>s tier pvp dps
warrior (Arms with bis and pocket healer)
warlock (horde)
druid for wsg.
>s tier pve dps
warlock (destro shadowbolt spam)
mage (frost until nax)
>s tier races which is the only thing you got right
combat has the best talents for raiding because of adrenaline rush + weapon specific spec + 50% extra offhand damage and +5% hit chance
You will almost exclusively see sword rogues for pve and raiding.
You will see a few dagger combat rogues for pve, this is solely because there are so many people going for swords that the daggers become an acceptable option.
You will extremely rarely see 1sub/hemo rogue for the physical damage debuff.
All other specs are for pvp only
Literal retard. Your list is basically the same as mine, except you're wrong about the things you changed.
>virgin human instead of chad dwarf
ud rogue chads ww@
singlehandedly removing warlocks from alliance eat my cock losers lmaooooo
Affliction isn't as good as you seem to think it is, especially as alliance. The patch they picked it is weaker than it was in original launch.
Prot warrior can't be s tier, it's literally the only tank. Even worse is competition for a raid slot at 60 is a lot higher for warriors.
Arms warrior will not exist in pve situations after leveling.
Fire mage only becomes relevant in naxx
Friendly reminder of the fact that meme specs are useless. No one is taking a Feral.
No one is taking an Enhance. No one is taking a Ret. No one is taking a S.Priests. Your job is to heal, and heal only.
Oh, and Fury Warriors? Get fucking dunked on. Blizzard confirmed your Private baby servers had busted hit tables. Put on that shield and tank, little bitch.
Furthermore, rolling suboptimal races is inexcusable. Stop holding yourself and everyone you play with back. It's not 2005 anymore. We know what's the best now, and there are zero logical reasons to roll inferior race/class combos. If you do, please roll on a RP server so no-one will have to deal with your shitty choices ok? Ok.
doesnt every raid run an arms warrior with Nightfall? the 2h axe that puts the extra magic damage debuff on shit, amazing for buffing raid dps.
although 1 slot is not exactly many opportunities
A hunter does it infinitely better
You throw it on the off tank. Most fights only require 1 tank until late into the expansion.
Races really only matter in pvp. There's not much of a difference in pve, the only real race that stands out for pve is human for sword bonus.
>*buffs fortitude*
Go get 'em champ
>Affliction isn't as good as you seem to think it is
It's substantially better than most other classes and 100% top tier.
>Prot warrior can't be s tier, it's literally the only tank
What kind of retarded logic is that? "Sorry Jimmy, I can't grade your perfect exam with an A because nobody else passed."
>Arms warrior will not exist in pve situations after leveling.
Mistake on my part. Was supposed to be Fury, which is the top melee dps spec.
>Fire mage only becomes relevant in naxx
Fire Mage is the preferred spec starting at AQ40.
>reddit spacing
>dumb opinions
Hunter rank 1 wing clip spam
Nightfall is for prots who are doing dps when 3+ tanks aren't needed in a fight or the adds are down
Based. UD SP is literally the best race/class combo in the game for PvP.
pls let me be that hunter
mortal strike is a high prio debuff, you're not running arms, ever, unless you're a cheapskate PvP guild
Druids and pallys could always tank dungeons, the sifficulty was raids specifically lol
#reddit spacing filters
>been here since 2006
>used reddit spacing forever
>newfriends try to call me out on it
nice reddit picture btw
>arms warrior
>s tier pve
What the fuck
>Oh my god I can't wait to join the same server of asmongold and give him all the earned gold so he says my name for 5 seconds on streaming,
I'm truly glad to be an eurofag and not have to deal with this cancer
I'll take slavshits over twitch zoomers any day
>Fire Mage is the preferred spec starting at AQ40.
No, you still need frost damage to kill a boss in AQ. Plus most guilds in AQ are also still running BWL which requires frost.
>[Affliction] is substantially better than most other classes and 100% top tier.
Honestly destro is better. With the succubus and engineering it out skills and performs Affliction. You don't want to dot the target because it will break all the disorients.
>mistake on my part. Was supposed to be Fury, which is the top melee dps spec.
Fury is a meme. We'll see how it performs when it's not on a private server. It may be shit, it may still be viable.
>Was supposed to be Fury, which is the top melee dps spec.
never actually had somebody quote numbers on this
Had you actually been here since 2006 then you'd know what this image is based on, newshit.
>No, you still need frost damage to kill a boss in AQ.
Rank 1 blizzard you fucking shitter
Are there going to be multiple servers so I don't have to play with streamers?
i dont believe anything they say lmao
leddit le rage comics were also based on Yea Forums paint comics, doesnt make them any less reddit newbuddy
torn between mage and druid bros
i don't care what anyone says, i'm going lock and if that means i have to be a curse bitch and spam SB and keep corruption up then so be it
>claims to be from 2006 yet can't identify an imaged based one of the most prevalent reaction images of the time
>"b-b-but reddit"
>thinks reddit invented spacing between sentences
doesn't matter what you want to call your anti-paragraph, shopping list looking shitposts
they're bad and you should feel bad
weird how nobody thought so a decade ago but alright my dude
Stop being such a passive aggressive little bitch. Are you trying to rout me with second hand embarrassment? Get some self-respect.
you're the one literally sperging about paragraphs lmao
is tauren the best for warrior? seems like the range to hit is really a strong contender against the other races, planning to tank and pvp
nope, orc is the best.
are you just saying that because you just like orc? blood fury seems shit and hardiness is the only redeeming thing about orcs. the range on melee with tauren is ridiculous
thunderqlap is pretty good but orc racials are better altho truth be told ud female warrior is the way you get your guild to dunk on shitters by showing them racials dont matter
What are yoy talking about? They said there'll be an option to play with both new/old character models and enviroments
Does anyone know how i can get on the same layer and shard as asmongold?
Nobody in this thread (expect me) has had sex and will die a virgin in their basement.
>Hunters and Rogues own mages in vanilla
But the same was true for Warriors in normal vanilla
Orc or human, with troll and dwarf as close second for each faction.
Ud may be better for pvp for horde than troll, but the attack speed boost on horde is really good for threat generation given horde doesn't have salvation.