Which is gayer?
A) Literal gay sex
B) Choosing to play as a female character when given the choice
Which is gayer?
A) Literal gay sex
B) Choosing to play as a female character when given the choice
C) choosing to play as a female character in order to romance other female characters
You could just as easily say it’s gay to play as a boy when you could play as a girl
Who gives a shit i pick what i want you insecure twat
OP, That guy is the gayest!
Based and male-lesbian-pilled.
Why stare at a dude's behind and body when u can stare at a girl's ass and tittays if given the choice.
If i were to pick i'd say C: OP is gay
c) op
Self-insertion is the opposite of roleplaying.
I'd rather be a gay man than some stupid chick
I love that this pic is posted every single time in these threads
A because B can be justified by wanting a different run of the game and not a sexuality choice.
that is one cute fucking cat
can i save this picture?
>Self-inserting faggots pretending they are immersed
none of those supposed arguments cover our actual argument: girls make my dick hard, I want to have them on my screen for as long as possible.
Not everybody is as painfully insecure with their sexuality as you OP
haha thanks for asking, go ahead
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 using Tapatalk
>middle bottom
You must be new here.
Nothing wrong with picking Hilda.
go back, abomination
The only thing gayer than literal gay sex is traps
oofa doofa
>immersion in a fucking role-playing game
So if you ever play D&D, would you create a carbon copy of yourself except medieval? Because you can do that in a tabletop RPG.
Um excuse me?? That's transphobic, you can't say that.
Go dilate.
These constant gender debate threads are co-ordinated by discord trannies. Don't fall for the bait.
I'm gonna have to go with literal gay sex on this one.
traps != transexual
source on this?
You can self insert, or rather, immerse yourself into a character that isn't like yourself, if you have the mental capacities for it.
I always picked male when younger but now that I'm a boomer (26) I pick the girl because I can't immerse myself as the boy anyways and I like girls so it makes sense. Also the female character customization is ALWAYS superior.
They're all mentally ill abominations.
You have a choice to not play bayonetta but yet you even shill it here
if anything its an insult to traps
Girls are cute. I like looking at cute girls. So I pick the girl. It's honestly not that difficult.
Indeed. And it doesn't matter what gender they are, or if they are even humanoid.
C) Not choosing whatever character has the most efficient abilities for the build you are planning
based and redpilled
The further from yourself the character is are, the harder it becomes.
Maybe, but that has no bearing on the words at play.
Gay image. Girls who look like boys are for closeted homos. Boys who look like girls are for straight men who're a little deviant.
I play female characters because I can't really self-insert into male characters.
if you don't pick female (hard mode) in mountain blade you're a massive gay nigger faggot
It doesn't matter, they're all cut from the same damaged cloth and not worth dignifying them by bothering to use their stupid terms the way they want.
deal with it, faglord
>Sexual attraction based on masculine social and physical characteristics
Literally gay.
I'm not attracted to men, so I wouldn't know who to marry.
C) Trying to reaffirm your masculinity by making a post on Yea Forums deriding other people for meaningless choices.
Wearing womens' clothes to have an easier time getting the sexual partners you want and cutting your dick off are two very different levels of damaged.
Tomboys don't look like boys tho. They aren't trying to either
It's generally them that want to muddle words.
>tits and pussy
>masculine physical characteristics
>implying you marry in mountain blade based on attraction
you don't even have to marry
Men play characters they want to fuck. This is very well known.
Humoring the idea that you actually care and aren't just meme lord with nothing better to do than make this board progressively worse. The fuck do you fags do in games that have soloy female protags or fighting games which have styles of gameplay character/gender locked?
They aren't gay, they love each other.
They do. It's part of what makes them tomboys.
Another well known fact is that "self insertion" is for the mentally ill.
Yea Forums, this will never be you.
I do. Like you say, marrying doesn't give that large a boost and I don't have to think about politics when choosing my character's wife, only who looks the best while also having the right personality.
Hold up. These are neither well known nor facts!
Why would you ever want to play as a woman, even in a roleplaying sense?
>b-but ur ghey
>pic related is the typical little anime girl avatar nigger that plays women
Google image: tomboy
I do what i want faggot. Loser LMFAO!
this is not attractive in any way
>pic related is the typical little anime girl avatar nigger that plays women
but really you're just cherrypicking and you know it
A obviously since theres nothing wrong with playing as girl
fucking everyone does that user fuck off
Jesus Christ I love Hilbert so fucking much
Is female avatars getting better fashion options actually a thing? I've played through games as a girl the second time around to see their fashion options but I wouldn't say they've ever had it "better" just different
Unless you're attracted to men, of course.
>He doesn't choose the female character for the gameplay benefits like female-exclusive skills when the genders are imbalanced
I mean id fuck a cute trap
I like women. Is that a problem?
do you mod the game or something because mountain blade characters are the farthest things from attractive
Yeah, well cute and 3D don't go hand in hand.
so, a masculine lesbian
Based beyond any beliefs.
A true paragon of society and an example we should all strive to follow.
That's not a tomboy, that's just a transgender. Pic related is from a movie, but it's a much better idea of what a tomboy really is. Proper tomboys are clearly female/feminine but just wear comfy clothes, are active, and don't bother with shit like make-up and high heels and shit.
>Low poly model BAD
Have some imagination.
Literally everyone outside of Yea Forums will think you are a flaming homo if you choose to play as a girl
Nah its more like
Pick 2
Yeah, a tomboy.
You have no idea what a tomboy is retard
>No no no no
>YOUR definition of tomboy doesn't count, only mine
>ONLY MINE, you hear me!?
Fuck off faggot.
>believing you're a woman trapped in a man's body, preferring to be called miss, and wanting to mutilate your body via surgery and HRT is the same as being a gay/bi guy that likes to wear girls' clothing and look feminine
One of these things is not like the other. One of these things is 40%
Categorical proof that traps are less gay than tomboys
>3DPD good in any way
Go find a non-anime website to post in, faggot.
just imagine you're a girl then
the absolute delusion of trapfags
>b-b-b-but I'm definitely not in it for the dick. I mean yeah I'm sucking a dick, but he looks vaguely like a girl so it's not gay!
What if I romance male characters instead?
>play as girl
>deliberately fuck up as much as possible to jerk it to pain moans
>Picking an opposite gender character in a story-heavy game with romance options
>Picking an opposite gender character in a story-lite game where your gender is totally incidental and either never mentioned or purely cosmetic
He was already massively cherrypicking the google image results. Guys who are into tomboys are still into women, they don't want completely butch lesbian trannies.
Playing a girl that plays differently, fine.
Playing a girl when you're just choosing an avatar, absurdly gay.
>Sucking trap dick
Doing it wrong. Unless the dick is feminine. Or bigger than yours.
Which makes you more retarded?
A) playing a children's game like Pokemon to feel more masculine
B) boasting about how manly you feel playing Pokemon on Yea Forums
That picture is specifically from a site titled
>"When A Female is a ‘Tomboy’ and Not Transgender"
I couldn't even make that up if I tried.
yeah it sucks, maybe one of those asian ones with buckets of makeup?
>not picking the opposite gender and then choose the homosexual route
You do what you want user. Whatever floats your boat.
You'll just be missing on some Yuri goodness.
that's only a problem if you have autism
objective gay scale
bottoming > picking a female character in a videogame > topping
Red ring: Looks like a boy or at least follows male aesthetics to a high degree
You're fucking retarded.
>I like women
normal men like fucking women, they dont like women
Makeup is fucking disgusting.
Yeah and I like both. Your problem?
3d tomboys don't even exist so I don't see why you're arguing about this
I like playing as a girl in games but only if I can make a loli character because it gives me this drive to dress her up in cute clothes and protect her like she's my daughter.
I also look up her skirt sometimes because I can.
Many of the normalfags I know can't immerse themselves into characters for shit. Autists might not be capable of it, but many non-autists can't either.
>massively cherrypicking
>It's the fourth image on google.
>related search term "androgynous"
But I know for a fact that this couple is non-futa, which is a mistake, by the way. Waste of very good art.
Tranny lmao
No fuckin manhood tranny
Its not like you cant borrow a postman semen
They do, but as everything else 3D they're PD and do not capture the 2D glory at all. It's very similar to traps in that regard.
I like Futa on girl as, but Yuri is supreme imo.
Science babies will be a thing user. One day.
>Yea Forums can't get laid so they shit on women and anyone who plays as women in games
>getting laid is peak existence
That'd be unpure.
>Yuri is supreme
I can't agree with that for fetish reasons. I need muh impregnation and semen.
>Science babies
We're still many decades if not centuries away from femaleXfemale babies.
If you can't get laid you're a failed human
he isn't, go to any trans website there's only 1-2 posters that "pass" the rest are all fucking creepy looking men and it's even worse when they're into lolita fashion
>none of those supposed arguments cover our actual argument
That's because it's a strawman, user.
Good thing Yea Forums is for failed human beings. Normalfags have Facebook after all.
>/v> can't get laid so they deflect to calling everyone resetera and reddit
Yuri isn't a fetish for me though ?
I play both and i've literally never wanted to cut my cock off.
>Men don't like women
Big yikes.
>Yuri isn't a fetish for me though
Me neither, but impregnation is and that's why I can't really enjoy yuri.
I hate trannies but I love being a cute 2d girl in games.
Now what?
Nice goalpost moving
>Now what?
I don't know, got an errands you need to do today? Your life is more or less going the same way as it was before.
Congratz, you're normal.
Aaaaah that's what you meant by that.
My bad, user.
Ah well, there's a lot of good work for your liking.
>he hasn't heard of videogames where the only protagonist is female
low IQ, lacking brain cells, retardation, and SEETHING incel
>"They found me again, better deflect and use that word I learned in the other thread that just 404ed. I wonder what it means and how they found me."
>"Don't I pass as a 4channeller?"
>goalpost moving
I'm merely stating the facts and actually agreeing with you.
Literal gay sex is gayer, unless you're choosing the opposite gender for trans reasons. Sometimes you just wanna spice games up with different aesthetics, and sometimes designs are just better (Pokemon suffers from this bad even with customization in a lot of cases, not all but a lot).
I'm comfortable being a man but if there was a magical easy way to become a girl (100% complete change, none of that cutting my dick off and leaving it at that shit) I would do it. Does that make me a tranny?
Choosing a fenale charactet and imagining yourself getting raped when you lose.
>he doesen't play the game at least twice as both genders cause he's so insecure about his sexuality and masculinity
>EPITOME of an incel
Generally, that's pretty gay, but it's okay if it's a good character. For example, there's nothing wrong with pursuing a romance with Garrus in ME.
No, you're just on Yea Forums.
Yeah, they do. In Pokemon USUM itself, boys get 7 hairstyles and most of them are shit
whereas girls get 10 and each hairstyle gets to choose 3 bang cuts so though some are similar,
they basically get 30 hairstyles.
It's not always that they're better, they just tend to have way more options.
I would prefer to be a 2D girl honestly.
I'm a boy molesting fruit and I like to play female characters.
currently ITT:
>Closet beta faggots who brag about how gay it is to play as a girl in muh bideogames
>Genuinely mentally ill trannies who won't survive til their 30's
>Demigod mastermind Chads setting those two against each other to get all the pussy in the future
We're playing 16D chess here and you retards can't even notice
Which is in fact the case.
Only one can be both
All the boys in pokemon look like Justin Beiber variants. Sorry I don't want to be Justin Beiber I guess.
There is. Xenofucking is just as bad as homosexulity, unless the xeno is clealy a human female-like.
> when you want to post something intelligent but turns out you didn't drop enough points in INT
Poor user
>playing as female character is more challenging and more fun
no. wanting an objectively better, easier life for yourself does not make you a tranny, just sensible.
>"Activate the secret weapon"
I feel like I'm reading a tumblr post about a character being super gay for someone else despite them not being gay at all
I usually choose Boy but if I do a second play through I choose Girl
unironically engage in intercourse with a member of the opposite sex
based and yuripillled
It shouldn't matter because it's a video game. Do you avoid playing games if the player character isn't a guy, too?
>opposite sex
Why are you upset over such a common post?
A, because B at least has uses for trolling and sweet-talking people who think you’re a girl into giving you things.
>ywn get a thighjob from Yea Forums while groping Yea Forums's tits
Why must I feel these feels?
what game?
Real life
>I feel like I'm reading a tumblr post about a character being super gay for someone else despite them not being gay at all.
That's hardly a tumblr thing. Tons of heterosexuals have "gay" crushes on people and wouldn't mind having sex with them. For example, I'd spread my asshole wider than a chasm for Ryan Reynolds. You don't have to be gay to appreciate him, or to find the thought of embracing him and smelling his hair to be erotic. Having little crushes like this isn't gay, and it's boring to just masturbate to girls all the time.
In real life you can't choose your gender.
Inb4 "IT'S 2019!"
t. Actual homo
nobody gives a flying fuck about what gender you play.
That's pretty gay dude.
Only ever played as a girl to avoid playing as this ugly fuck. Like seriously, what were they thinking? Who approved this?
>wanting to spread your ass for a man who identifies as a male, has a clearly male appearance, and is heterosexual isn't gay
user, I have some news for you...
Not doing any of those in the year 2111-92, you faggot ass. What are you, gay?
Absolutelty based,
The true partricians choice
Mutt has better teeth than the tranny.
>wanting to and enjoying playing as a girl in vidya
>means that you want to be a girl IRL
>ergo means that you are a tranny
This is an illogical conclusion if I've ever seen one.
It's like saying wanting to and enjoying playing a soldier in vidya means I want to be one IRL when I don't because reality is not like my fantasies/vidya.
People who make this argument really lack imagination desu
Cause she has a fun move-set
cmon, that hair is silly but so is the donut girl's
>It's like saying wanting to and enjoying playing a soldier in vidya means I want to be one IRL
That's the best way I've seen it put. These retards are really the kind of guys who think playing video games make people violent and if they're not, their logic falls apart entirely.
[check symbol]I will now play your game
I play as a girl in games and I wish I was a girl in real life.
Transitioning would not be enough for me, it wouldn't be the same.
But I'm not a dick who tells others how to live their lives, so if others want to transition, I personally respect their choice.
It depends. But lately all the male heroes are shit. Girls in the newer games have way better dress up options than the male. I went me in x/y and regret it it later when I saw all the great costumes the girl could wear.
Sun and moon I went girl and enjoyed it much much more. I normally play as a dude in 90% of games but the girl option is just so much better. Another example was the recent asscreed. The guy sucks ass compared to the girl. Game sucks either way...
You know it's just bait, right?
Yeah people who just don't get the concept of separation of reality and fantasy, that or they're insecure, either way not my problem
Makes you wonder though how do people like that play games where you are forced to play as a female like Nier Automata, etc.. maybe they avoid them entirely because of their insecurity or inability to not feel like they have to self-insert into every character they play
Nah theres people who actually think that way, simpletons but they deserve to have their shitty logic called out and ridiculed
What the other user says covers it pretty much. If people pretend to be retarded, it's only a matter of time real retards show up and think they're right.
holy shit is this cringe, user
did you actually think this was in any way, shape or form funny when you typed it out?
There's a reason trannies are so prevalent in the gaming community
Choosing gender/character creators should be banned to stop the tranny epidemic
I know, I'm the one that posted it.
I know there's more than one concrete reason for wanting to play as a girl. I like to think the image is just calling out those specific people though.
At the same time it's still mainly bait though.
Not enough games do this
>I voluntarily choose to play as a girl
>banning the ability to pick characters in videogames
How exactly are you planning to do that, retard?
girls have better customization options, this is inherent to the limitations of masculine fashion
if you care about that you have no choice but to play as a girl
fashion is pretty gay tho
I play female because I wish I was a cute girl.
>caring whether something is considered gay or not in order to enjoy it
miss me with that spook shit
At least there is a single honest person in this thread. I can respect that, you flaming faggot.
Having autogynephilia is not gay
>it was well known on old Yea Forums that moe weeb otaku filth were the worst posters on the site that ruined every thread they infested
>now they're literally communist tranny demons
Is anyone actually surprised?
Why would it concern you that I can't enjoy stuff that isn't gay?
>it was well known on old Yea Forums that moe weeb otaku filth were the worst posters on the site that ruined every thread they infested
2011 is not old Yea Forums, newfaggot
Same way they are trying to ban lootboxes
Character creators are turning low self esteem teens into dick chopping lunatics
They are a threat to the very future of humanity
>He doesn't treat women equally to men
>He doesn't like female companionship
You have the big gay.
Masculine "fashion" is gear and armor customization
As far as Pokemon goes, girl has been the definitive option since gen 4.
Ethan was still ok and had enough distinction from Red and so was Brendan. I also didn't really like Kris and May too much.
After gen 4 the male character devolved into "Red but with a slightly different hat". The only exception to that is Nate and he doesn't look very good.
The female player character from Leaf onwards was always unique and a really, really good design. And they were quite varied as well. Leaf looks nothing like Dawn who looks nothing like Serena who looks nothing like Chicken-chan who in turns looks nothing like Shield-chan.
In pokemon you really see the limits character designers run into when trying to make "neutral" male characters. There's really only one design.
I mean, I guess Calem was decent, but he looks like a girl
post butt
Why be a girl when you can be a femboy?
Ah yes, I remember all the cool armor sets you could equip in Pokemon
The Last of Us 2 ruined yuri for me
>treat women equally
You do realize throughout humanities history women were never treated equal right? Only in the past 100 years, and everything started going to total shit.
>everything started going to total shit
actually I'd say that things are a lot better now than they were 100 years ago.
I know, right? He says he doesn't like women and that he only fucks them. That implies that he only gets enjoyment from the company of men which means all of his romantic feelings will be for men.
Ssh, you can't say that around here! We're supposed to worship the unattainable heights of the past that we've fallen from!
What if you are literally a girl (female) though?
I prefer Zero, sorry user.
Cis females died out millennia ago.
>19 year old in his basement collecting neetbux and chatting over the internet on a video game image board thinks the world was better 100 years ago
The powerful bond between two men is based though
Truly this first post is the best.
Then play the boy character.
Women are literally fighting tooth and nail for the right to kill their own babies and flood countries with third world murder rapist filth.
I would, but my looksmatch only goes for chads and she makes 300k a year by posting slutty photos on instagram while I'm forced to lay down and rot
>Character creators are turning low self esteem teens into dick chopping lunatics
And driving cars is what makes Earth go round.
The core of the problem lies within the 60's sexual revolution when hippies taught everyone it's okay to be a whore.
Being "open" about your sexual desires led to people making their fetishes a part of their public identity, which is basically the furry, brony, weeb, tranny etc "cultures" you see today.
What we really need is make those degenerates stop showing up in public by creating a legal code of decency.
These braindead pervets just don't understand that if you CAN do something embarrassingly stupid in full view of everyone it doesn't mean you SHOULD.
Not him but that's all obviously thanks to technological advancements and modern medicine.
Morally, culturally, politically and mentally, the human race has gone fairly down hill.
depends on the game, honestly. if you play a lot of jrpgs you run into this more often.
Fuck those babies, the world doesn't need more people in it.
Autogynephilia is actually a form of being 200% straight. Extreme Male Brain theory is connected to autism which is connected to fetishistic transvestism.
>Morally, culturally, politically and mentally, the human race has gone fairly down hill.
Well, yea
video games exist now and they didn't 100 years ago.
If a baby has no value then women don't either.
Also, I guess Sword-kun looks ok.
It'll depend on his clothing options which one I'll pick, I guess.
So straight that it wraps around back to lesbian.
When everyone's a degenerate user, no one is.
>avoid answering OPs question, just reference lesbian porn
>100 replies
Then you don't play video games.
>fighting tooth and nail for the right to kill their own babies
So? If that baby's born, do you care about improving the foster care system if the mother is unable to take care of it? How about the fucking education system that's in shambles, that'll raise that kid to be a fucking retard? Maybe people wouldn't kill their babies if there was the government cared about abandoning fathers, but all they can do is sort of kind of mandate they pay child support, which can be ducked easily as fuck. Is that important?
modern soldiers are not good character designs, they look like shit.
And neither do you, user.
True, but it's not about being a degenerate, it's about not forcing it on others.
I would not choose girl in that kind of game. Only in games where I can make my battle waifu.
Self inserting and role playing are two different things.
Just playing with a character that's your own gender isn't self inserting you stupid tranny fucks. It does obviously help you emphasize with them better though.
There's a reason why most video games protagonists are males. Stop pretending your normal.
That's not why these women kill their own children.
Nobody's forcing YOU to be one, just don't be a sperg when others want to be one.
Its been 8 years
>Imagine your highest sexual fantasy doesn't include yourself.
I feel almost sad for you. Knowing that you will never get the chance to pass on your faggotry onto any offspring does calm me though.
>Imagine your highest sexual fantasy doesn't include yourself.
It's also about being a degenerate. Degenerates should be shamed.