Fallout 3 vs New Vegas
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What is there to discuss, Fallout 3 is the better game
What is there to discuss, Fallout New Vegas is the better game
What is there to discuss, they're fundamentally the same game.
What is there to dicuss, both are good games in their own way.
A varied open world to explore vs a fucking desert with some nice tourist spots.
I like New Vegas's writing, but it felt pointless to be an open world.
I don't get why everyone sucks Obsidian's dick so much for the writing in New Vegas. It was just adequate. It was miles better than 3, but that's not saying much.
obviously because the previous game was a shitfest, fans got angry.
Name some games with better writing preferably before New Vegas released
>no supermutant behemots
>shit game
choose both
fo3 is better
Grim Fandango
The Witcher
Planescape: Torment
Metal Gear Solid 3
Remember 76?
define what good writing is in a game then i'll tell you why you're wrong you fucking faggot.
you forgot leisure suit larry
also claiming one game was made in response to the other, when they're both essentially the same idea done differently with the same core gameplay. new vegas didn't go against 3, it actually very clearly took inspiration from 3.
I forgot several games. Those were just the first few that popped into my head. Bioshock is another one; for some reason, I thought that came out after New Vegas.
Thanks. I agree with those but I hate the Witcher games. Any more rpgs?
I love Honest Hearts but I agree that the rest of NV's writing isn't notable. Feels like all the major characters are mouthpieces for what particular ideology their faction follows rather than actual characters, which is why HH was refreshing.
fallout 3: story, npcs, quests and gameplay are cringe but exploring the world is kino
new vegas: story, npcs, quests are kino but exploring the world is cringe and the gameplay is cringe
fallout 4: story, npcs, quests, exploring the world is cringe but the gameplay and minecraft is kino
i played all these games for hundreds of hours and my IQ is really high so my opinion is very good
Solid list with totally different types of games there.
NV had a fantastic setting with the Hoover dam and everyone trying to control it but the legion is so woefully underdeveloped along with some other aspects of the game. NV could’ve been the best fallout if there was just more time to finish it.
Fallout 3 was made by Todd "over 300 endings" Howard, NV was made by the original Fallout team, There's no debate here, NV is superior, 3 is ok.
In conclusion, America is a land of contrast.
OP's a faggot
NV has more replay value but 3 was just more memorable in every way. NV is just kinda dull and lifeless no matter what, the desert just sucks out all the life from the game.
>my IQ is really high
need to see your mensa license
Yeah, the poison green gas and shit brown wasteland of Fallout 3 is so much more appealing.
Bethestards really are massive faggots.
More appealing than the mostly empty desert? Yeah, it is.
>hurrr, the colours make it better
I love watching the little autists SEETHE when their precious game gets insulted by funposters. New Vegas is better in every way and that is a fact stated by God himself. To state that Fallout 3 can even compete with the absolute MASTERPIECE that is New Vegas is to admit your own virginity and having an IQ below 90.
New Vegas is way better but 3 isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
I feel somewhat similarly; different side of the coin or whatever. New Vegas is way better than 3, but it isn't as good as everyone makes it out to be. New Vegas is just Fallout 3, but brown and with slightly better writing.
it's basically the same game in a different coat.
So the witcher and planescape torment are the only rpgs with better writing than new vegas. I guess that puts it as one of the best written rpgs of all time doesn't it
yes actually, it does make it more appealing.
NV is a reddit tier overly pretentious game for trannies and autismo. I have over 90 tranny friends on my steam. Wanna know what the most popular games are for them? NV and the Civilization series.
NV is a tranny game for trannies.
are there any builds that make the gameplay fun?
it's just aesthetic. in a way fallout 3 is more appealing, as the colour of new vegas is supposed to look gaudy and artificial, much like bioshock infinite. different visual styles. the more singular, washed out look of fallout 3 fits for a game that uses space and distance as a stylistic choice, whereas new vegas veils itself in its artificial choice and chance as befits the setting.