This game will be the vidya equivalent of stuffing a movie full of recognizable and popular actors to cover up how shit everything else is.
Also, "A Hideo Kojima game". Why is this guy so full of himself?
This game will be the vidya equivalent of stuffing a movie full of recognizable and popular actors to cover up how shit everything else is.
Also, "A Hideo Kojima game". Why is this guy so full of himself?
You know what? I've seen a lot of shit talking and people sharing their preconceived notions about unreleased video games, but this post might be on point. I hope it's good, but if it isn't, I'll remember this post.
>has his own production studio named after him.
>not based.
>A Hideo Kojima game
Yeah let's just pretend it didn't take 100+ developers to make this game, it was just one guy who can't program,script,design,animate,model,texture,etc who made all of it. I don't care about this game since no one ever shows gameplay, but the marketing is a real turn off.
Seethe more nigger.
A lot of gameplay was shown.
It's also clear that good leadership is essencial, it doesn't matter if you have 500+ devs working on a game but bad planners or people without vision on top. Look at 90% of AAA trash for instance.
the trailer sure made it look fucking lame but muh mystery babies and this vague notion of the importance of connections!!! sure must be fun walking around this huge swamp world...
I've seen 3 youtube videos on this game and none of them showed gameplay. Same on twitter and on here. Also he's not a guy who leads the enitre team, that's what leads ae for, like lead artists,lead cinematics,lead programmer,lead designer,production manager,etc. Let's be honest he's just one guy, bt he's a famous celebrity and that's why his name is on the box, it's to sell games.
ah I see this cringe design "another fucking skullface" is already embraced by the target audience of 12 year olds
Imagine being so petty that you criticize a video game developer for putting their name on a game, why don't you go accomplish something yourself you fat idiot
>to cover up how shit everything else is
>let's pretend I played the game and experienced "everything else"
Why is OP so pretentious and full of himself?
Wow, a whopping 3 youtube videos. Surely that encompasses everything shown.
If Todd Howard did it Yea Forums would have a field day, take Kojima's little dick out of your mouth, he belongs to Geoff.
>don't ever express doubts about something before you experience it.
Based retarded consumer.
You're quite blind then, 2 of the trailers including the last have shown actual gameplay. The last one with UI too.
And yes I'm aware there are more leads, and leads within each team (art, modeling, programming, etc) but nonetheless a visionnaire like Kojima is still highly important. Sometimes just 2 or 3 leads leaving a team permanently change it for the worst. Look at WoW, Anthem, Destiny, etc.
When I said "500+" devs I also included the leads within each team. Doesn't matter if the concept art lead is the best in the world and keeps his team on schedule and moralized, if the one higher up than him has retarded ideas like using a bad engine, constantly changing the general direction of the game, etc. Kojima alone isn't the reason most of his games are above average, but he is their DNA. Death Stranding's whole concept wouldn't come to fruition without him for instance. Of course the game wouldn't exist in the first place if it wasn't a Sony 1st party exclusive either, no multiplat publisher would ever risk such a thing and MS is known to meddle too much with their 1st party devs. There are a lot of factors, all I'm saying is that Kojima is a relevant one to the equation.
Post some gameplay that's worth showing, the other threads that are up about this game don't have nay either. Practise what you preach. No one is posting any becuase it's not worth showing.
more like poop shitting xd
Watch the gameplay and date reveal trailers instead of being a faggot about it, why don't you
Seething nincels pretending to never have heard of the guy yet they've been doing these threads for over a decade
I love me some kojima posting
I saw the big 8-minute trailer.
From what I rember it was pretty much just cinematic gameplay.
The only actual gameplay was brief instances of a radial menu, during which a ladder was used, and some player controlled movement.
Just watch the latest trailer?
Search "Death Stranding" keep the terms within "last week" and surely you'll find a video that almost 10 minutes long, nearly half of which is gameplay, with further gameplay footage that wasn't shown in that trailer but you can find on other places.
>express doubts
>This game will be
This sounds like someone making claim to me, bud
>spoonfeed me the gameplay right now!
>From what I rember it was pretty much just cinematic gameplay.
That was actual gameplay. The game doesn't have UI for the most part unless you're interacting with menus or pull out an item. How new are you? Games have been doing this for ages.
It's almost as if your mind would be blown if I told you that Skyrim hides your HP/Magicka/Stamina bars while out of combat, unlike the previous TES games. Surely you wouldn't call that "cinematic gamplay"
>don't make negative "claims" about Kojima shit!!!
Funny how Yea Forums does this literally all the time, every day, but with Kojima the autism comes out about what doubts/criticism.interests are acceptable.
It's almost like the Kojima cult memes aren't exaggerated.
What? There was shooting, melee combat, two instances of stealth, rappelling, that ladder shit, motorcycle, and a shit ton of walking. All of that was gameplay.
Let's use Skyrim.
The first ever trailer where the PC was walking around is pretty much equivalent to what this trailer was, yet Skyrim wasn't a gameplay trailer.
Gameplay trailers are longer, usually about 20 minutes showing a wide range of mechanics.
The menu set-up and player movement isn't really a gameplay trailer.
Crazy to thinka video game discussion board has no gif/webms of the game they are talking about. It's not worth showing is all this thread has proven.
If it was someone would have posted already without me even recommending others to show what they are impressed by. There's nothing to be impressed by, simple as that.
This is actually a good point. Just post something to prove user wrong.
The man responsible for 2-3 games in the top 50 of all time is making a new game that he's deeply passionate about (after being forced to do 3 mgs sequels) and he's given free reign to do his dream game with established world class actors and complete control of every aspect.
Yeah I'm sure it's going to be a soulless cash grab.
>recognizable and popular actors
the only one i know is the french bitch from that lesbian movie. the rest are literally whos but the pretentious trailer makes it seem like its full of oscar winners when they are d listers
t. Seeth the gameless
Which is why I said vidya equivalent. Mikkelsen ( however the fuck you spell it) and Reedus are big name actors for vidya shit.
It's like with movie directors. Some directors have a vision and craft all aspect of the movie according to their vision, others just follow what studio execs and producers wants and then the movie is made by a committee of marketing researchers and other people who only care about maximizing profit, not getting their vision to the screen. Most games are like the latter, because they lack a strong lead that will direct all efforts to make his vision a reality. Take CDPR and Cyberpunk2077 for example, the game is in development for 6 years, had been re-imagined several times and if the current news are to be trusted it is again getting major revision now, for this year's E3. This is a sign of bad leadership and lack of strong visionary as a lead. Kojima is one of those rare people in video game industry that has a clear vision for a game and then creates that game. He oversees all aspects of it, gives general guidance to other leads down in the hierarchy, makes sure it all fits. Like a good movie director.
So Die-Hard Man isn't a meme? Does he have a better Japanese name that got lost in translation or something?
>They are bad actors because I didn't see them in the latest capeshit movie
stop trying to bait so hard seething nin.toddler
Rent Free :^)
>several posts tell you specifically what parts of the trailer show gameplay
>ignore all of those to respond to a guy rightly calling you a lazy retard
Checks out you lazy retard.
How long until Kojima is treated like Todd on Yea Forums?
I actually agree with user, this is no different than the "educate yourself" retort, as in, you're wrong.
Just post something and BTFO.
>Yeah I'm sure it's going to be a soulless cash grab
Glad we agree
Herro, Kojima.
because todd howard is a greedy hack that knows how to market pitch the most haphazardly assembled mediocre games with a decent premise and horrific execution. No one on here believes Kojima is some infallible god. His games are loved (as they should be) but not without flaw.
You have no idea what you’re talking about if you’re seriously trying to compare Kojima to Todd ‘it just works’ Howard.
>(as they should be)
Touched a nerve.
Personally looking forward to the day the Kojima cult will be another fun Yea Forums meme.
I see that pretentious has become the hottest new meaningless buzzword on Yea Forums.
>I see [valid criticism I do not like] has become the new meaningless buzzword
You sound like an unsufferable faggot but you're a kojidrone so its to be expected.
Good gameplay is balanced and varied systems working together in a fluid manner that controls well and feels intuitive. Something that's nearly impossible to demonstrate in a 10 second webm. user is asking for some cinematic shit that looks like "gud gameplay".
so you’re just shitposting then, got it
>loving video games is a bad thing
why the fuck are you even here?
>Stop laughing at Godjima REEEEEE
Alright how likely is this to actually be true?
Funny, because we're talking about a movie in this thread.
>Kojima is a pretentious hack!
>KOJIDRONE! Cult of Kojima! Go suck his chink cock!
Nice to see Yea Forums's standard of argument is still just throwing insults and buzzwords.
There's a difference between loving a game and shilling to the point of genuine cringe.
Saying, Fallout: New Vegas is a good game is fine, saying Fallout: New Vegas is often regarded as one of the best RPG's around (as it should be) is cringe.
It's nice to see that Yea Forums shits on developers on a daily basis, but it seems who is off limits has been determined.
That needs to be worked on.
>how to miss the point completely
>twice in a row
Yeah, we’re done here.
yeah, die-hald man
Whatever you say drone.
>NO you can NOT critisize this developer in particular!
So you're scared of opinions that don't fit with your own and have to caricatureize them as buzzwords so you can cope with the fact that it's other people with their own thoughts and opinions.
No one is claiming that what they post is absolute truth, this is a discussion board where people post their own subjective opinions, I'm sorry you can't cope with that simple thought.
Razorfist just blew Kojima and all his cult-like fans out of the water.
I grew out of kojima around the time MGS premiered
Wasn't there some VGA or something where Geoff Keighley was fucking crying over Kojima like he was being held in a concentration camp?
That's the image I get in my head reading some of these posts.
Says the one seething over people critisizing kojima. Apply yourself.
And all of that was actually pretty shit
>he belongs to Geoff
and Norman
and Mads
and Guillermo
and Troy
and possibly Kanye
Kojima's living in a fucking otome VN right now
>I'm going to play the game and no one can stop me
feels good bros
sitll waiting for valid criticism that isn't "I don't understand it. It's pretentious" or "This actor isn't in any hollywood blockbusters, shit actor" or "Kojima eats food and has an active business life, hack!"
Unironically looks like the story is going to be more consistent than everything that happened in the six canon MGS games, since all the characters look cliche as fuck.
Cool opinion, bro. I disagree because I haven't seen enough and I haven't played the game and I'm not a reactionary retard.
>5 months of nintendies complaining about the games they can't play
this happens with almost every PSexculsive, but this time its even more fun. Y'all niggas getting rused HARD
How about I'm not interested on "playing" moviegames with 25 minutes of 2deep4u cutscenes after 3 minutes of "gameplay"?
Bike driving looked stiff, combat looked clunky and uneventful and stealth sections are always shit no matter what.
I'll watch it on youtube (as it should be).
But the "game" is avaiable for everyone on Youtube.
>Starfield will be shit
>Borderlands 3 will be shit
>FFVII remake will be shit
>Death Stranding will be shit
Dude, what the fuck, son't form opinions before you can play, Kojima worked so hard on this etc.
Say it with me: cult.
‘cringe’ is the most insubstantial excuse for an argument on earth, at least try to give a reasonable discourse on why you feel that way instead of propagating wayward emotional half-truths
New Vegas is an RPG done right and it’s writing & setting vastly outshines the Bethesda Fallout games by a country mile. But no one today is even aware that Fallout 1 & 2 exist, nor does anyone play them, nor do most people even know that NV was made by the same people. So the expectations, context and appreciation for the game’s quality go totally missed by half the playerbase. Either way, NV isn’t the point. If your entire worldview here is based off the fact it’s ‘omg so cringe’ then grow up
>hates movie games
>watches games instead of playing them
OK, enjoy not being able to enjoy anything in life. Now shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.
>typing all this out
>Gameplay trailers are longer, usually about 20 minutes showing a wide range of mechanics.
There's no cohesion whatsoever to any trailer.
The latest Deathstranding trailer has shown you actual gameplay with the finalized UI (up to this point at least). You've seen walking scenes, chasing scenes, transversal scenes with items, hand-to-hand combat, a gameplay vehicle driving scene (where he makes a wheelie), stealth scenes with batman vision included & getting caught, and even shooting on the WW1 dimension. We've also seen some gameplay interactions in the HQ, where you go to a "station" - for example the necklace and baby stations.
Just because the gameplay was interspersed with cutscenes and didn't last exactly 20minutes doesn't mean none of it was shown. Outside the trailer there was also shooting gameplay against a tentacle monster.
>hates movie games
>watches them instead of wasting his time on half assed gameplay
what the fuck are you doing in this thread then? Are you retarded?
what a miserable life you must live
>t. kill yourselfman
>Im not interested in DS
>Wow enjoy your shitty life gtfo die a joyless death Kojima videogames are the only thing worth enjoying in the universe
Say it with me: C U L T.
It looks great, now post your sped up footage of the MULE bandits chasing Sam you faggot.
>nooo get out of my hugbox!!
>it's another Yea Forums doesn't actually play games episode
simply epic
Know literally nothing about except Bethesda has been shitting their pants for the last 4 years
>Borderlands 3
Looks like more of the same which is fine for most people but is literally the embodiment of soulless cashgrab with no originality from a studio that has nothing else
Looks fine so far but too early to tell. 10 year development time isn't reassuring after the shitshow of FFXV
I don't know what your point is, there's shitflinging in the threads of all of these games. Why is this one any different? Because the majority doesn't agree with it?
>Unironically trusting Bethesda, Gearbox and Squeenix
Lmaoing at your life.
>using the rope to go down in hell/underworld
Tell me that's not the plan.
These aren't the arguments being presented, the argument from the Kojima cult is that you CAN'T have a negative impression and claim DS will be shit because you haven't played it/it's not released.
Therefore, if this isn't a cult, then the defenders here should be in every thread saying the same about any unreleased game.
Kojima is the biggest hack
>can't trust these guys
>but you can trust Kojima.
Literally a cult. And for the record, I think all three will probably end up bad, I just also don't have blind faith in DS.
It's the same thing with film directors you putz. Quentin Tarantino's 8th Film doesn't mean it was just him making the whole thing. Kojimbo just wants that same director feel.
kojima has gone too high IQ this time and most plebs will hate his game.
>makes video games
>putting himself on the level of a movie director
Yes, that's the point.
>implying kojidrones aren't the biggest normies
>3 devs who constantly release shit versus one who constantly releases quality
i shiggy diggy
You expected fucking Space Engineers?
Are you retarded?
You can trust Kojima because he has made good games in the recent past. The other three had shitted nothing but turds in recent times.
>implying he doesn't do what a film director does
user, Kojima basically is a film director. He writes the stuff, and directs angles and visuals, and he edits his own trailers. Essentially, he is a film director.
This is working of a cult-like assumption that EVERYBODY must like Kojima's games.
MGSV was not as great as it was promised but it was definitely a bad game.
He's done this his whole career and it works because his name has become a brand and sells games. It's just logical marketing.
The only decent game in the whole series.
No it was definitely a good game game but a bad game as a complete experience. Biggest disappointment of my life.
>it was definitely a bad game
Vidya isn't comparable to film, if somebody that designed video games told me he's like Quentin Tarantino I'd laugh his ass out of the room, Kojima included.
>implying that isn't Norman Reedus
He's an auteur. Something that's pretty uncommon in the game world but shouldn't be since most of the greatest games of all time come from single developers with big ambitions and big visions for their projects.
Oh, man, you are just shitposting.
Congrats, you win the discussion.
I can't trust Kojima after MGSV's trailers compared to the actual game.
Literally every game director does that you absolute mouth breather. Holy shit I thought the cult thing was just a meme.
>he edited the trailer too!!
Lots of game directors do that or are severely involved with the editing.
>reddit spacing
back you go nigger
I wonder how many of these threads are made by Hayter. I'm guessing a little over half.
He didn't wanted to make that game, Konami forced him.
Please tell me this is an ironic post.
That is a legit complain, however there is no drama, like what happened with Konami.
So maybe it will be good?
Not sure what argument you're trying to make, friend. I'm saying these things validate Kojima's name on the box, as would any other game director that wanted to put their name on the box. Kojima just has the star power and track record to do it.
But it's a well known fact MGSV is an incomplete game that had a long and rocky development cycle and was rushed out. This game's development looks like it's been nothing but smooth sailing and they've already announced a release date (meaning they're confident in being able to actually complete the game within that time) and there's nothing to indicate that it won't release nov 8.
No it is not.
Doesn't make it any less pretentious. His company is named after him and then he puts the name fucking again.
Kojima always brings the nincels out of the woodworks
>Die-Hardman is voiced by Akio Otsuka, Snake's Japanese VA
>No Sam, you are the Hardmans
Why the fuck would it be? It clearly didn't reached its potential because Kojima was already fucking tired with the franchise, literally Konami's fault, have you been living under a rock?
No, game studios and publishers don't give directors the same amount of control movie directors get. Most game directors are just managers that are trying to realize and focus the studio head's vague vision they have of the game.
>Why is this guy so full of himself?
The games industry and gamers made him that way. Everyone convinced him he was a genius. So now he believes it. On a much bigger scale, and concerning someone with at least some actual talent, the same thing happens with David Lynch. That motherfucker aired a 15 minute explosion, and fanboys called it a masterpiece.
t. 3d artist working for a fairly big studio for 7 years.
Which trailer is this from?
He's nowhere near a "film director". He's not even on Troma's level.
jap exclusive cut
>I'm still coming
>the fucking soundtrack to the original Death Stranding trailer
You're right though, it's probably just a Japanese guy since Norman's eyes are a little slanted
but kojima games havent been on main nintendo consoles in like a decade
>Hmm I'm creatively bankrupt how will I ever make another game worth a damn
>I know, I'll just use real actors since I can't come up with interesting characters myself
>and the plot of this game will be something I rip from some book
>the enemies will just look like some eldritch horror or lovecraftian monsters
>let me dab some SJW elements like walls and connections in there...
>lastly the UI can be from dead space.
Yeah this guy sucks
and that's why they're all seething here pretending they don't like it
>copies John Carpenter blatantly
Yikes from me Kojitrash.
>>let me dab some SJW elements like walls and connections in there...
Of course it has to be a /pol/tard behind this
Have sex.
>Absolutely seething xfags: The thread
Back to R*ddit, pindicks.
oh. is that why game directors are never credited? why there are separate cinematic directors? why a game director is replaced for the sequel nearly every time? It sure sounds like they're just replaceable middle-management. Of course if you're working at a smaller studio then yeah, each position is more important and has more power.
Yea ForumstendoGaf still seething that Sony won E3 without showing up.
Guess you couldn't play any of the Metal Gear games either
Not at all. I'd like for you to explain why it requires being a pol tard to recognize those things to be suspiciously paramount to this games plot in the current year and social climate.
>that picture
This character makes me want to live in my mother's garage and collect cassette tapes.
He didn't copy The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China and They Live though.
Those are Carpenters best movies.
>he didnt copy the thing
it's my middleschool project tier based
There are lead positions, these guys take orders from the director and every single decision they take has to be approved and corrected by him, the directors job is to lead everyone.
>they can be easily replaced
No, they can't, a change in director often leads to a change in management, direction and focus, there are some that try to follow their predecesors's ways so theres not a huge impact on the sequels but it usually is VERY noticiable.
>why they are not credited
They are, in the credits along the rest of their team.
Kojima is literally the GOAT and anyone who doesn't like his games is an insufferable microcock liberal manlet turbocock faggot. Mgs4 sucks though and is not canon
>popular actors to cover up how shit everything else is
This. The trailer was talking about actors more than gameplay.
>expecting NEETs to understand how jobs work
I-it's just a walking simulator! A-all we saw in the trailer was
>sneaking around
>running from people trying to kill us with eletricity
>being hunted by scary creatures
>traveling to other worlds
>innovative gameplay
FUCK THIS WALKING SIMULATOR. I'm going back to my bing bing wahoo instead!
He's the voice in the new NOT Castlevania game and sounds awful. At least in the trailer, and I like Hayter.
And every single thing you said looks clunky and mediocre as fuck.
>bing bing wahoo
sneak = slow walk
run = fast walk
being hunted is variations of running away
traveling can include walking
innovative walking
I give it to you tho it has some aiming down sights walking too
Yeah I'm not doubting their job is but it is a fact that they do not get as much creative freedom as a film director. Most films are brought to life by the producer or director, they're the impetus for the project and control every single aspect of it from start to finish. A film director's job is absolutely not to lead everyone that's the assistant director's job. The film director's job is to have a clear vision that can be conveyed to everyone and then to make creative choices regarding that vision in order to make a complete and concise whole that fits together.
>innovative gameplay
Never played a kojima game before, why do people actually enjoy his work? I literally cringe through the entire trailer, what's so good about him?
I love how you all pretend this wasn't posted every time, and go back to posting LITERALLY NO GAMEPLAY. At least make a weak attempt to pretend this doesn't look good.
he is japanese
>I literally cringe
Is this game about open borders or what?
looks like a lamer, less cool version of MGS5
Yes. The president of United States is the president of jack shit.
What have borders given us?
just like 99% of MGS trailers
I wonder what kind of gameplay people expected
This game is not going to age well because of the shit concepts.
At first it was
>there's no gameplay
then it went to
>there's very little gameplay
then it went to
>that's the only gameplay
now it's at
>that gameplay doesn't count because you're not bing bing wahooing and killing enemies by jumping on them
This game has really destroyed Yea ForumstendoGaf. Based Sony won E3 without showing up.
David Lynch effect. Although DL used to have actual talent. If someone makes a visually appealing, esoteric work of fiction. As time goes on, if it catches on, the works will attract aspiring intellectuals who then proceed to over-interpret everything the author does, wears, and says as intentional esotericism - whether it is or not.
You soon end up with things like:
Add in good visuals, hype, and the author playing along (usually being intentionally vague), and you have the David Lynch Effect.
Is there a full vid of that webm?
>connecting to people
>people can't be alone because they are social in nature
>coming together to achieve a goal
Not surprising a Nincel thinks those concept are bad. The game is anti Nincel by nature.
Kojima is game writer celeb, he's an equivalent of David Bowie but without any skill other than writing cheese b tier movie skripts
the game can be good but for sure not because of the story, just look how fucking clusterfuck was mgsv first A Hideo Kojima, Directed by Hideo Kojima, Kojima Kojima by studio of Hideo Kojima the game
That's what a game director does, they have complete creative freedom and only respond to their producers (cause they put the money). If they're good at their jon they're given total control, Itsuno from DMC for example.
Not all directors are good, of course, best example I can come up with is Anthem's where a fucking EA high-up had to step in to give direction to a game that was in fully paid preproduction for 5+ years.
Kojima is not by any means a bad director, he's just more interested in telling stories than making fun games.
I think this game will be a good game with good gameplay and a really funny story and bad writing.
lmao dont even try to pretend the gameplay didnt look like a snoozefest
I'm glad Kojima is working on something that isn't Metal Gear, so we can see his writing shine once again. People should be happy that we're getting new original games and not just endless sequels and remakes.
It was TGS so a lot of people missed it
You need explosions and bing bing wahooing?
salvation and safety from flames of islam wrath
There is still no gameplay, dumbass. It was 8 minutes of actors talking. And not everyone who hates movies wants you to jump on enemies.
>Yea Forumstendogaf
Stop with the victim complex. Sonyfags are hated because they are obnoxious, you have only yourselves to blame.
Seething and obsessed.
I have yet to see a PS4 owner who hates Death Stranding. It's just salty PCfags.
you could say the same argument for each console. ???????????????????????????
look what happened to Tom Clancy? they use his name to sell games and now they literally beat a dead horse(man)
Sonyfags are hated because they get something you don't.
There's a reason you're in a Death Stranding thread talking about the game. Keep seething that Sony won E3 without showing up. With the PS5 and Death Stranding news Microsoft and Nintendo shouldn't even bother going to E3 because they're irrelevant.
I can see why Nincels hate this game. With all the anti Nincel messages it has about connecting to people and being together.
Gameplay looks fucking boring? Climbing, walking and fighting dudes with sticks lmao¨... there is nothing revolutionary in game mechanics, you see a glimpse of MGS and thats about it, nothing extraordinary. People will forget about it in a month or two
lol fuck this peace of shit game on this stupid gook
Yea ForumstendoGaf will look for any reason to hate on a Sony exclusive.
That's just another cringe thing on a long list of cringe kojima things.
troma owns tell me you know this
>implying MGS V didn't have good gameplay
Also it's not going to reinvent the wheel, the only new thing it brings to gaming is what happens after the player dies
Mgsv was an incomplete game and it still had more systems than pretty much every game other than games like Kenshi which have too many systems (and no depth). The cardboard box had like 5 secret mechanics. You're probably some NEET faggot who wrote Bernie on the ballot
Damn that guy is ugly. Are there any attractive asians?
>He's not even on Troma's level.
He went out on his own after breaking with Konami, so it's a good move to utilize the resources at his disposal (his reputation being the biggest)
>This level of projecting
It's amazing how this game causes Yea Forums to seethe so hard.
Why do you think anime exists?
so what will you do in an empty wasteland open world? there is nothing to explore >"dude snow mountain", fuck off. besides few tents there is nothing out there. where are the cities, where are the remote villages, there is just fucking empty space.
>prolapsed anus
no thx
destroyed cities where shown in the trailers you pleb.
Not you, but it's pretty obvious he's trying to keep most of the game a secret, including gameplay
The gameplay looks like dogshit
Is going to be the ANTI mgsV
Shitty story and no gameplay
Kojima is Japanese and American political themes aren't relevant to him. Take off your tinfoil hat
>assuming there's nothing already when he doesn't know anything
The definition of seething.
Im not paraplegic, walking is not my biggest desire in life
How do you know there's nothing out there? Have you played the game? I know this game is threatening to you but calm your hate.
This game is going to redefine what a empty open world is
Even tge enemies are invisible
user he's been making games about American politics for the past 30 years.
If you can't get immersed in the setting and story then just don't bother with the game. No need to chastise others who are interested in it. You ask "what will you do" and the answer is: I will absorb the atmosphere and do as the main character would do.
Serious question. Why does Sony exclusives trigger Yea ForumstendoGaf so much? I don't see this kind of damage control for exclusives from other platforms except Sony.
Most expensive vanity project of all time. He'es not even casting actors anymore, he's casting his favorite directors in acting roles. Really excited to see this fraud exposed.
>putting your name on something you created and helmed
>full of yourself
>Yeah let's just pretend it didn't take 100+ developers to make this game
So you should get butthurt about every game since bo game names all the people in those positions. Anyway what do you think credits are for
right into a pissing contest? I don't know what the fuck you are on about kenshi vs mgsv or views on politics but it looks like you didn't take that well
Yea Forums will look for any excuse to hate on Kojima now because he's making a Sony exclusive game.
Kojima gets the blame too if it sucks. Not the guy who animated a bird in it.
The profane masses will always get angry and hateful at the things they dont understand
I like my games to be credited to soulless corporations and no one else.
Do any of you remember the time you were really surprised by a game?
I will carry precious cargo from city to city, using an unborn fetus to defect and avoid the dead stranded in the living world, avoid or fight bandits tracking my cargo and trying to steal it, and eventually suit up and fight the Homo Demens and their monstrosities.
Okay. Don't buy it.
Was this post really necessary? Did you think someone on the internet would help you see things differently? Did you think that you would change the mind of someone who has been mad hyped for almost 3 years?
What is your purpose?
Why doesnt every lead designer do this then hmmm? Seems a little...ahem...pretentious to do.
Kojima may be the most prominent example of a video game auteur, an artist whose work is so totally his that his name tells you everything you need to know about the work. Given his track record so far, I'd say he's earned a degree of distinction, but this is really the make or break. He's on his own, he's been allowed to run wild with his crazy ideas. If Death Stranding is as good as anticipated, then Kojima will cement his place in the history of gaming as one of the greatest artists the medium has known.
If it sucks, he'll be revealed as a total hack fraud.
They're called Homo Demons but they're not a gay.
Seething & cope
Masked man
You might want to take that dildo out of your ass :)
it's Homo Demens
I just wanted attention.
>That motherfucker aired a 15 minute explosion, and fanboys called it a masterpiece.
S3E8 is the greatest single hour of television in the past five years.
I thought exactly the same thing when i saw the original trailer. But the latest trailer changed my mind, it looks pretty interesting gameplay wise and the setting is cool too.
PC release?
>Not you
Don't you say?