What is the absolute worst possible outcome realistically and nightmare wise
What is the absolute worst possible outcome realistically and nightmare wise
they spend the whole time talking about smash again.
Spending a majority of the direct talking about one game.
Painfully boring presentation, zero Smash news, only announcing actual trash like Yarn Yoshi 3 and Paper Mario X: Re-Raping your favorite franchise
They announce literally nothing new whatsoever and only show off information for games we already know about, and that doesn't include Metroid Prime 4 or Bayonetta 3.
F-Zero is being revived as a free to play mobile game.
It would mean both that they think F-Zero belongs in a garbage can and that E3 is the place to announce mobile games.
They spend too much time covering some bullshit we already know about, like Animal Crossing or the new Luigis Mansion, and the remaining direct is just a sizzle reel of upcoming indie ports
i just want DKC
No Smash
But we know next to nothing about those 2 games except that they exist
Here's hoping for a new kid icarus game on the switch.
Shigeru Miyamoto is rolled out on stage to take a shit live in front of the audience
Nu-Nintendo fucking sucks
>the first ten minutes are a skit with Doug Bowser
>despite having their own directs, Pokemon and Fire Emblem take up a significant chunk of time explaining shit like the story
>No Animal Crossing gameplay is shown
>Another delay for Metroid Prime 4
>Indie sizzle reel with things already shown in the Coming Soon section of the eShop
>3DS ANYTHING is revealed
>Time dedicated to Mario Kart Tour
>Smash eats up five minutes or more at the end with a character that won't be out for several months
Switch Fit and Switch Music.
More development stories to kill time.
SJW Treehouse guests
>spent 20 minutes talking about the fucking menu
Smash is literally the worst fucking part of last year. Let other games shine for once. They dedicated an entire year to fucking patch notes and it's still not enough for you faggots.
Cmon user, do you seriously expect any groundbreaking changes to the existing formula?
We know nothing besides titles. They’re new games.
>No F-Zero
>No Animal Crossing
>No new Zelda that's like BOTW but doesn't feel like a tech demo.
>No Persona 5: Royal on Switch
>No info on Metroid Prime 4
>No info on the new Pokémon
>3DS is dead lol
>Half the time is taken for Smash Ultimate DLCs
>Fire Emblem Threehouse is nothing more than a waifu game
talking to long about smash dlc
talking about animal crossing in general
talking about pikmin
Good. Here's hoping they don't spend time revealing logos like they've been for the past 2 years.
I remember when this was unveiled and Nintendudes were foaming at the mouth at all the "epic ideas" they had to use this fpr gameplay
>if you attach that to your finger during a scary game it will make the game EXTRA SCARY!
Another jrpg character no one in the west cares about for smash
No metroid trailer
Too much time going on about girly games like pokemon, fire emblem or animal crossing
stop trying so hard. that didn't happen.
I unironically love Wii Fit. It serves as a great intro Yoga and light stength training.
Newest Faggot
MP Federation Force 2
It did
You weren't posting on Yea Forums at the time, newfriend
You do understand that with Metroid restarting development, there's no way they'll have anything to show after half a year? Maybe next year or so, but for sure not now.
A glorified Animal Crossing Direct.
It most certainly did. I remember there being speculation threads of games being built around controlling your HR.
>mfw all of this seems entirely realistic
>the first ten minutes are a skit with Doug Bowser
Ah, fuck. That's actually going to happen.
>No info on the new Pokémon
Well this one is guaranteed for next week. And I'm willing to bet my left nut there will be a Treehouse gameplay segment dedicated to it.
Pull a Sony
>Spends an entire presentation in showing upcoming games that were announced 1 year ealier.
>Still no release date
Whatever happens it will still be better then snoys lmao
This sounds like a legit leak
>no cute girls in the presentation
This thing gets more releases nobody will buy.
I do think that Doug Bowser will try extra hard to have his 'body is ready' moment. It could lead to some world class cringe.
>Doug Bowser
So what meme will he come up with?
Steve in Smash, several mobileshit announcements, another sidescroller Mario, and some spinoff that misses the point of its franchise like Federation Force.
The entire Wii franchise was soul incarnate fuck you.
he's going to show up in a spiky red wig and scream SHOWTIIMMMMEE
>Yarn/Craft Yoshi Bullshit 3
>Fire Emblem Three Houses looking incredibly mediocre
>Another Kirby Game
>Paper Mario but it sux edition 3
>Indie Pushing for 20 of 30 scheduled minutes
>Mobile shit taking up most of the remaining 10 minutes
So long gay bowser in a subtle manner
it did happen
>The entire Wii franchise was soul incarnate
Jesus christ is that what passes for soul these days
Smash is annoying as fuck now. It's a good game, sure, but it's just the only thing Nintendo fans seem to care about. I just hope we don't hear Nintendo talk about Smash the entire direct... Like someone said in this thread, let OTHER games shine. The world doesn't revolve around Smash.
>also Smash fans are disgusting and piggy
>waaah why did they talk about the biggest fighting game of all time at E3????
the brand never dies
I just want a 3DS adapter for the Switch so I can bury this useless brick once and for all.
They spend the entire fucking thing talking about Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem. How long is the direct anyways? I just want to see some crazy shit, like a new Ip or a new Kid Icarus game.
>The entire Wii franchise
Sports, Resort, Fit, and Party? Sure
Play, Chess, Music, and Play Motion? lmao no
If this isn't soul I don't know what is. Same with themed Eshop music. Also for the record Wii Party games were actually good Mario Party games.
Personally, I think the next DS will be a 'HDS', like a Switch but dual screen.
>Nintendo fans
Smashfags*. They don't actually play Nintendo games. They just have autistic fanfictions about franchises they never played and circlejerk e-celebs.
yeah that was cute
A few first party Wii games were really sterile and grim though.
>New 3DS model
>New Nintendo 2DSXL Mini
>It's actually the new NSwitch model in disguise
You got a point there, user.
Fortnite x smash crossover
It's been 14 years since Nintendo introduced the dual screen machine.
I honestly didn't expect it to last this long.
I at least want to know things like if rolling log is gone or if you’re a normal villager or mayor again or if something like friendship meters or custom town events exist
>durr its okay to ignore everything else because this franchise is really big!
take a fucking shower you strawmanning loser.
What. And just cause Music, Play and Play Motion aren't good doesn't mean a lot of love and attention to details were put into them.
I... I can see that happening
Yeah, I've been saying it for a long time now and I wouldn't be surprised if it *did* happen eventually.
Ports & shitty smash dlc....O wait that'll happen anyways.
I dont get the love, they were all fucking awful systems. At least the switch has an excuse for shitty battery life.
>>No Animal Crossing gameplay is shown
I can tell you that the switch AC will play exactly like ever other AC game.
I would love a 3DS successor. I hate using the Switch in handheld mode, it's too cumbersome and the joycons feel cheap and nasty.
Pikmin reveal but it's a phone game
>Animal Crossing but it sucks
>Fire Emblem but it's dumbed down to focus more on the waifus
>Pokemon Sleep gets ten minutes
>Super Mario Party DLC
>Mario Brothers Classic Collection for $14.99 or $2.99 each
What are your pipe dreams, boys?
30 minutes wasted on Tracer, Byleth, and Steve for Smash
Id be down
Watch, they're going to show off all the mobile shit
>all fifty Pokemon games just announced
>that shitty Mario Kart
>more shit for Dragwhatever
except they didn't ignore everything else in E3 2018 you fucking baby. They announced several new games alongside a shitton of third party/indie stuff.
How can one man have such horrible taste? Everything about the 3ds is cheap and nasty.
have sex incel
Snowboard Kids 3
I’m expecting this to be honest, with a Smash Reveal beforehand.
That's because Nintendo has nothing else. THey literally do the same shit over and over or they just port everything.
Terrorist attack on Nintendo headquarters in all three regions, hundreds killed.
Switch's UI is unironically soulless. Especially the eShop. Holy fuck the Switch's eShop is terrible. It honestly makes me kind of angry.
I'm a simple man
-New FZero
-Metroid Prime Trilogy (would be MP4 but well....)
Thats pretty much it
there's another random minor natural disaster and the entire direct is delayed for no reason
Nothing gets my dick harder than kickass crossovers.
Erdrick in Smash so all of those DQ "fan" larpers will circlejerk of how much they where right the whole time
No new surprises
Sans from Undertale is the next fighter and the Undertale cancer not only rise from the dead but also plague the Smash community
Smash for most of the show again
I have used the same 3DS I got on launch day to the present day. And it still works fine. Meanwhile, my year old Switch has joycon drifting problems, and the whole thing just feels poor quality.
It’s funny, as soon as my most wanted was deconfirmed I lost all interest in Smash news. Completely. Anyone else?
I'm also a sucker for F-Zero, maybe a new Zelda like Wind Waker but with a bigger sea and higher waves.
A smaller more portable switch would also be really nice.
because it is poor quality. The fucking dock, a large chunk of plastic, holds in heat to the point that it'll warp and crack your switch.
>Getting hype about Nintendo
let me guess
Google Theory and the Best Buy leak both end up being real
“Hey you pesky plumbers!Welcome to my red HOT(he says hot loudly) e3 presentation to show you all!”
warioworld was the weakest wario game
It's literally just vr labo being added to games we already know about
you forgot shitty smash dlc.
Erdrick would be the worst possible outcome.
then don't make the sequel weak champ
"Lmao we got yo asses, persona 5 switch.......Actually nah, cars 4 the movie: video game"
more like
enhanced port
Animal Cross which is no different than any other AC game
shitty smash dlc
I wish Nintendo would announce new singleplayer action/adventure but I know it's another Animal Crossing game
Nintendo is nothing but the "Facebook/mobile tier games " Nobody gives a fucking fuck about any Niintendo tittle they area extremely casual and made for people who have never touched a game before.
I thought they couldn't made Mario/pokemon/Kart more casual but i was wrong..
Definety not time for another mainline Mario/Zelda, expect gimmicky spinoffs like you had on 3DS, more remasters/remakes
>Nintendo is nothing but the "Facebook/mobile tier games " Nobody gives a fucking fuck about any Niintendo tittle they area extremely casual and made for people who have never touched a game before.
This is the voice of pure COPE
>Nintendo is nothing but the "Facebook/mobile tier games "
It's hilarious that you think this when they're still the only pure video games.
>biggest fighting game of all time
The time is ripe for them to revive the Startropics IP and make a cozy tropical Zelda style game
I expect either ports of ww/tp or a new 4 swords:three swords 2.
Fuck off, Eric.
He's not wrong. Nintendo will be dead in 10 years as they only rely on nostalgia and refuse to get out of their comfort zone so they end up doing the same shit over and over. There's a reason ever pokemon game is the same, same with AC and the types of mario games. Now expect Zelda to be nothing but shitty open world games that BARELY build upon the previous iteration.
>Nintendo will be dead in 10 years
It is.
>Nintendo will be dead in 10 years as they only rely on nostalgia and refuse to get out of their comfort zone so they end up doing the same shit over and over.
That's what people said 20 years ago.
>Nintendo will be dead in 10 years
I've been hearing this since the dreamcast era
He's wrong, and retarded as well.
People pretend that nostalgia is the only reason people buy Nintendo games, but the Switch outsold the N64 and gamecube, the system your alleged core audience grew up with.
Retards like you said the exact same thing for 20 years, maybe stop being retarded now.
>and refuse to get out of their comfort zone
You do realise you can innovate with existing IPs correct?
What the fuck happened to Nintendo? I can't even get excited for their E3 anymore. Since 2007 they had 2 decent E3, 2009 and 2015, look it up
80-90% of their fan base is mid 20's-early 30 year olds, not a joke.
They will be dead in 10 years, or they'll switch(heh) to being a mobile company.
I mean this fortune.com
>graphics dont change based on wii console and wii u console
>What the fuck happened to Nintendo?
Nothing, they're still making games.
If you're like me, you're no longer a die hard Nintendo fan that likes all of their franchises
I only stick around for the mainline Mario games and Metroid these days
Sounds like you’ve never played AC user
replace "nintendo" with "the videogames industry". the answer is "corporate greed", by the way
That was already the case 20 years ago, and those fanbase numbers are also the same for the entire industry.
And try reading the articles before you post, retard.
>decent e3s
>nintendo 2015
Just you. Look at the facts dude.
>, but the Switch outsold the N64 and gamecube,
This means absolutely nothing. Do you not know how BIG gaming has gotten since the fucking 64 and gamecube? Because clearly you don't.
Yeah, at a snails pace
>They are already talking about ditching consoles
You might actually want to read the article user.
Nu Paper Mario
Star Fox Labo
You know that stuff nobody likes but Nintendo keep shoving down your throat regardless
I have, and AC grows with every iteration unlike any Nintendo franchise. Are you telling me AC 1 is the exact same as black flag?
>That was already the case 20 years ago
You're a fucking idiot.
Nah, they tend to make more games than most big companies.
>just me
well going by I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one
And thats a damn shame, too
I was hoping the release droughts would suck less now that they only have one system to develop for
He's not talking about Assassin's Creed he's talking about Animal Crossing.
Don't really care too much about what they announce at E3 since I already have enough with Maker 2, Daemon X Machina and Asstral Chain
Probably the worst outcome would be another 30 minutes of the Direct focusing on a single game like Pokemon
They dont have music because the guy who made the old e-shop music committed suicide
You should as well you idiot. I said they're TALKING about ditching consoles which is stated in the fucking article. READ BEFORE YOU REBUTTAL. There's a reason big Nintendo franchises are being designed as mobile games.
>He is still retarded.
The switch outsold the systems people are nostalgic about, so explaining the success with nostalgia is retarded.
Face the facts, you have been saying the same shit for 20 years and will never be right.
>Smash taking up too much time
>Spin-offs nobody asked for
>Most of it is games we already know about
>Animal Crossing gets delayed to 2020
>This means absolutely nothing
You're joking right. If they were just appealing to nostalgia as you claimed these systems wouldn't be selling better than the n64 or GC.
>Do you not know how BIG gaming has gotten since the fucking 64 and gamecube?
Didn't stop the ps3, wii u and xbone from failing.
Spend the whole time talking about shifting focus to mobile and shit like that mobile Mario Kart.
>I said they're TALKING about ditching consoles which is stated in the fucking article.
It isn't, you read the clickbait headline but not what was in it.
No, you retard.
They are talking about moving on should the console market crash entirely.
So if no more consoles, Nintendo will survive through different means.
They aren't considering it at all.
Not talking about doing it either, only if consoles in their totality go extinct.
Might as well use that article as proof that sony will stop making consoles.
Nintendo tweeted about it
2015 actually made me buy a Wii U, Mario Maker was the first time Nintendo surprised me in a while, Star Fox revival was what we needed, but the forced motion controls of course ruined it, and Nintendo actually announced a new IP Splatoon, even though it's not that great. I hope Nintendo actually announces a good single player IP from Nintendo themselves, not more outsourced Platinum games, a Metroid/zelda Maker, just 1 new Nintendo game that isnt recycled shit we already played or a compilation of shitty minigames would be enough
They don't announce anything new. All the releases are at the end of the year/next year. They focus on shovelware indie shit.
I don't think that's even possible. Even on their worst years they have new announcements.
No smt v news, and they spend most of the direct on smash again.
They spend the whole time regurgitating info we already know about titles that we already know about.
Why would they spend it on smash if the game is out?
We still don't know the rest of the fighters pass
Which is three minutes at best. Plus they have smash directs for that.
Keep seething, SMTfag.
>the first ten minutes are a skit with Doug Bowser
I'm fine with this as long as there are 0 jokes about his name
But it's not gonna happen, they are gonna milk that shit for the next decade.
Also strange we haven't seen any public aperances by the new jap ceo, especially since he apparently speaks perfect English.
Banjo in Smash would be nightmarish.
Yeah so that's one character.
Which Sakurai can easily stretch to taking up 15 minutes
>biggest fighting game
>fighting game
>go into a nintendo thread
>confuse assassin's creed with animal crossing
you have no idea what you're talking about
Tell that to Joker.
We all know it will be like last year again. They'll show one game and one teaser without actual content, Yea Forums will claim Nintendo won while their show was obviously the worst of all.
Even if they'd only show a dancing piranha plant for one hour Yea Forums would claim that it was fantastic.
There's no way Smash is taking up a significant portion of the Direct. The reason it was shown so much in 2018 is because that was the only big first-party release for the year, so they pumped a shitload of advertising into it. The game is out now, and the marketing has settled down. At most there will be a few minutes covering a new character.
>They'll show one game and one teaser without actual content,
You haven't watched since what 2016? Have you.
It's cause you're a rosterfag user
they go back over Pokemon and Mario Maker 2 stuff that where already covered in their own directs
Three Houses or the new Animal Crossing are the big game at their show
having no Bayo 3, SMT V or Metroid news
no new or interesting games, entire show is just them pointing at indies, ports, platformers or games that we already knew about
Sora and Banjo join the battle!
All four smash dlc are shown, they're all fire emblem
They announce they're going to start censoring games even worse than sony
Astral chain and animal crossing gameplay is shown and it looks bad
Pokemon Sword and Shield look exactly like Let's go
Metroid prime 4 is now a mobile game
Mario 64 and orcarina of time + majoras mask HD but then Miyamoto dies backstage so they're both instantly cancelled out of respect
Switch is cancelled, virtual boy 2
All I remember from last year was the Metroid teaser and Smash for 30 minutes. The rest (if there even was anything else) obviously wasn't worth remembering.
He said realistic
So you didn't watch last year then.
Just skipped through it on Youtube. It was 100% as described by me.
Yeah, would be bad.
I absolutely cannot come up with a witty pissy post in response to OP.
>It was 100% as described by me.
It wasn't.
I haven't touched my Switch since Xenoblade in 2017. It doesn't get much worse than this.
user you just...
Prime 4 is given a tentative release year of 2022
Bayonetta 3 is not shown or mentioned
Shin Megami Tensei V is not shown or mentioned
Animal Crossing is not shown or mentioned
15 minutes devoted to Persona 5 musou
30 minutes for one Smash character reveal and then inviting a top player to play a full set with Doug Bowser
3 new Labo kits
Three Houses plot somehow manages to be even dumber than Revelations
Indie sizzle reel with no new announcements, just Nintendo flaunting what they already have to show how much they love indies
I want to believe that Mario Maker and Pokemon getting their own directs means they're getting them out of the way so they can spotlight bigger announcements, but knowing Nintendo we'll still get at least 5-10 minutes in the E3 direct for each one.
40 minute Pokemon expose like we got for Smash Bros last year.
>fighting game
More like 90% because the Metroid teaser was the year before that.
Eh, that's still means a few new game announcements.
i think he meant ridley reveal trailer
>FE rep for Smash
>Mario Maker covers 70% of the direct
>Indie shit
And nothing else.
I'd say 40 because even though it was small there was more than smash last year.
Smash pretty much ruined gaming.
For nintendo specifically? They don't talk about the next zelda. Will break my achy breaky heart.
Fuck off, discord faggot. I don't give two shits about banjo. You're just that cancerous.
"He" very clearly said Metroid.
atleast then we would get more games than the lack of switch games we are getting now
I'd buy it
Smt v release this December
>Doug Bowser here, leaving you all with one final announcement.
>Nintendo is always looking for new ways to improve the user experience for our players, and at offering exciting new avenues for fans from around the world to enjoy Nintendo classics. Starting next month, we will be rolling a new service, "Nintendo Unlimited."
>*sizzle reel showing the logo*
>*man plays Mario Odyssey on his switch, and then flips it over to his tablet*
>We have partnered with Microsoft Azure to bring this to you. And it is truly unlimited! Enjoy a wide library of Nintendo game from your Switch, Your mobile phone, even your Smart TV! It's all your favorites, anywhere, any time, at a low monthly cost.
>Silver service starts at $9.99 a month, with Gold service to be announced at a later date. Pre-existing Nintendo Switch Online owners will receive a $5 discount for Nintendo Unlimited. Nintendo Switch Online owners will also receive access to exclusive games on the service, and become a part of special surveys and events.
>Whether on the go. . .
>*cuts to businessman on a plane*
>Or at home. . .
>*cuts to middle class family huddled around a TV*
>We hope that, going forward, Nintendo Unlimited will connect our fans, bringing them closer to their favorite games than ever before.
Most of it is about Fire Emblem, no new games, and AC MIA. Maybe if they waste more time on more Labo shit, too.
>Loto in smash and Doomguy/Masterchief teasing
>Bayo 3 news
>Pikmin 4 news
>SMTV news
>Link's Awakening actually being 3 games in one
>No FE whatsoever in any form
Yeah, I don't think Nintendo is going to fall for the streaming meme.
Shitty cringe meme character like Sans or Steve for Smash
This, will probably have a trailer for Astral Chain, then some Smash, then some2~3 games nobody cares and then 20 minutes of AC
>no cute girls in the presentation
If they don't announce their bankruptcy
Did I hit a nerve, Banjoke?
>absolute worst
Bayo 3 is announced
for XBone because Microsoft bought Platinum
No good games
An hour of Animal Crossing and Pokemon
Repeat of the 2008 presentation.
Yoshis NEW toddler game
Mobile games
20 minutes info about new Fire emblem game
Gimmick wagglan game nobody cares about
More Labo shit
Minecraft x Super Smash bros.
No new info about Animal Crossing, delayed.
>too much time spent on one game, especially if it's Smash
>boring sizzle reel of indieshit
>no new big announcements, just shit we've seen already
>nothing on anticipated titles like MP4 and Bayo 3
The next Animal Crossing game is F2P with timers, just like Pocket Camp
My God, look at those melons.
bruh look at this dood
Animal Crossing won't even get mentioned. They're hoping people will forget about it.
the libraries with great games, the touch screen being used really well in some games, the 2 screens gimmick being used really well in some games
and what the fuck are you going on about, the DS battery life has always been great
The worst would be
>No SMT V trailer
>No Bayonetta 3 trailer
>No new Monolith game trailer
>No Metroid Prime 4 trailer
>No Astral Chain trailer 2
>Tons of Smash bros news
New Smash Bros character is just advertising for the new Fire Emblem or Pokemon games.
Still no Bayonetta trailer.
Online will be increased to 60$, for a year, with no improvements, no snes games, nothing but a price hike.
imagine being this seething that the game you hate the most is the most popular in the genre
I was thinking of getting it, is it effective for getting rid of minor belly chub?
google dukan diet, you can unironically get rid of it in like, weeks
I mean all I really care about is Pokémon which is getting its own direct anyway and the next mainline Sonic game. They are gonna announce the next Smash character and only other thing I’d like to see is F-Zero which isn’t happening but I hold hope regardless. Astral Chain will most likely get a new trailer too so that’s cool.
Most of the direct is going to focus on Animal Crossing and Luigi’s Mansion bullshit so I don’t really care if this direct disappoints or not since I’m already guaranteed everything I wanted to see.
Oh boy I can't wait to see what the new Animal Crossing will look like, it's such a mystery!
60 minutes of mobile game bullshit
>for of the screenshots are from the same game
Who are you trying to fool?
Holy shit use your eyes idiot. This is exactly his point he's trying to get across; Each and every Animal Crossing has looked and played the same, so why would ANYONE think the next game will look or play any differently?
WHich is why it is a very basic attempt to manipulate by using the same game multiple times to make it look worse.
Why else would it be framed that way?
Especially with NL getting a mysteriously smaller and more cramped screenshot and the Wii being there twice.
That pic is just basic shitposting, nothing more.