Just heard that this game has been announced, what do we know about it so far? I just checked out the trailers on YT but they don't seem to have a high viewcount, is this not something that's hyped as hell?
Just heard that this game has been announced, what do we know about it so far...
Other urls found in this thread:
It literal has 0 gameplay shown so far, while they put out new cinematic trailers each week and tell us to preorder since its announcement, this is the biggest redflag ever
SJW devs scared off the people willing to give them money in exchange for virtue signalling to the people who wont't.
There's been almost no gameplay footage shown. And the first Bloodlines unto itself, while very popular on Yea Forums and /tg/ and other such places on the internet, isn't really something that's brought in big numbers in terms of sales or usual popularity.
e3 in two weeks
Fuck off trannyshill your game will flop hard
I second this, even the designs of the stuff they've shown so far tells me its not gonna be like the original at all and more in line with white wolf's idea, which is shit, redflags all around
Not him, but how much do you expect them to show off? I'm thinking, at most, 10 minutes of gameplay footage.
Epic store exclusive
>Paradox limiting themselves to just one store, when they can instead put the game on all stores, including their very own, and get the most money
Are you retarded?
wtf man
FPS only.
Probably along the garbage of cinematic experiences like bioshock, singularity, cod. Just wait until they show the gameplay with actual RPG elements (no adding numbers to a game and a progression system does not make it an RPG) .
What makes them SJW? Is it the same team that did the original?
>what makes them SJW
>having the poop emoji as a hair style
What is wrong with these people
>new death stranding trailer that came out yesterday (1 platform) has 6M views already
>VTMB2 announcement trailer (multiplatform) that came out 2 months ago has barely 1M views
Yeah i think it's dead
who this
One of the lead devs, just look at these fucking mouthbreathers:
man, this makes me sad. I was really looking forward to this game.
>the chadpvvyre boomer
I trust him, that token sjw pig is probably kept under control
It's a game for trannies. ResetEra has been shilling this game so hard around here trying to create some hype for it.
>Just heard that this game has been announced
Were you living under a rock for the past month or so?
The hell is wrong with mitsoda? Is he on some kind of drugs or sth his constant eye flickering and spasm make me uncomfortable
>It literal has 0 gameplay shown so far
>lying on the internet
consider suicide
I usually never go on Yea Forums, did so yesterday and someone posted the clan reveal
Why did that add crowd/audience noise to the video? This just is fucking cringe worthy holy fuck, just as bad as adding laugh tracks.
Nothing chad about mitsoda hes just creepy af
Fuck off new fag there have always been threads for the first game.
The first game wasn't that popular either, it became a cult classic later on.
>for the first game
Is this the first game?
SJW in charge what do you want to know more
>there is no gameplay
>oh you mean this gameplay
>it looks kinda bad
It looks good and you are a genuine retard. Consider suicide.
So ragdoll animation reels are what falls under "gameplay" these days huh?
Come on tranny marketer you can do better than this.
No please. Show me some gameplay, GAMEPLAY, not some high resolution cinematic trailer advertising the game.
Please, show me some gameplay, any at all.
>it looks good
Hello shill.
>Just heard that this game has been announced
How was prison?
Looks like shit, but pre alpha, and similar aesthetic to the first one.
But seeing the hype, pricing and murktang, it's going to be a complete catastrophe.
>hey here are five ragdoll animations with stock assets in ue4 which is technically gameplay, now pre order our game
Its logical that people who liked the first gameget hyped for a sequel.
Fucking lmao. No they’re not.
I'm unironically going to pre-order it so that you incels seethe.
Can't wait to play a dilating vampire tranny that smashes the patriarchy by the power of pozzing and blood magic
thats not gameplay you fucking cock sucking shill