It's been more than two years since launch of Switch.
What went so wrong?
It's been more than two years since launch of Switch.
What went so wrong?
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>nu super mario
The Wii U unironically
last gen
this gen
opportunistic shitheals. the whole god damn lot of you.
Just skip a gen or 2, then even if they rehash the same shit it feels fresh. Last Nintendo consoles I seriously owned were Gamecube & Original DS, now I have a switch and get to play through all the stuff I missed. If you're bored then it's your fault for buying the exact same games on Wii, WiiU and Switch every time Nintendo do a new version.
>had to take out Splatoon/Splatoon 2 because it was too obvious bait
>still keeps Ultimate (with an edit to make sure one sees you're merely pretending) and SMM2
all i have to say is...thanks for the beta testing, wiiU fags
Welcome to console gaming, lmao
There's literally no reason not to port the WiiU games over since barely anyone bought the fucking thing
thats the point tho. The switch somehow has less of its own identity then the wii u did
>2017: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Reality: the Switch has one of the best launch years of any system ever, sales break records, hosting some of the most acclaimed games of all time.
>2018: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Reality: the Switch is dominating Japan and America and year-on-year sales are demolishing the PS4 by more than 20%. Six of the Top 20 best selling games of the year were Switch Exclusives.
>2019: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Reality: the Switch is still outselling every other system, already eclipsed lifetime sales of the PS4 in Sony and Nintendo's home territory and the rest of the year is packed out with hit exclusives.
2020 and beyond: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Fucking kek. You are mentally ill.
Yeah but this time the fans somehow don't realise.
But what about the eurotrash that literally only buy the PS4 for FIFA?
Checkmate, Ninsóydler
all it means is these franchises have enough depth and staying power that they are worth the while improving them over time. Better than the standard modern AAA ethos of churning out wham bam thank you mam one-playthrough-only movie games. Some people still value longevity in a game, thank fuck.
I'm poorly falseflagging if you didn't catch that
You take that back! SONY is #1 in Slovakastan!
Literally nothing. It has the best exclusive library of all consoles
Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced
its now been a year, my switch is yet to be played. no games worth playing. reckon i could sell a hackable new console for more than i purchased ot for?
Oh boy, cant wait for the latest reskin of Sony Walking Simulator QTE interactive-movie # 1,000,050
That picture makes a lot of sense once you realize Nintendo isn't really a gaming company. It is imply a brand that specializes in making feminized grown men feel like little kids again.
so two new games (arms is shit and wtf is kamiko)
got it
>all those numbers
take off sequels, what do you have?
not him, i purchased a switch as a portable laptop alternative
Let's be real, OP. No one, and I mean NO ONE, bought a WiiU other than hardcore nintendofags and Nintendo is better off porting every WiiU game to the Switch because of how much of a failure the WiiU was.
More new IPs than sony has exclusives right now
>sequels don't count!
that's reaching really fucking far
Whats it like waking up every day in a world where Nintendo are the most celebrated company in gaming history? A world where Nintendo innovations are visible in every rival console and shaped everything about how you play games? A world where GOAT are completely saturated with Nintendo games?
Damn, I can't even imagine the mental anguish you must be in.
not an argument
>Its the Switch will flop guys i swear poster
Lmao last year you run with
>Look PS4 is selling more
and now Switch has won every month in 2019 so far. Suddenly its about
Now lets compared it with the Ps4
Pic related
The So(n)ystation 4 had literally 1! good games in the first 2 years
>sequels dont c-count as g-g-games
>What went so wrong?
death stranding
dork souls
and sequals that are not rehashes
nier automata
god of war
bro i can go all day.
>t-t-those don't count
Predictable and pathetic
>Dark Souls
>new Ip
>Sony excluive
>Death Stranding
>Sony exclusive
Yoooo bro maybe you should go all day back to school brah
>Trying to pretend dark souls and nier are exclusives
LOL, snoyfags really are COPING hard right now
like pottery
Yea Forums in 2019 makes me sick, wish there were someplace else
thats not a big achievement, and sony doesnt abuse rehashing the same game as hard as nintendo by a stretch. Soon we will be able to make a top 200 mario games.
i mean wiiu emulation is perfect on pc, so all switch games can be played on pc
literally all third person walking simulator reskins. you missed days gone.
>this is the snoyfags argument against people pointing out their lies
LOL, how pathetic are you?
not to mention WiiU and Switch are same gen. its more akin to Ps4 / ps4 pro divide than anything except Sony dont bother making new versions for pro they just abandon regular ps4 users to shit performance
>Nintenbabbie going on full damage control.
Where are your BOTW threads user? oh wait already forgotten after 2 weeks of launch, while BB a fucking game from 2015 still getting threads.
You have to be +15 in order to post in this board. Nobody gives a shit about your llist for 12 yo babbies and girls who plays nothing but facebook games.
nobody owned a wii u, and if you did, you'd sell it and all the games somewhere like a smart person should and buy a switch with that money
Therea are still basically daily threads about Zelda, are you blind?
Just mention BoTW anywhere and you will get a million triggered snoyfags immediately, so much for "forgotten".
Snoys are sad and pathetic.
Nintendo thought that a successful console would attract third party developers to the system, it did, but all they've done is release last gen ports and cut down versions of current game games often months to years late.
Nintendo's development studios fucked up pretty hard this gen, half the games have been delayed, another significant portion of them look and perform worse than last gen games, although that's only partially Nintendo's fault for allowing their development teams to use Unreal 4.
you forgot to fill it with botw, mario odyssey, splat 2, arms, and more on that switch spot
>this is the snoyfags best "argument" after spending months thinking about it
Honestly kind of sad.
shut the fuck up, faggot
>nintendo sells 100m+ games in two years
>first year
Uses games as justification
>second year
>third year
Why are nintendo fags this retarded? Just admit the console got NOTHING notable after Zelda, SMO and XC2.
Literally underaged confirmed. Enjoy your ban
seething WiiU fag
They still fucked up, they just happened to achieve financial success while also fucking up, just like in the past when they sold dick all consoles but still made money, shit like this doesn't matter. In 2018 the Switch didn't grow anywhere near as much as it could have if Nintendo actually padded out the year with titles to move systems, the Switch is going to move across a stunted trajectory for the rest of it's life, and continue to fail to attract any meaningful third party support.
>put all of the wiius good games on switch and improved them all in some way so you don't have to ever touch a WiiU
>This is bad somehow
Fanboys are literally retarded. Buy a fucking switch you poorfag cunts
I did the moment they announced that it's hacked. So what if it's port machine, good games on the go, for free. Thanks, Nintendo.
>I dont like them = they fucked up
nice solipsism
I think the anger comes from fags who can't accept the fact that Pokemon Sword and Shield will sell more than Death Stranding, even though they had smaller budget.
they're not real gamers they're glory hunters being parasitic on sony corp's ballsack
Death Stranding looks to be the long term winner, a lot of people forget that Pokemon sells almost all of it's units up front, Playstation first party titles tend to have extremely long legs.
Lol you are retarded if you think that. drek smelling is a niche game for edgy teens. it's going to sell 1.5 million max
Where the fuck am I.
Tell that to Bloodborne.
I hope Nintendo comes out with the 4DS soon.
Bloodborne isn't the standard, but look at games like HZD, or Uncharted, a few million at launch, almost 10 million after launch period, their games have legs Nintendo games wish they had. With Sony legs is the rule, with Nintendo Legs is the exception.
I can't imagine being this delusional. Nintendo games have longer legs AND they keep selling at full price. Those Sony games you like to brag about are $15.
Those were reduced to 20 dollars in less than a year.
So much for "legs".
MK8, BoTW and Odyssey or Splatoon 2, those are games with real legs.
Doesn't matter, they still move more in the long run, yet to see a single Nintendo released recently that has surpassed The Last of Us.
What people fail to remember is that it took WiiU 4 (FOUR) fucking years to get where Switch is right now, but Switch has more games and much more in the future.
WiiU future was pitch black.
Just an example, animal crossing.
WiiU owners were fucked in the ass with Amiibo Festival and NO animal crossing in the foreseeable future.
Switch owners are getting AC.
Or Metroid.
WiiU owners got NOTHING. Switch owners will get Prime4.
What about 3D sandbox mario fans? Nothing at all on WiiU, completely forgotten. On Switch they have Odyssey.
And finally, Zelda.
Imagine being a wiiU owner, buying it for the NEXT ZELDA GAME.
And then you only get HD ports of GC games you could still play on your Wii/WiiU. In the meanwhile Switch owners get the new zelda DAY ONE.
Salty wouldn't even begin to describe me if I were a WiiU owner. Thank God I avoided that pile of shit.
Terraria sold over 25 million. How pathetic is it that giant industry titan Sony in over twenty years of development can't even produce a single game more successful than a random indie game?
it shows how important good marketing really is, the Switch is just a portable Wii U really but everyone loves it
>they still move more in the long run,
At less of a profit, which do you think Sony or Nintendo would care about more? A game that sold 15 million at full price or 20 million but half of them were 20 dollars?
>they still move more in the long run,
not really, no. nintendo already has several games over the 10 million line and it didn't require 70 millions system sold, or PSN+ literally handing games for free every months to inflate the data.
I'm more salty that they butchered BotW so it would have parity with the Switch.
Somewhere at Nintendo there exists a version of BotW with non-retarded menus.
why is it so unbelievable that people on a video game board played wii u
MK8 deluxe, you fucking retard.
Only needs 200k more, so about one quarter.
And add the original, like they did with tlou and it completely rapes sony.
In what bizarro universe?
we sold 10 million $5 bargain bin games!
i bought my switch knowing this and for this reason in fact. Its essentially a wiiU with far reduced form-factor. i always liked the console but it was too big/clunky/similar to wii to bother with it. Switch is an evolution.
That's still more people playing their games, and more people who will grow up with an appreciation for these games, Sony are smart, they know what they are doing, hence their consistent success.
I mean, it's quite clear Switch is WiiU 2.0 but they just renamed it because WiiU was a flop.
And they still can't outsell Nintendo games, while making fas less profit.
I'm still suprised it wasn't called the Swiitch
The Switch concept is just great.
Its actually revolutionary is the first hybrid console on the market. The Switch itself had a incredible good first year gameswise much better than any other console in the 8th or 7th generation.
Also its pretty cheap, the online costs less than the competition.
Well yeah overall a good console
Sony makes more profit on just their online store than Nintendo makes as a whole, Nintendo is nothing to Sony.
How long-term are we talking about? It's been almost 25 years and they've only dropped further behind.
>you can buy the game for half the price after a month otherwise no one will buy them
Stop lying, snoyfag.
Mario Kart Wii is still selling 100,000 copies a year you fucking retard.
While most Sony games are 90% off and sales have dropped off a cliff
But TLOU (PS3 and 4 combined, off course) has sold 110k more than MK8 deluxe (ignoring the original) right now!
Nintendo could never copy the success of the last of us!
same could be said about fortnite. it has its own lane and i can respect that but you wont catch me driving down it
arms? nah that game will not even get a sequel. The gameplay is stale and not close to other fighting games
>gets so fucking destroyed he doesn't only stop replying but snyofags stop posting in general
>Hey, let's port all of these games from the Wii U that nobody wanted to the Switch because we're too lazy to actually make games for the Switch!
>Whoops, now the Switch has a reputation as being a port machine and is getting nothing but endless ports!
That's what went wrong.
>"must own"
Who are you quoting, OP?
Video games aren't worth the financial and temporal investment for adults who grew up with them in 2019 because all devs across all platforms are intellectually and creatively barren.
And ports are bad because? If a game is good and I can now play it with significantly higher convenience, how is this a problem?
Nintendo: We will merge handheld and console into one so players get more games on one platform
Also Nintendo: Here is Wii U rehash #7161 sold for full price. Enjoy the leftovers gaijin.
Ports are bad because they're entirely worthless to anyone who has already played the games in better versions elsewhere. NuDOOM being portable doesn't magically make the Switch version of it good. I bought a Switch in the hopes that it would get a better library than the Wii U, but that hasn't been the case. The drought in between exclusive games worth a fuck is greater on the Switch than it ever was on the Wii U.
Ports are bad when there is absence of anything else. Switch has a reputation of being Wii U rebranded. Somehow Nintendo invested more into their flop console than their definitive platform of this gen. They just come off extremely insecure. Nintendo should be bombarding Switch with games given how they have only one platform to support this gen. But instead most all is low effort, low budget Wii U ports.
You forget that the switch is only two years old.
Claiming there is a drought is fucking retarded.
There was no space in which the switch didn't get at least one exclusive for 6 months.
Ridiculous post.
>at least one exclusive for 6 months.
Nice way to phrase it. I guess that way you don't notice those games were fucking Nintendo Labo and Travis Strikes Back.
I wish they'd port some snes, n64, gamecube, gameboy and gba games. How are we two years in and I still can't play super mario world or a link to the past yet? Is Nintendo afraid of money?
And smash and yoshi.
>Claiming there is a drought is fucking retarded.
>There was no space in which the switch didn't get at least one exclusive for 6 months.
user, what in the fuck has the Switch gotten that's exclusive AND worth a fuck since 2017? Seriously, tell me. The last big exclusive title the Switch got was fucking Super Mario Odyssey, and even that's a lazy fucking game filled to the brim with no-effort moons that devalue the main progression mechanic of the game.
This meme that BotW is a Wii U port is stupid. The Wii U and Switch version came out on the same day. If the PS4 and Xbox One versions of a game came out on the same day would you call it a port?
Mario Party and Smash are both worth it.
Octopath is fun as well.
Yoshi is a little too easy, though.
But the fact you just rehash the same eceleb argument shows you have absolutely shit taste, so whatever.
>Smash Ultimate is a port
s 4 a Wii U port of Brawl? Is Brawl a Wii port of Melee? Is Melee a GameCube port of the original?
YIKES! Console incels still fighting each other. Its good to be a MASTERRACE CHAD.
>Mario Party and Smash
Trash franchises.
No longer exclusive.
Trash franchise.
>the last big exlcusive is odyssey
Smash bros. is a big fucking deal.
>This is the snoyfags excuse
LOL, how pathetic.
>Epic vs Steam doesn't count
Just... Nintendo. What happened to you, man? lmao. They used to be cutting edge, not they wanna be fucking Fisherprice.
This happens to all Nintendo consoles. If you want games get a Sony console.
It's a game built for the WiiU and PORTED over to different hardware. Same day or not, it's a PORT.
That doesn't make a port bad that makes the absence of anything else bad.
because this video game board also mocked the Wii U for a dead console nobody owned.
Why does PS4 in its sixth year feel more fresh and alive than Switch in its prime years? Switch should bee at the center of attention right now but I feel like PS4 is still getting all the attention despite having twice the age. Why did Nintendo drop the momentum so hard?
They had an extremely solid first year and then everything after has been low effort as fuck. Like they don't actually care about Switch half as much as they claim they do. The lack of third-parties should be pushing Nintendo to invest more in first-party than anyone else but that isn't happening either.
PS4 has God of War
>he fell for Shitendo's memes
>low effort
>definitive version of mk8 with added characters, proper battle mode, and rebalanced stats
>definitive version of hyrule warriors with all the content from the wii u and 3ds combined
>definitive version of pokken with new characters, new modes, and proper functioning local multiplayer
stop looking at nsmbu as the standard for wii u ports
you'll like reddit, perhaps return there
I don't know about that. The PS4 peaked in 2015. All it has left now are are movies like Death Stranding, TLoU 2 and Ghost of Tsushima. They need to make more Bloodbornes and fewer movies, that was a great game.
The real tragedy is this; fucking Xbone has more Japanese third-party support than Switch. XBONE! A console that has literally zero sales in Japan and is dead last in every market. Meanwhile Nintendofags brag daily about how Switch is "winning in Japan". Ok, so where are the Jap third-party games? Why is the fucking Xbone getting more prolific Japanese games than "Japan's favorite console"?
>Game announced in 2016
How stupid are you?
A new Zelda was announced before Wii U even came out.
Whenever this argument pops up I simply need to compare GT Sport to Nintendo's own flagship "racer", Mario Kart.
One is an extremely in-depth racing game that even attracts real-life racers to practice in.
In the throw bananas....while much depth
>still pushing the "ultimate is a port of smash 4" meme
And like that, you've outed yourself as a snoyboy.
That has literally nothing to do with anything I said.
The game is exactly in the same state as 2016 for us, nothing new or fresh about it.
>sony doesnt abuse rehashing the same game as hard as nintendo by a stretch
the reharshed the console itself
there were more last of us same game released in the last 5 years than mainline nintendo games in 15 years
I don't play any type of racer whether it's GT Sport or Mario Kart. I'm talking about movie games anyway, not racers.
>GT sport is forgotten by everybody for Forza
>MK8 stands above any competitilon
LOL, sure showed them.
This. By their logic Brawl and Melee are ports.
>plays videogames
>"hah I'm a big cool toughguy that likes sports cars :3"
walking simulator picture nulled and voided your comment, graphics whore
>posts marketing bullshots for snoy
>memes for nintendo
LOL, why are snoyfags so obvious?
Maybe try having sex sometime.
Better comparison would be Dark Souls
saying that ult is a port of 4, is like saying dark souls 3 is a port of dark souls 2
don't do this, it's never worth it
The Last of Us remastered
Jak and Daxter trilogy remastered
GoW III remastered
DMC remastered
SotC remastered
MediEvil remastered
Also the Nathan Drake Collection
They might have been talking about something like actual sales numbers which were abysmal. You might not be smart enough to talk about these things if you couldn't catch on to that?
>buying a nintendo anything before it starts hitting end-of-life
You've only yourself to blame.
As somebody who plays Pokken competitively, the switch version does not have "proper functioning" local MP
It's better then on wiiU, but you still need 2 consoles, 2 games, and 2 displays to really do it right. You can do it on a single console/display/game now, but you are stuck in either splitscrene or one player having an asyemtric view, and IIRC it doesn't run at 60fps when doiing this
Did you not list N. Sane Trilogy, Nitro Fueled, Reignited, Dark souls Remastered, and others because they're on Switch too?
Stop, you're only making the poor PS4 look worse!
I like both the PS4 and the Switch. I'm not trying to say the Switch doesn't have ports. I'm saying that every platform has ports and the Switch gets singled out for it.
You chucklefucks realize it's impossible to determine how good a console and its library were two years into its lifespan (especially when it's selling well), right?
>1 movie
Yep, zero games after all
>those asshurt nincel replies
>w-well! i-if we combine the sales of 2 games for 2 different systems w-we sold more than the 1 game of 1 system!!! NINTENDO BTFO!
did you literally try and combine the LOU ps3/ps4 sales to try and brag it sold more than 1 game? and not include the Wii U version of Mario Kart 8? Y I K E S
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: 16,690,000
Last of Us PS4: 11,780,000
Mario Kart 8 WiiU/Switch: 25,130,000
Last of Us PS3/PS4: 19,930,000
>sales determine quality
Nintendo could shove $80 cardboard up your ass and you'd defend it because it sold to a million suckers...
oh wait....
>implying Mario Kart isn't a racing sim
LOL at shitchlets
Third-parties are still ignoring it two years later. All things indicate yet another E3 where Nintendo is its own bubble and everyone else is outside that.
No system can survive only on first-party games. As Switch owners have sorely learned this gen.
>in mario kart you race. How is it not a racing sim?
Oh God. Those poor Nintenfags have never played an actual racing sim. It's like when they finally got BoTW and they realized what the open-world hype was about 10 years after everyone else did.
No, I was making fun of this retard.
Switch would be decent as a $150 device. But Nintendo wants twice that. It's only ever good for that occasional party you throw to play Smash with.
Forza Horizon is good though and you don't have to be a mature gamer(tm) to like it
LOL, I didn't even mention sales.
Just pure quality, Forza has raped GT to death.
And MK has destroyed any competitor.
How retarded are snoyfags that they believe everything is about sales?
>And MK has destroyed any competitor.
How many bing bing karters are there even? There were like two during the sixth gen. It has always been Nintendo's thing. Most other publishers simply avoid toddler party games. With the exception of maybe Activision.
lmao, you scared me man
there are sony-tards literally think like that!
Not only that, but with consoles "upgrading" hardware halfway into their product life nowadays it is flat out retarded to buy a console until the first few hardware revisions have occurred. With Nintendo, the n3DS and DS Lite were both objectively better in every single way than the first run consoles and the Switch is looking to be following a similar path. There is no reason to buy a Switch for another two or three years, especially with the way the CFW seems to be developing.
>Just pure quality, Forza has raped GT to death.
Show us your copies of Forza and GT Sport.
Mario Odyssey?
>ds lite
didn't know flimsy hinges and gba carts sticking out was an upgrade
Unironically fpbp
This is pretty much it.
Good marketing, form factor and general usability can make or break a console
had mine 2 years and literally dropped it on the floor 3 times and still works perfectly. my heart did stop every time though
They used to be huge don't forget about that, but nobody could compete with MK.
Both Sega and whoever owns crash are trying though.
>MK8 has sold nearly 40 million units
Jesus Christ
I dunno, I think it's doing fine
This is a pretty good point actually.
I think it's fine, ultimately, that they ported over the Wii U's library given that the Switch is a second shot at the Wii U's pitch (a console gaming system that you can take with you to other places) but starting from the other end of that equation.
So as far as I'm personally concerned, the Switch is the Wii U 2.0 and it's fine to port the library over to make sure people know what they were missing out on
no, this board shilled the wii u relentlessly even after it was confirmed as a flop.
the "durr hurr, nobody bought a wii u, it sucked!!!" narrative didn't start until nintendo started propping up the switch library with full-priced wii u ports instead of new games and the shills needed to justify it somehow.
Everyone said they're AMAZING, though.
I think that's bullshit but whatever.
>first hybrid console on the market.
sega does what nintencopies
I bought a wii u for bayonetta 2 and I do not think I am the only one. I feel pretty screwed over by nintie btw and will not buy any of their consoles for a while (maybe a used switch once bayo 3 hits). I also think that the game selection on these systems is too focussed on mascot platformers.
I'd rather take the effort spent porting that and use it on XBX or W101
Why do you feel screwed over?
hey, they're still taking credit for z-targeting from sega.
nintendo didn't get any support from third parties and most of their first party releases were pathetically safe.
nobody. bought. wii. U.
ultimate smash bros has sold more units by itself than WiiU sold consoles you faglord
You guys don't remember the shillposting Sony had for nearly three years. Bloodborne took something like 16 months to be released after console launch. Until that the PS4 had fuck all, and it still had fuckall after that for another year and a half.
I've saved some of the dumbest posts on this board on another computer, the shillposting was completely out of controle, boasting about games not yet released and often soon to be shit games. The PS4 really got games only in 2017, 4 years after release. Before that it was a PS3 remastered console.
I have a vita list here, but tell yourself that PS4 had the exact same propaganda.
>Knack is a good alternative
>Infamous is a must own
>The order is going to be great!
>You must play tLoU on PS4!
Like I said, Nintendo has a monopoly on the bing bing toddler party games. It's not something to brag about.
Hardware and screen improvements. The GBA flash carts/RAM booster shits did not stick out, so that's a moot point.
Thing is that nobody defended PS4's first years as hard as nincels are defending the absolute state of Switch now. There's the core difference.
>nintendo ports mhxx to the west for switch only
Fuck them
Bc. I got a console with an extremely short lifecycle as they felt the need to quickly displace it with their next product. I honestly believe the gimmick of the wii u is much better than the gimmick of the switch for implementing novel and fun gameplay elements (see Rayman Legends or Game and Wario), however only few games actually made use of it. The wii u is not a bad console, its marketing and presentation were just horrendous. But Nintendo never acknowledged that, they just threw the next product on the market, ending all support for the wii u.
>People still fall for this bait
snoyfags still claimed the PS4 was a super charged PC during its first year.
Try lying less.
>one of the most anticipated games of 2017 on ps4: Crash trilogy
LOL, and people here hyped Spyro up as well.
based retard
>nobody. bought. wii. U.
i did. i got to play all the games in advance while switchtards keep begging for more of our scraps. plus it had free online, miiverse, virtual console, backwards compatibility, better controllers, asymmetric multiplayer, etc. feels good being a wii u chad. :)