why is the video game speedrunning scene full of transsexuals all of a sudden?
Why is the video game speedrunning scene full of transsexuals all of a sudden?
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they were always trannies, just closeted
Is it really all of a sudden or did we just not notice until now?
Why does Yea Forums keep talking about trannies all of a sudden?
free money
i think i might give it a shot, people are pretty goddamn stupid
Because you joined it OP.
speedrunning is inherently a mental illness
It's a cult and it targets vulnerable groups.
Speedrunners are as lonely and autistic as it gets.
they're insufferable to listen to, and hard to look at.
>why is the internet full of transsexuals all of a sudden?
Ideas spread fast, even ideas that are considered mental illness.
If you put a man who says he can speak to his waifu in the right place, everyone he shared that info with will be able to do the same thing.
Likewise, if man says he can and has become a woman, a good chunk of who he told will start to consider themselves and find that they too are women trapped in men's bodies.
Peoplr rarely have defenses for mental bacteria/viruses.
The only time I even think about trannies is when Yea Forums brings them up
Because both speedrunning and transgenderism are the most degenerate acts mankind has ever come up with
it's a discord indoctrination cult which targets naïve children.
ever tried looking at a mirror?
Yeah I'm a fat dude with no effort to mask or change that
That was mainly on /r9k/ wasn't it? user is especially vulnerable on that board, and actively hate themselves, so they would make the perfect manipulation targets.
They want to speedrun life, and trans have a 40% chance to get to the ending instantly.
blah blah speedrunning, blah blah icarus complex autism.
>all of a sudden
Because they are attention man-whores
birds of a feather
yeah, one of their victims blew his brains out with a Kel-Tec
Am I an ugly tranny, Yea Forums?
Kill yourself faggot
Someone post that tranny pic that looks like a scp
because the only time you read about speedrunning is from nazis crossboarding on Yea Forums
They're people who thrive on attention and speedrunning video games is the most viable and cost efficient way to get themselves plastered up on a screen or monitor somewhere.
That's literally fucking it. It's not hard to understand.
op worried about whether the fastest man to ever beat Armorines has a dick or a pussy
we got a live one
They're speeding toward the grave so they gotta play their games fast
Trannies dont have dicks or pussies tho
>all of a sudden?
It's been 4 years...
I don't even kow what that is, freak.
Go to pornhub and type in "trans."
You can clearly see for yourself that they do.
yeah i guess youre right. my checkout lady at the grocery store today had a lil stubble and an adam's apple. it will never matter to almost anyone on earth what's in his panties
>they're just nazis...
only trannies would say stupid shit like this because they feel attacked
Why are transsexuals interested in speed running all of a sudden?
what's wrong with being a nazi?
Will cosmo ever come back
On Yea Forums? Naw man, we have a whole board infested with Nazis, and they don't even pretend they're not.
Doesn't mean transexuals are bad, I'd rather do away with both of them from the site, they just don't know how to be anonynous and take it easy.
>Shemale category changed to Transgender because of seething trannies
This can't be real.
Yes. You should end your life already. It's gonna happen sooner or later.
dw i'll join the suicide parade soon enough
Just any% AGPs
When you're autistic, your gender identity is as screwed up as your general understanding of human nature.
the issue is in the fact you think OP's impression of trannies is from nazis. I've not picked a poison of either side of the political spectrum and I still think they are mentally ill people who cut their dick up thinking it will cure them. it's really easy to blame everything on some big strawman though isn't it? it's just the bad nazi man saying mean things that couldn't possibly be true because they don't agree with me
The only people I see seething are the ones constantly crying about transgender people on a fucking video games discussion board.
Because "speedrunning" and "scene" are both gay shit
>Doesn't mean transexuals are bad,
Poster here: This bit is actually a typo and I meant to type "aren't"
I was on /qa/ when the tranny cult was going on on /r9k/, and please believe the robots were begging daily for something to be done about them. I have no love for those transexuals, and I frankly think the idea of transexuality as it is today is warped and twisted.
I apologize for the misunderstanding there. I don't think all the tranny propaganda comes from Nazis, I just don't like people denying there are indeed Nazis hanging on Yea Forums. Yea Forums has no defenses from off site chatrooms and coordinated operations to.manipulate the masses. That is the price of being user.
youre both gay, what does it matter to anyone if one quarter of one percent of people carve up their groin and wear the wrong clothes. youre gonna have to see a mannish woman somewhere in public every once in a while? damn dude, fucked up how society is now
While I'm basing this all on experience, and not solid evidence, I think it's a case of Trannies being attracted to autistic scenes.
To me, autism and trannies are pretty prevalent throughout hobbies and fandoms such as Sonic the Hedgehog, MLP FIM, Furries, and video game speed running.
Why? I don't know.
They've learned how to speedrun life.
>What's wrong with a political ideology that only logical conclusion is massive genocide and requires an ever shrinking idea of race.
Nazis just want mommy state to rule them with an iron fist and keep out all of those brown (and other white people) out of their play bin.
When you dont have sexual drive your focus reach autistic level
In fact chop transition is induced autistims
your hair makes your crown look disproportionately large
>all of a sudden
Degeneracy and autistic acts attracts autist degenerates
pls be over 18 my pp hard
I'll keep that in mind user, I appreciate it
Thanks, I don't need to browse the rest of the thread
We're being raided by them and they're trying to indoctrinate people.
Basically just ignore them.
nah this joke is in every thread about em forever now
Lmao, more like Yea Forums is OBSESSED with them.
I left Yea Forums for a few months and I came back to this absolute obsession over tranny hons. What kicked it off?
Arent most of these transexuals actually transvestites? Its not the same thing
Trying to rack up those oppression points. Bing bing wahoo!
nigga looking like a conehead
nothing wrong with that.
shrug emoji
im 20
both the same underlying mental illness.
mental disease
ok thank you for confirming your age now continue to post pics goodbye
Who cares? It's a treatment for a mental disease (:
No nigger you’re simply giving in to your disease
Where's that copypasta about becoming the girl you could never have? it's something like that
treatments don't end in suicide
I was a lot more suicidal before HRT, user.
And you still are after
Your point?
Men who turn trans typically don't have any real skills, so they turn to video games.
THE point is you should POST pictures of you sucking DICK
Kys faggot
I ask this same thing about the fgc
I don't get why people think this would bother trannies? It's a weird meme.
go back to /soc/ please
I don’t get trannies either
Is it just a sex thing? Like Furries with fursuits, only a little more permanent?
>Literally states being suicidal just a few posts prior
You know, it only says attempts. I doubt most of them have the fortitude to do it right. Is there a graph for successful suicides?
Ugly, stupid facial express and absolutely retarded looking hair. You're a fucking joke of a human.
Because looking at your hideous photos you're definitely going to be a part of the 45%
You haven't realized this guy is false flagging as a tranny yet? Goes for the others fallibg
>that hairline
Imagine being a balding tranny jfc
It’s just layers of falseflagging user
Holy shit. I always thought this, but never made the connection.
Nah, if anything for most ("normal") trannies it's the opposite. HRT kills all sex drive anyway, after all, and trannies who don't take HRT are usually the actual fetishists.
Overall, it's just the concept of being uncomfortable as a boy (or girl).
I mean, yeah, but considering how ugly most trannies are I don't really care if 42% of them kill themselves. As long as it's not actual passers who cares?
ty b
I'm not balding at all, user, it's just a natural hairline. Not my fault I was born male!
Maybe before HRT yeah but not anymore
Jesus, is there any post that's genuine anymore?
you unironically look cute
>be insecure because your body shouldn’t define you
>change your body anyway to define you
>trolls trolling trolls
That is nothing like what I said.
I change my body because I like the changes I get, you retard.
Because Games Done Quick is the most popular speedrunning event and they have an agenda. I read somewhere that there's a disproportionate number of trannies because those are the people GDQ invite.
There was a discord group led by a chad named Reiko who would blackmail /r9k/ losers into becoming trannies and one decapitated himself with a shotgun on stream.
I’m not the retard that cut off my dick
You mean "/r9k/ losers would larp about being blackmailed because that was their fetish and also the shotgun thing was completely unrelated conjecture by /pol/tards that people took seriously despite no evidence"
Not all trannies get SRS, and even if they did, it's not 'cutting off' the dick.
r e t a r d
Even if that was stuff was made up, there still is a discord tranny group that tries to convince anons on /r9k/ to transition and then inevitably an hero themselves. The mods are in on it too.
People still believe this?
based and redpilled schizo "tranny cult mod conspiracy" poster
The discord group was real though, believing the shotgun kid was connected gives the story more gusto even if it isn't true. But it's still probably why discord trannies is the new boogie mayne.
LOOKat the top of his head!
What is it, then?
Removing the penis? Cutting yourself? Extreme depression?
Please tell me, I’m curious to know what is and isn’t cutting off a man’s penis
The existence of that group does not make me a schizo. That doesn't even make any sense. Are you feeling ok?
post feet
Of all suddens, this is the one where speedrunning is a scene full of transsexuals. Why?
How do you know it's not a ruse like everything on Yea Forums nowadays?
Nobody here is serious about fucking anything
he's right, retard. Hope the feds lock you up forever.
Since AGDQ is filled with trannies some normalfag might think the whole speedrunning scene is full of them too.
>Nobody here is serious about fucking anything
Damage control.
Every scene that involves autistic nerds has trannies now, homebrew, software development, etc. I'm pretty sure most trannies start off as virgin NEETs
The group exists, you're just a schizo for believing it's some wide reaching conspiracy including the mods that actually blackmails people and isn't just a fetish larp
you seem like the kind of person who walks into a pizza shop with an AR demanding they free the child sex slaves in their basement
go back to discord
It's a fact. Everything is about fucking irony now.
Nobody likes or hates anything unironically. It's just pretending to be someone else or larping or being ironic 24/7
The mods don't do anything about them, even though they spam the board and pose a legitimate danger to the users. That means the mods are in on it. It's not schizophrenia to point out obvious things. Read a fucking book.
People put on the appearance of being ironic and detached as a means of damage control when they lose an argument.
>pose a legitimate danger to the users
this is why you're a schizo, user
Also, they don't violate any of the rules. You want the mods to delete things that you just don't like because you're a smoothbrained schizophrenic
Again, pointing out the obvious is not schizophrenia. /r9k/ is full of mentally unstable young men, and the tranny mafia tries to convince them to ruin their lives even further. Read a fucking book or stop using difficult words.
>the obvious
Yes, I'm sure it's verrryyyy obvious to you user. You can see what everyone else can't. The conspiracy behind everything! Right? Yep.
>says the guy who chopped his dick off and pretends to be a woman, while trying to convince others to do the same
You're one of the trannies, aren't you?
actual mental illness
>implying I cut my dick off
Because they see it as a way to insert themselves into the credits of something they had no hand in creating, painfully unaware of the fact that nobody knows who the fastest speedrunner is on any game apart from the other 5 speedrunners.
Only mentally unstable individuals can play the same game and autisticly try to do it as fast and efficient as possible. It also takes an unstable and unhealthy mind to make you think that you shouldn't belong in your body and mutilate it to feel "good" with yourself.
Then do show me this argument. Where is the proof that it's not a ruse and real like you claim?
Why should anyone believe it to be a ruse? Trannies are a real thing, they are very widespread, and they are very militant and eager to get new "recruits."