>mfw xbox one s and ps4 pro can't do 4k over 720p.
>mfw these retards are spending a small fortune on massive 4k tvs and not even getting 4k
>mfw xbox one s and ps4 pro can't do 4k over 720p.
>mfw these retards are spending a small fortune on massive 4k tvs and not even getting 4k
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Your average gamer is a retard who always falls for marketing hype.
This. 500 bucks for the console plus 600 bucks or more for a 4k tv puts them at where thet could have bought a great pc and monitor for that money.
>"I'm selling my Xbox One S for renovation"
>xbox one s and ps4 pro can't do 4k over 720p
What the fuck are you even trying to say, you braindamaged rat cunt?
He’s saying they can’t do 5.555...P
Fucking seething. If you bought. A 4k tv over 21 inches you arent getting 4k because the pixels get stretched to fit the screen above that point, which renders it about the same as a normal television.
In a nutshell, you arent getting the 4k you paid for you seething consolekek.
Who knew that eyebrows can be this sexy.
Xbone X runs Red Dead Redemption 2 at Native 4K, you retarded faggot.
Feel free to post a PC build for $500 that can run Red Dead Redemption 2 at any resolution, let alone native 4K :^)
What a funny granny.
Small fortune? You can get 4K TVs right now with large screen sizes for dirt cheap. How fucking poor are you that it constitutes a "small fortune"?
Ah yea the seething begins. It cant do 4k above 720p and thus is maximum cope
Is this another one of those "troll by saying something unintelligible and pretend it makes sense"?
>4k above 720p
What the fuck does this even mean you mouthbreathing retard? Seriously, what the fuck are you even trying to say?
> It cant do 4k above 720p
Get an Xbox One X.
4K at 60fps
I want to believe it is and not that someone is clearly that mentally challenged.
4k above 720p how mentally fucked do you have to be to think like that
How do you fags not even understand how different resolutions work?
I bought a 4K tv just for my gamer rig.
2500K and 970 busting out that sharp as fuck 4K image, babyy!
This is hilariously untrue. Maximum cope
>It cant do 4k above 720p
Has anyone even decided to as far as and so on.
What's it like playing at 10 fps?
The consoles cannot do 4k above 720p resolution because it gets stretch to fit the screen at resolutions above 720p and loses its visual integrity and is no longer displaying as 4k. This is known as.checkerboarding. why are you this retarded?
Everybody on the fucking planet does, besides you.
720p is a resolution, you dumb cunt.
4k is also a resolution, you dumb cunt.
You dont take a resolution over a resolution.
I assume you're just severly mentally challenged and you're trying to say that the 720p resolution is UPSCALED to 4k, which even then you're still fucking retarded because the Xbone X outputs and plays RDR2 at the full 4096x2160 resolution, no upscaling
Please take english lessons you monkey.
Averaging at 20fps you fucking bigot.
Still better than on console.
How low are your settings to hit those fps?
But can your PC put out 2160p above 1080p above 720p above 480p above 240p above 144p
Checkerboard rendering means that the console is rendering at resolution close to 4K and upscaling to native 4K display signal. It is true that current consoles rarely render full 4K resolution, but who cares as long as the output is good enough to approximate 4K? To compare 4K output to 720p is ridiculous. It's several steps above 1080p even.
>4K over 720p
This still is retarded, you're retarded, your brain is not working correctly. Nobody understands this except a retard like you. Are you handicapped?
You're fucking retarded, the PS4 Pro checkerboards but not from 720p you retarded faggot.
Again, Xbone X runs RDR2 at the full 4096x2160 resolution with no upscaling while the top of the line dual 2080TI Intel I9 systems run RDR2 at a 0x0 resolution.
1. 4k refers to the horizontal pixel count, 720p refers to the vertical pixel count
2. 4k is 3840x2160, 720p is 1280x720
>4k over 720p
Are you referring to something with a vertical resolution of 4720 pixels? In a 16:9 ratio that would be 8392x4720. 8k is 7680x4320. So you're saying that consoles can't do >8k resolutions? No fucking shit.
That's the best I can decipher what the fuck you're even talking about, if that's not what you mean please learn English before you shitpost you dumb nigger.
>can't do 4k over 720p
i don't think this translates properly to my language. what are you trying to say?
Didn't your mother teach you to never ask a girl about his graphics settings?
His brain is fucking sludge, nobody can comprehend what this retard is trying to say.
Seething consolekeks ITT
>there are people on this board who think PS4 upscales 720p to 4K
I didnt buy a 4k tv for a reason, user
I'm sorry ma'am i see my mistake now.
You're severly mentally challenged, call a doctor
You can buy an s directly from microsoft for 250 usd based retard user
>Spend a fortune on Gayming PC
>Nothing but generic shovelware and multiplats as far as the eye can see.
Truly a race of masters.
So it takes a bait post to educated console paypigs about checkerboarding?
Top lel
>mfw these retards are spending a small fortune on massive 4k tvs and not even getting 4k
A 65" 4k tv is like 500-700 bucks now. Most big companies dont even make 1080p tvs in those sizes anymore.
I think he was trying to say X instead of S in his fucking retarded posts, nobody in their right mind thinks the S can play at 4K.
You spouted absolutely retarded nonsense and we all corrected you, you dumb faggot. If anyone was hopefully getting educated it should have been you, but i think your brain is way too far gone.
>4k over 720p
jesus christ
Holy samefag
Hey man, what resolution does your PC play Red Dead Redemption 2 at?
I've been playing 1440p on my 55" sharp for a few months. One game wasn't running so well so I changed it to 1080p with max antialiasing and literally couldn't tell the difference. I think everyone is falling for these "memes". Developers should aim more for 60fps than being able to see a spec of dust that kills 10-15fps. Resident Evil 2 remake looks incredible and I still get a smooth 60fps except for a very few moments at 1440p with everything max except volumetric lighting.
Not him but i can just go to youtube and listen to cute girls doing soft voiced ASMR if i want to sleep, no need to get RDR2.
>I've never played RTS games before
>I've never played T/FPS without gimping myself by awful controls before
>I've never bothered with 4X and grand strategy games
>I've never bothered to try and develop a game myself to appreciate games more
>What's GW1/Ragnarok Online/Maplestory/FF11 or any other game of the golden age of mmos?
Spotted the tasteless faggot.
Ah okay, so you cant play the game of the generation. Sucks to be such a faggot lmao, ill be enjoying the game at a full natice 3840x2160 on my 80" TV through my Xbox One X :)
non cancerfags
Bro it's fine, you don't need to defend your choice of sleeping aid to me. I don't judge, promise.
4k is a meme
>tfw poorfags seethe at your setup
Absolutely SEETHING :)
>tfw found a brand-new 500Million edition for 600bucks(they're getting sold for almost 900)
>there are legitimate rumours for 8k next gen while the current gen can't even handle 1080p 60fps
Both Xbone X and PS4 Pro do 1440p at 60fps :)
In Undertale maybe, if you mod and overclock it.
Seethe harder, 4K30 and 1440p60 :)
not in most AAA games, RDR2 for example
Red Dead Redemption 2 is Native 4k (3840x2160) at 30fps on Xbox One X, though.
mfw pc "master race" kiddies spend 1k$ to play those pc exclusives with last gen graphics, early acess trash or indie game swamp and are proud they get higher framerates compared to graphical masterpieces like horizon or god of war.
What game?
4K is automatic in TVs now. I was trying to find a 1080p since I only use it for Switch and my GTX 970 but a 55 inch 4K was $200.
The reason no games use 60fps is because most games include multiplayer, which means people that didnt pay for the console upgrade would be stuck at 30 while the people that did get 60.
Games that run at 60fps on both run at 1440p or Native 4K 60fps on Xbox One X/PS4 Pro (Halo 5, Mortal Kombat X)
11, not X
Also, PS4 Pro barely runs at 4k and has to use checkerboarding while Xbone X constantly gets a native 4k resolution :)
oh my god
>platform known for myriad of hardware configs
>home of e-sport meme
It's ok. It's called coping.
Are you retarded? Seethe harder youll never have native 4k :)
>posts console
Isn't she like under 30? She looks like shes fucking 50 in that webm
Quickly this will get confusing resolutions with the 4000 and 720 numbers game. Get some education for real OP.
Nah. It's 4k at (usually) a rock steady 30fps for most new AAA games. 60fps is only for backward compat, performance modes in some games and arcade kinda stuff.
Hopefully the anaconda, or whatever the new powerful version is called, targets 4k at 60fps as standard.
Whoa there buddy let's not step into bullshit territory here, I own the one x any game that has a 60 fps mode drops visual fidelity to attain it, the pro is even worse if in this regard
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