SHIT! Todd Howard is behind you, show him all the Bethesda games you own
SHIT! Todd Howard is behind you, show him all the Bethesda games you own
He's ready to execute that man the moment he stops playing his game.
>Todd Howard will never be behind you watching you playing New Vegas
>E3 2019
I be sleepin' zzzzZZZZZZzzzzzz
Pretty much
I don't own any Bethesda games.
I have New Vegas and pirated 3.
Is that andrew WK?
he recognises todd but not andrew wk?
I know this is a meme thread but in all honesty what are they going to do/say about Fallout 76?
Is it still getting new content? Is it still alive? Is it still a paid product? I have LITERALLY not heard a single thing about that game since the first disastrous month.
Will they try and sort it out by announcing a new huge expansion or something or just sweep it under the carpet?
i'll honestly be surprised if todd comes out on stage this year let alone them even mentioning fallout 76. They'll probably make an offhand joke about it to seem cool with the kids
They are giving it updates and new content but don't really talk about it.
Todd will come out and crack dumb jokes about it.
>I heard the internet said our games have bugs.
>they also say we dont put out content at all
>they're wrong
me neither
This is the only thing i'm watching E3 for
why is andrew wk so dedicated to bethesda?
>are you enjoying the game, user?
Fallout 76 is actually still a full price $60 in most places
And Bethesda have a "Nuclear Winter" update coming this summer so they will absolutely show that update at their conference and try to damage control the game that "we heard your complaints" and other reassurances to try and claw back players.
I imagine they will drop the bombshell that it's going free to play too.
He’s wondering why he didn’t buy that demo yet
Moments later, the guy realized his wallet was gone.
>todd's face
real life cannibal todd howard
I have the ES Anthology i got from walmart clearance for 25 bucks. T-thats all i have Todd.
I don't "own" almost any games. But I sure do play a lot of them
god TES:Blades is so fucking bad, the combat just sucks, I don't know who thought that press and hold to attack was a good idea, but they are a fucking idiot
how can people still fuck this up when infinity blade already exists?
I wasn't even expecting much, I just wanted something to play if I'm bored or waiting for an appointment or something
He's a cool guy who doesn't hop on hate bandwagons like Yea Forumseddit
>play it for couple weeks
>same fucking braindead combat every fight
>same fucking random generated dungeons almost every time
>RNG MMO-tier missions
>no real immersion
>no story
>just the grind and money shop
>quit playing
>get once a week of increasingly desperate-sounding notifications offering free shit
Way to botch it, especially when the art is actually pretty decent and the very barebones core of the game mechanics do make sense.
>a full $60 in most places
Where? That Deluxe edition is like $45 at Walmart, and cdkeys range from $18~45 depending on the region.
top kek
There's an expansion still in the works, the studio involved is still making updates (but not fixing bugs). Most likely full damage-control along with concessions or apologies (unlikely a straight apology).
I would be surprised if FO76 shilling would not be 60% of their conference; Starfield nor TES2 nor anything from softworks would not be shown and the only new stuff would mostly Doom Eternal and the new from Arkane (from the Dishonored2 guys in france not the Prey guys in austin).
how will bethesda handle e3 after the massive backlash about 76? i honestly think they are going to ditch the live thing on stage this year. they can't risk the audience booing
I'm really curious about it, because Todd has unholy charisma that will allow him to make it look good despite everything around it.
isn't there a class action lawsuit about 76? i can see damage control about the whole thing will control whatever they do
I don't own any games because I only buy digitally