>ancient chinese have technology comparable or even better to european high middle ages
Ancient chinese have technology comparable or even better to european high middle ages
Other urls found in this thread:
you mean the reapting crossbow?
and crossbows in general. also armor
game's pretty fun desu senpai
Crack when
what about it
The romans had repeating crossbows tho
And the blast furnace, thumb ring, carruca, percussion drilling and wheelbarrow. And then the compass, block printing, movable type, gunpowder, bombard, hand cannon, rocket and paper.
Too bad they never improved from there.
>still cannot into war
Three Kingdoms is the best historical Total War game.
Diplomacy actually works too.
they had their wars and moved on from it
then the barbarians from the west came, "civilizations" who never moved past their violent natures, striked and ruined everything
every "culture" that aims to take control is barbarous. Every country should have known that strong walls and a well trained army is what is required at all times.
RotTK made up all kinds of stupid bullshit about what was fielded. Like tanks with flamethrowers.
>They had their wars and moved on
>The region was in constant warfare pretty much right up until the last couple decades, but they moved on
>buying provinces off other powers for food and money per turn that i cant afford
>tfw breaking the contract the next turn and keeping the province
You big-eared villain!
>Sir I‘ve been working for you for almost 30 years and Im level 8 can I get a promotion
>Sorry but our mega empire only has 5 office seats so someone has to die for you to get promoted
Picts had crossbows, chinks had toys that barely break skin that they had to coat in poison for it to do anything.
Their armor was also literal scale shit.
So, with 3K selling like rhino-horn hotcakes over there in chink-land. Will CA from now on only pander to this audience?
read a book chang.
>They had their wars and moved on
>Europe was in constant warfare with major continent spanning wars every century since the 17th, but they moved on
Need the crack. Can't hold out much longer piratebros
It is. Don't you know Three Kingdoms is real? I bet you don't even have a trident halberd or a cool horse...
Just buy it, bro.
I myself had already gave in.
what a romanticized chinese fanboy game
exactly, chinese armor is a fucking joke
>Play as Dong
>Divorce my wife immediately
>Coarse bandit queen to marry the fat ugly sweaty me
Feels good bruh.
Through dick, unity.
omg based jewpedia!!!! and you say that as if there were not wheelbarrows in Europe and the compass is used since ancient Egypt, and the real promoters of firearms were the europeans, the chinese firearms were rough and crude attempts that very little did in battle
chinese armors were utter shit
What TW:3K lore sounds to me:
Three Kingdoms is by far the worst Total War, its lack of faithful historical recreation amazes me, it doesn't look like the other Total War, it's pure fanservice for chinese chauvinists
Why do you hate fun?
this desu
>long dong fights rong shong to capture wong zong
>arr rook same
>here's your spearmen bro
no thanks
Friendly reminder that all Europeans in the ancient world that weren't Roman or Greek were literal shit covered, forest dwelling savages that would have been enslaved by those chinks and their "shitty" crossbows, if they had ever came in contact with them.
>another setting of made up names
>hordes of unarmed peasants
>boring as fuck castles
its shogun 2 all over again
>its lack of faithful historical recreation amazes me
what is the best total war? and why
Romance is way more interesting than regular history.
If you can marry people however you want how does it work with lineage like for example Cao Cao's children, which played a role.
what a pathetic low effort, that's all your power, fallacious disqualifications
Very true.
remind us what did happen when Europeans came in contact with chinks
Very false.
I'm not sure, but for my Dong event which supposed to get killed by Lu Bu because of Diaochan never happen at all because I marry him with Diaochan the first chance I got.
>his Germanic """master race""" ancestors would have gotten their shit pushed in by bunch 4 foot five manlets in crappy armor
lmaoing at you Hans.
Ling calm down
>and here comes the brainlet assumptions
I'm not German nor Germanic, brainlet sub-human mongrel, on Spain for example there were civilizations older than Japan, in the Balkans, the Etruscans older than the Romans and a lot of proto-civilizations that were wipe out due to the Roman conquest
Sorry I just realized I meant to say regular *Chinese* history. My bad.
They did, but the counterweight trebuchet in TW3K is nonsense.
>i-it doesn't count g-greeks aren't white
Warhammer because of battles.
The rest is irrelevant and boring.
cringe samefag
>Dong has a huge dong
Its like pottery
Also translation?
No, sweetheart.
>yellow bandanas
>calling the people in the Fhergana Valley for greeks
baby learns that china invented almost all medieval technology
whatever, that's not the matter, the thing is that China and the Chinese has been killing themselves for centuries but when the face other foreign countries or people they usually lost, they have been dominated by foreigners half of their history
3K has the best campaign so I think it's the best one vanilla.
Rome 1 can't be beat if you're including modding.
This is true.
>mostly killing themselves
You do realize this is the same for most civilizations? It's harder to fight people far off.
>ruled by foreigners for most of it's history
At this point I don't even know which reality you're referring to
No they haven't. Itn
I know the reality is hard to assume, Lee
Fuck insecure whitoids
You have no problems assuming reality, it seems.
fuck insect chinks
China has been dominated by foreigners for half their history?
You should be comparing them to the contemporaneous Romans who did have crossbows and technological ingenuity, not the ass-backwards Medieval European descendants of the barbarian flies buzzing around Rome's rotting corpse hundreds of years later.
Look ignorant faggot, China has been invaded like no other nation in world history, since Han dynasty there is no a single true chinese dynasty, all dynaties are 100% foreigner or had some foreign ancestor, you can check this if you search a little bit you lazy cunt. Besides that, almost all of China's military campaigns, its wars and battles are among them, thousands of years of a bloody history that in few countries/civilizations you can find, the few times they have faced foreigners or europeans, they have lost almost always and they have been humiliated several times. Go to eat your rice loser.
No, that's some revisionist history garbage. There's two dynasties ruled by non-Han Chinese, the Yuan Dynasty started by Kublai Khan and his sinaboo mom, and the Qing Dynasty, ruled over by the retarded Manchurian steppeniggers. Together they constitute a about 300-400-ish years of a 5000 year long recorded history. Although I think that's overly generous because the entire 20th century Qing Dynasty was marked by getting raped and cut up by European powers which propped up the dynasty in name.
The irony is that the kinds of revisionist faggots who think this way probably can't tell the Manchurians apart from Han Chinese anyway - Manchurians would still be a Chinese minority. So really that just leaves the Mongols, who raped fucking everybody so this isn't anything new or out of the ordinary.
Oh my god... Do you think it was called the Han dynasty because... It was run by Hans? Jesus Christ, are you American?
China has never been invaded up till slightly before the 1900s. Are you saying the Ming, Tang, Song and Jin dynasties aren't Chinese? Then what are they, Egyptian? Or Tamils perhaps? I have in fact read up on it, and if you did too you'd know China was very rarely unified. Are you saying the states fought among themselves and simultaneously all lost?
I mean, where do you get your ideas? Contact with other civilisations before 1800s was limited to trade and exploration. A bit hard to get invaded. And yes, it's true that China has had many wars, but you're saying this is rare? If you didn't know, you can Google wars fought in [insert your continent here]
>the sounds of multiple incendiary pigs clashing
War truly is hell
>Kublai Khan and steppe niggers
I suppose in a certain historical sense they aren't Chinese, even if they did live in Northern China and used and spoke a script derived from Chinese.
This, also the the europeans were never really ahead of the chinese in anything until at least the renaissance and that is far after the middle ages. The chinese had gunpowder, silk, hell they had printing and paper when the europeans were busy obsessing over and raping rome. True the europeans did at the end became superior but the chinese still invented these things. The europeans did what their ancestor the romans did, they adapt, adopted it and make use of it. For example, by the time they reach asia, the asians have long understand how to use a gun, the european just rape them via superior and sophistication of their gunworks. And let me remind you that the europeans were always dependent on chinses on silk and no one other than the chinese know how to produce silk to the point that the Byzantines tried to steal their secrets.
The only thing that the europeans were better at that I could think off the top of my head is their sophistication of armour and polearms.
what are mongols
Then, Sir Alan wrote, “The 27 Army APCs [armoured personnel carriers] opened fire on the crowd before running over them. APCs ran over troops and civilians at 65kph [40 miles per hour].”
Sir Alan added: “Students understood they were given one hour to leave square, but after five minutes APCs attacked.
“Students linked arms but were mown down. APCs then ran over the bodies time and time again to make, quote ‘pie’ unquote, and remains collected by bulldozer.
“Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains.”
> "civilizations" who never moved past their violent natures
kek what do you think civilizations are?
They exist BECAUSE of our violent natures. They exist BECAUSE if you stab the people living close to you to steal your food whos going to help you defend yours when 2 people who grouped up come along?
Nobody has evolved past that yet, it's a cycle. Each iteration is getting us closer.
China certainly isnt any better.
Sewers can't handle that much goop, sounds like another "holocaust" to me.
>Did little in battle
>Literally scared off the horses of mongols
>Were so effective the mongols took 50 years to take China and adopted those guns in the process to spread to the middle East and europe in the meantime.
Now I get why total war fans are a punching bag when it comes to stereotypes.
Really the crossroads was colonialism. China sailed around the world in their treasure ships, came back, said everyone else was worse than them, and promptly sealed their borders for hundreds of years. Europe sailed around the world, saw everyone else was worse and took it as an excuse to rape and pillage everything, establishing colonies, enslaving the indigenous peoples, and draining the wealth of the world back to their countries.
The isolationism and in-fighting weakened China, while brutal colonialism strengthened European powers.
Really wish these games would stop cheating
>faction with 1 fief decides to go to war with me
>has negative food and is poor
>has 3 full stacks starting shit
>beat them back and conquer them
>nothing but low level trade building
at least this game has finally done away with agent spam.
Fatuous lord!
>gender history is important in any way
>gender history
So Yuan Shao possesses the power of friendship?
No, that is Liu Bei.
Yuan Shao has the power of hiding behind a thousand vassals.
I'm having trouble seeing any real difference here.
What are their tax policies?
it's a fantasy game
don't know how you didn't catch on to that
The best power
unless you honestly believe a civilization that had widespread cannibalism was more advanced than the west
who made this?, a leftie of course
>believing chinktoid fantasy
It is only a matter of time until Communist China fractures and becomes Romance of the Three Kingdoms again. The death toll will be rad. It did happens briefly during WWII, but people often overlook that fact because there wasn't enough bromance.
Future Yuro-center Total War titles will be as dogshit as Thrones of Britannia
Warhammer 3 is just going to be one big blob of DLC and minor fixes to fill in Warhammer 1 and 2 factions and landmasses
So this is the power of Amerilard education......
Fucking this, jesus christ I have no issues with Japanese names but god fucking damn it it's just impossible to make sense of this chink crap.
Nigger, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
What's wrong with disliking islam?
>using a broad, singular assessment of advancement
You can be more or less advanced in separate regards, just because you are more advanced in X way doesn't mean you are in Y way. Hell, even defining what is "advanced" or not is somewhat arbitrary: If there's multiple solutions or possible avenues for accomplishing a goal, then how can you say that one is necessarily more advanced then the other? You also need to consider how different cultural views or environmental factors can influence how societies develop, since societies develop in response to the situations they find themselves in. Maybe the "more advanced" technology wouldn't actually help them given their situation
Precolumbian civilizations are good examples of this, since due to their isolation from Old World civilizations, they represent a case study in a sort of alternate technological/social development pathway
The Mesoamericans, for instance by a lot of the metrics we define advancement by the standards of eurasian cultures, seem to be a total mish mash: They used primarily stone and wood tools and weapons, yet also had gigantic cities rivalling what you see from Rome and Persia; complicated water mangement systems were ubiquitous, and had complex politicial and diplomatic relationships with tons of realpoltik scheming; legal and judicial systems, and were in a similar blossoming of the arts and intellectualism as you saw in ancient greece when the spanish showed up. Part of the discrepancy can explained by environmental factors: Their lack of utilitarian metal use can actually be partially explained by climatic factors, for instance, and the lack of beasts of burdens had a huge amount of impacts in terms of how political interactions and warfare was fundamentally different as well(I can clarify on all of these if people want)
tl;dr when comparing the capacities of two cultures, you need to take a multifacted approach and even this can often be subjective
stop being a moron
Islam created all of modern science and puts women and gays where they belong.
I always loved the giant ships of them, were big as a modern carrier and traveled everywhere while in europe the best ship was a quardireme.
>Playing Age of Ching Chong when you could be playing Warhammer
Three Kingdoms is cooler than Warhammer. When you grow up you will understand.
3K has at least made an advancement in the battle AI making better decisions at Very Hard, but I don’t think they’ll ever get the AI to be a threat without cheating.
I just want cheating that doesn’t invalidate game mechanics. If I’m starving out a one-region faction, they shouldn’t completely negate public order penalties. That’s just bullshit that limits my options.
Not even worth a (you), mudshit.
Why? Both are filled with made up characters with made up feats, but one forces you to play as yellow halflings, You might as well play the game that dials the fiction up to eleven and gives you more playable races.
Nothing, as long as you actually know what you are talking about/aren't misinformed, and don't have double standards where you shit on islam but excuse other religions or cultures doing the same shit.
t. Cheng
it had been 8 years since the last time they made a good game if you exclude the fots extension
This game will be forgotten within 2 months.
>there will never be an Empire or Napoleon 2
I don't fucking care about Rome, or damned chinks. I just want my comfy line battles.
Just go watch Patriot again.
But apart from one scene the battles in that film were garbage.
Emperor Taizong was half Turkish. And that’s one of many examples. Go open a book.
A single Warhammer faction has more unit variety than all of K3 combined.
this desu
>tfw when white people can't cope with this fact
I find it very easy to cope by being Italian, which means by not being white.
That's how you recognize the good rulers.
Yeah, they were called the Scythians, dipshit.
Just like you enslaved the steppe nomads huh? oh wait
Any history is interesting.
The shit taste in action, in one hand you have a lot of very diferent factions with unique mechanics and in the other hand a buch of chinks without enough distinction. If you like diplomacy play a paradox game but pirate it or you'll have to buy a shiton of DLCs
>advanced civilizations
>incapable of defending themselves from barbarians
wow real advanced there bro glad that worked out for them
>mfw all these seething history fags coping with racism while I play my dream total war.
Maybe you guys will get medieval 3 in a decade or so after CA is done making all the DLC for the most sold total war ever lmao.
Never played any TW games but can I go full Genghis Khan in this one?
The best part of both Opium Wars was China's arrogance.
They thought themselfs so superior to the western powers until they got their teeth kicked in.
Play Atilla instead if you want horse archer kino.
>sales = quality
What do you think the company cares more about?
Warhammer 2 didn't sell well compared to Warhammer 1 and it didn't retain the massive playerbase Warhammer 1 had.
It's also one of the more polished Total War games outside of sieges.
Three Kingdoms is just CA diving into the Chinese market and they pretty much succeeded.
Warhammer map gameplay is shallow and boring
Based frogs
not that way user, I meant more of rance way
Do we know how much a chink has to pay for the game?
As they sold almost all games over there.
good post user
This isn't a hentai VN. You can't rape anyone. Go play Sengoku Rance again. I know I will.
>Roman empire falls because of barbarian tribes
>China has to build a bigass wall because of barbarian tribes
@Lmaoing at you civilized cucks
Most military tech was just iterating levels of sophistication until the introduction of gunpowder. A Han Dynasty soldier was equipped at about 50% of what would be necessary to beat an early Ming Dynasty soldier, but neither would have a chance against an 18th Century Line Infantryman from Europe.
Steel was the first great leap in military innovation and it didn't really have an equivalent until the cannon.
>being contrarian and liking obscure games makes you cool
Three kingdoms is a tale that resonates with most Asian cultures. The story and it's products have always been a big hit and most of it's sales come from Taiwan, Korea, Japan as well as obviously China. I've no idea how much vidya costs in those countries.
>being a borehammer manchild historylet
>with most Asian cultures
Nobody but Chinks care about Three Kingdoms
Japs didn't even care about Shogun 2, an overwhelming majority of Shogun 2's players were non-Japanese
Also, to add onto this: even different places in the same culture/civilization/whatever have unequal levels of complexity/advancement or whatever
The majority of people in medivial europe for example weren't living in big cities like paris or consatople, they were in backwater villages and hamlets and effectively had the same living conditions as a number of native american groups in what's know the US
When people talk about technology or social complexity, they are always judging europe/the islamic world/asia by their most impressive areas, or at least their "average" larger cities; which can be misleading, since it doesn't scale proportionally nessscarily: the average commoner in the average town or village in both Mesoamerica and Europe had prety similar quality of lives, even if peak Mesoamerican complexity/technology was obviously inferior to peak european complexity/technology (In most regards, at least, even going by traditional ideas of ahead/behindness, there were a few the mesos actually were ahead and a number they were about on par, and they weren';t as behind in most ways as people think);
>giving a shit about a "history" game where you don't even play as europeans or at the very least americans
I bet you use the epic store too.
The eurocentrist perspective on history has been completely and totally dismantled by every reputable historian. Read a book once in a while. It might even cure your racism.
>muh european history
imagine being the dumb faggot missing out on the best total experiences because he only gets off on killing white people
This. Why do Europeans think they matter? America rules the world anyway lol
You anons are both calling other people historylets, but do either of you know anything about non-european or non-far-eastern history yourselves?
Chink delusion.
>Game is super popular in chinkland
>3DM still doesn't have a crack
The fuck? Do your fucking job you insectoid subhumans. I need my free vidya.
If Japan hates the three kingdoms so much why does Koei a Japanese game company make and sell so many games based on the period? They eat that shit up.
Yeah, I'd rather not wait 2 minutes between turns in warhammer 2.
I like the game a lot but I can't stand those turn times in Mortal Empires, and Eye of the Vortex campaign sucks major dick.
I don't know why but this image makes me giggle hysterically.