NEET Attorney, Programmer here. Why am I hated?

I am a NEET attorney, and a programmer as well.

Half my (extended) family hates me and thinks I'm a "fucking idiot".

The educated side of the family does not hate me.

My programming for one project alone, which I brought up from 18 weapons to over 200 weapons, is worth 4 to 6 million dollars according to the source lines of code calculator that the linux devs use.

(Not to mention the mapping, 3d modeling, textures, pixel art, and music I produce)
(A very small sample of the 100+ models I've made over the years: )

I also have marble floors in my domicile (because I cut and placed them down, with border vs 45 degree angle placement), finished 1/3rd of the house myself (the unfinished areas), I am hated for this aswell ("trying to upstage us!"). I'm also handy with the coping saw to make properly installed crown molding.

I reminded the LKML that non-exclusive free licenses are revocable since they are not supported by consideration (and obeying a pre-existing duty doesn't cut it), which triggered about 30 articles on the topic 6 months ago.

(and here's more recent:

You know why I'm hated? (Tell me)
I think it might be because I do whatever I want, and study what I want, while they work 1 job for a boss all their days, learn nothing, and want others to join their misery.

Oh and because I accept and support YHWH's allowance that men may marry cute young girls (white men hate this: MUUUHH WHITE WUUMAN) (YHWH allows men to marry young girls: Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 (na'ar (hebrew masoretic text: child)) (padia (greek septuagint: child)) (puella (latin vulgate: young girl)))

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Other urls found in this thread:,

> >NEET attorney
>So you passed the bar... and then proceeded to not do a damn thing with it?
Correct. All pro-bono work, including PSA's such as:,

Just like my opensource work.

>My guess is that this is because your family has to pay for your life nesessities, while your meme "jobs"are a child's play IRL.
They do not. The extended family that hates me does not pay a dime for me.

>Live on your own dime, and noone will give a fuck about you.
Indifference is worse than hatred.
>For how smart you claim to be, you're pretty fucking stupid.
>NEET means "Not in Employment, Education, or Training"
>If you make money being an attorney and programmer, you are self employed and not a NEET.
I fit the definition of NEET; I don't make money. All my legal work contributes to the destruction of unstable (incorrectly executed) edifices. I don't get anything from it, other than satisfaction.
>You might have achieved good things, but that doesn't mean you aren't a fucking idiot. Have you never once asked any of the family that feels that way why they do, or considered that while skilled in your field, you might be painfully ignorant of another that common people are familiar with? Don't ever let your achievements blind yourself to your weaknesses.

My fields include Programming, Law, Construction, Music, and Art.
I particularly like Construction and Programming.
> >I am hated for this aswell ("trying to upstage us!")
>Answering your question quite nicely there.
>Not being another beer-swilling fat idiot overtaxed with even following the plot of a TV show makes them look pretty bad in comparison.

Is this the reason?

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your problem is you think you know all the answers. stop coming to this board for validation.

>All my legal work contributes to the destruction of unstable (incorrectly executed) edifices. I don't get anything from it, other than satisfaction.
why don't you contribute to the destruction of you being a waste of space and kill yourself.

why are we having this thread again

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>why don't you contribute to the destruction of you being a waste of space and kill yourself.


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>why are we having this thread again

Need answers.

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unfortunately you most certainly are.

what is going to happen when your family no longer gives a shit about you or dies? you are an "unstable edifice" you have never spent a single moment of your time securing your own future and instead have been a lazy sack of shit coding a worthless game that nobody would ever pay a dime for.

any answer you get you will be unhappy with and you will keep coming back until you get one that validates your pathetic existence. like i said, killing yourself is your only outlet. you are a waste of oxygen. your game is ugly and shit too

>your problem is you think you know all the answers. stop coming to this board for validation.

I'm asking you for answers to this: ergo it can be assumed with reasonable certainty that I do not believe any such thing.

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Because you are smug

Check this 5, schizo

>being an attention whore
kill yourself

I like how this guy considers a marble floor to be one of his greatest achievements

>what is going to happen when your family no longer gives a shit about you or dies? you are an "unstable edifice" you have never spent a single moment of your time securing your own future and instead have been a lazy sack of shit coding a worthless game that nobody would ever pay a dime for.

I have a law license and a post-grad degree. The domicile has been payed off for decades. I am a heir. I've prevented anyone from getting "CoC"'d for six months so far by explaining to the enemy that if they should toss out any of the contributors the contributors do have a remedy: license rescission.

Here's what ESR had to say recently:

ESR: "revokists" have it right. (Archive link: )
A commentator asked on Eric S. Raymond's website:

>ESR: Eben Moglen suggested that he was going to write a paper refuting the notion that "The GPL is revocable":
>>I think the best procedure would be for me to publish my analysis and
>>for you then to tell me what is wrong with it.
>Why has no such paper from him materialized?

ESR response was shocking, blunt, and to the point:
>esr on 2019-05-30 at 08:08:23 said:
>>Why has no such paper from him materialized?
>Because Moglen is either wrong about or deliberately misrepresenting the law and the "revokists" have it right. Thank you, I had already figured this out from his (non)responses on lkml.

>I like how this guy considers a marble floor to be one of his greatest achievements

Do you dislike cutting and placing stone? What a scumbag. Glad you waste your days wageslaving.

My greatest achievement is this:

And I do enjoy it and am proud of it. (Mapping, programming, etc).

Show us what you have done.
Working a "jerb" is no achievement.

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Intelligent =/= likable. Arrogance excludes likability.

Oh, so this is what it would be like if Terry Davis posted on Yea Forums. It's a lot more irritating than I expected.

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Not gonna read your manuscript, bub

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>Oh, so this is what it would be like if Terry Davis posted on Yea Forums. It's a lot more irritating than I expected.

Play the game and your irritation will decrease. Open up netradiant (ready to go on the ISO), make some maps, and it will disappear.

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and you get paid for none of the work you do. having a house that is paid off because of the work another person has done doesn't validate your poor life choices and you are using it to enable yourself.

>calls others wageslaves
cute considering you spend a large majority of your time working on something that will not only never make you any money, but is a genuine waste of time that nobody will ever play and enjoy.

>Not gonna read your manuscript, bub

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>and you get paid for none of the work you do. having a house that is paid off because of the work another person has done doesn't validate your poor life choices and you are using it to enable yourself.

Guess you're not a heir. You would understand that those before you worked so that you may conduct art and science in freedom.

They sacrificed so that you may live: not so that you may slave for another.

But you're a white golem, so what would you know: you only know workin' for the white WUUUMAN.

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>Why am I hated?
Probably because you're an egotistical asshole. Pull your head out of your asshole and stop farming for karma here. This is Yea Forums, not reddit. Go be a whiny faggot elsewhere.

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>church of gmod

>trust fund babby
Did daddy's money pay for your degree too?

Show us your marble floor if it's so great then

>cute considering you spend a large majority of your time working on something that will not only never make you any money, but is a genuine waste of time that nobody will ever play and enjoy.

But I play it and I enjoy it. You seem to have a slave's mindset: that you life is for the enjoyment of others.

Ofcourse a white man would think this: he is cattle-like in intelligence. A golem of his beloved goddess: the huge breasted THICCCCCCC MUUUHHH WHITE WUUUUUMAN. He recoils at cuteness or at the IDEA of not WORKIN' for someone else's project: for someone else's pleasure. WORKIN MAN!

The very measure of the white-man's existence is how he can serve others.

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not him but you don't sound neither proud nor happy if you actually wrote all of this stuff out for validation. if you didn't want validation, no post. so by default you showed not only your stupidity but your strong desire to be liked by others out of internal insecurities.

it's "an heir" btw fucking einstein, lol

oh look it's the autistic jew that don't speak and type in more than 9 languages lmao

what even is this thread, it keeps getting spammed. Is this copy-pasta from somewhere?

Now THIS is PEAK boomer mentality. No, seriously, kill yourself. Those that came before you didnt work their ashes off just so you could piss away their life's work. You arent having children. You arent doing anything valuable with your life. You have an ugly game nobody will want to play and a life full of regret, as evidenced by your constant attempts at validation. End it all.

further validating your poor life choices. you did not come here looking for opinions, you came searching for someone equally as pathetic as you are to lick your boot and tell you that you are doing good.

you work for nothing. you do not conduct art and science in freedom, you create ugly worlds that are of no use to anyone. you are literally wasting the time that your family has slaved away to give you.

as i said, you do not want opinions, you just want someone to say you did a good job and pat you on your head like your failure of a mother has done. you need a father figure to smack you upside your head and tell you to stop wasting your life on meaningless trash.

Oh it's this thread again

Derek, is that you?

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>this guy again

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>the schizo is also an myrow
What a surprise. You DO realize that you wouldnt exist if not for the woman that shat you out, right?

>Did daddy's money pay for your degree too?

Yes. I didn't pay a dime. Undergrad was full scholarship. Post-grad was paid by parents.

Zero debt.
No workin' it down like a white man (who is PROUD he's in debt!)

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Cool ps2 game, faggot

this thread is the biggest humblebrag ive ever seen
also some weird political shit thrown in at the end

>What a surprise. You DO realize that you wouldnt exist if not for the woman that shat you out, right?

I wouldn't exist but-for the oxygen algae excrete either.

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Brown hands typed this post

go away, you're not Notch

so what race are you then

is this some kind of spam bot

So what exactly makes a person like this?
Does it simply come down to being coddled too much as a kid or is it more complex than that?

>he is now ignoring all posts that do not validate himself

he said himself in the last thread that he is an asian jew. clearly has a tiny dick inferiority complex that forces him to hide in his home

yes, also there is some mental illness underneath that has only been made worse by poor parenting. op would probably need to be on a lot of drugs and in a psych ward for a long time in order to sort himself out.

>Cool ps2 game, faggot

Let's see your ps-one game, white man.

>you work for nothing. you do not conduct art and science in freedom, you create ugly worlds that are of no use to anyone. you are literally wasting the time that your family has slaved away to give you.

And yet I garnish immense pleasure and self-gratification from this "nothing". Over 50 maps, 100 models, textures, music. Each day a new creation.


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>asian jew
thats a nega-dick

it's cos u're a pedo

There’s been no mention of SC or Chris Roberts, I don’t think it is.
Though I’m not gonna say no just yet.

>oh look it's the autistic jew that don't speak and type in more than 9 languages lmao

Oh look it's the guy who thought Puella ment ("woman over age 18"). Nope: means young girl.

You're languages are of limited value if you only know them colloquially.

In a world where Quentin is gone, one man is willing to take up the reigns, reform Diamond Dogs

>so what race are you then
50% dog (irish)
25% eastern european (subhuman)
25% central european (barbarian)

A few inches over 6ft tall.
Less than 190lbs
Blond hair.
Blue eyes.

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Quick rundown on this guy? I feel like I've missed a thread

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you missed nothing, it's always the same shit

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>yes, also there is some mental illness underneath that has only been made worse by poor parenting. op would probably need to be on a lot of drugs and in a psych ward for a long time in order to sort himself out.

Not being a wageslave: poor parenting.
White-man's logic.

Also: cute girls are disgusting and gay -- white-man's logic.

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The educated half of your family only say they don't hate you because they want to be nice


jesus christ it's that guy again

you and duke nukem armageddon guy, fuck off forever

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its hard to take you even remotely seriously when you sperg out and start whining about white women.

did your mother abuse you? it's obvious enough that you have been bullied by white kids when you were growing up, forced to retreat into your fake world you have created, the only place you feel like you have any real power.

>asian jew has blond hair and blue eyes
imagine making stuff up on the internet. post a pic of yourself so we can see your emaciated little pencil neck

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Poor bait as usual, come back when you can actually read boyo rofl

this reads like a confederacy of dunces fanfic

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>you will never be transformed into a furry and live a happy life with Puro
Why live

>The educated half of your family only say they don't hate you because they want to be nice

So the problem is all whites then? They live only to bring money to MUUUHHH WHITE WUUUUUUMAN?

It still hurts.

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wait what is the purpose of this thread?

Why was this thread posted again? Better yet, why don’t mods actually delete this off topic garbage.

Do you dislike the response to "FooFlinger"?

Every post non-devs make that is critical will be deleted. No freedom of speech for white "MUUUHHH WHITE WUUUMMAN" workin' mens

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Y'know, i feel like we should report OP, but still, it's certainly not low effort, certainly not entirely off topic, i don't think he's trolling and he's not really advertising/begging, and he's not spammed his OP enough for it to be spam yet.
OP seems to have found the loophole

The fact that your writing style seems to switch from post too post and the fact that you are finding "meaning" in words that are not there, points to you having a serious case of schizo.

Why don't you go back and read your old posts? You seem to be denying it, but it seems that you are either an insufferable ass that is trying to act "cool" for the sake of validation or you are in genuine need of mental help.
Is that answear enough for you?

Based narcissistic schizo.

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How to get flex-seal wolf bf

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I’m seriously confused
I saw this thread before and it still isn’t making any sense. This isn’t video games. You could post this on /x/ and it would be ontopic as the ramblings of a schizophrenic.
What’s going on?

>Why was this thread posted again? Better yet, why don’t mods actually delete this off topic garbage.

It's very on topic, chaosesque is a video game.

>you wouldnt call your open source projects as training? I would, I wouldnt call yourself a neet if you actually produce somethings.

Only a fucking wage-slave would see opensource as training for MUUUHH JOB!


No this is a work of love, not "MUUHHH JOB": not a scum sucking plea for approval from god-like BOSSMAN (the minor-god of white-men (MUUHHH WHITE WUUUUUUMAN being the major god)).

Alot of wage-slave pieces of shit are "careful" of what they put into "their" opensource projects "as not to offend" MUUHHHH BOSSS JOB. I do not.

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go away

Based schizo

>The fact that your writing style seems to switch from post too post and the fact that you are finding "meaning" in words that are not there, points to you having a serious case of schizo.

Writing style is always the same. This is how one can tell it's me without a signature. You can check years back: always consistent.

Show us your game projects btw. Oh, don't have any: white-man wage slave opposed to child brides.

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>It's very on topic, chaosesque is a video game
so you just come here to make a scene and shill your terrible sandbox piece of shit game?

imagine having such an unrelenting feeling of inferiority that you need to lash out at others. sad waste of oxygen who is desperate for validation but will never get any.

>No this is a work of love, not "MUUHHH JOB": not a scum sucking plea for approval from god-like BOSSMAN
then why in your first post did you talk about how it should be worth millions of dollars when you used one of those source code evaluators that tries to assume how much a project is worth based off the amount of code in it? you are looking for approval, no matter how much you try and hide that fact from yourself. you are desperate for someone to validate you, you are getting none of it and you are clearly getting upset

Good luck.

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>I saw this thread before and it still isn’t making any sense. This isn’t video games. You could post this on /x/ and it would be ontopic as the ramblings of a schizophrenic.

Chaosesque anthology is certainly a videogame. Infact it is more videogame than many of your AAA """"videogame"""" (non-interactive movies).

Over 200 weapons, city generation, 50+ spells, you name it you can do it.

You can even torture enemies in it.

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We had this thread before
Fuck off

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>so you just come here to make a scene and shill your terrible sandbox piece of shit game?

Post your game, white wage-slave. Oh sorry you just work for "MUH BOSS" to make money for "MUUUHHHH WHITE WUUUUUUMAN" and pay taxes to "BOMB THOSE PEDO MUHHAMED SAND NIGGGGGERS".

Your race will be extinct soon. White Fucking Piece of Shit (AKA: White Golem)

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You really like the "MUUUUH" phrase huh.

Your game looks like some babby's first game some fag would make for an gamejam. Fuck off shilling your shit and cry somewhere else

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i don't make games

>imagine having such an unrelenting feeling of inferiority that you need to lash out at others. sad waste of oxygen who is desperate for validation but will never get any.

You'll never achive anything in your life; except for your boss. Once your creative drive is gone they'll fire you; a year after the triangular-merger to offload the debt and the pension liability.

>i mean who cares that the driving force behind pretty much all of the modern world will be extinct at least i get loli cunny lmao allahu akbar
We should have exterminated you scumbag micks in entirety.

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Stop posting this shit and blow your brains out

I'm the greatest fucking programmer to ever fucking live

Post a real game and not your indie trash, nigger NEET monkey.


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>tfw you're such an insecure narcisist you have to come to an anonymous icelandic whale singing choir for validation

>it's a mod

You do you OP. I really don't understand the point of this thread.

>Your game looks like some babby's first game some fag would make for an gamejam. Fuck off shilling your shit and cry somewhere else

Show us your game. My game has over 200 weapons; not even your commercial games have that.

Piece of shit wagie fucking slave.

I am so glad you are a slave and are miserable 5 days a week.

Your games don't even have glass spalling. Very unrealistic and useless for training.

We, at chaosesque anthology, have read papers regarding the various necessary situations and programmed our simulation accordingly: thus what you meet in the game you can translate to life to a degree.

Remeber: concealment is not cover: and brick doesn't stop rifle rounds.

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Blow it out your ass.

Salty non-marble floor owners ITT

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>Post a real game and not your indie trash, nigger NEET monkey.

That's right: I am a NEET.

I'm also a licensed attorney.
You wish you were a lawyer so you could make MMUUUNNEEYYY for MUUUHH WHITE WOMAN.

I am. I got it for free.
And I just code my game.

While if you were me you would be wage-slaving away and happy with the hoes and the pools and the bling: because you are an animal.

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im going to make astolfo moan into the pillow

it's another "OP spergs out about white people for having morals and standards that aren't compatible with his own disgusting ones and thus cheers on the ongoing destruction of Western civilization by MENA Muslims, niggers both "Christian" and "Muslim", spics and Loathsome Johnny Afghan, Salt of the Earth because MUH LOLIS" episode
fuck i hate reruns

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>tfw you wanted this to be an actual autist but it's probably just some bored user

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So what's "anthology" about this game? Is it multiple games in one like the word would imply? or did you just pick it because it sounds smart?

You're probably hated because you do stupid shit like spam this thread

>>it's a mod
> hahahahahahahaahahahahaha

It's a standalone fork of Xonotic.

I have contributions in-game for Nexuiz: preadecessor to Xonotic. I pushed for Xonotic to fork from Nexuiz and got my wish. Some years later I forked it and brought it from 18 weapons to 206+ weapons.

However "rebranding" would be plagiarism: so I don't do it.

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>post shitty ass game
>bro it’s so good because there’s 200 weapons
Schizophrenia incarnate. You can’t see the reality of this and actually weigh the quality based on quantity of dumb shit and mechanics.
NEETs like this are niggermonkeys. Worse than a typical leech, because they have no chance to return to normal society due to extreme mental illness.

It's real.

This faggot actually posted on /ic/ too

>Salty non-marble floor owners ITT

All they have to do is: buy the stone, cut the stone (comon wagies: need borders, not just laying it down...) epoxy the stone down....

They just won't do it.

Chequerboard marble floors 45 degree angle to the 3.5 inch border marble tiles with proper chamfered edges at junctions (thanks dremel)... they don't like it.

I have no doubt there's a real autist, I just don't think the current user ITT is him. This has been spammed across this entire site constantly in the past week. Makes me think it can't possibly not be copycat anons looking for (You)s at this point.

So when will he An Hero or attempt an Elliot Rodger?

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>it's another "OP spergs out about white people for having morals and standards that aren't compatible with his own disgusting ones and thus cheers on the ongoing destruction of Western civilization by MENA Muslims, niggers both "Christian" and "Muslim", spics and Loathsome Johnny Afghan, Salt of the Earth because MUH LOLIS" episode
> fuck i hate reruns

Your morals are the worship of white women and slaughtering anyone who gets in her way. YHWH made cute young girls for men. You deny His will for the world.

is this the schizo thread?

stop using esoteric judaism to justify your pedophilia
i don't like white women that much either, but thinking pedophilia is the answer to women acting like women is fucking retarded

Four billion wordwide population - all living - have a Computer God Containment Policy Brain Bank Brain, a real brain, in the Brain Bank Cities on the far side of the moon we never see.

Primarily based on your lifelong Frankenstein Radio Controls, especially your Eyesight TV sight-and-sound recorded by your brain, your moon-brain of the Computer God activates your Frankenstein threshold Brain-wash Radio - lifelong inculcating conformist propaganda. Even frightening you and mixing you up and the usual "Don't worry about it" for your setbacks, mistakes - even when you receivedeadly injuries!

THIS is the Worldwide Computer God Secret Containment Policy!

>So what's "anthology" about this game? Is it multiple games in one like the word would imply? or did you just pick it because it sounds smart?

An anthology is a collection of poems.
This game has over 100 individual maps.
Figure out why it's called the way it is.

No I am not: I am using Anthology correctly in relation to a video game: it is a collection of independent maps in one binding you PIECE OF SHIT WHITE MAN WAGE SLAVE WHO OPPOSES YHWH'S WILL THAT MEN HAVE CHILD BRIDES.

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Someone please nuke this thread and put it out of its misery

So traditional Jews are just pale Muslims?

Wait, this nigger is for fucking real? I thought he was a one and done baiter who made this and buzzed off but this looks like real autism.

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Ah, so you're also pretentious as well as a pedophilic dumpster diver schizo NEET

Ahh, I see. It all makes perfect sense now.

Arab Muslims are just Jews without the high IQ.

hey your game stinks
like stinksy stinks lol haha get a better graphics stinky neet lol

Might as well say "le Jewish boss"

This sounds like a villain from jojo announcing his stand

This one was the first time I've seen him, most of the others get deleted. TL;DR: Angry Jewish pedophile mad that his family is mad at him for being a leech when he feels like everything he's done is more than anyone will ever achieve in their lifetime, including installing a floor

imagine having the gall to compare yourself to the people who actually code and create things that are used in every day society or progress scientific knowledge. imagine doing that while modding an open source game.

op, you are pathetic.

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Just google MikeeUSA and have a good time.

>you will never install a marble floor and rape loli cunny

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Sounds like Mojo Jojo announcing his Stand.

what is the game hes modding?

Obligatory reminder OP is a dumpster diver

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why even live

Wtf I love white women now

too long didnt read lmao
please die

>when you can’t cope with the fact that you’re a bitch that doesn’t want to work
The pedophilia part is something special, but otherwise, basic NEET retardation and autism

The absolute fucking state of this code OP

No wonder you have so many lines in your mod.

quick rundown on the loli part

a game that is open source called xonotic, previously known as Nexuiz.

he basically just took an open source fork of a shit quake clone and started adding marble floors to it. imagine taking the fruits of the white man that you hate so much and working with it instead of rewriting your own.

the best part about all this is that he is completely incapable of seeing just how far gone he is.

>imagine having the gall to compare yourself to the people who actually code and create things that are used in every day society or progress scientific knowledge. imagine doing that while modding an open source game.

You make your boss' dream come true: that is the fruits of your labour.

I make my dreams come true: as Benjamin Franklin wanted of the decendants.

You are a white-man wage slave and are proud of it. You have an external locus of control and value yourself based on what you do for others and their approval of it. Like a dog.

You are a white man.

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Art for the sole pleasure of its creator is masturbation. You're a wanker and everybody knows it but yourself.

OP is obviously a pedophile who fantasizes about having sex with little girls and idolizes Muslims because they do exactly that

That code is from 15 years ago. When I was just starting out. But it works and there is no need to change it.

I code this now:

the autism that this site attracts will never cease to astound me. A man that's been posting the exact same thread, the same long winded replies, the autistic attention to detail in each reply, the over explained sources, every day for who knows how long. There's no way this is a bot, which makes it even worse. At least somebody like barneyfag probably just stumbles upon pony shit on Yea Forums while browsing, not that he's any less autistic, but Jesus making this thread every day making the same points that go on longer than this post. It's lunacy

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>Art for the sole pleasure of its creator is masturbation. You're a wanker and everybody knows it but yourself.

All true artists follow their muse.
White wageslave men like yourself wouldn't understand; since you have an external locus of control. You are barely above sentience: a cow one can give commands to.

So this is what happens when you combine intelligence, schizophrenia, and /pol/.

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>ywn be princess carried by Puro

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OP, I think you're doing great, live your life the way you want to live it! psych get fucked dumbass neet pedo I bet your degree isn't even real

/pol/ here
we don't know who the fuck this guy is, he isn't with us

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You are a nigger NEET and are proud of it. You have an external locus of control and value yourself based on marble floors and 200 weapons. Like a nigger.

You are a nigger.

Stay away from trains OP. We don't want you going the way of Davis now.

>I make my dreams come true: as Benjamin Franklin wanted of the decendants.
yeah but what if what everyone else is doing is also their own dream? why do you have the right to look down on them for being happy in their own way? i would actually guess that you are the one who is unhappy with your situation and the way you live, which is why you are here seeking to be validated.

if you failed to have some people completely agree with you on all points on a board like Yea Forums then you are completely lost. Yea Forums is one of the most autistic boards on 4channel and you can find someone on every shade of the spectrum. but you are totally diffierent, you have a illness much worse and much more debilitating than autism.

you could unironically put your illness to good use and make something good for this world, but that would also make the lives of the people who have bullied you throughout your entire life better. so you slave away creating something nobody would ever touch. there is a reason it has a 5 on moddb.

>/pol/ here
anyone you ever see use the phrase " here" can be instantly discarded

>a game that is open source called xonotic, previously known as Nexuiz.
>he basically just took an open source fork of a shit quake clone and started adding marble floors to it. imagine taking the fruits of the white man that you hate so much and working with it instead of rewriting your own.

Xonotic took Nexuiz code and called it it's own. That's how opensource works.

_I_ induced Xonotic to fork from Nexuiz, I was working behind the scenes whispering in the 2nd-in-command dev's ear (Divverent).

I also have contributions to Nexuiz in the form of the Tuba model and the code for trigger_heal

I have every right to fork.

I didn't change the name either: I acknowledge that my game is simply my version of Xonotic.

Also Divverent is German: Europeans do not identify as "white". Only nationless mutts like you do (your nation is "MUUUHHH WHITE WUUUUMAN").

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No, but seriously.
I don't think most /pol/acks despise women nearly as much as this guy does.

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>You are a nigger NEET and are proud of it. You have an external locus of control and value yourself based on marble floors and 200 weapons. Like a nigger.

Nope. Internal locus of control here. That's why I can't stand wageslaving but you can.

So you admit you’re a nigger?

I have no idea op.
You seem like a really swell and intelligent guy.
Your projects look really cool and I can't wait to see more of them. Do keep it up.
Is this the validation you're so desperately looking for?

Nationless mutts like yourself, Seamus O'Pietrowski

>I don't think most /pol/acks despise women nearly as much as this guy does.

/Pol/acks are white men: they idolize MUUUHHH WHITE WUUUMAN and reject cute young girls. Quintessentially american in every way.

>dude fuck white peepol and fuck wimminz

>he doesn't even make his own OS

This pretty boring now. Do your job already mods.

>/Pol/acks are white men

why does he hate white women

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>So this is what happens when you combine intelligence, schizophrenia, and /pol/.

"Doing anything for your own happiness is insane and unthinkable"
.t white man wage slave

because he's obviously an incel who can't get powsi so now he wants loli cunny but SOCIEEEEEEETY won't let him diddle kids

He is "based and redpilled"

>Nationless mutts like yourself, Seamus O'Pietrowski

I am self-aware, unlike you white wageslaves.

never said you didn't have any right. but what you also seem to completely miss is the point that you are not what you think. incapable of starting anything fresh and new on your own so you need to climb onto the back of the powerhouse that is the white man and leech off his work to try to create something of your own. you are weak and pathetic and try to puff your chest like your a paragon of virtue but you are only a weak minded child who has been abused by his peers and pampered by weak willed parents.

you also have a really small penis too... any sperm that leaves your dick will be crushed by your narrow tube and you will never get to have children. your stupid ideals die with you and you will have nothing but your poorly installed marble floors and crappy forked version of an open source game built off the back of the white man.

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I'm English, I'm not "white".

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It's a little depressing. You'd mistake it for a bored troll initially but this guy has existed for a long time and it's the same attitude constantly. Just hope his family takes good care of him, which it seems like they do. Shitposting online is better than being homeless.

because you are parasite, leeching off your family.
go live on your own first

What is it about the open source ideology that attracts such mentally unstable faggots

>you could unironically put your illness to good use and make something good for this world, but that would also make the lives of the people who have bullied you throughout your entire life better. so you slave away creating something nobody would ever touch. there is a reason it has a 5 on moddb.

It had a 9 before an anti-old-testament white man who didn't play it complained "PROGRAMMER IS A PEDO!!!"

But as I said: I enjoy my game. I do not make it for YOU to enjoy it.

Also: yes I will NOT help your society because you will NOT pay the traditional wage of a man: cute young virgin girl.

You ARE my enemy.

>You know why I'm hated? (Tell me)
Because you are an insufferable, egotistical asshole who thinks he's better than everyone else. You talk a big game about how it's okay to leech of the work of your parents so you can create art all day, however your game looks like trash. Now hold your horses my dude, don't fire off your standard "show us your game white man wage slave et cetera et cetera" All I want you to do is ask yourself this question: Why are you here? If you are so full of pride about yourself and what you do, then why have to come to this board in search of validation?

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>OP is obviously a pedophile who fantasizes about having sex with little girls and idolizes Muslims because they do exactly that

I am glad western politicians are importing as many muslims as they possibly can to replace the cattle-like woman worshiping white man.

You reject YHWH's law, and substitute for it the worship of the white woman.

Don't forget LE GOLEM

What's your favourite game other than your own OP?

I don't dumpster dive. You will claim otherwise so no reason to bother refuting.

If I want cheap used stuff I order it off ebay.

Reminder that Asian women belong to white men =D

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>supporting the white man

I wonder if he screams at his family how they're GOLEMs and only working for WHIIIITEEE WUUUMAAAN.

Hey OP, what about your mother? Is she your enemy too?

The SLOC calculator you referred to measures time invested from actual developers that know what they're fucking doing, not some turbo-autist hyperfocusing. As in somebody who makes a salary.

Congratulations OP, you can hyperfocus. That got you your degree. That let you "program" (not even touching how shit your code is) your mod that nobody wanted or needed. That lets you convince yourself that everyone you're talking to is a wagecuck and not worth your time. You have the logic and language skills to do so.

But hyperfocusing is literally all you are. You're actually lower than the wagecucks. You're a literal fucking tool to be pointed at something. A wind up monkey toy that bangs his cymbals until there's no energy left in the system. If only somebody could actually point you in a useful direction (but you would never allow this.) Unfortunately, you've convinced yourself that the best course of action is to point yourself in some of the most useless and retarded directions I've ever seen. You completely lack the decision making skills and social skills to direct your skills anywhere useful. You are now a monkey that has fallen off the table and is just spinning on his side. But at least you're still banging those cymbals, right?

Enjoy hyperfocusing, you fucking autist.

>I have a third world law degree on top of having amateur programming and modeling experience that looks to be at a middleschool level, all while being supported by a rich family. Aren't I better then you?

Lmao your law degree is ged tier and you video game looks worse then the average asset flip on steam.

Nobody is stopping you from going out and raping a young girl except for your own cowardice. If you want this so much, go out and do it. But don't expect to be free from the laws of the country you live in just because you believe the words of a millenia old fairy tale.

>What's your favourite game other than your own OP?

>H-haha you got epic t-trolled I was only pretending!!

I wish Puro was real. Silenced coming out soon.

Because you're insufferable. This whole thread is evidence of that. You're so high off your own fucking farts that you can't see that. despite any value your work might have, you're unpleasant to deal with as evidenced here. You're so convinced that you're superior and want attention so you made a thread on Yea Forums about yourself so people would talk about you. The only reason people are talking about you is because you, despite any learning and intelligence, are a fucking idiot.

I'm not gonna tell you to kill yourself. I think if anything you should be in therapy considering all of the fucked up, twisted ideas you have in your head about your value. Seek help, man.

He's making me eat transfur goo please help

>Hey OP, what about your mother? Is she your enemy too?

Nope. See, white man; I am able to recognize the difference between the individual that helps me and the collective that just wishes to use me.

You, white man, ascribe the positive actions of one person to the collective whole: thus robbing the actual benefactor of their due.

Because you are slave-like wageslave scum: aka the white man. Because you are one with a collective and create nothing for yourself thus rely on collective rewards.

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i'm going to make an account just to downvote your ugly little game.

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this says a lot about our society

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>You, white man, ascribe the positive actions of one person to the collective whole: thus robbing the actual benefactor of their due
how ironic coming from the man who is using forked code from a game that white men coded. who is coding in a language that was invented by white people. and posting on a website made by a white person

but yes, all white people bad, muh golems

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>The SLOC calculator you referred to measures time invested from actual developers that know what they're fucking doing, not some turbo-autist hyperfocusing. As in somebody who makes a salary.

Paid developers are far less efficient time-wise than me. They mostly goof off. One is lucky if one gets 1 line per day out of them.

That's why SLOC calculator comes up with the figures it does.

Nice to see a slovenly wage-slave developer shitting on the idea of actually working on something intently ("damn hyperfocus bullshit!")

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the numer 1 indicator of someone overreaching with their faux persona is unnecessary usage of semi-colons

OP has to be 19 years old, max.

It's because you're autistic, dumb and overestimate your abilities.

>Lmao your law degree is ged tier and you video game looks worse then the average asset flip on steam.

I'm a licensed New York Attorney.

Notice how no one has yet been "CoC"'d out of Linux? That's because of me.

Notice how Eben Moglen shut his mouth? That's because I know what I'm talking about.

I have the Corporate Linux backers and the old Hackers in a MAD standoff right now.

Just from my words.

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Please stop posting your work, it is all very lazy and ugly.

just let it happen

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Oi, this should grab your attention.
Go over there and stay there.
You can make a VPN if you can't make a account.