Hey Jaden!
I’m stuck, can you help?
Hey Jaden!
I’m stuck, can you help?
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>throws lightsaber towards you
I'm a GRREAT jedi!
>have fun with these training droids Jaden OOPS set em to kill my bad!
Maybe you can throw your lightsaber to make a bridge
Not chopping his fucking hand off and staying on the Light Side is unironically one of the hardest decisions in videogames ever.
The time has come to destroy Rosh Penin
Hold on Rosh, I am on my way!
>if you use self-defense you're just as bad as the killer
Not once in all my playthroughs have I spared this spineless worm. Fuck the Jedi
This is why star wars is trash, jedi are fucking retarded as a concept, and so are the sith
Jedi and Sith can both go suck a dick.
Where my Grey Bros at? We building a 3rd Order.
>killing a surrendering enemy is self-defense
It's just generic good vs evil fantasy. If you want some real character progression go read a book.
who laser-staff here?
>tries to kill you at least thrice and put your life in danger/sabotaged you at every opportunity
>its just a prank bro don't kill me
>can't understand the concept of mercy/forgiveness and how important it is to not falling to the dark side
Not surprising at all when you were trained by Kyle 'Kill 'Em All' Katarn
how about Luke "I tried to strangle my own young nephew in his sleep" Skywalker
>not knowing that Luke during his prime and most powerful went through both Light Side and Dark Side teachings and scrapped both of them in his mind to re-create the rationalist way which existed in many other Force Orders aside from the Jedi and Sith
Nigger do you even lore? Get the fuck out casual.
I understand the demented lore reasons/concepts but showing mercy/forgiveness only makes sense if the transgressor is genuinely repentant and will not repeat his actions not when someone repentantly and unrepentantly shits on you at every opportunity.
Even for fantasy/sci-fi its a retarded philosophy.
>Disney fanfiction
>TLJ garbage in a thread about a EU game
can you not
He is still a Jedi and teaches Jedi teachings, don't know where you get this 'rationalist' thing other than writers that just wanted their characters to use as many cool force powers as possible
Yeah it is pretty retarded unless you treat the dark side as a perversion of the force and an always corrupting power that completely dunks on ones morality
>He is still a Jedi and teaches Jedi teachings
He literally doesn't.
Jedi is merely one of the, what, 12 or 13 orders of the Light Side? The one that fucked up the most, and also which was outlived by some of the other orders. Jedi is literally pigshit. Luke recognizes this and therefore his academy wasn't limited to Jedi teachings, and even scrapped some of the Jedi mantras like relationships. He went to further reconstruct his beliefs after his stint with the reborn Emperor after actually deepening his own understanding and knowledge, resulting in him enforcing his identity as the most powerful Force User in history. You fucking idiot, learn your lore.
>Jedi is merely one of the, what, 12 or 13 orders of the Light Side?
Just the largest and most relevant
>The one that fucked up the most, and also which was outlived by some of the other orders.
Not like they were responsible for 1000 years of galactic peace before some 9000 IQ sith fucked everything up
>Luke recognizes this and therefore his academy wasn't limited to Jedi teachings
He still identifies the dark side as a negative influence on his students, and attempts to guide them away from that
>resulting in him enforcing his identity as the most powerful Force User in history.
That's more from him being his father without being overcooked and having most of his flesh replaced with non-midi-chlorian carrying cybernetics
>You fucking idiot, learn your lore.
Easy bro, jus havin' us a conversation
That shit is whack. You can't grow powerful unless you commit. Kyle also broke established force rules
Who knows what the rules even are now (or cares)
It's not fanfiction because they aren't fans.
>Just the largest and most relevant
Not since they fucked up, in fact they've been getting smaller and smaller since their inception while others varied.
>Not like they were responsible for 1000 years of galactic peace before some 9000 IQ sith fucked everything up
They were responsible for the Sith coming into existence, which is also merely one of the Dark Side orders which has a retarded system as much as the Jedi, except it outlived the Jedi proving that the Jedi are so shit they can't outlive a shitty self-castrating dark order.
>He still identifies the dark side as a negative influence on his students, and attempts to guide them away from that
By getting rid of shitloads of Jedi scripts, such as your self-defense meme, and traveling the Galaxy to unearth the other order and take in from their teachings, which doesn't make him Jedi anymore.
>That's more from him being his father without being overcooked and having most of his flesh replaced with non-midi-chlorian carrying cybernetics
That's nothing without Luke going through the complex communication with both the Light Side and the Dark Side, and learning how much and what to adopt and throw out. Ultimately the Skywalker family's talent is communication clarity with the force which translates into strength, and that communication is worthless dogshit unless you can have the wisdom of tackling both sides and picking up the information you need without losing yourself in the retardation of either Light or Dark, but more akin to seeking out the teachings of the allfather.
Oh and I'd like to add that if Jedi were taught to be unforgiving and merciless to those who had fallen to the dark side then no Dark Jedi would be redeemed by other Jedi (a common theme in star wars)
>Huh. I wasn't expecting that!
Not as funny as I remember, but they're fucking 13 fucking years old or something.
Are there any good Jedi Academy mods for lewder female player character?
>Not since they fucked up, in fact they've been getting smaller and smaller since their inception while others varied.
Yet they still manage to be the most powerful and relevant even after they got 66'd (especially after Luke refounded the Order)
>except it outlived the Jedi proving that the Jedi are so shit they can't outlive a shitty self-castrating dark order.
Not true unless you discount the NJO as false Jedi (which I would object to)
>By getting rid of shitloads of Jedi scripts, such as your self-defense meme, and traveling the Galaxy to unearth the other order and take in from their teachings, which doesn't make him Jedi anymore.
None of those prevent him from being a Jedi, those policies he removed are not central to being to the Jedi code
>losing yourself in the retardation of either Light or Dark
The dark side is pretty retardation inducing no matter how you use it (unless you don't, just learning about it then returning to from like Luke)
Otherwise good points but Anakin would still have been stronger in the force had he not been BTFO at Mustafar
Oh, sure. Just hold still. *ignites lightsaber*
>those policies he removed are not central to being to the Jedi code
fucked that part up it should read
>those policies he removed are not central to the Jedi code
Those pictures always crack me up, do you have the rest?
>tfw that MOAT thong-edit is gone forever
I'm so sad lads, it was a fond memory for my teenage self to find that and play through the game as a scandily clad twi'lek.
Doesn't seem like it. I know I've seen one from Mara Jade funeral, I think, but I don't appear to have it.
what race did you roll?
>immediately jumps 1000ft to his death
what the fuck did he mean by this
You can't claim you got him.
As happy child I always picked human male, now as unhappy adult it's always either zabrak or twi'lek cutie.
/npc spawn ragnos
Well being a Jedi is not about being utilitarian, rational and logical. Sometimes you just have to be stupid but at least you don't have a skin condition like "smart" kids.
I love those
Hey Jaden, I work for Belethor at the general goods store.
Is this dude the Eric Sparrow of Star Wars?
>two mission in
Hey Jaden, do you think the Jedi are holding us back by not giving us bigger responsibilities than stopping terror attacks and killing of imperial remnant?