Yea Forums BTFO
Yea Forums BTFO
>muh loneliness
literally teenager.
have sex
You should too, clearly you never experience sexual intimacy with anyone making you think being alone is horrible.
Source: My ass
Fuck off you pretentious piece of shit
>t. bad at sex
>Empty Open World 2:Electric boogaloo
>b-but humans are a social species!
fuck off that doesnt mean everyone enjoys the same shit
Living alone is fucking great though, nobody stealing your shit out of the fridge, making noise when you are trying to sleep or making a huge mess of your bathroom.
>tfw no gf
Epic memes my fellow teenager, I too knows how to 4channel.
Humans are hairless apes made to eat and fuck, we do lots of things we aren't made for like shitposting on Yea Forums.
>troy baker plays an incel that society hates
>is connected to the 'other side' of society, lonely neetdom
>the chad reedus tries to put him down for doing his own thing
Is he /ourguy/?
Nice thread OP, but is God real?
>muh sex
literally teenager.
Watching the brainlets cope on Yea Forums is quite refreshing
I dont know.
But jesus freaks are better than goat fuckers and cow worshippers.
Nothing is worse than shekel worshippers tho.
He is for those who believe in him.
Don't all get your hopes up. Remember what happened with Phantom Pain. You guys will be back to calling Kojima a hack in November after the game comes out
Who do you think is making Death Stranding?
nice buzzword brainlet, keep coping.
Have sex
based denying brain chemistry user
>never felt any desire to make friends
>don't even really want a gf, just a mindless human fuckhole that I can have sex with whenever I want and does whatever I tell it to
Based SPD emotionlet
every now and then, an aberration occurs, and a human is born carrying a mental condition or illness that alters their perception of fellow humans.
Sometimes it's always there, sometimes it's developed during a lifetime, but It can be just simple introverism, meaning that they simply do not enjoy company of others atleast for long periods of time.
However, sometimes people are misunderstood, insane or treated as social pariahs, these are things that causes said people to develop distrust / hate towards other people and make them solitary hermits or create their own little communities.
Fuck normies
thanks for reading
Underrated and based.
"college" ""students"" aren't people.
holy shit have sex
No, anyone saying otherwise is a kike manipulation victim
Yes I am.
I honestly do not believe this is a $60 game. Maybe $30.
Your minuscule brain is going haywire now ,teenager? No wonder you can't get laid, all you do is spout memes over and over again thinking anywhere you go is a twitch chat. fuck off teen.
>Another contender for the Evangelion of videogames
Will they make it?
what a cringefest
Women aren't made for living alone. They literally go crazy. Men can handle it considering two thirds of all men who ever lived never reproduced.
This is pretty much common sense. If we were programmed to live alone, we wouldn't even have civilization.
I’m a lone wolf. I live only for myself, and that’s okay. I honestly prefer the company of myself rather than literally anyone else in the world. Nothing you can say or do will make think otherwise
>can handle it considering two thirds of all men who ever lived never reproduced
Stop projecting your virginity on the rest of the world
Same except I did fall in love with a woman once many years ago and now I can't get over her. Literally just dreamed about her last night. Shit sucks.
>tfw great wife
Reminder that based Kojimbo is fucking this and basically you're all fucking retarded.
Top level anthropology here guys, you heard it first, humans are not programmed to be alone, we wouldn't exist.
There should be an online version of the Nobel prize, and they should give it to this guy right here.
I can't believe the amount of analysis and deep facts about human race, all packed up in a sentence.
Completely blown away, I think I have a boner right now. Holy fuck what a post, what. a. post.
Amen, Repent fags
You're focusing on a minor issue. The real issue is the gameplay, specifically the combat, and the setting. It's gonna be fucking dogshit, know why? Because it's trying to be like John Wick western garbage. I hate John Wick. I hate how John Wick looks. I hate how he fights. I hate his movies. I hate how normies jerk off over that trash. Oh the cinematrography is so amazing! Oh the fight scenes are superb! Oh it's soooooooooo stylish! Fuck off, no it isn't. It's boring drab realism taking place at night in fucking nightclubs and dark city streets. It's not uniquely interesting to look at at all, it's basically Death Stranding without the Death or the Stranding, or vampire the masquerade without the vampire or a masquerade. Just some dude killing people in a fucking night club and city streets, but oh, oh, they wear suits! They wear suits, and barely say a word, and try to look badass and cool, and omg the club has red lights, and red lights, and orange lights, oh man, so stylish so stylish put that dickin my mouth joe, get it all in there, get it ALLLL IN THERE!
it's either yes or no user, your answer makes it sound like it's all in their heads
Jesus was a virgin he can't have children. Also as far as what I know of the lore Satan got turned into a snake and is in hell
i'm wacthing NHK now and god i want a girl to rescue me from NEETDOM so much
Thanks for the tip, sounds whack.
Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.
The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.
For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY
i know this is pasta but whoever wrote it sounds gay
She`s french.
Have more sex
That's correct, but doesn't mean you have to actually cohabitate with someone. If you live in a community and go to work and have family and friends to spend time with that's really all you need. Romantic relationships, sex, and cohabitation are not required to not be alone.
This is why I hated this anime so much.
You obviously never had sex.
just go out and talk to girls, Yea Forums. not hard
>Some autistic incel spent hours doing this shit for Facebookfrog and Redditface
Imagine how pathetic he must be lmao
I'm terrified of women, though. They're alien to me, I'm a 27 year old virgin and I haven't had a female friend in 13 years.
I simply hate myself too much to ever try.
>tfw doing everything I can to get a gf
I don't have the self confidence to even try. I think I'm too fundamentally broken as a man after all the years of isolation.
>grown out colored hair
>nose-ring and piercing
>"Candy" face tattoo
Could they be any more trashy?
>why don't you have a gf, user?
>because i like sleep and money
>haha you're so crazy, user
Don't worry, Norman Reedus gets NTR'ed by Troy Baker.
>Kojimbo is fucking this
Look at that masculine jawline, she is propably fucking him from behind
If you could really kill yourself in this game I'd buy it. Just so if shit got boring I could just kill myself and face spookies.
but keep in mind it can end anytime no matter how much of a great husband your are just because a person can burn out and there's no way you can explain that family is far more than being in love if the person doesn't understand it themselves.
t. on the brink of divorce.
But I live with my mom!
your mom won't be around you to feed your mouth forever user
Duh, she doesn't feed me.
But at least I'm not completely alone.
just start with putting some effort into looking better. start going to the gym regularly, get a good haircut, buy nice clothes, etc
Once you start looking good it gets much easier.
This image is among my favorites in my fap folder and I visit it often desu.
Have sex copecel
Have sex.
So how long until the usual suspects start calling Kojima a SJW?
I don't care less about being a virgin and not having a gf than I do about having no friends.
I'm about to be 30 and I have zero friends, I have zero sense of belonging, I have nobody to talk to, I have nobody to do anything with, I have fucking nothing. I'm going to kill myself soon enough.
>tfw incapable of watching any romance anime now without getting extremely angry
doesn't work like that for me.
I let too many years pass by, I just can't connect with people, I can't even bring myself to try. I truly am fucked up.
get mad user
same but 26 yo, fuck this gay earth
Should I get laser eye surgery to literally look better without glasses or is it mustard gas?
feels good man
what are your interests user?
It doesn't "work" like that for you because you literally just aren't trying now. Try doing the opposite of that for a while. If you truly want to improve, get better, then you will push yourself to make positive changes here or there instead of sitting in your bubble of "I can't"
>tfw no friends
>tfw no hopes
>tfw no dreams
>tfw escapism doesn't help anymore
Should I finally just do it lads? There's a nice tall bridge near where I live, either that or a long walk into the woods with a rope
I've thought about it a lot.
>American Dad
Going to get my hair cut by the cute haircut lady today. She has long fingernails and every time she drives her hand through my hair I get goosebumbs, its the only thing I look forward to each month. How sad is that?
Take Kojima's advice and use your rope to connect with someone. Hope you like bondage.
Now imagine those long fingernails on your dick
So you're saying I should form a suicide pact? Good advice
Thanks user.
I'm a 28 year old with zero experience with the opposite sex, the mental baggage that comes with this level of loneliness is too much. I don't think working out and caring about how I dress is suddenly going to inspire the confidence required to meet women.
I can't even bring myself to make a tinder account, I can't even bring myself to anonymously chat with women online. It's about so much more than how I look and present myself, it's a hatred for myself that runs deep, a sense of truly being fucking dirt and not worth anything, and I never will be.
>didn't get interested in sex until 18-19
>somehow managed to get a gf
>but that didn't work for longer than 2-3 months
>dated a few other girls
>none of it worked
>shifted focus to studies instead
>got a nice job and own home
>still a turbo nerd perma virgin almost 10 years later
back to >>>r9k faggots
Do you even know why you hate yourself?
he's right
have sex
you had several gf's and you didn't shag them? kinda odd
depression has killed all my interests, that and I'm a brainlet with no drive to actually do anything in life so I'm not good at anything.
My interests used to be going on walks and playing games and listening to music. Lol. Now I do none.
sounds painful
wtf now I'm sad
I don't even like humans
Its okay to say such things here but for your own good never say that out loud in the presence of other people.
Got raped as a kid and that was the starting point, feeling sick and different from everybody else. That and I had some hormonal deficiency and had an extremely late puberty, which killed my confidence in high school, I was seen as a little dumb kid so despite having an interest in girl, literally none of them saw an interest in me which is where I just gave up after years of feeling inferior.
now I am bottom of the barrel shit, like truly human waste, an entire life thrown away with no experiences, nothing about me is desirable, and I have no worth to anybody. I'm a sick and broken animal.
work in retail for 10 years+ and say that again
you'd wish everyone was dead even yourself
fucking hell bro
Ok nevermind thats acceptable, I assumed you meant that in a furry context.
2 of those things weren't even your fault but I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand where you're coming from. I see you as a man of poor circumstance rather then any kind of loser. You deserve a chance for yourself.
you still care about people, that's your problem, your value needs to be for yourself not for the others
Have a loving relationship, user
grass is always greener on the other side
this post is autistic but the dissilusionment after sex is very real...
>Don't want to be a loser but genuinely don't care about doing anything
>tfw no marefriend
why would I value myself when I've felt sick my entire life? It's like OCD, always there never leaves, inferiority over others no matter who they are or what they've done I see myself as lower than them because of my brain, not to mention the fact that I've accomplished nothing.
People have gone through way worse than I have and come out stronger and decent people. I'm just a dumb coward that never did anything. Literally no reason to feel bad for me.
You wont be in a community board if you are lonely you faggot
i can smell this picture
>already got visible grey hair on the sides
I hope you mean 22, and even then
My sister has greys at 26 and I new guys who had salt and pepper in highschool
you are a man of good taste but such nice things can't exist in this reality
wtf? are you literally me? i got molested as a kid too by my older brother
This but unironically.
hot piece of shota ass
Grey is in, buddy. Being a silver fox is the new hotness.
I am reading the second line and it's already literal cuckshit
the pain of loneliness is far softer than the harsh reality that i connect with no one.
But jesus freaks literally worship a shekel worshipper
Have niggers
>get a gf
>its literally worse than being alone
Literally me but I'm 27 and wasn't raped or a hormone goblin.
>had possibly the closest to perfect gf girl throw herself at me
>fuck it all up, didn't even kiss her
Can't feel empty for something you've never had
I will not stand for this blatant slander against boys.
Sex is a basic human right, you should get medical assistance if you somehow aren't getting it.
>forced into contact with a girl for more than 10 minutes
>start developing feelings
What the fuck is wrong with me.
you just got a bad one, there are better ones out there bro
Christianity is just the GOTY Edition of Judaism.
>Sex is a basic human right
No its fucking not. Reproduction is a struggle not a right you failure.
I've seen what a relationship did to my father
As far as i'm concerned i've dodged a bullet, nothing can be worth that.
>Men will raise someone else's
Hold the fuck up
Sony won E3 without being there. There's a reason Nincels are in damage control mode.
>work myself up to try and date girl I've been talking too
>she acts surprised that I like her
>panic and play it like I just want to be friends
>talk about it with one of my bros
>he says I'm way out of her league and she was probably genuinely surprised
>realize I hate myself so much I think women who are too good for me when others think I'd be dating down
I really need to try online dating eventually, if only to get out of this headspace
>Boys have sex... Men make love
I do neither.
But Satan and Jesus have the same father, why would anyone care for any middle man?
Men take responsibility for their own lives, women find someone else to.
what's wrong with adoption.
in the end we were only ever chasing happiness and a chance to love ourselves, huh
>woman initiate 70% of divorces
>they get the kids but the men still have to pay the alimony
>men are being "childish" for thinking, "hm, maybe I shouldn't rush into this"
No, this guy can fuck off
But deep inside you know there must be more.
What a cuckpost, those kids doesn't even look like his.
>have literally zero friends, online or otherwise
>literally zero chance a girl won't find that creepy
There's a difference between adoption and getting into a relationship with a woman who has kids
Gravity only exists if you believe in it.
adoption is actually wholesome and a much better alternative to the Lynchian test-tube shit like IVF, surrogates and sperm donation.
There are plenty of human beings on this planet that don't have a home out of no fault of their own.
Having such arrogance in your own DNA to try and prolong it even though you can't naturally conceive with your partner is pathetic.
Furthermore since the baby is no more the mother's or the father's they won't get fucked in the head when they're told about it, and neither parent will build quiet resentment that the child is genetically either of theirs'.
You'd be surprised how many chicks dont have friends either. And if she finds THAT creepy you probably dodged a bullet.
baby steps user, join a club or something and try and make friends there. You need to walk before you run
Or you could give up and live a life of solitude, either option is valid.
women actually prefer this if they're clingy.
the girls I've dated like that I'm always kind of available at my place, that she doesn't have to share me.
Which I prefer, I don't really need friends but I value companionship.
Stop caring what some bitch thinks its creepy and what isn't. It's a submissive mind set
Imagine the handjob and your cum running down her manicured fingers as she strokes to make sure it's all out.
>Game is all about connecting with one another
>game is stuck on PS4 only
What's Kojima endgame here?
Left is a cutie, the others are beyond salvation.
I hate having my hair cut because they try to talk to me.
my appointment is in an hour, why you do this
Based Kojima made an anti Nincel game.
honestly this.
when guys do it not only do they do it quicker but they do a better job and don't annoy me with probing about my life.
Same reason why Goku gave Cell a sensu bean.
>tfw gf gets inexplicably angry when i suggest i should have two gf's
You're probably autistic then? I don't mean that in an insulting way, but that'd be an actual excuse for it.
>he doesn't fully understand the female period cyklus yet
Don't tfw no gf me until you have read up on that shit.
now I remember why I prefer furry porn...
Humans weren't made for living alone because many of our institutions rely on people working together to get things done. People become addicted to the feeling of working with other people, and their egos are validated. That is what makes it harder for people to live isolated. You can't grow food or build a house without help from other people. However, once you make a lot of money, it can be fine to live alone. You may not want to, but there are plenty of poor people who wander the world alone. They are just fine so long as they have food.
I'd drink period blood every single day just to stop being alone
Avoidant personality disorder. I can't do anything without making a small mistake which cripples me for weeks to over a decade depending on the severity.
I've literally found the perfect hair saloon, they don't fucking talk at all, literally nothing, I sit down, the dude asks me how I want it and he cuts it. They're fast as fuck too.
They do talk if they can tell the person they're cutting the hair with wants to talk, but if they don't they don't force it and since they know I have no interest they just roll with it. I fucking love it.
>Avoidant personality disorder
I definitely have this too. Are you diagnosed or self-diagnosed? How do I even get this shit figured out, I wanna talk to a doctor that gives me some answers as to shit im suffering with
If you want to get technical, modern humans weren't made for living alone because civilization is thousands of years old and the majority of people who tried living alone didn't reproduce, only the ones that worked together and received society's approval did, which means most of the human lineages that survived were pro-social ones.
Wait that's a thing? I've been avoiding just about everything because I get unreasonably angry at myself whenever I screw anything up (which I always do)
I remember that I once told a guy that tuna blood is extremely toxic and I got really ill from improperly bled tuna when I was young. That's what I was told growing up and learned later that it's complete BS
That was 3 years ago and I still kick myself for it.
ah, finally. now i get the game now. thanks for this updated screenshot.
have no physical contact with anyone for ten years.
Self-diagnosed, but the description is so spot-on that I don't doubt it for a second.
Although I've never found a description that includes the agonising regret over petty social mistakes that lasts for years.
if you wanted to get really technical you could trace this back to our first monkey ancestors
>Men lead by service
I don't even want to see a hooker because I don't know how to kiss and it would be a fucking disaster for everyone involved.
jesus christ this is me.
I have vivid memories of every little slight I have accidentally done in public, if I so much as neglect to let someone into my lane while driving I feel terrible the rest of the day.
My whole personality is predicated on trying to avoid doing bad things or appearing bad or inept which make me feel worthless from not getting things done efficiently.
You hire a whore to do business with your junk, they don't give a crap that you're socially retarded
You dont kiss whores user, its an unwritten rule. Neither should you want to god damn its a prostitute after all
>kissing a hooker
I tried once and the hooker literally wouldn't touch me when I said it was my first time.
She said she'd feel too guilty and gave me my money back.
Then after she left I just cried and masturbated to the Viper GTS dub.
Yeah but I give a crap that they know I'm socially retarded. I can't trust myself enough to open up like that, even to a whore.
most hookers literally have a "no kissing" rule unless they're offering a "girlfriend experience".
trust me, you dont want to kiss a whore, you pay them to fuck and fuck only, always wear condom even if its just a BJ.
That is both the most tragic and sweetest thing I've ever heard
She did you a favour, dont throw that shit away.
A colleague didn't say hi to me when I greeted him one morning and I spent literally the entire day mulling over in my head on how he didn't say hi because he hates me and I've done something wrong.
Literally the entire day over that one thing. He didn't hate me, he just had a bad day, he had a headache and felt miserable. Didn't matter, even after I found that out I still thought that he probably doesn't want me around and I'm constantly doing something wrong to negatively influence his day.
It's sick.
Guess what? humans aren't made for oversocialisation either, most natural thing is living in a tribe, having contact with only few people you have known your whole life.
zoomers are weird
There's no physical way to tell if a man is a virgin user, just keep your trap shut next time
Until you cum when she tries putting on the condom.
Thank god
I get to go home, not have to worry about any extra appointments or dates after work and just play video games.
So much media comes out every day thatI literally don't have time to consume it all while tending to my other hobbies
>ywn go on a date in a deer park
>no over protective white old-young president widow pure waifu worried about humanity's ever increasing loneliness
Viper gts?
Facebook: The Thread
turn off safe search
Ohhh bous look what we just found?
Real life Shinji Ikari
I never feel alone. I have all you guys :3
been here for almost 13 years now fucking kill me kill me kill me kill me NOW NOW KILL ME NOW
hm this intrigues me
Haha imagine spending your early, mid, and late 20s consuming digital media made for autists and children. Wouldn't that be crazy haha.
Viper GTS is fucking patrician tbqh m8
Amen jesus sama
>tfw 13 years too
>no friends for last 10
no fucking joke when fucking stupid memes, shitposting here and music are the only two things in my life consistently bringing a smile to my face
>just a phase bro
Only a teenager would say this
You're worried that if you interact with a person in a specific time, it might lead to that person making decisions that will radically effect their live in a bad way, like calling someone on the phone while they're driving and it might distract them somehow or caught them off guard and endd in a car crash because of you?
Viper gts!
what's this dickhead even whinging about? Jesus Christ
Fuck that shit.
Not how it works. You have nothing to offer them (mainly money)
It's not what you think it is. She wants your love and attention. Meaning, no time for yourself, no time for vidya. Sex is great though
What do you guys want girls to talk about to be "interesting"? Video games?
i want a normal GF, but im such a nerd i feel like i should get with a nerdy girl, but i know about nerdy girls and theyre awful. is there such a thing as a girl that is nerdy but not a complete meme-ing spaz?
that's my fetish
I first watched this over a decade ago, and I'm still stuck here
What a dumb hooker. Literally doing the opposite of her job.
Pretty sure there is however they all have bfs already
imagine being you
filtered again
Anything that isn't about themselves, people they know, or something they saw on social media.
Model tanks, space, why a tree grew a certain way, aeroplane accidents, the history of tomatoes, gold as currency, parallax, playing devil's advocate for MGSV, what happens when things dissolve.
There are so many interesting things.
>met someone amazing
>she moved back to her country before we could really do anything...
It hurts hurts so much still...
this message is for everyone in the thread.
>cried and masturbated to the Viper GTS
i mean i like cars too but
>dissolve salt in water
>the volume decreases
>dissolve sugar in water
>the volume increases
>10 years
What a shitter, try 28.
So when will you kys Yea Forums
Why doesn’t Yea Forums become friends if we’re all so lonely...
We could do a big excel spread sheet of your top interests, general area, age, ethnicity, political leaning, and you just filter to see if you’d like to hang with anyone....
Well hold on what about polytheistic and non abrahamic religions? You either are with or against jesus or satan? What is this early shin megami tensei gameplay with binary responses? I choose other thing. I don't ignore nor do I type **** in response.
she took your money beforehand? that was a cop who felt bad for you for being so pathetic
probably when I get a gun of my own and be far away from home
i'm ready to test the respawn system
that was my carfu as a kid
sex is overrated
i made the mistake of playing vidya with Yea Forums once like 8 years ago. never again
meant for
When my parents die and I successfully alienate the rest of my immediate family and (sort of) friends
My plan is to take a long walk into the woods where no one will find me with a rope
My dad is 60 and a raging alcoholic so I'm almost halfway there
>panders to liberal narrative
Yea Forums really is full of normalfags and redditors these days, isn't it?
>these days
did you just wake up from a 10-year-long coma?
Just out of curiosity, how many of you have/had alcoholic and/or rage prone parents?
I have and that describe me to a tee
My dad, for a few years when he was going through a cancer+divorce combo.
But that was during my mid-teens, and I was already an autist before that.
The desire for a gf isn't so much a want for sex as it is a desire for external validation of our existence
they are incels who remained in the teenage phase to cope rejection.
This is the first I've been on Yea Forums in about 5 years, so close enough.
It's arrested development. It has nothing to do with coping with rejection and everything to do with avoiding rejection. It's why they dont try for jobs or ask girls out or try to make friends.
I'm not alone. I just don't have any sex.
This reminds me of ronery threads on Yea Forums back in the days...
hey man
Life is coping.
>Get gf
>Cucks you
Is it supossed to be bad if I don't write that shit?
>kars has no cock
yes, but you actually cope things you can't get on. and rejection is something you overcome at teenage years
>Model tanks
Based. It's a hobby I'm beginning to get into. Very comfy and rewarding.
For those of you in college or about to go:
Put in the effort and make some friends.
Doesn't matter, had sex.
>not lucifer
quirky thing about the lore is that satan is actually loyal to god, while lucifer isn't. it is also mentioned that it absolutely despises humanity, while it isn't really clear that lucifer feels the same.
>satan is actually loyal to god
my mind is so fucked
Haircut guy here, just came back. Could barely even talk to her, cut took just under 15 min.Well, gonna have to wait another 30 days to go back.
All the effort in the world won't fix my life.
>tfw gf making breakfast as I lay in bed shitposting
Cringier than incels
It's okay, literally none of this is in the bible
fuck you
I actually like being alone
If you don't have strong brotherhood friends by the time you're 20, you're one foot in the grave. You could make some friends in college but they have to be outcasts and you have to bond on that. If they're normalfags they have their own clique, their own buddies and you will never, ever be part of that.
Top kek, A lot of monks still seclude themselves alone in mountain and they had yet go crazy and still get more pussy than you do and you fuckers cry about being lonely in a basket weaving forum as a cope mechanism because you couldn't get a taste of pussy. BUY A HOOKER AND HAVE SEX.
kissing is pretty easy
first girl I ever kissed called me an amazing kisser and when I mentioned it was my first kiss a few days later she was genuinely surprised
you're not a monk though, you're just a fag
Dont worry user if my ass can get a gf then anyone can
>Can't be cured
Fuck bros
eternally btfo
>going to local cinema the other week to watch john wick 3
>got a comfy seat last row next to stairs
>get into room and see a couple sitting right next to my seat
>guy sees me walking up
>his face when i'm about to ruin his night
>Comparing yourself to a secluded tibetan monk
Yep. Cringe. I bet you also talk to your mirror in anime quotes
You aren't one too, but at least I had more pussy than you.
Holy shit, i do this all the time. my sister keeps calling to tell me that she wants to take me somewhere for my birthday but i keep telling her no as id rather drink lots of booze inside listening to chronic future. I don't go to any family gatherings actually.
>making and example is comparing yourself to one.
Fuck off ESL. The big boys are talking here.
How would u ruin their night do u smell like shit or something
>If you don't have strong brotherhood friends by the time you're 20, you're one foot in the grave
I already know that.
>You could make some friends in college but they have to be outcasts and you have to bond on that.
Being around anyone other than my family is a chore, my head starts to hurt, and I actively plan ways to avoid any further encounters such as the uncomfortable ones I'm in. At the same time, I feel lonely and I wish I had friends. I'm fucked.
i never said i was, i just came in this thread to laugh at you lol
man I thought I was the only one who had that extremely late puberty shit. I didn't start getting pubic hair till I was 16. This shit really fucked me up because now i've caught up (27) I have no one to do anything with and feel like I missed out on easy sex
Sometimes I wonder where and what the collective of broken, isolated and lonely virgins of Yea Forums would be doing if it weren't for this place, this outlet of shitposting and escapism. Surely we are a symptom of our time, because that many young people in the best years of their lives (20s to 30s) wouldn't want to live by proxy online and without real human interaction at any other point in history...
Fuck him. It's a movie theatre not the backalley of the school gymnasium. If he wants to do some heavy petting he can to that with his slag at home.
>Highschool friends all fucked off/died/got married
>Start to bond with this guy from work a couple years ago
>He killed himself in November
there is no place for my kind in this world
That movie was top tier, my boy Keanu never dissapoints
you can laugh all you want, but you incels are a bigger joke, in this modern era where you can connect with anyone and you still haven't had sex in this literal easy mode of life. Why not moveout your mother's basement or at least save your neetbucks for some hooker?
Thank god
>this guy from work
>He killed himself in November
Christ, job that bad?
Not USA, but I totally have this.
Still here. When I couldn't use internet for over a month during christmas holidays, I was still home either working or watching old movies I had on my pc. I barely beat one old game (BOFIII on PSP). There's nothing else I want to do, nowhere else I want to be.
You just entered an anonymous board post about loneliness, and the first thing that came to your baboon mind was to try to be the cool guy. When you got BTFO, you spent the rest of the thread arguing that you "get more pussy" and doing retarded comparisons. user you are truly pathetic
Our kind has always been a thing but today the internet is a catalyst.
Back in medieval times the weird guy was well known in the village and got bullied into a man or suicide.
>literally coping
This place is great
Well isn't it true? All you incels here are just complaining about not getting pussy. No one is getting BTFO, and monks are still not going crazy from loneliness you pathetic miss abortions.
There's a difference between introversion and crippling shame regret from every social interaction.
The idea of a man today has been completely altered, and by that I mean destroyed. Imagine a bugman attending the gay pride telling someone how to be a man. Acceptance is almost a red flag.
>it's cozy here
>videogames are cheaper and fun for longer
you pseudo-normalfags are retarded, i'm here to play some vidya and then die when i'm tired
>tfw don't care to be around others
It's really nice. Get to spend my money on myself, enjoy my vidya, movies and the occasional anime in peace. Drinking alone is just as fun. Don't have to live up to expectations of others or have them drag me down. I determine what's right and wrong for myself.
It's not shame, rather the simple fact it's hard to build relationships that last decades, because of how the modern world is structured. It has nothing to do with character, more with society. Ultimately you realize you're still alone around people, that you'll be alone in times of need, might as well be alone alone. Sp yes, it is a form of coping, or metabolism if you will.
>tfw alcoholic gf
>tfw she can't get her shit together and it's painful to watch her struggle
>tfw I want to leave her to save my own sanity, but I also want stay and try to help her
Get pregnant.
engage in intercourse
I dun get it
This game looks shit. Who wants to walk around a open empty world using ladders.
>lone wolf
Some become the gf
that's a bf though
without the internet we would just find a way to gather irl locally. it reminds me of this
>Been here for around 8 years now
>Already feel like I've been on Yea Forums for way too long, and that everything's different now
while it is true that humans are social animals, and ideally should be with their homogeneous tribe of like minded individuals, you should not underestimate a man's ability do adapt. man can adapt to loneliness. It will suck but he can survive it.
>A simple thing as video games makes the roasties seethe as fuck, knowing that they are less interesting than an inanimate object
Put me in the screencap
I feel like you can't really explain how much it fucks a kid up if he doesn't go through puberty at the intended time.
If you ever have kids and they haven't started puberty at 14, then fucking take them to a doctor. It ruined my life, it unironically did. I had to feel inferior my entire teens due to it, and that killed my confidence, and by the time I had actually gone through it, the damage was already done, I had already hidden away from society and spent all day inside.
Not to mention some other side effects of a fucked puberty and low T, I have gyno mantits and a small dick and small balls. It's just so tiresome. I wish I could have just been normal.
can't believe I met someone who can actually emphasise with me. It's such an unusual problem.
>by the time I had actually gone through it, the damage was already done, I had already hidden away from society and spent all day inside.
fuck man this is so relatable it hurts
there are some truths to this, but user is just a sad chad. You could actually find a connection with someone out there. it could happen.
>reply to random posters calling them incels and telling them to have sex
>tfw have never actually had sex
Who else devilish here?
>Going to be 27 next month
>I'm still a NEET shut-in that still spends way too much time on Yea Forums
>These days I just come here out of habit, and because I have way too much free time
I have no real interest in most of the stuff on Yea Forums these days, yet I keep on lurking.
not just that, but not making sure your kids are actually interacting with other people on a more regular basis than just school
I spent most of my teens doing fuck all outside of school, and it fucked me up to a point where I could barely talk to people and could probably go weeks without saying a single word apart from to parents.
So if you ever have kids, make them do some fucking form of hobby or something just to ensure they talk to other people and don't end up emotionally stunted, lonely retards.
thank fuck university fixed most of that for me
Sh-shut up. I can be alone if I want.
>/r9k/ tfw no gf thread on Yea Forums allowed to reach post limit
ebin, great work jannies
Wish I could give you a hug, man.
People should be glad they don't know what this is like, you genuinely feel and you're not taken seriously because you look like a kid. I was so upset, every day anxiety over it, I had friends that were 2-3 years younger than me that went through puberty before me, it was humiliating, it drove me away from people in the end.
I wish my parents had done something. Wish they were intelligent enough to know that it isn't normal that their 15 year old child is showing no signs of puberty.
To be fair, I remember Yea Forumsbeing like this back in 2011.
jannies also know tfw no gf
yeah, and it was still annoying and off topic back then too
>n-no you!
I'd rather have a few tfwnogf threads than twitter screencap/tranny threads
Being a schizoid is underrated
You too man. I know it's hard but try to stay strong.
Sex is only about power. That's what feels so good, the feeling of having a pretty girl submitting to you, lusting for YOU. People that say "sex is good becuz muh pp tingle in teh wet spot" are retarded dummys who don't get it.
want a girlfriend? ask her if she has seen TEXHNOLYZE. if she says no, tell her to fuck off.
I'm living with my 2d waifus.
Yes, harem of waifus. Because I'm a high test ultrachad who needs many waifus.
"A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock" (c) greatest wise-man.
put me in the screencap bro's
they're not real
get some help
The adage is very true but I'm too monogamous and can't respect a man that feels the need to lay his seed everywhere. That said good on you to take the 2Dpill.
Stay mad roastie
>30 next month
>never had a gf
>never had a real job
>small dick
>no drivers license
it´s fucking over bros
same condition minus the dick but i'm 20. hopefully i will either start my life before i reach your age or get the courage to end it before i become an embarrassment.
Get drivers licence, find some job that's at least bearable, try leaving comfort zone and socialise in order to find a suitable girl.
I'm 34, I used to be in a similar boat but family members helped me get my licence, car and some job. Things can get better just gonna have to start somewhere.
A girl I know from a while back just got her license this year at 33, and then took the $3000 it took her a whole year to save up and put money down on a car. It's very possible to get your license and a car this late. Don't ever think age prohibits you from doing something. That's not the truth.
I would if I could, BITCH!
You know what helps me get through the day? Listening to some fucking E U R O B E A T.
Enter the [FUJIWARA ZONE] today and stop being a loser!
>humans literally evolved for millions of years to be social animals
Reminder, being lonely in the long term will damage your health severely.
So the lonelier I am the more likely I could die? Sounds like a win-win to me.
Dont take the pessimist pill you dumb bastard. Even an insignificant life is better than a lonely suicidal one.
i really don't feel like i'm "lonely" at all and i have been actively pushing away contacts and being distant since i was 13 mainly because i only see the bad in people. am i already damaged and am just numb at this point?
If it's that bad user, then just be an hero. What's the point in this society and world we live in? Just fucking get out instead of trying to fit in with all that burden. And no, I'm not just saying "kys" because you are a waste or you are pathetic, I'm saying it because it would really be the best for you, the world is too fucking unforgiving and trying this much will just make you feel worse.
That's called being a misanthrope, and it's alright user.
stupid image
>always alone
>found a job
>converse with coworkers
>suddenly realize being alone is fucking fantastic
people are terrible.
every job ive had the coworker conversation has always been about sex or talking shit about people. high school really never ends.
Dude, you're a piece of shit for even suggesting anybody should kill themselves.
Fuck you, sort your life out, don't treat people this way.
>/r9k/ thread
>mfw shut in shy otaku girl thinking i'd be single and lonely forever
>meet a sweet boy playing mmos together
>begin "dating" online, continues for about a year
>build up the courage to drive a few hours and meet up with him
>a few months after our first meeting we move in together
>it's been 9 years now, playing games side by side.
don't give up, user~
do you have nice tits and/or ass
I get that "we need to reconnect" is a theme more fitting for the post-apocalypse of Death Stranding, but it's total fucking bullshit in real life. Human beings are extremely comfortable and we can get "connections" on command by going online. Relationships have been reduced to an every day average resource you can just discard at any time and replace with other online faceless people. Real life relationships are the same. That's the price for living with advanced technology and instant gratifications online.
That's why "POWER OF FRIENDSHIP" is such a tiring trope in Japanese media. It's hypocritical coming from the Japanese, because their own society is full of recluses and people that don't want to bother with other humans anymore, to the point where the government is currently involved in trying to fix that as best they can. It's a real "problem", but I just consider it a natural consequence.
i'm asian so no.
>All those replies
I didn't think it was that desperate for westerners holy shit.
>I'm a lone wolf
>That's why I go out of my way to communicate with other people in a mongolian gardening website
You don't like facing other people but you still need to interact with somebody
Kojima in MGS: War is bad. Nukes are bad too.
Kojimadrones: OMG so deep.
Kojima in DS: Fighting is bad. Let live peacefully together.
Kojimadrones: *Loud sounds of adoration*
Literally “Like tears in rain”
Not liking interaction =/= never interacting with others ever. I hate my fucking job but I have to work to feed myself.
>I’m a lone wolf. I live only for myself
>Not liking interaction =/= never interacting with others ever
Imagine being this braindead lmao
shhhh... i can feed you baby. my semen is packed with calories and could sustain you for many lifetimes
Concession accepted.
30min ago I titty fuck my gf ;D
>men have to take certain actions in order to be considered being men
>"Men dont need to prove anything"
have sex
It dosn't bother me 90% of the time, was pretty much fucked from the start, nobody really cares anyways.
Sometimes I feel bad for being a loser but then I listen to the hellscape my acquaintances Iives are (Child Services kicked me out again, Terry that drunk stole my TV, child support taking half my paycheck, I cant believe that Steve told Susan that Karen said X when she really said Y now I need to go court) I find a kind of quiet contentment in my little 500 square foot house. I really have all I need right here.
Unless your job requires to post on Yea Forums you are willingfully interacting with others because you find some enjoyment in it.
Quit being tsundere.
kys yourself and have sex in that order
impossible. Who do you think you are? who tf are your waifus anyway?
>teenage boy creates an imagebaord to connect lonely anonymous people spread across the world through the power of memes
Death Stranding = Yea Forums origin story
I've only come out of lurking to say my piece. This topic is one that's pretty near to me as I'm sure you've guessed and not sure why you think arguing with some retard on the internet would be enjoyable in anyway. Peace my guy.
get a load of this low-T faggot with a defective brain
We all will make it, you just have to wait.
Don't fail this challenge.
What a cool guy
based autist/introvert