For me, it's Cloud.
For me, it's Cloud
Other urls found in this thread:
What is?
>man of shad
>shaddius manus
commit neck rope
>attempted suicide
Sounds like women alright
Gee, I wonder if that has something to do with the fact that they're horribly bullied or ostracized
This is way hotter than it should be. At the same time I'm cautious that it may be Shadman.
This feels like a talking point that some activist would use to stop bullying or something
Ugly people endure what you pretend to endure and don't off themselves.
Wait, all this time that percentage is for trans who DECLARED that they ATTEMPTED suicide? Not actual suicide rates?
Trannies have their hormone levels all fucked up, of course they'll do dumb shit like say they attempted suicide for attention
I'm not a transperson, I just find it vile that so many people attack such a vulnerable group. It's extremely pathetic.
>I'm not a person.
I know.
OP pic is literally me
It is shadman, why would you be cautious
Time to pack up my erection and go home I guess
Good. I hope more people join in. 41% isn't enough.
I don't get this meme, I always see people posting it but it doesn't make me feel anything
It's like a "if u trans end ur life xD" edgy thing?
u poor summer child
>manilla shadilla
Sadly, me too. No femininity at all.
It's a cheap way to get (You)s.
I'd imagine turning your gential region into a wound that constantly has to be reopened and encouraging others to do the same doesn't help much either
I unironically and sincerely hope every day that you and everyone like you kills themselves. It's not enough that you should just die. I pray you suffer mental anguish so severe that you realize the only way for it to stop is to die.
>man of shad
Funny how trannycore Splatoon is. Probably has to do with the pedo pandering.
You sound like barneyfag kek
Shads best content is his lesbian stuff, prove me wrong
Yeah, totally.
it's obviously his /ss/ stuff
I don't care as long as it's not "suicide among straight men who are into transgenders".
That can be good too. I still think the lesbian stuff is better. Like the nun and arab lesbian stuff, my dick got so fucking hard bro. Wish he made more of that
It's a vulnerable group because they decide to be. They voluntarily take offense from everything.
For me, its this 3x3
>I only dislike this pic because it's made by [artist]
Shadman haters confirmed spineless faggots.
that's not how that works
This desu
Retarded meme cucks
I'm still not convinced that's its not all a PSYOP to promote shadman on Yea Forums. Just imagine all the traffic he gets from here, must be insane. He also seems to cater to the vaguely straight but interested into dick guys around here.
left to right
gay gay based
gay gay based
based based based
Get a load of this pathetic troglodyte
Where outside of Yea Forums? I literally just got banned from a vidya normie forum for using the word tranny.
It's more like this feel, but ok
Imagine being woefully and willingly ignorant
Also, the majority that declared that they attempted suicide was before they started to transition. So overall it's a fairly pointless number.
girly boys > girls > transmonsters
>pretending to be retarded
trannies literally can't meme
el ogro de las americas...
this can't be real
dios mio
I just... don't understand. I know I'm at best a 5/10, how can this person not also judge their own appearance? They're not even on HRT yet why post like this and force people to lie to your face about looking good?
I only ever boymode for this reason.
>It's a /pol/ and discord trade propaganda images thread
I feel like everyone here is doing some sort of ridiculous metatrolling to bump this thread promoting Shadman.
Cross dressing > trannies, every day of the week.
Ano who hurt you. Did a childhood crush do this to you? Did your crush decide to transition, is that what causes you to spend your life tell people on this website the same number every day.
>this guy hasnt been fucked yet.
shad really needs to stop dropping comic arcs randomly.
Wrong, his Hat in Time stuff is rule34 kino.
He was about to. Also I am disappointed that his mom was not dicked by the pitbull.
>gf buys dress
>I buy myself a suit
>She says: Lmao Gladium you should wear the dress and i should wear the suit
>Me: okay....?
>At home
>I take the dress
>get a boner
>Gf sees it
>"G...gladium why do you have a boner"
>"I dont know "
>"If you want to wear the dress you can do it but only at home ok?"
I didnt even want to wear it and now she is literally asking me atleast twice a week if i want to wear it
You are the worst tripfag on this site.
Suicide is not a meme. The fox is just holding up a well-known suicide stat.
It's not an argument, it's just a statement.
For me, it's the boy reading this.
Tranny me this, Cisman. What counts for 1% but also 40?
This. Trannies are only good for fetish material, CDs and femboys is where its at. Too bad its so hard to find these. It's almost all middle aged trans people and gays where I live. Where are all the cute boys at?
poor soul
Kill yourself.
isn't there a rivalry between trannies and pedos
Well, actually it could it not really a statement as the actual study itself mention that more research needed to be done due to small sample size and baizes. But you already knew that right?
They seem to love A Hat in Time without any complications so no.
Now post the ones that are happy with the outcome of the surgery instead of the cherrypicked minority, you propaganda-guzzling shithead.
traps, futas and femboys are not trannies
I've seen plenty of tranny on pedo shitflinging in those threads
Why do you dilation stations love speedrunning so much?
There is, but there is a /pol/ meme that they're the same.
I am not a fag but he could be my wife
same shit, different assholes
i'd kill myself too if it looked like i stuck my junk in a blender.
Why did trannies and pedos flock to A Hat in Time threads anyway? It didn't used to be this way.
this, there is literally nothing wrong with liking shadmans art. people only do it cuase the see other do it and want to feel in on the joke
You faggots are literally the most privileged people on the planet right now, more than straight women. There has not been a better time in human history to be a filthy degenerate than now. Kys.
>Shaddai Hwang-Xi Min
this new simpler style works a lot better for shad desu
They are the same. Calling it a /pol/ idea doesn't change reality. If you post with a anime avatar you are more than likely to be sexually confused and take it out on children. There is no such thing as a mentally stable person who enjoys anime.
>newfag has no idea what he is talking about
What part of tranny is a mental illness do you not understand?
What are the best traps in fiction?
Pedos are kind of obvious but not really sure about the trannies since they were there before the whole flag shit started
It's purely a reminder of that suicidal clock ticking down.
Just like you. Their mere existence is enough to make you seethe.
>Manshad Al' Basein
>all these seething /pol/nig replies
I want to be a metalkin, that sounds rad
in this case, it's less mental illness and more entitlement strengthened by internet hugboxes that refuse to criticize anyone that isn't a while cis male.
Yeah, anime is what turns people into christians
I don't even watch anime and I can tell you're a fucking retard
Isn’t the us government about to allow doctors to refuse medical treatment on trannies? How is that privlaged?
>in this case
One day you will learn that it's not just in "this case"
Faggots who are obsessed with tranny hating are way way worse than the trannies themselves. Prove me wrong. you cant
Triggering /pol/tards is so easy, you only need to say the truth that they are mental-gymnasticizing away
Traps are not trannies
>every single Christian is a pedophile
I can't fathom people believing this myth. Also don't pretend as if you do not watch anime. Like your gender, no one here is gonna believe you.
>y-you're a tranny! you must be because you disagree with my retarded shit!
>Sh. Mangele
>I just... don't understand. I know I'm at best a 5/10, how can this person not also judge their own appearance? They're not even on HRT yet why post like this and force people to lie to your face about looking good?
>I only ever boymode for this reason.
Trannies and delusion go hand in hand
better version
Weaponized autism, almost literally.
You got a person who never developed a personality from lack of exposure to people or genetics or whatever and what they did develop is completing arbitrary tasks in a reward structure.
Gotta earn approval.
Society at large fawns over women for being women.
Throw in some puberty and mixed up emotions and there you go.
Women and men receive different treatment when they are injured. A man who claims they are a woman will be misdiagnosed and ends up killing their patient as a result. It is not social issue but a medical one. You are insane.
>they all ignored this
hmmmm, dishonesty much?
Why don't you do it?
because there aren't any
or literally just disagree with them
You seem so sure so you must have evidence or examples to show to the group.
source on that?
did he died?
Making him into a knuckledragging nu-nazi is such an overdone, never funny joke.
>Ignoring the point by pulling graph on male suicide when its always used by /pol/ as counterpoint to feminism.
>Forgetting that tranny chart is used purely to bully and insult the poster
You have to keep in mind most of Yea Forums is dumb teenage phoneposters.
hope you aren't allowed near schools
What's with all the tranny defenders here? Has it always been like this?
cute traps are not trannies
if they use hormones and pretend to be women, they are mentally ill retard trannies
El abominacion...
Shills are out in full force, probably from some discord or another.
Trannies are the wojak of boogiemen
Y'all genderwojaks should find some new memes
No one here likes you
I really don't understand how you don't get it. Please just leave this website, we don't want you here.
Yeah, I know, cute traps are based
Just weird that so many people are defending the mental illness that is gender dysphoria
I don’t like trannies, but I hate these fucking tranny hating obsession that Yea Forums has picked up and turns everything into trannies way fucking more.
Anti-trannies are infinitely more annoying than any number of trannies could be.
We don't like trannies, we hate you fucking retards for shitting up everything like the furries you are.
No, the entire site is under non-stop raids since Trump got elected.
Reddit is a safespace regulated mostly by the user, what they aren't aware of is that they're also exposing themselves to behing screenshot and discussed elsewhere
>t. tranny
I see you, brony subhuman.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny
Degenerates are likely to have a whole array of other degeneracies they don't stop at one, like how furries keep getting outed as being pedos in their discords, same thing with trannies, trannies are pedos
this is one of the most disgusting things I ever saw
Based and redpilled post.
yeah probably
Man, do your brain literally has a cognition filter rendering you incapable of understanding everyone who told you to fuck off.
>I sexually identify as multiple people