he's gone mad
He's gone mad
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He's gone Mads
kojima is george lucas of vidya - talented, but deluded
I legit don't get face scanning, might as well just make the cutscenes real life cutscenes.
This guy is so fucking pretentious how can you all stand him, never bought a "kojima" game and never will, fuck this retard
He's just madly in love with him
Joke on you Kojima is never not mads
why is he wanking over a c list actor so much
Lucas hasn't made a single good movie though.
>smoking mads
why does this part make me laugh
Lucas made a good movie by accident and then coasted for decades. Kojima seems to work his ass off to the point where it impacts his health. That doesnt mean Kojima hasnt released some stinkers though, but I digress.
this lmao. guy should just invest in making movies instead of walking simulators
If you were friends with a fucking Z list actor you'd be spanking your dick 24/7. He gets to work with someone who is evidently one of his heroes. What do you expect?
Mads is aesthetic, but he's also a bit of a one-mode actor.
THX 1138 was pretty good
Mads was kino in Valhalla rising.
>by accident
More like got surrounded by good producers that carried the film by keeping Lucas under leash and giving enough autonomy for the other creative leads working on Star Wars.
The director/designer wankery is something I believe tells of a deeper psychosis in the West and especially in USA, a same condition that manifests itself with rampant individualism, hero/leader worship and prevalence of the christian messiah religion.
>More like got surrounded by good producers that carried the film by keeping Lucas under leash and giving enough autonomy for the other creative leads working on Star Wars.
Thats exactly what I was referring to by "accident", dipshit. The film's quality had nothing to do with Lucas.
It just seems like Kojima wanted to see Mads do all this stuff so he hired him for this front called Death Stranding so he could do all this weird shit.
He was peak kino in The Hunt
Directors do matter.
It's retarded to say they're responsible for absolutely everything, but it's even more retarded to say that they have zero impact.
The movie probably wouldn't be what it was without him. He did make a good movie deliberately, but everything else worked well as well.
The reason why prequels suck is just as much of an accident as the success of the original.
Cringe and mousepilled
Remember, he is not a gay
>implying theres a single good piece of Star Wars related media outside of Empire
Mickey can suck my penis.
>you will never be famous enough that you can call actors to be your personal sluts
>New bad movies come out, old movies weren't that bad!
>Someone say old movies are still bad, they must think new movies good!
>smoking Mads
hell yeah Kojimbo
He's gay as fuck.
smoking mads is kino
Japanese lack subtlety. It's just how they are. No need to get offended.
imagine being this stupid and also proud of it
mads is a great actor though
Is black kaiser (Polar) kino?
No Mads Blanco?
How many people, that are sucking Kojimas dick over this game, do you think have even finished a Metal Gear game?
Not really. Its alright.
Not really. He gets typecast as a villain in American shit, but he's got range that's only really utilised in his Danish stuff.
How horny was Kojima when he was directing Mads' motion capture?
only ironically
All of them. Theres no reason to suck his dick if you haven't played the Metal Gear games.
I see, thanks. Mads really looks like BB in that Netflix live action.
as horny as ill be throughout the game
I'd still say its worth a watch. The action is fun, but I wish they took it a little farther. Shockingly, Vanessa Hudgens actually knows how to act.
literal movie game play once and done
>Mads lookin like Kojima in the bottom left screenshot
>looks directly at the viewer
>"I'll show you the real thing soon. I promise."
This is the "what about him" of Death Stranding.
This. DS is all just an elaborate ruse that Kojima masterminded to hang out with Mads.
Why doesn't he just do movies? Leaving Konami was a chance for him to get out of the games industry.
Because he wants to make video games you dense cunt
one note retard
t. only seen American films he's been in
>Cliff and Sam share the same scar
What does it mean?
I think that scar is the mark of those that can utilize the bridge babies. I think they must have undergone some type of surgery to make them compatible.
Yes that’s the joke
If he makes movies he would exposed as a hack with the mind of a 12 year old and chewed out by the critics who are not as easy to impress as the game journos
exactly, just like kojima hasn't made a single good game
He realizes his game is a movie, not a game so he markets it as one.
Kojima is straight, user. Stop it.
>I believe tells of a deeper psychosis in the West and especially in USA, a same condition that manifests itself with rampant individualism, hero/leader worship and prevalence of the christian messiah religion.
You just posted cringe bro
>Death Stranding is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Death Stranding Heroes!
Its third person shooter where when you get punished when you die like in Sekiro, but also have to complete some bullshit other side level.
When will videogames stop using face scanning? Do normalfags really not find it puke inducing?
"wanting to buy and play a game on system of your choice is bad"
~ sony fanboy #90132
I agree that his games have gotten more and more pretentious each installment, but I can’t deny that the MGS games have very solid gameplay.
MGS1-3 were great games and now I just want to see for myself how far out he's gone.
Nope. That image of Mads smoking legitimately looks like a real picture.
So this is a burger brain.
People need to stop saying this fucking buzzword. And yes that's exactly what it is, Kojima is the complete opposite of that. He's pretty damn humble, isn't one to boast, shows gratitude, loves his company, and fans. Stop being fucking faggots, trying to have meaning /= """"pretentious""""
Previous interview with Kojima didn't deny nor confirm a PC release.
Alot of the marketing so far doesn't have the Only on PS logo. even the latest trailers and box arts
Many people use the engine card
Guerrilla Games owns the engine and they gave it to Kojima with "no contractual obligation".
Kojima was also a PCdev so he has a fondness for PC and i'm not surprised if he asked Sony for a PC version
pic related
>Q3. Does this mean Kojima Productions now belongs under SCE WWS?
No, it is an independent studio.
>Q6. What other platforms will Kojima’s first independent title be available on, besides PS4?
The title is planned to become available on PC (after PS4).
>Q7. How long is the exclusivity?
We are not disclosing details.
I wont say its outright confirmed but too many clues indicate that it is coming. Say what you want but you cant deny the possibility of a pc release now
because he's a shitty director but good marketer
i just want to see all these Mads'es included in one scene, covered in blood tied smocking with glasses wearing battledress singing fucked in the ass by Kojima Mads
i guess this will be my first request in v draw thread
user here:
here's the reality
As a PC gaming only consumer who has bought MGS V for the sole intention of 'getting into' a Kojima game, I for one would buy this game for similar reasons that I had for getting MGS. For some strange reason, Sony and Sony Fanboys don't like Success or Profit for their games... I find this really annoying, and it's sad we are still here. Sony and Epic are some of the worst things in modern day gaming.
I mean people can meme all day about which console is better or which graphics cards are better, etc etc... but some of use just want to buy a game or have access [eg- not egs bribed exclusive] to buy a game.
> how can you all stand this guy that made some amazing games in the past!
> BTW I never played any of them!
Please read what you wrote and proceed to slap yourself in the face.
This reads like it was written by Chris-chan
I just want to play it on PC rather than censorstation thats all. i have a ps4 but im thinking of selling it now
>C list
>has been in the two biggest franchises in Hollywood
kill yourself then cunt... is that better?
More like Chads.
I'm straight as an arrow but even I can admit that Mads is one fine specimen.
these are gameplay-only nintentards seething, not pcfriends, see "pretentious".
No, he's a genius.
yup according to what he said he's gone mad
>c list
Neck yourself
Did you rike it?
>play once and done
this is not a bad thing.
literally the only people who I could see this mattering to is kids under 18 with restricted allowances who have to pick 4 games a year to buy and maximize their gameplay hours.
not every game needs to be a 1000 hour autistic investment that you play for 5 years and watch esports for daily.
Jesus what a fag you are
It's not gay to recognize another man being handsome. Now, if you wanted to suck his dick, fuck him in the ass or get your ass drilled by him, that makes you gay. You don't have to announce your "straightness" beforehand, gaylord
What about El Hermano de Mads?
More like absolute Madsman
I'm surprised this movie isn't talked about more.
>never bought means never played
Please read what you wrote and proceed to slap yourself in the face.
cursed image
Kojima is such a disgusting westaboo. Will someone ever tell him to stfu and stop pretending he's some Hollywood director?
You're focusing on a minor issue. The real issue is the gameplay, specifically the combat, and the setting. It's gonna be fucking dogshit, know why? Because it's trying to be like John Wick western garbage. I hate John Wick. I hate how John Wick looks. I hate how he fights. I hate his movies. I hate how normies jerk off over that trash. Oh the cinematrography is so amazing! Oh the fight scenes are superb! Oh it's soooooooooo stylish! Fuck off, no it isn't. It's boring drab realism taking place at night in fucking nightclubs and dark city streets. It's not uniquely interesting to look at at all, it's basically Death Stranding without the Death or the Stranding, or vampire the masquerade without the vampire or a masquerade. Just some dude killing people in a fucking night club and city streets, but oh, oh, they wear suits! They wear suits, and barely say a word, and try to look badass and cool, and omg the club has red lights, and red lights, and orange lights, oh man, so stylish so stylish put that dickin my mouth joe, get it all in there, get it ALLLL IN THERE!
>Absolutely seething
Sperg harder
There was a trailer?
>implying director/designer wankery doesn't happen literally everywhere
This is literally a kojimbo thread, a thread about one of the most overrated directors in vidya. Jap directors gets praised constantly, just like american, english, german, etc. because they're the one in charge who can go up and say this was my project. If anything it happens less in America because when shit like e3 rolls around a lot of american and canadian companies just send generic programmer #34, and then next year they send generic writer #7
this is what zoomers think like
But every kojima game is a stinker?
Not a poor fag. It is you, in fact, who just outed yourself as a poor nigger by not having PC Switch and PS4 combo (even though PS4 is largely useless)
>Razorfists posts a new video about Kojima and Deathstranding
>Utterly BTFOs anyone who though this "video game" looked good
It isn't because it was fucking awful
And that's it. Literally that's the only good film he's ever made
The fetus is actually Kojima's way of having all his actor crushes be his daddies. This is also why that one lady's name is "Mama".
cringe kys nincel
you are so fucking stupid
American graffiti is a good movie you zoomer fuck
Mads fans? Has Hollywoods sperm reached his brain, Nobody is collecting picture of Mads. Not a single harddrive on earth has a folder with a collection of Mads picture. I checked
>literally gets one of his biggest hollywood crushes to be in the game, uses tech to de-age her to the form he used to spank his microdick to
>calls her a goddess to her face, makes her visibly uncomfortable
>gives no fucks whatsoever, finds more bitches to do the same with
the absolute fucking GENIUS of this man
THX, American Grafitti, and the first two Star Wars movies are great. He also did extensive work on Raiders and Last Crusade, and lots of work on Mishima and Labyrinth.
>we have differing points of view so you're stupid
Another great day of stimulating discussion on Yea Forums - Video Games
Kojimbo needs to stop pretending that his games have anything other than a cookie cutter solo action hero premise with cringy dialog and juvenile characters, Death Stranding won't change that. If the MGS games were well written, hollywood woul've already made them into movies.
When did this copypasta start?
razorfists is a faggot
Seething Kojima cocksucker. You can't even argue against any of his points.
>Guillermo hasnt tweeted or retweeted a single thing about Death Stranding
Guys...... Do you think they had a fight?
>That video
Did Kojima bang his mother? He's been at this for the last decade.
Lucas had barely any involvement in ESB and it's widely considered the best in the franchise, go figure.
ANH was apparently awful at first and was saved by editing.
Lucas is a visionary but he lacks the skills to translate his imagination into a technically competent film, which is why the OT is good in spite of him, not because of him
Kojima called Refn his bestie. Del Toro's probably heartbroken.
yeah over who gets to top
A list is someone like Leo Dicaprio, B list is someone like Keanu. Mads is C list being generous.
I loved him in HoC, he was pure chad as not Putin
>dude le ebin ecelebs lmao
Lucas didn't have shit to do with Empire Strikes Back. It's gotta burn him a bit that the best Star Wars movie isn't even his.
I've never heard of Razorfist and I assume youtwo are talking about this? youtube.com
he said it was pretentious and preachy.
Where does politics enter into it?
He said people would eat it up and then, years down the line, would admit it was a "weak entry".
>posting literal who Twittershit
Fuck off already
>Refn is a pseud style over substance hack
>Kojima adores him
makes perfect sense
Because you have only seen him in murican blockbusters and whatnot, he is really underused
>Lucas had barely any involvement in ESB
"I'm your father" was all Lucas
And they're still better than nu star wars
Good, I love good gaming experiences that go from 30 to 70 hours, play for a couple of weeks to maybe a couple of months, actually end it and move on. Im not in 4th grade anymore
By the way, much of Empire Strikes Back was shot as much behind Lucas's back as possible, and upon seeing the final product Lucas was disappointed and angry because it didn't match his vision.
>Lucas is a visionary
I see this a lot. "He's a visionary, but can't make a good movie without other people making it good".
So, he's like every other fucker with crazy ideas who doesn't get lucky. Star Wars was a fluke starring Fluke Skywalker. It was the talent surrounding Lucas at that specific moment in Hollywood that made ANH good.
You probably know this, but look at it objectively. Same supposed genius could not replicate the quality of ANH in 1983, 1999, 2002, or 2005. Logic tells you it was the people around him in 1977.
So is Kojima
>he hasn't seen The Hunt
0/10 brainlet tier taste
I've heard that, yeah. Funny how shit works, huh. Most people don't even know the name of ESB's director and heap all the credit on Lucus.
Typical of life. The things doing the hard work, never get credit. There're phallic sculptures all around the world. But you never see statues dedicated to the balls.
oh I agree 100%, and I hate the cult surrounding him since it seems to diminish the credit of those who actually knew their craft and made these films into what they are
TFA and Solo are genuinely decent Star Wars films, and the Mandalorian is shaping up to be kino
I also feel like the results are just terrible.
Every character in Resident Evil 2 Remake except Marvin looked like dogshit.
Will Kojima be the next Inafune or will his fans keep defending him no matter what happens?
DMC5 has the most beautiful and most chad characters in vidya do date, and it's all thanks to scanning 10/10 models
That can be argued and to some extent I agree but will you agree most of his games are incredibly artsy and try to push the envelope in some way. Makes for bad gameplay often enough but every now and then theres a really cool idea that nobody else has done to that extent.
The girls look awful though.
I feel like facescanning works okay for guys but ends up uncanny valley as shit for girls. Same for Death Stranding.
He will never be the next Inafune. You don't know who Inafune is if you honestly think that.
Ada looked great in RE2. I think Asians are just made for facescanning.
She still didn't look as good as Cutscene Model Ada from RE4.