This is a Nintendo Switch game
This is a Nintendo Switch game
It's also a shitty cashgrab and the death throes of the franchise.
>Peach ball
>no Princess toadstool costume
>i bought snk heroines for switch with a feminist serving me
>she had to go out back to get it
>she was clearly angry
not gonna lie lads i had a semi
Gotta have something to cushion the fall for when 7 inevitably flops.
Anyone else disappointed by the lack of Aerial Ninpos in Burst Re;Newal?
It's great that you can parry into aerial raves, but that it's wasted since there are no aerial ninpos. I wanted it to be a Mahvel Lite where I could parry, hit an aerial rave, parry the midair counter and pop off ahidden ninpo.
I would have gotten it if other girls were in it.
But I guess it makes sense those 5 are in since they're openly the lewdest
It's not about lewdness, they just won some popularity poll (aside from Asuka who must be there by default).
> Imagine being the main character and even the Japs don't like you that much
Being Asuka is suffering.
Better than being Homura who has dropped off the face of the earth.
Why do you say that?
Fucking this. It's a missed opportunity
Can't show tiddy on US covers so this is what the US is getting.
>Lady looks at you weird purchasing softcore porn
C'mon son. I'm a SK fan too but stop making up these stories. Cashiers don't give a fuck about your purchases because they make minimum wage and just want to go home.
she was visibly a feminist
plus the game being in the back confirms it
>if i take the game offf the shelves maybe people won't buy it
>she was visibly a feminist
>she was visibly a feminist
Sure she was.
>plus the game being in the back confirms it
That's where they keep most of the games retard. They're either in a draw in the front or in the back if they ran out of copies in the front.
See a therapist.
Triggered and seething.
>shitty dyed hair
>those dumb fuckin glasses
>bright red lips
Are you seriously suggesting the death throws won't be the censored PS4 game where the creator had to leave because of Sony's policies?
>unnatural hair dye
>facial piercings
>hipster style
>t.cashier at the game store where user bought the game
beta fag stop defending wahmen
I'm suggesting it's possible that won't even come out. Either way, both Reflexions and Peach Ball were announced before 7even got fucked in the ass and they have no excuse being this terrible and devoid of any effort. Going from Burst and 2 to these spinoffs is a slap in the face to SK fans on Nintendo systems.
this one didn't have face piercings
least not that i remember it was a while ago
>I can't even buy video games without seeing politics everywhere and thinking everyone is involved in my internet culture war.
feminists working at game and geek culture stores is a common well known trope
says the guy defending the honor of a woman on the fucking internet
The franchise has been in a steady decline since EV, SK7 will certainly be the final gasp, though.
Kusony killed SK but honestly it deserves to die for rehashing SV gameplay over and over again.
It's okay, user. The angry feminist cashier lady can't hurt you. She's not real.
Doesn't help that Takaki left.
>feminists don't exist
i made a feminist seeth irl
fucking deal with it
Not that user but they kinda do stick out like a sore thumb. If you see the combination of obesity, neon colored hair, and a ton of retarded piercings, you know that bitch has plenty of hot opinions on social justice and toxic masculinity.
It's practically a uniform.
>Make fanservice game only
>No effort on other aspects
>Sony policy bite creator back
Feminists exist. The woman you're talking about doesn't exist because you conjured her up to get (You)s on Yea Forums. Congratulations, you succeeded.
>2 tables for $40
When is it coming out on PS4 ?
Do you really not know what that means? I mean really?
Hi mr John Gamefreak, will Gardevoir be in Sword and Shield's regional dex? Asking for a friend.
it was real tho
not everything posted here is fiction user
Aposematism, you fucking overweight nasty crone. It's how we recognise your kind
Yes. As you know, Gardevoir's Japanese name is Sir Knight, so he fits well into the world of Galar.
It isn't, XSEED got fucked hard when Sony made them change around Burst Renewal at last minute. They can't give away the piles of limited editions that got manufactured. There is no PS4 version for the west as a result.
i guess its time to buy a switch
Whatever you say, tourist.
I'm pretty sure the US LE for Renewal did come out. Peach Ball was never on PS4 to begin with, and couldn't even have released in Japan due to the expansion of censorship from only the west to worldwide.
But PS4 was supposed to be the weeb console? wtf
I poorly phrased my post, Burst Renewal did come out on PS4, the physical copies just didn't sell at all. That's why there is no PS4 version of Peach Ball.
Sony got a firm hold of those sweet sports games and western AAA which made weebs and Japanese market irrelevant.
America happend
worth a pirate.
I forgot the specifics, but they were indeed chosen via a poll. Maybe it was a "pick one character from each school" kind of thing, with Murasaki getting in due to being Takaki's waifu.
Someone really high up at SIE is obsessed with #metoo. I'm not even exaggerating, that was the official reason.
>This is a Nintendo Switch game
*Also on PC
>Granny glasses
>Dyed hair in magenta, cyan or some other naturally not occuring hair color
>Facial piercing
I guarantee you if you take a census while looking for these particular characteristics you would be dead on at least 90% of the time
I'm starting to think to buy a switch. Sony has become a big disappoint
>Rated M soft porn game targeting adult audiences can‘t show cleavage
>Rated T battleroyale game about shooting everyone you see is "family friendly"
Based Americans
Turn off my brain smoke a joint or just use it to kill time while i wait for my rankeds if it had a "complex" gameplay it would be a huge deal breaker for me although the re-use of the same models over and over again do get annoying.
actual cringe
I cringe whenever i read comments of people praising this kusoge yet i do not hope for this movie like games to go away just because i don't like them.
>There are people on board that unironically thinks this series wasn’t already on a decline before the censorship.
I hate you consolewar faggots
B-b-but at least she's a major character in Burst...