So this is the power of electronic athletes...
So this is the power of electronic athletes
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Roy's the only chad there but I wouldn't fuck with Samsara
>this shit is still going on
Post kino fagsport moments Yea Forums.
Unironically, they were actually told to do that when they enter.
anyone scratching their balls? i am, they are really itchy
More like that's the power of nu-blizzard electronic """athletes""".
You can see most of them cringing to themselves, they were obviously told to do it
why does dota 2 consistently have the most retarded yet interesting drama?
why do they force their players to do this? is there not enough humiliation in being a grown man who plays video games?
based maps
>winner is an actual athlete
Racing confirmed to be the only e-"sport"
take a shower nintendie
That's just how koreans act on a daily basis
It's kinda hilarious once you get over the cringe
The best part of any esport tournament is when the teams enter the stage.
Some shitty "epic" generic rock plays and then a bunch of sweaty nerds lumber into the arena.
the 3rd guy was actually not completely cringe about it like all the others
I-Im dying help me please
the chadgull
I'm constantly scratching those fuckers
Do you think it's my pubes being too long? I haven't shaved or trimmed down there in over a year
but the itch is much worse when you shave or trim them short
They force a lot of them to do cringey stuff like this. While I can understand not trying to take yourself too seriously when running esports it's still ridiculous.
Why do they all look so weird and alien? Is this what Hitler meant by Untermenschen?
How can one man be so edgy?
I have never shaved or even trimmed the hair on my balls, and my balls never itch.
95% of Yea Forums Looks like this
My balls are constantly itchy, and the more you scratch the itchier they get, I'm constantly doing the old pinch and roll
do they force them to make autistic hand gestures or does it come naturally?
forced. just look at their faces, none of them looks like he thinks "damn, such a bad ass move, I'm the hardest motherfucker out here".
they didn't
they were forced
you're projecting
seek help, user
Meanwhile, Smash players...
I can't even imagine this moment being topped, yet Valve will find a way.
That double peace guy was actually ok.
Go back to twich faggot
Even then, I'd ham it the fuck up if I was in their shoes.
Like just do an overboard Fonzie "Ayyyyy."
>him and all the other Bayo mains are irrelevant now
so based
Does any other game have kino moments like dota
Oh so they had a gun to their head? Please, they were likely just told they'd get a bonus for it or some shit, this just shows that these people have no dignity whatsoever.
>they were likely just told they'd get a bonus for it or some shit
Yeah, the bonus being able to participate in tournament at all.
>entire team disqualified because 1 member refused to be an actual literal clown for the audience
They would never hear the end of it, so no. The bonus is cash.
>forced to do an emote
>choose all the most faggy female characters emotes to copy
Is this how basedboys look like when they're also bugmen?
video games are for NERDS what do you expect Yea Forums poster?
With that chin,a Chad? You're blind and gay too
Peak Wings of Liberty SC2 was the fucking best.
do you even know what samsara is or?
God I love Starcraft, both of them.
fuck, that's some smooth fanning
>everyone looks embarrassed
>the one who slits his throat looks dead serious
I get the feeling this one will actually kill someone.
It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't start giggling, cowering in embarrasment and getting awkward with their eyes darting after the poses.
You gotta own up to that shit, puff out your chest with your chin up, it's what separates an alpha from the beta.
OWL unironically feels soulless compared to all the other games that had grassroots growth.
I fucking hate Koreans holy shit
They are literally subhuman in every way possible and only barely different from the Chinese
I hope every fucking Korean one day realises how subhuman and soulless they are and their entire soulless gooknigger country commits mass suicide
>that image
>that image
God is dead.
how is the fgc, despite being run by niggers, the only tolerable e-sport community?
because "niggers" are actually enjoyable to be around and don't immediately turn everything they touch into corporate soulless shit
>Competitive Overwatch
Post yfw
What should be done about the rampart performance enhancing drug usage in E-Sports, Yea Forums ?
Everyone I know who plays Overwatch are either Fags or Dykes
Murder should be legal in this instance
Those gooks look fucking disgusting
How is overwatch esport still a thing? I thought this game died a year ago and nobody watches that mess.
it's already unraveling at the seams
Tell more.
the OWL Commissioner is jumping ship to Epic
people are now openly accusing their streams of astroturfing and viewbots
and a bunch of other shit where their draconian policies are starting to get worse and worse and all the meme venture capitalists also feeling tinges of regret
Oy vey, how could this happen?
>force a game to be esport by pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into some fake-looking pro league
>game is not fun to play and not fun to watch because of all your "balancing" around esport
>fake views and excitement yet still nobody cares about your forced esport
Why don't those people get that esport is something that happens organically if the game is fun to watch and balanced in multiplayer. You can't make a game with assumption that it will be esport, that will always fail and blizzard should know that already after SC2.
He's story is the most kino esports. these two guys came up together and were best friend. one of them decides to quit on the team and pull a KD where he switches to a stacked team to win the international. He makes it to the finals and meets his old team and loses to his old team whom he quit on to win the championship
Yep, I'm thinking it's kino
Moba attracts the mentally ill.
>lard mountain destroys autistic gay furry nigger
yep, you don't get drama like this anywhere else
That's the shit. It wouldn't be so bad if they, at the very least, practiced it before and actually put some effort into it rather than doing it half-assedly.
that rematch tho
What the fuck is happening? What even is the context? Why can't these two spergs at least fight decently instead of mounting eachother like a fag couple?
dota players love each other and sometimes they have to hate fuck
Total badasses. Chads lift all winter to battle these titans.
My man learned fan/whore dancing just for a joke. What a lad.
The way they look forced them to be nerds. That's the way it works. It's why nerds always have some physical ailment or ointment, like asthema or ear medicine. They couldn't hang with the popular (lets face it, better looking) kids, so they retreated to become obsessed with subcultures.
what was image
I've been waiting for this webm.
Check the archive newfag.
FGC games barely have a playerbase to be considered true competitive.
here's one without a misleading thumbnail.
Based Samsara bout to murder the competition
the image was based
How do I do that?
I did, it says no results
Look up the thread on fireden.
Thank you mr oldfag
The real joke is e-sports
To be fair, physical athletes does the same cringey shit.
based Daigo
Lets see you do better tubby.
>all those sieg heil
SonicFox may be autistic, but he is a darn good player.
I stopped caring about dota around this time
Whatever happened to them? Do they still hate each other?
lmao didn't even get the kino moment right
come on fag
Am*ricans are fucking gross
Who're your favorite players from the London team? My favorite's Chang.
the playerbase is even more autistic than Yea Forums
if you ask anybody who has thousands of hours in dota 2 if they actually LIKE dota...they will tell you they fucking hate it.
Imagine that but you're a PRO.
>the virgin walk edgelord with the "slit your throat" movement
You forgot how he left like the day before the last big tournament before The International, leaving him with an incomplete team but then they got some chink aussie and some random pubplayer from Finland and fucking crushed everyone
Top kek
Nothing can top this
I miss the pre-international house they did
I want to watch notail eating a whole pizza while watching cats again
this loli isn't even cute...
Jesus Christ
>this is american culture
> he doesn't have 4chanX
lmao, stay in the dark
How could something with so much fucking porn be so fucking sterile?
stop spoonfeeding these faggots
they need to learn by lurking moar
Holy shit, that samsara guy doing reaper literally has given up on life. Hilarious.
Maybe America's freedom was a mistake
what the fuck
I need to start watching dota again
Holy fucking kek
And of course the fatty asian mains Mei.
Surprised no one posted this one yet
Nobody gonna post when Faker did that roll into the stage? everybody says it look cool but it was cringe
They were forced cause they want to have the "athletes" to have some kind of personality for people to attach to, much like how the characters in the game are cause both the e-sports and the game sucks garbage. If you have a person or character you like you will stand by them, emotional manipulation.
The roll wasn't cool it was the fact that Faker absolutely destroyed everyone in that tournament made the roll cool
Probably, but no one really knows except Fly and notail themselves.
TI7 sccc shot was better.
Nate Nanzer: "The Overwatch League won't be successful until every pro gamer is driving a Lamborghini and has a hot model under their arm."
Jesus at least do a JoJo pose
what a joke. stick to REAL e-sports
>/pol/tard gets his values shaken
pure unadulterated kino
Did they force Roy to wear that tshirt?
based succccc
If sccc and Newbee managed to make a miraculous comeback and won this TI I wouldn't even mind if it's the chinks winning
>tosh.0 wanted to bring Viscant and LTG on show, and do a little skit about that moment
>LTG scrambles to convince Viscant to do it, since his "acting career" would benefit from the exposure
>Viscant keeps declining, saying that he's tired of getting recognized for that moment; people recognize Viscant solely because of that video
>LTG gets salty and complains on his stream (what a surprise) that he couldn't get back into the limelight
lmao stay salty, Dale Wilson
>little black boy gets anally dominated by experienced asian in front of thousands
Out of all those pro players, there's maybe like 1 or 2 pictured there that actually enjoy Dota 2.
It's down right now
Yeah Roy looks like the only guy who knows how to do the gay ass entrance bit.
I think that guy might actually have mental problems. I saw a few clips of him getting unreasonably angry over Smash. Like, he's going fucking nuclear over getting bodied. The instant he loses he bans you. It's funny and all, but I'm actually a little worried he'll chimp out and actually kill a nigga over a fighting game
>the nigger that pisses in bottles despite having a working toilet might be mental
you dont say lol
No it's not
>>the nigger that pisses in bottles despite having a working toilet
Is winning really THAT important?? wtf
you're right
football and baseball are literally the only good sports ever invented
Serral is insane at Sc2 but he always looks so ill I'm worried about him. Maybe he actually is some kind of Zerg hybrid.
He's a textbook narcissist.
When his retard chat donates to play against him in games, and someone starts beating him, he'll start berating the player and try to bring up irrelevant shit that he thinks makes him. better than the other guy
>"Why don't you go ahead and hit the gym?
>"Eat clean or something, dumb nigga!"
>"You couldn't beat me in Tekken or Street Fighter"
To further cement this belief, when he does something repugnant or gross by society's standards such as pissing in bottles and leaving them in his room, (like said), he shrugs it off as something A-OK
>"Urine in the bottle, I dump it out, swig a little bleach in the bottle, wash my hands...I'm good"
He always has to look like he's in control, that's why he bans people at the drop of a hat when they disagree/insult him.
And yet, at actual tournaments, he doesn't do this retard shit because he knows there's actual repercussions for being a bully/asshat in real life.
best franchise, best scene
2GD is (or was) living the trust fund life
>Had his own casting studio for a bit
>got to smash Soe and Jess Brohard
>shitposts while hosting a Dota 2 tournament in China, to the point where Valve removes him from future events
God bless him and his creaky-sounding voice.
Overwatch is 2 time consecutive best esports of the year sperglord.
Can someone photoshop shuffle their haircuts?
l m a o
I mean at least Ripper is trying; Genji and SoldierMcFag are just standing there with the "autistic hanging arms" pose
At least he didn't mess it up
I tho the "its all about believing guy" was about to do the DarkSidePhil turn
Half of them seem dead inside while doing that shit
>you will never be BTFO so hard you become a woman
>valle in the background
every fucking time
>tfw doongie
How the fuck are you supposed to learn more by lurking but also not mention useful tools for new people. Go fuck yourself.
videogames will never be a sport of any kind.
is it marshal law that all koreans under 25 need to have this bowl haircut?
Man, you really love defending your favorite e-cels
>its a tourist gets mad he isnt spoonfed and replies to hours old post episode
L m a o
Best fake esports for sure
It's a go fuck yourself too episode
My sides.
Garbage filled with bots on twitch, nobody cares or watches it.
Non-existent among the real "electronic athletes".
What? You're joking i hope. Notail and kky are gay for icefrog, fear named his son after dota if im not mistaken. Synderen is in love with the game, ppd i dont know but he hates all other games so dota is at least his least hated. I wont even talk about dendi.
>if you ask anybody who has thousands of hours in dota 2 if they actually LIKE dota...they will tell you they fucking hate it.
>Imagine that but you're a PRO.
I love Dota and watch esports for over 15 years now.
>Overwatch is 2 time consecutive best esports of the year sperglord.
Holy fuck Fear has a son?
what is this gay porn?
>What are knee strikes? im gonna try to kick something all the way at my head and rip his shirt off
>alright im gonna pin him down. better make sure our nuts are grinding against eachother.
damn that was a good joke
lurk moar b4 posting
>oh my lord the boy just stunting on him! go ahead boy i see you