What's his appeal?
No, really. He just makes mediocre movie games. Why does everyone suck his dick so much?
What's his appeal?
Non-retards realize they dont have to like everything other people like.
Because you were born too late, sucks to be you
i dunno desu
metal gear has never interested me
Most of the games he's been involved in (most obviously Metal Gear) have significant attention to detail, gameplay that promotes experimentation with mechanics, and stories covering sociopolitical themes in an era in which a lot of games didn't focus on such themes/didn't put a huge focus on cinematography (PS1 era mostly).
Looking from a gameplay standpoint, MGS1 was a fucking stellar experience that blew people away back then. As silly as it is now, and with people poking fun at it, guards noticing steps in the snow was crazy at the time. Or how in MGS3 you could blow up a food storage shed, then later on enemies will complain about hunger and be more prone to eating food you drop, including items that are poisonous. On top of just generally great stealth and action setpieces, his name is associated with some of the most mechanically interesting games out there.
Story-wise, tackling aspects of what is inherited through genetics, how memetic material is communicated across nations, and how one's loyalty to their country can directly conflict with loyalty to personal values are really awesome things to see. While Kojima, again, wasn't the main force behind such writing, his name is naturally attached to such products.
As a whole, he's just attached to tons of projects, directly and indirectly, that often times push the medium in a way other developers haven't prior. While his talents may seem basic now with so many cinematic, mechanically advanced games, he was an anomaly back then. As such, people continue to hope he will make something that delivers on such expectations again, regardless of his actual talent being tied to other writers/programmers.
>While Kojima, again, wasn't the main force behind such writing
Ruined your post with that meme.
>*insert a cult classic here*
>NO REALLY, HE MAKES *obnoxious worthless strawman with no analysis, insight or any basic intelligence behind it*
Yea Forumsermin deserves the rope
He tricks normalfags into liking his anime movies. He's ok.
MGS2 is one of the greatest pieces of media, not just games, of all time
>muh movie
Unironically always made the best games in the genre. So how about you try playing them
Are you not sucking his dick by creating this thread about him?
>muh fukushit
Will any of the Fukushitters EVER tell me how the fook could Kojima write Policenauts if apparently it's the Fukushit who wrote MGS?
How so? He's not the only writer behind the MGS series and many have pointed out specific other writers as being involved in the "good" ones. He certainly contributes heavily to the themes and writing itself, but the man isn't the sole source of everything we enjoy about the games. He associates with fantastic individuals in the field and is pretty good about bringing projects together it seems.
Being a contrarian isn't original nor is it a personality or a sign of taste. If you claim X makes bad Y, you should at least attempt to back up your claim otherwise you're just being a faggot pretending to know better than most people.
His games are fun.
I do agree that his most vocal fans who call him a 'genius' are absolute retards. The man can't write for shit.
Man, I vaguely know who Fuku is even. I'm just pointing out he's not the only person who made these games great. I don't know shit about what made Policenauts good or bad.
Revengeance is the only good MGS game.
since when?
I love this image.
Not just Policenauts. Snatcher as well.
Both feel exactly the same as MGS1-3 and Fukushima didn't write a single line for either of them.
fucking cringe. this ruined my day
Saying that he isn't responsible for writing in his games is a compliment, user.
Fuck looks like Dylan made another thread
MGS1 & 3 were good games