Are video games too expensive?
Are video games too expensive?
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If you're in a 3rd world country where the minimum wage is $10 a day then yeah
>everyone has thousands of games
>they will realistically only get to play 10% of them if they're dedicated
Too cheap, if anything.
In terms of hours of enjoyment per dollar spent they're actually one of the least expensive hobbies to have
>fresh new games used to cost equivalent of current dollero of 20 burgers few years back|
>just 3years ago they costed 40-45bucks
>nowdays it costs 60 bucks
>avarage joe gets here 400-500dolleros at best
>fresh new games used to cost equivalent of current dollero of 20 burgers few years back|
you know, it's pretty easy to find old print ads on the internet
Video games are not too expensive, but most games are not worth full asking price. For sixty US dollars, I expect a truly good game.
>equivalent of
user read again, you should realize I ain't american
Only if you're impatient.
Gaming is unironically one of the cheapest time killers that exists in the modern day.
not if you pirate games, it's free vidya
You want me to believe you're not American when you call your dollars "bucks"?
We call our money Złoty, you used to be able to buy fresh new game for 100zł good few years back, which is 20bucks now, in recent years distributors in my country are trying to reach the price of console games which is 230zl, avarage person gets 1600-2000zl at best here.
I have some news for you about the minimum wage in the U.S, baby user.
Only if you buy on release dat which you should never ever fucking do. If you wait 3 months games drop down to a reasonable~$40. Better yet wait a year and play the GOTY/Ultimate/Complete/re-release/en-hamced port with all the DLC/patches and but fixes for 1/3* of the price on sale.
Platform dry spells is such a pleb complaint. At this point you should have built up a sizable backlog and own multiple platforms.
inb4 >Miami is third world
based mutt
that's 67,68 in a 8 hour shift
It is. It's lik e85% shitskin aka hispanic now. 20 years ago miami was fine, now the cubans have flooded it and SJW identity politics stops us from kicking them out.
It's among the cheapest addictions you can have.
It feels like they’ve been basically the same price my entire life.
Incel redneck that believes trump and thinks Amurkans are top tier race behind aryans is gonna claim Alabama and Kentucky is better. Kek
wtf how do americans survive
Depends on where you look. You can get KHIII on Amazon for less than $40.
t. jamal
For me personally, triple A $60 price tag + $20-40 season passes for the first year of content, so $80-100 for these games is "too much for me". I have a specific reason why thought, because there are so many games you could get on-sale and indie titles for $30 and less, which I've gotten tons of hours of entertainment from, and games I bought on sale. It makes it very hard too justify the cost per value on brand-new games, when comparing to past purchases. It's sad when you run out of slightly older games too play after getting them all on-sale.
seethe on, Kyle
>Better yet wait a year and play the GOTY/Ultimate/Complete 1/3* of the price on sale.
What year are you living in? Developers very rarely release (GOTY / Complete) editions anymore. DLC is far too good business kept seperate. Even Indie developers aren't combining the DLC into a "complete" edition anymore.
I don’t pay more than $20 for a game. So if it’s a new Ax3 that just came out, I wait for it to drop and keep it out of mind until then.
he said 10hr a DAY, not per hour
Vidya was even more expensive back in the 90's and earlier. A new SNES or N64 game often had a going rate of $60+ which is ~$100 today. A new PS1 game from that era would be $30-$40 USD which is about $60~$70 in today's dollars.
Vidya could never be any cheaper than now, esp. when you consider the costs of development to maintain the ever increasing production values consumers expect.
It's retarded because people keep pushing for $60 price ceiling thinking they are getting their way when it just results in them getting nickel and dimed with DLC and microtransactions up the ass.
>give aways
>free to plays
>humble monthly
>humble bundle (yes I know they're shit for the past 6 years)
>fantastical bundle
like there's so fucking many ways to get cheap games now
and so much shit is given away for free
and so many of the best games ever made are abandonware or free to download now
and great f2ps like path of exile and warframe exist
shit tons of free mobile games too
literally no reason to pay money for a game unless you're a cuck
I miss the days of bootleg ps2 games that cost the equivalent of 3 dollars back where I'm from
60 dollars in 90s money is like 80 dollars today, if anything games are cheaper today. sales are also much more frequent. the only people complaining are third worlders who are used to piracy and buying bootlegs.
Only if you're a gacha whale. Pretty cheap and efficient compared to a lot of hobbies otherwise.
get a job
buy a house
have at least 500k in saving
there you go
They’re only expensive if you let yourself get sucked into MTX, but beyond that they’ve never been cheaper.
Most of my money goes to mortgage payments/food/utilities. Any spare money I have goes to renovation of the house or my car. I'm not spending $90 for a video game, that's why I pirate all single player games.
Depends where.
For example in Slavic countries (like Poland or Russia) games tend to be really expensive. Because people in these countries games even when sold, they keep their Western prices despite that Slavic earns alot less than westerner. And comes to moment when ONE GAME have price equal of 1/4 of typical Slavic salary, sometimes even more, and the same Slavic must spend his salary on house, food and other kind of stuff.
Of course for me and other Slavs, things like steam sales or humble bundles are like blessing and these are main reason why some Poles(and other Slavs) pirate less or don't pirate at all.
They're too expensive if you're a mindless NPC who buys whatever $60 trash is trending on Twitch.
If you like indie games, or if you like anything more than 5 years old, then all you have to do is bookmark a couple of bundle sites and your next $100 will probably get you 200 Steam games.
If anything they're not expensive enough.
Development costs have become massive over the years. That combined with inflation means the $60 price tag that's the industry standard has long been out-dated.
There wouldn't be a need for exploitational practices like lootboxes and shit if devs could charge $80 or $90, but retarded gamers who know nothing about economics or development expenses would throw a massive shitfit and push for legislation to standardize video game prices or some shit.
had to pirate games again this month since I blew my monthly entertainment budget on a dildo
Games already are adjusted for inflation, they usually cost a minimum of $100 if you want the complete package(season pass/dlc), substantially more if you also want whatever comes with the collector's edition.
I bet you won't even be able to get it halfway in either, you faggot.
Nah. On the contrary, games are too inexpensive compare to the development scale of AAA games. Trash or not, they need to sell millions of copies in order to recover the cost and make money of it. That’s why you heard of story about a game not making its money back despite they sell many copies of it.
Also that’s the reason why every tech company jump on the game streaming hype train, though no players actually want that. They can make more money through subscription than just hyping one game alone.
it's not that big
Theres no sense of scale on this thing, The base there could be as big as a washing machine.
It even has a red button labeled 'NO' to irrevocably dismantle your torso
Nah, if you are an actual poorfag, you can pirate 90% of em.
Other then that, just wait till steam/gog/humbleblunder sales.
>It even has a red button labeled 'NO' to irrevocably dismantle your torso
No, but the markets do a good job working against customers to ensure a sale isn’t refunded, even if the product is fucking trash.
We need owners rights for digital and physical games
thats pretty small isnt it, does it feel good?
no idea
still delivering
Depends on the country.
An AAA game on Steam for example is 60 dollars in Greece and 60 in Denmark, yet Greece has an average salary of 950 and Denmark 3100.
Regional pricing my ass. Let Epic Store take over.
That's the MINIMUM wage, i.e. The amount even a factual retarded person would need to be paid for doing nothing more then picking up litter in the parking lot.
If you are capable of breathing and blinking at the same time you earn more.
>Buy 59.99 game
>Ends up being close to $70 after tax
Yes, New York needs to kill sales tax.
It was only a few years ago but I'm already fucking nostalgic about the days of no sales tax on online purchases.
I want to go back.
>buying vidya with cash
are you a gardener or a prostitute?
That's a fucking lie. If you work at ANY kind of chain store you WILL be paid the absolute minimum required for your position no matter who the fuck you are.
get vpn
sign up for a chinese steam account
get to buy all the game for half the price.
toys r us is overpriced and cartridges were way more expensive. Ps1 games were like 20-40 bucks
No, you just don't have a job.
>If you work at ANY kind of chain store
lol retard.
if you work retail you are an old man who needs something to do in retirement, a highschool kid, or a literal down syndrome retard.
Like I said, if you aren't a retard, only a fucking mouthbreather would work retail.
they are retarded children and can't comprehend even a loser with no skills or degree can make way more than minimum wage just doing landscaping or working in a factory or some shit.
Remember in the U.S where you could work a blue collar job and support your family of 4 and pay for a mortgage on your house, and pay for your car while your wife looked after your kids and didn't have to work.
Where the fuck did it all go wrong and how do we go back.
Nope. I have never paid more than I'm comfortable paying. I mean, you can get most games on sale for about 20 bucks within a year of their release.
Pretty easily. In any non coastal state, I can find a rental for 550 or less. Also, minimum wage is for retards or teenagers. If you're in the US making minimum wage as an adult, and do not suffer mental retardation, I can only assume that it's because you're not actually willing to work hard and learn new shit.
>Set a budget, that's how you don't overspend in general
>Don't buy unless it's 75% off
>Never buy indie, they always end up in bundles
>You have a backlog, you can wait
Congratulation, now you know how to jew. Invest your saving wisely.
Cost of computer brings up the price a lot, but if you upgrade every 3-4 years and play an average of 2 hours a day, games are by far the cheapest hobby to have beyond skimming stones or making survival shelters
Give me one good reason to not pirate single player games.
they're actually the cheapest they've ever been.
Not if you have bittorrent.
We have something called class mobility. The Brookings Institute (which is a leftist think tank) did a study on it. They discovered that there was something like a 92% chance of you entering the middle class if you did 3 things.
>Graduate highschool
>Get and stay employed
>Don't get married until 21, don't have kids outside of marriage.
Doing those three things, regardless of race, sex, sexuality, economic background, etc would give you over a 90% liklihood of entering the middle class as an adult. Middle class in America is a household income between $46,153 to $138,460, which is $23/hr to $69/hr.
>We have something called class mobility.
lol not for long.
Of course. They should be free. They're a form a art. Music is free, movies are free, so should video games be.
no but they are too gay ever since about 2007
>He boldly claims with no evidence.
yes. fuck the jew publishers. 120 a copy, my ass.
Video games are literally the cheapest hobby if you are adult male.
If only you knew how much money people spend on restaurants, cars, luxury, all kinds of entertainments, you would never asked such a pleb question.
Basically, video games is poor man's whiskey.
If you're a pleb who makes minimum wage and 70% of his salary goes to rent and bills, then yes, but that's why pirating exists
t. pleb who makes minimum wage and 70% of his salary goes to rent and bills
niggers fucked everything up for everyone
Multiplayer only games are what you are supposed to pirate so faggot developers stop making garbage like them.
>Blaming black people instead of baby boomers and Ronald Reagan.
i call my currency bucks on Yea Forums because it's easier to get across.
i could say euro but these days it's basically the same thing
the $60 tag isn't initially bad but then some games nickel and dime you for DLC thaht it gets absurd
>pic related has $52 of story DLC and that is not counting the silly VR fishing crap or having to buy the move that is also plot relevant
Blame the real problem user, Lincoln wanted to deport them back to Africa after the war but the kikes stopped him.
whats the math on this after inflation?
Clinton, too. Executive order 12850.
What are other time consuming hobbies like video games and what do they cost? Not talking motorsports or traveling, but Warhammer, manga, movies, comics, card games..
Do they cost a couple hundreds to start plus around 100$ a month like gaming does for most people?
If yes then gaming priced reasonably.
Inb4 100$ a month are you a trillionaire
spreading disease and being a disease are two different things. Introduce blacks and any city, town etc goes to shit
Definitely. Fuck them too.
It's not whataboutism. It's pointing you in the right direction.
>microtransactions are the result of a price ceiling
>Not buying shit on sale
Vidya goes down in price crazy fast user, only a jackass buys shit at full price unless you really want to play it at launch or its a Nintendo game and it will never be lowered in price anyway
Nigger enabler
>blacks dindu nuffin, focus on X
this is textbook whataboutism. We aren't talking about boomers and reagan and all kinds of problems libtards find palatable to shit on.
>Definitely. Fuck them too.
How Hillary landed this role still baffles me.
Price of every videogame = 0€
I would say that they are quite cheap actually.
when i was like 9 i bought delta force for 500 sek (60ish dollars) and yesterday i bought total war three kingdoms for 549 sek (65ish dollars)
the prices are fine
Good thing Nintendo games ain't even worth playing
>These people who had next to no political power are responsible for all my problems and not the people holding actual positions of power!
You have to be 18yrs or older to post on Yea Forums.
I'd be so happy if she stopped showing her face in public and I never have to see her again.
t. Black liberal that voted for Bernie.
shut up, nigger
If you want someone to blame, blame the people responsible for the Great Society Legislation. Before that, blacks, despite being actually oppressed (they really were in the 50's and early 60s), had fewer divorces and were pulling themselves up at an astonishing rate. Then came the Great Society Legislation by Lyndon B. Johnson, and it all went to shit.
But really, while blacks are a disproportionate drag on our prison system, they typically aren't working. What caused wages to stagnate was a mix of illegal aliens coming and driving the demand for unskilled labor down, and Clinton shipping jobs to China.
Fuck no. You want an expensive hobby? Try getting into firearms.
lol introduce blacks and everywhere goes to shit. We can talk about who introduces them in other conversations. I don't live near negros, they don't cause my "problems" I've just seen the problems they cause, and they are a lot worse than outsources jobs to china.
Fuck off with your libtard memes. Blacks were always cancer. Blacks being hardworking and shit was all 60s propaganda.
I never argued that blacks don't introduce problems. But wage stagnation isn't one of them.
You guys have a containment board
Maybe do a bit of research on how they were raising themselves out of poverty at 1-2% per year, every single year since they started keeping records, right up until the Greatest Society Legislation got introduced. There's a different between being a race realist, and a flat-out racist, buddy. One is logical, the other is about as emotional as a woman.
I think many, many games aren't worth 60usd. In fact I regret paying that much for few games because I typically research a lot before I buy and I buy during sales for maximum saving.
Depends on how much business the place gets and what company. You can start at Subway at minimum wage if you go to a dead store but stores that make a lot of money generally have you starting at 10 and depending on your work ethic/fucking your boss you can get started on raises quick. Or you can work at a store that doesn't get as much customers, start with 8.46 and maybe get a ten cent raise after a year and a half.
t. pic related.
I haven't been on /pol/ since Trump announced in 2015.
Bottom of the barrel eu retail worker here, i get paid 11,x bucks a hour. Having nil responsibilities at work is heavily underappreciated.
I'm a libertarian who voted for Trump, so that's a pretty weird lefty.
>Niggers control the economy
Yes, definitely. Almost every game is worth about half what it's asking, the only outliers being the really good games which come along maybe once or twice a year. Just pirate what looks cool and buy something if you really want a physical version.
Warhammer sure as hell does, figs can be as much as $50 unpainted and you need a good 20+ to even start with. Plus you need the rulebook $50ish and potentially the codex for whatever faction(s) $45ish(each). Plus the paintpaint, glue, ect to actually assemble your units.
Never been. Gonna keep trying to dismiss my arguments because of arbitrary accusations that aren't the truth?
Most are, for what you get out of them.
They shouldn't be more than €1 per hour.
>Never been
They're too cheap, actually. Video games were supposed to be a luxury good.
Manga can get expensive but it isn't a couple hundred to start. Physical will get expensive fast unless you live in Japan.
>any proxy site fees, these can really add hp
>shipping fees
>manga will start to add up, unless youre only getting obscure manga for like 3usd
Then God forbid you fuck anything up, like forgetting about your package because if it gets returned to sender, kiss your manga and money goodbye. But all that is only if you're collecting. If you just want to read then all you need is a phone (which you probably already).
Again, never been. I'm sorry you are so butt-bothered, though. Imagine, hating an entire group of people so badly that rather than actually making an argument, you instead attack the person who states statistical facts. How sad, to be so committed so something that just isn't true.
Magic The Gathering costs a lot I understand. Having to buy the cards you need for a particular deck, some of them are hella expensive. And tons of people I know buy at least one booster box when a new set comes out, which is like £100. Then there's tournament entry fees, prerelease event fees, etc. It all adds up.
Jesus. Theres no complete starter pack for 300$ I guess.
Is the game even fun? Or is it just a glorified SRPG?
Women, user. We know you're talking about women. I'll take the whiskey.
No. The average game I play I play for hundreds-thousands of hours. Some games I only play for 20 or 30 but even then, it comes out to $2 an hour, not a bad ratio. Then think of all the Amazon discounts and steam sales... no way. Getting a top of the line PC or premium console can be expensive, but they even have sales on those.
I remember when Skyrim came out in Croatia, the price of the standard edition was around 90$. Before Steam everybody pirated everything, electronics shops sold consoles with chips for playing pirated games because they knew no one would have money for regular games after buying a console. The prices are still extremely high
lmao libtards
Based Podgorny is based