ITT: Wasted potential

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explain, how would you bring minecraft to its full potential.

not him, but i wouldve made it slightly more rpg-ish and alittle less open ended.

really thats the only thing to do in minecraft, is build, explore, and kill shit, it doesnt have much structure.
But then again, maybe thats the beauty of it, eh? Thats probably why its so replayable

Can't wait for those family friendly sex mods


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I’m still fucking mad that they ruined the terrain generation. They should’ve kept the cool ass beta 1.7.3 gen. The focus on biomes make every world feel exactly the same just switched around. There’s no reason to explore except for loot and that’s half of what made Minecraft so great in the past. Mojang are actually fucking retarded.


>not him, but i wouldve made it slightly more rpg-ish and alittle less open ended
Literally missing the point of Minecraft, also the added RPG elements are terrible.
>really thats the only thing to do in minecraft, is build, explore, and kill shit, it doesnt have much structure.
The main quest is to reach the end and kill the dragon.

focus on the building, that's where all its rivers should run to

If only the technical aspects of the game matched its gameplay which was tremendous.

Attached: ark-survival-evolved-cover.jpg (720x1080, 547K)

The entire Pokemon Franchise.

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what did they change?


The main quest was a shit idea and isn’t in line with what made Minecraft great. Also the end was a shit replacement for the planned Sky Dimension which would’ve made a much better contrast to the nether.

this game is going to kill off minecraft

It wasnt about any of it, you dumb fucking faggot.Anything else from building was either fucking mediocre or shit, the game didnt refine any of its features which were desperately in need of proper revamping(combat,survival,npcs etc).Instead of fixing the game theyl eft it with placeholder features since they were fucking incompetent indieshit devs that didnt think the game would ever be successful.Hytale will do a better job than this assburgers simulator and no one will remember MC

Escape from Tarkov
World War 3
Space Hulk: Deathwing

Attached: when the music's over.gif (350x198, 2M)

thought this was an image of Cubeworld for a second.

They changed the system used for generating terrain and made it overall much more dull and “realistic”. The old terrain was much more unique and had cool quirks to it. There were a lot of mountains and floating islands but there were also plenty of flat spaces perfect for building on. Shit like what you can see in this garbage-tier quality video is something you’ll never find in modern Minecraft but is something that was fairly common in the old days.

well its not dead.he updates it every year.

Only a few of those mechanics really needed to be ironed out more you moron. Would it really make the game that much more fun if there were a few more weapons and some more shit to kill? They should’ve focused on making the features that the game was already known for better, but they did the opposite for the most part and made them worse.

Harvest Moon franchise.

Why have caves not changed in years? They added useless shit to deserts, and oceans and the end but never changed fucking caves.

This is what confuses me the most. The fucking name of the game is MINE (explore cave and mine ores) CRAFT (craft new shit using the ore and items you obtained from cave).

That is exactly what i was talking about nigger.Learn to read

Because Mojang employees are completely retarded and it takes them over a year to add anything noteworthy to this game. Meanwhile the shit they do add is mundane and dull.

you now remember cube world

Attached: Cube_World_Screens_05.jpg (1920x1017, 462K)

its still in develpment though?for it to be a wasted potential the development and updates for the game should ve been over

By fleshing out the content in the game already. The main issue with Minecraft is the fact all of the new features they add get left by the wayside in favor of more features. Instead of expanding on the Nether, which is barren as fuck, they add the End. The End is even more bare bones than the Nether, and the Nether only received a single update that added anything to it. Minecraft is a great game for building, but survival is just trash.

>tfw we'll never know what minecraft could have been if notch/jeb/dinnerbone hadm't given up and dock hadn't gone apeshit

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they were fucking retarded that is why they didnt have any vision just lucky

>add new blocks for building (granite, andesite and diorite)
>make them ugly as fuck

Serious question though, what will Microsoft do to compete against Hytale? ASSUMING is good, stable and actually delievers.

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I’ve bought minecraft on Xbox and iPad. I bought it on switch about a month ago and it’s the only time I’ve every really got into it and made a dent in a survival world.

In fact I only just started exploring last night...

I found an egyptian kinda temple in which I dug deep down into, all the while collecting terracotta ,which, I’d never found or produce before.

Then I discover four storage boxes, I opened them and found some cool stuff. Then boom, fall into sand and die...

Respawn run straight back to death location and...

Why the fuck am I playing this game that was legit pus.

I think the old humanoid models don't really fit the aesthetic of the normal game, voxels and object designs would have had to be remade with more detail and to match that blending square design.

Just looked at hytake and heard of for the first time.
Hytale Looks like roblox which looks like minecraft...


It's pretty much been dead since 2014, iirc

Here's what I would've made it better

>Main focus is always building shit and creating things that help gathering resources more efficient for more demanding items, similar to Factorio
>Main goal of the game is to exploit and explore the entire generated universe for things, rather than "defeat the dragon" or fuck around in 3 limited dimensions.
>Ditch the RPG elements completely. Minecraft was never about RPG for fucks sake.
>Make Redstone a major part of later parts of the game to encourage redstone skills and creativity for less experienced players.
>Ditch block-based Redstone wiring system, and go for a node-based redstone wiring system to make creations more compact and easier to manage through a specialised tool.
>Have automation in the redstone system to help the player in later stages of the game.
>Let the player create their large scale moving creations, made out of blocks instead of just using entities. These can include air, underground, water, ground vehicles.
>Give them the option to turn them into completely automated machines that can mine for resources or produce them as well.
>Create "stages" with the technology and recipe exploration in the game to give the player a better sense of progression.
>Make the environment a real challenge to build around, encouraging designs that adapt to the environment
>Extremely varied terrain generation, similar to Beta/Alpha
>Smarter terrain generation that generates different things on surface, underground, sky, in X, Y and Z planes instead of just one plane.
>Make the other 2 dimensions more "3D" with the addition of Nether "Space" and Heaven "Space"
>Add Heaven as the proper 3rd dimension, instead of End.
>Keep End, but only make it so that it's only accessible from Nether, making the whole experience of "going deeper" more sense.
>Add more scary and ominous shit into End.
>Add a 4th dimension that's only accessible through Heaven, which is a surreal abstract area that the mind can't comprehend.

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and it will be GOTYAY

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They lost their way with the 1.8 adventure update and tried to be like skyrim. The entire charm of playing it was wondering whether or not you were alone in this massive world.

Well, yeah, no shit. Literally all of Minecraft's art to this day is either placeholder dev art, touched-up placeholder dev art, or art made to fit with the placeholder dev art.

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next mn9

put steve into smash

The hunger system ruined minecraft

Everyone’s afraid to say this. Minecraft has been shit for years.

Unironically this. Thanks to the Hunger shit, they put in a ton of useless crap that exists purely to make the player less hungry, rather than allowing them to Mine and Craft shit.
I'm not crafting a fucking baked potato, you Swedeshits, I'm trying to find fucking diamonds.

wasn't this game's original scope dwarf fortress but 3d?

>t. shitters
before the hunger update,combat was TRIVIAL. All you needed was to instantly eat an apple and you gained 2 hearts,just spam click and eat bread or apples to refill your lost health.
zero challenge at all

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then just put a cooldown on eating food instead of the retarded hunger bar

It actually wasn’t because when you ran out of food you were royally fucked. And not just fucked if you didn’t find food soon, fucked at that given moment. The first few nights in a new world in Minecraft were impossible to survive without a shelter because you most likely weren’t going to have the food needed to do it and you couldn’t just run away since sprint didn’t exist.

Thoughts on the village update?

>doesn't have an infinite world with biomes but a more linear starter biome -> biome 2 -> biome 3 etc. progression instead

It's shit already

Good in theory, terrible in practice. Villager breeding took a nosedive, they don't stick near their given posts like they should and AI is even worse because they'll still walk into hazards and now they leave houses during a Raid in a panic.

Not running a fucking prison camp is impossible.

2010 MC fag here.

you and your ilk disgust me. the world gen is literally the best it's ever been.

Tbh I feel like the world just needs to be way deeper. The surface is fine with how high the ceiling is, but the ground itself should at least extend to 3x what it currently does. There's so much potential for biomes and shit the deeper you go but being limited to 64 blocks or so downwards sucks.

by doing everything that Terraria did but in 3D

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unrelated question but can you make gas chambers in this game?

I'd use Dispensers and Lingering Potions of Harming. Why?

It's good for what it is, which is an update to make villages not boring and useless. Villagers themselves have a purpose other than making more villagers and now there's actually a reason to keep them alive for extended periods of time. The new looks for them and the actual villages is nice too. Oh, and Iron Golems actually spawn naturally now in numbers larger than 1. There's crossbows now too which is cool.

He posted new pics on his Twitter in Jan of this year

>big continents and islands
>replaced with puke patchwork of biomes with "ocean" lakes

Attached: ObCZ4hw.png (2550x937, 1.49M)

Rely on name brand and superior marketing

Why there is no cubic chunks?
They have world beyond story continent.

You could always mod it to be whatever you want it to be

The entire series
Most of Ubisoft's IPs too actually

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its the inverse user. ms2 is a shit game from the get-go that the devs have been trying to fix since it was launched on the west, its just no one gives a shit anymore.

m8 what year is it. oceans in minecraft are fuck huge.
>posts render
yeah "world gen" fags never post screenshots. funny how that is


here's how
>make hard mode more rewarding, in it's current state there is zero benefit to playing on hard besides armour/tool drops, make more xp drop on monsters that cannot have those
>separate hunger from healing or make it regenerate at lower hunger and improve non-meat food/ add combining food items such as bread and meat, make food that fills less hunger be eaten much faster
>remove phantoms or change how they work
>improve caves by putting things in them such as mineral caves, cobwebs, luminescent mushrooms, slime caves, etc
>make the nether actually have content outside of fortresses and quartz
>make random chest loot more rewarding (remove seeds, add more music discs and enchantment books)
>give wondering traders better deals
>give rotten flesh an actual use outside of trade fodder and early game food like using it to make leather
>make horse Armour craftable and enchantable
>add a "auto equip" option for Armour
>remove needing blaze powder for potion fuel
>remove pointless/outdated features (bats and minecarts with furnaces)
>add proper arrow tipping to java edition (the cauldron is literally useless in the version)
>make harvesting scutes easier/faster
>add sharks and don't give us the BS about them being understood when your perfectly fine with us killing spiders and passive mobs and eating rotten flesh from people
>add actual furniture besides beds
>make sleeping actually heal you
>improve enchanting by removing the RNG
>make potions actually useful outside of water breathing/fire resistance and regen
>give witches better drops (like actual potions)
>give illagers a worthwhile drop besides crossbows
>make the moon phases actually mean something in the game
>add an auto crafter that can be used with item hoppers
>allow for empty bottles to become bottles of enchanting if they are in chest where cooked/smelted are dropped
>make the end not shitty in multiplayer by adding more then 20 end city's

what was he meant to post to get the world gen across? a single screenshot from a single player perspective?

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this sounds pretty damn good
its basically a more cohesive version of some of the better modpacks

considering that is what you actually experience in the game yes.

but world gen fags never do that because the game is much more visually interesting now than it used to be while also having less conflicting biomes interlaced

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nobody with above room temp IQ is looking forward to a game made by the same faggots who jewed their minecraft servers so bad mojang actually had to make an EULA for them

such a shame but so so true

>he wants terraria in 3D

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