Is this shit worth 40 dollars?
Is this shit worth 40 dollars?
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it's not worth 4 dollars
You can get it for 30 on Ebay op.
why would you buy an emulator when you got those free on PC.
If you like expensive drink coasters yeah.
>imagine paying for an emulator and disk images, downloaded from the web, and that you can get them FOR FREE just by searching for them on google
You enjoy having your wife getting fucked by other men, right?
Is it true it uses the PAL version of some games?
Yes, however iirc you can go access the emulator options and change it to NTSC
they should be giving these away for free
The Genesis Mini looks like some good shit.
I just wish it was less expensive.
Maybe if you really, really want two PS1 controllers without analog sticks.
They should have just put Vita TVs inside the plastic shells with some preloaded PS1 classics, and the ability to buy more.
Only if you want to mod it. Last I checked you can plug in a USB stick loaded with games and even use a PS4 controller with it for analog games.
maybe $0
That would require Snoy Commiefornia to be actually competent
i really dont know how this meme caught on, most people on Yea Forums dont have wives and never will
I dont get it, does the disc reader actually open and work with the old playstation discs?
what does it mean 'virtual memory card'?
it has usb ports in the front, does it mean it doesnt have an internal memory to save the game but you need a USB drive to use as virtual memory card?
pls respond
I wouldn't even take it for free
Absolutely not, you are better off making your own.
It's an okay price for a decent shell and two controllers if you wanna turn it into a RetroPie or something like that.
doesn't play disks
you don't need a memory card
usb ports are for the controllers
>doesn't play disks
whats the entire fucking point if it doesnt play the original game discs in full HD?
like what the fuck
so the 20 games that come with it are all that you can play if you buy it?
you cant add more games?
Okay summerchild,
It's just a replica of the original exterior design like every MINI console ever with a raspberry pie put inside.
If you want the authentic experience, get a PS1 or 2 and choose whichever piracy method suits you.
If you want an improved experience, run an Playstation emulator on the most powerful device you have and turn on features like emulated processor overclock and PGXP perspective correction.
If you want a shit experience, buy a Playstation classic.
They have to fucking give ME $40 to play it
I have entire cardboard boxes filled of original PSX game discs back at my moms house from my childhood I hoped for a second I could replay them on my HDMI tv with this
Any PS3 is backwards compatible with PS1 disks and doesn't cost much more used.
No you would have to make something like this for that.
It's just a nostalgia b8 emulator box with original controllers nothing more.
>you cant add more games?
I only have a SNES mini and you can add games with Hakchi. Don't know if something like that exists for the PS mini.
I swear you've been asking the same question for the last few days now. Yesterday was $30.
Not worth shit, it's a shit product, make one yourself.
can you give me this image without the text
>whats the entire fucking point if it doesnt play the original game discs in full HD?
Nostalgia bait
>so the 20 games that come with it are all that you can play if you buy it?
>you cant add more games?
If you mod it you can add however many games you can fit on a USB stick
Go hack it and shit so you can add more games in it
PS3s PS1 backward compatibility is emulated. It's not the best, it is an emulator from 2006 afterall.
Some issues I've noticed is using the handgun on the final boss of SH1 causes the sound to shit out for the rest of the game and the backgrounds of Fear Effect to get "stuck" in their animations.
here you go
If you wanna hack it to put games actually worth a fuck on there then maybe
But emulation exists so why bother
only if you are planning on installing CFW and even then id say get it for 20
Honestly it comes with what, fourty games?
Totally worth it considering how expensive it would be to get a Genesis/equivalent and a flash cart
For 40 bucks you could get an original at a flea market.
Pro tip. Buy a second hand PSP for less and jail break it using a memory card adapter and 128gig microsd card.
You now can play every PSX game you could ever want and PSP games too!
Didn’t the snes classic run ps1 games better than this?
for the usb controllers
that is all
EHHHHH, it's not great at PSX emulation, doesn't have enough buttons either.
That reminds me. How the fuck is this playable? It was officially released on the psp
bleemsync exists
When you hit the attack button, you attack where your character looks instead of having to aim with the second stick independently.
That’s fucking gay
Better off getting nes mini for jailbreaking. It emulates ps1 better than ps1 mini
psps are not less than 30 dollars canadian, which is what i got my psc for
that is wrong, beyond wrong. the psc has a better cpu/gpu/and more ram. But the built in emulator is old so you can just install retroarch on it with bleemsync. Pi 3 B is faster though but more expensive all told than a 30 dollar psc
mednafen destroys all of those and is free
Getting one tomorrow to use the 2 controllers on PC.
$20 of each controller seems like a fair price.
>hacking to play a shit ton of systems
>two high quality pc-compatible controllers
>small and portable
Yes, even moreso for 30
But if you can find a NES or SNES classic for the same price go for that instead
Fuck no nigga
No, it doesn't even use a custom emulator. You can literally have a better experience playing it on a PC with actual goddamn analog controls.
I could be wrong but cant you also play actual Genesis cartridge games on it?
>usb ports are for the controllers
And a specific make of USB keyboard if you want to "hack" it.
I'd say yes for novelty purpose but even then it fails at its job because it runs shit worse than a free emulator.
Got one for 20
Got a 8bitdousb adapter for 20
Installed the latest bleemsync with otg and using a 128gb drive
Set it up so that it uses retroarch instead of the default emulator
Now it's pretty fucking amazing. Even Ape Escape works if you set it up with a DS4
Of course not
Thats kinda cool