We can all agree this was a decent soulslike
>...... r-right?
We can all agree this was a decent soulslike
>...... r-right?
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I couldn't beat the first mecha boss thing so I quit.
It's ok, but if it wasn't for the fact it was a ps+ title i wouldn't go out of my way to play this game.
future cult classic IMO, I loved every second of it
hoping Surge 2 doesn't suck ass
It was a lot of fun, and the aesthetic was GOAT. I'm looking forward for the 2nd. I hope it will be longer though.
i liked the 1st area but hated the 2nd. So i gave up.
most people who play this ignored the fact that attacking made you commit to a 50 sec animation
It literally did so many things better than Souls and even games like Monster Hunter that I'd call it good for that alone.
Love how you don't have to craft the low-tier versions of items before crafting the final one, given you already have the items for the final upgrade. Or how you can equip the whole set by keeping the button pressed for a second when equipping one part of it.
It felt fair that the bigger weapons had a more weighty animation but could stagger and knockback. While the "dexterity" weapons were almost instant.
Not to mention there are multiple ways to speed up attacks.
i really liked it, but it was equally frustrating in some parts. Here's me vs a boss youtu.be
I actually didn't find out about crafting the latest level of a weapon without earlier versions until way late in the game. I felt like a retard knowing I backtracked so long trying to farm early upgrade garbage.
The only decent soulslike is Nioh, sadly. At least this was better than Lords of the Fallen though.
yea once you learn that slide attack you kinda start facerolling the game. I got close to the end but never cared to finish it, its purposefully clunky in a bad way and I dislike the setting a lot.
It had a lot of great ideas like the one OPS only per level (with the final one being absolutely fantastic), the individual targeting or the drone but everything is hampered by poor design.
The level design is confusing and borderline nonsensical to the point where dark collector tunnel assets from the production levels are recycled right next to the CEO boardroom, the right stick dodging is awkward as fuck and fighting in dark cramped spaces with only your flashlight that wobbles around with every swing is godawful.
Bosses are also a lowpoint, especially the production platform and the Black Cerberus.
no it was shit, upgrading your character is a big mess in itself
6/10 at best.
The ideas are there but everything else is just... obnoxious.
The claw boss is perhaps the worst boss I've seen in a video game.
It's thr only game I've ever played without manual saves where my save file corrupted losing all my progress before the end game boss, I never played it again
Somehow the most satisfying moment in the entire game.
it's an overpriced and underperforming dark souls rip off that doesn't do anything of relevance better
also the studio underpays their employees hard
whats its like being a poor fag
So it's actually not bad? How does it compare to Lords of the Fallen?
>corporate shill journo has a brief surge of conscience
should happen to more of them
Worse than LotF
MUCH better than that with my main plus point being that the camera doesn't constantly feels like as if you're drunk during an earthquake.
some weapon combos are still very safe, but it's nowhere near as bad as shield charge staggers in LotF
it's a lot faster too
its a bit better but thats not saying much at all
>caring about employees
It's fucking bad.
This sums it up.
Lords of the Fallen is terrible
The Surge had some potential but they fucked it up.
It was fun enough to hold me through to the end.
If you plan on playing it, the lynx set and a heavy weapon will carry you through the entire game easily.
As someone who liked both games, Surge is far better than Lords of the Fallen in a lot of areas.
Lords of the Fallen has horrendous balance problems and a really rushed last-half, and never fully realizes nearly anything put into the game. What's there is fun, but there isn't much to be had.
Surge is altogether a more comprehensive product, although much like LOTF, it will still leave you sad that it doesn't match up to the actual Souls titles.
LOTF is a lazy, overly-linear Surge.
Surge is a less than fully realized, overly-linear Souls.
If you have specific questions, ask away. I'll give in-depth answers as best I can remember.
I ended up clearing up to like NG+6 on Surge because the weapons and enemies keep scaling into wildly high NG's, although it's sort of procedural. Also, you can finish a NG cycle in like less than a couple hours even as a non-speedrunner-type, once you know the map/s.
falling for the
>poor overworked game devs
how's that commie cum taste?
Surge just also has a more interesting setting/aesthetic for this kind of gameplay.
Won't lie there are parts where it's obvious they cut corners or didn't finish
[Spoiler]the intercom guy who just disappears and is never mentioned[/spoiler]
But for an offline, soulslike with little to no minmaxing, it was fun.
>also slide attack op
t. unemployed
Now this game was boring trash
I'm so fed up with le old Jap settings and Geralt clone characters anyway though
>the intercom guy
who's that?
not Don Hackett I hope
I liked how the evil guys were Jews and that marketer a generic diversity hired brown basedboy
>It's fucking bad.
lol, retard
He's in the second area, he keeps talking about how he's waiting for someone at the next train station, and the closer you get the more he says he can't wait any longer
I hated this game until I found out about the quicksave function.
>yfw Creo spelled backwards is Tesla
i remember that, but it didn't strike me as cut content
it was just a story told through voice entries
no fuck you
I liked it
what quicksave ? i remember i had to walk to every boss
I liked this game, it's underrated. Had a fun time playing through.
filtered lmao
Game is great.
I'm in the second area and there are alot of missable tiny holes you just fall down and insta die, I love the idea of targetting limbs, on second boss now and it's just another giant robot though which I hope doesn't continue.
I'm still salty with these guys oveer LotF so I might give Surge 2 a go if this picks up abit more.
i was weirded out by how the game suddenly expected you to feel sympathy fir him after setting him up as a spineless annoying cunt, i guess the writers did that to soften the edge a little
Nioh has repetitive stages but is overall pretty good dude...
Nioh 2 will probably be a blast.
You’re too cynical
>there are alot of missable tiny holes
i only remember this happening on a specific bridge but holy shit did it piss me off
It's fucking garbage.
Had a bug with water reflections being bright as a sun. Tried playing despite that, but it was so annoying. Dropped haven't looked back
>I payed money for this mediocre game
it's hard not to be cynical when journalists are setting this up to be the next
>another giant robot
>I hope doesn't continue
Too linear, no weapon variety, enemies are damage sponges, cringy story, shit sound track and style, few attacks and retarded level system.
there's a dude boss
final boss has as dude phase
Big Sister is more of an installation than a robot
honestly, most of these are plain wrong. But you do you
it was a real improvement from lotf, kinda impressive considering their previous games
i really liked how they kept hinting at everything not being real and just a simulation
at one point i even thought i was the liberator and the blood splatter at the beginning of the game when you get your first rig installed was a nice touch
No u
>blood splatter at the beginning of the game
that's only appears on NG+
It had goo ideas, but it was very shitty execution for the most part. I'm glad it's getting a sequel, I'm hoping they will take the opportunity to refine what had the potential to be a decent game.
Over a bridge there is a guy on a gun, to attack him you have to angle yourself perfectly because a tiny hole is right at the top of the stairs inbetween him and you, it's pretty bad.
Any soulslike where you have to play some fucking rando instead of getting to play dress-up with your own character is instantaneously garbage and leagues worse than its competitors by virtue of not even being able to do the most basic shit properly because "MUH COOL GUY PROTAGONIST"
This includes Sekiro
Soulslike is a retarded term.
This is an accurate post.
It is, but it's the best we have to describe it. I haven't heard a good replacement for metroidvania so it'll probably be all we have.
you are the retard
It's an action game dude. That's all there is to it.
Is ocarina of time a souls like then?
We should make something better than. Soulesque? Soulsborne games? DieTwice games?
Literally me, I have finished all 6 souls and Nioh but first Mecha boss was boring and difficult so I quit.
I still have save files stored.
No it's a Question of Zeldia 64like because it takes inspiration from Quest 64 and older TLoZ games
Except it describes a certain type of action game.
>Exploration of a vast land that has shortcuts leading back to itself.
>Currency that is gained from every kill but lost in its entirety if you die and you need to overcome whatever killed you the first time in order to recover it, otherwise it's lost permanently if you die again.
>Vast amount of equippable items.
>A stat system which locks you out of wielding certain equipment if you aren't proficient enough.
>A stamina system for actions like attacking, dodging, or blocking.
>The difficulty in general is punishing but fair and requires the player to understand how to tackle each enemy and area rather than just flinging themselves at a problem until they get lucky.
>Multiple roles you can spec into like magic, prayer, dex, strength, etc.
There's a reason why Nioh and Salt and Sanctuary are considered Soulslike.
this logic is fucking retarded and I don't even like this game
Why exactly? It's a completely normal term imo
I hated that faggot all the game. Mostly because i didnt know you could turn his voice off..
>There's a reason why Nioh and Salt and Sanctuary are considered Soulslike.
Because fanboys tend to be autistic and like to create new categories so everything fits inside its own neat little box.
It'd be easy to list off common shit in platformers or RPGs in an attempt to coin the term "Mariolike" or "FFlike" but I don't enjoy stooping to that kind of stupidity.
Also work on your use of dubious terms like "vast."
You couldn't turn his voice off until they added it in a patch months after release, IIRC.
>Because fanboys tend to be autistic and like to create new categories so everything fits inside its own neat little box.
Or because it tells you what kind of game it is at a glance? I also forgot to mention a system where you level up at checkpoints you need to unlock and micromanage all your items from it. Mario doesn't have as many specific gameplay quirks in the slightest and they always change with each game. The most you have with him is jumping and power ups which could easily describe Contra. Soulslike/borne games all have the same core ethos behind the gameplay and design just like Metroidvanias do which is why it's used.
Aha, first time i played was when the game was released, and then i played again 2 months ago with all the patches/dlc.
Same for the fucking country song it plays when you are crafting stuff or leveling up
It's an action game with RPG elements. Huh, I wonder if we already have a term for that...
>Mario doesn't have as many specific gameplay quirks
Oh my mistake I meant "Mario64like" and you'd be an idiot to claim it wasn't as impactful as Dark Souls.
it was more fun than any DS I've played. might be biased as this was my first soulslike though, but I really liked the setting and atmosphere, but the gameplay was great, with the limb system you could just farm parts and practice attacks and shit it was fun as fuck.
>It's an action game with RPG elements.
and like 6 other specific functions which I already explained, otherwise Souls games are 1:1 like Tales of games which you know they're not and it would be disingenuous to say so.
I just remember watching the beginning with some friends, I was pretty high and the part where he gets the gear put on him horrified me. I couldn't stop thinking about it the rest of the night.
You're fighting a word you trog.
>6 other specific functions
Which is irrelevant because they don't constitute a drastic change.
Nah I'm picking on some autistic kids.
Okay retard
Said the boy with no argument.
>because they don't constitute a drastic change.
Except they do, otherwise I can say Dark Souls games are like Tales of games because they have equips and stats when they play nothing alike. I can say Akiba's Trip is like a Souls game when it's so far from the truth it's ridiculous.
Souls games are their own specific gameplay design, the difficulty, the stamina system, the plethora of equips, the multiple playstyles available to the player, the online messaging system which appears in-game, the invasion mechanic, the co-op mechanic, the corpse run mechanic, and so on all put together. It's ridiculous you think games like this aren't at least taking a page from it.
It's shit.
It sounds like you’re just butthurt over a word. Out of curiosity how would you define games like Dark Souls?
Loved it. Needed a better NG+ mode.
>I can say Call of Duty games are like DOOM games because they have weapons and first person perspective when they play nothing alike
Yes I agree it's time we properly adapt with the times and have both a Call of Duty-like and a DOOMlike genre.
>have a tendency to mash buttons
>enemies don't stagger consistently and can just move through your attacks
>be very careful with hitting attack button
>press it one time, pc attacks enemy
>press it second time, pc attacks enemy
>press it third time, pc attacks enemy
>enemy starts attack animation
>press dodge button
>pc for some reason adds a fourth attack and the enemy, unfazed by that, lands a blow
Yeah, fuck that shit. I don't know if this is supposed to be some kind of combo mechanic or whatever, but it's infuriating.
nice bait.. but still kys lol
it has a duck and jump mechanic you were supposed to incorporate into your attacks,
Except, again, there are only two differences between CoD and Doom: Keycards and a health/armor system. Otherwise they are FPS games. You need to have multiple things that differentiate your game in that same genre before it's actually even thought of as a specific gameplay type, otherwise the term "Metroidvania" wouldn't even exist. Hell, Simulation Racers and Arcade Racers shouldn't exist as a genre by your logic.
I've played the game for hours before I quit, massively frustrated. This is the first time I've heard about those mechanics.
>o-oh no? i can't roll out of everything? aaaaaaaaah!
objectively better than dark souls 3
Very strange. I know it made combat more smoother once I figured it out, however, I never really had any problems fighting enemies.
you definitely didn't ever need to duck or jop over an attack in the whole game, so you definitely just fucking suck
The point wasn't about having problems fighting enemies, the point was that the player character did something that I did not instruct it to.
>there are only two differences between CoD and Doom
Oh yeah I definitely remember the dozens of weapons, attachments, parkour, regenerating health, and perks in DOOM. They're basically the same game!
So if I press attack three times, and the player character attacks four times, taking damage as a result, it's because I suck? Sounds like you're blindly defending a game you like against any and all criticism.
nigga im gonna turn this game on right now and im gonna press attack three times and if my dude attacks 4 times then ill concede but if he attacks three times then im gonna call you a dumb fucking faggot, sound good?
I’m gonna need you to elaborate before I buy that.
Got it free on PS+. It was a perfectly serviceable game, but it was just too small. Only four bosses was a letdown.
Go ahead. I think I had the weapon from the first boss equipped, whatever it's called. Make sure to not just test it one time and discard my post, since timing may be a factor.
The very first moment when your guy is in a wheelchair caught me entirely off guard.
so you're literally unable to understand the concept that within a sequence of presses within a combo the last might be the heavy attack that does a lot of damage but is difficult to pull off?
commitment is a good thing and if something as basic as being punished for carelessly mashing the attack button makes you stop playing the game i don't know what to tell you, all it takes is some basic experimentation
Oh. I can safely say I never ran into that issue. I played on Xbox One though so I don't know if that makes a difference. The game performed fluidly with precise button movement.
better (more weighty) combat that is closer to bloodborne than dark souls 3, and actual coherent setting and an at least somewhat comprehensible plot, also has a great aesthetic
>commitment is a good thing
Depends on the game.
it's genuinely always a good thing in action games so long as the enemies are designed to have gaps where they fit so it's left to the player to figure out the optimal timing
>last might be the
Might be? So it's up to RNG? Also, that's not what I was talking about. Learn how to understand written text.
>Might be? So it's up to RNG?
no it's always
>Also, that's not what I was talking about. Learn how to understand written text.
that was literally what you were talking about though, you were complaning that you were surprised by the last part of a combo lasting longer and you not being able to dodge out of it, it literally takes doing the combo just once to figure this shit out, maybe twice it's the most basic shit ever i wonder if you could even handle mhw
>coherent setting
waking up after "THE INCIDENT" and suddenly being kickass combatman after being wheelchair bound isnt coherent
>great aesthetic
its literal trash thrown together.
I thoroughly enjoyed this game. I thought the environments were really unique, the enemies were fun to fight and overall the game played really well. I'm always going to have a fond memory of it. This was the first game I tried out on my Samsung 65" 4k and was absolutely blown away by the graphics; everything was so vibrant and clear. It was a really great moment.
Except out of all of that the only specifics you mentioned are:
>Regenerating health
Which are a staple of FPS games in general and not aped from any one genre because they've come from many specific ones over the years, Battlefield for instance did the attachments first as far as I recall and Mirror's Edge did parkour in first person first before Dying Light did it in an FPS game. They're not COD-like because you can argue Halo did regenerating shields first which is the same concept. Heck, even Titanfall has more than that but it's not genre-defining because no other game has done everything it does (Like ropes and mechs in addition to all your mentioned mechanics).
Again, a game needs to have multiple unique attributes that make up its core design pillars and then games after it comes out need to use the exact same design pillars before you can consider it a genre. Platforming is a genre because it's a generic (You jump across platforms and precisely aim on platforms or deal with unique obstacles). FPS is a genre because it's a generic (You expect guns, it's in first person, you may or may not have stance changes, and you can potentially aim down the sights). Action RPG is a genre because it's a generic (You have full control of your character in battle, you can attack without needing to wait for your turn, your damage dealt is based on your equipment, and
Until you explain to me how a Souls game is generic, particularly when multiple games (Salt and Sanctuary, Lords of the Fallen, The Surge 1 and 2, and Nioh) have used the design pillars from it, it can stand as a description of a gameplay genre. It's a branching off of the Action RPG genre, otherwise "Stealth" isn't a genre, MGS is a third person adventure game using your logic.
is it better than LotF?
I only got this game because it was free on PS+ but have not touched it.
No it fucking isn't. Tons of amazing action games are built around being able to easily cancel your actions.
Alright i checked out twin rigged, single rigged, single handed and double handed
lol you're a dumb fucking faggot
some weapons have different movesets and the twin rigged and single rigged have movesets which involve you attacking more than once from a single button press
learn to fucking play a game you dumbass
>surprised by the last part of a combo lasting longer
No, I was annoyed by the player character performing actions that I did not instruct it to by specific inputs. A game that has a strict emphasis on committing to actions can not have this kind of mechanic, at least not on the same button that is supposed to deliver single attacks.
Why are you defending shit design?
yes that's why it's weighty that's a good thing
>waking up after "THE INCIDENT" and suddenly being kickass combatman after being wheelchair bound isnt coherent
except you aren't and everything is justified in-game
>its literal trash thrown together.
you must really be a soulsbab to be this willfully ignorant of the game
Yeah I'm not reading anything else from someone disingenuous or retarded enough to say DOOM and CoD are the same.
name one good action game that does not incorporate commitment
I like how you confirmed my complaint 100% and still think you're in the right.
>I was annoyed by the player character performing actions that I did not instruct it to by specific inputs.
it was doing exactly what you made it do though it's completely consistent and predictable
Good job moving those goal posts.
show me how i moved the goalposts go ahead
>it's completely consistent and predictable
It's not, because the game never teaches you that this mechanic exists, nor when it applies. That's the exact opposite of consistent and predictable. If I press the button for a light attack, I want my character to perform a light attack, not a combo, not a heavy attack, just a single light attack for a single press of the light attack button.
How can anyone defend this shit?
Except I said Doom and CoD are different parts of the same genre, but their differences aren't specific to their game. "Arcade shooters" are usually what Doomlike games are called because it specifies health needing to be picked up, having all your weapons on you at once, and being gated by special items along closed off levels. Run n' Gun shooters are things like CoD and Halo where you regenerate health, have a weapon limit, and are more open but linear.
If you're going to throw such a dumb fit like this, what would you call games that take the Souls design pillars?
>commitment is always a good thing
As in "having to commit to moves is better than being able to cancel them."
>name one good action game that does not incorporate commitment
Moved goal posts because great action games use both methods for different attacks.
As someone who’s been reading this little spat. I need you to know that the only one who comes off as an autistic screeching man child is you. I’d wager the other guy is too politely to say it.
"this game is frustrating and broken cause i lose when i just button mash"
"dude you can't just button mash"
"haha then you have proven my point"
da fuq?
Still not going to read your shit no matter how hard you samefag.
>black Cerberus boss
I hated that boss only because the puzzle element was nonsense and stupid
Except that I specifically said that I did not mash buttons.
Except that you said that you tested it, AND confirmed what I said.
Why do you make up stuff like a fucking toddler?
I beat the game twice, but the third playthrough I felt things got too stale by then. What other weapon classes do you think should be in the game?
>he doesn't use the dual blades
best weapon type in the game
you said i attacked more times than you rpessed the button for
and i went and checked the weapons and found out that indeed you're wrong, you attacked for the amount of times you pressed the button but you fail to understand that one attack can be two separate animations that do two amounts of damage right? is this really that hard for you to understand?
dude this has been around since like fucking street fighter, holy shit man
>you fail to understand that one attack can be two separate animations that do two amounts of damage right?
So it has two animations, two times the damage, takes twice as long … but is just a single attack?
Did your mother drop you on your head a few times, or what is going on here? Am I being trolled? I don't get it.
I don't think I've ever seen someone try to defend something that they obviously are wrong about so hard. All I can say is..best of luck, dude. Hopefully they can hold your hand through the next mainstream shitfest they shove down your throat. Clearly the mechanics of this game are too complex for you.
I died so many times against the final boss that by the time i beat it i had mastered and memorized every. Single. Frame that it had.
the final boss was kind of a cunt though.
I bought it day one and didn't enjoy it. The environments aren't very interesting, it was even more boring than Lords Of The Fallen. The theme park DLC looks interesting though.
>are wrong about
You have confirmed my complaint multiple times now. You simply have a different opinion on it, but you agreed with it already. It's just that you're so far up the fanboy hole that you lost the ability to objectively judge a mechanic by it's design alone, and not your personal opinion on it.
In a game that has a heavy emphasis on commitment to action, this is shit design. It is that, because I have to go out of my way to have the game not do actions that I don't want it to do, instead of doing my best to make the game do actions that I intend it to do. Instead of acting in full control, I have to act so that the game doesn't take control away from me. Taking control away from the player to perform unintended actions is not a sign of a well designed game.
Also, throwing a temper tantrum over someone disliking a thing you like is just pathetic.
I feel sorry for you.
I changed it in the custom folder to my own music: youtu.be
Little morphing bastard
>Moved goal posts because great action games use both methods for different attacks.
ok show me where i denied that, all i stated was that it's always a good thing for an action games to have attacks that require commitment
>because the game never teaches you that this mechanic exists, nor when it applies
literally how hard is it to deduce anything you can come up with your conclusion based on experimentation can't you? look im sorry if this is genuinely this much of a problem for you but personally that shit was entirely intuitive from the second i pulled it off once