>new party member ruins the game
>the game never admits it
New party member ruins the game
That Featherfolk bitch from Star Ocean 4. Kayy never bothered me, I eventually got over Meracle, but her? Fuck me in both ears it never got better.
So much more powerful than whatever you had when you finally got him. Lore wise it makes sense, but still.
Even if you didn't use him out of pride, you still used his sword.
I think he's referring to Woolie doing LPs with some literal whos.
>first party member ruins the game
Woolie's friends seem nice and I genuinely think I'd have fun hanging out with Billy/ Mihn, but they're not good on camera, plain and simple. I wish Woolie and Pat would do some more LP's together but it sounds like Woolie has some bug up his ass about wanting to find success without 'needing' to collab with Pat to find it, and Pat doesn't want to leave his house to do anything any more than he has to.
You'd think he'd find someone who doesn't sound like ear rape.
Makoto in Persona 5
This. They are charisma sinkholes.
Is Pat the only friend Woolie has that speaks English as a first language?
>main character says something
Yes, Woolie feels uncomfortable having so many white friends so he started collecting Ethnics to feel the "culture."
>want to leave his house to do anything any more than he has to.
Pat's laundry list of phobias, complexes and simple physical issues started as amusing, but it's starting to get kind of sad. He's a legitimate shut-in.
>too many party members are added
>game would've been more comfy with just the first 4 or 5 members
Woolie is stupid, he should make his wife his LP partner.
In that single time I've seen her in his birthday stream she was already funny enough that she could be a part of his "job".
AND she likes games too, even jrpgs like Persona, so he is missing out.
don't feel bad about pat, he has it good for someone with his issues
Minh is pretty based though. It's just funny when Woolie thinks Minh ruined his joke because he didn't understand it while Minh in fact made a much better joke.
>Pat's laundry list of phobias, complexes and simple physical issues started as amusing, but it's starting to get kind of sad. He's a legitimate shut-in.
In this case it seems to be motivated by raw laziness, not any phobias about the dirty world that lives outside of his house. Fucker just doesn't want to get off his couch unless he needs to.
You mean Liam?
That cunt gnome in Pathfinder: Kingmaker
>'main'/ first party member is by far the worst one and everyone knows it
>they can't be ousted from the rest of the group seamlessly/ without major issues
>have to completely reform the group just to get rid of the whiny figurehead original member
>magic is gone after the awkward upheaval
>things are never the same
Thanks, Matt. You could have just left the channel in Woolie's hands and let him have the brand, but you just had to take your toys and go home all because you weren't the most popular member.
Liam seemed to side with him as well, did Pat do some dark shit to those boys?
Is the GoTcast over yet?
I doubt it, but with how Matt and Liam act, I hope Pat put that massive dwarf cock of his to good use and cucked them. Liam especially.
liam's skin is about as thick as butterfly wings, of course he hates someone like pat who enjoys talking shit with his friends
look at this shit, a literal highschool girl
Jesus, what a little bitch.
>his old friends being successful is making him have a panic attack
>Woolie is partnered with Rooster Teeth
>Specifically avoids saying the name 'Pat' because it asspains Liam so fucking much that he banned the word in his chat
He probably told Matt that baby talk wasn't funny and to stop coming to work drunk.
This is the reaction I’d expect if the castle beast boys raped him, did they do our boy dirty?
>he banned the word in his chat
lol holy fuck
there's rent free and there's this
Jesus Christ. For all Pat's many faults, at least he isn't this much of a little bitch to be threatened by a former associate's success. This is "literally shaking" tier.
It feels weird seeing him so actively hate Pat, considering they had some of the best LP chemistry on the channel.
Absolutely this.
Motherfucker got himself a cube to game at his couch more efficiently. Soon he'll never have to leave that spot.
>Doing 3rd Birthday without Pat when you played the first two Parasite Eve games with him
Have fun with your declining views, Wool.
Yep. Lymle was her name.
There's a decent chance he'll become a tranny within 5 years.
the Barkley LP was fucking great
This. Why isn't Pat part of the LP?
Matt and Liam are both like this.
Look at how visibly angry Matt is that Pat achieved homeowner status before he did, despite the fact that Matt's married to a rich sugarmomma trog.
It's so fucking pathetic, sad, and envious. Just outright contemptible behavior.
>woolie tries to virtue signal with black slavery
>minh turns it into a joke
I like Billy, and I like that fatter black guy in the katamari videos, but he's awful in everything else
Because Pat has his paypigs so he doesn't need it, and Woolie is too stubborn to admit that nobody likes his other friends, so he keeps pushing them.
What stream is this from?
all the idiot had to do was to tie pat in a chair and play 3rd birthday next to him
He looks so fucking mad its pathetic.
Kirby Lore when?
I don't care if he's partially taking the piss with it. I want more.
Holy shit lol
>remember when a screeching autist ruined our DeS streams?
>let's get a screeching autist on ALL THE TIME
Woolie why.
I love how quickly Matt turned vicious the moment Pat said something mildly negative about Matt's baby-babble "gully-gully" nonsense. The man's a simmering lake of petulant man-child rage hiding under a bland, "dudebro friendly" exterior. Oh, who am I kidding, that's everybody like Matt.
This shit is baffling to me. And he didn't bother getting Matt or Liam at least for the Wonderful 101 LP, even though we know they're both willing to work with him given the Automata LP with Liam and the ongoing Fighterpedia shit with Matt. It's just such a missed opportunity and now that LP is unwatchably dull because of his cohost.
Matt's face is literally turning red holy shit.
Pat did call out the babytalk on video once, and Simpsons McFartgas immediately responded that people on his Tumblr liked it like the fat baby he is.
As much as everyone bashes SO4, i liked it. I've replayed it several times over the years, and i don't think it's nearly as bad as everyone pretends. Yeah sure, Edge is a fucking full-on retard and crybaby for half the story. That's the worst of it. Rest of the game's got merits, and it's a good time. Combat's pretty decent, although I really despise how Symbology/magic users are inherently GARBAGE in mid/late-game due to scaling, particularly on Chaos.
It was even better than that, user. You left out the best part. Matt went on the attack, he started yelling at PAT for being POPULAR.
This. Those streams sucked because of him and I still can't make it through the archives as such. This now describes almost every LP Woolie does, somehow.
Is becoming a homeowner that much of an achievement?
>DOAX is yucky
>Trannies are normal
Is this the fate of all Canadians?
Considering it was this man who accomplished it, yes.
Considering fewer and fewer Millennials are buying houses, yes, especially ones living in big "modern" cities like Montreal.
These days yes, actually. Most people between the age of 18 and 35 live in some form of rented accommodation.
This is less true in more rural areas where a years rent in a city can buy you a nice house
Pat's always dabbing on his haters.
Right, I forgot they lived in a city.
Enjoy your like 120 viewers, Liam. Surely you made the right decision with your life. Pat will be over there getting $25 donations a few times over for fucking with a settings menu.
What pisses me off the most is he comes with ALL the sword skills, even those used by Meliadoul, and you get Meliadoul even later, despite her being weaker and not having half his moveset. I like him as a character, but the moment you get him the the game may as well just end right there.
Might have been better if his moveset was at least unique to him.
Whats the end game for that Mom character? She's made some passive aggressive indirect remarks toward pat on twitter
Also e-begged for car repairs while spending all her money on mobile phone games
I will never not smile at this meltdown.
>Pat beat the KOTOR games and Souls games multiple times
>can't understand how stats work
It was a damn good game. Shame I never beat the final boss. I think I inflicted over 10 million hp damage to the guy but still ended up wiping due to pure exhaustion/running out of healing. I noped out and never went back.
Pat's "too good" for LPs now. Streaming is 10 times easier and 100 times more profitable, he'll never bother going back to the old ways.
he memorizes rulesets and functions, not learn how they work
The fat black guy is infinitely better than Mat or Liam. Check out the Woolie x Fat black guy Katamari videos. kino
On your first playthrough/normal? Game doesn't let you pick higher difficulties until you replay it over and over, which is one of the worst things in the game.
I can't remember any specifics because it's been too long, but just play as Reimi and spam her multi-shot attack in super mode over and over and the boss should fall over if you're not wildly undergeared and not on a higher difficulty.
Cool note, once you're on your second playthrough/higher difficulty, you can elect to keep Faize in the party instead of losing him; you can trade him for Mr. Grim Reaper Edgedark
>tfw Liam (or maybe Pat) actually mentioned Liam can't play all the newer games on the market because he's got to watch his budget
Who? Germansperg?
they both deserve to lose their fanbase has to go bag groceries for a living.
The worst part of it is that he's only allowed to be this lazy because of the retards who throw money at him for doing nothing. He's not good at most of the games he plays on stream and he's a bad host. In a just world his streams would have few viewers and he would be forced to put out edited content to survive, but he gets to be a lazy amorphous blob because child fans throw mommy's credit card money at him.
>German Spy
>Alpha Gamboa
Who was the bigger autist to be on their channel?
Sadly yes , canadians are born cucked and spineless
I don’t get why most people tangentially related to the group shun pat and act like he has done something controversial. You see it all over the hug box sites like resetera as well
They had that tranny on the podcast once.
>but he gets to be a lazy amorphous blob because child fans throw mommy's credit card money at him
If it's any solace, his body is slowly shutting down due to his tremendously unhealthy lifestyle; he can't get through a Podcast without drinking at least two 16oz Red Bulls (but they're sugar-free so they're healthy) and he notes how "tired" he feels soon after he's done with one.
But pretty nice pair of tits, would titfuck it
I want to see him fail. What do we need to do make him stop getting donations. Can someone hack him?
Didn't Liam put himself into debt over this shit, too? Or was that Pat?
I know, donation culture is fucking pathetic. Someone needs to end this shitshow.
I'm not even mad.
My life is better for having seen that.
Good, do it, I want to see him having a meltdown on stream. Partnering with Rooster Teeth, what a piece of shit.
>donation culture
Just seeing that as an actual phrase makes me feel like vomiting.
Pat can be an idiot with his finances, but I don't remember him ever mentioning financial trouble. Must have been Liam. The only thing Rising about this Superstar is his interest rates.
It's pretty unfair. Woolie works so much harder and puts so much effort into actually trying to do cool stuff, yet Pat leaves him in the dust with natural charisma and 0 effort.
Pat is living pretty comfortably with that DINK life.
Really needs to have a kid. They're all in their thirties but not a single kid around, sad.
I think Liam is only 25 but he's not even a man.
None of them should reproduce, are you nuts?
R u fukin serious holy shit what a baby
Can you call me Lyanna from now on, thanks guys.
You fool. You ignoramus. You're equating "hard work" with "quality." I can spend an entire week plowing my grandparent's farm by hand, but nobody would call me "smart" or "deserving" of its fruits when I could have simply used a tractor. Working hard does not mean working smart, and at the end of the day you need to be working smart to bring in real money. Woolie has always been about putting in a ton of effort in all the wrong places and making life difficult for him in the process.
>he's unironically a SBFP fan
You're thinking of Pat, not Liam
>What started as an experiment, creating “Let’s Play” videos together, eventually generated enough advertising and sponsorship revenue that the pair were able to walk away from what they both referred to as “dead end” jobs.
>“I went from the state in life where people go crazy and jump off bridges to sitting and playing Bayonetta all of yesterday for a video that I’ve got to edit and put online,” Mr. Boivin (Pat) said during an interview with Post Arcade.
>“I was crazy in debt, like bad in debt, and I had a bad job. The fact that I am calling this a job is surreal,”
And he can't even be bothered to put in THIS level of basic effort anymore.
>They're all in their thirties but not a single kid around, sad.
Pat is a neurotic spiteful midget drinking himself into an early grave. Paige is a genetic disaster meme machine with atrocious eating habits and calcifying veins. They are among the least qualified people to bring new life into the world.
He sold out to Rooster Teeth. He can get stabbed by a hate crime for all I care.
Surprised the jannies allowed this thread, all i try to start get taken down
I don't know user. I love Pat and Paige but they have awful genes. Their kid would have a rough time.
just you wait, mr Boivin. Soon someone will make sure you cannot get donations anymore and you'll have move out of your house and go back to groceries. Then you'll really know what "surreal" means.
Also they're gingers
Your right Skelmo.
Don't you fucking dare to talk shit about Jubilost
plus Paige has enough problems, I could only see pregnancy making them worse.
I dont care if they aren't all together anymore I just want them to be happy but holy fuck they cant even do that right except maybe Pat
What the fuck Woolie actually does all week? The faggot constantly says that he barely has any time, yet he puts less content that during SBFP days and doesn't even edits his videos. He doesn't have full time job either.
If you've made it this far youre now entitled to watch it
Also post your fav LPs and memes
He actually does have a job now.
I never liked Liam. Pat, Matt and Woolie were fine.
t. Liam
Probably boxing, going to tourneys, and watching anime
LA Noire was one of the best they'd put out in years.
Someone post that liam wojak
>business side
Mat was STILL taking a cut from all content that doesn't involve him, by the way. He wasn't even the main draw in his own LP's.
Starfox adventures
>M&L: Laugh nervously*
Every time, the only acceptable race bait hes used
>Matt making LP jokes and dancing around the breakup while pat and Woolz just get it all out
What a fucking ass
Also DMC 3 I feel was their most passionate LP and had great moments
It's surreal how they went from Liam teasing Matt for not having the balls to say "nigger" during the podcast to Woolie and Pat, by THEMSELVES, gingerly dancing around saying "fag". And not even using the word "fag" against somebody, just quoting the "no way fag" comic.
Homecoming will never not be my favorite LP from them. NBA2K16 was great too even though I hate Liam, Omikron comes in at a close second, it was joyous to watch that train-wreck. Does making Woolie uncomfortable count as a meme? LA Noire was great when they reached the third desk.
>DMC4 Special Edition has been installed
>Easy mode is now available
>making willie uncomfortable
They would never have the balls to call a podcast episode "Arayan Resurrection" now.
Personally I prefer the new guy over Matt and Liam.
That is not to say he isn't good, but I can't fucking imagine how awful the W101 LP'd be with Liam acting as whiny as he was in the Automata LP.
She/he is friends with Liam, so I wouldn't be surprised Liam just told around Pat was a terrible person for pity points.
does anybody know which video is the one that has drunk Pat talking about a race war with Woolie?
Sounds like a Persona problem
Best Friends watch Samurai Cop.
As much as I hate Liam now, the way he kept Matt and Woolie ignorant for that Andross reveal was absolutely sublime.
>eceleb thread
kill yourselves shitty zoomers
Reminder Matt ended the channel because he got beat in smash
The last episode of SF:A is hilarious because Woolie and Matt had no idea about the point where development just stopped and you get nudged into the Andross final boss out of nowhere.
I thought Matt ended the channel because someone brought up Fart Gas,
remember to sage and report eceleb threads
Paige made fun of him the very last podcast. It could've been the catalyst, who knows.
knowing how thin Matt's skin is, I wouldn't be surprised if it ended because he got his feelings hurt.
Pat and Paige only have 10 more years to live, but I think the streaming well is going to dry up way before that. He needs to start thinking of backup plans
Towards the end of the group's run he was getting more and more aggressive all the time, making snide comments on the podcast and generally just having a shorter fuse. It always felt like he was on the verge of starting an argument.
probably butthurt that his ego wasn't getting stroked the way he wanted. He had that vibe of wanting to be the coolest guy in the room that can grate nerves easily.
No way fella
remember to sage and report eceleb threads
>Got a Bulbasaured and boxed it
why must newfags pretend they're not new