>Around 30 % of players drop games they start within the first hour
Is this really how zoomers play their videogames?
>Around 30 % of players drop games they start within the first hour
Is this really how zoomers play their videogames?
First 2 hours is when I decide if it's refund time or not
Yes. If I don’t like it why would I play more?
>play rain world for an hour
>drop it
>play one run of enter the gungeon
>drop it
>play one match of csgo
>drop it
the absolute state of attention spans
>Only 81.5 % of GTA 5 plays have an achievment for beating opening mission in single-player
>Only 74.1 % GTA 5 players have an achievment for beating GTA Online tutorial
What fuck is that shit? Either of them takes around 20 minutes to beat and sandbox doesn't open up until you do
I sometimes accidentally start up a game then decide I don’t want to play it, but I still own it. I also never go back to it. I think that’s how it happens.
When was the last time you actually beat a game, Yea Forums?
>Playing online games with loser zoomers
That's your problem.
Beat RE2 last week
beat yakuza kiwami 2 yesterday.
Because games aren't fun anymore.
How many of their games..?
this, op must be one of these fags who say "it gets good 10000 hours in"
Katana Zero last week, but only because it's like 5 hours long. The last one before that was literally years ago if you don't count shmups because they're 15 minutes long.
Only 50% of bloodborne owners managed to defeat the tutorial boss. It's pathetic
Rage 1, yesterday.
They have so much more options. If they don't like one game they probably have 3 more different games to play.
That being said I am also guilty of having a shorter attention span. Lately I find myself enjoying more and more brain dead isekai stories or short games of league of legends instead of playing games that requires some time to be immersed in the world.
Think of how many people who are really casually into gaming have a PS4. Not "spends an hour a day playing Fortnite" casual, but "plays a few hours of vidya per month if even" casual. Bloodborne is pretty well known as one of the best games for PS4, so lots of people who aren't into gaming at all will pick it up not knowing better. For a lot of people, having to actually try a boss more than once or twice is a dealbreaker, I'm honestly shocked 50% beat the first boss.
Only 4 % beat Jet Set Radio HD tutorial
Ghost Trick about 3 days ago
More people beat the game then finished that tutorial
I beat Gothic 2 again last week. Playing 3 now.
>Buy a game entirely based of marketing, trailers and shilling on social media
>See the game is nothing what you've expected
>Drop it
it's not that complicated, user.
I finished Catmaze last week or so.
Was it your first playthrough, user?
It's so god damn easy to get a game just for a try-out that this should come as a no surprise. And it's not really an issue of attention span or "dumb generation" in this case, more of a "you can refund, or they are so cheap that you have fifteen other games you can play so dropping things when you don't like them is not a problem."
The general attitude to design is more of a problem: looking at how games are made, rather than this stat will tell you a picture of a bigger problem.
I did this with monster Hunter world.
>drop games if they're not enjoyable for you
H-how dare they?!
I beat Dragon's Dogma maybe twice a week
i beat xenoblade 2 over the span of a month.
Witcher 1
Last monday
It's because of the overabundance of games.
I bet many of you have a backlog with at least 5 or more games that you never play because you keep returning to your favorites.
A stark contrast to normies who only play 1 game occasionally and that's it.
Hollow Knight one month ago, since then I've only been playing Smash Ultimate and Mordhau
damn I miss the initial vibe of that game.
If only it didn't get so xenoblade 1-ish at the end and Takahashi actually sticked to his idea of making a non "philosophical" game.
>Everything should be enjoyable from the start even if you have no idea what the fuck are you doing
>only have limited time
>spend it wasting hours on something you don't enjoy because it "gets good 27 hours in"
yYu sided with the rose right? You better not be some Elf loving mother fucker
i'm 35 and i do this. it's not a world where you just buy one game and go home with it for a weekend. there are so many games to choose from and so many deals that anyone that isn't a poorfag will trial run games and if they don't like them, stop and have them refunded. why would you waste time on a game that is shit?
interestingly i find myself booting up my playstation 2 lately and being amazed at how much value i get out of those old games that were complete products from the start rather than just the first part of some DLC or microtransaction scheme. if anything that 1-hour drop thing says more about todays games and game developers than it does people who play games.
Thracia 776 last night. Horrible game.
It should be extremely enjoyable to begin with just to watch the fun die as you learn the metas and full mechanics while falling further into a competitive rage where fun doesn't exist.
Yes, zoomers have ZERO attention span, my little brother is one of the little shits, sometimes when I visit, I'll lean on his door without him noticing me and he just fucking sits there either playing fortnite or watching fucking asmongold, guy can't concentrate on anything else in life, how do I save my little bro Yea Forums
I don't play a lot of story-based games anymore, but if you count max rank on a multiplayer game then 2 months ago.
league of legends 2 years ago
>if anything that 1-hour drop thing says more about todays games and game developers than it does people who play games.
Only 75.9 % of Resident Evil HD players got an achievement for killing their first zombie
Only 65.6 % of Resident Evil HD players got an achievement for dying for the first time
Too many distractions in modern life. That's why almost everything creative has degraded in quality.
If it's not facebook, it's Twitter.
If not Twitter, it's Insta.
If not Insta, it's WhatsApp/SnapChat.
If not those, it's Tinder.
If not Tinder, it's Youtube.
If not Youtube, it's forums (which are dying due to all the aforementioned anyway).
If it's not forums, it's mobile games.
If not mobile games, it's Netflix.
And if it's not any of those, it's texting.
There're 100s of things fighting for a person's attention these days. You really think it's pre-2007, where people sat down and played games for hours, undistracted? LMAO. That's ultra hardcore only. Think about it. When was the last time any of you anons listened to an album without doing something else at the same time?
People CAN'T do it. That's why quality for things that take 100% focus is dropping.
huh...never realized it but achievements can be used to measure when exactly players quit the game. Always wondered why there are certain achievements that you get when you reach a certain point in the story
Beated red++ two days ago
Maybe those 10.3% read the filename
>A stark contrast to normies who only play 1 game occasionally and that's it.
lmao they don't even play the ONE game all the way through. That's the thing. The user with the Resident Evil stats - that's the truth. People buy big name games to be part of the hype/conversation. Then drop it to go back to their phones and talk about it.
You mean you meant to start it but then changed your mind about playing, right? How do you accidentally start a game?
>Always wondered why there are certain achievements that you get when you reach a certain point in the story
Back in the early days of Xbox 360 Microsoft made achievement system mandatory for all developers and those ones are just easy to make
Which is why i love taking some dexies/adderall on weekends and just doing shit i enjoy. Lets me focus on it for hours
yesterday, finally handed over 317 stars. It took me about 41 hours total playtime, according to my switch
wooly world was better
>talking about games without playing them
Hmm... who does that?
The last game I fully beat was Mario Odyssey. I honest to god don't know what's wrong with me anymore. I'm trying out Xenoblade Chronicles 2 but I feel too fucking retarded for this shit, hopefully I'll get the hang of it sometime.
Yesterday, God of War Ghost of Sparta.
>check when I beat doom
>it was over a year ago last week
Zoomer this zoomer that. What the fuck does it even mean anymore
It's the cool new word that essentially means "guy who likes thing I don't"
Like cuck, autist, etc
>game is shit for 20 hours
>game is over
>ending was actually good
Don’t cheats disabled achievements?
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon, Layers of Fear 2, Dead Rising: Case West and Lara Croft: Guardian of Light in the span of a week or so. It helps when a majority of them are coop giving you an incentive to continue, but I am nearing the end of Rage 2 as well.
it's the new 'millenial'
Persona 5 about a month ago.
The only games I’ve beaten this year are RE2 and Persona 5.
today ys8, 2 games per week.
this but unironically. zoomer is gen Z, the gen after millenials.
i hate how this meme just loses the point of the original boomer meme
I want to finish it, but my joysticks started drifting so I haven’t touched my switch in like a month. Anyone know how to fix it?
Three months ago I beat dungeons and dragon campaign.
A year ago I beat World of Warcraft: Vanilla.
Zoomer is something you call a young person, it replaced the word millennial because now
actual millennials are old as fuck and jaded 28 years old boomers
>beat World of Warcraft: Vanilla.
>ending was actually good
>but you cant tell because you skipped all cinematics to end this horrible game asap
Yes. I killed Kel'thuzad, the last boss of the game.
If you can't beat vanilla, then howcome vanilla servers die off when everyone has done everything and want to start over on a fresh server?
Umm sweatie, be honest with me, don't you drop AT LEAST 30% of the games you try? That seems reasonable to me
If you look at it from the perspective of game developer then what is the point of even trying to do last levels enjoyable if only around 25 % of players will ever reach them?
Zoomers leave.
>if you played vanilla when it was retail, you'd know!
I did, it didn't die because the content didn't stop, they released TBC and kept feeding new content.
About half of MHW players on the PS4 have slain Xeno'Jiiva. That's an incredible number, especially considering how many are new to MH. Xeno'Jiiva can easily take 50-80+ hours to reach, and while World isn't exactly hardcore, it's still difficult enough that many casuals struggle. 50% clear rate would be respectable for a 6 hour casual stroll.
Yesterday. I beat BamHam Arkham Knight.
I beat Spiral Scouts a few days ago, re-played Borderlands 1 and DLC with some friends it's still awful, and beat like three or so shovelware games during the spring cleaning steam event
Make him stop watching such an autistic streamer for one
Anyone born with a smarphone up the ass.