what did they mean by this
What did they mean by this
the game is fascist trash made by woke technocapitalists, what the fuck did you expect
enjoy your war with Iran
Does this pantywaist know what she's doing?
way to samefag
Who fucking cares.
Enjoy your war with Iran.
wow so progressive and enriched
More women war criminals please
they knew it would bother manbabies on Yea Forums
This. It's not like being a troop is something good.
Are you ok? Do you have brain damage?
keep those fingers crossed for a switch version
It's to make the audience accept the idea of female soldiers on the field, remember when movies would make presidents black, and now media makes Presidents women. boiling frog shit, like how companies like YouTube or Google slowly change their sites little by little so you you're not hit with the impact of sudden change.
>he doesn't know
liberals get the bullet too
im usually on a few other boards, and im an avid gamer, thinking id dip into Yea Forums and ive got to say, lotta faggots.
have sex
Is this the new token black man?
Just throw a black women in and be "progressive"
Go back. No one wants you here.
im not going anywhere kemosabi
>make 20 threads falseflaging as /pol/
>people start to notice White Helmets and Syria propaganda
>change threads just to swap attention and continue as usual
Gas chamber will be rebuilt thanks to people like you
There have been black people and women in this series forever.
If you think this is anything new you might be underaged.
>its a simple black person
it is.
I'll fart on your balls you fucking queer.
immersion killer
shant be riding into battle with Shaniuqa
fucking dropped
Sgt foley was a man baby. There were no women in mw 1 to 3 in the rangers
I feel like downloading either mw or mw2. Anyone actually still playing it?
they also do this shit as though they think there is an actual large female/lgbtqdfasdf base that will be playing and getting kudos from. these game companies keep virtue signaling to people that dont even consume their product
i spent two nights on mw2 and mw3. there was at least enough people to play but we need more on. i think the hype for the new game will get more people on the old ones for a while
Fuck it, redownloading them right now.
Imagine being a black woman and wanting to be a soldier for the USA.
Call of Duty: Postmodern warfare
and? who gives a shit
its a fun as fuck return to times passed. im not even on the remastered mw2.
user, I don't think that's a man. Either that woke sista Tanisha who's so independent that the government has to feed her and her six children, or Tyrone who discovered his love for his fellow man after a twelve year sentence for beating Tanisha, so he joined the Navy and he wears heavy eye liner to impress his fellow trap bros.
I'm not racist but damn I can't help but just giggle because out of place she looks.
Imagine being a black woman irl, you're the like the least desirable race/gender combo in the world. Why would they think anybody wants them in games.
I’ve never seen a nigger sheeboon ever come close to a combat unit unless she’s collecting BAH.
If you don't give a shit don't reply. Next
Make sur the doors are not made of wood, it didn't finish the job.
>Players will also get to take the role of Farah Karim, an female commander of a faction based on the YPG, a Kurdish militia that fought in Syria.
>"It's a largely female fighting force fighting on the front line. Many of them are women whose lives were turned upside down and who have decided to take up arms in order to fight for their own version of greater good," Kurosaki said. Karim "fights war from a completely different perspective. This is her home where the theatre of war is. That’s always been a tenet of 'Modern Warfare,' showing the different perspectives of war."
Female AND realistic. Misogynerds have no excuse this time, we have video footage proving this female warrior.
>Reviving the "Modern Warfare" legacy will likely be good for business, too, as 2011's "COD: Modern Warfare 3" remains the best-selling game in the series, with 30.7 million sold, according to Statista.
>This coming holiday season, he said, "the lineup is thin, so I think Call of Duty will be a solid favorite for #1."
I think so too, CoD kino is back on the menu, fellow Yea Forums posters who pretend not to have enjoyed CoD 4 multiplayer for tens of hours.
Oh no, anons that's literal propaganda and white genocide
Imagine being a weeb irl, every day reliving your prom night.
There literally are, right now, in this very moment, female volunteers in the YPG, fighting against ISIS, Turkey and Assad. This is not propaganda, its fact.
>play as mountain thot
>kill Turk roaches
Based, how will virtue signalling business suits ever recover.
Hi, I'm Kimberly Brooks, voice actor of some characters you've jerked off to.
>watching dubs
>fascist trash made by woke technocapitalists
When you get jealous of all the kool aid the other side is drinking, so you chug a barrel yourself.
Yea Forums loves women in vidya though, you must be new here.
Have sex. I mean this unironically not even shitposting
>weeb store in Donbass
Holy shit based
>communist Kurds
>female commander
Oh shit
Oh no
>not just pirating the game and playing iw4x
One can only hope.
>pirating a game that I have the rights to play
>playing full price as call of duty games will never go on sale
>buying CoD
>4 hour campaign
Why would you waste your money like this.
>t. schlomo
enjoy dying for Israel
your reign will end soon
>enjoy your war with Iran
That's the one good thing to come out of this shitfest
Lmao probably less than 10%
I keep forgetting how big Ukraine is, because its such a shallow economy, culture, and everything else. Just a big area, with a big biomass, and little of anything extra.
They wanted to distract you from the retarded name they came up with.
It's basically Russia without oil wealth.
Less mosquitoes, less cannibals, more AIDS. Same shithole overall.
>white men stay home and play wow classic
>women and non-whites go die for israel
>Be commie
>thought it was just a black guy
>now realize it's a black woman
Literally why? It would be fine if here were a black man, but a woman in tier one? Shit is so fucking dumb. It's almost patronizing to blacks and women at this point.
>muh superficial representation =) happy niggers and cunts?? ;)
It's pure pandering and embarrassing.
>Race war
>Nigs and spics have combat experience
>Whitebois only know how to hold a controller
>wow classic
>"race war"
Dumb bluepilled /pol/poster.
>Recon Muhreens
>SAS officer smoking in the middle of a night operation
>hurrr durr muh facist boogeyman
>everything I don’t like is fascism
Fuck off boomer
>he hasn't seen the recruitment video of the operation halting so a muslim soldier can pray
Black Americans serve in the army...
How is this an issue?
Whites are a minority in my nation but nobody goes right wing SJW the moment they see a white person in media.
What's your brilliant conservative idea, censorship? That's all you SJW types ever want.
>defeat the main villain
>go to white house to be awarded the Purple Heart
>this is the what you see
>Donald asks you if you wants some diet coke to wash down the fast food
>end game
Are they?
Press F to eat.
>brazil, Argentina and Mexico
You know we're doomed as a race when the standards have to be lowered that much, in order to stop real whites from panicking about our declining numbers.
Hang on, why isn't Germany on there? It's got more people than France.
>real whites
I remember the days they only used somewhat attractive half-black caribbean girls instead of ''taken out of african village'' type negroids.
Don't worry. I'll keep her bleached, on your behalf Pedro.
it's literally a video games company making a piece of propaganda for the government
jesus christ are you 12
absolutely based
Don't forget Russia, Ukraine and Spain. And France, Italy and Britain numbers are inflated.
I will unironically fuck all of your women
Absolutely delusional
yearly reminder that white helmets is a literal paramilitary organisation that receives millions of dollars in funding by the US to stage false flags and murder innocent civilians
i am not questioning you but what proof is there? genuinely curious since most google results and wiki results say this is a baseless claim and I would be interested in reading shit about it.
Original COD4 had a female U.S soldier.
>Making a game about defeating Assad in Syria in 2019 when he's basically won
Talk about salt
Nobody in shithole sandland is innocent, kill 'em all
What the fuck are you on about?
Who has nukes? Not niggers or spics
One pilot that was present for literally 2 minutes
pretty sure op is talking about the black female user
also implying IW would make an actual iran invasion scenario lol
I had enough of those fascist black lady's too, user.
As if, It's 2019 user, Also Russia has a large mixed race of Asians and Chechen's
>Who has nukes?
India, Russia, China, Pakistan, America, Israel, UK and France. Non of those nations are "white" and have a policy/history of hunting down white supremacists.
Sorry to tell you this Pablo, but there is a difference. You having Spanish Great great great grandfather will never make you white.
>Thinks I'm a South American
>Thinks I want to be part of a minority
>Thinks I care about Great great great whatever
Mate, this is projection.
Jesus Christ Yea Forums is finished.
>black woman soldier
i sleep
>White Helmets are the good guys
Where is germany?