its good, why did you guys dislike it ?
Its good, why did you guys dislike it ?
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people didn't like it?
I always thought this game would've been cool if I got to play it. Never got to play it though. What's so bad about it?
Females won't have sex with me so I refuse to like any games starring females
can peach scratch my balls? they itch so bad
I didn't dislike it. I'm STILL waiting for a sequel.
don't listen to newfags
Yea Forums liked it back in the day
too scared to take it to the cash register
Because I unironically detest women and the thought of playing as one makes me want to puke.
It's sexist
Because you need to find all the toads before you can finish the game.
Shit like that should be reserved for extra levels.
People don't like it? Other than faggots whinging her powers were emotion based I've not heard a bad word against it(pixel purists exempted). I always considered it the best of the DS/3DS Mario platformers.
i played it and loved it
I don't dislike it completely, but it's so easy to the point of boredom.
The marketing is awful. I remember the commercials for it when younger and thought it was an easy girl's game. Me and many others simply didn't buy it because it didn't appeal to boys. Most boys that normally played games did not see this as a game they wanted. Most kids max got 4 DS games a year. This was never going to be one of them with the so many other cooler looking options.
There you go I will actually /thread
It's very easy, but it's charming enough to not really care.
Good on Yea Forums. I wasn't here back in the mid 00s but it was a fine game at the time nonetheless.
it's a good game with a great soundtrack. the only levels I didn't like in Super Princess Peach were the "choose a pipe" levels where you gotta drop down 12 holes and go through each of them until you get to where you're supposed to go.
It's more engaging if you don't buy health/vibe meter upgrades and don't use the calm ability. Still easy but at least it's possible to game over.
it was a good gamefly rental
SPP still sold over a million copies so it wasn't an abject failure, especially considering it had all the production values of a GBA game.
It's pretty meh
>not finding all the toads in the first run
It's way too fucking easy and having to get all the Toads to access the final level was bullshit. It came out of nowhere.
have sex
Sorry a million copies is a failure...that is really bad.
If you judge things exclusively by GTA standards then sure. For what was a glorified GBA game though, it really isn't.
How well did it sell?
>As of July 25, 2007, Super Princess Peach has sold 1.15 million copies worldwide.[22]
I remember being confused about the Parasols story. You unlock flashbacks over the course of the game and by the end it feels like the story still isn't actually done. Kinda depressing actually. I thought I just didn't 100% the game or something but no there really isn't a resolution. At least he lives large belonging to the Princess and all
All game ranking websites gave it a 7.5 or even as low as a 6.
Marketed towards girls
Very easy game
Sold only 1.15 million copies
same shit hapoened with knuckles chaotix except super princess peach is good
>make game about third most important non villain character
>doesn't sell well because of marketing
>never make a game about that character again
For a Mario game this is honestly straight up bad lifetime sales. Even the hated Mario Bros 2 USA has better sales.
Vore? Heh what if the third Mario & Luigi game was called Peach's Inside Story.
it was literally just marketing
it was marketed to girls when 90% of kids that play vidya are boys
Peach is cute!
she is a slut