What the fuck is this silly shit?
It's fashion. You just don't get it.
She looks like an unfilling confectionery that constipated old ladies eat to look rich to their equally fat, equally annoying friends.
>insane person dresses in a way that doesn't conform to the typical sense of fashion or even sense of normal people
lmao i bet this nigga still lets her mom buy him clothes
She looks like an early 20th century circus performer which is hot
>insane person
How ableist.
user, she comes from clan called Malkavian aka RETARD. Nothing about them is meant to make sense to anyone, not even to themselves.
Hopefully the chad Cat in the Hat outfit makes a return.
Imagine a proper World of Darkness MMO, you're a fledgeling newbie and just after leaving the starting zone some naked fucker wearing a traffic cone opens trade, gives you six hundred fresh mackerel, demands you answer some RoboCop trivia nd then diablerizes you.
Only six months later at level cap do you realize his questions were hints related to endgame raid bosses
based and fishmalked
I mean, the female malkavian pc in vtmb wore a series of stripper outfits.
Not like, the usual whining about anything remotely alluring being decried as a 'stripper outfit', I mean she literally wore a series of stripper costumes.
That game was great and nobody would risk making it today.
That's you not getting your ugly rats clan.
nah. she wore a high school outfit ala 90s and early 00s
You never got any of the armor items, did you?
also a cowgirl and police stripper outfit
who are you calling silly bruh
i really like top left. not as a vampire i just like her style. high fashion christina ricci.
Vampire The Masquerade Catwalk
>the pentagram chains tied to the belt buckle/suspender thing with a sheer cloth over your fucking head
easily the worst in my opinion, look at that shit.
is it true vtmb1 patch adds cuckshit? how do i get patch content without cuckshit.
waifufags btfo, looks like you'll have to play for the dialogue you faggots.
Does anyone know or have they said how the contract works that you will get NPCs to sign before you drink their blood?
we're not even halfway done lol
Third and fourth girl aren't that bad.
Males are faggy, but then again they're meant to be Toreadors.
>requiring a contract signature to drink blood
I can't tell if this is too far left with consent or too far right with ancap
Who cares about outfits when the entire game is first person?
please don't cope this hard, it's embarassing. here's a rudi
whats wit her hercut. Looks on that screenshot like a dude. Was the designer a women who has no clue how to design a female character in a video game? Probably. Vtmb malkavian was in sexy fun and attractive clothing. vtmb female malkavian is dressed up like an eskimo. vtmb2 is for fucking losers. No thanks!
Other way around
That's NPC and not you, you retard.
Also, never heard about harlequins before?
it gets worse
It looks fabulous
And Malkavian confirmed babyyyyyyyyyy
It's shitposters' hours, senpai. Nothing worthy to see on this thread at this point. Just go to sleep.
she's thinks she's a perfomer how silly haha
malkavians, am i right guys?
>malkavian porno shoot
>can't even download the image right
Femmalk > Femgrel >Femeare
the rest of the girls looked like shit, Toreador was particularly dissapointing
also stripper cop outfit - best outfit
>that image quality
Jesus Christ! You're phoneposter tier bad.
>People were shitposting about that Malkavian wouldn't be revealed
>Shitposters thought it wouldbe Nosferatu or some clan no one cares
Learn how to download images correctly, phoneposter shitter.
dude, don't fucking educate me. I am the smartest person here on 4c. Timesplitters knows how to do harlequins right. vtmb2 doesnt, shit game
>guy in the Malkavian trailer sounds suspiciously too much like Neil Ross (Gary's VA)
They did this on purpose, didn't they?
that pic looks like shit
Ventrue girl looked best.
Gary is a treacherous maggot..
Is that literally the jared leto joker on the bottom row?
have sex
shit man ever heard of nuance?
DLC is bound to have Gangrel and Nosferatu for sure.
Honestly I can say I'm not ashaemd of preordering
their example malk in the trailer is the guy in their cover picture
nah, the cover picture is a toreador, I bet my left nut on it
Everyone figured that one out by now.
Well then prepare to get the Hitler treatment
It's beyond obvious.
Why do you hate your left nut so much? How did it wrong you for you to sacrifice it in such manner.
Hitler lost his left nut?
Apparently not. Toreadorfags are still in denial because they got cucked out of having a cover in a game that is meant to be "theirs." They can't stand the fact that Malkavian, biggest nigger of Seattle, got to be on the cover, AGAIN.
No, it's Macaulay Culkin
Most likely. They look very similar. Have similar fashion sense and ending of the trailer is obvious nod to the guy on the poster.
F the user's left nut.
>In November 2008, the discovery of an eye-witness account on how Hitler was treated after being shot on the Western Front during World War I was announced in the press. According to these reports, a former German Army Medic named Johan Jambor gave an account to a Polish priest and amateur historian, Franciszek Pawlar, in the 1960s, of how he saved Hitler's life in 1916 after a groin injury and saw that he had lost a testicle.Jambor said that as they were carrying Hitler away, they came under French fire and had to temporarily abandon him, upon which he began to scream very loudly, imploring them to come back and threatening them with court martial if they left him behind.Pawlar's record of the conversation was discovered by Pawlar's relatives and published by Polish author Grzegorz Wawoczny. According to the British tabloid Sun, a surviving friend of Jambor's, Blassius Hanczuch, has confirmed the story, adding that Jambor and his co-rescuers dubbed Hitler "screamer".Tabloid Bild says that according to Jambor, "His abdomen and legs were covered in blood. Hitler was wounded in the abdomen and had lost a testicle.
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
>What the fuck is this silly shit
.. it's a Masquerade Mask, user
All because he bet on Toreador?
Yes, never bet on Toreadors. They like to think they're more important than they really are.
Their biggest issue is how high and careless they get when it comes to humanity. You're a monster, chief. Try to live like a human and shit goes south quick.
I'm sorry, user, but you're asking a lot of "specific" questions.
Yes. That's a very specific question.
What did he said before correcting himself and saying:
>I mean... Maybe we can't talk about that either?
>tfw the best five B1 clans made it in
He said "I don't ..."
>"I don't ... I mean, maybe we can't talk about that either?"
I spent the whole night awake. Gonna skip class while listening to LA by night until I am able to shake off the insomnia. How are you kindred preparing conciously and unconsciously for June 10th?
>I don't
From what I can hear:
Playing through SW: KOTOR 1 atm. Next Wednesday we have Eid so everyone's busy until 10th June.
I find it funny that Brian tried to say something about it, but then he quickly closed his mouth and smiled.
honestly they got some splainin to do if he's not a Toreador with his rose pin and shit.
Are you new to WoD?
Someone should replace pic-related with Brian. Brian is literally pic-related during that question, trying to figure out whatever it would be ok, or not to say something about it.
A fellow members of banu haqim, I see
I just want the original armors, not this /fa/ shit everybody got so far
whats june 10th?
what clan should i go in VTMB?
i got to hollywood on a toreador, but i lost all my saves due to a corruption issue, so i gotta start fresh.
well looks like you can just change your clothes, hell there's pre-order bonuses to dress like jeanette and jack.
well if your going to cover the same ground again you might as well go malkavian.
i mean, i only got to hollywood, though. i still got a load of game to go, don't i?
What is a lapel pin? It doesn't need to have some hidden meaning, you know. It's just that: a lapel pin.
If you want to go theory territory: Then you can explain it as him pretending to be a Toreador because Malkavians are hated in Seattle and they're extremely rare as well.
ThE SHiP oF TheSSEuS? WhaT MoCkErY Is ThIs?
You are pretty much done with the social aspect of the game tbqh
Is it possible to be a Tremere and a Chad?
it's kinda downhill from hollywood, though the hub itself is fine.
if you don't want to go through things as a malk then just choose something different, perhaps with more direct attack disciplines.
Tremeres are chads by definition
Can you be a Nosferatu and pretty? Exactly.
oh. huh. How different is playing nos? seems like it'd be a completely different ballgame if you can't be seen by humans at all.
Might go Venchad, seems like it'd be interesting.
There's something kinda hot about sexually dominating a creature that can tear your limbs off and get nourishment from your blood, and two of them at that
>Malkavian look somewhat normal
what the hell
and is that the guy from Split on the bottom?
No. All of them are ultimate clan of JUST. Every time Tremere is in a story, the get fucked in one way or the other.
the "don't get seen" restriction is actually rather loose, it's never an actual problem unless you loiter next to someone for several seconds.
Therese carries herself like a Ventrue and drinks in the same manner, yet she's a Malkavian.
There is nothing that needs "splainin" just because of one dumb rose pin.
He also looks crazy, deranged and has fancy for Ferris Wheel. Shit that screams that he's a Malk way more.
I would say you are at the halfway point of the game. from there on its mostly combat focused. gangrel is really fun if you max out protean ASAP so you can go war form and tank everyone. really depends on what style you want to play though
>f you can't be seen by humans at all.
you can be seen by all NPCs that matter, and even with regular ones, you have to walk up to them point blank for them to react
user stereotypes around the clans are just that.
oh, that's fucking lame. so i can just fucking run down the street then, no need to sneak around like a spook or nothin'?
gangrel seem kinda shit with the whole frenzy thing, on account of not being able to control your character when you frenzy (i think?). but hey, they sound different enough, since i played my toreodor as a sex-maniac.
unless you keep your humanity at like 3 you will never ever see a frenzy in this game.
If you ask me, it's kinda a confirmation considering they just said that MAYBE they can't talk about that either. Indicating that the answer is most likely "Yes" to it.
Brian even is making faces as if he's wondering would it be ok to comment on it, he even tries to say something, but decides not to.
It's obvious that they're the same guy as such.
i've been playing this game as a lot harder on myself than it actually is, haven't i?
I mean if you were Toreador going high humanity wasn't such a bad idea. I once frenzied at 5 humanity when I got hungry in a bossfight and killed an NPC I liked
fuck it, we're going gangrel.
This was originally concept art for the mmo and were drawn by a failed fashion student in case anyone was curious.
Yea. They're bad at trying to hide it. Just like with clan havens.
time for a brawl build then, protean is fun.
So you never played Malkavian in the previous game I'm guessing? The female Malk there had a series of what looked like slutty Halloween costumes and the male had a fucking pimp suit for suck's sake. This is tame in comparison.
You'll also never frenzy if you aren't low on blood.
As long as you regularly keep it high you cannot frenzy
It's actually currently published material in the corebook that bloodlines 2 was developed alongside if anyone was curious
thanks for playing
She doesn't rock the scepter tho. I don't think you guys understand clan badges. Understandable from a den of losers desu.
I did say originally didn't I you fucking autist
>people think that this obese butterface is attractive
Don't get testy that someone pointed out your lies bro lmao.
>coming from the 2/10 fat beta incel
go throw up twiglet
>Clan badges
>a fucking suit pin
Are you brain-dead? Why do I even ask? Of course you are.
>t. seething malkfag
Calm down son. I know I hit close to home but there are scotts who will fight you for wearing the wrong color skirt. This shit does matter.
Imalia has a broken mirror. Malkavian confirmed because CLAN BADGE.
t. your retarded ass logic
HAVE SEX for the love of god.
Female Malk is the biggest cutie so far, even cuter than the Toreador
Cope, next
I don't remember Imalia wearing any broken mask trinkets
Do you guys think he's pretending to be a Toreador? How long would that lie last?
Someone who's insane and thinks people are out to get him (and he may be right) might try that kind of subterfuge to stay off the map.
>muh stupid cloth pin
Look at this nice ass Baali. OH! Wait!!! This is actually a Ventrue. Phew. How is that shit possible?
You'd be surprised at how many managed to pull that stuff off. Like certain *ahm* Lasombra that pretended to be Ventrue for looong time before he was found out.
Even Beckett was thought to be a Malkavian for long time (which he let happen), before everyone found out he was a Gangrel.
He's a retard.
Toreadors tend to be just as crazy as Malkavians. So it wouldn't be too hard for a Malkavian to pretend to be the one.
As long as they're somewhat decent to look at and aren't fishmalk (guy in the trailer obviously isn't), it can be pulled off. Lasombra do this type of shit often in order to infiltrate.
>When the fishmalk kicks in
Toreador's methuselahs was so hit in the head that he thought he was a divine and he even presented himself as one. Using his disciplines to convince them of his "divinity." So if Toreador is kinda bonkers, nobody will think that's something is off with them. As long as he doesn't say shit he's hearing in his head out loud, he would be fine.
Toreadors and Malkavians go hand in hand when it comes to crazy. Many of notable Toreadors were just as crazy (some even more) than most notable Malkavians. Fitting, considering that their Antediluvians were twins.
Toreador is the most perfect disguise for a Malkavian, user. It fits like a glove. Unless said Malkavian in question is ugly as sin and is talking nonsense out loud.
He might be. Malkavians are both rare and hated in Seattle. Disguising yourself as a Toreador, most dominant clan in Seattle, would be wise for one's survival.
Maybe, but it's very obvious he's Malkavian just look at him no sane being would willingly dress like that
He's dressed normally in trailer and the cover. Worst part about his clothes on the cover is that one fingerless glove, but Mitsoda's autism for fingerless gloves is to be blamed for that.
That’s the point. Dummy.
Why did you point at Mitsoda? kek
Anyway, he isn't wearing anything that's weird beyond concept of normality. The glove is only thing that is too off. That, and his hair needs brushing.
Watching LA by night I can clearly see why the lore and mechanics got butchered in V5 if the target audience was people like the girl that plays Annabelle.
Have Sex, Durex.
Hahaha, I'd like to know your location now please.
>be Malkavian
>be considered one of the friendlier clans, not a stuck up cunt, neither a twitchy sadist
>have more knowledge than any other clan
>never get lonely
>have a 10/10 Toreador gf that actually gets you and your craziness, who also enjoys art and you can talk to about shit other than "bro Caine and legends and shiet"
user, I think that you quoted the wrong post there.
Eh, she's basically playing Maldavis from Chicago by Night, a high-humanity fledgling who tries to be vampire anarch Martin Luther King. The big differnce is that Maldavis got BTFO whereas Annabelle will probably succeed to please the audience.
Poor cocksucker's afflicted with delusion; truly the most tragic ailment a Malk can have.
>Be Tremere
>Be considered the scummiest of clans, despite the fact that you probably don't know why
>Have magic knowledge out your ass, still looked down on by your peers
>Live with said peers in colleges, all backstabbing assholes
>Closest thing you have to a girlfriend is that one Thaumatergy book with the naked lady pictures
>tremere calling anyone else backstabbing assholes
Is this the only campaign they have? I really dig the DM and the other guys but Annabelle really gets me on my nerves
My favorite thing about Malkavians is their Antediluvian.
I like how in every version he basically got cursed because he was too smart for brainlet Caine.
Cain is the worst character in the WoD who only appeals to power-autists that like him because he's the most powerful.
His character is shit. He's just a literal manchild.
Is there a character customization? I don't remember anybody talking about that.
i don't see Damsel wearing shit like that
Overly confirmed several times
hey wait a sec
>Caine, why don't you just say sorry when you were asked to do it? Wouldn't that spare you of your "suffering" if you did?
>also Caine
Yea. Caine is the biggest brainlet in the lore who went cursing others (not just Malkav) just because his IQ was too low.
if they are going full PRONOUNS shit then let me dress as jeanette when playing a male malkavian
zalubri :D
White people really be angrily writing about pastries and shit dog AHAHA
They'll never be playable and it hurts
More like salubraps am I rite tremerebros
Since the Tremere pyramid fell, what's stopping the Salubri from returning back to full clan status in a few generations? They can replace the Ravnos.
Confectionery =/= pastries
I think he's talking about hard candies and shit like that
Honestly his character is great precisely because he is a giant manchild that ruins everything for himself.
People that user him in powerlevel arguments are retarded
>be considered one of the friendlier clans
Literally the one that the other clans are afraid off
And thus Malkav became 12 little girls
Because the Tremere are still around and at least 3 houses still "work together" in certain respects. Which culling the Salubri would definitely fall under.
Also there are way too few Salubri around to suddenly increase
Not really.
There isn't a single appeal to his character other than a fact that it started all with him. Other part of his character is being mini-God aka sperge that ruined everything and keeps crying "whyyyyyyyyyyy?"
>can't die
Only traits Caine has to his character.
Something tells me combat will be bamham cinematic brawl five dudes at once and press square to win
The majority of the Salubri remaining are in the Sabbat too and they're not exactly the friendliest people
Since when are anons of Yea Forums/nel considered as good written characters? Because that's how Caine's character looks.
From what I've seen it looks like a pretty trashy unity game trying to copy skyrim's combat
I literally beat the whole game by pressing blood purge and shooting my characters with a shotgun until they died. Combat is a plus but I have my doubts that's why people will buy the game.
Cain is just plot-device. Someone with whom all started. That's it.
If we were to judge him for his character alone, it's shit because it doesn't exist outside of bitching about God and punishing others for his stupidity. Like how he apparently cursed Malkav in one of the stories just because he asked him why doesn't he just apologize to the God if he's "so tired" of all this bullshit.
Caine is a fucking retard.
my pants are rising a tent that's for sure
It's the comparison between what he's build up as in vampire myths and especially the Sabbat compared to his patheticness in "reality"
I mean yes but only in so far as that he's a pure plot device that ST's are highly discouraged from using.
He has absolutely no impact on anything after Enoch. You realize that that Caine sheet is fanmade, right?
They just misunderstand us, that's all.
I never denied his importance to the lore. He's the one that started at all.
I just said that as a character alone he sucks. It's kinda like a God himself. No personality at all outside of being all mighty omnipotent being that's always in the right. Caine is just like that when it comes to a vampire world.
There is a difference between a plot device and A CHARACTER. Caine is just the former.
she's not obese but i still see a bulldog when i look at her face. i'm not that picky with real women either but when you're making a fictional character that's supposed to be attractive i think this falls short.
A beast I am, lest a beast I become
Hey! God in wod has personality. It basically comes down to laughing at Caine, but it's still something.
>Caine is just like that when it comes to a vampire world.
But that's literally the opposite of what he is.
Can somebody explain the logistics of sunlight in WoD? If a vamp is caught in it they start bursting into flames, but what about an open window across the room? The light shines into the room but not so far that it would reach the vampire. Could the vampire even look at the sunlight then?
They're basically same side of one coin.
>God is the most powerful.
>Caine is the most powerful.
>God apparently created everything in nature.
>Caine created vampires and their curses.
>God sets down the rules and doesn't allow you to question him because he's FATHER.
>Caine is like this as well.
>God cursed rest of the humanity due to one dumb apple.
>Caine cursed other vampires for even more stupider things. (Malkav again; that version in which he cursed him just because he asked a simple question: "Why don't you say sorry?")
In the pnp rpg you get a certain die roll of damage when a beam of sunlight touches you. I don't remember how full exposure to sunlight went though.
Yeah, what causes the burn, the particle or the wave?
A vampire that fails an appropriate roll could be sent into animalistic panic by attempting to light a cigarette. It's heavily affected by your humanity score I think, and thinbloods can handle sunlight a lot better than proper vampires.
let's just hope they are keeping Nos in mind when designing the hubs
part of what made playing Nos interesting was the alternate paths
two bottom left torechads look great
Even through curtains if they aren't perfect it counts as obscured sunlight doing damage at a slower rate.
>panic by attempting to light a cigarette
They recalibrated that for good reason.
The lowest difficulty on a terror frenzy is now a bonfire
Give Caine a break. He was basically a caveman. Of course he's a brainlet.
Well, I expect them to let you tackle the situations you're put into in a variety of manners including stealth. So I wouldn't worry about that.
Is that ironic? Because it's precisely these two that look like biggest faggots out of 4 on the bottom.
Bottom left user, not right.
>those 4 fags
No wonder why their women fuck Malkavians instead.
It looks like a masquerade costume.
My mistake. Was about to write it that I got it confused.
If Maximilian Strauss is so great, why can't he perform this level 1 ritual?
Are Toreador males Asian men of a vampire world? Does that mean that Malkavian men are meant to be white men?
Toreador sluts are GOT fags and Malkavians are as close as they'll get to their Cersei and Jaime "romance" shit.
But what about Brother Saulot and Brother Set?
One is a rare pokemon to catch and the other one tends to be in Sabbat.
Most "normal" Toreadors have to settle for Malkavian dick as a norm for their semi-incest fetish.
You tell.
Degenerate whores.
>tfw to fuck Lou I'll have to play Malk
Yo, Malk guy. I changed my mind. I'm taking your fucking hand. I need to in order to... ahm... motorboat Lou.
The biblical curse of the Sun.
>Malkavian blood orgy
Please tell me that she doesn't have this fetish for Malk cock as well? I don't want to be a retard just to fuck her.
>Toreador whores hunger for Malkavian dick the most
t. absolute state of Toreador "men"
Ventrue """""men""""" can't even get their dicks hard
This comes from the clan whose "men" are infamous for being:
>most boring in the bed
>worst in the bed
>meh at "best" in the bed
>taking it in the ass from [x] clan because they're literal limp faggots
t. copefag
souless SJW shit
Toreadors are based
dumpsterfire in waiting
That’s where you’re wrong. Everything makes too much sense. They’re constantly being fed redpills about everything and everyone; it’s like their brains a permanently browsing /pol/, whether they like it or not.
I want to have sex with a qt gangrel girl!
>t. absolute state of limptrues
let me catch my childe fucking a nosferatu
Oh yes I am glad they went away from the revealing politically incorrect outfits
These are great. What are they from
Victoria Ash is a treat
Who cares about opinions of Toreador sluts that like to fuck crazy men and even sewer rats. They have below zero taste.
Shit missed the image
Poor Limptrue.
This V.A. slut sounds like an ugly fat girl larping on schrecknet
>she's still alive
Never thought v5 as being bad, just different, but this is unforgivable.
Camarilla book, the section intros are written from the perspective of Victoria Ash adressed at her childe.
Why wouldn't she still be alive?
She only died in Gehenna.
>ugly fat girl larping
who do you think are the writers for white wolf?
that's the worst part
>Ventrue men are beaten by Malkavians and Nosferatu
>Ventrue men are considered to be at the bottom of Kindred men
>the man with no taste
No, that's Gangrel
I've waited for 16 years for this.
The absolute state of Gangrels
Victoria is based
Caine is the first REEEEing autist in history in addition to being the first edgelord, being the first murderer comes next.
Speaking of how bad Gangrel are in bed: Does somebody have that screencap of Beckett's and Emma's awkward sex scene in which Beckett is acting like autist?
Yeah this is definitely something the Malk PC is going to have to deal with- being considered an exotic snack.
>I fell for the whole Gangrel mystique
my brain read that as Gangrel meme
how vampire marriages even work?
what about the "they only care about blood, man" meme?
>When I tried to leave him, he cried. He pleaded, and tried to stop me. I was terrified for a second because he had always seemed so much stronger than me.
>Even his strength was less than it seemed. I was faster than he expected and he met the sunrise with his own ace in his face.
BWAHAHAHAH! Furfags are fucking pathetic.
I like how the most powerful characters in these settings always have massive big Daddy issues.
God is literally based
Do vampire romances always end in death? Also post the remaining clans
It's a meme. Vampires aren't emotionless
>what about the "they only care about blood, man" meme?
this sounds shocking but generally vampires tend to act like individuals so they have different opinions about different things such as marriage for example
>When I tried to leave him, he cried
I hope you can mindbreak hands-kun to the point he cries if you betray him for someone else
I guess even kindred can get lonely. They still have human characteristics unless they are feral.
Who's hands-kun?
>Malkavian blood orgy
That's ... interesting ...
>tfw want to play Brujah first but also want to play as Malkavian first to make sense of their insight without knowing about the plot
Is she related to the actor from the game?
They don't enjoy sex but can fall in love?
For me it only makes sense if the vampire still practices carnal lust, since forming a family (the whole point of marriage) is out of the window
I guess it would make sense if the couple were already married in life
not like this nosbros
It'd be interesting if you could romance her as any clan but malk changed some things. Like say she betrays you at some point, but if you're a malk she doesn't because she can't bring herself to do it because she legit loves you.
I think he confused Malkavian Gary with some beta Gangrel that sperged out when Victoria gave him the boot.
Pick one. Better yet, get the fuck out.
>Bloodlines 2
Will it be as unplayable as the first game?
They do enjoy sex but nothing feels as good as feeding. Sex is still enjoyable but it's more a novelty than completely orgasmic. Even despite that, love is a pretty strong bonding emotion regardless of sex.
No. She's a signature character for Toreador clan.
I'll personally be rolling the dice. I like all of the clans that will be in the main game so i'll let fate decide.
Guy in the cover
What's stopping you from doing both?
Imagine a bunch of verifiably, medically insane superhuman schizophrenics and delusional psychotics in a dark room trying to simultaneously fuck and devour one another in the midst of what is essentially an orgasm and drug high from the taste of blood
Talk about a wild ride
The point of marriage might be procreation but its drive comes from not wanting to be lonely and horny anymore.
...wait a minute
jesus christ this fresh out of college fashion designer, we have to go back. At least those aren't the game design.. I hope. There was more ridiculous shit then OP in VTMB, but they didn't exactly use it for promotional material.
What does he have to do with a Gangrel that started crying?
This is more related to him.
Blind Malkavian run is the best way to experience Malks.
VV for example writes you love letters and seems to be drawn to individuals from time to time (typical Toreador you might say), on the other hand Jeanette has basically fun with Bertram.
I guess it differs from person to person, with Toreadors being the most enticed by the notion of romantic love.
I didn't know that whitewolf had released new books for V5. When V5 was just out I had a few sessions with a couple friends and it was pretty fun but also pretty barebones so I had to improvise a lot.
>most vampires are naturally skinny
>many are naturally sticc
>fat humans hold more blood
>prey/romance blurring fucks with their sense of ideal beauty
>the rare chubby vampires are therefore put on a pedestal by thirsty suitors
That movie is basically the life two toreadors desu. I loved it.
The main V5 book came out at the same time as a V5 Anarch book and a V5 Camarilla book
>fat humans hold more blood
i don't think it works that way bro
In addition to what others already said the "Blood Marriage" literally involves mutual blood bonding
Because having knowledge of the story makes the insight system redundant, an "oh I get that reference" experience at best. But at the same time I don't want to play as the reddit clan first.
Playing 1 for the first, gonna play a female Nosferatu n sneak around. How annoying is it to only traverse through the sewers?
But that's a Malkavian, and "cute" guy that cried because Victoria left him was some Gangrel that died like an idiot, trying to kill her.
What's missing?
I didn't post the first few
It works exactly like that.
>But at the same time I don't want to play as the reddit clan first.
you sound like a fag
I meant playing it parallelly
Brujah. Tremere. Any sabbat or independent clans in there?
>you expose his masterplan in his face and Jack doesn't do anything to you
what a bro
It's one of my favourite vampire movies, and I agree.
He just wants to hold your hands, not fuck, you Toreador idiot.
How was Beckett awkward? He seems to have a way with words
Can we fuck him?
it kind of works like that
fat people have more blood but worse circulation
so drinking blood from a fatty would take longer both because there's more blood and also because it flows slower
honestly most powerful entities in WoD (read: not vampires, usually) could easily attract a pet toreador floozie if they wanted one. At their core they're chronically bored and desperate passion seekers, as long as you can show them something they can't find anywhere else in unlife they'll happily roll over and play fetch until the stars burn out
Unfortunately for them most of the people with that sort of pull can do better than putting their penis into a dead body.
Mixed splatbook WoD parties are always a giant fucking shitshow but there is a certain charm to how ridiculous it can get
On his academic speciality and being a bit condescending sure. That does not make him good at speaking in all areas nor good in bed
for me? quite. Most of the time I just ran in the middle of the street and reloaded on masquerade violation. Later I just used obfuscate all the time
Think about the worst hentai you can think of and how characters in that hentai describe body parts/feeling they're feeling in the worst way possible and that's how Beckett's sex scene was.
No wonder malks are the best lovers
No. Malkavian Gary is not for fucking.
No independent, Sabbat are pic related + next image
why Brian is so smug?
>Seattle is infested with Toreador
I wonder if the Prince is going to be Toreador? Although the Camarilla is so weak at this point that probably the Venture will still run shit even if they don't control the nominal mouthpiece.
>Malks = most wild lovers and best fucks that can be cute at the same time
>Nossies = cutest lovers
>Brujahs = just made for fucking
>Tremeres = boring lovers
>Ventrues = dogshit lovers
>Gangrels = putting dog shit tier to shame
t. Victoria's summaries basically
>Bruha for pump and dump
ok Victoria is based.
Its his natural state
Thanks. Nice reads.
Tremere is more sexually repressed and kinky because of it
So, which clan would you fuck?
Does this look like a Toreador to you?
Anson was meant to be the Prince of Seattle up until know, but we don't know if they'll even make him canon.
He literally only ever existed in the card game
>why Brian is so smug?
We have Brian on and you're asking a lot of specific questions now we can't answer, user. Which is a bummer.
Shit I forgot Toreador
That's why I said that it's unknown if he'll ever be in-canon. Fact that Cross (which is most likely this bald guy) is a Prince of Seattle in this game, I doubt it.
>that dude's hairline
Holds up spork
Salubri is the only reasonable answer for 99% of humanity since they're the nice guy punching bags of the kindred
tfw no unicorn qt
Fuck Malkavian
Marry Nossie
Kill Gangrel
t. recommendations from pro Toreador slut
I called that would happen. They were talking about the Ventrue in the other room during the Ventrue stream and basically were saying that they're not gonna answer any story related questions. Then they put the main writer of the game next week, of course people are going to ask story related questions as expected. The last stream was a shitshow and as much as I like Mitsoda, I wish Florian was there with his endless WoD autism to talk about Malkavians.
How did you get this scene, i remember getting it but never thinking 2 much about it
Just pay a visit to Jack after each main story quest. Based on the order of my screenshots, it's after retrieving the sarcophagus from Giovanni and before the Society of Leopold.
>welcome to /fa/, we'll be your guides
I want that to be an embraced Vandal so bad.
> fresh out of college fashion designer
Exactly my thought. Whose sister/cousin drew this? Damn, these pictures manage to trigger me every time.
>picks a question
He doesn't want to.
>use dementation on Chunk to get in the museum
>feel really bad after
>Gary's Voice
Drop this retarded meme already.
Wonder what was going through his head at that moment?
>use dementation on Chunk to make him leave LaCroix tower before the massacre starts
>feel like a bro
He's probably trying to figure out if confirming/debunking Malkavian Gary=poster guy is ok to answer, but beehive guy answered that for him:
>wE cAn'T tAlK aBoUt ThAt EiThEr
>He just wants to say it, but is trying hard not to.
>use blood boil to make Chunk leave the building through 5 different exits
>feel like a smug prick
Brian's cute
I'm sorry, but these were very specific questions.
That's hot.
>Malks = sincere lovers due to being oblivious about manipulative cunts, which in turn make said manipulative cunts feel bad about themselves when faced with such sincerity, good fucks due to inherent craziness
>Nossies = beta orbiters who go head over heels for bitches, your typical >tfw no gf fags
>Brujahs = only good for pump and dump, not for making love, annoying to be around, always talking about 'muh anarch free state'
>Tremeres = typical sexually repressed who goes full deviant when given the chance, like mormons or saudi sheikhs who throw gigantic orgies while supposedly enforcing sharia
>Ventrues = sugar daddies/mamas
>Gangrels = clingy autists who spent too much time alone, literally like that handsome homeless chinese guy who turned out to crossdress so that he can be both himself and his imaginary wife, pic related
more accurate
So Malks in Seattle are going to be BL1 tier crazy, so probably filshmalks. But Seattle is going to have ALOT less patience for that kind of shit, with less Malks in general and less tolerance. So maybe there are going to be consequences for just blurting shit out, like they are just going to kill you, they won't just chalk it up to Malks being mad.
They said they're trying to avoid fishmalks
>tfw no gf
>tfw no trailer
>tfw no redner
>tfw not in at the launch
Malks are both unicorns and Tremere from the first game in this one.
Aka they are extremely rare and they're hated.
They also said that they're aware of fishmalk concept and that they'll try to avoid it.
>Fishmalk bad
Is there a more NPC tier opinion?
Crazies are the best fucks. That's a fact.
t. reddit
>Reddith seething that they can't be le epic random XDDD CHUUURAZY STOP type of retards and that they'll be non-meme tier type of retards
Worst meme.
But didn't Mitsoda say in the Rock paper shotgun interview say that they are going to be written in a similar way to the first, because that's the expectation?
They'll be Malkavians, of what players would expect of a Malkavian. He just said that they will tone down on whole fishmalk thing.
>not being a ventrue and dominating him to go away
>play Gangrel first time through vtmb
>Just normal enough looking dude with dreads wearing jackets and hoodies
>see this
Oh I hate this.
Ignore all the V5 designs. They're awful. Gangrel are just likely to wear baggy and dirty clothing
>be Tzimisce
>chill out in your comfy castle in Eastern European forest
>make furniture out of your enemies
>mfw I have no face
on one hand it is annoying if it's table top
on the other hand a good DM can make it work and playing fishmalk is a meaningless complaint when talking about the video game other than that it may inspire people to play fishmalk in a tabletop game
That's a funny way to spell Tremere.
Shouldn't of been so cocky
It's okay Nosbro, we're still in the game, just not playable.
I feel so bad for you nossiebros, it's like if you had been cursed twice.
First you are ugly
And now you are forgotten
Is this why Joker and Harley Quinn are so popular. People think being crazy is awesome
Where is that smooth voiced faggot Gary at? COME OUT, YOU TRAITOR! Explain that voice in the Malkavian trailer.
You're walking down the street and this guy tells you to stop.
What do you do?
inb4 'burn to death'
I can't really go against its authority.
"Caine, get the taxi, I'm running over this motherfucker!"
Disobeying traffic signs is a bad idea, so I'll do as it says
The thing I like about the setting vtm is that it includes mysticism and religion so well. Its way deeper than your common blade or underworld.
I halt for 2 seconds and then proceed.
It's cute how Chunk tries to entice you into going on a date with you by offering you food, not knowing he's the real snack
>he's the real snack
yeah, female malk will suck his cock blood
Not my voice, honest word, boss.
I hope 2 has stuff like this for female players it's fun
>tfw no Nosferatu
i give into the overwhelming urge to verbally spar with him, knowing i will lose.
You've never done a stage performance before, retard? Where are my /theatre/chads at
dilate, son
So what are the chances that this game is a dumpster fire and what are the chances it is good?
Where's my Dr. Seuss hat and big white pimp coat?
Yup. They did this on fucking purpose.
They knew that there was a tension and war between Malkavian and Nosferatu fags.
They picked Gary sound alike on purpose.
Guys i think i broke the masquerade...
The Whores of Babalyon deserve extinction.
Does the third eye see things differently?
>Malkavianbros won
>Nosferatufags blown out of the water
>Lasombraps got obliterated by based ventruechads
>Tzimiscebros lost but they didint really expected to get in anyway
It actually was Croissant
don't believe nozzies and their sewer rat lies
I pity Nosfags more and more.
>got Malk'd regarding a trailer voiced by now Malkavian Gary
>iconic Nosferatu number 1
>voices Tremere
>iconic Nosferatu number 2
>voices a Malkavian
Poor sewer-rats. Betrayed by their own kind.
He looks like he has a good reason for telling me to stop.
That's kinda incest, desu.
Nosfags must feel I S O L A T E D
taboo just means exciting
t. A toreador, probably
>tfw Toreador with Malk bf
based toreador with malk bf poster
>tfw Nosferatu with Tzimisce gf
Have any more songs of 2 been released?
Can a Nossie be normal looking about they give off a smell so repulsive that not even other Nossie want to be around?
debauched and malkpilled
I had enough of degenerate Toreadorfags with zero taste.
Where are my patrician taste fags at?
He looks like he has a limp dick.
Let's talk disciplines. What's your fav so far? I'm not seeing the difference between the first 2 tremere ones honestly. Dementation seems way better than Dominate, and presence seems way too situational.
>implying being dp by malk bfs and venty dilfs isn't the most patrician combo
The contrast would be wild.
>she turns you into a blanket when you both go to sleep
>doesn't have mega tits
>isn't definition of smug
>not a goth gf
>not even a Prince
>won't even smile at you and ask you to hold hands with him in very smooth voice
Absolutely shit tier in every way .
>I'm not seeing the difference between the first 2 tremere ones honestly
>>I'm not seeing the difference between Thaumaturgy and Auspex
>>>I'm not seeing the difference between making someone vomit blood and seeing through walls
>taste fags
they literally only care about power and status
a Grande Cappuccino would happily live in a cardboard box in the sewer if it could benefit them. the reason they have big high rise buildings and penthouse apartments isn't because of aesthetics but for the sake of their pride as 'superiors'
What Clan and stats would she have? I was thinking Tremere but she's much older than that.
Followers of Seth
Let's talk disciplines. What's your fav so far? I'm not seeing the difference between the first 2 tremere ones honestly. Dementation seems way better than Dominate, and presence seems way too situational.
Should have explained more. Not seeing the difference between the first two Thamaturgy powers. Skewer and purge.
looks Toreador
>tfw no qt goth nerd gf
oh, well skewer is a damage spell and purge is a crowd control spell
Setite (Followers of Set)
>ywn wake up with your tzimisce gf
>ywn have her drape you over her shoulders as she wanders around half-awake
>ywn have her change you into the toothbrush she uses to brush her teeth
>ywn be turned into a piece of silverware for her breakfast
>ywn serve as a pair of panties when she realizes she hasn't done her laundry in forever
>ywn replace the high heel she broke during your romantic midnight stroll
Only the main title so far, it's up on youtube. Schaffer said it'll be on iTunes on November.
Definitely a Setite
>tfw no nerdy Tremere bf
Could a tzimisce turn itself into a 2d waifu?
as in a 2 dimensional person splat on the floor but still alive?
daddyfaggots unironically deserve the rope
jebane łiby zarażają thredy o wampirach
Depends on his mastery of vicissitude. Probably would look weird af tho.
yeah sure
Oh christ what the actualy fuck are those even supposed to be.
That shit ain't my favorite clan for sure.
Concept art for the canceled WoD RPG.
F: I always imagined the Brujah as much more lowkey than this, 1 and 4 could be okay if they weren't so over designed (what's that shit on 4's head?), Heels on a Brujah also feels wrong.
M: All of these are as if some prancing fashion designer saw actual Brujah male outfits and decided to metrosexual their shit up.
F: 2 and 3 are okay, can't see them stepping within 500 miles of a city but as weirdo forest vamps it could be worse. 1 and 4 are heavily overdesigned, even by tribal standards.
M: Rudi's the worst character in WoD history but he has the only half-way passable design here.
F: 4 is really goofy, especially the stigmata lol. 1-3 are good as gypsies (which doesn't quite fit Tremere imo) and I really like 2.
M: All hella gay, the artist got way too into triangles here.
F: 1 and 2 are JUSTed but 3 looks like a whiny Paris Hilton type and 4 looks like a super bitchy fashion designer, both fitting Toreador pretty well.
M: 4 is hilarious, he looks so uncomfortable. 1-3 are actually the least faggy male designs so far, though that might not be saying much, considering.
F: The only one I don't really like is 2. 3 and 4 are pretty bright for vamps though. 1 is perfect, don't @ me.
M: These are fine
Guess that's it, really wanted to see how the artist fucked up the Ventrue, oh well.
>tfw still no good art for best daddy
A Ravnos with chimerstry could.
Micheal the insane Toreador Methuselah who thought he was an archangel used chimestry and presence to make him himself look like stained glass art
>mfw all the faggots 'hurr its not asylum its not malkavians you retards' blown the fuck out
Wait, why isn't the asylum in the trailer?
Not-asylum fags weren't that wrong desu .
I thought vampires didn't drink each others' blood.
where's the one for toreador?
is the Brujah curse literally 'be political & retarded' ?
jesus V5 art is so fuckin awful. everyone looks like some 2deep high fashion lady gaga shit
They do. By force or they wanted to, blood bonds are common among ghouls, and married Kindred.
>but its drive comes from not wanting to be lonely and horny anymore.
In action this looks more like a constant treadmill, rather than a permanent off-switch of your lonely-horniness. That's why a lot of relationships don't work, you get bored of the same treadmill and all its functions or you decide it was never for you to begin with or that there was nothing there except sating loneliness and horniness.
>that smug way she talks about every person she fucked
>that obvious way she's overhyping her own game here and there
>how much she shat herself dealing with the sabbat
>not shitting yourself when dealing with the Sabbat
I'm sure you'd be a force to be reckoned with as a Tzimisce uses your bones like modelling clay
I see you there Rudi you son of a bitch
They tend to be passionate (violently so) on philosophies and ideals. This naturally progressed from being warrior-scholars into what they are today.
but why is there no gameplay footage, even though you can preorder?
They literally said they don't want to go fish malk
June 10th. You can pre-order without gameplay footage, nothing stopping you. It's just a dumb move.
time will tell if this is legit or not, and feel free to doubt, but a good buddy of mine works at PDX (not on the VTMB team but they share a building), is a big fan of the franchise, and has fished coworkers for loads of details over the months. he's got nothing, or next or nothing, except that one new character is an "extremely cute" Malk called Melanie or Melody who's Prince Cross's right-hand-woman/personal oracle/strategist. if you've ever played icewind dale (another game avellone did a lot of dialogue for), they have a similar "cadence and speech pattern" to Tara Strong's yxunomei.
It's severe anger managment problems.
is it possible for a brujah to be chill and not participate in politics and being a 'rebel' or is it just a given for them and they have to be punks?
post the one with the legs
>possible for a brujah to be chill
>not participate in politics
Doubt but Is Melanie supposed to be the render in OP
lmao so randumb xD
It's a vagina, user.
now that's the facefucking I like
is that Outstar
new thread
4 memes early
Blood Hunt when?
Today, I will remind them.
cant wait to malk up her pale milkies and pusy if you know what i mean