so is this a good game? dont really play vidya anymore but i just finished the book and i got the game for free from steam
So is this a good game...
Best one in the series
It's alright
Not a lot of scenes from the books are translated into the game though, missing the cool things like the Kremlin star, the boy who jumped off, and burying her the human way
It's good but frustrating. If you stealth which is the only satisfying way to play you're going to have to reload a lot becahse this game hides the noise making objects really well like shards of broken glass etc. Lore wise there's good reason as it's supposed to alert the humans of monsters lurking about but yea. I just wish there was a game like Metro except with humans in all stations being friendly and not enemies.
thats a shame. the book doesnt have that much action though so i guess they needed to change things to get an FPS game
Are humans all hostile in this game? The random people the protag meets are the best part of the book
It's a fun game, just make sure of playing it in "realistic" (or whatever the mode that made both the player and enemies not bullet sponges) for the best experience.
I think it’s a pretty great game, I’ve never read the books so I can’t compare but I would imagine story-wise it won’t hold up.
Nonetheless it’s still a solid game. As the other user had said pure stealth is kind of annoying because the AI is a bit iffy and sometimes you’ll alert people through almost no fault of your own. On my first playthrough I just generally went full assault mode if I got caught to mitigate this, which might ruin the satisfaction a bit the gunplay is pretty good in all honesty.
In terms of atmosphere it’s second to none. Some parts where you’re sneaking about above ground are tense as fuck and there’s one particular level in a library which is honestly one of the scariest areas I’ve ever experienced in a game.
Probably about a quarter of the game is going through non-hostile areas. It’s typically broken up into sections like non-combat > combat > non-combat > combat.
Better than Exodus, not as good as Last Light
Burying who? I don't recall.
The girl who hid inside of a locker when the bombs dropped and died of hunger after a few days, it's one of the last scenes when Artyom goes to the surface for the missile launch
>there’s one particular level in a library
I only played the game once before and now that I'm replaying it I just got to the library again and haven't touched the game in 4 days, it really gets to me.
>not as good as Last Light
Absolute trash.
The library is creepy as fugg in the books too, so I guess they kept that in at least
Fuck man, that parts always depressing as shit when I get to it.
blocks your path
How did they did it? I've yet to find a mkre horrifying enemy in a FPS
slavs dont fall for the memes westerners do when developing games
The book is way better, and the games are kinda trash imo. Very linear, scripted, etc. More linear than CoD.
how do you adapt a book thats 90% walking and talking in literal tunnels non-linear though
you dont.
but an "open world" metro that lets you choose whatever tunnel you want or the surface would be cool as fuck
a fallout style rpg would be pretty neat
Fite me
Are the sequels any good?
Last light is like more polished version of the original game.
The new one turned out more STALKERish, but it's also good
stealth is ridiculously powerful in Last Light since the AI wont notice you in front of them if there is no light source nearby. Also completely silent kill moves
I believe you are confusing metro with stalker
>sits there for a moment
>unblocks your path
avoid the original version its a fucking clunky mess
get the redux edition on sale or on some third party key reseller site or just pirate it
who is khan actually