Anyone still on the og model?
Anyone still on the og model?
I still have it, but after building a decent PC i can't touch the PS4 anymore.
Everything is so ugly and slow and runs awfully.
I really hope the PS5 solves the jet engine problem.
Something was wrong with my HDMI so I got Pro. For God of War and The Last Guardian I noticed major improvements, and I'm glad I have it for Death Stranding every thing else is mostly the same but I don't have 4ktv
yep, had it since day one, and save for a few hiccups here and there, it's still going strong.
I am but my fan broke a few weeks ago. I replaced it but the new one wont spin. I have got another fan coming and sending the ladt one back hoping it was just faulty. If not my PS4 might be a gonner.
Anyone know what issue it could be if the fan wont spin, and how could I fix it?
I'm really scared of my standard PS4 just biting the dust. I really don't feel like upgrading this late in the game.
Yeah. I hate incremental upgrades, so same deal with the New 3DS, I've skipped out on the Pro. But with PS5 being BC, hopefully it can act like a Pro (or better), saving me the need to purchase one. I just hope DS and everything else doesn't run like shit on base PS4, which I fear it will
This is literally me.
Tried playing the Nioh 2 alpha and it looks terrible.
i have knowledge on this subject
out of maybe a few thousand sampled, i'd say about 1/8 are og, 1/5 are pro, and most are slim
Yeah. The plain white one. Still works fine.
Yeah, I don't play on it anymore anyway but even if I did I wouldn't care to buy the pro.
Bought one from some random junkie for 50 bucks ages ago, haven't really touched the thing ever since.
i'm the opposite
built a 1500$ pc and cant bring myself to play anything on it, I'd much rather play on console
maybe im just autistic
Not anymore, it's still the best looking version when you replace the glossy HDD cover.
I feel you, PS5 announced but the slim is still $200 and Pro is still launch price 3 years later. I got Pro in 2016 so I will get 4 years from it and trade for PS5 at launch, to buy a Pro now is asinine
Nah, senpai, i'm on that Pro shit
It's such a fucking ballache to use the console. On PC I can just click the shortcut of the game I want to play and I'm in, but on the PS4 it wants to take up hours of my day fucking around with updates, and then by the time its done it expects me to pay for PS+
Fucking piece of shit is buried in the corner of my room and never coming out,
Ya, got it a year after release. Played a shit tonne of fighting games, mgsv, FIFA on it. Should actually finish Bloodborne one of these days.
Yeah. I turn it on once a year to play something that's not out on pc.
I have the second model without the gloss finish. I still enjoy it. I got it literally a few months before they announced the Pro. Next gen I am holding off on a PS5 until they announce a Pro and I hope they don't take out backwards compatibility with the Pro version and hoping BC includes ps1-ps3.
To add to this, I literally didn't have any games aside from Uncharted collection that came with it, my cousin gifted me Thief since I had no games and I got Final Fantasy X/X-2 collection and this was my library until early 2017 when all those Japanese games were coming out so if I waited a bit I could've gotten the Pro since I didn't really use it much when I got it early 2016 and barely used it the rest of that year. Kinda sucks.
no because I only buy consoles after the first revision comes out.
I have the CUH-1200 model, had it for 3 years now, I'm having trouble with my disc drive, it's fine reading my games but when i try to eject hit my disc always gets stuck in between the drive, sometimes the disc comes out half way through the system and stops, anyone have a suggestion.
Whose the guy in that picture?
I’m buying a Slim tomorrow with a PSVr, the new funny bear game, and Bloodborne.
What am I in for? What should I play? Note: I’m not interested in movie shit. No last of us, no David cage. I want a fun gameplay loop and if it just so happens to have a good story then so be it. What kind of 3D platformers does it have? Also what are some must own pSVr games? (Getting the borderlands beat saber bundle)
Yes, it sometimes stutters and hangs for a while and start up is taking longer than before, but I reckon it'll still work for a few more years to come. I still use mine to play niche exclusives but mostly on PC now
Yes, but I also added a external Storage device so I can store all the games, ALL of them.
Why external?
ps4 has the ratchet and clank remake. you'll think it's good if you've never played one and you'll think it's shit if you have.
it also has tearaway I guess but play the vita version first if you can
I have one of those . Bought it to play DoAX Fortune before DoAXVV became a thing now is pretty much a piece of decoration on my living room.
My first PS4's PSU died at the start of the year. Lasted me from whenever Transistor released til then. Got it """fixed""" by Sony.
Because it was easier for a pleb like me to do. Instead of opening it up etc. Just plug it in via USB.
Internal is faster with load times
Never owned a current gen console, wanna get PS4 Pro when the PS5 is announced so I get some discount on it. Have a 4K TV otherwise I would get the original over the slim, I think the slim is fucking ugly.
Why not just wait for PS5 pro that will play PS4 games?
yes, anything else would be a waste since bought it for literally 3 games
I own one game that would be improved with a Pro. RE2 runs at whatever framerate it pleases on base, but the frame pacing is fine so it's tolerable. DS3 and Bloodborne run like dog shit even on the Pro, so what's the point?
the default internal?
Not really. SATA HDD 500GB vs the external SSD of 2TB senpai
Yes with 5.05 hax. I won't update. I'm playing gravity rush 2 saves from 5.55 on a friend's ps4 cause they have the cute costumes.
>user want to save money
>"Wait for the new console"
As said it will be at least the price of the Pro but it will also be 1 or 2 year wait. I may change my mind depending on release date.
You're limited by USB transfer rates tho. SATA is undeniably quicker and has lower latency.
AW!? you got a 2tb SSD connected through the USB port just WTF are you doing
>it also has tearaway I guess but play the vita version first if you can
Wait, why? I played it on PS4 (definitely fucking underrated), and doesn't it have literally everything from Vita plus more? Doesn't it make the original version basically obsolete?
it's not a straight upgrade, it makes a bunch of changes. the ps4 ver. is overall better though
Yes but I'm selling it this year. This genhas been atrocious and I have nothing to keep it for before they all massively drop in price post-PS5 launch
I'm. It's not worth to upgrade with a gaming laptop, iPad, Switch, etc.
I use it for fighting games and bring it to fighting games events.