Do i really have to get bodied for 300 hours until I can do anything in this stupid ass genre?
Just play fighting games bro
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Basically. And that's only for one game. Each fighting game series has vastly different rules, so that's 300 hours for each series you wanna have a go on, plus at least an additional 50-100 hours for every new game.
fundamentals apply to most games
build a foundation then focus on certain game details
These days every game has a cheap ass character you can use and not have to learn anything
What bad thing am I supposed to see in this image?
inb4 SFV
Look at their levels and lp.
No what is this fightcade? The games have matchmaking systems that will match you up with shitters and you can feel good about your skill for 200-300 hours until you start playing people who aren't shit and start getting bodied.
Aren't levels mostly gotten from single player? And LP gap is not huge.
A bit. I don't know your skill level set but "push button win" is a YT video series that helps build the sort of framework which which you can improve really reliably.
Do i really have to get bodied for 300 hours until I can do anything in this stupid ass genre?
_______________git gud_______________
I've tried Tekken7, but you just get juggled to death.
nope i play the single player things in every fighting game i play
Not really, you can also get bodied for 600 additional hours if you still don't learn, which happens informing yourself more than simply mechanically playing the game making the same mistakes again and again.
No, just don't be shit, I never lost the majority of online matches in any game I played, and I jumped right into Street fighter 4. Before that I only played the computer in sf2 on genesis as a kid.
literally have common sense and learn how to special cancel and you are fine.
There's nothing wrong with just playing casually.
What about when i get mad after a loss and uninstall the game
literally no one who says you need to lose 1000 times in a row ever persevere to actually get good. You can lose like 50 in a row to a strong player but by then you should be better than other noobs and body them easy.
its just a game lmao
take it easy bro
>50-100 hours for every new game
I would say that's for new character (at least in SF)
playing online is casually. Playing the CPU is not even playing the game correctly as they don't act logically. Even RTS is much better single player.
buy a disc so you can snap it in half instead of reinstalling it
Stop getting mad. It's just a video game.
Think of fighting games like playing basketball. If you down at the park playing pick-up games and then going home and getting depressed because you're not as good as NBA players then you're really dumb.
basketball is easy to not care about because it's the most garbage sport there is. Literally 99% height.
>playing online is casually.
Only unranked matches. And even then those can be fairly intense. True casual is playing in person with a few friends and not caring if the best of you would still be insta-bodied by any "good" fighting game player.
Steph Curry is like 4 feet tall
Only at the higher levels. Casual basketball and competitive basketball are two very different things. Just the same with fighting games and tier lists. At the casual level it matters far less.
losses are like raindrops in an ocean. try not to place too much worth in the victory or the loss, you're just bullying yourself at that point, esp when there's nothing on the line.
And there's a guy who wins 3S tourneys with Q. Still not top tier.
SFV was my first fighting game that I tried online kind of seriously. Took me a while to grab into the basics but no other online game can match 1v1 fighting games to me for competition.
Wish the netcode is better though but here's hoping for SF6 or whatever Capcom does next
SFV is the fortnite of the FGC
all basketball should have height classes like UFC and boxing has weight classes IMO. A tall person gets a massive advantage at all levels of play unless you go so low they don't even know how to throw the ball correctly.
No it isn't.
My big brother & his friend invited me to play USFIV & SFV and got visibly a bit mad at me because we were going surprisingly even despite me struggling to even input basic QCs on his Dualshock controller so I was resorting to using a mix of Low Kicks, Grabs, Empty Jumps and late aerials yet was doing fine because I was able to guess their wakeup options. It was somewhat fun.
Should I get more into fightan? I really don't know shit about the genre but I like being in my opponent's head.
>LV 230
I expect fighting games to eventually have junior leagues
You get levels from singleplayer content. Won't do you much in a real match.
SFV feels like underwater garbage and so does 4. Alpha doesn't feel right either. Why is it that only street fighter 2 and 3s "feel" good? usually it's jumping that feels really janky. persona4 arena jumps felt like cancer.
Your brother and his friend are still scrubs. They were trying to play higher level mix-up tactics against a pure beginner. This is itself a beginner mistake.
When you are playing someone in a fighting game who barely knows how to play or just mashes buttons then you just repeatedly sweep, throw, or projectile spam them to win. If you try to mix-up you're more likely to get hit.
No. It takes understanding how to learn, reference material, and ability to grind out some practice. People are terribly inefficient at learning new things because they aren't sure what's important or how to go about it.
It's actually the easiest it's ever been to get good quickly in fighting games... and there's a difference between getting good at the genre/game and producing results in a game. You can easily learn a few things to cheese out some success in a game, but in the long run you're just fucking yourself.
I'm aware they weren't very good either, but they had a few B&Bs and it felt nice to be able to still sometimes get the upperhand off of a few guesses, I found it to be a lot fun.
I have years and years of bad habits from casually playing single player or friends that don't play fighting games.
I started getting back into fighting games maybe a year ago but I don't play too consistently, man it's hard to unlearn so I can learn properly.
>we will never get a game with El fuerte, Mika and Zangief
Or you, you know, block. Spazzy players beat impatient players
Use a different controller and focus on clean inputs over success.
hopefully fruete is never seen again
No, but you need a high IQ to learn fast. There was player named Shizza who grinded SFIV for 11 months and got Evo top 8 before he quit after becoming a father
I could offer some legit advice, I guess. But the most important thing is, are you having fun in ANY capacity when playing the game? Do you like your character? Do you feel the need to win outweighs the frustration of loss? Do you have the patience to retain on to that feeling and learn what is right to do and lab? Are you willing to blame yourself? Do you understand your hands will not do what your brain is telling you to do until you restrain them with practice and time?
At the end of the day, fighting games require that you find one that you like so you can stick to it. If you want some legit advice, I'll provide it.
Sure his playstyle was fucking cancer. His story is fucking funny
>He's chasing mika
>Who is chasing Zang
I want to see them all meet up.
Only when they figure out how to wake-up.
Just play a brain dead character like Ken, Camie or Guile and you're good to go
None of those are brain dead.
Using a hitbox, coming from being the only kid that lived near an arcade, and have been working on small goals instead of getting wins.
It's just hard to always play with intentionality and not tunnel visioning.
I actually have very fond memories of playing the first two DOA games when I was younger.
Man I wish DOA wasn't the fanservice mess that it is now, not that the girls weren't juicy even by the 2nd game, but I wish I would look like less of a creep for wanting to play DOA.
You could've posted literally any other game to prove your point. Is this some kind of double bait?
j-j-j-just play it you fucking soiboi!
I have 180 hours in SFV and can't even stay in ultra bronze consistenly. It takes time user, that most people have shitty connections.
Dude the tit bounce in the original DoA was fucking comical
i cant wait for the new samsho to be released already to make casuals of Yea Forums seethe
t. Ken, Cammy, or Guile main
it's gonna be slow janky shit
I'm learning 3rd Strike right now, I could use some advice. Hit me. I'm spending a couple hours every day in training mode working on specials, basic combos, and super cancels.
>i cant wait for the new samsho to be released already to make casuals of Yea Forums seethe
t. played VSP on fightcade for 20 minutes
I don't actually play fighting games user, I just pretend I play ST and 3S so I seem cool on Yea Forums, sorry.
Eh, some basic rules apply to all so I'd say learning 1 saves you 25% or so time on all future fighting games you play.
Nah dude. Blocking beats any masher because they'll do shit unsafe on block.
Intentionality is best kept with reflection. Record your matches and rewatch them. You will become more and more aware of your play. The tough part is losing that when you need to. Playing by overthinking slows your reactions as you are making too many decisions. The heirarchy ends up...
>total spaz
>play worse and slow to not spaz
>get used to controls and tunnelvision
>slow down to outthink opponents and adapt
>learn the game so fucking well you end up instinctively making those adjustments and just running a train on people
That last step is fucking hard and it's what sets the men apart from the boys. That is what takes the hundreds of hours. It's taking away as much thinking as possible by "solving" the game. You can check your progress towards this end in a ghetto fashion by having like a beer or two and then playing.
Once you get to silver retard ken palyers stop spamming and you can start learning, I had 400 hours before reaching silver and sfv was my first fg, I've seen a lot of people get there way faster tho, I just hate how much I suck and how much new players refuse to learn the game and just spam DP or buttons on wakeup, afer 400 hours I just learned 1 frametrap and 1 meaty and shot up to gold, haven't gotten past gold but I also quit playing after zeku was released, im looking forward to trying another FG with the new samurai shodown but I dobut that game will live very long before im playing vs the same 5 people on discord like sc6.
>I could use some advice.
Stop playing it.
No, I am serious. I have played that game for hundreds of hours and been in tournaments. It's not worth your time. It's horribly unbalanced, uses a mechanic (parrying) which defines the game that doesn't transfer to others, and has a cancerous player base.
If you want to play an older fighting game play Super Turbo or one of the classic KOF like 98 or 2002.
It doesn't take that long, I got competent at around 75 in-game hours
lol, try again, you probably havent even tried playing the game before to make that statement. at least the combat make sense. you get caught for being a brainlet get punished and take a lot of dmg
>Blocking beats any masher because they'll do shit unsafe on block.
As soon as you score the first knockdown you shouldn't need to block for the rest of the match against a masher.
I want to like SF5 but none of the characters appeal to me.
>"dude don't play 3S it'stoo broken"
>"play ST and 98 though, those are fine"
Yea Forums's "understanding" of fighting games never fails to amuse me.
> at least the combat make sense. you get caught for being a brainlet get punished and take a lot of dmg
Yeah newfag, samsho has always been like that. I look forward to janky shit with garbage clipping due to the 3d models.
I knew someone would make a post like this which ironically proves the point you are making: you don't know very much about fighting games if you think the tier lists for 3S are comparable to those of ST or KOF 98.
That post didn't say Third Strike was broken. It said it wasn't worth the time. Which is correct. Game just sucks.
only mexicans recommend SNK shit. It exposes you are a fraud.
All three games are pretty broken, though trying to complain a game is broken while arguing a game with ST Vega or O. Sagat is fine is just hilarious.
Every fighting game has obvious tiers that are "broken", you get over it and play the game anyway. If you thibk 3S is shit that's understandable, but to complain about it's balance is ridiculous. 3S is about your typical fighting game balance, probably better then most games its age.
Yo. Alright, so. 3S, huh? Okay, what version? If its that HD version, you'll have access to trials, which could help you train your fingers and stop you from button mashing.
So the first thing I HEAVILY recommend you do is, regardless of your choice of device for input, pad, stick, etc; you wanna practice motions as much as you can. Do it when you're not playing the game and watching something with it in your hand. Practice the motion of a DP. Practice the quarter circle, etc.
Gonna follow this up, just want to feed yah at a steady rate and not all at once.
>and has a cancerous player base.
lol can't handle the fightcade banter. probably a discord tranny.
>If you thibk 3S is shit that's understandable
not in current year.
>actually using the chat
Even more cancer then people that complain about it.
A pseudo mexican won the CPT last year, watch your mouth bigot.
Fightcade chat is actually unmoderated. Why do you redditors hate freedom of speech?
no it's not, I got in trouble once for spamming my twitch.
Actually I was referring to it being rather popular among the people that dislike fightcade. It's the weebs choice of alternative fighting game (which is silly because it's a SF game). It's a game that has a lot of players who started playing that game because they became too angry (I will never say "salty") losing in what is popular at the moment. Then they go into 3S and start playing characters who are outside the top 5 of the tier list and pretend like their game is more balanced than it really is.
If you want to piss of a group of scrubby 3S players just go in and cheese the fuck out of them with Chun. I guarantee you will not have much trouble going undefeated if you're halfway decent with her.
>you don't know very much about fighting games if you think the tier lists for 3S are comparable to those of ST or KOF 98
ST has 8-2 matchups you retard. Try O. Sagat vs Zangief and Cammy or Guile vs Dhalsim and tell me 3S is somehow worse. Even 3S' mid tiers see some success, it's only with trash like Remy or Alex things get that bad.
please do not spam is not moderation, it happens if you try to rapid post anything.
cherry picking the worst possible matchups won't make your game magically equal to the legend of ST, turdstriker
>Actually I was referring to it being rather popular among the people that dislike fightcade
3s is the most popular game on fightcade despite running like shit on it and 90% of the userbase being SNK HUEHUEs
I'm like most Yea Forums users, freedom of speech is fine until something I dislike is said.
it's easier to steal games in st due to the damage and stun. Cammy's tools are garbage but you can still win with a lucky jump in. ST is a meme game that's actually busted and filled with obnoxious gimmicks. it's an insult to hyper fighting.
3S is shit, where did I say I though it was good? Just stop memeing ST as good.>and 90% of the userbase being SNK HUEHUEs
That's every game on fightcade though.
then I take it back, are you happy? for fucks sake
I know that.
But also be aware that if you from a 1st world country and take up 3S and then start looking for competition or casual play locally get ready to run into the people I just talked about. Third Strike is a magnet for the dregs of fighting games. Vampire Savior is another one, but for people who can't cut it in GG.
just add them to the ignore list or call them a nigger without fear of triggering some janny instead of crying for jannies to ban them for you.
>>and 90% of the userbase being SNK HUEHUEs
>That's every game on fightcade though.
I know, I'm saying despite most users being from south america which is SNK central 3s is still the most popular game.
This. If someone tells you their favorite fighting games are 3rd Strike, Skullgirls, and VS get ready to be disappointed.
Also make sure you can do every motion ten times IN A ROW. Consistently. Like, count, and if you drop one, you do it until you do it ten times in a row. This is super important. The most important thing in fighting games is not spacing, combos, or reaction. Its control. You are your character. Every action your character does HAS to be what you intended them to do. Now, here's where the patience kicks in; it will take a while for your brain and hands to know what the other wants. Until then, you can practice motions. You DP because you want to. If you whiffed, whatever. You did it cause you wanted to, not because it was by accident.
Understand your normals by the way. Try to understand why you would use standing jab. Try to figure out by reason what jumping attack you can do that covers the most angles when you're coming down and if they jump at you.
KNOW your character. Spacing comes after. Combos come after. Supers come after. Reaction comes when you know your character.
SF6 needs both better netcode and a wifi indicator.
I made another account because I want to experiment with characters and everybody in low rank is a fucking laggy wifi shitter. Its way nicer at diamond and higher (but still not great).
Even DoA6 got that indicator now, so I hope that it becomes the norm in fighters so that you can avoid retards.
there are only like two small scenes that actually play 3s in america and they are all OGs. The only truly faggot players on fartcade are the redditors who play jojos.
Fightcade is great if only to confuse newfag redditors who can't comprehend that chat is unmoderated and that guys name really is XxNiggersToungeMyAnusXx and he can't do anything about it.
>3s is still the most popular game.
98 is arguably more popular, I would say it and 3S go pretty even.
The ones that surprise me are Jojo and Alpha 3 honestly. I know normalfags got to it but Jojo is hard as fuck to play. With Alpha I'm just more shocked people wouldn't rather play Alpha 2, it's less difficult AND broken then Alpha 3 which is almost kuso tier.
Common advice used to be 100 times in a row
Can we have a new Darkstalkers game, or a good MvC game, or any fighting game that features Jedah? Easily the coolest fighting game character I've ever seen & his moveset is incredibly fun & creative. Just put him in more games.
sniff posters like waku waku 7 now too.
He's right, though. Just like how casualised fighting games still have a huge barrier for newcomers so do casual FPS. The main difference is that most people have already been playing FPS since their teenage years so they don't even notice how frustrating they are to get into now.
Some of Jojo's popularity must come from the desire to just play something different after all these years. And the anime becoming a lot more popular in the west.
alpha 2 is a scrub game
>waku waku 7
The fuck? Did people really meme it into popularity?
If you have a decent, welcoming local scene it is good.
Not really no. You can learn most of the basics in 10-20 hours. After that it's up to you to actually apply some thought into getting better.
I bet you own a katana
Yeah, the 2D fighting game dark ages fucked the genre. Zoomers don't even know how to use a fucking D-pad properly let alone an arcade stick. Giving a zoomer a fighting game is like giving grandpa an fps and watching as he just looks up into the sky and spins around
How about playing the game he's in. Unless your name is Dyne I don't know of a good western Jedah so you got work to do.
yeah, same shit for windjammers. I think it became a meme because it got ported to the switch early
what a trash post.
doesnt make one real argument in favor of a3.
what a poser
Some games have legacy skill. If you were good at a previous entry, you'll still be pretty good at the new one. All you have to do is figure out the new shit. Other fighters are so fucking different, that unless you're an actual pro, you'll have to get bodied all over again.
just block dude
>Omni, one of the OG... for lack of a better term "scrubs (knew everyone but got bodied for free)
this guy was the combat programmer for the original God of War iirc
Who cares about that literal weeb. He's a Claw retard who would lose favorable match ups regularly
Is it still active? I really have no idea and just wanted to throw that out there. A friend of mine and I went through a slew of more or less popular netplay titles and Vampire Savior was one of them. I had no idea what I was doing most of the time but I found a lot of the characters to really stand out.
Yeah, he was never really that good in tournaments, but in the very early days he was one of the first guys on the internet in the west to write seriously about fighting games.
I at least see some people mention and actually play windjammers.
I went to combo breaker, didn't see a single waku waku 7 set up though. Games being memed into popularity is real though. I saw at least four, maybe five, set ups for that shitty snes sailor moon game. I guess after the core a video memers thought "DUDE LOL THIS IS SO FUNNY XDDD" and the scene grew.
Only if you're playing tekken 7 or some game where the only players left are super high-level.
Try soulcalibur, samsho, or granblue, they might be easier to get into.
SFV is also probably not bad but it's not very interesting.
>what a poser
Apoc is an OG who has made top 8 at evo. He's assuming you know why chun v chun and Bas calling it trash has merit. A2 had an old saying"when in doubt low strong" Imagine if the scrubs complaining about CC infinites actually knew would could just activate point black and mash lightning legs for 70% lol. You can just AC any real pressure or mixup too because it only costs 1 bar. The game is shallow as fuck and alpha 1 is lowkey better than alpha 2.
>eventhubs comments
oh no no no no no no no no
Apoc is a weeb? He looks like a larping gangbanger
I really do not care about washed up nonames.
I would play a hack of A2 that removed alpha counters, custom combos, and made all supers level 3 only. It would be a nice SF2-ish game.
Everyone who played fighting games from 1995 to 2009 is a weeb.
just accept alpha 2 is kusoge user. The graphics are nice. It's a good game if you are some shitter who played it on ps1 against the computer when it came out.
I got to gold within 20 hours of playing Gief. Just pick a top tier bro
Airblocking makes it not street fighter and retarded
Most normals are either garbage or broken so you can't effectively control space like sf2 or something. It's just not a very good game, all flash no substance.
If Alpha 2 is kusoge what's Alpha 3?
True for pretty much any multiplayer game.
>Do i really have to get bodied for 300 hours until I can do anything in this stupid ass genre?
That depends, if you don't have any prior knowledge of fighting games then it may take awhile, but then again the matchmaking in this game is liquid ass so I can understand your frustration
Yeah I believe you, my friend got to gold in about a week and he never played a FG before, im just really bad nothing to do with tiers with me.
Alpha 3 is way better than alpha 2, at the very least it takes skill to play, even if the meta isn't very fun.
This is what happens when gamers have no friends IRL. They rely on Online vs. and get destroyed. It's your own fault.
Just say shit game you fucking weebs
>Everyone who played fighting games from 1995 to 2009 is a weeb
This is literally wrong. A lot of OG SF players hate anime and hate weebs. You think Watson jerks off to hentai?
6 characters+newfags having to google it
>shit game
9 characters
the choice is obvious.
4 characters+you don't look like a pretentious weeb
Well, yeah, but if he's starting out, he'll want to do that on his own inevitably to clean up his inputs.
Next step, movement. Street Fighter is great for teaching you movement. You have walking, dashing, jumping up, jumping forward,jumping backwards, walking backwards, staying still, and crouch blocking. You are going to need to understand the importance of each one. An empty jump can often be the ultimate way to open your opponent up because they anticipate an overhead and not a low. You are going to start out impatient and dash up to your opponent. You are going to do this without realizing you are doing it. If you can, try to save replays of how you play and watch back what you're doing; see if you're doing things again and again and work to stop yourself from developing bad habits.
3S does have a way to cancel forward dash to make it less frames, but first you must learn to approach your opponent safely. If you walk, you get to control your actions at a more steady pace.
And do not underestimate the power of being able to walk backwards.
mustve been nice to be a westcoast "og" when there was literally no competition. can be shit but still place and be mentioned by some homos online decades later.
you do not belong here.
>3S does have a way to cancel forward dash to make it less frames
There is a pretty active discord for Vampire Savior with pretty strong players that appear for majors and compete with Japanese whenever they get the chance, yeah. If you're US, that is.
if you don't have local friends to play with it isn't worth it. specially if you are in a shit country that get shit ping with most of the population of the game.
I used to play on fightcade I made a lot of friends and got good but after playing offline i realized online is bullshit, yeah it does help you get around basics and elementary concepts but beyond that its nothing also it isn't all that fun after you get a taste of offline. I played on fightcade for like 5 years than after my ethernet broke I just started playing with my friend regularly and dude the game was totally different and he was getting better way fast because we would share all tech and stuff. all my begging on fightcade became worth after playing offline. but if you dont have, than there is little reason to get into it. but I have heard americans get really good ping and can comfortably play online.
west coast was always better than east coast. sorcal norcal was better than anyone in jewyork.
>y-you don't belong here! Muh cumunity
Elitist weeb trash
Recovery cancel. Part of Makoto's game plan (who I used to play back in the day). So you take her dash which has an animation of 40 frames down to 12 frames.
sure. but back then japanese barely traveled and the general level was way lower in the west.
imagine getting this upset
'95 isn't OG my son
Also apologies, I am talking to all of y'all while I'm multitasking and talking so I'm making English mistakes.
I don't think this exists
>he plays 2D button mashers
lol no. America mogged japan during the CPS1 Street fighter 2. Japan only caught up when arcades died in the west.
>reeeeee you don't belong here
Not your secret club weeb faggot
I always found it weird bronze Akumas suck dick 1 hit into v-trigger and it's combo video time.
seems like it though, considering how little faglets like you stand out and sperg out.
Only faglets who stand out aremuh board culture brainlets who sperg out and oust themselves like you
every competitive game is like that. if you want a game where you pick it up and are instantly amazing then play some dynasty warriors or some shit
Victor Lucas said he loved the game though and Tommy admitted Victor liked it because he was a hardcore gamer
>A lot of OG SF players hate anime and hate weebs.
Make up whatever head-canon you want kid.
>You think Watson jerks off to hentai
The fact you bring up hentai shows you really don't know what you're talking about. There is a difference between old school fighting game weebs and hentai weebs. Serious fighting game players were very interested in anything to do with martial arts, as that was often what drew them to fighting games to begin with. So that leads to an appreciation for martial arts anime like Hokuto no Ken, Grappler Baki, or DBZ (before or during the early days of the English dubs). It also extends into an interest in Japanese culture in general, as well as pro wrestling that was huge in the late 90s.
I never knew Mike Watson personally, but we had mutual acquaintances and I have no reason to believe Mike "hated weebs". Mike is known for bantering because that whole generation and scene he comes from is like that, but a LOT of that is ironic bantering by guys engage in the same behavior themselves. Like being on Yea Forums and calling video game players losers.
Do not listen to these lies. It's the OPPOSITE of what this fucker is trying to sell you. Japan was always better at SF, until SFV, which had no formal arcade release. And they're still slightly better overall.
The earliest big US vs JP SF rivalry was Valle/Daigo in 1998. Valle was the best in the US and he got bodied. He couldn't believe someone was better than him. So many liars online lmao. Be careful who you believe, anons!
Valle vs Daigo: 1998 (arcades were still big)
Why are all FGC transexuals ugly? Pretty much any other community has 1 or 2 hot ones but not in the fgc.
Yeah, I specifically picked 95 because that's about when the casuals from the SF2 boom started to move on. As well as the true OGs who played Street Fighter more like it was a game of pool than a video game.
Most of the older players know shit about Japanese culture and mispronounce shit to the point GG weebs would get furious over it. Watson doesn't watch anime and a lot of the older players didn't either. Even the Japanese immigrant didn't watch anime.
What bizzaro planet are you living on? Every non FGC trans is ugly as sin
no one knows. The history of very early days SF2 in Japan is murky and the best player from that time (who I cannot even remember the name of) has vanished with only 1 video existing of him playing iirc. And no one really knows if Tomo was truly that good since there would have been arcades across America with great players in them that never had any way to connect with the West or East coast player scenes.
GLLTY is dating LTG
>Alpha 3
You know American pros hated that game right? A lot of lower level people "played" it, but A3 was dropped in like a month because it came out during the age of SF3 where everyone started to quit or move to Marvel.
AfroCole still mopped Nuki during the first Evo and Nuki even tried to pull out O.Sagat and still lost.
>mispronounce shit to the point GG weebs would get furious over it
They do this on purpose to rile them up. It's fun.
Asians obviously don't count, they all look the same.
fightcade is the shit man and 3s chat is the only one where people talk english and actually talk. I have made a lot of friends
dude don't listen to that guy I have also played 3s for 1000s of hours and for more than 5 years he is right about parrying but parrying only gets frustrating after both of the guys know the option selects because if both of the players are aware of the shenanigans it gets hard to break the neutral, because hittiing your opponent can be a problem there are common option selects that people use, special empty jump OS parry to throw and dash down parry to throw, so anti airing and countering the pressure can be punishing but one can easily work around it by mixing up. and as for balance nahhhh its very nicely balanced and all those people who say chun don't know shit because chun is very simple and hard to be effective with just look at fightcade literally noone play chun, everyone is a urien player and everyone here who don't know shit will tell you how urien is the hardest character, yeah he does have some stuff that are partially unique to him like unblockable setups and charge partitioning(charge partitioning all characters have but urien has the most useful stuff) but urien is probably the most easy char to get good with.
also the games he recommended you are also super unbalanced, special kof 98 in which xiohai himself said it kof 98 has like 3 to 4 characters if a player who knows what he is doing pick them will always win. china literally had their point system so people wont pick all of these chars in one team. ST is unbalanced if yoi consider the majority but its fun as fuck and its too fast so unless you are honda against ryu or ken you will probably be fine.
but 3s is fun but it gets a little frustrating because you can't keep doing the setplay that you think is super safe because if your opponent know exactly what you afe going to do at what time you WILL get parried. or punished because block stun is smal
completely irrelevant, both are total scrubs
Street Fighter was, and still is, the original weeb fighting game. You don't know what you're talking about. They all creamed over the SF anime movie. It's anime as fuck, just old school anime.
Arcades were dead by 1995. By the late 90s/early 00s it was just a small community of autists playing fighting games.
America destroyed japan in CE and HF, the two most popular fighting games of all time, japan got better when way more people were playing in japan. Even now any american who goes to Japan will find he bodies the vast majority of japanese shitters in the arcades. They have a handful of stronger players because they have a much larger player pool.
>Gllty looks like a Who
>Gllty is a literal who
>as well as pro wrestling that was huge in the late 90s
also UFC.
>the original weeb fighting game
Is that why weebs hate the shit out of it and desperately try to sabotage every release so people play Flowchart Gear? Is that why GG tournaments came from anime conventions while SF stayed in arcades and garages?
Would you rather have sex with a who or gllty?
Post a single passable transexual in any other gaming community that isn't Asian. I could use a good laugh
Right, and the earliest proof is Japan was better. So that's the end of it. If they were better in 1998 all the way to 2019, if safe to say they were most likely better in 1992. Unless you're assuming US was better when no one was recording, but suddenly turned shit in 1998? LMAO.
reminder dale actually challenged GLLTY to a loser sucks the winners dick contest and lost. He ran away right after and gllty followed him.
>posting this zoomer channel
Shut the fuck up and speak in real English.
A Who
You have to specify what kind of weeb. Tryhard tourneyfag SF players are still weebs.
Scrubs who think SF should be more like their animes with honorable dramatic fights instead of the silly shenanigans they can (and usually do) descend into hate SF and often all of fighting games in general. Then they go play more JRPGs.
Just because there are current games inspired by current anime, doesn't mean SF and KoF aren't old school anime (clue: they are). You clearly weren't even alive back in the OG SF and SF anime movie days. No sf fan thought the movie was shit. They all watched it and loved it. SF fanbase was full of weebs.
hey nigga that user who was saying that you have played 3s in tournaments, you up for it? I challenge you to a ft3 lets goooo
reminder Apoc and Ricky gave each other their underage boipussies at one of the early ECCs
>Tryhard tourneyfag SF players are still weebs.
HAHAAHAHA! You're worse than a tranny desperately trying to claim everyone is a little gay and straight guys can like trannies.
I meant ARTURO and Ricky but I wouldn't be surprised if Apoc was a homo
If you play can one of you stream it I wanna watch
Just google transexual gamer, you will find a lot...
>trying to get matches on Yea Forums - Dodge Central
ricky was a slut who fucked marn and floe and arturo but I never heard of apoc. Apoc would be old anyway.
Why the FUCK are the official hitbox action buttons 24mm instead of 30?
I am poor nigger, I can't stream why else I would play fighting games and on top of that on fightcade.
I remember everyone who doesn't even play fighting games BEGGING for Mika to be in SFV. And everyone who had actually played a game with her in was saying 'you think you do, but you don't.'
And it's true. As soon as she actually got in a game everyone realised what an annoying piece of shit she is and hates her. And now people are begging for Fuerte to be in a game again because they never played the game he was in, or they didn't play it enough to understand what a cancerous piece of garbage he was. There has never been a character more unfun to play against in Street Fighter than Fuerte.
>I-I'm not a weeb!
>I-I just watched GITS, it's mainstream! I'm not a WEEB
>T-that's not my wallscroll!
Actually everybody except silvers love mika.
FGC was full of homos looking to seduce lonely confused nerds and drug dealers who would actually stab you if you did cheap shit like throw them.
mika was trash in alpha3 and its not like she's anything like she used to be.
the real funny part is when posers cry about muh dash and mash in SFV but then ask for makoto.
before my first online tourney I met a Yea Forums guy I am still finding who was litetal cash was standing toe to toe with one of the best players on fightcade, he was playing with him because I was late. I have met a lot of players from Yea Forums actually usually I win most of the players but that guy I still remember. now I always go in these 3s hate/love threads and do this open challenge in hope of playing with him again.
Victor got old bros...
found the scrub
I corrected it user. Also Ricky is the one time in my life where I saw a guy and thought "nah, that kid is gay as shit and should have been born a girl".
>There has never been a character more unfun to play against in Street Fighter than Fuerte.
Rolento in any appearance imo
Tranny enabler
in our country arcades were full of pedos who actually knew their game and cool cheats they would literally offer tokens and would tell you cheats and would dry hump you. kof 97 was the popular bait. and they knew about those iori and leona cheats.
What's wrong with playing fighting games and fightcade?
Note to zoomers: this is not a meme. This guy is telling the truth. Every player group has one or two weird pervs in it.
buttbandit anal predators should have been excommunicated from the FGC.
I never noticed lots of pedos. Pedo hysteria would never allow such a thing to happen now though. mom would drop their 7 year old at the arcade in the mall alone with all kinds of adults. unthinkable.
Shouldn't have let Guilty Gear in with their underaged trapshit.
A jew, a tranny and a nigger with a power glove. What a brave new world that has such beauteous people in it!
Yeah, made me realize all gays have a straight guy fetish and would rather fuck an ugly hetero nerd than a 10/10 faggot.
yes it took me 50h to win a single game in sf5. Never played a fighting game before
post a picture of yourself or run back to the grooming circlejerk you came from
This is later on. When I saw Ricky he was skinnier, paler, had shorter hair and acted EXTREMELY faggy. He had blue glitter all over him while wearing a tank top and short shorts and was basically preening in front of a group of thirsty pedos like a 14 year old teenage girl.
its just free thats why, I actually loved sf4 but its netcode was so shit I would get 1 secone delay here and I just wanted to play any fighting game and ggpo was the thing it was magic, you could play with people even tho you lived in a middle of a desert. and for free
we didn't have big arcades but but small shops full of machines so kids would get attracted to those lights and this would happen, actual child rapes happened it got actually bad than a rule was started that if you have some entertainment kind of shop you must cover it with cloth so kids wont come. but there were grocery shops which also had machines so they eventually got rid of them.
so you noggas up for some neoturf masters or not?
Low-key a lot of player groups survive on homo cash. Like there will be one guy in his late 20s or early 30s who is not really that great at the game but will always volunteer to host mini-tournaments or game nights, drive the group to out-of-state tournaments, or loan money (that will never be paid back) to the handsome young straight boys in the group.
A lot of the time I THINK nothing actually comes of it, they're just there to look but not touch, but you never know.
give me a list of confirmed FGC homos
I see Sabin and Ricky, who's the black dude? it's not Fanatiq or Sanford
>If they were better in 1998 all the way to 2019, if safe to say they were most likely better in 1992.
Street Fighter's popularity massively died off by 1998. There would have been many people who were great players in 1992 who were in their 20s at the time who by 1998 had moved on with their life. Tomo was one such person. Who knows how many other Tomos were scattered across the nation? Street Fighter 2 was a cultural phenomenon played by millions. By 1998 only a handful of serious player groups remained across the whole country.
>Unless you're assuming US was better when no one was recording, but suddenly turned shit in 1998? LMAO.
That is exactly what I am assuming. Because there is logic in it.
The truth is we just do not know who was really the best players in the early years. Using 1998 data is not good evidence.
it's triforce, just a scammer and a mongoloid, he's not evil.
Newfag much? That is Triforce and his Empire Arcadia crew.
You don't even know about his legendary feud with DSP and how DSP best him and his organization?
we already have floe ricky and auturo.obviously the trannies
I've open to suspect dudes too. I've heard valle might be gay, kayopolice was flirting with him at least.
anyone who plays Blazblue
I remember when DSP chickened out and refused to fight viscant IRL
>I've heard valle might be gay
He is not. Or if he is he hid it well since he went to some strip clubs sometimes. Also he got married and had a kid.
this is nonsense. skills are super transferrable unless you're talking about going from like, ST to BBTAG. And even then a tonne of shit transfers.
real names pls
your level transfers between characters, if he just did the trials with every character he'd reach 230 easy.
ultra cuck and james chen
damn didn't know he has kids. I only heard of JR rodriguez and jwong having a kid. What other fgc people have kids?
is gootecks gay?
Sorry, wasn't knee in SF at the time, I remember DSP running his mouth about winning a tournament for some irrelevant version of SF2 or some shit though, but go on, I love this story time stuff
Nah, not only is gooteks a non homo, people found ads of his girlfriend looking for a girl to be a sub in a threesome
were fighting game played competitively even back than? I thought people played ce just locally, and ST was the first one to get an actual competitive presence. did japan vs usa in ce also happened? also the tomo you are talking about do you mean that st player tomo that still play?
He would have got his ass beat. Viscant is a weird dude. That video with LTG just shows a sliver of it.
post pic of his gf
don't know the names, but they suck dick
>is gootecks gay?
Nope. He likes gals with giant boobs and asses. Mike has the same tastes.
hayao is confirmed gay but that guy kinda looks like hayao but I am not completely sure tho.
>were fighting game played competitively even back than?
In the USA it was played locally in odd-format tournaments that each had their own eccentric rules. In Japan I believe there was a national championship tournament in 1992 but not much is known about it and I don't know if it was a true national or just called that.
viscant might actually be a pedo
"a little girl just called my name, poor thing is never gonna know what hit her"
"why you looking for the elementary schools again?"
also used to look chad as fuck
Damdai (the creator of fightcade) has a wife and kids
Jeff Schaeffer took the Asian pill
Jason Cole
John Choi
Basically anyone who used to play SF2 before Alpha came out.
and yes I mean Thomas Osaki who did come back many many years later
HF had various local tournaments. Super was the first game to get a West vs East cost tournament going, which I think was known at the time as the Bama Tournament after the location. This tournament had several hundred players in attendance. An early version of Super Turbo was demoed at this tournament.
why did dsp always bully damdai?
"7:40" entering everything, 4 little girls are coming in.
Is viscant cuteandfunny pilled?
I doubt it. He was just very edgy back then because that was his identity to be self-deprecating. But underneath he is a fragile guy who believes very passionately in the things he loves. However, he never seemed to have the ability to win a truly "big one" for many years even though he would take wins away from virtually anyone in casuals. He was always handicapping himself in one way or another. idk, some kind of mental block. Until he finally won the first MVC3 world title at Evo.
Again, Jay is a weird guy. In that video he says he works with charities. That is something that doesn't surprise me at all. I think in another life he would have done very well in MMA. He's got that instability in him like some of the old UFC guys had.
I don't remember DSP talking shit about Damdai outside of the HDR Akuma shit. He used to talked shit about GGPO.
In person Damdai is that guy in the friend group who has a lot of money from his cool job but is always arriving late and leaving early because he has to do "real life" things that are more important. So he gets a lot of shit from losers like DSP. And even though Phil is pretty good at ST, Damdai would absolutely demolish him if he played at 100% capacity. Would be a likely double perfect. So there is jealously involved.
oh noice.
damdai is not creator of fightcade lol he's the creator of supercade which is gone, fightcade is created by several people like pof and papasi and lot of others. papasi actually created 3rd party gui for ggpo which is now default gui for fightcade.
who are you dude how do you know so much. I always envy americans how cool their fgc is, doesn't matter how obscure a game is you can always find people to play with.
also is japan times over? sfv is dominated by non japs, tekken by koreans mk was always non jap. only guilty gear, blazblue and unist are games which are big but still dominated by japs.
Alright in fucking late to this but OP, spend a couple sessions with someone with voice chat (like me) in a game with like MK11 and Ill teach you the basics.
In 3h you can fight other people appropriately given that you learn well.
Mk11 is absolutely perfect for this since you can do practice mode multiplayer. None of that 300 hour lose bullshit.
You will be a scrub for 300 hours.. but you wont get bodied for 300 hours.
he talks shit about damdai in all his videos talking about him. He made damdai seem like a poser and a faggot tagging along with him and rambo
>who are you dude how do you know so much
I'm just a guy who has been around a long time and read a lot of things and talked to a lot of people and been a lot of places but is still young enough and life turned out a certain way that I ended up on Yea Forums at 5:22 am EST. Health issues destroyed my ability to play serious fighting games in 2011. At my best I could take rounds off of Damdai when he was playing casually and I was in 110% serious mode.
hi clayton
>is japan times over?
Forgot to answer this: I would say so. With online play and so many more people around the world playing the numbers are just against them. They'll still put out great players, but they won't be able to lean on their arcade scene like they used to.
If anyone takes over japan it will be the chinese or koreans once fighting games truely go esports.
this has been a good thread, really cool lost history
if anything goes esports there are bound to be Chinese man no one can stop that
OP, I've been playing 3rd Strike for years and I still fucking suck at it. My rank in SFV is bronze and I'll probably never reach silver (was at 1700 LP at some point, but then dropped to 900 kek) and I don't care. You will never be a pro player. Play for fun, or don't play at all.
>sfv is dominated by non japs
its not.
you have literally just punk being good right now. meanwhile every top8 has like five japanese in it minimum.
japan will always be strong in the games they want to be good at because they put in more work than anybody else.
>skills are super transferrable unless you're talking about going from like, ST to BBTAG. And even then a tonne of shit transfers.
This is absolutely spot on. You know it's amazing that after playing fighting games for so long that I can reasonably guess someone's first fighting game without asking them by watching their playstyle and character choices.
give me sfv
what about mena and problem x
Depends on the game. I won my first online match in Soulcalibur VI, which was against an F-rank player. I got bodied in my second match, but that’s okay.
who are the japan FGC buttbandits? I heard hayao but idk if that's just a meme because he walked out to SBO dressed like a school girl. idk if being gay is still shameful dispray there
that post isn't nearly insane enough or have as many words as clayton would type.
idk he confirmed posts on Yea Forums, has health issues and is on disability so he could be shitposting at 5:30am on a thursday night.
>Guy L
>Brain dead
I'm not Clayton, nor do I know who that is.
redpill me on clayton, he seems to have a shitload of haters but from what i've seen he's always right lol and the FGC/GG community is just shady as fuck.
mena and problemx arent winning shit anymore.
they just had their really great runs at the biggest events. when you look at majors and events over the year they arent doing as well as the japanese and punk.
I understand that people treat EVO and Capcup as this gigantic thing, but you can find the same insane competition at smaller events these days because all the top players travel so much.
Punk is legit insane though, probably the only american the japanese respect currently like they used to with Wong.
he talks big but doesnt compete so why should anybody listen to him
I'm 160 hours in and can't get out of bronze leagues.
Just buy MK11 and main geras
old player who apparently won a bunch of tournaments and gets the Dragon ball fighter Z community buttblasted for making combo videos they are too shit to do in match despite the combos being practical. Quit playing because people were shady and he caught every disease known to man or some shit and can't use his hands anymore to play on a stick.
but mena eliminated bonchan daigo tokido and probably sako too in combobreaker that's amazing desu.
I can understand about daigo since hes actually really good but inconsistent. his ft10 with tokido in kemonmichi absolutely blew me away.
but tokido is still same I think and he also lost against mena. also is punk really this good, how does he manage to get in top8 in like all tourneys its admirable.
160 hours is nothing. If you're still in bronze it's because you probably belong there.
t.bronze shitter with 210 hours
>clayton literally shilling his garbage
fuck off
Because he used to play and did well? Why should you have to play zoomer games in the current year to have a credible opinion?
he pretends to play dbz and thats the definition of a zoomer game lmao
spread his cheeks
menard is putting the work in his style is evolving away from the super risk heavy shit he pulled at EVO. maybe it will work out, would be nice to see him succeed with a cleaner birdie. gotta see how consistent he will be now.
and punk is just great right now. amazing confirms, conversions, great at reading the opponent. that guy is in the zone. he used to dominate at some point in the past until tokido stole his soul at the EVO finals. but now he regained it and he's back at being really strong.
overall the best consistent SFV players are probably Tokido, Punk and Infiltration (rip).
wtf niggers lets play choose any fighting game on fightcade and lets all play that
he claims to only do combo videos and not play it. he appernety played GGX,Super turbo and Alpha 1(lol)
what was his handle?
who will play kuroda in the inevitable biopic?
The audio quality on that video is poor so if you would please summarize that would be helpful.
>kuroda gets bodied by 12 who is secretly top tier
the video doesn't matter, I was just showing you who he is he has some comfy FGC stories of people being shady as fuck
You get about 20 Levels just by doing each character's story.
800LP is nothing.
I have seen him stream sfv. even tho I don't follow him he magically got recommended to me.
more like 3000
I think he was actually going to be in a movie playing Q before he tried to molest a loli
>high school girl
pleb taste tbqh
It's not too late to learn ST. Help revive an amazing fighting game! I'd love to see Fightcade fill up or better, grassroots locals for ST start to spring up again. Locals are hard to come by in the U.S. unless you live in the midwest.
I heard kuroda NEVER showered and used to carry water bottles filled with some no label yellow liquid.
this is before kuroda became a meme
Well yeah, it is. Fighting games are just this side of poker and billiards. It's (was) a grassroots competitive scene and they are always like that.
I think ST can only get big again when the game is remade in a new engine with new characters added (but the same gameplay mechanics). Street Fighter II 2.
apparently all he did was hug her or hold her hand or some shit and she screamed and her mom freaked out and called the police
you should learn to enjoy the little achivements, not just the winning
just being able to land some good hits against a more trained player is already very satisfying even if he wins the match.
There was HD Remix which was anti-fun and then there was USF2 where inputs were made piss easy and the two new characters were so broken that there was no point in playing anybody else. I think plain old original ST will always be the delicate balance, any new remix, remake or re-release would have to be definitive in every single regard to get the people that still play on board and get a new generation playing. Especially with how desensitized people have become to Street Fighter II ports and re-releases.
Kek pedos always say some fuckshit like that when they get caught.
I hope kuroda finds his cunnyfu one day.Kuroda is pure PURE
I was just sniffing her ass because I thought there was a pass leak somewhere I swear to God officer! I was just trying to help!
That fighting game that shall not be named on Yea Forums is pretty good for getting into anime fighters. Don't even want to mention the name because I don't want to be banned again.
I don't doubt any of this story, but I will say that this type of behavior is extremely common in all forms of competitive video games. People just don't fucking shower, especially young men without girlfriends.
The yellow bottles were probably just him trying to save a buck by bringing his own home-brewed drinks. Something people used to do even all the time. Not just in tournaments, but everywhere in the world. You'd go to a high school ballgame and you see that kind of thing. See families in theme park parking lots passing around a jar of flavor aid.
do not do this
I think it's more likely kuroda bottles and drinks his own piss
Remix was still the same engine. It was a port of the Dreamcast port (and all subsequent releases have been based off of this work).
I'm talking about a brand new from scratch engine that takes frame data, hit boxes, and timing from Street Fighter II and replicates it in gameplay while being 2.5d and having all the accoutrements of a modern AAA game. So cinematics, 3d camera, dlc outfits, etc, etc. And better netcode.
ST and 98 have more broken shit in them. Parrying also may not have skilld that transfer to other games, but so does pushblocking in Vsav too. What other game has you pressing 3-6 buttons on blockstun to push someone away? Each fighting game will have their own quirks to be different from each other. Street fighter games all have their own fanbase and they usually segregate themselves from title to title.
Not him but I like every SF except Third Strike personally. SFV is the most flat entry so far with some shit I just don't like but I'd still rather play that than Third Strike because I have both an intense burning hatred for what parries do to the neutral and I'm a loyalist for a character that isn't in 3S.
thanks for sharing fraud
Wow! No arguments! Sorry I don't like your absolutely fucking homo 50/50 shit. And by the way SF3 was hated on release and only became retroactively touted by people who watched moment 37 which makes 3S babies the frauds. Not even Daigo likes the game you poser fuck
nice sperg out lmao obvious larping fraud posting meme history.
anyone who posts about >muh neutral doesn't actually play fighting games pre SF4.
>posturing autist trying to get e-cred by obsessively shitting on 3S
redditors like you are a dime a dozen dude
christ what a retard
>anyone who posts about >muh neutral doesn't actually play fighting games pre SF4.
What a fucking retarded take
I'm still not seeing any arguments. Third Strike's lukewarm reception is well-documented. Daigo's dislike of it is well-documented. Neutral being important to SF2 players is well-documented. You guys are just mad I don't like your golden calf but you're unable to have an actual discussion about it so you just project and call me names to discredit my own personal dislike of parries. Pretty fraudulent
Randy Pitchford may be the dumbest person alive. Whenever he opens his mouth, you can't help but physically shrivel because of the things that leave it. It's like everything he does is designed to be annoying.
But there's also
SFV carries the FGC. You're welcome.
>muh diago muh buzzwords muh meme history muh meme game
lmao pathetic. You don't actually understand why people didn't like 3s and why almost all those people later admit it's a great game that just didn't play like they wanted it to.
>muh meme meme muh meme muh meme muh muh
Great post. And I'm well aware that 3S had a fractured playerbase between inconsistent arcade support and console ports. I'm aware that people didn't take well to legacy characters not being there and some other factors that contributed to SF3 not being very popular in its heyday but that doesn't devalue my own reasons for not liking it today you fucking sheep drone. Don't reply to me again unless you're willing to see me on FC in Third Strike so I can throw all your fraud talk in your face
>I'm aware that people didn't take well to legacy characters not being there and some other factors that contributed to SF3 not being very popular
lmfao more meme history
no one but turbo casuals gave a shit about a mostly new cast and you are treating NG and SI as the same as 3s.
Ygolonac on fartcade
>This dodge
All right pal you're not in the lobby and you've wasted enough of my time jumping around what could have been a decent fighting game discussion so fuck you. I don't need to lose anymore sleep on somebody who's gonna pussyfoot this discussion and the match
>almost all those people later admit it's a great game
>game that literally killed capcom fighters for a decade was a misunderstood masterpiece believe me
>too retarded to look at the afk people
>That fighting game that shall not be named
the horses one, right? yeah i agree. i think both games on the MikeZ engine are good intros to fighting games in general. Beowulf and Big Band were the most fun i've ever had with grapplers, and im a total scrub who ought to be playing simple rushdown unga bunga instead.
>I don't want it to be banned again
what happened? genuinely curious
>dodges lmao
lol readyperson cries dodge and runs like a bitch
How about learning to punish. Fighting games now give you so many options in training mode we used to not have back then.
There’s no excuse for “300” hours anymore.