This is Japan's favorite FPS game of all time, how does that make you feel Yea Forums?
This is Japan's favorite FPS game of all time, how does that make you feel Yea Forums?
its fun and has sexy characters, thats how every game should be
What do you think this term means?
Based Amerimutt poster
more like third person user, lol also this game is really good no wonder it's popular in favorite part of Splatoon 2 is how neck to neck the VS turf war is...on average is ALWAYS a 3-5% difference between winning or losing, and sometimes I've had games where we have won by 0.01% or 0.03%
frames per second?
we off to a good start
sometimes you get these 80/20 absolute slaughters though
That Japan somehow doesn't have shit taste
I know, it sounds strange.
>Nintendo cunny pilling the next generation of japs
unironically based
Despite that splatoon is fun
*reasons behind u*
heh... nothin personnel... human...
wait this isn't the soulcalibur thread
Splatoon is fun but it's definitely not for competitive play.
Pedobait trash with worse tick rate than the first game. If you’re a grown man and enjoy this kiddy crap, all I can say is have sex.
You got that wrong, Pal. Still a fun game
Wait, what?
fashionable painter squids
It’s strange to go from
“motion controls are cancer” to “Games without motion controls feel like dogshit”
Seriously I tried to play Battle royal COD and it felt like a PS1 game after Splatoon