Is so-called "atmospheric horror" just a way to trick people into playing a game full of nothing while ominous music plays?
Is so-called "atmospheric horror" just a way to trick people into playing a game full of nothing while ominous music...
Other urls found in this thread:
>end up in the backrooms
>need to take a shit
whats so scary about that image?
Fucking brainlet
>this thread again
If yall niggas are actually terrified of this you wouldn't last a day at the infinite ikea.
t. Ikea employee
The freakiest part of Stanley Parable was the one path that puts you in the beta version of the game. That had the same feel as the "backrooms" because, well it was literally the back rooms
The only people who actually enjoy these meme horror games are schizophernics creating their own horrors out of sheer paranoia and anxiety
The heartless machine room also had this feeling
There was discussion in one of these threads last night about a game Yea Forums dreamed up a few years ago called "you are here" about a spooky planet sized mall. It was similar to pressure in that nothing ever came of it and threads were just filled with ideas about what could happen in the game. Nearly all of the archives of the threads are gone but I did manage to find one that was still up.
which kh is this?
or adrenaline junkies my friend
>another one of these threads
Fucking go back to r*eddit you pussy grow some fucking balls you shithead
There could be s-something around the corner user
Is Darkwood the best horror game ever made?
Thanks for saving my picture.
It's a funny image, based user.
bremens pls
you're blocking the road
Yea Forums has apparently never worked a nightshift at retail before.
Anybody remember that weird site /x/ used to link called normal porn for normal people? It wasn't actually porn, it had some random fucked up videos. If it wasn't a prank I hope they were shut down. Weird fucks.
Oh man, I remember those threads.
Thanks user.
What kind of videos?
Animals being force fed peanut butter, some legless guy forced to play twister. A dude licking washing machines? I didn't watch it but the worst was supposed to be one of a scarred pet chimp (fake?) killing someone. I don't want to watch that kind of shit, even if it's fake or accidental. But it was an /x/ thing way back.
The Stanley Parable worked as a weird kind of atmospheric horror for me, the isolation and the fact that you don't see any other human being in the game made it spooky to just imagine finding something out of the ordinary around the corner.
An atmospheric horror would be cool if you give hints to the player that there's a small chance something could go wrong and make it so they find something they're not supposed to see, or it finding them.
No, its very amazing but Id even put Cry of Fear above it
I always thought the Backrooms sounded very peaceful. Except for the thing stalking you. Without that, it sounds nice to me. Old carpet, humming lights, yellow I autistic?
What the. None of that shit sounds normal at all.
It honestly lacks content.
yes, that is the point of the creepypasta
I come to this thread nightly for spooky greentext pictures
Is it legit? I never tried. Just read the pasta.
thats a creepypasta not a real thing you fuckin nerd
me too
someone made a site for it, but it's not real
as far as I know
I thought this was a thread for creepypasta. I never checked it.
>Dude jumpscares are so cheap!
>DUDE walking down an empty hallway while industrial noises drone is so friggin epic and good!!
I remember the one part of it about the girl playing violin or whatever and the big reveal was there was a man in a chicken mask jerking off in one of the reflections. Wasn't that scary, it made me lose my shit.
oh, it's you again
Not going to lie. An empty Ikea would be pretty fucking scary. Anyone want to make a game about it?
Check out dead rabbit radio
>am I autistic?
Most likely
Horror Story Part One:
>There was something scary, and mysterious, and unexplainable.
Horror Story Part Two:
>Now the government is involved, and there's a cult.
Horror Story Part Three
>The scary unexplainable stuff from Part One is all explained and the protagonist has to team up with a sassy sidekick to take down the cult, who run the WOOORLD!
Horror Story Part Four:
>Loud hip hop music plays as the protagonist spits one-liners and guns down cult members in a secret scientific facility in the Nevada desert
Horror Story Part Five:
>Everything goes back to normal... BUT WHO WAS SCARY THING?
I-I'm to s-s-s-s-SCARED to t-t-t-tell youuu!
Already exists
Delete this post.
"Atmospheric horror" is only applicable for movies. Horror GAMES an have a tense or spooky atmosphere, but you can't have an entire "game" out of that if fucking nothing is going to happen.
In a game, things need to happen. It's why the "walking simulator" games are called just that: walking simulators. If nothing happens, it really is just a walking simulator no matter what the story is. In a game, the player has to interact and DO something. If you just show set pieces and unfold the story by making people literally only hold forward, you may as well make a fucking movie.
Silent Hill games have a good horror atmosphere. The fog can mask the inevitable interaction of you vs the weird fucked up enemy. A dark hallway is great for horror atmosphere because of what it makes you feel as a player: threatened by the potential encounter of a hostile entity, enemy or scripted. SOMETHING has to happen if it's a game. Otherwise, no matter what the nu-Yea Forums hipster zoomers say, it's not a fucking game, it may as well be a movie and mods should allow you to discuss it on Yea Forums and not Yea Forums.
Why is the Backroom so genuinely spooky to me? The idea of some out-of-reality plain Stanley Parable-esque room just existing gives me the creeps for some reason.
scp: secret lab showed me that the scariest thing in an atmospheric horror game would be other people
Well, user?
Who -was- scary thing anyways?
This looks like a ROBLOX recreation of it. Am I right?
>Horror Story Part One:
>>There was something scary, and mysterious, and unexplainable.
>Horror Story Part Two:
>>Now the government is involved, and there's a cult.
>Horror Story Part Three
>>The scary unexplainable stuff from Part One is all explained and the protagonist has to team up with a sassy sidekick to take down the cult, who run the WOOORLD!
This is so Dead Space it actually hurts.
Find out in Part One of my new series, user. Scary Thing: Subtitle.
Which is good. I want more threads like this.
the problem with /x/ is they take it seriously or pretend to
hey thanks user I was looking for this
Is there anything as good as the GOATman?
still have an old mockup from the thread
fuck. if only.
There aren’t any pails of water to fetch
There's an eerie comfiness in something mundane yet scaled up to fantastical degrees.
What's that?
It's less scary and more unsettling, and you need the secondary elements like the buzz of the lights to add to that.
Surely you don't need to be told why people would be unsettled by the idea of being stuck in a realm of same-y corridors unable to escape or even find some sort of relief from that corridor and constant buzz of artificial light for an indefinite amount of time.
One of those black domes they put around security cameras so you can't tell where they are facing, I think.
The tip of my fedora. I am waiting around the corner. For you, user.
this game any good?
"Game" is a shit term for the medium, too restrictive. There can be all sorts of interactive experiences besides ones with the usual win/lose state, narrative, or whatever. It was a historical quirk that all interactive experiences are called "games", but arguing that a walking sim isn't a game is as banal and boring as if we lived in some alternate world where all books happened to be called "thrillers" and you're arguing some written work isn't "thrilling". Just accept the word for the medium is shit and that you're arguing about terrible nomenclature, who cares if a game isn't gamey?
Because you're an underaged fortnite playing faggot?
Yes, it's fantastic if you play it with the full amount of players allowed. Unfortunately that can be hard to do.
how many fucking times will you make this thread? Why are there so many autists spamming the same threads over and over on this fucking site
Is it just me, or does that image seem very "Silent Hill 2"?
Walking sims are dishonest. They're neither films, nor books, nor games. They can't tell meaningful stories despite trying their damndest to pretend they do. You walk in a mostly straight line through an empty, threat-free environment while a narrator blabs about something that happened to the walker in the past. It's an incredibly restrictive format, because having anything of consequence happen would call the player's lack of agency into question.
What's the setting you'd like to see for a creepy games, user?
>Deep ocean
>Cramped sewers
>Abandoned city
>Permanent night forest
>Old, bearly functional space station
>Almost lifeless planet
>Old secluded town
>The underworld
>Aincent ruins
>A hospital
>A house with no doors or windows
>Deep underground cave
>An endless cemetary
>Infinite loop series of rooms that changes slightly every loop
Deep underground military base.
That’s what this site is, newfag.
That's funny. Not long ago I had a dream about some online interactive story taking place in a giant planet sized mall.
I distinctly remember it was a playlist of 61 youtube videos, each 2 hours long with 360 view enabled and the ability to interact with things in the video and choose paths, a little bit like a non-linear FMV homestuck.
I went ahead and developed the idea further in my own spare time just for the fun of it, maybe now that I know about this "you are here" game I finally have people to share all my autistic visions with.
Hello newfriend, welcome to 4channel.
>Deep ocean
>Infinite loop series of rooms that changes slightly every loop
>Aincent ruins
>Almost lifeless planet
>Permanent night forest
>Abandoned city
One of these please. Bonus points if it takes place at some time period you wouldn't expect.
I don't know about you lads but what gets me really freaked are large empty transport vehicles that don't stop moving.
Empty jumbo jets that never stop flying.
Empty ships that continue on to their unnamed location.
Empty trains that keep on chugging.
Even an empty bus going forward in the middle of nowhere.
Shit's unsettling.
That's a ghost ship, user. The concept is older than dirt.
That's true I guess I always imagine ghost ships to be galleons so that never connected in my head. Still fucks with my head though imagining being stuck in an empty airplane that never lands.
Hmm, sounds familiar ... Area 51 the game?
is that a different picture from yesterday?
>all these people freaking out over the idea of over yellow purgatory and Mall planets
I can't be the only one who loves the idea of dedicating a significant portion of my life to going on one big adventure through either of these places with a ragtag team of buddies and encountering otherworldy anomalies as we unlock the secrets to the universe.
What are some good atmospheric games? Was considering buying soma on pc as I never beat it on ps4.. LAyers of fear any good?
Pathologic 2, if you're able to go pass day 2
it's a different cell
It's the feeling of in-betweeness that some locations give you, almost a Twilight Zone feeling. A Waffle House at 3 AM, your old school after it let out and the halls were empty, a mall when the movie ends and all the stores are closed, a gas station late at night with the store closed. It's the feeling of a normal, perhaps familiar place but at a time and setting that in and of themselves make it feel that you are unwelcome there, that no one should be there.
It's pretty rad.
Yes, and the idea of time not existing is maximum comfy. Fuck time, time is the scariest thing in the universe.
>Deep ocean
>Infinite loop
Sadly this one is painfully underused, mostly indie games to my knowledge, P.T is probably the one that did it best tho.
>Aincent ruins
Probably eternal darkness
>Abandoned City
The Suffering 2 probably get's close since it mostly has horrors roaming the streets, most people dead or gone.
the shit lighting in OP makes it not scary.
I think it's supposed to be creepy because it looks like some sort of hotel, but there is too much space and the walls don't make a lot of sense
Oh and the closest I can think for forest is probably the blair witch game series, recall it getting worse when it gets dark, tho the dark isn't necessarly because of night time.
I've always loved thinking back to when the world was still unmapped and the undiscovered frontier genuinely was the cast unknown. Maps weren't as specific as satellite imagery or quantitative measures of topography, they were tied to the cartographer creating it.
So the story would revolve around hundreds of parchments in an old container made by some unknown ancient cartographer. Yet the weirdest part of it is that none of the places illustrated on them existed in the real world. They were all made up locations, made up geography, the contours of the river, the assumed height of the landscape, the layout of the land couldn't be traced to anything that existed on any modern map. Hell people would cross check it with older maps that were presumed to be made in the same age and even then the people were baffled by how intricately made these maps were as if it was all made up by the minds of some deranged individual.
Until one day someone picked up a particular map and felt the strangest sense of wanderlust. Days if not weeks later that person would come back and recount going to the exact place that was on the map. He took pictures, took some soil/fauna/flora samples. After asking if he could remember how to come back to it the guy said that he couldn't. He returned but the map he used was gone. And no matter how hard they tried, none of them could pinpoint where in the actual fuck the location was or how the person even got there.
It's rough but a game about being a cartographer mapping places in the world that's hidden just outside the periphery of human consciousness. I'm sure someone here could really refine the idea if they wanted to but that shit keeps me awake at night.
And then the places you mapped would get weirder and weirder.
I'll bite, why the hell would anyone actually bring up the Suffering 2 as opposed to say Silent Hill?
This post made me lose
>a game about being a cartographer mapping places in the world that's hidden just outside the periphery of human consciousness
fuck yeah i remember theorycrafting that game. good to see other oldfags still around
there's a version someone made in some engine which has darker background and it's pretty eerie except it falls into the same 'kids made this' trap as the pasta that goes with the image, by not having the nerve to stick the existential horror, and cheaping out to "oh and btw theres a monster in there that's going to pop up ooowoo"
i imagine a challenge in this game would be devising a way to "get lost" in order to collect maps of surreal territories.
Because I view silent hill is more underworld than abandoned city.
It just looks like a house to me, desu. Pic related.
That, or it's a public building, then God only knows what the fuck they were thinking in it's construction
You know in some ways an endless mall full of shoppers would be worse than an empty one. Lines to go to the bathroom, lines winding around the entrances to stores, lines to get into elevators. Crowds so packed you can only see a few feet in front of you. When a sale is announced at a store that whole area becomes insta death. Shoplifters stealing your shit, security guards you have to sneak around, people mistaking you for an employee because you're wearing business casual. Jesus christ how horrifying.
>never any exits
>rarely any bathrooms
>often no food stores for miles at a time
This would be hell
If that wasn't a horror concept I can imagine you stumbling into an unmapped village where you meet an extremely qt timid pure farm girl who falls in love that you immediately kick it off with but the moment you step out of the village's borders and turn around it immediately disappears never to be tracked again.
The only memories you have of it is the town layout you made when you were there and the warmth of her smile during the cold nights.
Fuck ;_;
Here's a horror concept. You're some sad, minimum wage super market worker that lives in the bad part of town, where getting gunned down/stabbed/beaten to death isnt a surprising thing. You live there as an awkward guy that no one talks to except one girl, who's actually a nice person to boot. You now have to live with the concept that she might end up dead one day, the game is centered around not ending up around not ending up alone and not losing the one person that brings some light in your otherwise dark existence
We want horror games you fucks. Not suicide incentives.
deep ocean mental asylum being next to ancient indian burial ground
wtf that would be a slightly less horrific existence than the real one, where I have no one period, and never will.
stop making this thread
Or would it user, what if I were to give you some one, then, when they mean everything to you, take them away, forever?
all jokes aside, is there an actual source for the original backrooms pic?
Ugh, that’s a lot of rambling about something that doesn’t really matter. Can’t you just like, have sex or something?
You're right. Being alone in a big usually full place is comfy. This is shit.
So have you never heard of buildup or are you just retarded?
Is it wrong I was deathly afraid of toys r us due to the ceiling fans being rickety and causing stuff to shake and the whole atmosphere being unsettling. I would be terrified to be in a completely open one now.
Being in really crouded places in real life does make me feel ... nope, for me.
A modern hospital where you have to explore the differenr departments, tired of nothing but mental hospitals.
>ripping off twin peaks for your cheap and cringey soiboi horror
I guess I should be glad I'll never find happiness.
I'll just post this here because it always freaked me out, nothing about vidya. When I graduated college and was on my own, a group of friends and I rented a really shitty low rent apartment in what was essentially a fucking ghetto. Like, no lease agreement and the landlord was this chubby Asian guy that only wanted cash for some reason. Most the other apartments on the street were boarded up and vacant and I was pretty sure drug deals were going on around them constantly.
Anyway, in one hallway closet there was a massive gaping hole that led to a space between the walls. It looked like someone had smashed it out with a sledgehammer or something and all the insulation was gone so you could just climb in. Obviously, none of us did because it was creepy as fuck and we all mostly ignored that closet.
Our neighbors in the apartment above us (not our dbag landlord) ultimately gave us the reason. A bunch of illegal immigrants previously lived in the apartment. When the authorities came to deport them, one of them made that hole so they could hide. It didn't work, they still got found, but imagine hiding in the space between walls and listening as your family is forcibly dragged away, screaming.
God, that entire apartment was just constant nightmare fuel. We only stayed for like 6 months until we could pool enough money to get something better.
Hmm ... might want to try sunken city when it comes out, it might sort of scratch that itch.
Be strong friend. Perhaps one day.
It’s actually the concept of being no clipped out of reality. Have you ever seen images of angels being surrounded by a void of pure black, does this creep you out a little that this may be reality? This is in a certain way a representation as reality as the void, the idea that reality is a fragile thing and you can end up in a chaotic place which is empty and alone forever with a twisted hint of the uncanny nostalgia - the rooms themselves being a trace of the reality you thought you knew being shown in a completely chaotic and meaningless manner. This concept is 10x scarier when you are religious. Imagine there being a void of pure never-ending black void outside of the rooms. Have you played these unfinished ‘games’ where there is only empty rooms and the never ending void outside of them? Kind of like that hidden edexcel game.
It also plays on the fear that reality is like a video game, you can break it and then there is nothing.
That’s why saying that someone can travel in and out of the rooms ruins it, also the concept of it being another dimension, it isn’t another dimension but reality in its true form and once you are stuck there you are trapped forever.
Microsoft Excel
I went into an Ikea once, in the year of our lord 600 AD, I miss my family
>get in elevator
>instead of taking a minute bringing you where you wanted to be it takes a lot more
>it opens
>everything seems normal
>you proceed intending to continue your daily routine but find out that everything is absolutely not normal, layout is off, and there are no people
>go back to elevator and call it
>doors open, but there's only black void, not even elevator shaft
Please rate this idea good sir.
I like it
but what does it mean?
Was playing Quake 2 last night and a room had this exact lighting and I though of this meme
good choice
this thread is full of plebs because darkwood was mentioned only once
Now that I think about it, I might make a game around this idea. When I'm done with the current one. Thanks.
did you say athmospheric horror?
that's pretty hot
i like it
This. It's the sightly surreal combination of the wallpapered walls (which are usually used for private and comfortable spaces) with the celling dented cold lights that would be fitting an office or store space more than anything you'd want to live in - all that combined with the odd dimensions (the doors do not fit most commonly respected ratios) and the nonsensical, but still papered divider.
And given the lack of any other furniture that would give us more information, it's just extremely difficult to gauge what kind of space is this supposed to be. While it is relatively subtle, it very effectively messes with our heads - we are far more sensitive to various environmental clues for comfort than we are consciously aware off, and this picture plays on that fact.
The combination of us not being able to discern what is the purpose of that space, and the fact that we mostly don't realize why it's unsettling amplifies the uneasiness.
nothing, it's just a shitty image used with a shitty greentext in the past.
The best it can do is evoke the emotion of disgust because that wallpaper is so outdated and looks like something that a 90 year old grandma would use
It's obviously offices dude. But the cubicles have been stripped out.
What kinda house has office like ray tube lights?
jump scares >>>>>>> """""memeospheric horror""
>Deep ocean
I'm generally obsessively fascianted by underwater environments and anything deep-sea automatically gets massive plus points, but when it comes to horror in particular, I don't see any other environment that would be more rife with potential.
>Old secluded town
This one comes in second, maybe because I'm fan of shit like Pathologic, Silent Hill, Twin Peaks or Uzumaki - but setting a whole game in a relatively small-ish, secluded but otherwise "normal" town where gradually more and more bizzare things happen is incredibly cool to me.
The rest of the options are really damn boring compared to these two. A space station can work (Alien Isolation did a good job), but the rest has the issue of the environment being almost purely hostile, which makes it dull.
You need sanity, comfort and familiarity to contrast the fear with. That is why environments such as a small town work better for a horror than say - massive alien space ships or cramped sewers.
That is precisely the problem:
What kind of offices has this wide doors and fucking old school "homely 70's interior" wallpaper.
If it was "obviously" an office space, it would not be so unnerving.
Too short
It is fascinating how absurd this whole "contrarianism" + desperate memespewing can get. I look at post like this and I feel like I'm reading Kafka's novel.
You can't make this shit up. Nobody could. This is something someone actually fucking wrote: whenever he thought he was being funny or not. This shit got written and posted by someone.
can't believe the game is running smooth on my old laptop
Stanley took the door on his left.
Why do you find it scary user?
Imagine thinking a room with nothing in it is fucking scary. How weird can you get loser
I hate this meme, some spic youtuber made a video on it saying it is a dream a lot of people have and people in the comments say "literally me xD"
exanima is pretty creepy and atmospheric too. Can recomment, it's also fun to play and unique, like ECHO.
Actually, if you can't imagine that, you are by most likelyhood an actual clinical autist.
You might be interested in a short game called "Helltown." and a game called Debris. Seeing your interest in ocean and secluded towns, I'll guess these are the only ones that you might not be aware of, since things like SOMA and Silent hill tend to be known.
Another one I'd be interested in is arctic base, can't run away, without freezing to death so you have to stay locked in with what ever it is, and a THING like monster, because that would create major paranoya, something more focused on things like logic/stealth more than combat.
Jesus christ what engine is this? It looks like shit.
It’s like the soul and soulless thing, it becomes stupid because retards misunderstand it
It is quite nice, but I'm holding off on playing the actual game untill it's done, the arena mode is great tho.
I'll look into both of these, thank you. However, for now I think all my fucking wet dreams have came true in form of Pathologic 2 so I suspect that will keep me occupied for quite some time.
SOMA, Silent Hill, Deadly Premonition, obviously Subnautica are all familiar to me, yes.
But you mentioned an arctic base - I assume you are aware the official The Thing game from 2002? Because that was not half bad.
What game?
>you're five years old in a grocery store
>you're sitting in a shopping cart in an aisle, patiently waiting for your mom to get back
>suddenly, the lights go out
>the overcome speaker crackles "there will be a cleanup on aisle 5. i repeat, there will be a cleanup on aisle 5."
>you look up at the aisle sign
>in the dim light, you can barely make out "aisle 5"
>from the end of aisle, you hear heavy footsteps rapidly lurching towards you
please rate
i spent half an hour writing this
want to talk about it user?
Yea but as state I'd rather have one more focused on stealth and logic and the interactions between paranoid crew members, something a bit like, penumbra. The Thing game focuses more on combat, instead.
you should make a game user and call it 'grocery store woes'
What game is this then?
Half an hour on that, user? Maybe you need ... more fuel for your imagination, more horror movies/games/books, some videos on SCPs, scary urban legends, even ones on creepy pasta.
I got one better, endless underground parking garage filled with parked cars. God help you if an alarm goes off.
that's a pretty spooky description user
Imagine needing to be with some other faggot 24/7 so you don't get scared.
lmao @ ur life.
Yeah, I dreamed a lot of what could be done with The Thing settings but in contemporary tech and design philosophy. It feels like it's the one fucking thing the whole industry was gearing towards: with all the hide-and-seek games, survival sandboxes and super-detailed facial models: A proper The Thing game.
I'd like to see a more Pathologic-like approach, with a sandbox-ish environment, time-driven narrative and relatively "emergent" story development.
In fact, the more that I think about, the more I realize how fucking fantastic that as a base platform could be.
>Abandoned city
>Car alarm goes off in a distant parking garage.
>You can see the flickering lights in the complete darkness of the building.
>Second floor.
>No other signs of activity.
Check it out?
i think there's a lot of potential with a survival horror game where you play as a kid in a grocery store or mall.
could be a scenario when you get locked in after the mall closes.
plays on the childhood fear of getting separated from your mom
80/90s style mall for the nostalgia factor. those red bulky coupon dispensers in grocery stores could print coupons with hints to puzzles.
many cool environment interactions if you're a kid. climbing on grocery shelves, hiding in the clothing racks or the ball pit, etc.
what would you be hiding from? that, i dont know.
i wrote something that was 1000 characters long, realized it was shit, then cut it down
Literally nothing. It takes a real smooth brain to be afraid of an empty room
Didn't we already have a fucking horror game where we were a baby?
Yeah, but it did not really take advantage of the potential and the premise. It was all rather boring, in fact. Shame, because the concept was fine.
nice clip
No, I mean like one big underground parking garage that seems like it goes on forever, just nothing but rows of parked cars, concrete pillars and florescent lights.
The labs in STALKER
There aren't enough minorities represented on it.
Have you read the story of the ancient Greek Pytheas? He tells some tales of going so far north that the sea turned into some kind of jellyfish like substance, it's an interesting legend:
Can porn games have atmospheric horror?
Closest thing I've seen is Succubus Prison, but the horror is overshadowed by the porn.
there that text adventure with that crazy girl friend. That's pretty creepy... don't remember what it's called.
Illbleed and D2 are close to porn
The labs in Stalker were absolutely fucking amazing: but again, they only worked so well because they were part of a larger picture. Remove the rest of the game, focus only on the labs, and you'll end up with a very dull game.
Penumbra probably gave underground labs the best shot I've seen, and for it's time it was fantastic, but still... it's a bit meh looking back at it.
That's not really scary as much as it is just the timer adding tension.
It's not. In fact spending eternity in a maze just sort of wandering around seems pretty relaxing.
>Deep ocean
SOMA is the game for you.
>Infinite loop series of rooms that changes slightly every loop
P.T aka the Silent Hills demo.
>A hospital
Stories Untold
Niggers in the corners
You just ripped off the elevator game.
There's a game? What's the name?
Played and while I enjoyed it for the most part, it really did not get the deep ocean thing going for me AT ALL.
You don't actually explore deep ocean. It could have been as well set in space and little would be different.
Still a good game, and I don't hold it against them.
But I thinking of something along the lines of Subnautica without the god damn training wheels.
Name 5 good horror games that aren't walking simulators or ancient.
Stories Untold
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Is so-called "OP" just a huge fucking faggot?
Are you sure you want to play?
All this talk about the backrooms, wheres the love for the blackrooms?
Harvester was the only game ever to do horror correctly as it was the pinnacle of technology at the time and rather than resorting to jumpscares and monsters, it was constantly unsettling and you didn't know exactly what to expect when entering a room (save for most of the last half of the game).
Really liked stories untold
>movie shit
>shit remake
I wonder what the original author would say about this edit.
The developer just released a new game "Observation". It's also horror. Check it out. Go in blind.
Fuck off.
Literally none of those are good
Literally kill yourself.
Oh, thought you're talking about videogames.
ooh he smilin
>walking simulator
>epic store NOPE.jpg
>might be good
>believing a fucking years old creepypasta is real
Sure is summer in here
>I hAz nO GUn it WaLKiNg SImuLaToR--!!!
Fuck off.
I dont understand this meme. Im just only 23 years old.
What is a noclip?