Phil Spencer claims 14 games.
Can we spam him?
>how many will actually be released?
Phil Spencer claims 14 games
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I don't even own an Xbox and I'm interested in what they have to show. Either they go all out or they don't survive into the next console generation.
Scalebound trilogy
The real question is how many aren't going to be shitty indie side scrollers?
>Can we spam him?
Not your personal army, snoygger.
not your personal army.
this. Plus gamepass on PC. definately most hyped for this conference.
As long as it comes to pc I can care less
They can survive as long as they want even if they never win it's not Sega
They are making more money from Xbox now then they did at any point during the 360 or original xbox lifespan. Gold, digital sales and Gamepass are a license to print money. Also it is Microsoft. they could afford to literally lose millions upon millions each gen and not even feel it.
Spam your ass with cocks
One game for each of the 14 words, nice.
Literally all on PC
Not your personal army.
they say this shit every year and every year microsoft's e3 turns out to be complete fucking dogshit
you know it'll just be more hype leading up to fucking nothing again why do you dumb retards keep falling for this shit
>not your personal army
>implying anything is personal about m$
How many times have we done this song and dance with the end result ending in utter disappointment?
>Forza 2019
>Sea of Thieves Update 2019
>Gears of War trailer *not gameplay
>Halo trailer *not gameplay
this is confirmed. the rest will be nothing trailers for games that haven't even begun production and will never see light of day
say what you want but Phil is based as fuck
last year MS E3 was the best E3 conference ever since he kept talking to a minimum and just kept showing games
btfod sony and their shitty flute dude hard as fuck
Microsoft actually hasn't let me down since Halo 3 was announced as Xbox exclusive.
>trailers for games that haven't even begun production and will never see light of day
Wow, just like Sony, Square Enix, and pretty much everyone else at E3 every year
10 no name indie titles that won't sell a single console
>MS supporting PC gaming is a bad thing
based snoy retard
I thought Phil's priority is cloud gaming now?
>tfw the only way Xbox can win e3 is if Sony literally doesn't attend.
Imagine wanting to use the Jap Playstation consoles that use shitty Direct X compilers instead of wanting a PC or the slightly more locked down PC that is the future Xbox. Microsoft is working on making porting to and from PC and Xbox piss easier with crossplay. You gotta really like what SIE produces to justify picking the shittier console
We must secure the existence of our console and a future for X-box exclusives
Well, at least crossplay is a good thing for the Xbox.
They had 14 exclusives last year at e3, no one cared.
They won last year. This year they'll have a much bigger show.
car is such a complex character
reminder PUBG is a (console) exclusive
that's already on PS4
>rise of the nulara
Great game
>halo 5
Great game
>Gears of War 4
Great game
>Forza 6
Great game
What's the problem here?
none of them are going to be platform exclusive to the Xbox though, so I don't even know why they're trying to sell me new hardware.
They won last year though by showing games and not some flute fruit
Pft, not your personnel army kid
I remember Snoys actually defending flutedude.
>he's actually the world's best Japanese flute player, this is super impressive guise!
>who cares about videogames at E3, this is art!
The Snoy aversion for actual videogames never ceases to amaze.
You do understand the following facts right?
>Phil became CEO in 2014
>AAA games such as Horizon Zero or God of War take 5-6 years to make
>Microsoft knows they lost the current console war to Sony so they'd rather concentratr on next gen
People like Sea of Thieves.
Because the Xbox Anaconda is gonna be a $600 4K60fps console
How much does a 4K60fps PC cost?
We have still to see all those promised exclusives
>People like Sea of Thieves.
Can you go ahead and post a link with parts and prices? I'd honestly buy one I think
It needs to run Sekiro, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Forza Horizon 4 at 4K60fps
>next gen will fix it
they abandoned the Xbone just like they abandoned the 360, and that was when they were actually on top
they will abandon next gen as well, don't expect anything of note coming out after launch year
Yeah they won by showing off games you're not going to buy on the Xbox
Imma do you a solid and give you this 750$ build because it takes alot less compromises than a 600$ one would and you dont want to upgrade immediately. Just pick out a case you like and you're good
Halo Infinite
Gears 5
Gears Tactics
Ori and Will of the Wisp
Age of Empire IV
Fable IV
Perfect Dark
Killer Instinct 2
Bleeding Edge
Rare's new ip
Playful Rare ip
Forza 8
ReCore 2
Late xbox360/kinect/early Xbone is all Don Mattrick though. That guy was fucking garbage
I honestly believe Phil Spencer knows exactly what we want (a powerful console with no bullshit and a lot of quality games available)
>can we spain him
go back to /r/Yea Forums you fucking zoomer cunt
Reviews for the base game don't reflect the current state of the game.
Doesn't matter they'll all be shit anyway. Only Sony and Nintendo and maybe From can make good games nowadays.
>show games
>b-but they're not the right games
based retard
Sony bros...
>ReCore 2
And none of them are any good, that's a new record
I'm fucking hyped then. Didn't they say last E3 they got a ton of studios to do whatever project they wanted because they had a ton of money to burn?
What is your dumbass argument? I'm not even that dude but there is nothing wrong with "not the right games".
Fucking indie games are typically trash, so I dont care if you revealed all of on xbox, that's fucking trash news.
he does nothing but shill an all digital future and subscription services
how can you ignore that he's just as bad as anyone else that has worked at microsoft
yep and ninja theory is working on a multiplayer horde mode game,
that's clearly what NJ wanted to make, and not another game Microsoft has forced multiplayer bullshit into
>14 games.
what about the 88 Dlc expansions?
Recore was fun
it wasn't even finished
entire endgame areas were cut
I just read a review that said that GPU is basically shit for 4K
>The Vega 56 generally provides good performance at 1080p and 1440p, but struggles when stretching to 4K resolution
Do you own that card and game on a 4K TV or you just came up.with this random build and assume it runs all games at 4K60fps? I mean I've seen anons here that bought recent graphic cards that cost more alone than your entire $750 4K60fps PC
Is the playeful Rare ip a new project?
It's not gonna be 4K Ultra it's gonna be 4K medium 60 like the console will be, I had a GTX 1070 it's a little worse (I think) than a Vega 56 it'll play lots of stuff at 4K medium to high, you'll learn how to tune your settings properly it takes like 5 minutes the first time you boot up a game
Not him but that's why the Definitive Edition exists.
Where's 1080Ti
(also on PC and PS4)
They couldn't afford it
Why does Xbox keep trying?
Which exact 4K tv/monitor do you play on?
I believe so it's one of their classic ips, also Microsoft no longer owns Mechwarriors but the studio that made the game wants to put Mechwarriors 5 on Xbox so that could be the mech game not Mech Assault. So that means I should change it back to Ori 2.
Why cant they put their boot on rares neck and make them make a banjo 3 or remakes?
It's way more likely that you'll die before ms.
What released for Xbox in 2018 and 2019? I can't even remember.
>how can you ignore that he's just as bad as anyone else that has worked at microsoft
I don't disagree but you have to try to be as bad as Don Mattrick. Dude was a walking trainwreck.
you are actually retarded
Microsoft was the one forcing to make anything other than banjo
I primarily play my games at 1440p 144hz but I have a cheap 4K TV E4ST4316H i watch videos on and play pretty games with. Even this POS looks great
why do people still have faith in Phil?
I know he has been given the impossible task of saving a sinking ship but look at this track record!
can someone inform me on what "winning" a conference leads to?
>sonyfag still thinks we're against Phil now that everything's coming to Steam
Fuck off.
Screeching Manchildern who feel better when their corporation gets 5% more media coverage
Which one for Fable IV?
Yeah, because you DEFINITELY know that the NeXtbox is discless
who is this semen demon?
What day is Xbox anyways?
>Perfect Dark
>Bleeding Edge
>Fable Reboot
>Forza Horizon Lego
>Halo Inifnite
>new RARE IP
>Ori release date
based MS
>lol giuze lets mämä him and be real funny
take your gay ops to your discord
I hope xbox does well I would like to get the next one.
>14 games to announce
>Scalebound 2-15
>gaming divisions can't be shut down for bleeding money
People like dressing up as animals and fucking each other
>halo 5
The story single handily destroys any chance of that game being considered great
Xbox is one of the few Microsoft products that is successful. Getting rid of it just brings them closer to being a one trick pony. Outside of enterprise, MS doesn’t have a lot going on (despite their billions of dollars, I know).
Who actually cared more about halo MP than it's SP back in the day both were fun but I see so many people say halo 5 is good cause of the MP I beat the SP and played the MP and both are so stale
None of them are gonna make Yea Forums explode with portbegging like Death Stranding did
Sony won
And people wonder why some of us valorise the japs. Say what you want about Sony and Nintendo but at least you can tell they genuinely love vidya. Microsoft are corporate vampiric niggers just chasing muh almighty dollar.
It's not port begging dumbass Kojima wanted his game on PC, people want to buy this product they aren't begging for shit
i always mix up richard spencer and phil spencer
>when you realize v is full of redditors and neofaggers who praise shovelware like uncharted 4, spiderman and god of war
ya real games are all about climbing ladders and walking. go crack open another soilent youve earned it
Xbots are some of the most deluded drones in gaming
Nintendo is still there to outdo them in every way
you mean that game that looks worse than MGSV?
If Sony and Nintendo truly care about games why do they make you pay them extra to connect to the internet?
All MS games will be on Steam day one, they announced it yesterday.
Id nut for a ki 2
Threads on this board are more console war-y than usual lately. Is it because Sony fans are jealous of MS fans for being hyped for E3?
>Fed Ex Simulator 2019, now with early 2000s combat system!
Oh fuck, I need it! I must have it! Please Sony please!
I know I'm not your personal army but God its tempting.
Not him story may be shit but the gameplay is satisfying.
Marginal willingness to pay. Like games? Cool. Communist faggot? Find another hobby.
>What's the problem here?
Your shitty taste
Watch them all get a 88 score.
The future is bright. And white
Xchads, PChads and Nintendogs are hyped af for E3 meanwhile Sonyggies got webm related
Which will all be held back by 2013 hardware. since MS is forcing Xbone compatibility with all nextbone games.
If you or someone else don't repost it with the Benny Hill theme song your mother will stub her pinky toe of the vacuum cleaner hose on her way to bed tomorrow night
i love my ps4 and exclusives! dae kojima the coolest guy ever?! fuck konami BTW :D
where my fable chads at?
Think they only said the nextbone will be "forward compactible"
lol no one cares about any of those old games, excluding Bleeding Edge and Forza. Rare is also a husk. All the original gangsters left the company years ago.
>I fucking love paying for playstation plus
>What do you mean it's dumb? I get all these free games with it.
>what do you mean I pay for them? I pay for the subscription and they give them to me
>based sony!
>Perfect Dark
when are ms going to bust out a reboot for banjo and conker bros?
its not like they can't see the success of 3d platformers with things like Mario Odyssey and hat in time?
Nothing is free Bernie bro. Move out of mommy's basement and get a career. Then you'll actually enjoy gaming instead of doing it to delay the inevitable death y autoerotic asphyxiation.
That whack has no weight.the reaction is so non existent too
We MAY get one this E3.
>14 games
Is Todd running Xbox now?
There's no way they have 14 games coming down the pipeline unless ten of them are Peggle 3 through 12
i use to have her instagram, who is she?
The only good one was on the n64. Anyone who mattered at rare is long gone. Enjoy your generic single player fps with multiplayer that will die inside 12 months.
Rare ain't making it.
>thinks paying to access the internet that you already pay for is a good thing.
Online gaming is free on the PC lol. If yo clearly weren't a 360er jumped PS4fag you'd know that the PS3 didn't charge you to connect to PSN. The WiiU didn't either. But based Sony and Nintendo now do it what changed? they got greedy
its made by Crytek
The desperation, damage control, and destain
It's a new low even for Xbots
i dont have an xbox retard
It matters not. Current gen showed us that Microsoft is incapable of making a game, or having others make a game, that people actually enjoy.
They *might* have a breakout hit with a new halo title but even that won't be an exclusive. As far as the x box brand is concerned, there's no such thing anymore. They'll all go to PC at least. Fuck, cuphead even went to the switch.
I will wait to see if any of these e3 games even comes out before getting the new xbox
Man, the cope in this post, console gamers will continue to buy consoles and PC gamers will continue to build PCs, no one is going to switch. Also, Microsoft makes money off both Xbox and PC and Cuphead isn't a first party game, never was.
>he pays for road tolls in a car he already owns tee hee!
>he pays for cable tv even though he already owns a TV snicker snortle short
>he paid a tailor to take up the hem but the pants were already his lmao
Welcome to adulthood faggot. Businesses want to make money. It's a foreign concept when you've spent your whole life sucking money out of mommy's teet or daddy's dick.
>in b4 all the new games get cancelled again
cope more.
cant wait for Forza horizon lego on pc while you seethe on Yea Forums
>no one is going to switch
And you have the nerve to use the word cope. Wow.
Halo 6
Gears 5
Gears Funko Pops shit
Gears Tactics
Age of Empires IV
Age of Empires Collection
Forza Horizon 4 DLC
Forza Street
Crackdown 3 DLC
State of Decay 2 DLC
Token Minecraft appearance
Which leaves two spots open for brand new games this year.
>imagine being a switch-only gamer
>tfw e3 is slowly just becoming "i wonder what will be revealed at the xbox conference" cause nobody else does anything anymore
isnt it kind of dangerous for nintendo and sony to just hand over the whole conference like they're doing?
Let's go! I'm hoping what ever Rare is cooking up will be good!
>Microsoft makes money off both Xbox and PC
No shit. That's why I used the term x box brand. I've nothing against PC gaming. I own a PC. I just don't like Microsoft as a console developer.
>Cuphead isn't a first party game
I never said it was. Just pointed out it was a Microsoft exclusive turned multiplat.
Phil does this every year
last year he said something in the lines off ''32 xbox games will be anounced at our conference'' when 70% of those games where indieshit and shovelware
I have a PC nigger. I bet it's nicer than yours too.
They get the rest of the year to announce stuff instead.
Meaning, no one is going to switch from console to PC or vice-versa, I'm not talking about the Switch, Snoy boy.
>the cope
You pay for the toll road because you are using it. You pay for the cable because they pay for the infrastructure and shit. You pay a tailor to hem because you don't have the ability to. These are goods and services, why do I give Microsoft money to access the servers Ubisoft pays for when I play their games? And how come when i play these same ubisoft games on my PC ubisoft doesn't demand any money from me. Fun fact I can access Xbox live servers to play games like forza and shit for free on PC while xbox players have to pay for it. Maybe when you grow up you'll learn what snake oil is.
>Welcome to adulthood faggot. Businesses want to make money. It's a foreign concept when you've spent your whole life sucking money out of mommy's teet or daddy's dick.
This is some of my favorite form of buyers remorse, you have to resort to Adhommen and whataboutism
I want a 4th Nu-Lara, they're shitty and a bit outdated now the third person explorer is stale and can go nowhere anymore, but they're the epitome of a fun game anyway.
Phil Spencer is a piece of shit liar
New Killer Instinct would be sick
for now E3 still matters, and giving xbox complete control is just kind of stupid.
i have a 1080 ti nigger
They're making more now than they were before thanks to subscription services.
Wait, xbox is still at thing?
>Halo 5
You must love suckin std ridden negro cocks
People actually own an xbox in the year 2019? Why? PC, PS4, and Switch are the only relevant things. Even VR is more relevant.
xbox is the new dreamcast lol
if you cannot into PC then Xbox is the best multi-plat system.most people arent in it for exclusives.
I know that's exactly what you meant. And it's cringeworthy. The idea that everyone is as blindly loyal as you. By that logic the wiiu should have sold 100 million units. People switch platforms all the time retard.
I was a nincel in the 90s but got triggered by how Nintendo treated rare. The n64 was my last Nintendo console. I skipped the next gen out of protest against all of them. Then I got a 360. It was shit . Then I got an xbone. It was shit. I've finally only really returned to gaming with a beast of a PC and a switch. I'll probably get a ps4 for tsushima. That'll be my first ps since ps1.
>providing me with online services doesn't cost them anything because I live in candy ass fantasy world
Except it does. Microsoft is willing to wear that as an expense. Good for them. Shame they have no fucking games to use on it.
So do I nigger.
It's probably not worth it for them when M$ has more money to throw around.
The Death Stranding trailer from two days ago sits at roughly 6 million views and counting.
Who cares about E3 anymore really
For me, I stopped caring about Nintendo home consoles with the GameCube, it really wasn't that great, I went full handheld for the Switch, I'm interested in the Switch because Nintendo finally went full handheld like I always wanted them to do, loved the original Xbox and early 360, skipped the Xbone and have no regrets of doing it and I'm getting an Xbox Anaconda next year long with a Switch.
Cool. But if they keep blowing hundreds of millions on failed hardware it will catch up to them. After the wiiu debacle people were correct to speculate "if this switch thing fails, Nintendo will have to give up hardware and go 3rd party dev like sega".
It costs money but normal companies just pay for it and make the money back selling me games. Console manufacturers know how retarded their users are so they literally take free money from you. You know how I know this? Because you're defending a corporations practices when online gaming on the consoles used to be free. These companies are bigger than ever they need your money less than the did back in the day. It's quite funny you think playing for Xbox Live Gold is mature when letting people rip you off is quite immature
I bought a PS4 to play GoW and Spiderman and once I finished them I realize there's fuck all to play on this garbage console and I sold it.
Still the same guy you replied to. Yeah I deeply regret the xbone. Shoulda got the ps4 instead. Despite all the soi memes, I'd also recommend a switch to anyone that loves handhelds and leans hardcore, especially grindy jrpgs. 'coz after last year's e3 I saw the writing on the wall. Nintendo are gonna make the switch the new 3ds and it's gonna be fucking glorious, especially for weebs. They've already started shifting major 3ds titles to switch and hardly anyone seems to talk about it (Luigis mansion, Shin Megami Tensei, Xenoblade, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Fire Emblem etc).
To me, it feels good to see Microsoft and Nintendo back, looking forward to Halo Infinite and the next 2D Metroid game, Metroid 5. Plus I'll have all these other games to play and get too, I'm hearing Mechwarrior 5 is coming to Xbox.
You ackowledge that providing online services costs money but then you claim that buy asking for that money, they're getting "free" money. You're contradicting yourself.
Also, I get that eating the cost of online services one gen then asking you to pay for it in the next gen is less consumer friendly but you know what else is less consumer friendly?
Having a fucking console on the market for half a decade with roughly one exclusive per year lol. And none of them well received. And all of them one day going to PC meaning that one day your console of choice has zero true exclusives. You are a victim of Stockholm syndrome.
All exclusives from all consoles are one day going to the PC, it's inevitable. Might as well cash in on it.
>Crytek Perfect Dark
God damn, that is a match made in heaven
I hope it's next gen exclusive, the visuals would be fucking insane
I emulate older systems/games on PC. But in my humble personal opinion people who pirate current gen are Somali pirate tier niggers.
>b-but corporations are rich!
Thats literally the same excuse niggers use when stealing from da white mayne
CG teasers for soon to be canceled titles dont count as games, Phil
Microsoft has a lot to prove before claiming to have a solid first party culture
Nah, theyll simply go full handheld consoles
Which sort of did with the Switch
The future is now, time to leave these mortal bones behind and become one with the Xbox neural network.
the amount of people who claim to be pirate only is probably just a meme on here. People who pirate outside of 3rd world hellholes are assholes because why do you wanna play a dev you find "shitty" games? I know I don't ever need to play another ubisoft game again in my life even if it's free. I only pirate game I can't find on steam or GOG
What I want to know is why the hell is Gabe Newell apparently going to be at the MS show..
Steam 4 xbox!
According to whom?
now it begins, the snoyggers are apologizing
>It's another Xniggie cope thread
I smell you Asher
Nintendo doesn't compete with Xbox
game pass is printing money? Because making AAA games and having to release them on GP that cost like 60$ a year most of the time, is free, right? Just as much as netflix is "printing money" by having red numbers after red numbers.
Is Phil Spencer going to go down as the worst CEO in gaming history? He's always talking about the future but never delivers, gets alot of leeway because he goes on shit like Giantbomb when they're in town.
Biggest brag at the last E3 was they acquired several indie studios and made them exclusive.. he doesn't even have a good Halo game to his name.
Dangerous for Xbox maybe, Sony will let that Kojima shit take up the headlines for now, maybe after E3 we get a big TLOU trailer & Ghosts release date aswell, people reading headlines will be none the wiser if Sony were at E3 then.
I can tell you this much, since it's a game I play on and off, Sea of Thieves presentation is just showing the aniversary update that is already out. They will present NOTHING new.
who the fuck (besides incels and kidcels) actually watches e3??
>a million hours long
>most of the information can be summed up with a video or a few pictures and a single sentence
>as soon as the panel is over all the relevant info is already online
for my money e3 is no different than any other game announcement
You’re right. They would need to increase subs by a lot to justify offering their games on day one.
Watch for xcloud announcements at e3 to see how they expect to drastically increase their sub count
Phil isn’t a ceo. He is the VP of Xbox division
It earns money, why not?
None of them are xbone exclusives so I see why they wouldn't be released.
every single Gamepass sub would have to buy 2 first party titles a year for gamepass to only "break even." the rate of Netflix exclusives they make compared to Microsoft, who uses them not just to get subscriptions, but to sell for $60+ and to use to sell Xboxes so people buy third party games on it and XBL. So Microsoft was making the games anyway, but Gamepass can't be profitable because with a record of $10billipm in gaming revenue last year they couldn't afford first parties? Also Netflix turned a profit recently.
Do people serious think Scalebound will be come a 6/10 game? it looks even worse than Crackdown 3.
>Halo 5
I'm going to vomit
It'll probably be a couple of AAA coming this year, a few AAA teasers for upcoming games next year and the year after and the rest will be AA like Ori and stuff. Nice to see xbox back on track and producing games. I'm particularly interested in gears 5 and halo infinite now.
it costs money. But then why aren't I getting a cut when all the games are fucking P2P anyway? why is Microsoft taking 30% of third party sales if that doesn't go to providing support or services?
People are more inclined to outright buy a game if they played it on game pass first. That plus the discount means sales are up. The MAUs double when a game is added to game pass
Where the fuck is Sunset Overdrive 2?
Spider-Man on PS4
Someone post the tribal xbro skeleton. He's my friend and I need to see him
>They won last year.
*Blocks your path*
Phil Spencer is maybe the best executive in those corporations right now. The issue is that the damage done to the Xbox brand is beyond repair and Sony is pretty much untouchable until they themselves make a mistake
Probably not for another few years if it even is in their plans.
>Weeb shit
No they didn’t.
What did Nintendo show last year? I don't remember. Just Smash? I was more excited about DMC5, Gears 5, and Halo Infinite
>Mario Maker 2 is already a blunder
>Sword and Shield is shaping up to be shit
>Bayonetta 3, Metroid Prime 4 and SMTV are vaporware
>FE Three Houses looks like trash
When you biggest game is a remake from a 20 year old Game Boy game you know you fucked it up
every gen is a reset desu.
Daemon x machina
Fire emblem
Dragon ball fighter z
Mario party
Hollow knight
Pokémon LGPE
They will show a lot of games but many of them will probably get canceled, as usual.
>Mario Maker 2 is already a blunder
How so? Just because of
>B-but I wanna play with my fwiends over the Internet, I don't have anyone else :(
Get real friends, pathetic fag. Or better yet, have sex.
The next gen won't be a reset because both the Xbox and the Playstation will have backwards compatibility with this current gen at least
Which means that every exclusive game Sony puts out now on PS4 is also a PS5 exclusive by default
Oh, Xbros.